Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e60 Episode Script

Episode 60

Episode 60 It's Ruby that has the morning sickness, so why is my grandson's face so pale? They say expectant couples suffer morning sickness together.
What? Nobody says that.
Man and wife are one.
You didn't know that? I'm sorry.
I'll be up in my room.
If you're tired, go lay down.
Gyeongmin, would you like some boiled rice? You don't seem to have an appetite.
Thank you, Aunt Geumhui.
Take good care of your wife.
If you're not nice to her while she's pregnant, she will nag you for the rest of your life.
Yes, yes.
When women are pregnant, they're treated the kindest.
So put in a little effort, and take good care of her, Gyeongmin.
Forget the past, all right? Yes, grandma.
It's a miracle cure, isn't it? When will I get to have a baby? Be quiet! You're still single.
Think about finding yourself a man first.
Who could it be? It must be Dr.
Get the door, Ms.
Yes, ma'am.
I asked Dr.
Kang at the herbal clinic to stop by on his way to work.
Ruby, Changgeun, and the rest of the family should get some herbal remedies and have our pulses checked.
You did a good thing, mom.
When can I stop this charade? All anyone talks about is my pregnancy.
How long am I going to be imprisoned for? I'm totally losing it.
Hang on.
Good to see you.
I'm heading out to work.
Me too.
Kang is here.
Get your pulse checked, so I can order some herbal remedies for you.
Next time.
When I'm married and pregnant, I will too.
What about Ruby? She's not feeling well.
She wants to rest.
That's ridiculous.
Kang's came by just for her.
Have her come down this instant! No, no.
I'll go and get her.
Please, mother.
I'll go.
So annoying! Why'd she have a doctor make a house call? What if he checks my pulse and finds out I'm not pregnant? Ruby.
Are you still feeling unwell? Yes, mother.
All the more reason to get a diagnosis.
I know it's hard, but come on down.
Grandmother's getting impatient.
I'd like to rest for now.
I'll do it next time, mother.
Don't be like that.
Come down.
You know what grandmother's like.
Even just now, I stopped her from coming here herself.
Come on.
Let's go.
What will I do if they find out? Where's Ruby? Why are you alone? She's not feeling well.
She wants to get it done some other time.
That's preposterous! Let her be, ma'am.
But why? While you're here, she should get a diagnosis and some herbal medicines.
Due to dramatic hormonal ups and down, it's best for her to just get some rest, especially if that's what she wants.
Let's do it when she's further along and feeling a little healthier.
That sounds good.
Let's do as Dr.
Kang says, mom.
Dongpal, has Daepung contacted you at all? Oh, right.
The other day, we saw him in front of the restaurant.
What? He was looking into the restaurant, but he ran when Chorim and I showed up.
Is your nephew doing well? Huh? Why do you ask? His father ran away.
I was just wondering how he was doing.
He's applying for college, right? Yeah.
That poor thing.
His father is a con man.
And he was so handsome too So Dongpal, will Daepung's son keep living with you? Won't he get his own place? His father took off.
It must not be comfortable for him.
Well Chorim, I should pay Ruby's in-laws a visit, right? What? Ruby's caused them a lot of grief recently, and as her mother, I think I should apologize and thank them.
Now that Ruby's pregnant, this might be the best time for me to visit them.
Of course.
That's a great idea.
You're right, Mrs.
What should I get them? How about rice cakes? Dongpal, about your nephew Mrs.
Yu, I know a great place.
The car.
I want the toy car.
I want it.
If you buy everything you want, you'll end up like that loser, okay? How rude! Young mothers these days are ruining their children.
I wonder how Jihyeok did on his exam.
I wish I could've gotten him a gift.
Aren't there any free dry cleaners? Gyeongsuk, shouldn't we take Ruby to the hospital for a checkup? Call Dr.
They say with an ultrasound machine, you can even see the baby's face.
I'm just dying to know.
Yes, mother.
Yes? Ruby, get dressed.
What? I have to take you to a doctor myself, otherwise I just won't feel safe.
I know you're not feeling well, but I need to take you for a checkup myself before I can relax.
I'm very tired right now.
Couldn't we go later? It's just a checkup.
Kim is on his way, so come on down, okay? Be careful.
You should always be very careful.
Grandmother, I'm so sorry, but I feel terrible right now.
Couldn't we go some other time? All the more reason to go.
Maybe it's your stomach, it could be something else, maybe it's really bad, you'll only know if you get checked out.
Grandmother is right.
The sooner you see the doctor, the sooner you can get help.
When your elders tell you to do something, you just do as you're told, got it? Yes, ma'am.
Oh, right.
Why don't you call Gyeongmin? Have him meet us at the hospital if he's not busy.
He is the baby's father after all.
It'd be nice for him to come too.
Gyeongmin's probably busy.
I'll go with him some other time.
Call him anyway.
Go on.
What is it? Are you busy? Yeah.
Why? Don't worry about it then.
Let me see that.
Gyeongmin, can you make time? Grandma.
What's going on? I'm taking Ruby to Dr.
Kim's hospital.
Meet us there if you're not busy.
Today's a bit Why? Are you busy? I'm scheduled for a meeting.
You have a meeting? That's too bad.
Let's go.
Hospital? It was always my dream to become a father, but why hasn't it sunk in yet? Why don't I feel any joy? You called Dr.
Kim, right? Yes.
He booked us for the obgyn.
What do I do? What do I say? Yes.
I'll just tell them I had a miscarriage.
What do I do? What now, Jeong Runa? What are you doing, Mr.
Kim? You have to be careful.
I'm sorry.
Safety always comes first.
Getting there slowly is fine.
Where are you going? To the restroom.
What do I do? What do I do? What are you going to do, Jeong Runa? Should I just run away? Ruby.
Yes, mother.
Come on.
The doctor's waiting.
Kim called.
I see.
You don't look too good.
Right? I'm just so worried about her.
Please come with me.
Option one.
Just brace myself for the worst and go back to mooching off Dongpal.
Option two.
I turn myself in and go back to prison.
Option three.
Just give it all up and sleep here until I die.
There's no option four? Jangderella? Jangderella Bakery? With your looks, you could do anything.
You chose to con people? I'm sorry, Geumhui.
I don't want to make any excuses, but Dongpal has done so much for me, I wanted to return the favor, which is why I Once again, my apologies.
Oh dear.
Do you think you'll con anyone while dressed like that? Congratulations.
What? The baby's very healthy.
You have nothing to worry about.
But she should still be careful not to overexert herself.
- Oh, my goodness.
/ - Nurse.
This is the ultrasound picture.
It's my great-grandchild.
I can give you the video too.
Pregnant? Really? Me? You can't really see much yet, but Yes, I can.
I can see the baby.
It's my great-grandchild after all.
Of course I can see.
Now get going.
I hope we never run into each other again.
You won't turn me in? Would that make you cough up the money? Plus, Dongpal's already paid me back.
Dongpal? But he has no money.
Are you sure you went to law school together? You must have known the law to con me.
Which university? National University.
So the new product we're launching is the one that Ruby's sister proposed, right? Yes, dad.
It's not released yet, but the focus group responded positively.
That's great.
This will help the marketing department.
It will be great for morale.
Your sister-in-law is quite skilled.
Dad, why don't we have lunch with her? Sounds good.
Call her up for lunch.
Runa, don't be so nervous.
Don't think of him as the chairman but as your sister's father-in-law.
Is chairman more comfortable? I heard the new line we're launching was based on your proposal.
We share special ties, so it thrills me to hear that you're so great at your job as well.
It's all thanks to you, Chairman Bae.
And I got my health back too thanks to you.
Oh, right.
Dad, these days, Ms.
Jeong Runa is the marketing department's ace.
I heard that through the grapevine too.
You used to be a TV reporter.
Did you study marketing on the side? No.
It's something I developed an interest in later on.
So that's why Mr.
Na Insu opposed the homeshopping job offer.
Runa's great on camera, so I tried to get her to host our shows.
But when I asked her fiancee, he said no right off the bat.
Na must have predicted this outcome.
I think he was just scared he'd end up playing second fiddle like Gyeongmin did when Ruby's TV career took off.
Whoa now, Sera.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
Sorry, Runa.
I'm a little blunt sometimes.
No worries.
Maybe Director Bae is right.
But I'm not Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby's your sister-in-law, I'm just the second daughter of a of a chicken restaurant owner, Jeong Runa.
Runa, why are you talking like that? I'm sorry.
Ruby's doing well, right, Gyeongmin? - Look it over.
/ - Okay.
Coffee delivery.
What brings you here, Ms.
Jeong? We heard you're expecting.
Thank you.
Is Runa out at a meeting? Chairman Bae called her out.
They're having lunch.
Jeong Runa's become the mascot of our marketing department.
Chairman Bae? Your father-in-law.
Why? I don't know.
She got a call from Vice President Bae and left.
She should be back soon.
When are you due? In March.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Jeong Runa, can we talk? You had lunch with the chairman? Yes.
He wanted to see me.
Why? Why would my father-in-law want to see you? Why are you asking me? Ask him yourself.
I heard you were pregnant.
Is it true? Did you assume I was lying? Congratulations.
You don't seem very sincere about that.
You're right.
Most couples have kids after they get married.
I don't see what the big deal is.
Did you drink last night with Gyeongmin? Tell me.
Did you? Why? Did he say he drank with me? That's odd.
I don't know about you, but Gyeongmin's excited to be a father.
I wonder who he was drinking with.
Maybe he's worrying about something in secret.
Or maybe it was celebratory drink.
Be good to him.
Stop being so suspicious and stressing him out all the time.
You're living for two now.
Think about your baby's health.
Watch what you say.
I'll take care of your work at the office, so you focus on Gyeongmin and the baby.
If I were you, I'd be thrilled, so why are you being so aloof? That's not good for the baby either.
I'm going inside.
Something's not right.
She might've have gotten her memory back.
But I'm not worried about that anymore because I have Gyeongmin's baby, the heir to JM Group.
You think I'll give up after a minor setback? No.
Yes? Gyeongmin, are you busy? Why are you here? I came to show you something.
Jeong Runa.
Jeong Runa.
What are you thinking about? Oh, I'm sorry, Ms.
What is it? The test results for the prototype are here.
Go and brief Vice President Bae.
Is something bothering Runa these days? You noticed too? She seems anxious and stressed.
I wonder if something's wrong.
You seem very interested in Runa.
Just as a colleague.
I'd prefer that you focus on just one colleague alone.
No, I'm fine.
No thank you.
Who said I meant you? What's this? What's the CD for? Hang on, Gyeongmin.
It'll knock you off your feet.
It's a surprise present from me.
Yes? What are you doing here? Work.
It's none of your business.
How is it not my business? I'm your boss, remember? I've come to brief you about the prototype test results, sir.
Are you here as my supervisor or as Vice President Bae's wife? I was told that work and personal matters should be kept strictly separated.
Ruby, I don't know what this is, but I'll look at it when I get home.
It's important, hon.
You have to see it now.
Do you want to see it too? It'll be fun.
What are you trying to do, Jeong Runa? Take a good look, Jeong Ruby.
Check out what I got.
It's something you'll never have, so take a good look, Jeong Ruby.
What do you think, Gyeongmin? It's our baby.
Baby? Our baby? Isn't it amazing? Here.
This is the womb, and this thing that's beating is our baby's heart.
Our baby's heart? Wow.
This is incredible.
This tiny thing is our baby? Ruby, I can't believe it.
Before I saw this, I didn't believe it either.
But it's true, Gyeongmin.
This is our baby.
You're going to be a daddy.
Gyeongmin and Runa's baby.
My baby will inherit the wings I lost.
And then I'll be able to soar again.
Because all this can be mine.
It's already mine.
With this background, I, Jeong Runa could easily get into politics.
Legislator? If I set my mind to it, I can do it.
It's all over.
She has Gyeongmin's baby.
There's nothing I can do.
Jeong Runa, how did you become the mother of Gyeongmin's child? How dare you? There are so many different kinds.
This is great.
It's so delicious.
The rice cakes taste amazing.
Right? You know what, Chorim? I'll come with you.
It's heavy.
You can't lug all this by yourself.
Chef Noh and Soyeong can't man the restaurant on their own.
You stay put.
I called a cab.
I should be fine.
It'll be heavy.
Hello? Okay.
The taxi's here.
I'll help you.
Gilja, make sure you send my regards to Ruby's in-laws.
- Okay.
/ - See you.
See you, Mrs.
Hold down the fort.
Keep your eyes on it, and when the broth gets milky, turn the stove off right away, got it? There's a lot of time left before that happens.
Good food requires love and care.
Plus, this is for Ruby, who's carrying my precious great-grandchild.
You have to stay right here and keep an eye on it.
Got it? Did you say this was carp? It smells awful.
Hey now! Fine.
But if it's for Ruby, shouldn't her mother-in-law be supervising? Why are you here instead? Gyeonsuk is terrible at these things.
She has a heart of gold, but she's clueless.
You see all of Gyeongsuk's flaws too.
What? Shut up.
Nobody's perfect.
Someone's at the door.
I told you to stay in front of the pot.
Keep an eye on it.
Yes, ma'am.
What a surprise.
Gilja? Hello.
I'm sorry to barge in on you like this.
No, don't be.
Come on in.
What's all this? I brought you some rice cakes and fruit.
Though I don't know if you'll like them.
You're so thoughtful.
I can't come out.
I have to watch the pot, ma'am.
Good grief.
I'm sorry I didn't call beforehand.
I didn't want to impose.
I was just going to leave the presents at the door if you weren't home.
Oh, no.
Please don't say that.
We took Ruby to the doctor's for a checkup in the afternoon.
Oh, right.
It's the ultrasound photo.
This is incredible.
We didn't have that in our day, did we? It's amazing that we can see it like that now.
I know.
Ruby stopped by the office to see Gyeongmin.
I see.
I'm so grateful to you for many things.
And I'm also sorry that Ruby's caused you so much grief.
You don't have to worry anymore.
Once the baby arrives, she'll be so busy that she'll forget all that.
I'm back.
Vice President Bae.
Before I saw this, I didn't believe it either.
But it's true, Gyeongmin.
This is our baby.
You're going to be a daddy.
Yes? You asked to see me? Yes.
Please take a seat.
I wanted to discuss our new product's launch.
I see.
But what are you watching? This is a video of our baby.
Video of your baby? Yes.
This tiny thing is the baby's heart.
Do you want to hear the heartbeat? Don't be too greedy, Ruby.
You have everything already.
Not yet.
Everyone misses the good old days.
I'm no exception.
How many times did you get me into trouble? Uncle Daepung said he was sorry, dad! Dad? Even if you got on your knees and begged, it wouldn't be enough.
But what? You're leaving? Chorim! Chorim! Chorim! Let's put the past behind us.
Just focus on the baby and our happiness.
I miss you so badly.
What do I do? See you next time
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