Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e61 Episode Script

Episode 61

Why'd you come without calling first? You don't like that I came by? That's not what I meant.
I didn't get to properly greet your in-laws.
I tried, but I couldn't find the right time.
But now that you're with child, I'm so happy and relieved.
So in spite of everything, I'm here now.
And I finally get to see my daughter's room.
Be good.
Stop causing trouble.
How do you feel? Gyeongmin's happy too, right? Of course.
I saw our baby for the first time with ultrasound.
It was incredible, mom.
If I knew it'd make everyone happy, I would've gotten pregnant sooner.
Don't be out and about.
And be strict about your prenatal care, okay? I will.
I should go.
I have to get back to the restaurant.
Mom, I'm going to have a great life, way better than anyone else's.
You already have a great life.
I'm going get way richer, happier, and way more successful.
Ruby, do you feel sorry for me? Since long ago, people told me that they felt sorry for me.
They said my heart was too broken.
But it's not true.
I did carry a lot of emotional scars, but they all healed in time.
And when they did, I forgot about them.
I have you, Runa, Chorim, and Soyeong.
I'm very happy right now.
No matter what anyone says, happiness is what I decide it is.
Success is the same way.
Don't be too greedy, Ruby.
You have everything already.
Not yet.
All right.
You may feel that way now, but when the baby comes, it'll be different.
Do you love me? Did you really love me while you raised me? What kind of question is that? You didn't love me.
You forget the pain over time? No.
I still remember that pain.
What kind of parent doesn't love their child? Thank you for raising me.
I mean it.
Thank you for raising me.
Oh, come on.
Stop it.
Really? It's so clean.
I can see my face in it.
You're back? Where's Chorim? I can't stand it.
You're too cute.
Not so hard.
Yes? You're back? Come sit down, you two.
Yes, Mrs.
Chef Noh.
Yes? When are you and Chorim tying the knot? Chorim, when are you getting married? What? Oh, well that depends You two should call it quits.
What? Gilja.
That's the way dating is, without a ring, it all falls apart.
So enough with dating.
Get married.
It's about time she gave us a push.
Chef Noh, don't you want to get married and have kids? Chorim's halfway to 80.
Gilja, that was really dark.
Am I wrong? Having a baby at 40 is tough enough as is.
No ifs, ands, or buts.
Get married.
I can't stand seeing the two of you like this.
I want to do that, but my financial situation By the time you get your finances in order, you'll be 50.
It's your nephew.
What are you doing here? Uncle Dongpal, dad's back.
Dad? Dad, dad! Get out.
Get out.
I'm sorry, Dongpal.
I'm so sorry.
Did I stutter? Get out! I'm sorry, Dongpal.
I told you to get out! Dad! Just talk to him, dad.
- I'm so sorry.
/ - Get out! - I'm sorry, Dongpal.
/ - Get out now! - Dad.
/ - I'm sorry, Dongpal.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Dongpal.
I'm sorry.
You're pregnant.
You can keep this.
I don't need it.
Excuse me? No.
We'll take it.
The baby takes after his handsome father.
Do you really see this baby as just an obstacle? Yeah.
We didn't prepare for this.
What'll we do after it's born? Get married? Like anyone can get married? I'm not ready yet.
My goal isn't marriage.
It's success.
I don't want to live like this.
I don't want to live like this! What am I going to do? Chorim, for old time's sake, let's get a beer before we go back.
You tiny little - Let's go.
/ - Okay.
Let's go.
How many times did you get me in trouble? I served time because of you.
I know, I deserve to die.
I might as well die now.
Don't do that, Uncle Daepung.
While you were in the joint, I took care of Jihyeok for two months.
So am I supposed to thank you for that? After what you put me through? Dad.
Who put me in jail? - Who sent me there? / - Stop it, dad.
You scoundrel! What's wrong with you? Uncle Daepung said he was sorry, dad! Dad? Dad? So you're not his nephew? You're his son? What? Son? Say that again.
Soyeong, did she say "son"? So Chef Noh has a son? He's not a bachelor? I'm not sure either, but I'm pretty sure he is Dongpal's son.
Chorim, say something.
Chorim But how can Chef Noh? So did you see this son in person? How old is he? Dongpal got a divorce? I mean Chorim, get up.
You know where he lives, right? Let's go.
Come on.
Get up.
What's the point? What's the point? How can this? I should just What am I going to do? - This is / - The recipient is Who could have imagined this? This is for the best.
Jihyeok, I'm sorry.
I wanted to look like a bachelor.
It was a bad idea.
It's all right, dad.
I don't know why I wanted to say you weren't my son.
It's not like you did anything wrong.
I'm actually relieved.
I feel like I'm at peace.
But I'm sure that lady is reeling from the shock.
If she says no to the wedding, so be it.
If she breaks up with me, so be it.
That's so irresponsible.
Oh, really? What's a con man know about responsibility? In any case, I'm sorry, Jihyeok.
Let's just go to bed.
Get the lights.
Let's sleep.
Thank you.
We haven't had rice cakes in ages.
Gilja's so thoughtful.
Sera, aren't you having any? It's almost bedtime.
I'll get fat.
Don't eat too many, dad.
My daughter's nagging me about rice cakes.
She is her father's daughter after all.
Be sure to thank your mother for us.
Yes, father.
Have this.
It's the prettiest one.
Chew it well so you don't choke.
Yes, grandmother.
Where's Geumhui? Oh, right.
Good heavens Ms.
Yes, ma'am.
Is it milky now? Yes, ma'am.
Thank you, Auto, you kept an eye on it all day.
Ma'am, if can help to bring a beautiful baby into this world, there's nothing else I could ask for.
Come here, Ruby.
Set it right here.
Drink this.
Blow on it to cool it as you drink.
This? The smell is potent.
This is a wonderful medicine.
And herbal tonic for pregnant women.
Come on.
Drink up.
Go on.
Drink it.
Grandmother put a lot of care into it.
Good girl.
There we go.
How do you feel? Doesn't it feel warm and good inside? Yes.
There's nothing better for pregnant women.
Is there anything else you'd like to eat? Grandma, rice punch! Rice punch, please! No thanks.
If you get married and pregnant, I'll do it.
Marriage, marriage.
If you want to eat something, just tell me.
I'm fine, grandmother.
It's good that Ruby's morning sickness isn't too severe.
Of course.
The baby must take after Gyeongmin, he must be kind.
No, mom.
The baby takes after Gyeongmin's dad.
Gyeongmin's dad? Chairman Bae? That's true.
When I had Changgeun, I didn't have any morning sickness.
You didn't cause me any trouble.
Thanks for working so late.
See you tomorrow.
Have a good evening.
You go on ahead.
I'll tidy up around here.
Are you sure? Of course.
I'll get going then.
See you.
Are you okay? I'm fine.
I'll do it.
No, it's okay.
You can go.
Thank you.
Being here with you reminds me of the picnic we had by Han River.
It seems like just yesterday.
Time sure flies, right? I'm already about to become a dad.
That's right, Gyeongmin.
It seems like just yesterday I accepted your proposal.
Do you know? It seems like humans always want more.
When I first saw Ruby again, all I wanted was to marry her.
After the accident, all I wanted was her safety.
But now But now what? What do you want now? I don't know.
I'm not sure.
Everyone misses the good old days.
I'm no exception.
Come to your senses.
Why are you so nostalgic? How long will you chase after the past while ignoring the present? The decision to love Ruby, and marry her despite your grandma's wishes, those were your decisions.
So from now on, for better or for worse, you are responsible for this marriage.
It's your responsibility.
It was your choice.
You brought this upon yourself.
Why are you so angry? Is it something I said? No.
I'm sorry.
I am angry, Gyeongmin.
I'm furious.
I'm angry at you for being an oblivious fool.
When I call you brother-in-law, I lose my resolve, my confidence, and I get angry at myself.
You and Runa having a baby together is infuriating as well.
Even though that child will be my nephew, I hate it already, and that makes me mad.
I am angry.
I'm home.
Hi, Gyeongmin.
Hi, grandma.
Why're you knitting at this hour? Aren't you tired? I'm not tired at all.
Just thinking about my great-grandchild makes me full of energy.
This is a scarf for you.
I'm so touched, Gyeongmin.
You forced a busy man to buy you a gift.
What do you mean you're touched? - I'll head on upstairs.
/ - Okay.
Oh, wow.
It's silk.
All that cooking I did for this house paid off.
The Smart and Healthy Guide to Pregnancy Welcome home sweetie.
How's the morning sickness? Did you puke? No.
Maybe it's because our baby's a darling, but it's not that serious.
Mom told me your mother stopped by.
She brought over a whole bunch of rice cakes and fruit.
And grandma made me a carp broth.
She said it's good for expecting mothers and the baby's skin.
Carp broth? Wasn't it a little strong? I can endure that much.
If it's good for our baby, I can endure anything.
Let's put the past behind us.
Just focus on the baby and our happiness.
Okay, Gyeongmin.
You'll have to work harder now.
You know how expensive kids are, right? At this rate, I might break my back.
Everyone misses the good old days.
I'm no exception.
What do I do, Gyeongmin? I miss you so badly.
What do I do? I know I shouldn't, but I keep I keep Hello? You're okay, right? Yes.
I miss you.
You haven't forgiven me yet? Is that why It's late, Insu.
Get some sleep.
Chorim, I made you your favorite soup.
Why aren't you eating? I'm sure Chef Noh has an explanation.
There's no need.
He'll probably just lie again.
Come on now.
Soyeong, are you sure it was his son? Are you? Yes.
How is his son so grown up? I just don't get it.
Mom, maybe it's just a big mix-up.
Hey, hey.
There's no way it's a mix-up.
It's over now.
It's all over.
And Gilja, I'm upset at you.
What? If either Runa or Ruby's fiancees had a son, would you have been this calm? You would've tried to murder the guy.
You say you think of me as a daughter, but Chorim.
Chorim, you have it all wrong.
I trust in Chef Noh just like I in trust you.
I'm just having a hard time understanding it because I can't believe it.
Good morning, Mrs.
I have something to tell you.
I'm sure you do.
Yu, should I wait outside? It's fine.
You're family.
You'll hear one way or another.
So just stay put.
Plus, you'll be married one day too.
Watch Chef Noh closely and learn.
So you don't get fooled.
Sit, Chef Noh.
Go ahead.
What do you have to say? Why won't you say anything? Mrs.
Yu, I'll just leave quietly.
What? That's all you have to say for yourself? Even if you got on your knees and begged, it wouldn't be enough.
But what? You're leaving? How can you be so irresponsible? Okay.
Your son Is the boy who came by earlier your son? Yes.
So if you have a grown son, why'd you lie about being a bachelor? It was kind of a joke at first.
I never imagined that Chorim and I would end up falling in love.
Chorim was very adamant that she'd only marry a bachelor, so I'm sorry, Mrs.
Good grief.
But my feelings for Chorim haven't changed.
I couldn't propose because I wasn't honest to you about Jihyeok.
So where's the boy's mother? She left us when Jihyeok was three.
So what now? You broke Chorim's heart.
What are you going to do? Do you know how much heartache you put her through? You were on and off, you broke up, then vehemently opposed another marriage.
And now you say you have a son? Are you intentionally hurting Chorim? Do you have a vendetta against Chorim? You should have been honest from the start.
This could have been avoided.
But now look what you've done.
I'm sorry, Mrs.
I don't know what to say.
What can I say? You and Chorim figure it out.
I'm done with this.
You two figure it out.
Where's Chorim? Is she sitting at home? I feel so sorry for her.
I hate myself.
I'm a terrible person.
What's wrong with you? Uncle Daepung said he was sorry, dad! He's always getting into fights, and everything he says is a lie.
He's a womanizer and his best friend's a con.
What a bastard.
And on top of all that, he has a son? He said he was a bachelor.
I've been conned again.
Darn it.
Darn it.
Not again.
If only I had known I should've just married Gongnam.
Why me? This sucks.
Dad! Mom! Can you hear the music? You have to take after your dad, and be good at piano, sports, studying, and also handsome too, all right? See? Daddy's handsome, right? Why are you talking to yourself? I was talking to our baby, hon.
Do you think the baby can hear? Of course.
Study human anatomy.
Yes, ma'am.
We have to go down for breakfast.
Hello? Ruby, it's me.
I heard you're pregnant.
Are you coming into work today? No.
I'm on maternity leave.
Stop by and meet me.
Let me treat you to lunch.
We haven't seen each other in ages.
I miss you.
I got socks and bibs.
They're for your baby.
They're insanely adorable.
I don't need them.
If you get married to Yeonho and have kids, use them then.
Ruby, the thing is, Yeonho and I broke up.
I'm so depressed.
Really? I miss you.
And I want to give you your presents.
Come on.
Let's have lunch together.
He wanted to give his grandson some shares.
I think that's what he's up to.
You'll be a trust fund baby.
You'll be the wealthy and living large.
What is it like carrying the baby of the love of your life? You said the baby was an obstacle.
I may be a con man, but Dongpal isn't.
He can't defraud anyone.
I believe you still owe me some money.
I don't have any money.
Were you with Gu Yeonho? See you next time
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