Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e62 Episode Script

Episode 62

Hello? Ruby, it's me.
I heard you're pregnant.
Are you coming to work today? No.
I'm on maternity leave.
Why don't you come and meet me? Let me treat you to lunch.
We haven't seen each other in ages.
I miss you.
I got socks and bibs.
They're for your baby.
They're so ridiculously adorable.
I miss you.
And I want to give you the presents.
Come on.
Let's have lunch together.
Yeah? I'll see you there then.
All set.
- She's coming? / - Yup.
We have a deal.
I want it right now.
Hold up.
You said you'd get me a designer purse if I got Ruby to come out.
I'll get you a purse once I get my money.
Not right now.
When I get the money.
You better.
I will.
Where's father? He's with Gyeongmin and Sera.
It's probably for the baby you're carrying.
Really? What about? He's always said he'd give his grandchild his company shares.
I think that's what he's up to.
I'm giving everything I have to my great-grandchild as well.
It's too soon, mother.
I'm an old woman.
It's better to pass it on now than to pay a huge inheritance tax when I die.
Ma'am, you said you were going to donate your money to charity.
I am donating some, but only after I leave enough for my great-grandchild.
How much would that be? I haven't really calculated it, so I'm not sure, but it should be a good amount.
Did you hear that, my baby? You'll be a third-generation tycoon.
Do you know what that means? You won't be raised by a stranger and go through hard times like I did.
You'll be wealthy.
You'll have it all.
If your daddy can't do that for you, I will.
Mommy will.
I can even make you president.
Mommy can do that for you.
I'm off to work, mom.
Have a good day.
Are you done with the dishes? Yes.
Is Chorim still sleeping? She should eat something.
Hang on.
Chorim! Chorim! Chorim! Chorim! Chorim, wake up! Chorim.
What's wrong? Chorim Chorim.
Chorim? Chorim! Chorim! Chorim! Chorim! Chorim! Chorim, wake up.
What's wrong? Mrs.
Oh, my goodness.
Get 911.
Hurry up and call 911.
The phone.
The phone.
Wake up, Chorim.
Chorim! Wake up.
Chorim! Chorim, please wake up.
I know you're upset, but still You can't die.
How can I live without you? Yes, hello? Yes.
Apartment 509.
She's awake now, but she'll need her stomach flushed out.
She threw up blood.
What? Threw up blood? Who? Who? You, of course.
Dongpal's not worth it.
What did I do? Ow.
What's going on? You didn't try to do something stupid? What? You thought I tried to killed myself? Are you nuts? Why would I do that? But you just wouldn't wake up.
There were pills, and there was also blood around your lips.
What? Oh.
I had a hard time falling asleep, so I had some raspberry wine.
What about the pills? Huh? It's cold medicine.
Do you have a problem with that? I don't believe this! Chorim was so upset about Dongpal that I just assumed The ambulance is here.
What do we do? How should I know? Oh come on! What have we gotten ourselves into? It's way too early to be drinking.
Aren't you going into work? Dude.
I'm quitting.
Think of Jihyeok.
You can't be doing this.
I'm a real scoundrel.
I am a fraud.
A fraud.
I'm the fraud, not you.
Hey, come on.
Give it back.
Give me my booze back.
Man Hello? It's me.
How are you? Fine.
How about lunch? It's been ages.
I have a lot of work.
You can do your work after lunch.
Do you want me to barge in there? See you later.
Barge in where? What? Oh, just You can always barge into my office, so come whenever you feel like it.
Jiyeon, if Mr.
Na comes by, serve him coffee even if I'm not around.
Yes, Director Bae.
Why is she so late? What a pain.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't talking to you.
Yes, mother.
Are you done shopping? Yes.
Tell her to be very careful and come back home as soon as possible.
Grandmother asked me to call you.
She's worried about you.
She's done with her shopping, but her friend's buying her lunch, so she'll be home after that.
Yeah? She could've gone shopping later with Gyeongmin.
What was the rush? She probably had cabin fever.
She must've needed to get out.
But she has to be extra careful right now.
Yes? You're keeping an eye on the carp, right? Yes, ma'am.
Don't worry.
She's really good at it.
What's good here? May I help you with you order? A nice, cold coffee, please.
Coming right up.
Long time no see, Mrs.
What are you doing here? What a happy coincidence.
May I? Have you been well, ma'am? What are you doing here? I missed you.
Congratulations on the pregnancy.
I thought you and Eunji broke up.
Eunji? Yes.
We did break up.
But I was on the phone with her earlier, and she said she was seeing you, so I thought I'd come by to say hello.
Please go.
I have no business with you.
That's too bad because I have business with you.
What's the matter with you? Our dealings are over.
I believe you still owe me some money.
Your husband took the money that was owed to me.
I won't sit on my hands if you keep this up.
As you wish.
You may think you're all set now that you're pregnant, but debt can be passed down too.
I don't have any money.
Oh, come on.
You have a rich husband.
I don't have any money! Wait.
Bae! Mrs.
Bae! Mrs.
Bae! Mrs.
Bae! Darn it.
Move out of the way.
I twisted my ankle.
Why weren't you more careful? Were you with Gu Yeonho? No.
So why was he chasing you? He was? I had no idea.
Eat up, Ruby.
You have to eat well since you're pregnant.
What is it like carrying the baby of the love of your life? I'm so curious.
How should I know? How should you know? This baby is the result of you and Gyeongmin's impassioned courtship.
Of course you know.
Right, Insu? It all feels surreal.
One of my friends told me being pregnant is like having a strange parasite growing inside you.
So she got an abortion and broke up with the guy.
She realized she didn't love him.
That's why they say if a woman feels no love for the baby's she's carrying, she doesn't love the baby's father either.
Maternal love is an instinct, so if you feel no love, it's pretty messed up.
What do you think about that? That's right.
You didn't love me.
I merely loved my own life more.
You said that baby was an obstacle.
I just wanted to live my life.
I'm sorry I'm babbling when we should be eating.
Eat away and make me a happy aunt.
I need to use the restroom.
What do I do? Runa.
My baby.
My baby! I'll get you to a hospital.
Get up.
Get up! Don't make a fuss.
I'll be fine.
What? I'll be okay.
Let's call for help.
Call Gyeongmin.
Don't tell him.
Don't tell anyone.
What? Insu! Don't tell him either.
Stop this! You have to get to a hospital! No.
Don't tell anyone.
No, Runa.
No! Do you have to be like this? Why are you trying to deceive everyone again? What for? What is it that you're so desperately after? Did she wake up? Not yet.
It was a spontaneous abortion.
The surgery went well.
She'll be fine after a night's rest here.
So she has to stay hospitalized? No.
I can't be hospitalized.
I have to go home.
If you insist, I can discharge you.
But you need to take good care of yourself like you would after giving birth.
Otherwise, your body won't ever recover.
I will.
Ruby, I think you should just tell the truth.
The miscarriage wasn't your fault.
Don't tell anyone.
Why not? I beg you.
I'll be the one to tell everyone if need be, so please act like you don't know.
When will you stop living a lie, Jeong Runa? Come to your senses.
This isn't for our sake.
It's for your own.
It must've been so hard for you today without Dongpal.
Thank goodness it wasn't that busy.
I would've keeled over otherwise.
I don't know if we should be happy or worried that it was slow here today.
I can't believe Dongpal simply refuses to answer his phone.
Don't you think, Chorim? It's because he's a fraud.
Am I wrong? He had a grown son, but he lied and pretended to be a bachelor.
If I hadn't found out, I would've married a fraud.
Right? I'm sure he didn't want to lie.
And I bet he was stressed from having to keep up that lie.
Gilja, whose side are you on? I understand you want to marry me off and live alone comfortably, but still How can you defend that dung beetle? I'm the victim here.
I didn't mean to Okay.
There's no excuse for what that scoundrel did.
And he doesn't show up for work just because we found out? Chorim, let's just consider it an unfortunate mishap.
You need to move on.
Chorim, I asked my friend, and she told me Gongnam's not married yet.
He's not seeing anyone either.
Do you want to see him again? Forget about it.
I don't care for Gongnam or Dung Beetle.
I'm done with all men.
I'm so mad.
Why'd you have to lend Dongpal money? What if never pays you back? He's a fraud, remember? When it comes to money, you can't trust anyone, okay? Don't trust men.
Don't trust money.
Don't trust love.
Get out of the way.
It's so sad.
We're closed.
I'm sorry to bother you like this.
Let me introduce myself We know.
You're Wang Daepung.
You're the fraud who conned my niece's housekeeper out of $30,000 to get Dongpal his deposit.
Why did you come here anyway? You can't con anyone here.
No, I can't.
I'm here to tell you the truth.
Does truth even exist for the likes of you? We've known Dongpal for seven years, since our Chuncheon days.
But over those seven years, everything he's said to me turned out to be a lie.
He's a fraud! Where's Dongpal anyway? He's at home.
He's so upset he hasn't slept a wink He's upset? Why? Because we found out he's a fraud? - Is that why he's upset? / - Stop it, Chorim.
Don't embarrass the poor man.
So what do you want to tell us? Let me first introduce myself We know who you are, you fraud! Do you expect us to believe anything you say? Gilja, don't listen to him.
Let's go home.
Chorim, please listen to me.
Don't touch me.
How dare you, you fraud? I know I don't deserve your sympathy.
Because you're right.
I'm a fraud.
I even went to school twice.
School? What school? I went to a school nice folks don't know about.
I'm talking about prison.
In any case, I went to school twice, and Dongpal went once too.
Chef Noh went to jail too? I'm a scoundrel I'm a coward He was the nicest guy.
He came from a good family, and he was smart.
But it all started when he moved to Seoul in the hopes of becoming a singer.
The truth is, Jihyeok isn't Dongpal's biological son.
He's not? What are you trying to pull this time? Stop lying, okay? Stop it, Chorim.
Be quiet.
Let the man talk.
I set him up with this woman, and Jihyeok is that woman's son.
So you set Dongpal up with a woman who had a son? I didn't know she had a son because she claimed otherwise.
I later tried so hard to get Dongpal to break up with her, but Dongpal said he couldn't abandon her and sought his parents' blessing.
I'm starting to like Dongpal again.
So what happened, Mr.
Wang? What do you think happened? Dongpal's father disowned him, and sweet Dongpal decided to stay with the woman because he knew no other man would marry her.
The thing is, Dongpal is from a reputable, well-established family.
So where's the boy's mother? I have no idea.
I'm sure you must have heard about her whereabouts.
I haven't.
She left Jihyeok with Dongpal and then ran like the wind.
Chorim, I may be a fraud, but what I'm about to say is the truth.
Dongpal can't defraud anyone.
He's not a fraud.
Earlier, you said he went to "school.
" That was because he couldn't pay back a private loan when Jihyeok was little.
What difference does that make? He had a young kid to take care of, and his family wasn't going to help him, so what other option did he have? Then came a poor neighborhood buddy who asked for a small one-week loan.
Dongpal got the money from someone who turned out to be a nasty loan shark.
A neighborhood buddy? That would be me.
So Chorim, please forgive Dongpal.
It breaks my heart to know that I may have ruined his life.
Listen, Mr.
Wang Daepung.
Thank you for sharing your screenplay.
Get out.
Get out.
Get out before I call the cops.
Everything I told you is true.
You can take it up with the Committee for Historical Truth.
Give me a break.
You're a fraud.
Lying is what you do.
- Get out.
/ - Please believe me, Chorim.
I wasn't lying.
Dongpal loves you.
Get out.
Get out! He loves you.
Dongpal loves you.
Soyeong, go and get some salt.
We need to ward off evil spirits.
We have to throw salt at him.
What's with that expression? Do you feel sorry for me? Don't worry.
I'm me, after all.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
You'll tell Gyeongmin, right? Aren't you going to tell him the truth? I decide what I do.
Go before someone sees you.
Hello, Vice President Bae.
What's going on? Where's your car? Runa and Mr.
Na treated me to dinner.
They wanted to congratulate me.
I see.
They got me all these too.
Oh, really? That's so nice of you.
Would you like to come in for tea? Next time.
It's too late.
We'll get going then.
Oh, really? Okay.
Thank you.
Drive safe.
Jeong Runa hasn't changed a bit.
I thought she'd grow tired of lying and deceiving everyone around her.
I was this close to letting everything go and forgiving her.
No matter how much I hated her, I figured if she was becoming a mother, and I, an aunt.
So I thought I'd have to forgive her and move on.
I even felt sorry for her for a split second.
But no.
She's just Jeong Runa, not a mother.
Just let it all go.
The desire for revenge comes from love anyways.
There's no better revenge than simply moving on.
Don't expect my desire for revenge to have weakened.
Like you said, I still love Jeong Runa.
Why do babies need this many more clothes than adults do? What are these? Gloves? Are these socks? They're hand and foot warmers.
Oh, really? They're so small, I can't tell what's what.
This really is so nice of Runa and Insu.
We'll tell our baby to pay them back later.
Yes? Grandma.
Hey, Ruby, I've cooled it down, so all you have to do is drink up.
Go on.
Grandma, you could've asked Aunt Geumhui to bring it up.
It's for my precious great-grandchild.
It's only right that I bring it up myself.
Drink up, darling.
Go on.
Good girl.
That's a good girl.
Good job.
Good job.
My great-grandchild's doing well, right? Yes.
Hello, my precious.
I'm your great-grandmother.
I wanted to say hello, my little lamb.
Have a good night then.
I'm off now.
Watch your step.
She couldn't be happier.
What's wrong? Grandmother's putting a lot of pressure on me.
I don't like it.
She's just looking out for you.
Not for me.
She's looking out for the baby I'm carrying.
She never liked me.
It's fine.
You seemed happy just this morning.
What happened? Ruby.
Ruby! Are you okay? Did you throw up? Can I help you in any way? Open up, will you? I'm fine now.
I'm going to shower.
This must be a dream.
I can't lose you like this.
Why Why not me? Why can't I be a mother? It's my baby.
I make the decisions.
How is it your baby? It's mine.
It's Jeong Runa's baby, okay? I decide whether it lives or dies.
If you're going to be like this, I'm going to kill it.
Am I being punished for what I did to that baby? Because I don't deserve to be a mother? But you know very well I had no choice back then.
But you were different.
You were more precious than my own life.
You were my everything.
You were my last hope.
So how could you How could you leave me? No.
You haven't gained any weight.
What are you scheming this time? No.
This isn't right.
As sorry as we are, let's just cut all ties.
I'm a cold-hearted fraud.
This is the least I can do for you and the baby.
He's so nice to me.
What if he finds out about the miscarriage? You were a diamond in the rough.
How long are you going to deceive him for? It doesn't seem like Gyeongmin knows yet.
This is crazy.
See you next time
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