Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e63 Episode Script

Episode 63

Shortness of breath Goodbye, my baby.
This isn't my fault.
It's that terrible man's doing.
Mommy didn't do anything wrong.
You'll tell Gyeongmin, right? Aren't you going to tell him the truth? Do have I have to tell him now? We can always have another baby.
I can't do it.
I'll be held accountable for losing the baby.
I'm giving everything I have to my great-grandchild as well.
What do I do? What do I do? What am I supposed to do? Do you have any idea where dad might be? No.
He's not answering his phone either.
Where can he be? If I had known this would happen, I should have just let dad tell her the truth.
But if he had told her the truth, would she have stayed engaged to him? Either way, they're not getting married.
But now, she thinks dad's a coward and a liar.
Yeah, but I suppose you're right.
Episode 63 The recipient is unavailable Connecting to voicemail.
I can't just sit around like this.
I have to go and find dad.
Do you know how much heartache you put her through? You were on and off, you broke up, then vehemently opposed another marriage.
And now you say you have a son? Are you intentionally hurting Chorim? Do you have a vendetta against her? That's right.
I'm a scoundrel.
I'm a cold-hearted fraud.
This all happened because Dongpal is a sweetheart.
Can't you tell just by looking at him? Chorim, I may be a fraud, but what I'm about to say is the truth.
Dongpal can't defraud anyone.
He's not a fraud.
Did you sleep well, sweetheart? I wonder how my great-grandchild slept.
I have it right here, ma'am.
Go on.
I don't need this, grandmother.
Why not? Ruby threw up a lot last night.
Her body is not taking it well.
So that priceless broth went to waste? Mom, just let her be.
They say people these days eat far too well anyways.
I know carp is good for women, but it's not like the old days.
There are a lot of nutritious foods out there.
I suppose you're right.
And she's had quite a bit.
Auto, get rid of it.
Yes, ma'am.
Should I give it a try? Good job.
I've had plenty.
You're so lucky, Ruby.
My friend's going into her fourth month, and her belly's already huge.
But you haven't gained any weight.
Oh, right.
You'll need maternity clothes, won't you? Ruby, do you want me to take you shopping? No, mother.
I'll take care of that on my own.
Ruby has a great sense for fashion.
She'll be fine on her own.
Can I start today? I'm just a little impatient is all.
Thank you.
I hope I'm not imposing.
Thank you.
You too.
When is Ms.
Jeong returning to work? Who knows? Vice President Bae's family has been desperately waiting for this baby.
I don't think they'll let her work.
Jeong's been so busy here at the office and with her TV work.
It must be stifling to be stuck at home.
If it's a girl that takes after Ms.
Jeong, she'll be super pretty.
I think a son who takes after Vice President Bae would be nice too.
Stop fussing over someone else's baby, and start thinking about having your own.
Did she tell him? Poor Runa.
Is the date set, Juhui? - Yes.
/ - Good.
Hey Gyeongmin.
Isn't the weather amazing today? How's Ruby? Is she doing okay? Ruby? She couldn't be better.
She's getting more sleep too.
I see.
She hasn't told him yet? About yesterday Yes? You got us way too many presents.
Hand warmers, foot warmers, hats They're absolutely adorable.
Please thank Insu for us again too.
See you around, Runa.
Jeong Runa, why haven't you told him? What are you scheming this time? No.
This isn't right.
Yes? What is it? Could we have a word Bae Gyeongmin.
Hello, Director Bae.
So nice to see you, Runa.
What's this? A present for Ruby.
I'd like to give it to her in person, but I have a dinner engagement.
This a surprise.
I may not be a good sister-in-law, but I want to be a good aunt.
Thanks, Sera.
Runa, let's grab a drink together some time.
She sure loves to drink.
So Runa, what were you about to say? Did you and Ruby have an argument? No, of course not.
Even if Ruby upsets you, please be understanding.
They say women become moody when they're pregnant.
You should get going.
See you tomorrow.
Changgeun, what time is it? It's 6, mom.
What's wrong? I'm worried about Ruby.
She's with child, and yet she's always out and about.
Are you worried about your great-grandchild? How can I not be when its mother's never home? I'm home.
She's finally back.
Did you go shopping again? They're books, gifts from a friend.
Nothing beats reading when it comes to pre-natal education.
I'll change and come back down.
No, Ruby.
We'll let you know when dinner's ready, so you go on up and unwind.
- Yes, grandmother.
/- Okay.
Mom, ever since Ruby got pregnant, you're cutting her a lot of slack.
Look who's talking.
This is crazy.
I can't do this.
Something urgent came up.
I'll be late.
Don't wait up.
Go to bed.
Ruby, dinner is served.
I'm coming.
Did you sleep well? What is that? Your breakfast.
Really? You made it for me? It's nothing much.
It's just fruit salad, soup, and milk.
I'm so happy.
Thank you, sweetheart.
It's the least I can do for you and the baby.
He's so nice to me.
What if he finds out about the miscarriage? No.
I can't let things go back to the way they used to be.
Eat slowly or you'll burn your tongue.
Say, Gyeongmin, would it be okay if I returned to work? But wouldn't it be too much for you? You know nothing's worse than stress for a pregnant woman, right? For me, not working and being cooped up at home is stressful.
Working makes me happy and more energetic.
Are you afraid I'll do something criminal? Have you forgotten? I'm about to be a mom.
I'm carrying our child.
I can't think bad thoughts.
Grandma and dad won't allow you to return to work.
Once I have the baby, I won't be able to work at all.
I'd like to work just until then.
Plus, with the product lunch, marketing is probably super busy.
I should help however I can, right? What? You want to return to work? It's a critical time right now.
Why would you want to return to work? Given what happened recently, don't you think this is all too early? We know what you're worried about.
But with the new product launch, the marketing department is swamped and needs more manpower.
I am the head of the department after all.
It doesn't sit well with me to be at home when my staff is so busy.
I won't cause any trouble.
Please let me return to work.
What if you work too hard and it affects my great-grandchild? I'll look out for her, grandma.
What do you think, Changgeun? Are you confident you won't cause trouble? Can I take your word for it? If I make the same mistake twice, then I'll leave this house on my own.
You break up with her for this? I guess you didn't break up.
You got dumped.
You should rest at home.
Why'd you have to come out here? Leave him alone.
The fresh air might do him good.
But the autumn breeze is rather nippy.
Put this on.
Dad, here.
It's a vitamin tonic.
Dad, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, dad.
Don't worry, Jihyeok.
Noh Dongpal is a man.
He'll get through this.
I've never seen him so hurt.
Thank you.
Take care and come again.
Yu, you need a break.
Chef Noh has vanished.
We need to find a new cook.
You're firing Dongpal? What choice do I have? He's not coming in.
Chorim, what should we do? I think what he did was disgraceful.
I can't believe he said his son was his nephew.
But Mrs.
Yu, I can kind of see why though.
He's not even Dongpal's real son.
The woman Dongpal once loved left her son with him, and Dongpal raised him as his own.
Isn't that cool and loyal? Loyal? Give me a break.
It's because he's in love with that woman.
Chorim, they say love expires after 2.
5 years.
She left him eons ago.
He has definitely moved on.
You don't ever forget your first love.
Men carry it in their hearts to the grave.
So you want a man who's never loved? At your age, he'd have to be such a huge loser.
I think that would suck.
Never mind, Chorim.
You kept insisting on marrying a bachelor.
Even if the boy's not his real son, Chef Noh isn't a true bachelor.
You've had a bumpy ride with Dongpal, and maybe it's a sign you weren't meant be with him.
So just end things with him for good.
He won't be working here anymore anyway.
We've all grown so close to him, but what does that matter now? As much as it hurts, let's just cut all ties.
I'll do that.
You be quiet.
Don't confuse her.
It just breaks my heart.
Good morning, everyone.
The concept of our new product line is "well-being.
" Upon a careful review of the product's strengths, weaknesses opportunities and risks, the marketing department has decided that well-being is the foremost interest of today's consumers.
It's very persuasive.
Let's not waste time.
Start production right away.
I have a good feeling about this.
You were a diamond in the rough.
You're too kind, sir.
The entire marketing department worked on this together.
Plus, it's too early to celebrate.
You're right.
Never jump to hasty conclusions.
Stop it.
You're making me feel shy.
The presentation was amazing, Runa.
I was so nervous.
You were quite good.
I'm proud of you.
Good job.
Thank you, Ms.
Good job, Runa.
Thank you.
I'd like to buy the entire department dinner to thank you for your hard work.
Though I'm not allowed to drink.
I'm sorry, but I have a prior engagement.
Oh no.
I have something to do too.
Are you meeting someone? Yeah.
We'll do it some other time then.
Who are you having dinner with? Why do you care? Just answer the question.
Don't worry.
I'm not seeing Gyeongmin behind your back.
What? We're at work.
Watch what you say.
How long are you going to deceive him for? I'm sorry about the miscarriage, but when will you tell him the truth? It doesn't seem like Gyeongmin knows yet.
I'll figure it out.
If you're having a hard time bringing it up, I'll talk to him for you.
Gyeongmin and I get along very well.
He'll be upset, but he'll understand.
I told you to watch it! Mind your own business.
I'll figure it out.
You'll figure it out? By putting on a charade? If word about my miscarriage gets around, mom and Aunt Chorim will be devastated.
They've had a lot to worry about as of late.
Do you want them to sigh and lose sleep? I know what I'm doing.
Just keep your mouth shut.
I'll keep my mouth shut.
But here's something to think about.
What's more cruel? Breaking Gyeongmin's heart with the news of the miscarriage or deceiving him into thinking the baby's still alive? That wicked little She won't get off her high horse.
I'm sorry, but I have a prior engagement.
I have something to do too.
Why do they both have dinner engagements? Are they hanging out again? You make a handsome couple.
Your important engagement was seeing Runa? Ruby, what are you doing here? Ruby.
No No.
Law Office Law office? No Ruby? Gyeongmin.
What are you doing here? I'd like to ask you the same.
Oh Because the office dinner was canceled, so What are you doing here anyway? Aw, shucks.
I was going to surprise you.
Let's go.
Come on in.
This is This is our baby's crib.
I've never done it before, so it's not great, but I'm having fun doing it.
So this was your dinner engagement? I was going to paint it and bring it home next week, but you found me first.
Thank you, Gyeongmin.
I had no idea.
I should call it a night.
Sawdust isn't good for you.
It's "The Little Prince.
" Remember? You loved this book when we were in college.
I'm sure our baby will love it too.
Oh, right.
Of course.
It's been so long.
Read it for me.
I want to listen.
I have serious reason to believe that the planet from which the little prince came is the asteroid known as B-612.
This asteroid has only once been seen through the telescope.
That was by a Turkish astronomer, in 1909.
I can't let this happiness be taken from me.
He's so loving.
Even I tell him, it'll have to be later.
It's still too early.
I can tell him when I'm sure he has truly forgiven me.
And I can get pregnant again.
I can get pregnant right away.
I can do it.
Asteroid 325 A lot happened What is this? Why am I doing something so crazy? Ruby, are you done? I'll be right out.
This isn't right.
You're Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby would never put on this ridiculous charade.
I should just tell him the truth.
That's the right thing to do.
Did you throw up again? No.
Let's go.
There's a family meeting.
A family meeting? Have they caught on? Did they find out already? Come and sit down.
Yes, Auto? This is a family meeting, right? You see Of course Geumhui's family too.
Right, mom? Okay.
Why did you call for a family meeting? Did I do something wrong? Am I going to be scolded? Do you have a victim complex? Or is there something you did wrong? Sera.
It's a joke.
A joke.
Sorry, Ruby.
So the thing is, we're gathered here today to come up with a fetal nickname for my precious great-grandchild.
Fetal nickname? What? Fetal nickname? What do I do? I have to tell them now.
I heard young people these days give nicknames to their babies before they're born.
The baby is alive in her belly, so the baby is part of the family.
That's a good idea, mom.
Right, Changgeun? What did I tell you? I'm progressive.
So what should we call the baby? Grandmother How about an English nickname? Olive? Tinkerbell? Or Shush! Emphasis on English education is wreaking havoc in this country.
No English nicknames.
I heard a fetal nickname should be simple and even a bit cheesy.
Yes, that's right, Changgeun.
So I was thinking How about Geumdong? Geumdong? Yes.
That is super cheesy.
Be quiet.
What do you know anyway? It was customary to give silly names to important heirs to ward off evil spirits.
What do you think, Gyeongmin? Geumdong "Geum" means gold, right? We waited for so long, this baby is more precious than gold.
Geumdong I like it.
What about you? I like it too.
I can get pregnant again.
It'll all be over if I tell them now.
You had a nickname in mind.
This isn't a family meeting.
This is a dictatorship.
Be quiet.
When you get pregnant, I'm naming the fetus "Bite Me.
" Bite Me! Bite me? Wow.
That's unique.
Good grief.
Gyeongmin, you go on up.
Ruby, come with me to my room.
What for, grandma? A friend of mine brought me a cream from Europe that's supposed to be great for pregnant women.
You're supposed to massage the cream on the belly, and it will work its magic in just 5 minutes.
I'll do it for you.
Cream? Thank you, grandmother, but I feel shy about having you do it for me.
I'm your grandmother.
You're my granddaughter just like Sera.
What's there to feel shy about? But still.
You're a grandmother-in-law.
Gyeongmin could do it for her.
Give the cream to me.
I'll massage it onto her belly every night.
Yeah? Alright.
I'll bring it up later.
Are you coming up with a plan to be keep from getting caught? Dad was going to come clean, but I stopped him.
Is that why you pretended to be Mr.
Wang's son? This is incredible.
You've never been a big eater, but look at you now.
I just don't get what she's trying to do.
She doesn't want to let go of the last lifeline keeping her from falling off the edge.
Oh, no.
You did that on purpose.
It should've been me.
See you next time
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