Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e64 Episode Script

Episode 64

What? Geumdong? Of all the possible names, why Geumdong? What's wrong with Geumdong? It's simple and it has a nice meaning.
What's wrong, Chorim? Does Geum"dong" remind you of "Dong"pal? Why you What's it to you? You always take it too far.
Soyeong, don't even mention Dongpal's name in front of her again.
Chorim says she's moved on.
That's right.
Yes, Mrs.
We've grown close to him over the years, so it's not easy to sever ties with him, but it will heal in time.
Of course.
My thoughts exactly.
Do you really mean it? Hey.
Then I'm setting you up with someone.
Are you sure? Really? But on one condition.
Make sure he's a bachelor.
But what do you mean by "bachelor" anyway? Watch it.
Finding a bachelor at your age? It's just plain rice porridge, but it'll do you good.
You must have really been in love with that beanpole woman.
You're in so much pain.
Hey, tell me.
What's worse? When Jihyeok's mom left you or this? Why don't you shut up? Okay.
Where did Jihyeok go anyway? I suppose it's not easy to watch your dad suffer.
Poor Noh Jihyeok.
Strawberry ice cream? Geumdong wants strawberry ice cream? Yeah.
But isn't it too cold for ice cream? Don't worry.
Even if I catch a cold, it'll still be warm inside my belly.
She hasn't told him about the miscarriage yet? I just don't get what she's trying to do.
She doesn't want to let go of the last lifeline keeping her from falling off the edge.
But he'll find out sooner or later.
What does she plan to do then? Are you worried? Are you worried for her? I'm frustrated and angry.
How long does she think she can lie her way out of every problem? She must know it's destroying her life.
She probably doesn't know.
Or if she does, she chooses to look away from the truth.
To her, the immediate gratification she gets from wealth, fame, and kind words seems like happiness.
I do envy her in some ways.
She's so simpleminded.
She probably doesn't think long enough to suffer much.
What are you going to do? Are you just going to let her carry on with her charade? Yes.
For now.
I'm curious to see how great of a performance she can pull off.
Runa's probably worried we'll expose her.
If we do it at the perfect time, we'll get to see Jeong Runa's complete destruction, won't we? Don't be like this.
You're Jeong Ruby.
You're not Jeong Runa.
Don't look at me like that.
I told you.
I'm going to live like the real Jeong Runa.
Hi, mom.
This is incredible.
You've never been a big eater, but look at you now.
This isn't me eating.
This is what Geumdong wants.
Let me know if you want anything else.
I will get it for you whenever you ask.
Thank you.
Hi, mom.
We were just about to eat.
What? You sent Runa here with what? Let's go.
I made a reservation, so don't worry.
This isn't fair.
Hurry up.
My parents are waiting for us.
When did you get here? Just now.
It's pickled crabs and white kimchi.
Mom told me to bring them to you.
My in-laws are having dinner, so I can't invite you in.
Of course not.
Hello, Director Bae.
What are you doing here? My mom asked her to bring us some food.
You should get going.
What? She's not going anywhere.
Hurry on inside.
But it's rude to barge in unannounced.
And it'll be uncomfortable for Runa.
Will you be uncomfortable? I'll just say hello then.
Stay for dinner and tea.
I was just coming down to get you.
Welcome, Runa.
Mom, dad, Runa's here.
Huh? Who? Who's here? It's Ruby's sister.
How do you do, ma'am? I'm sorry to barge in like this.
I was only here to bring some food over I couldn't just let her leave, so I dragged her in here.
You did the right thing.
We were just about to have dinner.
Do join us if you can.
Make yourself at home.
Thank you.
She's so clueless.
Why did she have to come inside? Wait She's not trying to expose me, is she? Ruby.
Why aren't you coming down? You sister is all alone down there.
It's probably uncomfortable for her.
Why would she feel uncomfortable? She has an attentive brother-in-law.
And there's Sera too.
Here you go again.
Let's go downstairs, okay? Enjoy the food.
Thank you.
Your mother's a great cook.
This is seasoned perfectly.
I don't want to admit it, but her food is very good.
Please tell your mother we said thank you.
Yes, mother.
They might not be your favorite foods, but please try them out.
Everything's delicious.
Of course.
No one's ever told me my cooking was bad.
Auto, modesty is a virtue.
Yes, ma'am.
I'll be more modest.
Eat up, Ruby.
I heard women really miss their mother's cooking when they are pregnant.
Yes, father.
I might eat too much tonight.
What should I do? Ruby might miss her mom's cooking because of her pregnancy, but when I get pregnant, I'll probably miss Aunt Geumhui's cooking.
My goodness.
She's right though.
Gyeongsuk's a sweet girl, but she can't cook to save her life.
If you keep staring like that, you'll burn holes in my face.
Was it rude for us to stare like that? But you look so happy while you eat.
Just watching you makes me feel full.
Gilja, what's keeping Runa? It's not everyday that Insu comes over.
Call her and tell her to hurry back.
I called, but she didn't pick up.
Gyeongmin's family would have invited her for tea at the very least.
You think? Runa's so lucky.
I'd love to see the inside that mansion.
Eat, eat.
I hear you're a great asset to the company.
It's like I told you.
The herbal tonic that Runa proposed is launching soon.
How is it that both of you are so diligent? Your mother must be so proud.
You're too kind.
How is your health, ma'am? How nice of you.
You're concerned about an old woman who's not even related to you.
Thank you so much.
You're so considerate.
You need to be healthy if you are to spend quality time with your great-grandchild.
You heard what Runa said, right? You need to be healthy so that this house stays peaceful.
I got it, Changgeun.
I'll take extra good care of myself until Geumdong is born.
By the way, when are you due? What? When is the baby going to be born? Oh, right.
What did the doctor say? Next February.
February 13th.
That makes sense.
The "dong" in Geumdong can also mean "winter.
" Really? Oh right.
See? I came up with a good name.
Runa, shouldn't you get going? It's getting late.
No, it's not.
It's still early in the evening.
She should stay a while.
I can drive her home.
Gyeongmin, can I see where you and Ruby sleep? I want to see you room.
Really? Wait.
Can I try and guess which room? Sure.
Have you Isn't this it? I'm sorry, but this is Sera's room.
About Ruby's sister She's really growing on me.
If I had another grandson, I'd marry him off to her.
She's a real keeper.
My goodness, grandma.
You were smitten with Mr.
Na and you wanted me to marry him, and now you want Runa to marry your nonexistent grandson? I just really like her is all.
Don't get offended.
She's a 100 times better than a girl who just meets her friends and parties and spends tons of money.
I've never told you, but I always think about you.
When I see a dapper old gentleman, I think about how I should set you up with someone nice before you get any older.
Oh, is that so? That moves me to tears.
But at least I've been married once.
You, however, have never been married.
They say two marriages is average, and a third is optional.
What? Either way, don't worry about me, I've already been there.
You just worry about yourself.
It was supposed to be me.
It should've been me.
This happiness was supposed to be mine.
I hate you.
I hate you.
Oh, no.
It's okay.
I'll take care of it.
You'll hurt your feet.
Stand over there.
I'm sorry, Ruby.
You did that on purpose.
What is it that you know? Has your memory returned? Are you acting oblivious? What is it? This bed looks very special like there's a story to it.
A story? What are you trying to do, Jeong Ruby? But then again, everything has a story.
Right, Gyeongmin? Hon, can you get me some water? I'm thirsty.
Are you out of your mind? What? What did I do? Don't overstay your welcome.
Why are you still here? Are you trying to expose me or something? Should I? Jeong Runa.
You're the one who said I was a greedy, materialistic lowlife.
Now that I got to see the bedroom you and Gyeongmin share, I've grown very jealous of you.
When will I get to meet a man as perfect as Gyeongmin? When I will I get to live in luxury like you? So hurry up and marry Mr.
If you marry him, I can ask Gyeongmin about getting you two a nice apartment.
What if I say no? What if I want a sprawling mansion like this one in exchange for keeping your secret? What are you talking about? Human greed knows no bounds.
If you get one thing, you want two.
If you get two things, you want three.
That's why you're keeping your miscarriage a secret and putting on this ridiculous charade.
Watch what you say.
A charade? I know I have to watch what I say.
You see, I really love Gyeongmin.
What? My beloved Seeing my beloved brother-in-law in agony is something I don't want either.
That's why I'm keeping my mouth shut.
But you know this can't go on forever.
Wouldn't it just be better if you came clean? Shut up.
You're a wicked little Are you going to use that to extort money from your sister? Money? How generous of you to offer.
You You know very well who put me in this miserable state.
If you hadn't asked me to come to Seoul, if you hadn't offered me a ride No, if it hadn't been for the accident, I wouldn't have become like this.
You took a year from my life, how do you plan to pay me back? So is this the real you? You acted so sweet and kind.
All for the sake of money and revenge? Money? Revenge? What did I ever do to you anyways? I can feel the tension in the air, ladies.
She's pregnant and too irritable.
I can't stick around.
I should get going, Gyeongmin.
I'm sorry I stayed so late.
I'm the one who should apologize.
I invited you to dinner.
It must have been uncomfortable.
Not at all.
I had a great time.
Your grandmother is wonderful too.
I'll drive you home.
No, just go inside.
Ruby's probably waiting for you.
Are you sure? Alright then.
She's so different from Ruby.
You should've dated Runa instead.
I'm just joking.
It's a joke.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
This bed looks very special like there's a story to it.
A story? It should've been me.
Gyeongmin was mine.
You see, I really love Gyeongmin.
My beloved Seeing my beloved brother-in-law in agony is something I don't want either.
That's why I'm keeping my mouth shut.
What are you thinking about? Runa put me in a sour mood.
She must be jealous of me.
When she saw how great my life is, the house, the family, etc.
She got really cranky.
She's still against marrying Insu? I don't know.
What are you going to read me today? Before that, I'm going to put cream on your belly.
I just put it on.
When you were in the shower Already? I wanted to do it for you.
You've had a long day.
I can always just do it myself.
I want to do it.
I bet that's what Geumdong would want.
What's wrong, Chorim? And you? Nothing.
Nothing's wrong on my end either.
It's not Chef Noh, is it? Please, Gilja.
I have erased him from my life.
Good for you.
A woman's life is decided by what kind of man she meets.
Just look at me.
Come on, Gilja.
Life is what you make of it.
You determine your own fate.
But I do worry about him.
How could you not? It would be weird if you didn't.
He was your fiancee after all.
So what's bothering you? Runa's eyes were red and puffy this morning.
Really? Why? Was she crying? She said she didn't, but maybe something happened last night at Gyeongmin's.
What do you think happened? They're probably tears of jealousy.
Jealousy? I'm sure she couldn't help but compare her life to Ruby's luxurious life.
Insu's a great and smart guy, but he's totally broke.
Money can always be made.
It's what's on the inside that counts.
Don't be so shallow.
I think you keep forgetting that Runa is Runa.
If she had no money, she'd make a credit card and get designer goods, that's our Runa.
Think she'll be happy being poor? If she stays with Insu, she won't be able to do that.
Maybe that's why she keeps pushing back the wedding.
I'm just saying Where's Soyeong anyway? This place is going to get busy soon enough.
We've met, right? Yes.
Your energy looks a little low.
Why don't you charge up with this? Thank you for calling JM.
Kim, it's me.
Hello, Mrs.
Can you tell me what the vice president's schedule is like this month? I'm sorry, but you're putting me in an awkward position.
I know, but he wants to take me to my regular prenatal checkup.
That's why I need his schedule.
You understand, right? Oh, I see.
One moment, please.
He has a meeting every Monday morning, and at 2:00 p.
on the 21st and 26th, he has a meeting with a client from overseas.
I see.
Thank you.
Why are you so surprised? Are you coming up with a plan to avoid getting caught? We're at work.
Watch what you're saying.
I'm sorry.
I just can't stop thinking about how awful it will be when you get caught and your in-laws kick you out.
You know Being snide won't change anything.
It would've been better if you just married Insu.
Do you really not know why I'm not marrying Insu? How would I know? I can't bring myself to say it in front of the baby you're carrying.
Be good to your baby, Ruby.
What is that supposed to mean? Why do you keep pushing the marriage back? Are you sure you'll be okay? No matter what I say, are you confident you can remain calm? Watch out.
Men are most likely to cheat when their wives are pregnant.
Are you crazy? Are you being serious right now? You watch your mouth, Ruby.
If you keep getting hysterical like this, everyone will see that your pregnancy is fake.
It's Jihyeok, right? Noh Jihyeok? Yes.
I'm Ko Soyeong.
Ko Soyeong Laugh all you want.
I've been told many times over that I look nothing like the actress of the same name.
It doesn't even faze me anymore.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean anything by it.
Say, how is Dongpal, I mean, Chef Noh? He's not feeling well.
Actually, he's in really bad shape.
I got a few things to make him porridge.
He hasn't eaten lately.
Well, he lied to his fiancee about something very important and ended up getting caught.
I'm sure he's having a hard time.
Did you do well on your entrance exams? I heard you were a good student.
You're applying to law school, right? I used to be a good student, but that doesn't matter anymore.
What do you mean? I know Mrs.
Yu lent dad the money to pay back the lady Uncle Daepung swindled.
Dad's $20,000 in debt.
I don't have the luxury of worrying about getting into law school.
College is out of the question for me.
I'm going to make money.
College may not solve all your problems, but wouldn't you make Dongpal, I mean, Chef Noh really happy if you went to school? For now, I think I'd be a better son if I could help dad off his debts.
Is Chef Noh really quitting? Dad didn't get fired? I thought he got fired that day.
Yu's not that unforgiving.
She lent him money, after all.
I don't get why Dongpal wasn't honest right from the start.
What is it with men? How could he keep something so important from the woman he loves? I mean He probably couldn't find the right time.
Plus, Chorim's hot-tempered.
She's not exactly reasonable either.
But still It's all my fault.
Dad was going to come clean, but I stopped him.
I was scared that if he told the truth, then she'd turn him down.
Is that why you pretended to be Mr.
Wang's son? So that she wouldn't turn him down? It wasn't easy for him to raise me by himself.
I wanted him to settle down and be happy.
I didn't want to get in the way of that.
I totally understand.
How many women would willingly marry a man with a grown son? And not even a biological son at that.
The son of the man's ex-lover But Chorim really loves Chef Noh, so Wait.
What did you just say? Chorim really loves Chef Noh.
I swear.
I'm not dad's biological son? He's not my real father? How's Ruby? Everything's fine, right? When is your checkup for this month? Don't worry.
I'm going with mom.
You started this circus.
I merely played along.
Haven't I told you? Gyeongmin knows.
That can't be.
Gyeongmin would never deceive anyone about something like that.
Don't you know that lies beget more lies? The baby must have started kicking.
Let me feel your stomach.
Why's everyone trying to touch my belly? See you next time
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