Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e65 Episode Script

Episode 65

I'm not dad's biological son? He's not my real father? Oh, no.
You didn't know? I thought you knew.
So dad raised me even though I'm not his real son? Who told you? Was it dad? Um Tell me please.
Wang came by the restaurant.
He said some things.
So everyone knows? I was the only one who didn't? Thank you for the milk.
I'm such an idiot.
I heard you were sick.
You've lost so much weight.
So what happened? Tell me again.
Oh, um Jihyeok isn't your biological son, right? What? Who told you that? Tell me the truth.
Am I right? He's not your real son, right? Who told you? Mr.
Wang came by the restaurant, and he told us But I accidentally told Jihyeok that he wasn't your real son.
What? I thought he knew.
I'm sorry.
How? How could you? He gave up college to help pay your debts.
I hope he doesn't do anything drastic.
What? Jihyeok's not going to college? I'm leaving right now.
It'll take half an hour.
Go ahead and start.
- Vice President Bae.
/ - Mr.
I'm enjoying your shows.
Thank you.
By the way, how's Ruby? Everything's fine, right? Apart from the fact that Bae Gyeongmin junior is growing in her womb, there's nothing unusual to report.
Why? Was that too silly? I'm sorry.
Please forgive me for being lame.
But when you become an expectant dad, you'll become silly too.
Um Is there something you want to say? The thing is A dream? What? Yes.
A dream.
Auspicious dream? Yes.
He said his apartment was filled with water, and he caught a large fish.
He thought it might be about our baby.
He's really interesting.
He's not even family.
Why the dreams? He really dreamt that? Yeah.
He thought it was a sign and he wanted to let me know.
Maybe Runa's pregnant.
Oh, right.
That might be it.
Ruby, don't you know your own sister? Or Mr.
Na for that matter? They're not like that.
And if Mr.
Na did suspect something, why would he have told Gyeongmin? How do you know what they do in private? Of course I know, grandma.
I have an eye for these things.
You might be right, they don't strike me as reckless.
I agree with mom.
What about you, Gyeongmin? What? I'm on the fence.
I'm always with you, Changgeun.
I also vote no.
It doesn't even warrant a vote.
Gyeongmin, buy that dream from Insu tomorrow.
I think it's a sign that Geumdong will be hugely successful.
Like Sera said, Insu's not even family.
We have to buy it to claim it.
Consider it an early wedding present for Mr.
Na and buy it from him.
If he saw a big fish, would that make Geumdong a boy or a girl, mother? I'm not sure.
Sure seems like a boy, right? You're insane, Na Insu.
You had a dream about my baby? Ruby, how's the sashimi? Is it not fresh enough for you? No.
It's delicious, father.
I'm sure it's delicious.
Changgeun went to great lengths to get the very best fish.
Your morning sickness is strange though.
It comes and then it goes.
That's how it works.
You've never even been pregnant.
Good grief.
Oh, right.
When is your checkup for this month? I'm not sure.
Let's see.
It's at 2 o'clock on the 26th.
Oh, no.
I have a meeting.
Can't you reschedule? Sorry, they're busy.
I can't.
Don't worry.
I'm going with my mom.
What do I do? What do I do? How may I help you? Drink juice, not coffee.
Shouldn't an expectant mother watch what she eats and drinks? Are you kidding me right now? Kidding? You started this circus.
I'm merely playing along.
You should thank me, Mrs.
Did you really have that dream? Is that what you're curious about? I thought you'd ask me about something else.
Like how long I will keep my mouth shut.
Haven't I told you? Gyeongmin knows.
It's true.
I told him that very night.
He's upset, but what can he do? And as we all know, we can always have another baby.
It was Gyeongmin's idea to keep it a secret.
He was worried his grandmother would fall ill from the shock if she found out, so he said we should keep it a secret for now.
Is that true? So don't think for a second that you have anything on me.
This is our affair.
Mind your own business.
Hurry up and convince Ruby to marry you.
Wouldn't that work for you as well? If you get married and have a baby, Ruby won't be able to do anything even if her memory comes back.
It's what's best for all of us.
You know that.
He already knows? No way There's no way.
Gyeongmin would never deceive anyone about something like that.
I agree, but Runa just looked so sure.
But then again, what does it matter? I'm pathetic.
Runa has no problem with making huge lies.
But I'm hung up on her one fake pregnancy.
Should I just Gyeongmin directly? I don't know.
If it was Gyeongmin's idea, it might be better for his sake for us to pretend like we don't know.
The recipient is unavailable It's the calm before the storm.
What am I going to do? Should I tell Mrs.
Yu? What about Chorim? Oh no.
But it concerns Dongpal's family.
I'm not at liberty to tell anyone.
This driving me crazy.
Family troubles? - What? / - You startled me.
Why are you creeping around? Creep? How dare you.
I'm a creep, okay? But you're acting weird.
Spit it out.
Did Dongpal drop a bomb? Someone did drop a bomb, but it wasn't Dongpal, it was me.
What am I going to do? You have 10 seconds to spit it out.
Hurry up! How many women would willingly marry a man with a grown son? And not even a biological son at that.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Charges will accrue You were moping about Chorim, but I guess Jihyeok is way more important.
Shut your mouth and go and find Jihyeok.
Right now.
Okay, fine.
Jihyeok's not home yet? No.
He's not answering his phone either? Why are you such a blabbermouth? Is that something you learned from Chorim? Dongpal.
I'm hanging up.
Noh Jihyeok, what's going on? You're not going to college so that you can make money? Did I ask you to help me pay off my debts? Did I ask you to work? We have to repay our debts.
Not just our debt to Mrs.
Yu, but my debt to you as well, dad.
We're not even related, but you took me in.
You raised me like I was your own.
You gave me an education, even.
I have to pay all that debt back.
What? How dare you? What gives you the right to say that? Debt? Debt? Then why did you lie to me about my mom? You said she died while giving birth to me.
No one knows who my father is, and my mother abandoned me.
And yet you took pity on me and raised me, so I thank you for that.
Or rather, I'm sorry.
But I'm an adult.
Why didn't you tell me the truth? We only have each other.
Why'd you keep me in the dark? Why? Because I know what it's like to be abandoned.
You might think it's pathetic, but I really loved your mother.
But then she left without a word.
Do you know how devastated I was? Do you know how badly I wanted to die? I didn't want you to know.
I didn't want you to experience that kind of pain.
I wanted to raise you well.
Not because you were scared that I'd leave you too? That I'd grow up and leave you like mom did? You should've told me anyways.
Even if you had told me the truth, I'd never leave you.
Do you know why? Because you didn't leave me either.
Listen, kiddo.
You said you were going to college.
You promised you'd go to law school and become a prosecutor or a judge.
How can I do that when we don't even have $20,000 for our lease? We had to con somebody.
How will we afford the tuition? I'm not a little kid.
I'm not shameless enough to force you to send me to college.
Jihyeok, I went through a lot to raise you.
Smart kids like you deserve to go to college.
Kids like you have to go to law school for this country to become better.
I understand what you're saying, but just because I put college on hold, doesn't mean my life is over.
If I set my mind to it, I can go to college next year.
So did you take the entrance exam? I'm sorry.
You rascal! I'm sorry I've been a bad father.
You're still up? I got thirsty too, so I came down for water.
Where's Gyeongmin? He should be home soon.
Your belly's really swelling up.
Geumdong, you're growing so well.
The baby must have started kicking.
Let me feel your stomach.
I'm sorry, grandmother.
It's just so embarrassing.
Embarrassing? What is? I just wanted to feel my great-grandchild.
Even that's embarrassing? I should go.
Good night, grandmother.
Good night, mother.
You too, Ruby.
You're still up, mother? She hasn't changed one bit.
I can't make myself like her.
Why? Did something happen? I was curious about how the baby was, so I wanted to feel her belly, but she glared at me and then stormed off.
She was probably just a little shy.
Young women are all like that these days.
You didn't see the look on her face.
She looked repulsed, like I disgusted her.
Please let it go, mother.
She'll change once she has her baby.
This is driving me insane.
Why's everyone trying to touch my belly? What if I get caught? Should I just pretend to have bad morning sickness and go stay with mom? I thought you were having a drink.
I ran home as soon as I could to see our dear Geumdong and rub cream onto your belly.
I said it's fine.
I put it on already.
Ruby, if you keep this up, I'll be really sad.
Why, sweetheart? I'm your husband.
But you don't let me do anything for you.
Don't say that.
You made a beautiful crib for the baby, and you read to me.
What more can I ask for? Go and shower.
Geumdong wants to hear a story.
I'll be back soon.
I can't keep this up.
I should stay with mom.
I can keep an eye on Runa too.
I told Insu it was Gyeongmin's idea to keep it a secret, so she'll keep quiet, won't she? Do you know what's the hardest thing in life? I'm not sure.
Making money? Eating? The hardest thing in life is winning people's hearts.
What's wrong? Was it tough at the office? No.
I'm just so happy.
If I try hard enough, will I be able to get you to really love me? I wonder if Jihyeok and Dongpal are still upset.
I'm sure you and Mrs.
Yu are upset too, but the one who's suffering the most right now is Dongpal.
Good grief.
I can't get him out of my head.
Can you even sleep after the mess you made? Jerk.
Yikes! Healing Essence Herbal Tonic The marketing department deserves a special bonus.
That's already in the works.
Dad, this could really be a huge success.
It's already a huge success.
Don't get too greedy.
We're doing very well already.
Gyeongmin, you should get Runa something nice.
How about a car? A car? She's done a lot for the company.
You can get her anything else but not a car.
Just thinking about it makes me feel sick.
I'll think of something else.
This is so nice.
It's been ages since we've had something to celebrate.
Runa, congratulations on a job well done.
I don't want to admit it, but you're the one who made this happen.
We all worked on it together.
Seokho and Hyeryeon, you both did well.
I feel out of place during this happy occasion.
When it comes to parties, the more the merrier.
If that's the case, how about getting some folks at Homeshopping to join us? Didn't you say there's a handsome guy there who has a crush on Ms.
Seo? We want to meet him.
Call him.
Should I call him then? Hey, are you busy right now? We're at the bar across the street.
How about a beer? There are two lovely ladies here.
You better run.
He's on his way.
Hwang Seokho, you must be nervous.
You might have a new rival.
We'll see if he's any match for me.
Say, Runa, isn't it tough working with your sister at the same office? After the accident, Ruby's gotten quite snappy.
The pregnancy's tempered her a bit though.
She's not as irritable, and it seems like her marriage has gotten better.
That's the power of maternal love.
Mom, I'm home.
Come on in.
Where's Gyeongmin? He's not here.
I'm going to stay here for a while.
Is that so? Yes.
Keep holding onto that love, forever.
Is something the matter? Of course not.
My belly's getting heavy, and dealing with the in-laws is stressful.
I also missed your cooking.
It's okay for me to stay here, right? More than okay.
Stretch your legs out.
Let me massage them for you.
Come on.
It feels great.
This is why they say that mothers have magical hands.
Ask Gyeongmin to do this for you, otherwise you'll get bad cramps.
I will.
Look at you.
You haven't gained any weight.
Only your belly.
You look great.
I'm Jeong Ruby after all.
What is it, mom? It's nothing.
I was just reminded of the mole Runa has on her foot.
You don't have one though.
Why would I have something like that? Um Mom, I'm hungry.
Let's go, then.
I just have to set the table.
Here you are.
What are you doing here so late? Where's Gyeongmin? It's always Gyeongmin.
I'm came alone.
Are you disappointed? You have a strange way of saying things.
Do you get paranoid when you're pregnant? Oh you're here.
Let's eat.
I already ate.
Why aren't you eating? You don't like the food? I just don't have an appetite.
What is it? Did you wash the rice properly? Why is there sand in the rice? Sand? How did that happen? Come on, mom.
Are you getting old to cook properly? They say people get like this with age.
Get a grip, mom.
You can't have dementia at this age.
Don't you dare speak to her like that.
What? You? It happens while you cook from time to time.
She prepared a nice meal for you.
Show some respect.
Stop it, Runa.
It's my fault.
You're so considerate of your pregnant sister.
Pregnant? It's been so long.
Stop it.
No fighting.
Pregnant women deserve courtesy, but what are you doing? Have you forgotten that there's no baby in that belly? Shut your mouth.
I was going to keep it shut, but you're not making it easy for me.
Tell me.
What is it that you want? If I tell you, will you give it to me? Like the genie of the lamp? Do you need a car? Should I get you a fancy car? Would that be enough? A car? Why? To put me in it, and crash it again? What? Hello? It's me.
Yes, grandmother.
Gyeongmin tells me you went straight to your mother's and that you're staying there for a while.
I missed my mom's cooking.
You may be pregnant, but this just isn't right.
Your mother's busy running a restaurant.
If you're there, it'll be a burden, even if she says otherwise.
You're going to be a mother soon too.
You should be more considerate of your mother's needs.
You get what I'm saying, right? Yes, grandmother.
I didn't think things through.
Good girl.
Gyeongmin's on his way to get you, so I'll see you soon.
Yes, grandmother.
Don't you know that lies beget more lies? What are you going to do? Mind your own business, okay? I need to get back to the restaurant.
A large group came in for an office dinner.
I'll get going too then, mom.
But you said you'd stay here for a while.
I don't want to burden you.
Okay then.
Your in-laws won't like it if you stay here anyways.
I have to run.
Slow down.
Are you worried I'll get drunk? But I'm allowed to be drunk in front of you.
Because you won't freak out no matter what I say.
You don't even like drinking.
Because you're Jeong Ruby.
Should I just get really drunk? Should I just marry you? Runa stole my life.
She did something that terrible, but she's living such a charmed life.
Should I just do the same? I know what that face means.
Runa used to make the same face.
Insu, do you love me? Not Jeong Runa, but Jeong Ruby? Ruby, we should just I'm sorry, Insu.
I'm just saying whatever I feel.
Please be understanding.
I'm not functioning properly these days.
How much longer do I have to do this? Should I just come clean? She's being more than overly sensitive.
I wonder how long your charade will last.
As a fellow woman, that's all you can say? You and I need to join forces.
This maternity dress was the big surprise? The zipper's on the back.
I think I need to see your stomach.
What are you doing, grandmother? See you next time
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