Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e66 Episode Script

Episode 66

Next time, I should watch something sad when I'm wearing a mask.
All the laughs are giving me wrinkles.
Chorim, isn't it funny? Nothing is funny anymore.
Nothing's fun either.
You're still not over your break up.
Poor Chorim.
Hi, Runa.
You're just getting in? Yes, mom.
Gilja, I think she's been drinking.
Did she get into an argument with Insu? She's been so down lately.
Everyone's depressed these days.
It's making me feel depressed too.
It would be so nice if she'd quit her job, marry Insu, and live happily ever after.
We're home.
I must've dozed off.
Why aren't you sleeping in your room? I was waiting for our precious Geumdong.
I wanted to make sure Geumdong was home safe and sound.
I had to wish Geumdong good night.
Geumdong, it's your great-grandma.
You're feeling okay, right? Stay healthy and strong, okay? Ruby, don't overexert yourself.
Pace yourself at work.
Otherwise, your baby will suffer.
Be careful, okay? You should go to bed, grandmother.
- Grandma, we're going upstairs.
/ - Okay.
You'll rip the sides of your mouth.
My goodness, ma'am.
Never in my 40-plus years have I heard of anyone ripping the sides of their mouth from yawning.
Just bring me some water for the night.
Yes, ma'am.
How much longer do I have to do this? Should I just come clean? No.
If I do, I'm done for.
I've come too far.
Ruby, are you almost done? No.
Why? I want to read to our baby.
I'll be right out.
Let me feel your stomach.
She's being more than overly sensitive.
Her stomach felt strange too.
Ma'am, I'm coming in.
Are you having a hard time falling asleep? Listen, Auto.
Yes, ma'am? You said you never had a baby, right? No.
My ex-husband said I was too ugly.
You got married and you didn't even get a kid out of it.
Your life is a tragedy.
These days, women have children in their 40s and 50s all the time.
If I take good care of myself, I should be able to have three kids at least.
Fat chance.
Don't get conned again.
I heard you can predict its gender from the shape of the mother's stomach.
If the belly rises up, it's a boy, and if it sags down, it's a girl.
Ma'am, come on.
They do that with ultrasounds these days.
But they can't do it until the baby grows a little.
Really? Was there a problem at work yesterday? No, of course not.
Hey, Runa, have you reverted to your old ways? You're drinking more and more.
- I didn't drink much.
/ - Don't lie to me.
Did something upsetting happen at work? Did Gyeongmin reprimand you about something work-related? Of course not.
Plus, Gyeongmin's busy preparing to be a dad.
So why? Are you No.
That's insane.
That would be too crazy.
Ruby, when is your next checkup? It's today, but I have another meeting.
Oh no.
Your schedules never match up.
It's okay.
A lot of women go alone.
Ruby, you're pretty cool.
My friends get really mad when their husbands don't come along.
My husband's the vice president of JM Group.
I have to be understanding.
Of course.
The wife of a successful businessman must be patient and understanding for her husband to do even better.
But if Gyeongmin can't make it, maybe I should come along with you.
Oh no.
I already promised to go with my mom.
Oh, really? With mother? Oh, that's too bad.
Good grief, grandma.
The baby's not even here yet.
Once it's born, imagine the fuss.
Now, now, Sera.
You probably don't know this, but when you were born, she was the same way.
Of course.
When you were little, I always made your hair all pretty, and dressed you like a princess.
That's why Sera, even to this day, still believes she's an actual princess.
- Gyeongsuk.
/ - Yes? Let's go do some morning shopping at the department store.
Do you need something? Yes.
There's something I want to get.
Ow, ow, ow, ow.
I got you pain-relief patches.
I can't believe I'm working at a construction site at age 50.
Ow, my back.
I'm sorry you came to work in my place.
Don't be.
We have to pay off the debt.
And even if we don't share the same blood, once an uncle, always an uncle.
I can't let my beloved nephew go back to that dangerous construction site.
So did dad really quit his job at the chicken restaurant? Hey, Soyeong.
I'll be right there.
I remember now.
I remember everything.
Calm down, Runa.
- Get her some water, Runa.
/ - Of course.
Calm down, Runa.
Calm down.
Mom Gyeongmin.
Maybe she's really jealous now that Ruby's pregnant.
That's probably what it is We'd like to pay, ma'am.
Oh, of course.
Did you enjoy your lunch? It's $20.
Thank you.
Here's your receipt.
Come again.
Come again.
What'd the doctor say? It's just a cold.
I told you to bundle up.
You always dress so light.
- Hey, Soyeong.
/ - Yes? Can you get me a cup of warm water? Come on.
Why a construction site? Why couldn't he have found a job at another grilled chicken place? What are you talking about? Construction site? What? No.
It's nothing.
Yes, mother.
Dinner? Of course.
I'll be home early.
A present? Okay.
I'll come home as soon as I'm done.
What kind of present? Not sure.
Grandmother said she was going to the department store today.
I'm so envious, Ms.
All your in-laws are so kind to you.
For most women, their in-laws are their worst nightmare.
The same goes for men, you know? Regardless, of your in-law situation, if you get pregnant, everyone falls in love with you.
Am I right, Ms.
Jeong? I wonder how long your charade will last.
I just feel bad for you is all.
It hurts my pride as a woman, to watch you wield pregnancy like a weapon.
Shut your mouth.
Make sure I don't become collateral damage.
You see, willful ignorance is actually a crime.
As a fellow woman, that's all you can say? In any case, mind your own business.
- Let's go.
/- Okay.
Yes, Seokho.
Where are you, Runa? Why? Is something wrong? We just got a call from a UBS reporter.
He wants to talk to you.
A UBS reporter? Me? I gave him your number.
He'll call soon.
Congratulations, Runa.
Jeong Runa speaking.
An interview? Wow.
Of course.
I really mean it.
I'm going tell everyone about it.
Who's being interviewed? Ms.
Jeong Runa? The new product is such a hit that they want to interview her.
Does this mean she might become a major TV personality like her sister? Never.
I know Runa very well.
She has no showmanship.
That's not true.
She was a TV reporter in Chuncheon.
I heard she even seduced a PD to try to get a gig in Seoul.
That PD was me.
And we're getting married.
Have you forgotten? Oh, really? Rumors get wilder as they spread.
Didn't you know? I'm sorry.
I wasn't thinking If you want to get ahead in life, you need to watch what you say.
You're totally hopeless.
You just say whatever you please.
We're home.
Come in.
Everyone's eating.
Oh, really? Then we'll eat and go upstairs.
I'll just get changed real quick.
Where's Ruby? She's getting changed.
This is the perfect chance to surprise her with her present.
A surprise present? You have no idea how long it took grandma to find the perfect gift.
She can't wait to give it to Ruby.
Ruby's looking forward to it too.
What did she get her? Ruby, may I come in? Is she in the bathroom? Grandmother, what are you doing here? Well, you see.
I really wanted to surprise you with a present.
I got impatient and came up.
A surprise present? Thank you, grandmother.
They make such pretty maternity dresses.
You can wear it even after you give birth.
Thank you, grandmother.
Why don't you go try it on? What? Maybe later.
You must be hungry.
I'll be right down.
I'll wait.
Go and put it on.
I want everyone to see you in it.
Right now? Okay, grandmother.
This is so annoying.
This maternity dress was the big surprise? What's taking you so long? I'm almost done, grandmother.
I'm home.
Hey, Sera.
Come have dinner.
Where's our dear Ms.
Jo Ilsun? In Gyeongmin's room.
She wanted Ruby to try on the new dress she got for her.
That's grandma all right.
All of her love belongs to Geumdong.
- I'll go and get changed.
/ - Okay.
Mom could've waited to give it to Ruby after dinner.
I don't see what the rush is.
She's probably up there rubbing Ruby's belly and going gaga over Geumdong.
Wait a minute.
The zipper's on the back.
She probably needs help.
The zipper's on the back, so Please zip me up, grandmother.
What are those straps on your back? It's a maternity belt.
What? A maternity belt? It's popular among expecting mothers.
It reduces back pain.
Even the doctor recommended it.
Oh, really? What do you think? Does it look good on me? Huh? Yeah It's nice and pretty.
It's a perfect fit too.
But Ruby Yes, grandmother? I You might think I'm just being silly because I'm an old woman, but I think I need to see your belly.
But grandmother There's no need for you to feel shy.
I'm from an older generation.
Some may say I'm being superstitious, but I want to see your belly so that I can tell whether Geumdong's a boy or a girl.
I'm sorry, grandmother, but that'd make me uncomfortable.
What? Why? I'm your grandmother.
I know.
But still Then just take off the maternity belt.
If you have that belt on, it's hard to get an idea of your belly's shape.
Let me see.
I'm sorry, grandmother.
What? It's not like I'm a stranger.
I'm your grandmother-in-law.
Why can't you show it to me? Ruby! What are you doing, grandmother? Remove that maternity belt this instant! Right now! I need to see your stomach with my own eyes.
What's the matter with you? What did I do? Grandmother Why are you doing this to me? I might be judged later, but I have to settle this right now.
Take off the maternity belt.
I don't want to.
Don't you think you're taking this too far? Take it off this instant! Grandmother Take it off right now! I don't want to.
I don't want to.
I'm never going to take it off.
Why not? Why can't you take it off? Why are you refusing to take it off? - Why not? / - Grandmother Just take it off! Grandmother.
Take it off! Why can't you take it off? Grandmother What are you doing to Ruby? Ruby, what's the matter? Grandmother Sera, please help me.
Grandma, stop it.
What is that? Is that Ruby's? Sera, find the bathroom key.
What's the matter? What's wrong, grandma? What's going on, Sera? I don't know.
Grandma and Ruby were fighting over this thing, and then Ruby ran into the bathroom.
Ruby, come on out.
Go and get the bathroom key! Ruby, what's wrong? Bring her out now! I'm sorry, grandmother.
Please forgive me.
You You What have you done? I'm sorry, grandmother.
What's going on? Grandmother, I had a miscarriage.
What? Miscarriage? Ruby.
Grandma! - Grandma.
/ - Mom.
Oh, no.
How's grandmother? Is she okay? I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
I had no choice.
I wasn't trying to deceive anyone.
You have to believe me.
Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me about the miscarriage? You lost our baby, and yet you pretended to be pregnant.
You put on a charade this whole time? I couldn't help it.
If I had come clean, everyone would've hated me, and blamed me for losing the baby.
Even as that baby's father, I wasn't aware that it had died.
Was it fun watching me laugh like a fool? What do you take me for? Do you really just see me as a means to fulfill your ambitions? How could you do this to me? How? I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
I did it because I felt so bad.
I would've understood if you had told me the truth.
Because you would've been more heartbroken than anyone else.
But you don't seem fazed at all.
Does the miscarriage mean nothing to you? Does life mean that little to you? Don't sneer at me! You saw for yourself how happy everyone was when they heard I was pregnant.
They used to say I lacked integrity, that I was greedy, that I was no good.
They criticized me every chance they got.
But when I got pregnant, they doted on me.
They were proud of me.
They offered me good food.
You saw how differently everyone treated me.
And what about you? You were so loving and caring too.
So how could I tell anyone? How could I go back to the way things were? How long did you plan to deceive me? Were you going to steal someone else's baby and bring it to us? You don't know what you're saying! Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? You're the one who's being unreasonable! You know full well that I didn't have a choice.
How dare you judge me? You're supposed to take my side.
You love me.
You love me more than your own life.
I would've taken your side if you were the same Jeong Ruby I fell in love with.
But you're not.
You're not the same Jeong Ruby anymore.
You're insane.
And you're getting even worse.
Please forgive me.
Forgive me, Gyeongmin.
Please forgive me.
You promised me.
You said you'd forgive me no matter what.
I promised you? But you're not the Jeong Ruby I used to know.
Why should I keep that promise? No.
We're through.
Gyeongmin, you can't leave me.
Your breakfast.
Lies, lies, lies! That Ruby I'm at a complete loss for words.
How could she hide that from us? Did she think we'd kick her out because she had a miscarriage? I don't understand how she could've been so unfazed after losing her baby.
Grandma's going to be okay, right? They ran all the necessary tests.
For now, we wait.
What's Gyeongmin going to do, mom? He was about to divorce Ruby before he heard about the pregnancy.
What's he going to do now? What did Dr.
Kim say? Her blood pressure has stabilized, and the MRI test came out clean, so we can relax.
Where's Gyeongmin? He stepped out for a bit.
He's has it rough.
Mom, are you okay? Yes.
Where am I? You're at the hospital, mom.
Do you recognize us? Sera, help me up.
Sure, grandma.
Are you hurting anywhere? Do you feel dizzy? I'm fine.
Poor Geumdong What am I to do? Focus.
You can't back down now.
You just can't.
What are you doing? I came to apologize.
Go home.
You won't be welcome in there.
I'm part of this family.
Have you forgotten? Family? You take that word so lightly.
Father I couldn't bring myself to tell you.
You lost that precious baby, and yet you didn't even shed a tear.
You lied to your in-laws this whole time? You didn't tell them about the miscarriage? Why's everyone blaming me? What did I do wrong? I can't forgive Ruby.
I just don't get her.
Jo told me to drop these off.
You didn't see this coming? If you really loved Gyeongmin, you never would've lied to him like this.
See you next time
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