Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e67 Episode Script

Episode 67

I'm sorry, grandmother.
Mother, father, I'm sorry.
You deceived your parents-in-law, and all you can say is sorry? You had a miscarriage, but you ate the carp broth anyways.
You lied in bed while your husband cooked for you and pampered you.
You bought all kinds of baby products.
And all you can say is what? You're sorry? You're taking this too lightly.
I can't even look at you! Calm down, mother.
You need to be careful.
The miscarriage is heartbreaking, but we would've supported you if you'd just been honest with us.
We would've comforted you because you're family.
I couldn't bring myself to tell you about the miscarriage.
I didn't want to sadden you.
Is that so hard to understand? We would've been sad, but faking your pregnancy is far worse.
I'm too angry to even forgive you.
Let's keep this short.
It's time for you to keep your promise.
It's a promise you made.
If you caused another incident, you promised to leave our house.
You're despicable.
You lost that precious baby, you didn't even shed a tear, then you shamelessly put on a charade.
Get out! Right now! I'm sorry.
But let me explain We don't want to hear any more of your excuses.
Leave now before we make you leave.
Get out right now! Go away! Mother You should do as you're told and leave.
Oh, my head.
You should lie down.
Go to your mother's for now.
That'd be best for all of us.
- Gyeongmin.
/ - Right now, I don't feel like talking to you.
It wasn't my fault.
There's nothing I could've done.
Why's everyone blaming me? What did I do wrong? I'm sorry, my baby.
I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, my baby.
Is that Runa? Oh, my goodness, Ruby.
What's wrong? Gilja.
Gilja! My goodness, Ruby.
What happened? Why'd you come here out of the blue? Did you fight with Gyeongmin? Gilja, look how pale she is.
What happened? Did you get caught? I knew it.
Get caught? Doing what? Ruby had a miscarriage two months ago.
Two months ago? They found out she faked her pregnancy.
What? What did you say? Get up.
Get up.
Let me look at you.
Let me look at you.
Let me look at you.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Ruby, is it true? Did you really have a miscarriage? Hurry up and say something.
It was a spontaneous abortion.
Oh, my goodness.
Ow, my head.
How did it? How? How is your health? What was Runa talking about? You lied to your in-laws this whole time? You didn't tell them about the miscarriage? Why not? Why didn't you tell them? Why weren't you honest? Why did you do this? It wasn't even your fault.
They would've said it was my fault! Everything! Everyone! What? That's why I lied.
I was just trying to survive.
- Ruby.
/ - I didn't want to get kicked out! Why would you even say that? Leave me alone.
Everyone get out.
Get out! Leave me alone! Get out! Get out! This is breaking my heart.
How did this happen? Gilja, leave her alone for now.
Just let her cry.
Just think about how frustrated and heartbroken she must be.
But still She even kept it from me, her own mother.
How could she? How? So it finally happened.
Didn't you see this coming, Jeong Runa? Did you honestly think that things would always go your way? Runa.
Runa, did you know? Did you know about Ruby's miscarriage? Yes.
How? She started bleeding while we were at lunch.
Then you should've told me.
You should've convinced her to come clean.
You know how she is.
She's not the same Ruby she once was.
I told her to be honest.
I even considered telling Gyeongmin myself.
But she begged me not to.
She told me to mind my own business.
She said she'd take care of it by herself.
What are we going to do? I think her in-laws were so upset that they kicked her out.
What if they don't take her back? It's late.
Let's wait it out for now.
I'll try talking to Gyeongmin tomorrow.
You saw for yourself how happy everyone was when they heard I was pregnant.
They doted on me.
And what about you? You were so loving and caring too.
So how could I tell anyone? How could I go back to the way things were? That's a good girl.
Good job.
Hello? Auto, it's me.
Oh, my goodness.
Are you okay, ma'am? Yes.
Don't worry about me.
Is Gyeongmin awake? I'm so worried about him, but I couldn't tell you.
Gyeongmin took off and hasn't come home yet.
He smashed up everything in his room.
What? Then go up to Gyeongmin's room right now.
What? Hurry.
Oh, my goodness.
He broke everything.
He must've been furious.
Poor Gyeongmin.
It's me, ma'am.
Just do what I asked you.
Gyeongmin's not home.
His room's a mess.
How could she? Mother, are you really going through with this? Gyeongsuk, you remember how adamantly I opposed the divorce, right? But this can't go on.
I couldn't sleep, and I spent the entire night thinking about it.
I just don't think I can forgive her anymore.
Just bear that in mind.
And do what needs to be done.
Yes, mother.
Ruby's not up yet? No.
It's amazing how she managed to sleep.
She must've been so nervous.
She probably hasn't slept well in a while.
She might even be relieved now.
So what will happen to Ruby? Will she be able to go back? Of course she will.
They're mad at her now, but I'm sure Gyeongmin will eventually come and get her.
Maybe it's Gyeongmin.
Is it Gyeongmin? It's Gyeongmin, right? - Hang on.
/ - It's Gyeongmin, right? Who is it? I was sent here by Chairman Bae.
Chairman Bae? That's our chauffeur.
They sent Mr.
Kim to take me home.
- Hello.
/ - You must be here to take Ruby home.
See, Gilja? Gyeongmin's in-laws would never kick Ruby out.
Aunt Chorim, mom, I'll be off.
I'll call.
Run along.
Um Ms.
Jo told me to drop these off.
Grandmother asked you to drop what off? I'll be going then.
Oh, no What now? Wait a minute.
So Ruby got kicked out? Is that it? Ow.
Ow, my head.
Are you okay? This is too much.
Let's go.
Get the suitcases.
I don't believe this.
Happy now? Does my misery bring you pleasure? You must be thrilled.
You didn't see this coming? You should've been honest from the start.
You lied about this being Gyeongmin's idea, didn't you? I never believed it anyway.
Gyeongmin would never do that.
Shut your mouth.
Why are you taking it out on me? What did I do? You're happy I got kicked out, aren't you? Why didn't you just expose me from the start? Why didn't you just tell everyone? Why would I? This was all your doing.
So you could drag me down with you? No thanks.
I'm not a complete idiot.
For a single car accident, did you trade away your soul? Is that how you became capable of deceiving your own family and husband? Remember your marriage? You know better than anyone else, how difficult it was to get married.
But you ruined it all by being careless.
That's why I think you're a complete idiot.
If you cared about mom and Aunt Chorim, you never would've done this.
If you really loved Gyeongmin, you never would've lied to him like this.
Did you ever even love Gyeongmin? Don't try to love him.
You don't deserve love of any kind.
That evil little She was waiting for this to happen.
She was waiting.
Has her memory returned? No.
There's no way.
Chorim, take Soyeong and go to the restaurant.
Gilja, who cares about the restaurant? We'll just take the day off.
We can't do that.
We have to make a living.
Yu, should I make you some porridge? No.
That's okay.
What's up with Gyeongmin? Why hasn't he called? Gilja Don't cry, Gilja.
How could.
How could this have happened? How? That Ruby How could she do this? Chorim.
Hey, Jeong Ruby! Open up right now! Open up! Come on out.
We need to talk.
I told you to open the door.
Calm down, Chorim.
Don't make things worse.
Do you think this is politics? Keeping yourself locked in and staying silent won't save you from anything.
If you don't want to see your mom die, hurry up and open this door.
You need to take care of this mess, you brat! Chorim.
You're killing me Ruby.
It's been one thing after another.
You've caused one problem after another since you got married.
How's Ms.
Jo, Gyeongsuk? I had Sera give her some porridge.
I've come to get some clothes.
How's Gyeongmin? Don't even get me started.
Last night, I thought the house was going to collapse.
He smashed and broke everything.
In the morning, his room was a pigsty.
The vanity mirror is all cracked, and that beautiful crib was torn to pieces.
I just got done cleaning.
I sent Ruby's stuff with Mr.
Kim like Ms.
Jo asked me to.
Can you make some porridge for mother? Gilja, it's me.
Yes, Gyeongsuk.
I should tell you in person, but the situation's rather I'm sure you heard from Ruby, but Gyeongsuk, why don't we meet somewhere That would be the right thing to do, but mother fainted yesterday and she's been hospitalized.
What? Ms.
Jo? There was the TV talk show incident and then the embezzlement scandal.
Ruby put us through quite a lot, but we tried to look past all that because we considered her family.
But we've finally come to realize that Ruby doesn't consider us family.
If she did, she never would've been able to deceive her husband and in-laws like this.
But it's not like she was never pregnant.
You know that.
You saw that Ruby had a baby at one point.
There's no excuse for how she deceived everyone, but can't you try and put yourself in her shoes? Whatever the reason, she lied to us and pretended to be pregnant the whole time.
I'm shocked and dumbfounded.
So I followed mother's orders and had her things sent to your house.
Mother's decision is final.
So what should Ruby do now? Are you really abandoning her? She's still your daughter-in-law.
I don't know.
Considering what's happened between Gyeongmin and Ruby, do I really need to spell it out for you? When Gyeongmin said he wanted a divorce, mother staunchly opposed.
But not this time.
I'm sure this is all rather sudden, but even if there are difficulties ahead, I'm certain you'll respect our decision.
I have to go now.
What did she say? Why did you do it? Why would you do such a thing? Why did you do such a senseless thing? What were you trying to prove? For what reason did you need to lie? You weren't always like this.
Why? Why? What was I supposed to do? Would you be okay if I was kicked out? You think I could have prevented this? You think they would've kept me around? They wouldn't have.
They wouldn't have! What's the matter with you? You weren't like this before.
You never caused me any grief.
So where did that good girl go? As soon as you got married, you had a fiasco at work, messed up your talk show, got accused of embezzlement, and now this? What happened to you? You weren't like this! What's gotten into you? I was desperate.
I was surrounded by enemies.
I had no one on my side.
Why didn't you just tell Gyeongmin the truth? Or what about me? You could've told me! I'd do anything for you! I'm your mother.
Why didn't you tell me? Why? What am I going to do now, mom? I can't let it end like this.
I worked so hard to get to where I am.
Mom, please save me.
You can do it, right? You just said it.
You'd do anything for me.
Come with me to go beg for forgiveness.
Let's do that.
I'll get down on my knees and beg.
I'll do that for you.
Good heavens.
You poor thing.
It must've been awful for you.
It's killing me.
How did you tolerate it? How could you act like everything was fine when you lost your baby? Didn't it hurt? That baby wasn't meant to be.
It wasn't that baby's destiny to come into this world.
It should've held on.
It should've done everything in its power to survive! It's the baby's fault it died! You were its mother.
What? Held on? It was the baby's fault? How can you say such things? What about you? As a mother, what have you done for me? My husband's about to leave me.
Everything I've worked for is about to come crumbling down.
You're supposed to protect me.
But you're just going to criticize me, and blame me for everything? Not a single word of comfort! How can you criticize and despise me like everyone else does? You're my mother.
You're on my side! Who helped you open your restaurant, get an apartment, and live in this city? Did you forget? It's all thanks to me.
It was all my doing! What did you say? You Did you just say that to your own mother? What about you? You didn't used to treat me this way.
You always trusted me and took my side.
So what happened? Why are you pushing me away? Runa's the adopted daughter.
I'm Ruby now.
So why are you being like this? How did you tolerate it? How could you act like everything was fine when you lost your baby? Didn't it hurt? For a single car accident, did you trade away your soul? Is that how you became capable of deceiving your own family and husband? I would've taken your side if you were the same Jeong Ruby I fell in love with.
But you're not.
You're not the same Jeong Ruby anymore.
You're insane.
And you're getting even worse.
I had a miscarriage.
Miscarriage? Ruby.
What are you saying? Grandma.
Did you get some sleep? What are you doing here? I'm meeting someone.
You must be upset over Ruby, Gyeongmin.
Remember when you asked me if I'd be able to forgive Ruby even if she did something terrible, something utterly unforgivable? I was reminded last night.
And I asked myself that question many times throughout the night.
If Ruby was the still same Ruby I fell in love with, I would've been able to find the answer much sooner.
But Unfortunately, that's not the case.
You fool.
You still don't know that Ruby is a fake, and that I'm the real Jeong Ruby.
Was it the traffic accident that changed her so much? Or did the five years we spent apart end up becoming our downfall? Have all the credit cards been canceled and the bank accounts frozen? You'll see, Jeong Runa.
I'll show you what you can never have, no matter how hard you try.
Runa looks completely different from when we saw her at our first lunch.
I've hit rock bottom Why are you sitting in my seat? Why? Are you out of your mind? After what you've done, you're asking me about your credit cards? Ruby's not that kind of person.
Please save me, Gyeongmin.
Please give me another chance.
See you next time
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