Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e68 Episode Script

Episode 68

I used to listen to this song with Ruby.
Back then, I couldn't even imagine this scenario.
What are you going to do now? If you were in my shoes, what would you do? Does this marriage mean anything? No, it doesn't.
Because it was all a sham.
I can't forgive Ruby.
I just don't get her.
I've tried to believe her and understand her, but she's become totally unrecognizable.
It'd be better to take some time to think, for both you and Ruby.
This is so strange.
How is it that I'm telling you these things? You're right.
I hate you.
I hate you and I resent you.
I should go.
- See you around.
/ - See you.
So they found out? How's Runa doing? Are you worried? Do you still care? It's not that It figures.
Love isn't something you can just free yourself from.
Just when you think you've moved on, it creeps back up like a weed.
What about you? I don't know.
This is all Jeong Runa's mess, but the main victim seems to be Gyeongmin.
That's why I'm angry.
That's not what I'm asking.
I want to know about you.
Have your love crept back up like a weed? Is it so hard to free yourself from your love for Bae Gyeongmin? What's the answer you're hoping for? I only have one true love.
I should go.
Oh, right.
The TV interview's today, right? Break a leg.
I'm nervous.
I don't know if I'll do a good job.
You said you were going to act like Runa.
If that's the case, you'll do just fine.
All set.
How much longer do we have to do this? This is killing me.
Watch what you say.
It's our livelihood.
Why don't we find other work? Dongpal, swallow your pride and go back to work at the chicken joint.
You said they were nice people.
I'm sure they'll take you back.
Enough with the nonsense.
Go to sleep.
We have work in the morning.
Good grief.
I know you're a proud man, but this is just too much.
Do you have a reservation? No.
Are there any rooms available? Let me check.
Just a moment.
We happen to have a suite.
Would you like to take that? A suite? Yes.
It's a perfect room for a VVVIP like yourself, Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
Do you know me? Of course.
You're a celebrity.
I'll take the suite then.
Thank you.
I'll pay now.
Yes, ma'am.
I'm sorry, but do you have another card? Something's wrong.
The payment won't go through.
That's odd.
I'll pay with this then.
Of course.
This one's not working either.
Are you sure you swiped it properly? The card was working just fine earlier.
So you took care of everything? Right.
Have all the credit cards been canceled and the bank accounts frozen? Okay.
Isn't it a bit too harsh to cancel all her credit cards? What are you talking about? Let me handle this.
It's really nothing compared to what she did to us.
Yes, but still I can't trust her anymore.
I refuse to trust her.
Where are you going at this hour? To mother.
But Gyeongmin's staying with her today.
Gyeongmin's not himself either.
It'd be better for me to go.
Get some rest.
Gyeongsuk, you're going to see Ms.
Jo at the hospital, right? Yes.
Why? I'll come with you.
Wait for me, okay? I'll get changed and be right out.
There's no time.
Come by with me later.
It makes me sad to hear you say that.
What are you talking about? Ms.
Jo and I have gotten very close.
And yet you want me to come later? Are you saying I'm not family? Okay.
Hurry up and get changed.
I'll be right back.
Hang on.
Good grief.
Transaction failed Please retrieve your card.
You're all set, right, Ms.
Jeong? How do you feel? It's a live show.
I'm so nervous.
Just try and relax.
What if I slip up and cause a problem? If you do, you'll be held accountable.
What? It was a joke.
I'm trying to help you relax.
We're going on air in 30 minutes.
Standby, please.
You have such a pretty face.
You'll look great on screen.
Thank you.
You'll see, Jeong Runa.
I'll show you what you can never have, no matter how hard you try.
You can steal my face and act like me, but there's something you'll never have.
You just watch, Jeong Runa.
Jeong Runa.
How did you end up like this? What do I do now? Will Gyeongmin forgive me? What if my in-laws don't take me back? What do I do then? Where can I go now? I can't go to my in-laws' or to mom's.
There's no place to go.
What are you going to do, Jeong Runa? What now? My wife is a huge fan.
What? Healing Sense.
Everyone's talking about it.
Oh Thank you.
Now, don't be nervous, and just talk like you'd normally talk.
Welcome to 'Hot Personality.
' Today's guest is the maker of Healing Essence, which made $10 million in sales last month.
Please welcome Jeong Runa.
Hello, I'm Jeong Runa.
It's an honor to meet you.
I first want to ask, what was the inspiration behind Healing Sense? I see.
These days, consumers worry about health.
Even for a simple beverage, people try and make smart, healthy choices Wow.
When Runa's up there, she's like a totally different person.
Even back in Chuncheon, the camera loved Runa.
Right, Gilja? Of course.
She's pretty.
Cheer up, Gilja.
The whole Ruby debacle will work itself out.
It's not like she totally faked the pregnancy.
She probably wanted to tell them, but just couldn't find the right time.
And to be frank I'm just going to say it.
Aren't Ruby's in-laws are taking this too far? The person who's suffering the most is the mother who just lost her baby.
I understand how upset they must be.
But do you kick Ruby out over that? I agree.
I wonder if it was something else.
Ruby's not that kind of girl.
She's changed a bit, but Ruby's still Ruby.
Don't worry, okay? Yeah, Mrs.
Don't worry.
Ruby will be fine.
I guess you're right.
I thought it would be a good idea to make it more absorptive.
It's designed to boost the immune system raise metabolism, improve skin My goodness.
To create the best product to satisfy She's so eloquent too.
She's totally changed since we first met her.
I thought she was messed up, but she's one smart egg.
Ruby used to be just like that.
Oh, my goodness, ma'am! This is just awful.
You're going to be okay, right? You'll get better soon, right? Listen, Auto.
Pipe down.
Has someone died? Why are you crying? Why don't you start planning my funeral? That's a terrible thing to say, ma'am.
Why are you talking about your own funeral? Mother, how do you feel? My headache's back thanks to Auto.
Why did you bring her along? She said she had to see you and made a scene.
By the way, where did Gyeongmin go? He stepped outside to take a call.
To take a call? You can stay at your mom's for now.
What? What'd you say? Are you out of your mind? You made grandma faint.
You destroyed our home.
And what? Credit cards? I can't talk now.
I'll call you later.
Gyeongmin, don't hang up.
Let me explain.
Gyeongmin! Hon! I see.
One more question.
Now this may be somewhat personal.
What was the happiest moment of your life? The happiest moment of my life? I'm not sure The happiest moment of my life was when the man I love proposed to me.
That was the happiest moment of my life.
A marriage proposal? So then, does that mean you're seeing someone? Gyeongmin.
Oh What are you doing here? Hey, mom.
I was just The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting Lee Eunji.
Why aren't you picking up? What is this, Jeong Ruby? What are you doing there? I've hit rock bottom Why are you sitting in my seat? Why? Yes.
You've always do this.
When I'm at my lowest, you're at the top.
When I was crying over my breakup with Insu, you were happy about your engagement.
When I didn't get into college, you got into the best school with the top score.
When I got fired from that pathetic cable TV network, you got engaged to the rich and successful Bae Gyeongmin.
And now that my in-laws have kicked me out and I'm wandering the streets aimlessly, you're soaring again.
Why? Why? Why do you always get the happy ending? I'm Jeong Ruby now.
So why do you still have it all? Why? Why? Why? One final question.
I understand that your sister is the famous host Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
What does your sister mean to you? What does she mean to me? Sisters often walk the fine line between being best friends and being cutthroat rivals.
I'm not sure.
My sister and I are very close.
We share a lot of important things that we can't share with anyone else.
We're close enough to share our love.
It's pretty rare.
I'm sorry, Jeong Ruby.
This is all my fault.
But is Bae Gyeongmin the only man you can love? Even when you know you can never have him again? Can't you just move on? What am I supposed to do? What can I do to make sure you're happy? Huh? Where's Ruby? She must have gone back to her in-laws'.
But her things are still here.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Where did she go? What's wrong? She's not picking up? She's probably back at her in-laws'.
Where else would she be? Don't worry.
It'll be fine.
Chorim's right.
She'll probably come back with Gyeongmin later to get her things.
Is something wrong, Ruby? You called a million times.
Where are you? That was quick.
What's up? What brings the great Ruby to my humble abode? I'm going to spend the night here.
What? Why? I can't? It's fine.
By the way, did you and Gu Yeonho really break up? Huh? Yeah Turns out, he's a real scoundrel.
He lied to me about so many things.
I feel sick just thinking about him.
I don't know what to believe.
Did you see Runa on TV today? She looked great.
You two are the luckiest sisters.
Anything you guys do gets you on TV.
No matter what I do, I can't seem to get my lucky break.
Do you think Runa might become as a big a celebrity as you? Be quiet and turn off the lights.
Are you really going to sleep here? Won't your in-laws get mad? Are you serious? You're married.
Go back home.
Mind your own business.
Did you get kicked out? What did you do this time, Jeong Ruby? Why would I get kicked out? How is it that with every word you say, you become less likeable? What did I do? In any case, shut up.
And if you tell anyone I'm here, I won't forgive you.
Yes, your Highness.
Such a hassle.
What? I didn't say anything.
What's this smell? Dad, were you at the construction site again? Hey, son.
Your feet stink.
You should've washed your feet at least.
Jihyeok, save your poor uncle.
Your dad, that dung beetle, won't go alone.
He always drags me to work with him.
Aren't you trying to earn money? We have a debt to pay off.
I'll get sick and die before I pay off that stupid debt.
Ow, ow, ow.
Ow, my back.
She's probably back at her in-laws'.
Where else would she be? But why'd she keep her miscarriage a secret? She was straight as an arrow, she never used to lie.
So why did she deceive her family? Ruby's not that kind of person.
She'd never do that.
Maybe Was there something else she was hiding? Chorim, Mrs.
Yu will be okay, right? Huh? Yeah.
Of course.
Why do you think Ruby did it? Everyone was so happy about the baby.
She didn't want to disappoint anyone.
You know what a sweetheart Ruby is.
Poor Ruby.
She lost her baby, and her in-laws hate her.
I feel you.
Welcome back Jeong Runa! We saw you on TV.
The camera loves you more than ever.
You were amazing.
Where's mom? Your mom? In her room.
Why? Is something wrong? Of course not.
She's just worried about Ruby.
Mom, it's me.
Are you okay? I saw the interview.
You looked so pretty.
And you spoke very well.
Are you feeling all right? You look pale.
I'm just tired.
The interview must have been tough.
Go get some sleep.
How did those two change so much? Looks like you didn't sleep at all.
Can we talk? Did you talk to Ruby? Why did she do it? I don't know.
When I see her face, I get so mad that I can't carry on a rational conversation.
A rational conversation? Bae Gyeongmin.
Did you learn about love through books? What part of love is rational? Go and see Ruby right now and ask her why she did it.
There must be a reason why she needed to tell such a terrible lie.
And when you see her, listen with your heart, not with your mind.
This is the problem with smart men like you.
You always try to resolve everything with your mind, logic and reason.
But the truth is, this world is neither rational nor logical.
I feel sorry for Ruby.
Because she had to hide the miscarriage.
And because there's no one who's in more pain than Ruby.
Wouldn't you say? Ruby, what are you doing? Are you going home? Do you have something more conservative? Conservative? Why? Just answer the question! You don't have to yell.
Don't be so snappy.
You can ask nicely, you know? You're just like Runa when you get like this.
If I had my eyes closed, I would've mistaken you for her.
I told you never to say that.
Did you not hear me? Huh? My lips kind of went crazy for a moment.
Hang on.
Fashion makes a big difference.
Now you look like Jeong Ruby.
What's wrong, mother? Just have another bite.
I've had enough.
Put it away.
Mother, you need to eat if you want to regain your strength.
What would be the point? I don't have a great-grandson to look after.
I still can't believe what's happened.
I never thought I'd go through something like this.
Yes? How do you feel, grandma? Well.
I'm not dead yet.
I'm sorry, grandma.
It's all my fault.
No, it's not.
Definitely not.
Gyeongmin, none of this is your fault.
You talked to Dr.
Kim, right? What did he say? He said everything's back to normal.
She'll be out by tomorrow.
What a relief.
You have to get to work, right? Yes.
I'll be back in the evening, grandma.
Don't come.
I don't want to see you.
Don't worry about me.
Go home after work and get some rest.
I'm in bad shape, but not as bad as you.
Go look into a mirror.
My poor pumpkin.
Where did that handsome face go? Gyeongmin.
Why are you here? What do you mean? I came to see you.
Grandma too.
Stop it.
Let go.
I'm sorry.
Are you sure about that? Just listen to me first.
I know I messed up.
But I had my reasons.
Didn't you already explain those reasons? Just listen anyways.
I feel sorry for Ruby.
Because she had to hide the miscarriage.
And because there's no one who's in more pain than Ruby.
Wouldn't you say? Fine.
Go ahead.
But you have to tell me the truth.
Not what you've already told me, but the real truth.
Tell me why you had no choice so that I can understand and be on your side.
Be completely honest.
Gyeongmin Yes.
I should just tell him everything.
Then maybe he'll forgive me.
He'll never forgive me.
He doesn't trust me.
So what insurance do I have? Why are you hesitating? Just be honest and tell me the truth.
I was scared.
Your family was so happy.
I didn't want to disappoint them.
That's the truth.
You have to believe me.
I do believe you.
But I'm certain there's more to it than that.
More? What are you talking about? Don't you believe me? It's true.
I was going to tell you right away, but you were so happy, I just couldn't get myself to do it.
That's the truth.
And we're back to this again.
I don't think you're being honest.
This all sounds like a calculated excuse.
It just sounds like a blatant lie.
I just don't get why Ruby took it this far.
After what you did, I want you to sever ties with Gyeongmin.
You have no right to come between Gyeongmin and me.
I don't know why Ruby did what she did.
She's changed a lot.
She's not the old Ruby.
Insu, do you want to go abroad with me? The person who created this nightmare might be me, not Runa.
I have to put an end to this nightmare.
You had a mole between your toes, but it's not there anymore.
See you next time
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