Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e69 Episode Script

Episode 69

I don't know what to do anymore.
Please help me, Gyeongmin.
Just this once.
Just give me one more chance.
I was scared.
I did it because I was scared.
I didn't want to lose you.
That's the truth.
I swear.
Why did you think you'd lose me? You had that little faith in me? You went through all that, and you decided to fool your husband? What is the foundation of love? Mutual trust.
You have to trust the person you love.
But you didn't trust me.
And now, I can't trust you either.
I trust you.
I'll trust you.
Stay with your mother for the time being.
You, me, my folks, we all need some time.
No, Gyeongmin.
We're married.
We have to be together, so please talk to Like I said, we all need some time.
So are you planning to divorce me? That's one option.
I have things to do.
Just stay with your mother for now.
When my folks calm down some, we'll talk again.
Hon, we're a married couple.
I know.
At least for now.
What do I do? What am I supposed to do now? Think, Jeong Runa.
You've done well so far.
You can do this.
You can do this.
Good job.
Thank you.
Runa, would you like some coffee? You heard about your sister, right? What happened? I don't know either.
I don't know where to begin.
I'm just not sure about why Ruby took things so far.
I want to understand, but I can't.
I'm hurting too, Gyeongmin.
I'm this close, I'm right in front of you, but there's nothing I can do for you.
I want to caress your face, but I can't.
I want to hold you in my arms, but I can't.
Gyeongmin, what should I do? Runa, do you get Ruby? I don't know what to say I feel you.
You're her sister after all.
How can someone change so much? A person's innate character isn't so easily changed.
Ruby, what are you doing here? You should have called first.
What if Ms.
Jo finds out? I can't even come to my own home? Is this some stranger's house? No, but still Ms.
Jo had your things sent to you, and Changgeun What I'm trying to say is, you should lay low and not ruffle any feathers.
Do you Hello, father.
I came to tell you something.
I don't want to hear anything from you.
But you must, father.
How dare you? Why should I listen to anything you say? I'm sorry.
But I had my reasons.
If you just let me explain You're always full of excuses.
Father You are opposed to everything this family holds dear.
I've finally come to realize that.
After what you did, I want you to sever ties with Gyeongmin.
I can't do that.
What did you say? They say marriage is a union ordained by the heavens.
You have no right to come between Gyeongmin and me.
How dare you? Ruby, that was uncalled for.
How can you talk back to your father-in-law like that? Ms.
Jang? Geumhui, get me a glass of cold water.
I'm sorry, father.
I didn't mean to deceive anyone Please leave.
I'll be back tomorrow.
Tomorrow? Yes.
There's no need.
Until I call you back, don't come near here.
You're too much.
That was too brutal.
Oh, my goodness.
What am I going to do now, mom? I can't let it end like this.
I worked so hard to get here.
Mom, please save me.
You can do it, right? You just said it.
You'd do anything for me.
Yu's acting strange, Chorim.
Ruby won't actually get divorced, right? Don't even say that.
You think divorce is easy? You're right.
Getting divorced is just as difficult as getting married.
What? I thought you were going to get hitched, but here you are now.
You'd better watch it.
Don't be an idiot.
What's that got to do with anything? Ow.
Was I wrong? I can't be sitting here like this.
My daughter's happiness is at stake.
Hey, Gilja.
Where are you going? What are we supposed to do if she just takes off like that? Does she want us to close the restaurant? Darn it.
Chorim, let's just take the day off.
It's not like we can focus anyways.
Shut up.
Shut up.
What is the matter with you? Where is your sense of loyalty? Jo Ilsun Gilja.
Oh, hello.
How's your mother-in-law? She's doing much better now.
I know we talked on the phone, but I wanted to come and talk to Ms.
Jo in person.
Please just go back.
I'm sorry.
Mother's just finally recovered.
Seeing you might make her relapse.
Even so, please let me meet her.
I have to see her.
I'll get down on knees if I have to.
Please don't.
I'm begging you.
Ruby's actions made mother faint.
If you were in my position, what would you do? Please go back.
Gyeongmin Shouldn't you have lunch? No.
I'm fine.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
I'm deeply ashamed.
Please don't be, mother.
No matter how I look at it, I can't figure out why Ruby did that.
It's so unlike her.
Ruby's not that kind of person.
Why did she do it? She's changed a lot.
She's not the old Ruby.
What do you mean? Her personality, speech, behavior, everything's changed.
I can't put it into words.
I don't know what to tell you, mother.
Do you think maybe it's because you keep thinking she's changed? Just because she keeps causing trouble I don't know what it would take for Ruby to go back to her former self.
Gyeongmin I'm so very sorry, but please give Ruby just one more chance.
Let's be a little more patient with her.
That's all I can tell you right now.
I'm begging you.
For my sake For my sake, try and understand her.
Please, Gyeongmin.
I'm starving.
What should we eat? Let's get good food.
Meat? Ribs.
What's my sister-in-law doing here? Have some water and slow down.
You might choke.
What's going on? You don't need to know.
What's up with Runa? Runa? Which Runa? The Runa who's sitting in front of me or the poor woman who believes she's Runa? She has her memory back, doesn't she? What are you talking about? If her memory has returned, wouldn't she have done something? If you were her, would you just sit back? I suppose not.
There's a strange rumor going around.
Strange rumor? That you were kicked out by your in-laws.
Why would people say that? What's going on? Insu, do you want to go abroad with me? Should we go abroad and start over? What are you talking about? You may deny it, but you can't fool me.
You still love me.
Let's leave everything behind.
Right now.
Do I look like a pushover to you? I was madly in love with you at one point, so now I'm a joke to you? Didn't I already tell you? Every trace of affection I once I had for you is completely gone now.
Weren't you the one who said love doesn't exist? You hit the nail on the head.
So you really don't love me anymore? Love? How many times do I have to tell you? I don't care about you anymore.
Because if I did, I wouldn't just be sitting here.
Are you in love with Jeong Ruby? So you are in love with her.
I will protect Ruby until the end.
I wasn't really serious.
I'm not crazy.
Why would I even consider moving overseas with you? I was making a joke.
I have to go.
See you.
What's this? Take it.
You seem to be pressed for cash.
Who asked you to take pity on me? It's not that Give me a break.
I'm not desperate enough to accept your charity.
I'm still alive and kicking.
Runa, where are the two of us No.
Where do you suppose the four of us are headed? What will happen to us if the truth comes to light? No one will forgive us, right? It's unforgivable, isn't it? Gyeongmin, come up and have dinner.
That's okay, mother.
I still have some work to finish up.
Really? I suppose I can't ask you to stay if you have work to do.
Run along then.
Have a good evening.
Gyeongmin, please forgive Ruby just one more time.
I beg you.
I have to go.
Why are you breaking my heart? How can you make things so hard for me when you know how much I love you? Didn't I already tell you? Every trace of affection I once had for you are now completely gone.
Weren't you the one who said love doesn't exist? You hit the nail on the head.
I want to protect Ruby until the end.
Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby.
I have nothing, but you've captured both their hearts.
No matter how hard I try, no matter what I do, I can't have anything.
Why do you - Mother.
/ - Oh? Why'd you leave the hospital so soon? Don't worry, Changgeun.
I'm fine now.
What if something goes terribly wrong? You should've talked her out of it.
How can you just bring her home like this? Mother said it's more comfortable here.
And the doctor said it was okay.
Don't worry, Changgeun.
Don't blame Gyeongsuk.
I insisted on coming home.
Welcome back, ma'am.
Auto's the only one here who's welcoming me back.
My goodness, mom.
Mom, grandma, what is this? Huh? What's what? You should've told me you were being discharged.
I went to the hospital for nothing.
I'm such a scatterbrain.
I forgot to tell you.
I'm sorry, Sera.
Insu, do you want to go overseas with me? Why don't we go abroad and start over? Should I just do as Runa says and move overseas with her? Would that end this nightmare for the four of us? If I were to leave Ruby Perhaps leaving her would be in her best interest.
Insu, you might be the worst of all of us.
At least I'm honest about my desires.
You act so innocent and pure, but you've pursued your desires more aggressively than anyone else, all in the name of love.
Like Runa said, I might be the worst person in all this.
The person who created this nightmare might be me, not Runa.
I have to put an end to this nightmare.
But how? How can I stop this nightmare? You weren't picking up.
I got the green light.
I'm heading to Gangneung for the shoot.
I'll be away for a few days.
You might not be able to reach me.
I don't know what's going on with you, but stop being stubborn and go back to your in-laws'.
The longer you wait, the harder it'll get.
Bye then.
I had a great time.
Have a good night then.
You too, Runa.
It's been ages since I've had so much fun.
Me too.
We should do this more often, Runa.
Are you two going home together again? Only because we live in the same area.
What could all these coincidences mean? No way.
We just happen to live close to each other.
In any case, it's late.
You two should go.
See you tomorrow.
Something's up with them, right, Runa? I mean, Ms.
Jeong? It sounds weird.
No, it doesn't.
It's got a nice ring to it.
It's strangely familiar, like I've said it a 1,000 times.
Maybe it's because of Ruby.
By the way, are the rumors about Ruby true? Ever since the accident, it's just been one thing after another for her.
Nothing's been easy for her lately.
Give her the support she needs.
I'm off then.
See you tomorrow.
See you.
What is it, Insu? What is it? It's very late.
I saw Runa.
She asked me to move overseas with her.
She said we should leave everything behind.
I want to ask you something.
If I leave with Runa, will you end your revenge right here? If that's what you want, I'll do it for you.
And then what? After you leave, what will be left for me? After you leave, if I tell Gyeongmin who I really am, will he come back to me? All that will happen is that Runa will be gone.
What good will that do? You can forget me, Runa, and even Gyeongmin and start over.
Do you think that's possible? If you get your revenge, will that bring Gyeongmin back? Will things go back to the way they were? Forgetting everything and being happy might just be the sweetest revenge.
Find someone new and start a new life.
I can't forget anything.
A new life without Gyeongmin holds no meaning for me.
Is mother sleeping? Yes.
I saw her fall asleep.
Thank goodness she's all right.
I was really worried about her.
Let's take better care of her from now on.
Say, Changgeun.
What are you going to do about Ruby? Are you going to make them divorce? Ruby's mother came by the hospital today.
She said she'd get down on her knees if that would make us forgive Ruby.
It broke my heart.
I couldn't bear to see her like that.
I'm sure Ruby had her reasons.
She was pregnant at one point.
I've thought about it long and hard, and I think it might be true that she kept the miscarriage from us because we were so excited about the baby.
Why don't we just give her another chance? Let's just go to bed.
I don't believe a thing Ruby says.
I was so wrong about her.
Why are you making red bean porridge at this hour? Just wait a little, Chorim.
You'll get to taste the best red bean porridge in the world.
Late night snacks make you gain weight.
Is it ready? Don't forget to put in the sticky rice balls.
Don't fret.
Just wait a little longer.
Gyeongmin, please forgive Ruby just one more time.
I beg you.
I have to go.
What do I do? I have a bad feeling about this.
What if Gyeongmin doesn't take Ruby back? Should I meet with him again? I wonder how she's doing.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Why won't she pick up? I hope she's not in trouble.
Gilja, even if you're not hungry, come have some red bean porridge.
Red bean porridge? Soyeong made it for you to get your spirits up.
Isn't that sweet? Come and have some.
Oh, my goodness.
You made this all by yourself? My memory's hazy, but mom used to make me red bean porridge in the winter.
Her red bean porridge was the best.
Go ahead and try it, Mrs.
It's delicious.
It's nice and thick.
Really? Is it good? I better try it.
Ow, it's hot.
Did you give me the hottest bowl on purpose? Did you want my mouth to burn? You're being ridiculous.
Red bean porridge is supposed to be hot.
You have to eat it like this.
Oh come on.
Soyeong, you're so smart and talented.
You're going to be the best wife ever.
Thank you, Mrs.
Welcome back.
Hey, Runa.
Would you like some? Red bean porridge? Soyeong made it.
Because your mom hasn't been eating.
She's better than we are.
Thank you, Soyeong.
Don't mention it.
How do you feel, mom? I'm fine.
Ruby will get over this.
Don't worry.
Ruby's not your average girl.
Yes, Chorim.
She'll get over this.
Mom, I have something to tell you.
Mom, I - got a promotion.
/ -Wow! Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, my goodness.
Good heavens.
Soyeong, go and get a washcloth so we can wipe this off.
Oh, my goodness.
Are you okay? Isn't it hot? Oh, my goodness.
Don't, Chorim.
You'll burn your hands.
Thank goodness it's just warm.
That was a close call.
Why are you always so clumsy? I, um It's just the way I am.
I can't help it.
Are you proud of it? It's okay, mom.
I can do it.
No, don't.
You'll get your hands dirty.
You had a mole between your toes, but it's not there anymore.
What? Did it just go away on its own? I guess so.
Is my sister here? Why would Ruby be here? Did her in-laws kick her out or something? You don't suppose something's happened to her, do you? If she's not here, where can she be? She's probably hiding somewhere plotting another evil plan.
Please help my dad.
I can disappear forever if that's what you two want.
I should've held back.
I'm her mother I'm happy.
I'm not crazy.
See you next time
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