Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e71 Episode Script

Episode 71

Jeong Chorim.
I know how much you like the guy, but have a little self-respect, you idiot.
Darn it! But then again I'm really desperate.
Maybe I should just see where this goes.
No, no.
If I do this, I'll seem more desperate.
Right? Of course.
Episode 71 Are we going to keep working in construction? At this rate, we'll end up breaking our backs! The work season's almost over.
When it gets cold, we won't be able to work.
We have to save up before we get old.
We both served time.
Who else would hire us? Mrs.
Yu only hired me because she's a nice person.
Listen, Noh Dongpal.
Let's set the record straight.
She didn't hire you because she's nice.
She hired you because she didn't know.
What are you going to do about Beanpole? What can I do? As soon as that bomb dropped, my marriage and my future with her were blown to pieces.
Why's she so hung up on marrying a bachelor? If you have a grown stepson, it means you don't have to raise another kid.
Shut up.
Ow, ow, my back.
I'm sore all over.
What do I do? You won't take anything from me.
Not over my dead body.
I'd rather die than give anything to you.
This face, this name, I will take them with me to the grave.
She's going to kill herself? No.
No way.
Is Ruby back? Has she called? No.
Not yet.
She was at Eunji's for a while, but she's not there anymore either.
I was going to find Eunji's address and visit her myself.
Where can she be? She's not at her in-laws' either.
I should've held myself back.
I'm her mother I should've comforted her.
After all, all she took with her was her purse.
How long can she last out there? What if people recognize her and humiliate her? Ruby Don't you know how resilient Runa is? That resilience is all she has going for.
If she calls, I'll meet her and bring her to your place.
Jeong Runa, where did you go? Hey.
Vice President Bae.
Jeong Ruby was staying at Eunji's.
Oh, really? But she left Eunji's place.
No one knows where she is.
I thought you might want to know.
Take it easy.
Kimbap and Pork Cutlets Look who we have here.
If it isn't Mrs.
Why are you so startled? You know me.
But I guess you wouldn't recognize us.
We're Mr.
Gu Yeonho's associates.
Looks like you're in a pinch.
Should we help you for old time's sake? No.
Just go.
Hey now, you're a smart one, don't turn down a good offer.
Don't come near me.
We're not going to hurt you.
How about a picture, then? It's rare to meet such a celebrity.
It would be an honor if you'd take a picture with us.
You said you were Mr.
Gu's associates, right? So you must know that Mr.
Gu's still working for me.
You said you wanted to help me.
Is that true? Of course.
I'm not a liar.
Fine then.
I helped you make a lot of money.
You can return the favor by lending me money.
How much do you have? What did you say? Open up! Open up right now! Get lost or I'll call the cops.
Shut up! Shut up, you lowlives! When you see how happy we are, you'll realize how meaningless and miserable your life is.
You'll keep longing for true love and end up living a sad and lonely life.
Why would you do such a thing? Why? Why did you do such a senseless thing? What were you trying to prove? For what reason did you need to lie? You're not the same Jeong Ruby anymore.
You're insane.
And you're getting even worse.
I'm not crazy.
I'm happy.
I'm not crazy.
Because I'm Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby is who I am.
I'm home.
Grandma, why are you out here? You should go to bed.
Gyeongmin, are you hurt? Of course.
You must be hurting.
I'm sorry, grandma.
I wanted you to see me happy.
I'm sorry too.
I'm sorry I couldn't be more understanding of Ruby.
But Gyeongmin, it just wasn't meant to be.
I know, dad.
Don't worry.
And don't you worry either, mom.
I'll go upstairs then.
He's lost so much weight.
Ma'am, let's go to your room.
I'll give you a massage.
Ruby's not at her mother's, right? No.
Where could she be? It's cold out.
She's a celebrity, so she probably can't roam around freely either.
I feel so sorry for her, ma'am.
Why should you feel sorry for her? She wants to be out and about.
That's not true.
You kicked her out.
Did I kick her out into the streets? I sent her to her mother's so that she could reflect on what she's done.
But she couldn't even bear to stay there and had to run away? She's so immature.
Do you think she's sleeping on a park bench? If she freezes to death, she'll make front-page news.
- Auto! / - Yes? Can you just stop talking? Come in.
How about a nightcap to help us sleep? I thought wine was your thing.
Why are we having soju? Soju is for the brokenhearted.
I've just started to appreciate it.
With soju, some piping hot kimchi stew and some pork rinds are the best.
That's why I'm bringing some up.
Oh, my goodness.
I hope I'm not interrupting your special sibling bonding time.
No, no.
Please sit.
Join us.
I think because we live under the same roof, we were able to communicate telepathically.
I was craving soju today too, but no one really drinks around here.
It's nice of you to join us.
Allow me.
A drink for my dapper nephew, and a drink for Princess Sera.
What? Princess Sera? We have a real drinker in the family after all.
Gyeongmin, don't be so hard on yourself.
Marriage is as complicated or as simple as you make it.
Look at me.
My husband left me penniless, but I'm doing fine now.
But that's you.
Ruby's a 100 times better than me, so she'll do just fine.
So we shouldn't worry? When I see Gyeongmin in pain, it breaks my heart.
You only live once.
You have to be happy.
No matter what anyone says, my desire to get plastic surgery is all about my personal happiness.
I understand what you're trying to say.
I'm going to my room.
Poor Gyeongmin.
Aunt Geumhui.
Have another glass.
One more.
I can't seem to get drunk.
Where are you, Jeong Ruby? I'm sorry.
The fax from New York came late.
I'll be there in a flash.
Head over to the next bar.
Who could it be at this hour? Is it New York? Hello? Hello? I'd like to talk to Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby? Ms.
Jeong's not in right now.
Who is this? I have to talk to Jeong Ruby right now.
I'm sorry, but it's late.
Everyone's gone home.
Why don't you call back tomorrow? If you leave me your number No.
I have to talk to her now.
Tomorrow won't do.
I'm sorry, but who is this? Is this Jiyeon? So it is you.
It's me, Seo Jinhui.
Why are you calling so late looking for Ms.
Jeong Ruby? I have to talk to her.
Like I said, she's not here.
Your phone number's the same, right? I'll make sure she calls you tomorrow.
I told you.
Tomorrow won't do.
I won't be alive by tomorrow.
Jiyeon, what What are you talking about? Jiyeon, where are you? I'll go to where you are, okay? Let's talk this out.
I'll only talk to Ms.
Jeong, so let me talk to her right now.
Where are you? You have to tell me so I can let Ms.
Jeong know.
I just need to talk to her.
She doesn't have to come.
I'll call Ms.
Jeong right away, so just wait, alright? I was just on the phone with a runaway teen named Lee Jiyeon.
I think she's about to take her own life.
I'm Seo Jinhui, the assistant manager of marketing at JM Group.
Please hurry.
The recipient's phone is turned off.
What's wrong with you, Jeong Ruby? Where are you? I don't know if my daughter is dead or alive.
I can't be sleeping.
What's wrong with me? The recipient's phone is turned off.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected Chorim, are you crying? Chorim Soyeong, I think I get why there are so many songs about heartbreak.
It really feels like someone's stabbing me right here.
It hurts so bad.
It hurts so bad I could die.
But there's nothing I can do.
What am I supposed to do? Gilja's worried about Ruby, so I can't talk to her about it.
But you're so much younger than me, I'm too embarrassed to bring it up.
I tried really hard to keep it all in.
I really did.
But What am I going to do now? You're finally realizing what love is.
That's why I told you.
When it comes to love, the heart and the mind are at opposite ends.
Darn it! Chorim.
I miss him.
You dummy.
What am I waiting for? For Jeong Runa to call and apologize and ask me for forgiveness? Or No.
That won't happen.
That will never happen.
Hello? It's me.
Runa hasn't called yet, right? No.
Are you worried about her too? I'd be lying if said I wasn't.
I understand.
I'm sure Runa will be fine.
Okay then.
Don't be too worried.
I'm sure she'll call in the morning.
Ruby, are you awake? It's me.
Your mom.
If I knew this is how it would end, it would've been better if I'd died then.
They shouldn't have kept me alive.
Why'd they rescue me? Why did I have to wake up before Ruby? Why? Ruby, are you awake? It's me.
Your mom.
Mom's here.
Of course not.
Why would mom come looking for me? Do you remember, mom? Do you? You were the first person to call me Ruby.
You definitely called me Ruby.
Why'd you do it mom? Why did you call me that? If you hadn't done that, maybe none of this would've happened.
It's all your fault, mom.
It's all your fault.
Ruby, where are you right now? Tell me.
I'll come get you.
Don't come, mom.
I'm okay.
I'm doing just fine.
I'm sorry, Ruby.
I'm sorry I didn't take your side.
I'm also sorry I slapped you.
And I'm sorry I yelled at you.
So Ruby, please come home.
Why are you apologizing? This is all my doing.
I'm sorry.
I messed everything up.
I made a mess of everything.
I wanted to succeed, but in the end What do you mean? Please stop.
You're scaring me.
Just tell me where you are.
Gyeongmin and I will come get you.
I'm sorry, mom.
I'm sorry I disappointed you.
I'm so sorry.
I really wanted you to be proud of me.
I really wanted to be a good daughter.
I'm sorry this is all I amount to.
You're wrong.
You're wonderful.
I mean it, Ruby.
In fact, I don't deserve a daughter like you, so please Ruby.
Ruby meant the world to you.
Mom, stay healthy.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
What if something happens to her? No.
Chorim! Chorim! Runa! Chorim! Runa! Gilja.
Gilja, what's wrong? Did Ruby call? Did she? Did she call? What am I going to do? I think Ruby's going to take her own life.
What am I going to do? That can't be Wait.
Shouldn't we call the police? Where is she right now? I don't know.
She didn't tell me, and she hung up.
Oh, no.
Poor Ruby.
Where are you? Ruby, where are you? Thanks for answering my call.
Why aren't you at your mother's? Where are you right now? Don't worry.
Tell me where you are.
I'll come get you.
Gyeongmin, I have a confession to make.
This is my last chance to tell you.
Last chance? Ruby, what do you mean by that? Don't say anything and just listen to me.
The fact is, I didn't love you.
I did love you at first.
I was madly in love you.
But we broke up and then got back together.
When I woke up after the accident, like you said, I only loved Bae Gyeongmin's wealth and power.
I hate to admit it, but you were right.
But I also have to admit that I learned to love you again more than I could love anything else.
That's why I think I continued putting on that unforgivable charade.
So I could stay by your side.
So that you wouldn't toss me away.
Did you know? If I hadn't done what I had, I would've lost everything, and you would've left me.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry about everything I've done to you.
I'm sorry for lying to you and deceiving you.
All those things you'll never forgive me for I am truly sorry.
Ruby, where are you? Let's meet right now.
I'll go.
Let's meet and talk.
That's funny.
Everyone pushed me away, so why change now? Because you'll feel guilty if I die? Don't worry.
I've got no one to blame.
Ruby, don't be like that.
I wanted to be the Jeong Ruby you once loved.
I wanted be the Jeong Ruby you wanted.
But in the end, I failed.
I'm sorry.
If I had known I'd fall so hard for you, I would've treated you better.
I would've tried harder.
But unfortunately, this is all I amount to.
Forget it all.
And be as happy as you once were.
You have to.
You will.
Ruby, don't hang up.
Please don't hang up.
Unable to connect.
Connecting to voicemail express.
No, Jeong Ruby.
Please don't do this.
Hello? You've located her? And the squad cars are on their way? Okay.
What's going on, Jeong Ruby? Please pick up.
Hello? Jeong Ruby, where are you? Are you listening? Answer me.
Yes, Jinhui.
Do you remember Jiyeon? The Runaway Fam student that our company's sponsoring.
I'm not sure.
I just got a call from her.
She wants to talk to you.
I'm not talking to anyone anymore.
I'm hanging up, Jinhui.
You can't! You're the only one who can stop her.
She's about to commit suicide.
Suicide? The police are on their way.
I'm heading over there too.
But if you don't call her, there's no telling what she'll do.
I'll text you her address and location, so call her right away.
You have to talk her out of it! Jiyeon? Your parents must be worried about you.
I'm sure they're happier without me.
You see, I'm not their biological daughter.
Someone dumped me in front of their house.
What? If they didn't want to take care of me, they should've sent me to an orphanage.
All they ever did was abuse me.
It makes me angry just thinking about it.
My life is about to end.
Why should I care if that girl lives or dies? It's not like I know her.
So she left without any money? If we don't do anything, Ruby will die.
You talked to Ruby? You and I are thinking the same thing.
I don't want to live anymore either! I know Ruby did some terrible things.
How can you be so cold and callous? What is this, Jeong Runa? Are you really going to kill yourself? She survived a major accident.
How can she even consider killing herself? What's going on? Where's Ruby? See you next time
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