Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e73 Episode Script

Episode 73

Divorce Gyeongmin and move far away.
What? Why? You can't do that? I love Gyeongmin.
Love? You? Give me a break.
The only person you love is yourself.
I do love Gyeongmin.
Gyeongmin! Gyeongmin! Don't utter his name.
You have no right to say his name! You don't love Gyeongmin.
Don't you get it? You love being the wife of JM's heir.
You're in love with that title! You thought I wouldn't know? That's not true.
Not anymore.
He impregnated me once.
I love Gyeongmin now.
He's my husband.
You have to believe me, Ruby.
Husband? Baby? How dare you? Those excuses are unacceptable.
Insu got you pregnant once too.
You even promised to marry him.
And how did that work out? Did you forget? You pleaded with me to come with you so that you could get an abortion.
You dumped Insu without a second thought.
Love? You? I know.
But I've changed.
I even contemplated killing myself.
I've changed, Ruby.
You just wait.
I'll be your slave forever.
Until I atone for my sins.
I know.
I won't be able to make up for it with my life.
But think about it, Ruby.
If you reveal the truth now, what will happen to us? How will we repair that disaster? And what about mom and Aunt Chorim? No.
I have to return everything back to the way things were.
The pieces of the puzzle you rearranged, I'll put them back in place.
Just wait.
Ruby, please have mercy.
You're a good person.
I don't want to go back to being the old Runa.
I don't want people to hate me.
I'm scared.
You wouldn't know what it's like to be belittled and unappreciated.
I even contemplated suicide.
Please spare me, Ruby.
Put yourself in my shoes.
You'll come around.
You have to.
I shouldn't have been afraid.
I should've done this from the start.
I'm sorry, Ruby.
Please forgive me.
I'm so sorry.
Don't test me, Jeong Runa.
If I'd be fooled by this, I would've never started this.
You just watch.
I'm going to direct the new, real-life Jeong Ruby Show.
When will you take Ruby home? Soon.
I think it might be better for her to to relax here for a few days.
She'd be more comfortable here.
I know your folks must be upset about many things, but I have faith in you.
Please comfort and console Ruby.
I will.
Don't worry, mother.
You're not upset about what I said earlier? I know how hard it must be for you.
It's probably worse than I can ever imagine.
But Ruby is my daughter, so allow me to plead with you.
Please give Ruby just one more chance.
I'll talk some sense into her too.
I should go.
What are they doing in there? Ruby, Runa! Don't bother them.
They must be tired.
- Okay.
Drive safe.
/ - I will.
- Mom.
/ - Yes? Aren't you tired? What's keeping Gyeongmin? He must be with Ruby, mother.
Has Ruby gone to her mother's? Yes.
Ruby's probably traumatized too, so it'll do her good to relax at her mother's.
Good heavens.
How could she think of doing such a thing? My heart still races when I think about the moment the maternity belt came loose.
Ruby's a relentless creature.
That's why I opposed the marriage.
It's been a long time since we had such heartwarming news.
It's about Jeong Ruby, the famous TV personality and wife of JM's heir.
Turn up the volume.
I'm in front of an abandoned building where a runway teen tried to commit suicide at around 9:00 this evening.
Jeong Ruby, who knew the teen through JM Group's sponsorship program for runaway teens, managed to talk the suicidal teen out of taking her own life.
The runaway teen is said to have considered Jeong her role model.
Jeong got a hold of the teen on the phone and told the depressed young woman that she herself was contemplating suicide.
Thus, Jeong was able to save the teen's life.
Jeong, who didn't hold back in saving a human life, is being praised as an exemplar of noblesse oblige.
You may think I saved her life, but as with all life decisions, it was ultimately her own decision to make.
All I did was ask her to reconsider.
There's a rumor that you were contemplating suicide yourself, is that true? Who here has never contemplated suicide? Just now, I was playing a character so I could put myself in that poor girl's shoes.
- I contemplated suicide / - Oh, my.
- so that I could / - Ruby's a hero now.
That's right.
Ruby, you were amazing.
It's not over yet.
This is a fresh start.
You must think you've won.
But how long will the sweet taste of victory last? I can't let her destroy her life.
I can't lose her like this.
Let's take this last chance and give it one more try.
Let's do this, Bae Gyeongmin.
Give yourself and Ruby another chance.
We were deeply in love once.
We went through hell to be together.
Runa definitely wanted to kill herself.
So why? Why did she take Seo Jinhui's call and go rescue that girl? Yes.
She definitely saw it as an opportunity to make a comeback.
She used her.
Then what about Ruby? What will happen to her? Chorim, are you sleeping? Why? Just You're no fun.
Go to sleep if you have nothing to say.
Come on.
What? Nothing.
Let's go to sleep.
You brat.
What were you going to say? What is it? Hurry up and tell me.
The thing is About Dongpal What? Why'd you bring up Dung Beetle? I have no interest in him.
And don't ever say his name in front of me again.
He's having a hard time lately.
I heard he's lovesick.
Do people still die from that? In old movies, people died of lovesickness.
Don't be ridiculous.
Just turn off the light.
Quickly! You're heartless.
Dongpal's dying.
Is the light that important? Hey, Ko Soyeong, now! Fine.
I'll turn it off.
Poor Dongpal How long has it been? Seeing you both standing here like this, it moves me to tears.
What about you, Gilja? Obviously I'm happy.
It reminds me of our Chuncheon days.
Mom, Aunt Chorim, we're off to work.
- See you later, Soyeong.
/ - See you.
Drive safe.
It sends a chill down my back when I think of you two in the same car.
Oh I'm just saying Ruby, Runa, have a nice day.
- Bye.
/ - Bye, girls.
It feels so strange, Gilja.
Why did you have to mention the accident? I know.
I have to watch my mouth.
When's Ruby going back to her in-laws'? I'm not sure.
Let's finish breakfast.
Let's eat, Soyeong.
What are you going to do? About what? Are you returning to Gyeongmin's? Of course.
Of course? Of course? Are you a bit slow today? Gyeongmin's my husband, and his parents are my in-laws.
That's the way things are.
Can't you just give up? How dare you? How dare you? How dare you say that to me? I'm sorry if I'm being shameless.
But that's the honest truth.
If you reveal everything, will it make anyone happier? Gyeongmin? Mom? No way.
They'll all go crazy.
Are you threatening me? Don't be a child.
It's not a threat.
It's the truth.
You better tread lightly or you'll make everyone we love miserable.
- You / - The truth always prevails? Yeah, sure.
But don't you know that the truth can sometimes be toxic? Ignorance is bliss is a saying for a reason.
I know how you must feel.
And I know what I did was very wrong.
But if this dreadful, secret truth might be toxic to everyone we love, it's best to just keep it under wraps.
I'm sorry.
I know I wronged you.
Forgive me.
I just don't want you to act recklessly.
Where's Gyeongmin? Did he leave for work already? Come, come.
Come sit down.
I have a meeting.
I have to go.
Have a little something at least.
Breakfast is the most important meal.
Don't worry, grandma.
I'll eat right after the meeting.
I have something to tell you.
What is it? I'm bringing Ruby home today.
How can you decide that on your own? I'm sorry, grandma.
If we're not going to get divorced, I thought it'd best to bring her home.
Changgeun, bring Gyeongmin to my room.
Gyeongmin, what were you trying to say? So you're saying you won't divorce Ruby? Have you already forgotten what she's done to our family? Grandma, dad, I'm sorry.
But I want to give it one last chance.
Ruby did make a lot of mistakes, but as her husband, I am also responsible.
If I had been more attentive and considerate, Ruby might not have done those things.
I also wonder if maybe our family put too much pressure on Ruby.
Are you blaming me for this? Grandma, that's not what I meant.
What do you think? I think Gyeongmin does have a point.
Ruby certainly messed up, but it won't be a bad idea for us to think about this more carefully, mom.
I'll consider this our last shot and try one last time, grandma.
Good morning, Vice President Bae.
Good morning.
You're here early too.
I have an early-morning show.
Thank you for your help last night.
Amidst the chaos, I forgot to thank you.
Don't mention it.
How's Ruby? She's much better now.
Thank goodness.
Oh? Ruby.
It's really strange.
The four of us share a destiny, it seems.
We keep running into each other.
Right, Insu? You think so? Not all destinies are good.
In fact, darker destinies are more binding.
They're impossible to escape.
Dark destinies? That hurts my feelings.
Are you saying we're all bad for one another? No, Gyeongmin.
I was merely thinking out loud about what makes connections good or bad and what is destiny really? Look at you.
You're quite the philosopher.
You're lucky, Insu.
What? Runa's always full of surprises.
She'll never leave you bored.
You're even luckier.
Ruby's the one who's completely changed since the accident.
You get to be with a different woman daily.
That makes you one lucky guy.
You're too clever for me.
Welcome, Ms.
You were amazing.
You were on the morning news.
You're a star, Ms.
It's all over the internet too.
Over 100,000 people have already signed a petition to put you back on TV.
So are you going back to TV? I don't know.
I didn't plan any of this.
You're being rewarded for your good deeds.
The whole thing was broadcast live, so you'll be back doing TV in no time.
Being rewarded for her good deeds? We'll see how long that lasts.
If you are indeed a good person, the heavens will never abandon you.
Ko Soyeong, you're supposed to be cleaning.
You've been on that phone all day.
- Get it together.
/ - Hang on.
- Where are you going? / - Just hang on.
The #1 search is "Jeong Ruby.
" What? And check out the related searches.
"Jeong Ruby's good deed.
" "Noblesse oblige.
" "Jeong Ruby's return to TV.
" Will Ruby return to TV? No.
She has to lead a quiet life.
That's right.
I get so worried whenever Ruby sets out to do anything.
I'm scared she'll cause another debacle.
Oh, right.
The new cook starts tomorrow.
Just so you know The new cook? Mrs.
Yu, what about Dongpal? How can Chef Noh work with us after what he did to Chorim? Chorim, say something.
What's Dongpal going to do? Ko Soyeong, mind your own business.
You have cleaning to do.
Hello? It's me, Soyeong.
Ko Soyeong.
We have a problem, Jihyeok.
We're getting a new cook tomorrow.
What? No So what will happen to my dad and Ms.
Jeong? I think Chorim still likes Dongpal.
What do we do? Jihyeok, get me a glass of water.
Sure, dad.
I'll call you back.
Dad, would you like some porridge? No thanks.
Not hungry.
You haven't eaten anything.
I'll eat later.
This is going to be a disaster.
There's no medicine for lovesickness.
What? You know what I'm saying.
Forget it, son.
I thought you were a man.
You like Ms.
You love her.
She loves you too, but she's pushing you away.
Why? Because you wounded her pride.
She's still upset that you lied to her.
Pride isn't even that important.
Can pride feed you? Can pride find you another soulmate? It can't.
You'll never find another person like her.
I heard she's trying to marry any guy willing to go on a blind date with her.
Are you okay with losing her to another guy? Are you sure you won't regret it? Is that what you want? Be quiet, Noh Jihyeok! I'll be right back.
Dad! He hasn't even washed his face.
Here's your receipt.
Thank you.
Come again.
What are you doing? Aren't you going to work? Is it true? Is what true? That Dongpal's sick.
I swear.
Who told you? Huh? Jihyeok.
Jihyeok? Dongpal's son? Did you see him? Huh? Yeah.
I was worried about Dongpal.
Jihyeok was really worried about him.
He's worried his dad will get sick and die.
Jihyeok's in agony because he thinks this was all his fault.
I started wondering Was Dongpal really madly in love with you? Think about it.
Why else would he have kidnapped you from Gongnam? Someone once told me it's very hard to meet someone who loves you like you love them.
What are the chances of that happening? Probably two or three times tops.
Right now, you're giving one of those three the cold shoulder all for the sake of your pride.
That's enough.
Zip it or I'll shove this in your mouth.
What? You have to tell me where you're going.
I have something important to take care of.
I'll be right back, okay? Chorim.
Where's Chorim going? To find love.
What? You dropped this.
We threw it out.
Please let us know.
Dongpal! Thank you.
Dongpal, are you in there? It's me.
Open up.
Where's your dad? You didn't run into him? He headed out to see you.
Really? Okay.
Jeong, please forgive my dad.
He loves you very much.
And if it's okay with you, I want to be a good son to you.
Hurry up and get to the restaurant.
He went to see you, so he's probably there.
Thanks, Jihyeok.
Go get him, Ms.
Here I go.
But Chorim headed out to see you.
You didn't see her? He's not feeling well.
What if he catches a cold? Dongpal.
What are you doing instead of working? What? What's it to you anyway? I was looking for you all day.
What? Jeez.
Me? Why? Because Because what? Why? Because Just because I can't live without you.
I feel like I'm dying.
I can't imagine a world without you.
I tried to get over you, but I just can't do it.
Can't you forgive and marry me? Until the day I die, I'll only live for you.
I mean it.
Are you proposing to me? Yeah Where's the ring? The ring? You said you're proposing to me.
OhI rushed out of the apartment, so I Here.
Put it on my finger before I change my mind.
Hurry up.
Get down on your knees.
Where are your manners? I brought the ring, so shouldn't you at least get down on your knees? You're shameless.
You have a grown son and yet you still get to marry a virgin.
Chorim, will you marry me? Yes.
I'll get you a nice ring later.
I'll have to wait forever.
It's pretty.
Are you out of your mind? We're outside.
We're supposed to kiss after you say yes.
- Come here, Jeong Chorim.
/ - No.
Don't follow me.
Will JM's Jeong Ruby return to TV? Public warms up to her again after she stops suicidal runaway teen Ruby, who are you really? She's a phoenix.
Honestly, I never thought Ruby would ever come back to TV.
Not after that debacle.
But she did it.
She rose from the ashes.
She's really something else.
Right, Mr.
Na? Song Hyeryeon speaking.
Oh, okay.
The vice president's secretary called for you.
She called for me? Why? I don't know.
They want you to stop by.
What could it be? Come in.
The coffee smells good.
Do you remember this coffee? Of course I remember.
Why did you want to see me? Why didn't you call me yourself? Why'd you have your secretary call? I was busy.
You're making me nervous.
Let's go today.
Where to? Home.
I told my folks this morning.
I told them I'd bring you home.
I'm scared, Gyeongmin.
They're probably still mad at me.
So you're just going to wait? It'll only get more difficult over time.
We're really getting married this time.
Happy? Enjoy it while you can.
The clock's ticking.
I didn't think you'd come.
Because this was supposed to be mine.
Don't you hate me? Do you still love me? She knows your memory has returned, and yet she's so shameless You still can't give Bae Gyeongmin up? Why are they so distant these days? It's a small world.
Who was he? You said you didn't know him! See you next time
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