Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e74 Episode Script

Episode 74

Do you need something, mother? Where's Auto? She went grocery shopping.
Ruby's coming home today.
Aren't you being too generous, welcoming back your troublemaking daughter-in-law with a feast? Have Auto get some ox leg bones as well.
Ox leg bones? Did you want to have stew? She's been roaming the streets for days.
She won't be in good shape.
It'd be one thing to not take her back, but she's coming, so we must be good to her for Gyeongmin's sake.
Yes, mother.
I have a bad feeling about this.
But for Gyeongmin's sake, we have to welcome her back.
Thank you.
Come again.
Why isn't Chorim answering her phone? We're so busy here.
What's keeping her? Did she go to see Chef Noh? Yes.
I think so.
What's going on? They're not kids.
Chorim's not back yet, is she? No.
I think things are going well.
I think so too.
Thank you, Ms.
We're friends now.
You don't have to be so formal.
Okay, Ms.
Soyeong Ow, my back.
I'm hanging up.
I'll call you later.
Did you get yourself a girl too? No.
You can never hide being in love.
As far as I can tell, you're about to fall in love.
As an expert on women It's not true.
Of course it's true.
You can't fool me.
Welcome back.
I'm sorry to have worried you, father.
Hello, grandmother.
Good to have you back.
You must be tired.
Go upstairs and unwind.
I'll come and get you when dinner's ready.
Yes, mother.
It's like a hero's homecoming.
Okay, I get it.
I'm the ugly duckling.
If you don't want to hear it, get married.
That way, your in-laws will dote on you too.
I'll get married, just to end your nagging.
Your strategy worked, mom.
You're the best, ma'am.
The best.
What are you looking at? I didn't know this room was so pretty.
I was such a fool, Gyeongmin.
I just realized how pretty and precious this room was.
Do you want to shower first? No.
You go ahead.
Happy? Enjoy it while it lasts.
The clock's ticking.
What? So she went straight to her in-laws' without stopping by here first? Yes.
She wants her things express delivered.
What's the rush? She could've stopped by to see us while taking her things with her.
It's better for her to return to her in-laws' as soon as possible.
Where's Aunt Chorim? I don't know.
She just took off midday and hasn't been picking up her phone.
Everyone's causing me grief lately.
It must be Chorim.
Come on in.
Let us pay our respects to you.
What's going on? We're really getting married this time.
That's why I couldn't make it back to the restaurant.
We came up with a plan.
I'm sorry, Mrs.
Okay, fine.
Tell me this grand plan that took you all day to draw up.
Given our financial situation, we'll just move in together first and have the wedding later.
What? You're not having a wedding? We have a debt to pay off.
Oh, no.
Chorim's not having a wedding because they're broke.
That's out of the question! No way.
You must have a wedding.
Neither of you has ever had a wedding.
It's a once-in-a-lifetime event.
You can't just skip it.
I insist that you have a proper wedding.
After a full day's discussion this is all you came up with? What can we do? We're broke.
Then get married once you two are better off.
We can't.
And Chef Noh, what will you do about your son and your friend? Will you all live in that studio apartment? Chorim and I will move out and rent a place.
Daepung and Jihyeok can just stay where we were living until we save up enough for a bigger place for all of us.
Good grief.
Don't worry, Gilja.
We'll work hard and figure something out.
Then don't rent a place.
Move into here.
Soyeong and Runa can share a room.
Or Soyeong can stay in this room with me.
You won't save anything if you rent.
Gilja! I knew it.
I knew you'd come through for us.
What did I tell you, Dongpal? I told you Gilja would help us.
You're a superwoman, Gilja.
Thank you, Mrs.
Just don't cause any more trouble.
And next time you're here, sew up that hole in your sock.
It's like you're trying to win my sympathy.
Palm trees.
Palm trees.
I'll take you to Hawaii next time.
Really? You're so cute, my hubby.
Stop it.
Who cares? We'll be married tomorrow.
Right, hon? Yes, honey bun.
You're making me feel sick.
They're making everyone feel sick.
There they are.
Welcome, mother.
Hi, Ruby.
Welcome, Aunt Chorim.
Congratulations, Uncle Dongpal.
I can't thank you enough for hosting our wedding.
I was planning to invite everyone to our family farm anyway.
And what better occasion to have everyone over than your wedding? Your timing was perfect.
Get out of the way.
Gyeongmin, I am forever indebted to you.
Please don't mention it.
And this handsome lad is our son.
You've heard, right? Oh, right.
Nice to meet you.
My name is Noh Jihyeok.
Right Thank you, Gyeongmin, for sharing this wonderful place with us.
Don't mention it, mother.
Why don't I show you around? I didn't think you'd come.
I'd never miss Aunt Chorim's wedding.
Will you be okay? We're at Gyeongmin's family's farm and resort after all.
All the more the reason to come.
As you know full well, this was supposed to be mine.
I feel like I walked into heaven with you.
It's so nice! Thanks, Chorim.
For what? For introducing Jihyeok to Gyeongmin as our son.
It was nothing.
He really is our son.
Thank you, Jeong Chorim.
What's the matter with you? What if someone sees? Get off me.
Dongpal, are you okay? Go easy on me, will you? I'm so sorry.
Oh, no.
Get up.
What is this? We did this, right? We pulled this out, didn't we? What are we going to do? Um I'm sorry.
We didn't do it on purpose.
It was an accident Do we have to pay for the damage? There's no need.
Did you go to Yurim Middle School in Chuncheon by any chance? What? How did We can't just leave.
Don't worry.
We don't need compensation.
Really? Oh, my goodness.
Calm down, Jeong Chorim.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
So that was the middle-school class president? No wait.
That my first ever crush, Lee Gwangsu? Chorim.
You can't just run off like that.
It's not like we committed a crime.
I'm sorry.
By the way, do you know that guy? He mentioned Chuncheon.
Huh? No.
I don't know him.
He was mistaken.
She knows your memory has returned, and yet she's so shameless I was in love with her once, but I guess I didn't know her very well.
The girl named Jeong Runa.
You still can't give Bae Gyeongmin up? Forget revenge, Ruby.
Moving on and forgiving her is the best revenge.
I read my share of ethics textbooks too.
- Come, come.
/ - Wow.
Pinch me, Chorim.
Really? Here you go.
I said pinch, not skin me alive.
- Isn't this amazing? / - Yup.
It's so wonderful here.
Oh, my goodness.
What's all this? This is so nice.
Runa, you and Insu should get married here too.
My gosh If it wasn't for the accident It would've been so nice if I could've come here not as Jeong Runa but as Jeong Ruby, Bae Gyeongmin's wife.
Runa, come check this out.
What's that? Just a little something.
Why are you so startled? The maternity belt's gone now.
I'm sorry.
Too soon for jokes? It's been so long since I held you like this.
Don't you hate me? Do you still love me? You're my wife.
And I'm your husband.
You can call it my duty if you like, but I have to love you.
I love you too.
Aren't you tired, Mr.
Noh? Not at all.
But you must be tired.
You came to Jeju for someone else's wedding.
We're not strangers, don't say that.
Dad, you met the best bride.
What other bride would throw you a wedding in Jeju? You're right, Jihyeok.
The tub is amazing too.
If only there were some hot ladies What? I'm sure everyone agrees.
Right, Mr.
Na? Yes, you're right.
See? Don't act like you're better than me.
Aunt Chorim, come in for a second.
Huh? What's this? I didn't buy it.
It was a gift, but I figured it'd look better on you.
It's a present for me? What is it? I'm so curious.
It's gorgeous! You got it as a gift? From who? Director Bae Sera.
I also got you hanbok for the wedding, so you can wear this at the reception.
What'll you wear at your wedding? You should save this for your wedding.
I should've gotten you something better.
I'm sorry, Aunt Chorim.
Why are you sorry? This is the best present ever.
I was kind of bummed out that I might not wear a wedding dress tomorrow.
Try it on.
You have to wait until tomorrow.
I'm going to surprise everyone.
It's pretty isn't it? Right? Right? I have to look at chicken every day, so it's a real treat to see fish.
Open up.
Why are you doing this? It's fine.
Good, isn't it? The beltfish is really good.
Did they have a fight? Why are they so distant these days? Mrs.
Yu, have some sashimi.
It melts in your mouth.
Eat up, Soyeong.
I could have several plates of this.
It's not fattening either.
Why is Daepung doing that with his eyes? Are you two up to something? Of course not.
He doesn't want me drinking a lot since the wedding's tomorrow.
Something's fishy.
Chorim, if you're done, let's get going.
I'll give you a facial.
You too, Mrs.
Huh? I'm not even close to being done.
I'm not going anywhere.
You have your wedding tomorrow.
You shouldn't overeat.
I'm not wearing a wedding dress for the ceremony anyway.
The dress isn't the issue.
Your first night with Dongpal My first night with Dongpal? Sera's not home yet, and with Gyeongmin and Ruby gone, this place is way too quiet.
Ruby's aunt's getting married.
Do you think maybe we should've gone too? I thought about that too, but it's a small family affair.
It'd just be a hassle.
That's why I decided against it.
The leaves in Jeju are wonderful right now.
Wouldn't you like to go? Not at all.
I've done more than my fair share of traveling.
Don't worry about me.
You should take Gyeongsuk somewhere for a little change of pace though.
You could go to Jeju or overseas even.
Should we? No, no.
Not unless you come, mother.
I get bored when it's just Changgeun and me.
What's so great about having your old mother-in-law tag along? You don't have to coddle me.
I know you don't mean it.
But I do mean it, mother.
I love traveling with you.
Are you going on a trip? Where to? You'll take me with you, right? Wait a minute.
We should've sent Auto to Jeju.
I would've had a few days of peace.
Yes, you should have.
Truth is, I've never been to Jeju.
Oh, no.
I should've been more thoughtful.
I'll make sure we take you to Jeju in the spring.
Really, Changgeun? I heard rapeseed blossoms are quite a sight in the spring.
I'm living it up thanks to you, Chorim.
Now that I think about it, I don't think I ever told you.
Tell me what? Thank you.
For raising me, for caring for me, even when I was immature, and getting me married.
I did raise you and care for you, but now you and Chef Noh will take care of me.
Is that how it works? Once Runa and Soyeong get married, you two will be the only ones left.
I'll be a stoop-backed granny in 10 years.
Whether you like it or not, you'll have to take care of me.
Don't kick me out if I get sick and useless.
How can you even say that? It's so sad.
I'm just kidding.
Work hard and save up so that you two can get your own place and fully enjoy each other's company.
And have beautiful babies.
Have as many as you can.
I can help you raise at least one.
Gilja, I'm indebted to you for life.
Thank you.
Wedding chest for sale! What's going on outside? You didn't hear that? - Wedding chest for sale! / - Chorim, Mrs.
Yu, - Look! / - Wedding chest.
Wedding chest for sale.
You're doing this all the way in Jeju? Wedding chest for sale.
What's all this noise? We can't disturb the other guests.
It's fine, mom.
It's a wedding tradition.
They'll understand.
Where is the bride's guardian? You'll need a wedding chest.
Hurry up, Gilja.
Here you go.
Please come on in.
I'll need more than that.
Please come in.
Yellow bills.
Here comes the real money.
Here you go.
Please come in.
Come on.
You're going too fast.
Come in, will you? I said, come on in.
The bride ridiculously strong.
Goodness How are you so strong, Chorim? Wow.
Threads, hanbok They're so pretty.
What's this? Let me see that.
Jeong Chorim, meet me at the farm.
What? At the farm? I'll be right back.
I should've gotten some wine and snacks.
That'd be great! The wedding's tomorrow.
We all need to get a good night's sleep.
I'll have the wine and food ready by tomorrow.
Where is she? The candles are burning out.
Jeong Chorim.
Yurim Middle School.
Grade 9, class 3.
Jeong Chorim.
You lived by a willow tree.
I'm not sure I know who you It's me, Lee Gwangsu.
We were classmates.
It's a small world.
What brings you here? Oh Nice to see you.
What are you doing here anyway? I'm head of this farm's management team.
Tomboy Jeong Chorim hasn't changed a bit.
You were tall and thin back then too.
I saw you talking to Vice President Bae.
What are you doing here? Gyeongmin's my niece's husband.
Oh, really? So are you here for the wedding? I heard someone's getting married.
Yeah That someone is me.
You're married, right? Not yet.
Watch your step.
Don't fall.
You should be more careful.
You're lanky, so you'll trip easy.
Wait a minute.
Are you the bride? Yeah Congratulations.
Why are my hands trembling? What's all this? Who was that? It's that guy we saw earlier.
You said you didn't know him! Huh? Oh Turns out we went to middle No.
Forget about it.
Let's do this.
What? Weren't you about to propose to me properly? I'm ready.
Go ahead.
I don't want to.
Why would I put a ring on that finger? This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and you ruined it by coming here late.
How dare you ask me for a ring? I won't give it to you.
I can't give it to you.
Oh, please.
Then you should've told me in advance.
How petty are you? You're upset about this? And even if you're upset, you should still give me the ring.
Is this a joke to you? Just forget it! Forget it! Fine.
Forget everything! It must be true what they say.
You can never really figure anyone out.
How is he so petty? Can I trust a man like that with my life? Chorim.
What happened, Chorim? Did he propose to you properly? Let's see.
Show me the ring.
Ring, my foot.
Just zip it, will you? Darn it.
Truth is, I knew you liked me.
And I liked you too.
Why did he have to show up the night before my wedding? Is destiny playing a prank on me? Here.
Drink up and get a good night's sleep.
That's enough, dad.
Your wedding's tomorrow.
Let him drink.
It'll help him fall asleep.
He won't be able to sleep otherwise.
You're 40, old enough to know better.
Grow up, please dad! Grow up? You can't say that to your old man.
What? Am I wrong? - You're dead now.
/ - Why? What? What? Fine.
Go ahead and fight.
Why talk when you can just duke it out? What's keeping her? Did you call her? She's not picking up.
Canceling the wedding over a tiff? How unreasonable can she be? Don't worry.
She'll be here soon.
She'll never stop causing me grief.
We're late, Chorim.
Be quiet! I'm annoyed enough as it is.
This isn't my wedding.
It's yours.
Stop nagging.
I'm going.
I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this.
Don't jinx it, okay? We will now begin Ms.
Jeong Chorim and Mr.
Noh Dongpal's wedding ceremony.
Bride and groom, enter.
Why can't they hold hands or something? Do they want us all to know they fought? Bride and groom, bow.
All she has going for her is her height.
I'm only holding myself back for Gilja and Gyeongmin's sake.
We will skip the officiant's remarks.
The groom will now present his wedding vows.
You prepared a letter, right? Letter? You didn't prepare one? Of course I did.
It's all in my head.
What're you going to do Noh Dongpal? This is going to be a disaster.
Here goes nothing.
What do I do? What should I do? I dared to love this woman.
If I had to pretend to be strangers, and keep my love a secret, living would be worse than dying.
He's surprisingly romantic.
When did he come up with this? I'm so afraid, but still so in love.
Where did she get that dress? Runa said it was a gift from Gyeongmin's sister.
So there's no hope for our wedding? You're always so paranoid.
But you didn't expect my memory to return? To Gyeongmin, I'm the real Jeong Ruby.
Would you still be there if Gyeongmin knew the truth? Do you really not remember where I'm trying to take you? Where did those two go? I'll stop her no matter what.
Just try it.
It's fun.
See you next time
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