Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e75 Episode Script

Episode 75

Where are you? Can you hear what I'm saying? Then do you know of my aching, bleeding love? Please forgive me.
If you want, punish me.
But as for her That's enough.
Stop! Please give her to me.
Your wedding vows were very impressive, Uncle Dongpal.
Really? Yes, Chef Noh.
It was very touching.
When did you write a poem like that? He didn't.
Dad didn't write it.
They're song lyrics.
What? Is that why everyone was laughing? And that's why stepmom got upset.
Here comes the bride.
Is it okay? It's too skimpy isn't it? Not at all.
You look gorgeous.
You look 10 years younger.
Really? Clothes really make a woman shine.
You look like a young bride.
I am a young bride, why do I look old? Thanks, Runa.
You're pretty, Aunt Chorim.
But where did you get that dress? It looks familiar.
You didn't know? Runa said it was a gift from Gyeongmin's sister.
What? So there's no hope for our wedding? Is that why you gave your aunt that dress? - Sit, Chorim.
/ - Thanks.
Let's raise a glass for the new bride and groom.
- To the newlyweds! / - Cheers! Thank you.
Are you alright? You don't seem okay.
I'm fine.
It's just a bit nippy.
Insu, have a drink.
Thank you.
I need to use the restroom.
It's been exactly 10 years.
I never thought I'd be back like this.
What do you think you're doing? What was your ulterior motive for giving that dress to Aunt Chorim? Ulterior motive? I suppose you've always been like this.
You never appreciated anyone's kindness.
You were always suspicious of everyone's hidden agendas.
How ironic.
You're always paranoid.
But you didn't expect my memory to return? What difference does that make? It's too late now anyway.
You know, we can't turn back time.
No? Are you sure? After my memory returned, do you know what I realized? The only thing I had left was time.
I lost everything.
Love, family, trust, even my face and name.
They were taken from me.
I had all that taken from me by my sister, someone I trusted like I trusted myself.
Now, all I have left is a whole lot of time.
And what will you do with all that time? Plot revenge? All I have left is time, but your time is running out.
As soon as I got my memory back, your time as Jeong Ruby was over.
From now on, you will spend every day wondering when that time bomb will go off.
You're too dumb to impersonate Jeong Ruby.
Didn't you know? You started this, but you can't possibly end it.
It might not be a happy ending, but isn't it the present that counts? Gyeongmin and I love each other more than ever.
You saw it for yourself.
Love is just a matter of time.
Love can be built with effort.
Love? Fine.
Gyeongmin may have loved you because he thought you were Jeong Ruby.
But what about you? For the sake of your ambitions, you tossed away the man you seduced.
Then you duped your sister's fiancee and married him.
Love? That's absurd.
Why did they leave the table? Love, love, love! Your love is pure and mine is trash? Look at yourself.
If you're love is so great, what are you doing? You'll obviously hurt the man you love.
Shouldn't you just move on? That's what true love is.
Who cares if you got your memory back? You can't do anything.
You already know who'll be hurt most if you tell the truth.
Revenge? Sure.
But who'll be hurt the most? Are you going to keep getting in the way of me and Gyeongmin? You're crazy.
You're completely insane.
You're so crazy that you're deluding yourself into thinking that you've won and that this is all over.
Would you still be there if Gyeongmin knew the truth? Would he consider you his wife? You're crazy.
You're clinically insane.
Do you know that? Yes.
I'm crazy! I'm crazy and I don't care, so don't test me and stay put unless you want to see mom keel over and die! If not, I'm going to come after you.
What? Are you going to kill me? I already told you.
I died a long time ago.
There's nothing to kill or to take.
But what about you? Brace yourself.
I'll take back everything you took from me, one thing at a time.
Prepare to go back to the way you used to be.
What in the world? Thank you for officiating the ceremony.
It was nothing.
Where's Runa? I don't see her.
She was tired.
She's probably resting.
I see.
Something's not right.
What could it be? What's happening? Don't be a pervert.
Stop staring at me like that.
I'm staring because you're beautiful.
Is that so bad? That's your adoring face? Really? Whatever.
Aren't you getting ready? I told you I wanted to take you somewhere.
Oh, right.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin, but I'm not feeling well.
Why don't you go alone? There's no point if we don't go together.
I told you I'm tired.
Do you really not remember where I want to take you? It's the spot from 10 years ago.
This again? After the crash, I can't remember things from Don't you think that's too much? I know.
I'm sure it's a meaningful place.
But think about it.
This right here, right now is meaningful too.
Why can't we just focus on the present? Why is the past so important to you? Ruby.
I wanted to come here with you.
Ruby, did you forget? Our promise from 10 years ago? To come back in 10 years as man and wife.
That promise.
Did you already forget? Runa.
How did you find this place? Hey.
This is Gyeongmin You remembered too.
You didn't forget.
You came.
Gyeongmin That's a rare coincidence.
and you came and found our photos? It's almost unbelievable.
It's not coincidence, it's fate, Gyeongmin.
But what have we become? Why does it have to be like this? Why? Why? Do you know what these mean? It's the Jeju word for "married couple.
" Wow.
That's amazing.
I was planning on showing off but This place hasn't changed in 10 years.
You're right.
It's like this place is frozen in time.
Right? The sea looks just the same too.
And the owner of the cafe Wait.
Have you been here before? What? You just said it's like this place is frozen in time.
It's my first time here.
It was just so tranquil that it felt like time had stopped.
That's all.
Why'd you come by yourself? Where's Ruby? She wanted to rest, she said she was tired.
Gyeongmin, what do I do? Should I just move on like Runa said? Would that be in your best interest? Or would it be better for you if I brought the truth to light? I'm so confused.
Truth is, I really wanted to come back here with Ruby.
I guess I wanted to start from the beginning and give us both a fresh start.
Seo, what do you suppose Ms.
Jeong and Runa are up to? How is that relevant? Get back to work please.
But I can't focus today.
On a day like today, you have to take a convertible, and drive in Jeju's coast with the wind like like what? Why don't you work like that? Use that wild imagination.
Long time no see.
Have you been well? Ms.
Yun, what brings you here? I've came for Healing Sense.
This coffee is Ms.
Yun's treat.
You're the best, Ms.
Thank you.
I heard the posters came out.
Would you like to see them? Let's enjoy our coffee first.
See? Ms.
Yun understands the importance of a coffee break.
She's very different from some people.
If that's how you feel, do you want to get transferred to Homeshopping? Ms.
Yun, want to take him? Well I'd rather not.
See, Seokho? You have to be nice to me.
I'm the only one who wants you around.
The recipient is unavailable.
Yes? Ruby, we're taking a walk on the beach before dinner.
Would you like to come too? I'm tired.
You go ahead.
But we're short on people.
Why don't you come? There's lots of people.
Na and Runa.
Runa's not around.
She went out and hasn't come back yet.
Really? Are they together, again? Are those two together again? It's gotten quite chilly.
Aren't you cold? No.
It's refreshing and crisp.
You try it too.
That's okay.
I'm all set.
Come on.
Try it.
It feels awkward.
Just try it.
It's fun.
Just like this.
Please, just for awhile, hold me like this.
Gyeongmin Why did she give Chorim her wedding dress? Is this her way of telling me I have no chance? Got an extra beer there, Insu? Oh, Chef Noh.
You should be enjoying your honeymoon.
Why are you out here? Did Aunt Chorim go somewhere? I don't know.
She's being a pain.
Why? Did something happen? Her first love No.
It's fine.
I have no regrets either! The recipient is unavailable.
Where did those two go? Why won't he pick up? What's the reason? No Take it easy then, Runa.
I'm sorry.
I just started thinking this and that.
It's been really hard for me lately.
Did something happen with Insu? What are you two doing? Where did you go? What did you talk about? Why didn't you answer my calls? Runa, why are you with Gyeongmin? Why? I can't spend time with my brother-in-law? We ran into each other at a cafe on the beach.
He told me it's a place you know well.
Don't you remember? It's an important place for you two.
It's the cafe we visited and left a travel entry.
You remember, right? Isn't it weird, Ruby? It's a meaningful spot for you two, but it's like fate led me right to it.
What are you saying? Fate is merely a series of coincidences.
What kind of fate do the three of us share? I can't help but wonder Thank you for today, Gyeongmin.
Make sure you keep your promise.
Promise? What promise? Not sure Tell me, Gyeongmin.
What promise? Ruby, this again? Where were you? I waited for you.
It's been so long since I smelled the ocean.
It's nice, isn't it? Can't we just forget everything? Can we just throw it all into the ocean and start over? You know how revenge ends.
Hatred, resentment, pain Let's just forget all of that.
Can't the two of us start over? When who do I live as? Jeong Ruby or Jeong Runa? Did you actually think that was possible? I am not myself, and Jeong Ruby's not Jeong Ruby! Don't ever say that to me again.
You have no right to suggest that.
Try these tangerines.
They're so sweet.
I'll have the tangerines Gyeongmin brings over.
I wanted to rest at home, but time is passing by so slowly.
What do you think? It's like honey, no? Tangerines are sour, not at all like honey.
It was just a figure of speech.
Sera, you'll never meet a man if you're always so nit picky.
Don't you know that men hate women who nitpick? If you're such an expert, write a guide on men.
I could really use it.
Do you think I should? Sera, you and Geumhui get along great.
They're totally drinking buddies now.
Stop it, grandma.
She's just funny is all.
And she's very genuine.
She's a bit eccentric, but she's nicer than most people.
I think Sera's right about that.
Chorim and Dongpal will eat later.
Why can't they just eat with everyone else? They're newlyweds, Mrs.
They'll probably need some time alone.
What about Runa and Insu? Runa said she was tired and went to bed.
Na isn't in his room.
Ruby, you barely touched your food.
Are you unwell? I'm fine.
I'm just tired.
I get the feeling you two had a lovers' quarrel.
Uncle Daepung.
I'm just saying, kiddo.
I didn't mean anything by it.
Let's eat.
Everything tastes way better in Jeju.
You too, Jihyeok.
Try this.
It's really good.
Like father like son.
You're not wasting any time, are you? What's going on between you two? Nothing.
Dongpal, wake up.
It's nighttime.
Our first night together.
Dongpal! Dongpal, wake up! It's nighttime! Why do you keep pestering me? Just let me get some sleep! Jeez.
Sleep? You can sleep when you're dead.
Do you have to sleep tonight? Come on.
It's our first night together.
How is he so clueless? Nothing ever goes the way I plan.
Why does this always happen to me? Did you actually think that was possible? I'm not myself, and Jeong Ruby's not Jeong Ruby! Don't ever say that to me again.
You have no right to suggest that.
She's right.
I have no right to suggest that.
Why? Because I'm the stupidest piece of dirt there ever was.
Got it? Yes.
I should end it all.
I'll end this for both Ruby and Runa.
It has to end here.
I can't do this anymore.
I just can't.
What are you reading? Just I guess you're still mad at me.
I'm sorry about earlier.
You were gone, and I couldn't reach you, so I sort of lost it.
Ease up.
I said I'm sorry.
I'll be more careful from now on.
But Gyeongmin, what was the promise that Runa mentioned? Runa.
- We need to talk.
/ - Isn't that Insu? Jeong Runa.
What's he doing? Runa.
Runa, we need to talk.
What's the matter with you? Are you nuts? Insu, you've had a lot to drink.
Why're you asking for my sister-in-law here? Your sister-in-law? Yes.
I think he's drunk.
Runa's in her room.
Jeong Runa is his sister-in-law? You're drunk, Mr.
Go to your room and sleep it off.
I'll escort you over.
Jeong Runa is Vice President Bae Gyeongmin's sister-in-law? Stop it, Mr.
I'll take him to his room.
It's okay, Gyeongmin.
You're tired.
I'll do it.
He's too drunk.
How can you take him? Insu, do you know who I am? Why did you drink so much? Huh? Vice President Bae.
The great Vice President Bae, who possesses the hearts of two women Can I tell you an interesting story? I have to tell you this story today.
Please stop.
It's okay.
An interesting story? Once upon a time in Chuncheon, there lived a sweet woman and her nasty younger sister.
Enough with your drunken nonsense.
Drunken nonsense? I'm completely sober, Runa.
Jeong Runa, I Insu.
Gyeongmin, get him water.
Huh? He's drunk.
He needs water.
Oh Okay.
Are you trying to kill me? What's gotten into you? Have you lost your mind? I can't take it anymore.
I just can't do it anymore.
Let's just call it quits.
Please just end this all right now.
I would've never gone this far if I was going to give up so easily.
I won't let anyone get in my way.
No one.
Runa, you're crazy.
Crazy Did you just realize I'm crazy, Na Insu? How would I have endured with a sound mind? So don't mess with me, because I don't want to hurt you.
I don't even know what I'm capable of, so leave me alone.
What are you talking about? Huh? What you just said.
What did I just say? Mr.
Na's really getting on my nerves.
What was he thinking, coming by so drunk? What are you thinking about? Huh? Nothing.
Did something happen between you and Ruby? Why do you ask, mom? It seemed like you were fighting earlier.
No, mom.
We weren't fighting.
Runa, let her be.
When you were younger, she doted on you and let you have your way.
You're all grown up now, so try and cut her some slack.
How can I let her be? What am I supposed to do? Why can't you recognize me, mom? Why? Even if my face has changed, shouldn't you still recognize me, mom? You're my mom.
Why don't you know? Why don't you even try? Why? When you two don't get along, it breaks my heart.
For my sake, just let her be.
I can't, mom.
I held out this long for your sake.
But I can't hold out any longer.
I'm sorry, mom.
You were like a husband, a friend, a daughter, and a son to me.
I'm indebted to you for life.
He can no longer be my husband or lover What am I thinking? Is he falling for Jeong Ruby? Let me try it on.
The original owner? Don't delude yourself.
You can't change anything.
What happened to her mole? It wasn't Runa who got a mole removed.
It was Ruby.
See you next time
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