Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e77 Episode Script

Episode 77

Do you think taking this ring from me will turn things back to the way they were? Take it from you? Who? Me? Who's the thief here? Who's the rightful owner? The rightful owner? Don't kid yourself.
That won't change anything.
I knew you were shameless, Jeong Runa, but I didn't know you were this bad.
Runa? Ruby Ruby is Runa? Everyone knows this is my ring.
This is my engagement ring.
I was a fool.
If I hadn't let you take my ring, let you wear the dress Gyeongmin got me, or let you drive my car, none of this would've happened.
But how long do you think you'll be able to keep that mask on? This is why you still have a long way to go.
I stopped blaming myself and regretting my decisions a long time ago.
If you want to blame someone, don't blame us, blame mom.
Mom was the first person who called me Ruby.
Mom was the one who put your ruby ring on my finger.
I do blame mom and Gyeongmin for not recognizing me.
Nevertheless, you're ultimately responsible for everything.
Because mom and Gyeongmin didn't steal my face and my life.
You did, Jeong Runa.
Yes, Seokho.
My mom? Yes.
Now that I think about it, I think I saw her at your wedding.
She asked me where the restroom was, but I think she might've come to see you.
Mom's here.
There you are.
Did you see anyone here? No.
I didn't see anyone.
If you want to blame someone, don't blame us, blame mom.
Mom was the first person who called me Ruby.
Mom was the one who put your ruby ring on my finger.
Ruby Ruby, it's me, your mom.
Wake up.
Ruby She's still in a daze.
Your name is Ruby.
Jeong Ruby.
Mom Mom Really? Do you really remember everything? Your memory's returned? Good job.
I'm so proud of you.
Good job.
Good job.
I hate everyone.
I'm so miserable.
I hate you too, mom.
Why did you let this happen to me? Why didn't anyone help me? What have I done? Runa, what have you done? Ruby My poor Ruby What am I going to do? The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting This is absurd.
This is absurd.
How can this be? What now? What do I do? My poor Ruby My poor Ruby, what do I do? That sweet child just realized that she's Ruby.
I deserve to die.
I didn't even recognize my own child.
I didn't know her sister stole her face.
I was fooled.
I'm an idiot.
Such an idiot Welcome.
Oh? What are you doing here? Where's Mrs.
Yu? As you can see, it's just me here.
We'd like to pay.
One more fried rice, please.
Not bad.
Are you new? Yes.
Are you a college student? No.
All set.
He's so cute.
Maybe 20 years old? Just my type.
Should I get his number? Come on, take a break.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting Her phone's off.
Where could Mrs.
Yu be? Here.
If it wasn't for our newest waiter, I would've had a serious breakdown.
Thanks a million.
This is the least I can do to pay you back.
Stop talking about paying me back.
It's not like I lent you tons of money.
That was pretty impressive back there.
Waiting tables, doing dishes, you're a jack of all trades.
I'm used to this line of work.
I got so many jobs behind my dad's back.
Really? I'm good at everything except dating.
Is that so? - Welcome.
/ - Welcome.
What's Ruby have that I don't? Why does it all work for her but not for me? It's so upsetting, mom.
It's so unfair.
Mom, what am I going to do? Mom.
The cuckoo lays its egg in another bird's nest.
After it lays its egg, it pushes one of the other eggs out of the nest.
It does? Why is it so mean? Why can't it just lay its own egg? Why break someone else's egg? Because it's scared its egg won't be protected if the mother bird notices there's an extra egg.
But the baby cuckoo is even scarier.
It hatches first and pushes out all the other eggs while the mother bird is away.
What? Why? For the mother bird's undivided love.
She was like that, even when she was little.
She said she resented me for always taking Ruby's side.
She always said she couldn't do anything while her sister could do everything.
But still How could she? Why, mom? Why did you call me Ruby? If you hadn't done that, maybe none of this would've happened.
It's your fault, mom.
It's all your fault! If I had known, I would've been kinder.
If had known, I would've taken her side.
I would've begged and pleaded to get her a gig at a TV network in Seoul.
If I had done that, would Runa have decided not to do this dreadful thing? She got married and even got pregnant using her sister's face.
What can we do now? Our family and friends think Ruby is Runa and Runa is Ruby.
So that's why my poor Ruby said she didn't want to marry Insu.
Because she got her memory back.
That poor thing must've been so shocked.
She must've been so infuriated to see that Runa had stolen her face and her husband.
But why didn't Ruby tell me? Why isn't she telling me? Right.
She must have known.
She's probably thinking it's too late now.
She knows it can't be undone.
If she hasn't told me yet, she's just quietly letting go.
That's probably the right thing to do.
That's her fate.
What's wrong, Gilja? What happened? Chorim.
Gilja, why are you crying? What's the matter? Just - I just miss you.
/ - Oh goodness.
You scared me.
We're taking the evening flight, so you'll be seeing me soon, okay? What are you doing? Don't mind us.
Good grief.
Stop it, okay? Chorim.
You should at least be happy.
Be happy, Chorim.
Ruby, you poor thing Vice President Bae Gyeongmin The great Vice President Bae, who possesses the hearts of two women Once upon a time in Chuncheon, there lived a sweet woman and her nasty younger sister.
Enough with your drunken nonsense.
What could he have meant? Insu is Runa's fiancee, so why did he say such a thing? Why? You said you loved Jeong Ruby.
You said you wanted to take care of her.
Then grab a hold of yourself.
This is between Jeong Ruby and me.
Know your place and don't interfere.
Don't drag Gyeongmin into this mess.
Yes, Vice President Bae.
There's something I wanted to ask you.
What? Do you remember what you said to me in Jeju? I think I blacked out.
I'm sorry.
Don't you remember how you said I was loved by two women? I'm pretty sure by "two women," you meant my wife and Runa.
Am I mistaken? No, you're not.
I was jealous of you.
The whole time we were in Jeju, Runa showed you romantic feelings.
I doubt that.
You must be mistaken.
The night I got drunk, do you know what I thought when I looked at Runa? I wondered how happy she'd be if you were her fiancee instead of me.
I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.
You have to remember what I said.
I love Jeong Runa, but Runa loves you.
Please stop.
Does it look like Runa and I are happy together? Do we look like we're in love? I have things to do, I have to go.
Don't be a coward, Bae Gyeongmin.
You know it too.
You know that Jeong Runa, no, that Jeong Ruby loves you.
You're the one who's shameless.
Everyone knows this is my ring.
That ring is yours? How is it yours? Just because it's on your finger, doesn't mean it's yours.
I'm going to get it back.
No matter what anyone says, it's mine.
It's my engagement ring.
Are you busy? Are you coming home soon? I'll be heading home in a bit.
Why are you calling at this hour? Aren't you busy at the restaurant? It's not that bad.
Say, Runa About Ruby What about Ruby? No.
It's nothing.
What is it? Tell me, mom.
What about Ruby? Just I'm sure Ruby didn't mean to, but she's caused a lot of trouble.
And she took it all out on you.
So Mom, did you by any chance Did you hear? Did you overhear our conversation? What? I don't know what you mean.
It's just that you two aren't getting along and that upsets me.
Runa, I know it's hard, but you're not the old Runa.
You're sweet, diligent, and kindhearted now.
So can't you just be more understanding of Ruby? I just want you to marry Insu and lead a happy life like Ruby.
Like Ruby? Mom, does Ruby seem happy to you? Of course.
She's trying her best.
I'm sorry I haven't been as attentive to you as I should've been.
- From now on, I'll / - Don't say that.
Mom, you don't have to say it.
You know how I feel, right? Of course.
I have to get back to work.
I'm hanging up, mom.
The launch has to go smoothly, understood? Why don't you go ahead? The night I was drunk, do you know what I thought as I looked at Runa? I wondered how happy she'd be if you were her fiancee instead of me.
Darn it.
Why are you sitting down here? We should go in and help.
We're still on our honeymoon.
Our honeymoon's not over until midnight.
Why did you drag me here? We should've gone straight home.
Were you hungry for grilled chicken? Without us, imagine how hard it must be.
I actually wanted to come back yesterday.
Let's go in.
It's late.
They're probably cleaning up for the day.
We should at least help them with that.
Come on.
Hurry up.
Why is Jihyeok working here? That's my son alright.
Your son? Give me a break.
He's my son.
Our son.
Let's go.
Hi, dad.
How was the flight back? Chorim! It's so nice to see you.
You're our saviors.
Why are you being so friendly? If it hadn't been for Jihyeok, I would've had to shut down the restaurant.
It was exhausting.
Really? Where did Gilja go? Yeah.
Where's Mrs.
Yu? Mrs.
Yu didn't come in.
She left early in the morning.
Really? But I talked to her this evening.
Wait a minute.
Hello? Gilja, what happened? You're not at the restaurant.
What's wrong? I'm at home.
I have bit of a cold.
A cold? Okay.
I'll be home soon.
The trip must have been too much for her.
You go on.
I'll head back later with Soyeong.
Huh? I have to go home alone? What about our honeymoon? Our honeymoon's over, Chorim.
I need to prep for tomorrow, so go on and make Mrs.
Yu some porridge.
Darn it.
Okay, fine.
Chorim, your skin's glowing.
Did you like it that much? What do you know, you little twerp? Jihyeok, let's go first.
Should we sit and chat for a bit? Sure.
Huh? You must be cold.
It's okay.
You're probably cold too.
I'm a healthy young man.
Thank you for marrying my dad.
I'm sorry.
It feels like I stole a good father from you.
Don't say that.
I'm just happy to be rid of him.
No more nagging.
Really? I'm so sorry we can't all live together.
Just wait.
Once we get a two-bedroom apartment, we'll all be able to live together.
You want me to live with you? No.
I can live alone No, no.
I can live with Uncle Daepung.
Without me, he'll be homeless again.
Or he'll con someone.
I have to keep an eye on him.
You poor thing.
May I call you mom? My whole life, I never called anyone "mom.
" When other kids called out to their moms, I got so jealous.
Go ahead.
Mo-mo It's kind of tough.
I didn't get to say "mom" much either when I was growing up.
Really? Yup.
I'm reminded of her all of a sudden.
I do miss her.
I've never seen my mother's face.
Repeat after me.
Mom! Mom! See? It's not that hard, right? Mom! Mom! Mom! I'll be a good mom to you.
I'm your real mom from now on.
Got it, Noh Jihyeok? So you have to call me "mom" all the time.
Thank you, mom.
Yes, my son.
It's cold.
You're cold, aren't you? - Here.
/ - I'm fine.
I'm fine too.
- Okay.
/ - You must be cold.
Let's go, son.
Let's go, mom.
Here we go.
What do I do? Switch them back? No.
That's absurd.
Then what will happen to Runa? She's already married.
If I don't leave them be it'll wreck both their lives.
I have to keep it a secret.
I'll take it to my grave.
That's what's best.
I'm back, Gilja.
Did you have fun? Yes.
Are you really sick? I have bit of a cold.
Where's Chef Noh? At the restaurant tidying up.
He said he couldn't let Soyeong do everything alone.
Jihyeok was there too, helping Soyeong.
Chef Noh raised a great boy.
don't think of Jihyeok as a burden.
Think of him as a great son you got for free.
That's what I plan to do, but I'm not sure I'll be as great as you were.
Chorim, do you think I did a good job raising my girls? Of course.
You don't think so? Maybe Ruby, but Runa What's wrong, Gilja? Did something happen? I think I may have left her with emotionally scarred.
What am I going to do, Chorim? What are you talking about? Who's accusing you of that? Who? How dare they? Did Runa get herself into trouble? No.
Was it Ruby? No.
It must've been Runa this time.
I knew this would happen.
I thought she had turned over a new leaf after the accident, but old habits die hard.
Chorim! Yikes.
What's the matter with you? Why are you picking on Runa? What did she do? Don't pick on her.
She's my daughter and your niece.
Why are you so angry? I didn't mean anything by it.
But it's not like I made anything up.
Runa caused you a lot of grief.
She got a bit better after the accident But Runa is Gilja.
You'll never know.
Nobody knows what I'm going through.
What's the matter, Gilja? Just forget about it.
Just forget about it.
If the truth comes to light, Runa will die for sure.
You sound crazy.
Do you know that? Did you overhear our conversation? What? A new program? I want to make up for my mistakes.
Thank you, sweetie.
If you're not an idiot, then you have to know.
Did mom find out? What do I do? Why did Runa do such a thing? See you next time
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