Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e80 Episode Script

Episode 80

Why are you doing this to me? Are you just torturing me? Should I point out your biggest mistake so far? Waking me up from the coma.
While I was still in a coma at the hospital, or at least before I got my memory back, you should have gotten rid of me for good, so that no one would know.
Why are you doing this? Why do you harass me at every turn? Do you want money? Or do you want to study abroad? You like studying.
I'll pay for everything.
Study all you like.
Money? That'd be great.
But then you'd steal from the company again.
And you'd probably end up in jail.
How long did you expect me to play nice? How long did you think I'd let you fool me? Those days are over.
I'm going to pay you back in full with interest.
You want me to study? No need.
I'm studying hard right now.
About how deceptive people can be and about how greed completely destroys people.
I'm studying real hard.
Why? To make your life a living hell.
Episode 80 Who is it? What are you doing here? Please leave.
This is all your fault.
This is all your fault, Na Insu.
Why didn't you stop me? Why didn't you just tell them everything? If you exposed me from the start, things wouldn't have gone this far.
If you had stopped me before I took Ruby's face, none of this would've happened.
What are you talking about? You didn't see this coming? Who's the one who ignored my advice and put all these events in motion? And now what? Why couldn't I stop you? I want to die.
I want to die.
Get out, Jeong Runa.
What's done is done.
You're the only one who can fix this.
It's still not too late yet.
- Come clean and / - No.
Like you said, what's done is done.
There's no place There's no place to hide anymore.
I'll have to see this to the bitter end.
I'm sorry you had to see me like this.
Oh, Jihyeok.
I mean It's okay.
You must be here to see your dad.
- Let's go inside.
/ - No.
That's okay.
Don't be silly.
Come on in.
Welcome! Oh, Jihyeok Hi.
What is it? What brings you here, son? Jeez Why else would he be here? He missed his dad.
Right, Jihyeok? No What? I came to see Soyeong.
What? Really, Jihyeok? You came to see Soyeong? Actually, I came to see you, Mrs.
Me? Do you happen to need a part-time worker? What are you talking about? You have to get back to studying.
I know I have to study, but I should pay for the tuition myself, dad.
If you do need someone, I was hoping you'd let me work part-time.
Well Gilja, this is great.
We do need extra manpower.
Did you see Jihyeok work last time? He's really good.
He's twice, no, three times better than Dongpal.
But Jihyeok It's true.
Jihyeok is really good.
I'll think about it.
What's there to think about, Gilja? We'd be lucky to have him aboard.
He's handsome, strong, young, and diligent.
He's the best of the best.
All the young ladies will be eating here.
Okay, fine.
Good grief.
Hey, Soyeong.
Yes? Let me make one thing clear.
Keep your hands off Jihyeok.
Chorim! Jihyeok's a hot guy.
I get why you'd be attracted to him.
But don't make things complicated.
Jihyeok's my son, and you're like my little sister.
That makes you Jihyeok's aunt.
So if you were to date Jihyeok, then Ms.
Jeong Chorim Huh? What? What I meant was I'm just saying Now, I'm starting to miss you.
But I don't even want to see you.
As time goes on, our love fades away, ever so quietly What I can't figure out is Hey, Jihyeok.
That's enough.
It's late.
Our neighbors will complain.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder indeed.
Why's this tiny flat feel so empty? Uncle Daepung, do you miss dad? Give me a break.
Do I look like a child? That cruel little Dung Beetle He's so happy about getting married that he's forgotten all about us.
What a jerk.
I met dad today.
What? Where? I went to the restaurant to ask for a job.
Really? So what happened? Did they need a part-time worker? Yeah.
Yu said I could start right away.
Hey, you selfish little What'd you hit me for? That hurts.
You should've taken me with you.
How could you go by yourself? I need a job more than you do right now.
It's a shame.
If I could wash dishes next to Dongpal, it'd be great.
Ruby ordered Gu Yeonho to rough up Insu, and steal something from Insu's house? Could it be true? Then, why? What's the secret that Na Insu and Ruby are hiding? You're still up, Gyeongmin.
Were you waiting for me? I'm so exhausted.
It's all because father insisted that Runa do this ad campaign with me.
She's new to this.
What would she know? She just kept messing up.
You said you were tired.
Get ready for bed.
Okay, hon.
What's going on with you and Na Insu? What do you mean? What's Na Insu got to do with me? You know that he's Runa's fiancee, and therefore my future brother-in-law.
But why are you asking me that? I felt like you two might've been closer than I expected and that you're keeping a certain secret from me.
That's ridiculous.
What secret? I guess you just love me that much.
To the point where you get wild suspicions.
Settle down, Mr.
Bae Gyeongmin.
Jeong Ruby belongs to you.
Eunji said she was never pregnant.
You said you met with Gu Yeonho because Eunji was pregnant but had a miscarriage after a fight.
Didn't you say you met with him to confront him for your friend's sake? She denied it? I'm sure she told me differently.
That's why I met with Mr.
You expect me to believe that? You don't believe me? Why not? You're so trusting of everyone except for your own wife.
Why? I'm telling the truth.
Believe me.
Why did you have Gu Yeonho assault Insu? Why'd you ask him to break into Insu's house to get something for you? Also, what's Mr.
Gu trying to sell to me? He said it was something remarkable.
You know what he's talking about, don't you? You believe what he said? Gu Yeonho.
That scumbag.
You believe what he says? You met that scumbag, not me.
I had no choice.
Because he's Eunji's boyfriend.
I may be the wife of JM Group's heir, but I'm also a loyal friend.
I'm sure you understand how valuable friendship and loyalty are.
When you doubt someone, they become suspicious.
When you trust someone, they become faithful.
I asked you to trust me.
I told you I was going to change.
I'll keep this short.
Did you try to sell the USB to my husband? Now we're talking.
Just wait for now.
I'll get you the money.
All I have is my word.
I'll be waiting, Mrs.
Call the Audit Office and find out who led the audit on Mr.
Na Insu's bribery investigation.
If he's in, have him come here.
Yes, sir.
Yes? It was Mr.
Park Gijun.
He says he's on his way.
Thank you.
I'm sorry to bother you.
I asked to see you because I have something to ask.
I see.
Go ahead.
Did you notice anything strange when you were investigating Mr.
Na Insu's case? Anything strange? For example, did anyone try to maybe interfere with the investigation? So someone did? Yes, but Who was it? Was it my wi I meant, was it Ms.
Jeong Ruby? Yes.
What did she say? Ah Well She asked us to conclude that Mr.
Na was innocent.
She claimed it's what you and your father wanted as well.
Though it turned out that Mr.
Na was framed, if I think about it now, some things were a bit off.
A bit off? For one thing, the guilty party came forward immediately.
But what's even stranger is that Mr.
Na remained so calm and collected.
People usually get nervous when they are audited, even if they're innocent.
But Mr.
Na wasn't like that.
He actually asked us to call the cops.
And then there was Mrs.
Bae She was antsy and nervous like someone being pursued.
In our line of work, we have to read people pretty quickly I'm afraid I'm not providing much help.
It's fine.
Please continue.
For a while I was sure that Mr.
Na had something on Mrs.
Bae But later, I was proven wrong.
Since you're busy, I'll cut right to the chase.
What's going on between you and my wife? This is all rather sudden.
What's this about? Bribery, assault, armed robbery, and attempted murder Gu Yeonho told me everything.
He said he was following Ruby's orders when he did what he did to you.
Is that what Gu Yeonho told you? That he did all those things because Ruby ordered him to? So you just assumed that Ruby and I I'm not asking about anything else.
I just want to know why Ruby would do something like that.
I want to know why Mr.
Gu would make such a ridiculous claim.
So you don't know anything about this? I met Ruby, I mean your wife, for the first time after the accident.
So how could we be up to something? Frankly, I'm offended.
I'm sorry.
I have a show coming up.
That's all I can tell you.
I'm sorry.
There's definitely something.
You and Ruby are definitely up to something.
So why? Why are you and Ruby hiding it from me? Why? I've never seen this laptop before.
Don't touch it.
It's not mine.
Gyeongmin, what're you doing back so soon? Perfect timing.
I just finished your scarf.
Sorry, grandma, but I'm in a rush.
Yes? Gyeongmin.
Grandma says you have to drink this.
It's good for your health.
Just leave it there.
I'll drink it later.
I have to show grandma an empty cup.
Oh right.
Aunt Geumhui.
Yes? Do you know where Ruby keeps the key to our desk drawer? I think I've seen it around somewhere.
Oh Here.
Is this it? Aunt Geumhui Thanks.
And please don't tell Ruby Don't worry.
I know what's going on.
It's this mouth that gets me into trouble.
See you.
My dear nephew, I love you.
Runa Then, is this Insu's laptop? What's hidden in here? What's the secret they're hiding? Great.
A little brighter.
Just a little more.
Since I'm the wife of JM Group's heir, this ad campaign is very meaningful.
Jeong Runa's growing popularity keeps sister Jeong Ruby on her toes Since I'm the wife of JM Group's heir, this ad campaign is very meaningful.
Isn't the color of this lipstick too similar to Ms.
Jeong Runa's? I think there needs to be more contrast.
Of course.
Just a moment.
How much longer do I have to wait, Mrs.
Bae? Do I have to sell this to someone else? Wait.
I'll give you 30 minutes.
Why are you acting like a loan shark? I said I'd buy it.
I need some time.
I'm sorry, but I'm in a pinch too.
Vice President Bae seemed interested, but for your sake, I kept my mouth shut.
My sake? You told him everything.
I didn't tell him anything important.
If you can't make time, would it be better for me to come to you? I'm coming to you.
Hello? I met with Vice President Bae.
Gyeongmin? What for? What did you two talk about? You didn't tell him anything, did you? He said he met with Gu Yeonho.
He asked me if what Yeonho said was true.
So? What'd you tell him? What do you think I told him? Hurry up.
What'd you tell him.
I said I knew nothing about that.
I didn't know you'd resort to such disgusting measures.
In some respects, I was telling the truth.
So? Why are you playing nice? To warn you and get you prepared.
Whether Bae Gyeongmin will finds out or Jeong Ruby exposes you, or Gu Yeonho rats you out, it's only a matter time before everyone finds out what you've done.
You'll have to prepare for the worst.
It's an emergency.
I can't do the shoot.
Let the photographer know.
But Mrs.
Bae So she can't do the shoot? That's what it looks like.
I'm so sorry.
Let's get this deal over with.
This is a copy, isn't it? Look, Mrs.
I am mixed up in this, but I'm not some petty thug.
I've never been to prison.
I'm an upstanding citizen.
Even though Vice President Bae keeps calling, for your sake, I'm not picking up.
What? I think he's interested in what I'm selling, but like said, all I have is my word.
That's why I'm ignoring his calls.
Don't answer it.
You're cute when you get like this.
It's not your husband's number.
Don't worry.
Hello? This is Bae Gyeongmin.
Oh, hello.
Your husband.
Let's meet up again.
We still have some things to discuss.
Meet? Why? I don't know if you have time I'm sure you're busy.
But I'll work around your schedule.
Tell me when you're free.
I'm honored that you'd meet with a nobody like me, but I don't think we should meet unless you're interested in buying what I'm selling.
We're both busy people.
I'm not sure if you get what I mean.
Let's meet before we discuss anything else.
Well, I suppose you'll be more generous than any other buyers.
I'm so sorry though.
I'm heading out on an overseas business trip right now.
I'll call you back as soon as I get back.
You and your husband are so desparate.
This time it's for sure, right? Don't worry.
You won't ever see me again.
But knowing that I won't have a celebrity as a client anymore makes me a bit sad.
In any case, sorry for the hassle.
You understand this is the last time, right? If you ever come back to my office, or call my husband, I won't let you get away with it.
If I get caught, I will put you behind bars for blackmail, understood? Of course I do.
That's why I kept looking out for you.
But you really are an amazing person.
You could've done great things.
In any case, you have my respect, Mrs.
Gu Yeonho.
Na Insu.
Jeong Ruby.
What could it be? Truth.
What's the truth? I have to find out the truth everyone's keeping from me.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
/ - Thank you.
Thank you.
Na! Oh.
It's been so long.
Yeah it has been.
We work at the same network, but I never get to see you.
I know.
How've you been? If you have some time, can you get coffee with me? Here.
I'm sorry.
I have a show so we can't go outside.
That's okay.
I love vending machine coffee.
Do you have something to tell me? It's nothing major.
I'm just curious about something.
You came over to my place a while back to find Ruby.
I think I heard you call Runa "Ruby.
" Why'd you do that? I was on the phone with a friend, so I didn't get the details, but I also heard something about plastic surgery and the accident.
What was that about? That was a pretty tense moment, wasn't it? We fumbled some of our words.
I'm sure it sounded pretty odd.
Well, I thought so too, but then Ruby's husband, Vice President Bae, asked to meet with Yeonho, so I let him.
I heard it was Ruby that made Yeonho frame you and break into your house.
Yeonho told Vice President Bae everything.
When I heard that, I felt so sorry about it.
Don't tell me you didn't know.
I know.
I swear I won't tell a soul.
What's up with you and Ruby? Did you two have an affair? Did you do something to Ruby? Lots of married women have affairs Listen, Ms.
Lee Eunji.
What I meant to say is that since Ruby's my friend, I won't judge your lifestyle.
You said all that at my house anyhow.
Lee Eunji! See you next time
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