Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e81 Episode Script

Episode 81

Episode 81 You're extra fabulous today.
Since I missed out yesterday I'm working extra hard.
Is it alright? You're the best.
But, Ms.
Your expressions so amazing.
You have this mysterious aura.
It's like you have a story to tell us.
I guess it shows.
Truth is, I do have sad story to tell.
I'll share it with you some other time.
I'm looking forward to it.
Let's run a few more.
Sad story? Why didn't just tell everyone? Why didn't you just expose me? I thought about it, but there isn't much of an audience.
A live talk show with a studio audience.
Now that would have been perfect.
Should I call the network director now and tell him we'll do the talk show? Fine.
Go ahead.
You're insane.
Insane? Do you know why I'm holding back? Like you said, I'm going insane.
Keep it up.
I show you exactly what happens when I build up my rage.
It should be fun.
The insane story of two insane sisters.
We just finished.
You want to get dinner together? Fine.
I'll come by your office.
See? No matter how hard you try, you can't get anything back.
Gyeongmin, the one you want so badly, he's my man now, and you can't take him.
That's why I'm telling you to give up.
That's the only way you, mom, Gyeongmin and everyone else can live happily.
We need you to give up.
Don't be selfish.
You're a nice person, aren't you? You're my little sister, Jeong Runa.
It's me, Gyeongmin.
There's something I have to discuss with you.
Can you make some time for dinner? I'm sorry, but it's urgent.
I'll see you later then.
Thank you.
What are you scheming now? Did you say Gyeongmin was your man? Someone once said, "Men are like ships, always ready to depart.
" Don't ever let your guard down.
Gyeongmin's already slipping.
Didn't you know? Aren't you his wife? Don't worry.
It's not going to be me.
I'm not you.
But I have to fix what's broken.
Hello? Oh right.
I'm so sorry, but I forgot I had a previous engagement.
A previous engagement? With who? It's December.
I forgot that I had a class reunion.
Let's have dinner tomorrow.
Just when you think you have it all, you lose everything.
That's life.
The harder you cling, the further it pulls away.
That's love.
I know Gyeongmin.
He's responsible and faithful.
He's got lots of integrity.
However, he's also true to his feelings.
I can just tell by his eyes.
He's slipping away.
He's in agony.
He needs love so badly.
I didn't know he was such a good liar though.
That's insane! You're insane! Gyeongmin's mine.
How dare you? Yeah.
Now I see that something's different.
They changed.
I didn't realize they'd traded lives.
Sit, Dongpal.
Can I take a look, Mrs.
Yu? Wow.
It's magnificent.
It's art.
The photo's incredible.
Oh, wow.
Let me see.
Who would've guessed that Ruby and Runa would be in the newspapers together? Wow.
This is amazing.
Gilja, we might not be able to go out in public anymore.
You know what'll happen if people find out about our celebrity status.
That only happens to superstars.
Ruby and Runa aren't superstars.
Come on.
They're both pretty famous.
During the interview they could've mentioned our restaurant.
People would be lining up to eat here.
Right? Gilja, Gilja.
Why don't we blow this up and put it up right here? What do you think? For what? What else? For publicity.
Come on now.
Actually, no.
We'll use this opportunity to change the name of the restaurant.
Ruby and Runa's Grilled Chicken.
We'll make a fortune.
Right? Ms.
Jeong Chorim, don't you know that food comes first? Chef Noh's cooking skills are more valuable than our publicity.
Your skills are important, I get it.
But ads are important too.
Good grief.
What do you think? Chorim, that's enough.
Put that away.
Come on, Gilja.
It's perfect here.
I told you to put it away! Where's Ko Soyeong anyway? This is my first time having coffee like this.
Really? I've been here a few times with my friends.
But it's so expensive.
Shame on you.
For the price of this coffee, you could get a full meal.
Save up.
But today's special, just enjoy it.
In any case, you got me all excited.
Can I sit next to you? Huh? I think it'd be nice to enjoy the view together.
Yeah, okay then.
No, no.
I'll go.
Okay, let's drink.
Is it okay for us to be out this long? Shouldn't we get back to work? Probably.
But I don't want to go.
I'd rather just stay here with you.
Oh my goodness! What were you two doing? Oh, Chorim Oh Um Follow me.
Yu's mad.
Oh, no.
Oh jeez I'm losing it.
That Soyeong How dare she? Why? What's wrong? Soyeong and Jihyeok were sitting next to each other at a cafe, and Soyeong had her head on Jihyeok's shoulder like What? How could she? How'd she manage to seduce our sweet Jihyeok so quickly? That little twerp I mean, come on! You're jumping to conclusions again.
No, Gilja.
I know what I saw.
They're friends.
Oh, come on! That's not what it looked like.
It was more than friendship.
It's like they were on a date.
Dongpal, is Jihyeok just like you? Yeah.
Why? Then he's probably a womanizer too.
I need to find out if Jihyeok started this or if Soyeong seduced him.
We're sorry we're late.
We were having coffee.
Hey, buster! I thought you were serious.
Where'd you two run off to? Dongpal, Dongpal, Dongpal.
Chef Noh, why'd you hit Jihyeok? It was my fault.
I'm the one who wanted to get coffee.
It's my fault we're late.
Hit me instead.
Jihyeok didn't do anything wrong.
Jihyeok, does it hurt? Let me see.
Hey, hey, hey.
Soyeong What? I'm just being honest.
I'm the one who wanted to get coffee.
Oh jeez.
Great job, everyone.
- Thank you.
/ - Thank you.
Good job, Mr.
We need to talk.
What is it? What are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Do you know what you're doing? Are you stupid? Are you an idiot? You said you loved her and you'd marry her.
Why are you just sitting back and watching? Now that Jeong Ruby has her memory back, you're just going to wallow in self-pity? Are you just going to follow her around and do whatever she asks you to do? I have a show in 30 minutes.
Get to the point already.
Jeong Ruby's going insane.
She asked him out to dinner in front of me.
So what? What? And did Bae Gyeongmin run to her like he'd been waiting for that moment? Is that why you're being so hysterical? Because you're green with envy? You said you loved Jeong Ruby.
Don't you even care? Don't you get what's happening? Even if Gyeongmin chose to meet someone other than his wife, do you have a right to judge him? You're such a hypocrite.
You wanted to keep him so badly, but since you couldn't, you planned to manipulate me? Too bad.
I don't care about you enough to let you manipulate me anymore.
Call Ruby right now.
Keep her away from him.
If you don't, there's no telling what they'll do next.
What they'll do next? That's between them.
It's not my affair.
But I can see why you're concerned.
Runa, you'll never beat Ruby.
Do you want to know why? Because she knows Gyeongmin so well.
Ruby and Gyeongmin truly love and understand one another.
An honest relationship is completely different.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Gyeongmin loves me.
How long will that illusion hold up? You think since you're his wife, no one could possibly take Gyeongmin away from you? Don't fool yourself.
Who was the woman Gyeongmin fell head over heels for? I told you, didn't I? You'll live in fear and misery forever.
You should've seen this coming.
Insu, you feel sorry for me, don't you? I know you so well.
So please help me.
You can pretend all you want, but I know you still love me.
You think you know me? The girl who doesn't even know herself? You don't even believe in love, and yet you still believe that you deserve it? That's hilarious.
But none of that matters now.
I'm warning you, Jeong Runa.
Listen close.
If you try to manipulate me again, I'll make you pay.
Hon, turn on the lights.
Oh, wow.
It's so pretty.
At times like these, we need music, don't we? This is so nice.
Ma'am, I'm so happy.
I love you.
I love you too.
I love my entire family.
You're becoming more like Geumhui.
Really? Love and happiness.
It's not so bad.
So long as I don't become a ditz.
By the way, what about the orphanage and the trip to visit the old folks? Our volunteer group will be going next week.
That's good.
I'm home.
Hi, Ruby.
What do you think? Christmas is here.
Did she fight with Gyeongmin? Why is she so down? She wouldn't let a single fight with her husband get her so down.
I'm sure she's just tired.
Oh, right.
Did you take your medication? No.
Not yet.
I told you take it a while ago.
Why don't you ever listen? Yeah Changgeun, just listen to her.
I don't know about everything else, but take your medication on time.
Yes, mother.
I know Gyeongmin.
He's responsible and faithful.
He's got lots of integrity.
However, he's also true to his feelings.
I can just tell from his eyes.
He's slipping.
He's in agony.
He needs love so badly.
I didn't know he was such a good liar though.
How long will that illusion hold up? You think since you're his wife, do you think no one can take Gyeongmin away from you? Don't fool yourself.
Who was the woman Gyeongmin fell head over heels for? No.
Gyeongmin's not like that.
Gu Yeonho's out of the picture now, and I have the USB.
If I can hold onto Gyeongmin there'll be no more problems.
I'll be fine if he's by my side.
That's all I need.
Stay by my side Why aren't you eating? Not hungry? I guess I'm not that hungry.
Don't mind me.
You don't have to hurry.
Maybe we should've called Ruby.
She likes sashimi.
What's the urgent thing you need to tell me? Something's been bothering me.
It's about what happened in Jeju.
I wasn't drunk.
I wasn't out of my mind either.
But I was worried you'd feel uncomfortable around me after what happened.
If that was bothering me, we wouldn't be having dinner together.
Just tell me you're falling for me.
Just tell me that's why you lied and came to see to me.
That was Gyeongmin, it's a Christmas present.
Christmas present? Wait until you get home.
It's a bit awkward.
Oh, no.
I didn't get you anything.
That's okay.
You're always looking out for me.
I'm glad you feel that way.
There's actually something I wanted to ask you too.
What is it? About Ruby and Insu No.
It'd be better if she didn't know that they might be up to something.
What is it, Gyeongmin? What about Ruby and Insu? No.
It's been so long.
This is nice.
I feel the same way.
Why don't you come here with Insu? Gyeongmin, do you know what the opposite of "I love you" is? The opposite? "I don't love you?" "I loved you.
" Are you and Insu having problems? It seems like you two aren't spending a lot of time together.
Just tell him, Jeong Ruby.
Tell him who you really are and put an end to all this.
What's stopping you? What are you waiting for? Did you two fight? The truth is, I was seeing someone other than Insu.
When I had amnesia, I didn't know.
But when my memory came back, I remembered there was someone else.
I was engaged to my soulmate.
So there was someone before you and Insu got engaged.
But I just can't get over him, even though he married someone else.
I'm trying to get over him, but I can't erase him from my heart.
I understand but I want him back.
What should I do? I love him so much.
It's killing me inside.
What should I do? But you're engaged to Insu now.
You need to think about Insu too.
Then what about me? What about my feelings? Should I get married to someone I don't love for Insu's sake? Sacrifice myself? I know, but Yes, Gyeongmin.
That's who you are.
You never turn your back on anyone.
But what do I do, Gyeongmin? What should I do? What's wrong, Ruby? Did you and Gyeongmin have a fight? No.
It's just that I'm so happy.
Happy about what? About everything.
It's just like old times.
I'm sure she regrets it too.
She put on a charade using her sister's face to find out how to be happy.
It must be painful for her as well.
I didn't notice how broken she was, and I called her "Ruby" like an idiot.
What kind of mother am I? Is this what being a mother's about? Did the class reunion go well? Huh? Yeah.
Of course.
What's that? Oh.
This? Are you cold? Yeah.
My hands are cold too.
Can I put my hand in your pocket? Sure.
What was that? Put your hand in here.
Huh? Okay.
Isn't your backpack heavy? Let me carry it.
What's up? It's just like Dongpal I mean Chef Noh and Chorim's first date.
I went to see a movie with my friends and I caught them together.
Really? Do you think we'll get caught too? No way.
Yes way.
I caught you.
Uncle Daepung.
Are you two dating? Are you boyfriend and girlfriend now? Where are you going? To the theater to catch a late-night movie.
Really? That's great.
Let me go with you.
Jihyeok Run! Stop right there! It's been forever since I saw a movie.
Those heartless kids.
Those two Something's fishy.
What's this? Another couple? Stop it.
- Dongpal! / - Daepung.
Long time no see.
Your wife must be treating you well.
You're practically glowing.
Have you been well, Chorim? Fine, thanks.
Dongpal, I just saw Jihyeok and Soyeong.
What? Jihyeok and Soyeong? They were holding each other so tightly.
Don't even get me started.
I couldn't bear to look.
What are you talking about? So are you saying Jihyeok and Soyeong are dating? Probably.
Really? Chorim, I think something's wrong with your grilled chicken joint.
Excuse me? What do you mean? Both Dongpal and Jihyeok found their women at that chicken place.
Both older women at that.
Good grief.
What is this? Oh Um Who gave this to you? What happened? Did Runa give you this? You see I know you were with Runa.
I know you lied to me.
Is this how it's going to be? You lied about the class reunion, canceled our dinner plans, and had dinner with Runa instead? I knew the whole time.
I knew everything! She said she had something urgent to discuss.
You and I can have dinner whenever.
We see each other at home too.
But Runa Runa? What about Runa? Is she more important to you than I am? More important than your wife? That's not what I'm saying.
You've always been like this.
Runa's always a bigger priority.
Why? Why is your sister-in-law a bigger priority than your wife? Do you like Runa that much? Do you love her? Why? Why? How could Runa give me the same scarf Ruby knitted for me in college? Don't test me.
How long did you think I'd play the victim? I'm sorry, Jeong Ruby.
What's going on? Don't you love me anymore? Can't you tell me that you love me? Is there a secret about my birth that I'm not aware of? - Oh, no.
/ - My goodness.
Goodness me Are you interested in politics? I'm not greedy, I'm just ambitious.
See you next time
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