Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e83 Episode Script

Episode 83

You have to be ready to serve the nation and the people if you want to become a politician.
In that sense, you're underqualified.
That hurts my feelings.
I'm sure.
But politics is You haven't taken my side even once.
I didn't expect you to anyways.
You say no to whatever I decide to do, calling me greedy and untrustworthy.
You say I only cause trouble.
I'm sorry I'm not like other wives who can be happy supporting their husbands and raising babies.
I'm also sorry I have big dreams.
But this is who I am.
I don't know what will come of this, but I'm going to give it a go.
We're not opposing you just for the sake of opposing you.
I'm going to do it even if you tell me not to.
I'm back.
Gyeongmin, did you hear that your wife's running for office? Yes.
I'll do it even if Gyeongmin tells me not to.
No one can live my life for me.
It's my life.
I'm sorry.
Episode 83 Ruby, do you have to do this? I want to try.
I can do it.
You're supposed to dream big, right? And if you want it badly, dreams come true.
Dreams are dreams because they don't come true.
I can make my dream come true.
I will.
I won't ask you to take my side.
Just sit back and watch.
I'm begging you.
Just watch.
I'm going to do it.
No matter what anyone says, I'll become Korea's top legislator.
I'll do whatever it takes.
It looks nice, but I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know? It's all written out right here.
I hope this doesn't bother Gyeongmin.
We have to go for it regardless.
And this was drafted by Jeong Runa, a marketing expert.
How is it? Have you finished reading it? Of course.
You're the best, Runa.
I'm glad you like it.
I pray that this franchise becomes a success.
But where's Soyeong? Come on, kids.
I made the ramen noodles.
You should at least get the table out.
Yes, sir.
Get the pad.
It looks so yummy.
- Jihyeok, eat up.
/ - Sure.
- Enjoy.
/ - Okay.
Wang, where's the egg? It tastes better with eggs and scallions.
Then don't eat it.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for cooking.
Soyeong, try this.
- You too.
/ - Yup.
Why are you young folks cooped up in here? Why don't you go out on a date? Going out costs money.
We have to save up.
Good grief.
You're a man.
A man should Put on airs and end up just like you? Jihyeok, we have to be frugal and save up as much as we can, okay? Good grief.
Good grief.
Wait, Uncle Daepung.
You had coffee this morning.
You can't get another cup now.
What? We have to cut down.
One per day, okay? Wow - Do you want some kimchi? / - Yeah.
Everyone's got someone except me.
I wonder what Jangderella is doing.
A Dream Come True: Super Deals on Nose Filler My goal for this year was to get a nose job.
You're beautiful, Jangderella.
Wang was the only one who ever told me I was beautiful.
I wonder what he's doing.
Why aren't you sleeping? What are you thinking about? She's taking things too far.
I've told her over and over again that her greed is a recipe for disaster.
National Assembly What are you going to do? Are you going to stop her? Yes? Dad.
Come in.
I knew it.
I knew you'd be distressed.
What do you mean? Gyeongmin told me Ruby was running for office.
But dad, mom, let's be a little more positive.
It's very rare for women to get a chance like this in Korea.
This is what Ruby wants, so let's give her our support.
Sera, it's not that I enjoy getting in Ruby's way.
I've been an entrepreneur for a long time, and do you know what I look for first when I meet someone? Not their capabilities or education.
But their character.
Unfortunately, Ruby doesn't have that.
I could choose to support her since she's my daughter-in-law, but in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn't be right.
She doesn't have what it takes to serve the country.
But it seems like the die has been cast.
We'll just have to see.
Why did you decide to join the race? In spite of Korea's worldwide prestige, in terms of gender equality, South Korea ranks 31st out of 34 OECD member states.
We're at the bottom-most tier.
I'm running to raise women's stature and deliver a message of hope to all the women in Korea.
Does your decision have anything to do with your involvement with the suicidal teen? I can't say it has nothing to do with that.
Seeing Jiyeon made me realize that we can't let that happen in Korea.
I made up my mind to help teens and women in need.
Jiyeon, how are you holding up? Do you feel happy? There was that talk show debacle.
Some are not skeptical about your candidacy.
A word, please, to such skeptics.
You have to fall to learn how to get back up.
That incident has made me, Jeong Ruby, stronger and more resilient.
Please, put your faith in me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Look this way, please.
Why, hello.
I have no doubt you'll win.
I count on you for your support.
Our company needs your help.
Oh, please.
JM Group's relying on you.
- Don't forget about us.
/ - Of course not.
We know your win will help us grow.
Thank you.
You heard, right? I'm running for office.
National Assembly? You? Insu, I need your help.
I need you, Insu.
Jeong Runa, snap out of it.
People might hear.
Keep your voice down.
Don't shoot me down right away.
Think about it carefully.
I'm asking you to join my camp.
If I enter politics, I want you to be my most trusted aide and advisor.
Don't you think we'd make a good team? Yesterday's enemies are today's friends, and today's friends are tomorrow's enemies.
That's how politics works.
Didn't you take social studies? If I want to go into politics, I need someone who knows me inside and out.
And that's me? Vice President Bae would be hurt.
He's He's way too different from us.
His values are altogether too different.
You know that.
- But you / - I'm just like you? You may not want to admit it, but it's true.
We're one in the same.
That's why we know each other so well.
We despise one another, but we also agree that it was the only choice we had, don't we? Can't you see this will upgrade your resume? You can reach new heights as my aide.
New opportunities will open up for you.
You made a bad call, Jeong Runa.
We're one in the same? That I agree with your decision? No.
Those are just your assumptions.
But I bet there's no one around you who'll understand and accept you.
Politics? Fine.
Go ahead and give it a shot.
This might be the fastest way to put you back in your place.
Na Insu, you're an idiot.
Why can't you see that it's the only way for you to make a name for yourself? You're amazing, Ms.
An official party candidate? I haven't won the election yet.
I'm embarrassed.
Congratulate me when I win.
This alone is pretty amazing.
What'd Vice President Bae say? I'm sure he's thrilled.
Gyeongmin? Yeah, I guess.
Seo, Homage says they've finalized their decision.
They will sign tomorrow.
- Thanks.
/ - You're welcome.
Oh, Ms.
Did you know Ruby's running for office? Excuse me? You haven't seen the papers yet? Ms.
Jeong is the Yeomin Party candidate for the upcoming by-election.
We have to be nice to her now.
I'll treat everyone to coffee.
Runa, come get coffee with me.
Give up right now.
Give what up? Didn't you hear me? Tell the assemblyman who talked you into this that you won't be running.
Why? Why should I do that? Do I really have to spell it out for you? I might be the only one who knows.
Insu knows too.
We know how cruel, devious, selfish, and hypocritical you are.
You? Politics? For whom? You're going to use politics to go through with your wicked agenda? You must be afraid that I'll become an assemblywoman.
There's no need to be afraid.
This won't be bad for you either.
What? If I do a good job and win that golden National Assembly pin, I could become the Seoul mayor, prime minister, or something even greater.
And if that happens, whose name will shine? Yours, Jeong Ruby.
Think carefully.
Your name will become famous.
Your name will be honored for generations.
It's my life.
It's the life I'll get back no matter what.
Who are you to hack my life to pieces? Isn't it time for you to give up? If you're not going to expose me, this animosity and hostility is unnecessary stress and exhaustion.
I will never let you.
Assemblywoman? I don't think so.
You defrauded your own family.
And now you're going to defraud the entire nation? Don't make me laugh.
You have to be stopped.
I know how you feel.
And I'm thankful you haven't told anyone our secret.
I'm sure you spared me because you're as sweet as an angel.
But think about it, Ruby.
Had we not been switched, would you have pursued your dream as aggressively as I have? At best, you would've married Gyeongmin and lived as a wealthy housewife raising your kids.
But look at me.
With the help of your name and face, I was able to pursue my dreams.
What you couldn't do, I'm doing, because I'm me.
Don't try to justify yourself.
If I become a legislator, I will do a lot of good things.
I'll help the needy and do whatever it takes for the betterment of Korean politics.
You know that women consider me their mentor.
They look up to me as their role model.
Would they still look up to you when that mask gets ripped off? Do you know what's most important in interpersonal relationships? It's trust and honesty.
If you go ahead with this, I will expose you for your own sake as well as for that of the nation and the future of Korean politics.
You can have Bae Gyeongmin.
Once I win the election and I become a politician, I'll divorce him.
Aren't you doing all this for the sake of your wretched love? I'll make everything else up to you too.
Everything you lost, I'll give back to you.
I know you.
You always talk about revenge, but you can't do anything about it.
That's why you can't do it.
You can't walk the talk.
You can't do a thing.
Not a thing.
I know you well.
Are you sure about that? Are you? Are you? You haven't done a thing up until now.
What're you going to do? Are Runa's words true? No.
No, this isn't right.
This can't go on.
I held back for mom and Gyeongmin's sake, but I can't let Runa have her way anymore.
I'll get my life back.
You're unrepentant about stealing my face and lying about it.
I'll have to expose you to the world.
Jeong Runa, I'm sorry, but no more.
TV personality Jeong Ruby enters politics What is she thinking? What is it? Let me see.
Oh, my goodness.
Ruby's running for office? Dongpal.
Hon, come here.
Come here.
What is it? Ruby's running for office.
What? This is great, Gilja.
I knew it.
Ruby's not your average girl.
If Ruby gets elected, our restaurant's going to get huge.
Doesn't she look pretty? The recipient is unavailable Gilja.
Gilja, where are you going? Gilja! No.
I have to stop her.
What does she think she's doing? What if someone finds out what she's done? Mom.
Why'd you come all the way here to see me? I just I missed you.
Did you have lunch? The sandwiches here are nice.
I had a late lunch.
Say, Ruby Yes, mom? Is it true? Are you really running for office? You must've seen the papers.
Yes, it's true.
Everyone's telling me I'll win.
My ratings are high.
What are your in-laws saying? I don't know.
It's driving me insane.
No one seems to want me to do it.
But I was insistent, so they let me do whatever.
And Gyeongmin? He's the same.
But it's okay.
The party's pushing for me.
Why, mom? Ruby, I don't think you should do it.
I just don't think it's a good idea.
You always listened to me.
You never disobeyed me, even in your early years, so couldn't you do as I tell you just one last time? You too? No one wants to support me.
Everyone's out to ruin this for me.
Ruby, it's not that Yes, sir.
Of course the response is great.
Please don't do this, Runa.
You're digging your own grave.
Thank you.
Mom, I have to go.
It's cold.
Take a cab back home.
Don't worry about me, okay? I'm sorry.
Runa You may not want to admit it, but it's true.
We're one in the same.
We despise one another, but we also agree that it was the only choice we had, don't we? Yes.
You may be right.
We do know each other very well.
If things hadn't gone awry, we might've made a great team.
But Jeong Runa, do you really have to do this? You're deceiving the entire nation.
We're not going to a wedding.
Just pick whatever.
This is almost like a job interview.
I have to look nice.
Is this better or this? This is nice.
It's very nice.
This one? Really? Yup.
Describe what I look like in this.
Let's see Innocent but also sexy.
What else? Pure and very young.
You're so sweet.
Chorim! Are you almost done? We're coming, okay? We're coming.
You're never any help.
Let's go.
Runa, you haven't left yet? I was waiting to go with you.
What do you think, Runa? I look too old, right? What about the colors? You look perfect.
Let's go.
See you, Gilja.
Just sit there quietly and let Chef Noh do all the talking.
Hey, Gilja.
That's not cool.
Yu is right, Chorim.
Plus, it's Dongpal's idea anyway, so it's the best plan.
Runa did such a great job with the proposal there's not much more for me to add.
See you later.
See you.
See you later.
Good luck, Chorim.
I hope this isn't bothersome for Gyeongmin.
Come in.
Welcome, Aunt Chorim and Uncle Dongpal.
Tea, please.
Please come sit.
So this is what your office looks like.
This is what offices look like.
Stop yammering.
This is our proposal, Vice President Bae.
Why are you calling me by my title? We're here on business.
I have to.
That's right, Gyeo I mean Vice President Bae.
Stop it.
If you keep this up, I won't look over this.
Okay, Gyeongmin.
Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken franchise Population density by region, competitor analysis, new menu items You've done a lot of work.
Runa helped us draft the proposal, but Dongpal's very diligent to begin with.
Hats off to you, Uncle Dongpal.
This is great.
It's way better than my first business proposal.
Really? I'll have to discuss this with the marketing department, but I can definitely see potential.
Really? Are you sure? Thank you, Gyeongmin.
You can have Bae Gyeongmin.
Once I win the election and I become a politician, I'll divorce him.
Aren't you being like this for the sake of your wretched love? And I'll make everything else up to you too.
You'll get back everything you lost.
Don't you get it? Do you think this is just about Gyeongmin? Don't you see it's time for you to end that insatiable greed? TV personality Jeong Ruby says she's running for office to "help the needy" Yes.
I'm sure you want to be famous.
You'll do whatever it takes to satiate your appetite for success.
But you only care about yourself.
How can someone as selfish as you claim to be running for office to help the needy? No.
You want an expressway to success that will take you to new heights.
But I'll make that expressway crumble.
The moment you get on it, you'll fall.
I will make sure of it.
I will.
Isn't it time for you to give up? If you're not going to expose me, this animosity and hostility is just unnecessary exhaustion and stress.
I will never let you.
Assemblywoman? I don't think so.
You defrauded your own family.
And now you're going to defraud the the entire nation? No way.
You have to be stopped.
I clearly warned you.
I told you I wouldn't hold back.
I won't accept it anymore.
You stole my life.
You deceived Gyeongmin and our family.
And now you are out to deceive the whole world.
I can't take this anymore.
If people see you like this, how will they react? A beautiful and intelligent career woman? A paragon of noblesse oblige? A great candidate for legislative office? I'm sorry, Jeong Runa, I'm letting the public decide what you are.
Runa, I know it's tough, but you're not the old Runa.
So couldn't you just be more understanding of Ruby? I know you.
You always talk about revenge, but you can't do anything about it.
That's why you can't do it.
You can't walk the talk.
You can't do a thing.
Not a thing.
I know you well.
Is that what you think, Jeong Runa? Fine.
Then I'll show you this time.
I'll do what you never expected me to do.
Watch closely.
The things that were mine The things you stole from me The things you so desperately wanted Watch how they all disappear.
Watch how the Tower of Babel crumbles.
Is the campaign starting soon? Yes, father.
Since you're going through with this, do you need our help? No.
It was a strategic nomination, so the party's giving me a lot of support.
You don't have to worry.
But you're running in an election.
We can't just sit back and watch.
You're right, mother.
If there's anything we can do to help, don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you, mother.
I'll help too, Ruby.
I can wear a sash with your name on it and go out and sing and dance.
Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby.
There we go.
Good job.
Not too shabby.
Where are Gyeongmin and Sera? Gyeongmin left for work early, and Sera said she had some shows to watch.
Shows to watch? Overseas TV shopping shows.
She's stressed about the homeshopping business.
How's she going to get married? She works all the time.
When will she find a man? It's the party leader.
He must be calling to encourage me.
Yes, sir.
Video? Na Insu! Na Insu! Na Insu! Take it down right now.
How can you do this to me? Who are you, Jeong Ruby? I have no idea who you are.
The gates of hell are finally open.
Brace yourself, Jeong Runa.
I'm so confused right now.
I need someone to talk to.
When Gyeongmin and I are alone, do you feel scared? Let go! What have you done, Jeong Runa? Let's take it down.
We don't have much time.
Did you think I'd be scared of that? See you next time
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