Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e84 Episode Script

Episode 84

It's the party leader.
He must be calling to encourage me.
Yes, sir.
What? Video? Ruby, we have a major problem.
What is it? What's wrong? Nothing, grandma.
I'm running late.
Please excuse me.
It's a lie.
The video was fabricated.
Right? It's not real? Oh.
This is bad.
Even if the video's fake it still mentions JM Group.
It's so humiliating.
This is ludicrous.
I'll take care of it.
Where are you going, Ruby? Ruby! Na Insu! Na Insu! Na Insu! Scoundrel The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting Crazy bastard! Assemblyman Sim Jaeyun Did you see? Her body's amazing.
- She's so two-faced.
/ - Right? I'm fairly certain it's a fake.
Fake celebrity videos and photos get uploaded all the time.
Do you really think it was fabricated? You really think Ruby would've done such a thing? With whom? And why? If you report this to the police, they'll find the person who made it up, so don't get too worked up.
Imagine how upset she must be.
Please comfort her.
Korea's Sweetheart Jeong Ruby's Provocative Offer You don't think I can do it? Me? I was merely giving you some time for you to repent on your own.
But it's too late now.
The gates of hell are finally open.
Brace yourself.
I'm serious.
It's all over the internet.
It's the number one search.
Could it really be Ms.
Jeong Ruby? Good morning.
Oh Good morning.
Something's not right.
Something big just happened, but Sera and Ruby won't tell us a thing.
This is so frustrating.
Changgeun, what do you think? Something definitely happened, right? I'll call Gyeongmin, mom.
Mother, we have a problem.
Something terrible has happened.
It's all over the internet.
On the Internet? Changgeun.
- You need to lie down.
/ - I'm fine.
- Ms.
/ - Yes? Help Changgeun to his room.
Oh, my goodness.
This absolutely horrible.
It's just too scandalous.
What are we going to do? How could this happen? Good heavens Who is it? It's me.
Open up this instant.
You did this.
Take it down.
Take it down! Take it down right now! What are you talking about? Take it down! Take it down! Take it down! What's wrong with you? Have you gone mad? Yes, I have.
Yes, I have.
I'd rather go mad and die.
You said you weren't seeking revenge.
You said you couldn't care less now that you've stopped loving me.
So why did you do it? Why did you stab me in the back? Get a hold of yourself.
Tell me what's going on.
The video.
That video You posted it.
You posted that video.
Everyone knows now.
What am I going to? How could you hit me with such a cheap shot? How can you do this to me? How? No.
It wasn't me.
Don't lie to me.
Don't lie to me, you bastard.
I told you it wasn't me.
Calm down.
Jeong Runa, it wasn't me, okay? It really wasn't.
Then who? Who? Maybe Gu Yeonho? No.
There's no way.
I settled everything with him.
He's out of the picture.
You trust him? Gu Yeonho? It really wasn't you? I told you it wasn't! So who was it? Who? Jeong Ruby? I don't think it's her.
If it was, she would've done it way sooner.
It was Jeong Ruby.
Or was it Gu Yeonho? Who was it? Who? What do I do? What do I do? Gyeongmin.
Where are you? It's not me.
It's not me, Gyeongmin.
You believe me, right? It's not me.
It's not me, Gyeongmin.
It's not me.
So the video's fake? It's a fabrication? Jeong Ruby Who are you, Jeong Ruby? Who's the woman I fell in love with, married, and lived with? I have no idea who you are.
I don't have a single clue.
That's right.
The laptop she hid from me might've had that video on it.
It's me.
How was your business trip to India? About the deleted files on the laptop I need them urgently.
Call me.
Did you get in touch with Ruby? Yeah.
We talked on the phone.
She says it isn't her.
She says the video was fabricated.
Right? I think her politcal opponents posted it as a smear campaign.
Those mudslinging bastards.
In any case, we're in trouble.
It's all over the internet and on TV.
We should get JM Group's PR team - to stop the press / - Sera.
Yeah? Do you believe Ruby? What are you talking about? Are you saying you don't believe her? What do you think about the woman in the video? As far as I can tell, it's definitely Ruby.
The facial expressions, the voice, hand gestures, they're exactly the same as Ruby's.
And the blue blouse she was wearing I got that for Ruby at a department store right after we got married.
It might just be similar to Ruby's.
Plus, unless the blouse was custom-made, lots of women might have that same blouse.
So it's all just a coincidence? Coincidence? A mere coincidence? A fabrication? Maybe not.
It might really be Ruby.
Be that as it may, even if you have your doubts, until all the facts come in, you have to trust her.
She's your wife.
What does that even mean? How much more trust do I have to give her? Do I have to fall for Ruby's lies over and over again? Is that what love is? I don't know.
I just don't know.
Yu! Chorim, Dongpal, come on out.
We're going to be late.
Look here, missy.
Since when were you this excited for work? Let's go, Soyeong.
Where's Mrs.
Yu? Mrs.
Yu! Hey, weren't you leaving? What is it? Let me see.
Don't, Chorim.
Don't look.
You can't look.
What is it? Let me see.
I told you not to look.
What's gotten into you? When you ask someone to stop, they'll want to do it even more.
- Not here.
/ - Why not? - Mrs.
Yu will flip out.
/ - Be quiet.
Why would I flip out? What is it? Oh, my goodness.
I'll give you something you want more desperately than money.
Of course it's not me.
It's been fabricated.
It's not me.
So they've been deleted from all major internet sites? Okay.
I'm sorry, Assemblyman Shim.
Gu Yeonho The number you have dialed is not in service.
Please check and try again.
Hi, Ruby.
It's me.
Where are you, Eunji? I need to see you.
What? I'm busy.
Just do as I say! Like I said, I don't know.
We really broke up this time.
He said he'd buy me this and that once some money came in, but he never did.
He used my credit cards and didn't even pay me back.
What's Gu Yeonho's new number? I don't know.
He changed his number.
I called but it was out of service.
Do you have time to just sit around? The internet's going wild.
You're a star alright, Jeong Ruby.
Be quiet.
Shut up.
Is it really you though? What's the matter with you? No? I could've sworn it was you.
Lee Eunji.
If it isn't you, don't make a fuss.
You always make a scene.
I'm leaving.
I'm not done yet.
What is it? Did Gu Yeonho leave something with you? Like what? Anything.
A USB perhaps? He left me high and dry.
That jerk never left me anything.
No thanks.
Oh, hi, Chanyeong.
Where have you been? Gu Yeonho's definitely out of the picture.
So who was it? Who? I will never let you.
Assemblywoman? I don't think so.
You defrauded your own family.
And now you're going to defraud the the entire nation? No way.
You have to be stopped.
Jeong Ruby? No.
She's too much of a pushover to try something like this.
So who could it be? Who's crazy enough to do this? Mom.
What's going on? What is this about? It's not you, right? No.
Don't worry.
My political opponents are trying to lower my high ratings.
I'll call you later.
Since her ratings were so high, her opponents launched a smear campaign.
Those scoundrels.
Why can't they just play fair and square? No.
Could it be Ruby? Ruby's Runa.
Did she You still haven't found the culprit? The website where the video was originally posted was a proxy server, so it's virtually impossible to track.
Have the uploaded videos been deleted? Get more people on it.
Put 100 or even 1,000 people on it if necessary and delete every single copy.
You do know that if I go down, the Yeomin Party goes down too.
I'm a Yeomin Party candidate, remember? Whoever you are, I will make you pay for this.
Jeong Ruby's campaign team has not released an official statement regarding the video that has been spread all over the internet.
The key issues are the authenticity of the video and the identity of the original uploader.
Turn that off, Soyeong.
It's just absurd.
How could our dear Ruby Does it make any sense? The police will be on it soon, and soon, they'll find the culprit.
Yu seems to be in shock.
Of course she's shocked.
This all came out of nowhere.
But one they prove the video's fake, it could work in Ruby's favor.
It happens pretty often.
Daepung, what brings you here? Hello, Mr.
Hello, my dear Soyeong.
Hello, Chorim.
So what brings you to our restaurant? I came to see Dongpal.
It's the holiday season.
Shouldn't you be taking care of the needy? I'm in need.
What are you talking about? You're happier than you've ever been.
But I'm lonely and miserable.
Jihyeok's so into his girlfriend that I barely get to see his face.
Excuse me? Girlfriend? Girlfriend, you say? Are you seeing someone, Jihyeok? Oh Um Please, Uncle Daepung.
Oh, wow.
Thank goodness.
Dongpal, Jihyeok's seeing someone.
Why does that make you happy? Of course I'm happy.
I was so worried that he'd fall for Soyeong.
Ko Soyeong, let me reiterate.
Jihyeok's off limits, okay? What was that about, Uncle Daepung? You promised you wouldn't tell them.
I'm a con artist.
You shouldn't trust me.
Uncle Daepung! Isn't this fun? There's suspense and conflict.
This is a lot more fun than a movie or a TV drama.
If you break your promise, I will retaliate.
Yes? It's the implementation plan for next year's new product launches.
We will expand the scope of Runa, I'm so confused right now.
I need someone to talk to.
You heard, right? Yes.
What do you think? Is it really Ruby? What do you think? There's a lot of speculation regarding that video.
I don't know.
I don't know what to think.
I don't know what to believe.
Should I just tell him everything? Should I tell him I'm the real Jeong Ruby? If I do, will we fall in love again and go back to the way things were? Runa.
What are you doing here? We were talking.
So what happened? Are you okay? It's a setup, Gyeongmin.
They're jealous because my ratings are so high.
I didn't do anything wrong.
You have to believe me.
You're sure it's a fake? Even I thought it was you in that video.
What? What are you implying? I'm just amazed at the resemblance.
Aren't we sisters? Are you my twin sister? If you are, then how could you say that? Have you lost your mind? Stop it.
If it's fake, there's nothing to worry about because we'll find out the truth.
If you're not the woman in that video, everyone will find out soon enough.
You won't have to go around begging people to believe you.
Gyeongmin's right, Ruby.
If you're innocent, there's no need to worry.
But right now, you come off as someone who's afraid her secret will be exposed.
So don't act so guilty.
People might get the wrong idea.
Jeong Runa, you're really I'm just worried about you.
I'm sorry if I upset you.
Oh right.
Will this affect your campaign? That's none of your business.
It's not like you're going to be help me anyway.
Why wouldn't I care? You're my loving sister.
What did you two talk about? Are you curious? Do you get scared when I'm alone with him? Does it make you nervous? Be quiet.
Just answer my question.
I'll tell you if you like.
Your video.
He thinks it's you.
He asked me what I think.
So what did you say? Tell me what you said.
What do you think I said? Don't do this.
I know I wronged you.
But it wasn't me.
Why would I have done such a thing? What would I have gained from it? Who would I even say that to? Right? Did you think I'd believe you? You have to.
We're sisters.
Sisters? Sisters? I'm your sister, but you still stole my face.
Your disgusting greed has turned my life into living hell.
I know you.
You'd do just about anything to get what you want.
You'd even sleep with someone for it.
Why? Is that hard to hear? But that's how the truth is.
The truth is harsh, especially if it's something you don't want to admit.
Let go.
Let go of me.
I'm not done yet, Jeong Runa.
Let go.
Let go.
Are you okay? What did you do to her, Jeong Runa? Must be nice having two princes to rescue you.
Why did you do it? Don't you know this'll put you in danger? Runa came to see me this morning.
She thinks I posted the video.
So what did you tell her? That's not what's important right now.
I edited you out.
I didn't want to drag you into this mess.
In some sense, you're a victim too.
Let's take it down.
We don't have much time.
Once Runa finds out it was you, there's no telling what she'll do.
Let's take it down before she catches on.
Did you think I'd be afraid of that? I know what I'm getting myself into.
Please stop.
You're in a lot of danger.
Runa's close to being clinically insane.
She might really do something nasty to you.
Did you forget what I said? To bring down a demon, I must become a demon myself.
Whether I become a demon or a psychopath, if I can just bring down Runa, I will do whatever it takes.
You just sit back and watch.
Please, Ruby.
Hi, mom.
There's a possibility that all of that really happened.
Runa was that kind of person.
She couldn't have.
She could have.
Aren't you busy? Do you have time? Of course I'm busy.
But you didn't even go to the restaurant and you asked me to come home, so I figured it was something important.
What is it, mom? Are you feeling ill? What is it? Runa.
It's You see The thing is, there's something I want to ask you.
You know about Ruby's video, right? I want to know what's going on.
It's so crazy and shameful that I can't ask anyone else about it.
Don't worry.
One way or another, the truth will come to light.
The truth? What do you mean? Runa.
I'm sorry, mom.
You see You see Mom has to know.
She has to know that Runa should never go into politics since it would make all of us miserable.
What is it? What are you sorry about? Come on.
Tell me.
Yes? You see, mom, I was the one who posted the video.
What? What did you just say? What are you talking about? Say that again.
You posted the video? Is that really true? Have you lost your mind? Why? Why did you do it? For what? Why did you do it? Are you out of your mind? Are you out to kill your sister? She was already about to kill herself.
You know how fragile she is.
So why would you do such a thing? Why did you do it? Why? Why? What was I supposed to do? Just sit back? Just take it all in stride? Just wish Ruby the best? Why? Why should I? You think that's acceptable? What's the matter with you? What were you thinking? Don't you know what Ruby's up against? What's gotten into you? To enter politics, you need to have integrity.
That's why so many political nominees end up quitting after they're dissected and grilled at during their campaigns.
Do you think Ruby would survive that kind of scrutiny? It's better to expose her and make her quit now, mom.
I think it's what's best for our family, no, for the entire nation.
How How Then why didn't you just tell Ruby to quit? Why resort to such drastic measures? Where did that video come from anyway? Did you make it all up to destroy your sister? Stop it right now.
You can't do this to your sister.
How could you do this? I had no choice, mom.
I was trying so hard.
I did everything I could to hold myself back.
But I had no other choice.
You don't know how I feel, do you? You don't even want to know why I had to do this, do you? See you next time
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