Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e86 Episode Script

Episode 86

Episode 86 Are you happy? Do you like seeing me like this? Why would you say this? This is your fault.
If you hadn't filmed us, none of this would've happened.
This is all your fault, so fix it right now! You're Yeah.
I'm the idiot for trying to help.
Don't go.
Please, you have to save me.
The head of the election committee says that if the uploader confesses that the video's a fake, then I'll still have a chance.
It'll all go away.
I could even get sympathy votes.
So please, persuade Ruby.
I beg you.
Please? Now you want Ruby to lie? But it's not a lie.
Ruby really did post the video.
So please Please, just talk to her.
I won't ever forget it.
I'll be indebted to both of you forever.
You're asking me to kill Ruby again? What? Ruby's died several times over already, all because of you.
She died when she came out of the coma, when she got her memory back, and when she decided to seek revenge.
I'd rather die first.
I can't do that to her.
How heartbreaking.
You're such a romantic, Insu.
Don't you dare mess around.
I won't let you get away with it.
Whether you become a legislator, a president, or a criminal behind bars, you deal with it.
I want no part in it.
Are you okay? I better get going.
Thank you.
After all this, do you still plan to run? Stop this.
I won't ever stop.
I just met the head of the election committee, and we found a way out.
Gyeongmin, I'm going to win no matter what.
I'm going to go for it.
So don't worry.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
Vice President Bae is here.
What is it? I was just passing by.
That video's becoming an even bigger issue.
Is Ruby okay? I heard there were protestors in front of the company building earlier.
It doesn't even matter.
I don't think I can do anything about it.
You act like this doesn't concern you.
If you keep this up Forget it.
Your marriage isn't any of my business.
Sera, do you know any private detectives? Private detectives? Professionals who can find out about someone's past, personal life, secrets Nevermind.
What am I saying? Forget it.
Pretend like I didn't say anything.
I have to go.
He's hanging by a thread.
What is he thinking? Your phone Oh, right.
Hello? Ruby, it's me.
I need to see you.
I'm busy.
I need to work.
It'll only take a second.
We need to talk.
Did you have lunch? I'm busy.
I don't suppose you took down the video.
Didn't I tell you not to get your hopes up? Ruby, have mercy.
I'm sorry.
I feel terrible for what I did to you, so We're done here.
Don't leave yet.
Listen to me.
The police are starting an investigation soon.
The might have started already.
If they find out you uploaded the video you'll be arrested.
So wouldn't it be best for everyone if you come clean now and ask for forgiveness? You can beat them to the punch, tell everyone the video's a fake that you uploaded out of anger and that this whole thing was a mistake.
Is that the best your devious brain could come up with? If you do that, I'll do anything you ask.
Save me.
Please help me, Ruby.
There is something I want.
What? What is it? To trade my face for yours, and go back to the way things were.
Don't fool yourself.
Did you think this would get me to change? You think I'm scared of being arrested? I'm waiting for the police to come get me, because then, everyone will finally know about your lies and secrets.
It'll be an epic scandal.
The woman cocky enough to steal her sister's life, face, fiancee, marriage, and enter into politics, the infamous Jeong Runa.
The mere thought brings me joy.
I think that'd be a sweet revenge.
You're insane.
I'm not insane, I'm your sister.
The fact that I'm still sane, is actually pretty insane.
Everyday, it feels like my heart is being ripped out of me body multiple times.
At this point, I'd rather just die.
Thanks for turning me into this demon.
I'm trying my best to become a monster a hundred times more terrifying than you.
I imagine I'll see you in hell.
Will the police finally arrive today? Or maybe tomorrow? Follow that twisted greed of yours to the bitter end.
It'll probably lead you to the gates of hell.
What is this, Jeong Ruby? Are you really trying to become a demon? Are you? No.
This isn't right.
That's all for today.
See you tomorrow.
This quaint and heartwarming house was a gift for a man's wife on her 60th birthday.
I miss you.
Me too.
What are you doing right now? Scratching Uncle Daepung's back.
Stop texting your girlfriend and focus.
It's Soyeong, isn't it? You're already whipped.
What's wrong with that? You always whine about how lonely you are.
I know.
When you get old, you need a woman who will scratch your back.
But I have no wealth, no power.
Where would I find a woman? Ms.
She was small, pudgy, and sweet.
She was perfect.
Enough already.
Come on.
See? There she goes again.
Let her be.
What can we do? Are you saying you'd be cool with Soyeong and Jiheok getting married.
Is that it? Did they say they were getting married? They're just good friends.
And you believe that? Do you? Why wouldn't I? You're so territorial.
What? Before we got married, you were so territorial of me, and now you're territorial with Jihyeok? Why do you do that? What'll happen after we have our baby? Baby? Of course.
We need to get ready for the baby.
Stop it.
Runa, you're home? Why are you so late? You just called me Runa, right? What's gotten into her, Gilja? I thought she'd changed, but she's back to her old self.
Ruby? Ruby? I thought I was Runa.
I'm Ruby now? You know my name's Ruby, why are you asking me to play Runa? Then what else can I do? Chorim and Dongpal were there.
Should I have called you Ruby? Just let them all find out? Ruby.
I don't know what to do either.
What would you like me to do? Just tell me.
I'll do as you say.
It's all because I'm an idiot.
I couldn't tell my own girls apart.
I'm a complete fool.
Even animals can tell their cubs apart.
How could a person be this stupid? I'm sorry, Ruby.
I wish I could die.
I wish this was all a dream.
My dear Ruby You poor thing.
Are you just going to stay in bed? Grandma and mom are visiting seniors that live alone today.
Aren't you going? I have no time.
I'm busy.
I just don't get it.
Your family doesn't care about what I do.
But they want to drag me out to do that.
What have they ever done for me? Ruby.
While we're on this subject, take the video scandal for example, if the company had just helped me out, it wouldn't have become this serious.
Are you kidding me? It's your job to prevent this kind of thing from happening in the first place.
I already told you, I'm the victim.
Some hater just uploaded a fake video Why? Why would someone hate you? Have you ever thought about that? Have you thought about what you might have done wrong? Why bother? It's obvious.
Since my ratings were so high, they launched a smear campaign.
Are you doubting me? Do you actually think the video is real? Tell me.
Are you doubting me? You don't trust me? I don't.
I don't believe you.
After we got married, how many times did you deceive me? Do you know how many times I had to forgive you and overlook what you did? The video was fabricated? You can fool everyone else, but not me.
The woman in the video has your facial expressions, voice, and hand gestures.
The blue blouse she's wearing in the video is the first gift I got for you after our marriage.
I picked it out myself.
I'm sure lots of people have that blouse.
We'll find out soon enough because the truth always prevails.
What do I do? What do I do? How can I fix this? I have to come up with a plan.
The press conference.
I have to persuade Jeong Ruby to do the press conference.
What brings you here? Are you okay? I heard the protestors wreaked havoc yesterday.
And your ratings have fallen too.
After all this humiliation, what if the party turns its back on you? Be quiet.
What? Mom, we need to talk.
What? What are you talking about? A press conference? Please convince Runa.
She won't even pick up my calls.
I can't even approach the office to go see her.
Mom, please talk to her.
Tell her to hold a press conference and say that the video's not real and that it was fabricated.
How can you be so selfish? You want me to tell Runa to sacrifice herself? I'll repay her once I'm elected.
I'm serious.
If you help me, I can win.
I can become an assemblywoman.
No you can't.
Is this how it's going to be, mom? You want to watch me die? What? Die? Fine.
Let's just go and kill ourselves.
Let's just die.
That'd actually bring me peace.
If Runa didn't post that video, none of this would've happened.
That vile witch.
So that's not you in the video? It was you.
Why would you do that? Tell me what happened.
Just let it all out.
What's the point? That's not what's important.
If Runa doesn't hold the press conference, not only will I lose the election, my in-laws will kick me out.
Is that what you want? No, right? Ruby.
Call Runa right now.
I don't have time.
Every time you visit, you bring me so many gifts.
Thank you so much.
It's so cold these days.
Why don't you turn the heat on? I don't have the money for it.
Huh? But I have this electric blanket, so it's okay.
How's your health? Are you taking the supplements we sent you last time? Of course.
I have them like snacks whenever I get hungry.
Let me know if you need any more.
I'll send you more.
You're so handsome, and also so sweet.
We need to get going.
- We have another house to visit.
/ - Wait.
Use this for cab fare.
I have money, ma'am.
You can't refuse your elders.
Yeomin Party candidate Jeong Ruby's ratings continue to fall due to video scandal I'm home, father.
Did mother and grandmother go someplace? You didn't hear that they were visiting old folks today? You know how busy I am.
So what? We have work around your schedule? It's not that You disgrace us every single time! I'll be upstairs.
Kim, it's me.
Any progress on the favor I asked you? We have a specialist analyzing it.
Please wait just a bit longer.
I need it as soon as possible.
So? Did you talk to Runa? No.
Not yet.
Is this how it's going to be, mom? You're the only one Runa listens to.
Please, persuade her.
Why should I do anything for you? I can't do it.
Are you serious, mom? Do you want to watch me die? It's all up to you now.
Tell Runa to hold a press conference! Ruby.
I told you it's all your fault, didn't I? Don't forget that.
It's Ruby.
Soyeong, turn up the volume.
Only 15 days left before the by-election.
Candidates will start their campaigns tomorrow.
Jeong Ruby, the only female candidate and the wife of JM Group's heir, refuses to drop out of the race despite the Yeomin Party's opposition in the wake of the video scandal.
- Turn that off, Chorim.
/ - The Jeong camp - Why, Gilja? / - claims they will - I told you to turn it off! / - put - Turn it off, Soyeong.
/ - Okay.
To enter politics, you need to have integrity.
That's why so many political nominees end up quitting after they're dissected and grilled at during their campaigns.
Do you think Ruby would survive that kind of scrutiny? It's better to expose her and make her quit now, mom.
Just as Ruby said, if the truth comes to light, Runa will suffer serious consequences.
And yet she still drives herself to her own ruin.
I should talk to her in person.
I have to talk her out of it.
Gilja, where are you going? Jeez.
What's up with her these days? Just let her be.
Ruby's video scandal must have really shaken her up.
Oh man.
I hope they find the culprit so I can beat him to a pulp.
You're scaring me, Chorim.
Our mom's one tough cookie.
It's like I married a thug.
Everything that comes out of your mouth makes me feel like I'm being mugged.
What's wrong with what I said? If he gets caught, I'll knock all his teeth out.
No reporters or protestors, right? Why'd you come? You could've just called.
So? What did Runa say? It's cold.
Let's get in the car first.
What about Gyeongmin? He's sleeping.
His grandmother and parents? Sleeping.
What happened? So did you talk to Runa? Ruby, I don't think this is right.
What's not right? It's already gotten out of hand.
It makes no sense for you to continue.
Your in-laws are against it too, and Gyeongmin doesn't support you either.
You've come all this way to tell me that? What about the video? I don't know much about the internet, but I told you it wasn't my fault.
I told you that isn't me! Of course it's you! And that man is Insu.
I already know you stole Ruby's face and deceived everyone.
What are you talking about? You think you know something? What do you know? It's not me.
It's not.
It's not.
Runa, how long did you plan to keep this up? No.
I'm not Runa.
Are you stupid? Are you crazy? Can't you see my face? I'm Jeong Ruby.
I'm Jeong Ruby! When Ruby's memory came back, she must have been furious.
If it had been me, I would've told everyone and made you pay.
So how can you ask Ruby to hold a press conference and say the video was fake? Are you even human? How can you do such a thing and still call yourself a human being? What about you? Why didn't you do something about it? If you pitied her that much, why didn't you just expose me? How can you It's because you knew! You knew we could never go back.
Why? Because I married Gyeongmin and almost had his baby.
Why'd you hit me? What gives you the right to slap me? Ever since we were young, you only hit me.
Why do you hate me so much? How could you? How could you? How could you do such terrible things to Ruby? Ruby was so good to you! You were so precious to her! She not only took care of herself, she always had your back whenever you caused trouble.
How could you do such an unspeakable thing? You and I should just kill ourselves.
If you and I die right here and now, all this will come to an end.
Let's die.
Let's die.
Why should I? If I wanted to die, I would've done it when I ran away.
But you saw what happened.
I wasn't destined to die in vain.
I can't give up.
I won't give up.
Why did you become this way? How badly did I fail to raise you to make you turn out so wicked? Runa.
Do you hate me that much? Do you want me to disappear? Is Ruby all you need? Ever since I was young, no one gave me any recognition.
Nobody loved me.
But now, everyone recognizes me.
Everyone tells me how smart I am.
So why are you getting in the way? I'm not the troublemaker, seductress and extortionist I used to be.
I'll be the intelligent, capable, Jeong Runa that everyone in the world will recognize.
I'm going to be even better than the Jeong Ruby you used to know.
You just watch.
No matter what you say, I'm Jeong Ruby now.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault.
Please, Runa.
I'm begging you.
Please stop, okay? No.
You stop.
I'm not giving up, so talk to Ruby.
If they find out the video is real, I'm done for.
And if I go down, Ruby's coming with me.
You and Aunt Chorim will be ruined too.
Hurry up and make Ruby hold a press conference.
If you don't, I'll really end everything.
That's right.
You raised me to be like this.
You hated me for not being your real child.
But I'm going to show you, mom.
The ugly duckling will become a beautiful white swan.
See you next time
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