Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e87 Episode Script

Episode 87

Were you outside? Your hands are cold.
About Runa You can't help her, right? Couldn't you help her? Couldn't you help her for my sake? I'm sorry, Ruby.
Please do it for me.
Please help Runa.
- Mom.
/ - I know.
I know I have no right to ask, but I know how you feel, mom.
But I can't forgive Runa.
You know what she put me through.
I can neither forgive nor forget all that Runa's done to me.
I know, Ruby.
I know.
But Runa's your sister.
If people find out that video is real, Runa will kill herself.
It's not just about winning the election.
The video will end up killing Runa.
I know I'm being selfish.
But what else can I do? She's despicable and awful, but Runa is my daughter.
She's my daughter and your sister.
You're wrong.
Runa's not human.
She's a monster.
She's a demon.
What? Monster? Demon? How can you say that? Monster? Demon? You know what she's done.
She hired a thug to hurt Insu, the man she once loved.
She's spun so many lies, and without the slightest bit of guilt, she stole my face and my entire life.
I know she's my sister, but she's just not human.
Mom, forget Runa.
Runa isn't a human being, She's a monster wearing a human suit.
How could you? How could you do this to Runa? You're the one who did this to her.
It's your fault! I'm sorry.
No, no.
It's not your fault.
I'm to blame.
It's my fault.
Ruby, I'll repent for Runa's sins.
I'll make everything up to you.
So please, Ruby.
Please forgive Runa.
I'll get down on my knees and beg.
For my sake, could you please say that you fabricated that video? Mom.
I raised you to be this kindhearted.
You owe me.
What are you saying? Truth is Truth is You're not my biological daughter.
Mom, what are you saying? You're not my daughter, okay? You're not my daughter.
You're not mine.
Mom, what are you talking about? How can I not be your daughter? You're not mine.
You're not mine.
What does that mean? Ruby, please do as I ask.
Please help Runa.
What does that mean? Tell me.
What are you talking about? Tell me! Tell me! Ruby, have mercy on Runa.
Please save her.
Please My dear Runa Your grandmother brought me a baby girl.
That baby was you.
You were the baby born between your father and another woman the night he died.
I tried so hard not to raise you.
I even tried to abandon you, but I couldn't go through with it.
You were just a baby.
You didn't do anything wrong.
That's when I decided that I was the mother of twins and that I didn't know which girl was my own because you were both mine now.
You were both my daughters.
As you were growing up, you never disobeyed me.
You were so sweet and pretty.
But my Runa on the other hand It's all my fault.
When I saw that Runa was cruel and less capable, it made me even angrier.
You were the daughter of a woman I hated, but you were so sweet and pretty, while my daughter was such a troublemaker.
Since I wanted Runa to do better, I beat her and yelled at her.
But all that did was hurt her even more.
She asked why I only hit her and treated her so poorly.
Ruby, I raised you into a fine young woman.
So for my sake, please forgive my dear Runa.
Please have mercy on her.
Please Please If you do the press conference, Runa says she'll be okay.
She says she can get back up.
I'm begging you, Ruby.
I raised you to be good, so please, have mercy on Runa.
Please, Ruby? If you don't, Runa will die.
Jeong Ruby, drop out of the race! Drop out of the race! - Jeong Ruby, drop out of the race! / - Huh? What's this noise? Drop out of the race! Jeong Ruby, drop out of the race! Drop out of the race! Drop out of the race! Jeong Ruby, drop out of the race! Drop out of the race! Jeong Ruby, drop out of the race! Ruby, are you going out now? - Jeong Ruby, drop out of the race! / - Yes.
Drop out of the race! There's a meeting at party headquarters.
Don't go.
I have to go, mother.
Don't you hear that? There are protestors outside.
Don't go anywhere today and This is what politics is like, mother.
There will always be opposition.
If I let this intimidate me, I'll never be able to get anything done.
Is this the police? I'm Yeomin Party's assemblywoman candidate, Jeong Ruby.
There's a crazy mob threatening my safety.
Please come and take care of them right away.
I'll get going then.
Ruby's really something.
She's tough as nails.
Jeong Ruby, drop out of the race! Drop out of the race! Jeong Ruby, drop out of the race! Drop out of the race! Drop out of the race! Drop out of the race! Jeong Ruby, drop out of the race! - It's Jeong Ruby! / - Drop out of the race! You degenerate! How dare you enter politics? Tell us the truth about the video! Stop right there, Jeong Ruby! Throw her out! Throw her out! This just in.
The Gangnam district Yeomin Party candidate Jeong Ruby's camp has declared that at 9:00 they will hold a press conference.
The focus of the press conference has not yet been specified.
But it will most likely be about - the video scandal.
/ - Chorim.
Yu! Mrs.
Yu! Good grief.
Hey, Soyeong.
It's still early in the morning.
We're not deaf, okay? Chorim, look.
What is it? Oh, my goodness.
Gilja! Gilja! Dongpal! Wake up, Gilja.
Wake up.
Runa's on TV.
I'm Jeong Runa, the sister of Jeong Ruby, the Yeomin Party candidate for the upcoming by-elections.
Turn the TV on.
What is it? Turn up the volume.
The controversial internet video regarding Jeong Ruby I uploaded that video.
What's going on? That's absurd.
What I want to make clear and confess to you is that What I want to confess to everyone is that What I want to confess is that the video I posted is fake.
I fabricated the video.
That's it.
Good job, Jeong Ruby.
Fabricated? No way.
How could she? She's totally evil.
She's her sister.
Auto! Keep your mouth shut.
Silence, please.
Do you really think Runa did it? To all of Jeong Ruby's fans, Yeomin Party members, - and the voters / - Ruby, was this the only way? Why? Why? You and Ruby were quite close.
Did you have a reason to commit such an act? It was just childish jealousy.
Ever since I was young, my sister was smart, capable and loved by everyone.
No matter how hard I tried, I was always second-best.
So can we assume that the sisterly love in the recent ad campaign was just an act? My part was an act, but my sister's was not.
My sister, Jeong Ruby, was my role model.
She's smart, well-educated, and beautiful and has the perfect husband.
She has everything.
I was jealous of my sister who seemed to have it all.
So I wanted to tarnish her reputation.
I didn't things would get so out of control.
I take full responsibility for what happened.
So criticize me all you like.
But I do not want for this to hurt my family or my sister's husband's family in any way.
I will submit myself to any punishment.
Blame me, not anyone else.
That's why I called for this press conference.
But how? What in the world is happening? That Runa She finally did it, didn't she? Old habits die hard.
I was so supportive of her new changes.
But in the end Don't cry, Gilja.
At least Ruby will be okay now.
When Runa comes home, she's going to get it from me.
If you touch a hair on Runa's head, you will never see my face again.
Gilja I'm sure it was a tough decision.
Thank you for your courage.
I'll do my best for your sake too.
I told you this would happen, didn't I? They say the truth prevails, and today, it did just that.
The video scandal has brought great suffering to me and my family.
Just this morning, the opposing party sent protestors to the front of my house.
But I, Jeong Ruby, will not waver.
You should probably get a new phone number.
Do you want to stay here for now? I can stay at a friend's.
May I ask you why you changed your mind and held the press conference? You said you'd never forgive her.
You said you'd never let her have her way.
So tell me.
What happened? Why did you do it? I I'm not my mom's biological daughter.
I was adopted.
What are you talking about? I am my father's mistress's daughter.
I did it for my mom.
I can't forgive Runa, but mom Mom forgave my father and raised me as her own.
I did it for her.
It was the right thing to do, right? Tell me I did the right thing.
Tell me I did the right thing, Insu.
Hello? Mr.
Kim So? Is the analysis complete? Yes, sir.
The video wasn't fabricated.
Are you sure? Yes.
They analyzed the video multiple times.
After precise analysis, they found no signs of edits or fabrications.
While there was a lot of background noise, they said a male voice was recorded in addition to Ms.
Jeong Ruby's.
A male voice? Got it.
Also, make sure none of this gets leaked.
Yes, sir.
Will you be okay? Don't worry about me.
I knew what I was getting myself into.
Should I walk you in? No.
You should go.
After I watch you get home safe.
Go home.
Don't think about anything.
Just sleep.
After a good night's sleep, you'll feel better.
Thank you.
Brother-in-law Hello? Runa, it's me.
I saw the press conference.
Is everything you said true? You're not that kind of person though.
You'd never do that to your sister.
You're mistaken.
That's the kind of person Jeong Runa is.
She can't tolerate being second place.
If she can't get what she wants, she makes sure no one else can either.
She has no conscience whatsoever.
Do you get that now? This is the sister-in-law you never knew, the real Jeong Runa.
I won't apologize to you.
Thank you.
I'm so ashamed.
Mom, I I know.
I understand completely.
You didn't do anything wrong.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
Why would Runa do such a thing? I still can't believe it.
Still, don't say anything.
It's best to keep quiet at times like these.
Of course.
I've got more sense than that.
But why? It's cold out.
It's freezing.
Welcome home.
It's so cold.
If you haven't had dinner, eat the kimchi stew I made.
Thank you, Soyeong.
You should just live here with us.
What's this? Stop.
Jihyeok gave it to me.
What? Do you know how expensive this is? It's mine.
It's my one and only designer scarf.
But it's a knockoff, Uncle Daepung.
Regardless, how can you give Soyeong my scarf? Look who's talking.
You steal my underwear all the time.
But that's Let's go, Soyeong.
Then could you put this on for me? May I try it on? Grandma, how's your health? I thought only Ruby had changed, but after the accident, Runa changed a lot too.
She's become a different person.
But was she that jealous of Ruby? No.
I'm sure there was another reason.
What are you thinking about? When did you get here? It's like you don't even care.
You saw the news, right? Yeah.
She's my sister, but I just don't get her.
Who knew she'd stab me in the back? Are you okay? Of course not.
I'm so mad at Runa, I could die.
I just want to cut her out of my life, but you told me I had to be good to my only sister.
And I have to consider mom as well.
I'm so sorry to all your folks.
They probably think my family's terrible.
Hey, Jeong Runa Are you going to work? I'll be back later.
You're not having breakfast? My stomach's not feeling so good.
I'm sorry, Aunt Chorim.
So long as you know.
Women are a mystery.
How could someone like Runa Do you really think she did it? I don't think so.
But she confessed to it herself.
What more proof do you need? But maybe she had no other choice.
Maybe she was trying to protect someone.
I hope she can keep working here.
Good morning.
Hello, Runa.
Seokho, Hyeran, could you get us some coffee? Sure.
I'm sorry.
I brought shame to you and this department.
Is it all true? No, right? You lied for Ruby, didn't you? What makes you think that? I haven't lived for very long at all, but you don't strike me as that kind of person.
I can tell that you're a good person.
Thank you, Ms.
So does that mean everything you said was a lie? I know it'll be tough, but don't even try and quit this job.
Hang in there.
I don't know what's happening, but hanging on is how you'll beat this.
Okay? Everything alright? I think that if you Thank you for your hard work.
There's no time.
We have to move quickly.
Warmth for the working class, security for the middle class! Jeong Ruby's sister holds press conference Just hang on a bit longer.
If I win this election, I'll become an assemblywoman.
I'll finally have the power I've always wanted.
Jeong Ruby, stop whining about what I stole from you and watch closely.
I've just done what you never could.
I've proven that I'm better than you.
I'll enter politics, spread my wings and See you next time
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