Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e90 Episode Script

Episode 90

Yes? Hello, Vice President Bae.
I stopped by for a cup of coffee.
I'm glad you came, Runa.
Sit down.
You've lost a lot of weight.
Chairman Bae was so nice to me.
It's such a shame.
I'm sure he's gone to a good place, so don't be too distressed.
It's a lot harder than I expected.
If I If I had been by dad's side or hadn't caused him so much grief, he wouldn't have died just like that.
I should've taken better care of him.
What am I to do now, Runa? What am I supposed to do? I don't know how I can run this large company without my dad.
I'm scared.
I can't do it.
I can't do this without him.
Please stop hurting, Gyeongmin.
You'll do just fine.
Even I've been managing to endure my horrific reality.
You'll do just fine.
What are you doing? Why were in Gyeongmin's office? You said you were leaving with Insu.
So why were you in Gyeongmin's office? Why did you see him? Are you scared of people talking behind your back? Why did you see Gyeongmin? Did you want to confess your love for him before you left? Do you have to be like this? Like what? Be honest with yourself.
I did want to see Gyeongmin.
It's been tearing me apart thinking about how much grief he must be in.
If it hadn't been for you, his father wouldn't have met such an untimely death.
Why you You don't have much time left, Jeong Runa.
You should be on your toes.
It won't be over just because I'm leaving.
You'll have to pay for what you've done.
What did you and Runa talk about? Hello? Vice President Bae, this is Kim.
I have something to report to you.
What is it? Before Chairman Bae passed away, he asked me to look into something without letting anyone else know.
I completed the investigation and sent my findings to him, but he passed away so unexpectedly.
Did you see the documents by any chance? No, not yet.
Then how can we Send the documents to me right away.
What is it? Gyeongmin.
Gyeongmin! Were any documents sent to me? You got this from the chairman's office.
Don't let anyone in.
Yes, sir.
Analysis of Jeong Ruby Video Chairman's Office, JM Group Phone Record Documents? What documents? No The vice president's inside, right? No, Mrs.
He told me not to let anyone in.
Don't you know who I am? But Vice President Bae said No.
How can this be? Mrs.
Bae! I'm sorry, sir.
I told you not to let anyone in.
I insisted.
Am I not allowed in your office? You can go now.
Analysis of Jeong Ruby Video Chairman's Office, JM Group Gyeongmin What am I to you? Tell me.
What am I to you? What's wrong? Do I look like an idiot to you? Did I think you could keep deceiving me? Am I a moron? A halfwit? You're scaring me.
Stop it.
Tell me.
What am I to you? What's gotten into you all of a sudden? Should I show this to you? A report on the authenticity of that video.
Do you know what it says? I'm sure you do.
You had the entire country talking about it.
Of course you know.
What about it? It's all over now.
Runa held a press conference and said it was her doing.
So what's the problem now? You're going to lie to me again? You deceived the entire nation.
And you want to deceive me too when the truth is right in front of our eyes? This is a lie.
It's a setup.
The video was fabricated.
You're crazy.
I'm crazy? Me? Jeong Ruby? Why? I don't get people.
Why is everyone out to give me a hard time? Because I'm exceptional and remarkable? Who's the guy? Who were you going to undress for? No! No.
Don't be like this, Gyeongmin.
Was the baby you were carrying really mine? Or was it the guy's baby you were going to raise as the son of JM's heir? No, Gyeongmin.
It's a misunderstaning.
It's a lie.
You have to believe me.
You have to.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby.
Yes, Vice President Bae.
This is Bae Gyeongmin.
Can I trust you and ask you to do something for me? Could you send me all your findings on everything my father's asked you to look into in secret? Okay.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
I'm Jeong Ruby no matter what anyone says.
What can anyone do about it now? The video? That's history.
What's the big deal anyway? I'm Jeong Ruby.
Because I'm Jeong Ruby.
All's going well.
I'll be there as scheduled.
Thank you so much for your help.
I'll soon be bidding this miserable city of Seoul goodbye.
Hello? It's me, Insu.
How's the packing going? I don't have much to pack.
There's something I wanted to tell you.
What is it? No.
We can talk about it later.
Alright then.
Will I really be able to leave with you? Will we really find happiness in Ireland? But you're not the one I love.
What's wrong with Mrs.
Yu? She's probably upset because Runa will be leaving soon.
I'm sad too.
I can't imagine how sad Mrs.
Yu must be.
Yeah Let's go home.
It's time to close already? I'd like to have a word with you two.
Go on in.
Hurry up! What's going on? Why's everyone here? Dongpal, what's the matter? Daepung, please sit down.
I wasn't going to say anything, but enough is enough.
How can you do this us? What did I do? These two seem to have been getting frisky here instead of going out in order to save money.
Come on, Chorim.
Getting frisky? Be quiet, Dongpal.
Shame on you too.
How dare you defend them? Good grief.
In any case In any case, I'm mad and upset that you didn't tell us when you knew they were hanging out here everyday.
You know they're young and reckless.
Why'd you let them hang out here all by themselves? You have it all wrong, Chorim.
Wang didn't do it on purpose.
Soyeong's right, mom.
Be quiet.
How dare you? So did you ask Daepung to leave so that you two could spend the night here alone? No! Chorim, I'd never let them.
Excuse me? I don't want to see the two of you together anymore.
Ko Soyeong, you leave the restaurant, or Jihyeok, you quit.
It's up to you two.
I won't let you be together.
Not over my dead body.
Chorim, why do I have to leave Jihyeok? What? What did you say? Soyeong.
Don't you get it? I'm Jihyeok's mom.
I'm his mom, okay? They say parents have no say in whom their kids marry these days, but I don't want you as my daughter-in-law.
Chorim, you're taking this too far.
They're young.
What's this marriage talk? In any case, no! Jihyeok, stop coming into work.
You need to study for college.
And Ko Soyeong, you focus on your job.
You're so distracted these days.
Good grief.
Chorim, who are you two get in the way of these two young people? Right, Dongpal? Are you kidding me? How can you be eating at a time like this? I'm being tortured on an empty stomach.
Darn it.
Why'd you hit my husband? He was my friend before he married you.
Stop fighting.
We're sorry.
Oh, wow.
You're all in this together.
No, we're not.
Did you have dinner? Yes, mom.
How's grandma? I'm right here.
I didn't have porridge today.
I had a proper meal and I'm doing fine, so don't you worry about me, Gyeongmin.
And don't worry about me either.
Grandma and I are here for one another.
We're much better now.
Okay, mom.
Sera and Ruby aren't home yet? I got in a while ago, grandma.
Don't worry and go to bed.
It's worrisome that you are home so early.
Grandma Mr.
Kim said he sent dad the documents on the day dad had the heart attack.
So where can the documents be? What are you doing, hon? I was waiting for you to come home.
I'm busy.
Go back upstairs.
Don't be like this.
We're a married couple.
Have you forgotten what you promised me? On our wedding day, you said you'd forgive me and accept me as I am no matter what.
Who is the man? What are you talking about? I have no other man.
You're my one and only.
Who is the man? Who is he? Stop it.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
Don't you know how I feel? I love you.
Stop it.
Go upstairs.
I beg you.
Get out! Get out! What do I do? What do I do? But what can he do? Kill me? It wasn't my fault.
I did nothing wrong.
Because I'm Jeong Ruby.
Looks delicious.
What are you doing? Soyeong likes fish.
Where are your manners? Elders first.
You wait, okay? You're the youngest here, so you eat last.
Don't mind her, Soyeong.
Here you go.
What's wrong with you? What they say must be true.
The father-in- law always sides with the daughter-in-law.
Father-in-law? What are you talking about? Father-in-law? Huh? Oh It was a slip of the tongue.
Here, Soyeong.
I'm a doting father-in-law.
Stop it, Dongpal! What's gotten into you? Please let's have a quiet breakfast, Chorim.
How's the packing going? Can I help you with anything? I'm all done.
I just have to ship the boxes tomorrow.
So Runa's really leaving.
It's making me feel funny.
You're probably just giddy about Jihyeok.
Let me reiterate.
Never, okay? We only just became housemates.
What a shame.
Is there anything you'd like to eat? I'll make you whatever you want.
Just let Dongpal know.
You know he's an amazing cook, right? Vice President Bae, Mr.
Kim came by and dropped this off for you.
Why did dad have so many files on Ruby? What did he suspect she had done? Miscarriage? Due to the car accident? So Ruby was pregnant before the accident? No.
That can't be.
There's no way.
Who are you, Jeong Ruby? Who's the Jeong Ruby I used to know? Whose baby were you carrying? Yes, Mr.
Vice President Bae, there was something odd I uncovered during the investigation.
Something odd? I managed to get the rest stop surveillance footage right before the accident, and I found something strange.
Oh, really? Could you email the footage to me? Yes.
I'll send it right away.
And we managed to restore the male voice in the video.
Should I send that along too? Yes.
Please do.
How is everyone? Runa.
What's that? It's a coffee machine, a goodbye present.
You've gotten even prettier.
Watch out for the Irish men.
I will.
But I doubt anyone will even look at me.
We're so sad to see you go.
This is your successor.
I'm Nanami.
I've heard so much about you.
Nice to meet you.
She was dispatched from the Osaka office.
She's Japanese, but her Korean is excellent.
Maybe I should learn Japanese.
Nanami, how do you say "Nice to meet you" in Japanese? Oaidekite ureshii desu.
Oayodekita Seokho, Seokho, stop butchering the Japanese language and make us some coffee, will you? I'm never good enough for you.
It'll be another hour or so before we can wrap up here.
I'll take a walk around the building then.
For better or for worse, this was your workplace, so take it all in before you leave.
Where are you? I'm at the office.
They're throwing me a farewell party.
Do you want to come? I have to look through the program proposal and some reports the Irish TV network sent me.
I'll join you if I can.
Have fun.
Who is it? It's me.
Open up.
Gyeongmin's on to me.
He knows the video is real.
He'll soon find out it was your voice.
What do I do? What do I do? Say something! What do I do? What if he finds out about everything? What do I tell him then? He doesn't believe anything I say anymore.
Insu, you talk to him.
Tell him you threatened me, so I had no choice but to make that video.
Tell him nothing went on between us.
Tell him you fell in love with me and became obsessed with me.
You've gone mad, Jeong Runa.
You want me to tell him I threatened you to make that video? Tell him nothing happened between us? Do you think he'll believe me? He will.
He may not believe what I say, but I'm sure he'll believe you.
Insu, please help me.
I'll die if you don't.
Please help me, Insu.
I don't want to be a puppet in your play anymore.
You should just come clean before Bae Gyeongmin finds out everything.
I can't.
He'll leave me.
I can't live without him, Insu.
You're leaving with Ruby.
Consider it your farewell gift to me.
Please talk to Gyeongmin.
Please do it for me.
Please? You really are incredibly selfish.
You created this mess.
You deal with it.
Don't try to drag me into it anymore.
Is this how you're going be? Jeong Runa.
This is your fault.
This is all your fault! This is your doing, Na Insu! You knew everything right from the start, but you feigned ignorance.
You should've stopped me! Revenge? To seek revenge, you stalked me and deceived everyone, even posing as Ruby's fiancŽ.
You knew everything.
You knew everything.
So how can you put all the blame on me? And now you're leaving? You're going to run away like this? With Ruby as your trophy? How are you any different from me? Don't act like you're any better than me.
You're actually the biggest scumbag.
It's not me but you who should be punished.
This blows.
A bar right next to the office? We have to work late tonight.
If we venture far, we'll drink too much.
And then we won't want to head back.
We'll end up barhopping.
I'm sorry, Runa.
You understand, right? Of course.
Okay, everyone.
Let's raise a toast.
To Runa's new life! Cheers! You guys started without me? I'm hurt.
I thought you considered me family.
Welcome, Mr.
Why didn't you get here sooner? May I borrow Runa for just a bit? But you just got here.
You'll have her for the rest of your life.
You can borrow her.
But just for a little while.
Oh, by the way, this is our newest staffer.
Say hello.
It's Mr.
Na Insu.
I'm Nanami from the Osaka office.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Let's drink.
They're always so lovey dovey.
I'm envious.
If you're envious, just say yes instead of playing hard to get.
What is it? Bae Gyeongmin must have found out the video is real.
Pardon? Runa came by.
She asked me to tell Bae Gyeongmin that I threatened her into making the video.
She said it was all my fault because I feigned ignorance when I knew everything right from the start.
She said I'll be the one who'll burn in hell.
And she's right.
It was all my fault.
If I had let everyone know, things wouldn't have gotten this bad.
No one would've had to suffer.
Can you really leave with someone like me? Someone you don't even love? Can you forgive me and be with me? Do you think you'll be able to forget? I think you should reconsider, for both your sake and mine.
Jeong Ruby Video File Mystery Voice File You'll raise the baby as Bae Gyeongmin's child and JM's heir? You just can't give up Bae Gyeongmin or JM Group.
See you next time
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