Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e91 Episode Script

Episode 91

Episode 91 As JM Group's heir? As Gyeongmin's baby? You just can't seem to give up Bae Gyeongmin or JM Group.
As JM Group's heir? As Gyeongmin's baby? You just can't seem to give up Bae Gyeongmin or JM Group.
Na Insu? Then, that man was Na Insu? It was Na Insu? Security camera footage stills What's so odd about this picture? I don't see anything unusual.
Ruby's not wearing the clothes I got her? Why's Runa wearing Ruby's dress and sitting in the driver's seat? Does that mean Runa was Wait.
Who did they say was driving? Accident Report (1) (Investigative Analysis) Driver, Jeong Ruby? Official records say the driver was Ruby.
But according to the footage, it was Runa.
And Runa was wearing Ruby's dress.
What's going on? What happened exactly? We have to get married.
But still It's dingy.
Does it taste funny? It looks like a fetal ultrasound.
How much more do I have to take? How much harder do I have to try? I'm sick and tired of this! Insu, you must have had a lot to drink.
Why are you looking for my sister-in-law here? Your sister-in-law? Yeah.
I think he's had too much to drink.
You should go to Runa's room to find her.
Jeong Runa is Gyeongmin's sister-in-law? Does that mean Ruby and Runa switched places? No, no That can't be.
That's impossible.
How? How? How can that be? No.
No, no, no.
Gyeongmin, I hate you.
I resent you.
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe espresso? Well, you know me.
I stick to what I like.
Even when it comes to women? The truth will eventually come to light.
The video and everything else I just hope you make it out in one piece.
I wanted to ask you.
How did you knit the exact same scarf as Ruby? That's for you to figure out.
How could you not know, Bae Gyeongmin? You said she was your one true love forever.
How could you not recognize her when she was standing right in front of you? So who else might know this secret? Her mother? Yes.
I'm sure she knows.
She's their mother, there's no way she wouldn't recognize them.
Then did dad also find out? How much of this could dad have known? Why did he collapse on the second floor? Was it because of Ruby that dad? I don't get Chorim.
She spends all day with Dongpal at the restaurant and at home.
So why go on a date this late at night? I know what you mean.
They're worse than me and Jihyeok.
Oh? Hello.
What are you doing here? I wanted to see you.
What about you, Mr.
Wang? I had nothing to do, so I decided to tag along for a movie.
Why did you bring Mr.
Wang? He said he didn't want to be at home alone.
Think of it as community service.
Yu, I'll be back after the movie.
Don't stay out too late.
- Good night.
/ - Bye.
Wait up.
You knew, didn't you? That Ruby and Runa traded faces.
Up to now, I've been living with a fake Ruby.
You knew everything, didn't you? Gyeongmin What are you talking about? Fake Ruby? That's ridiculous.
Were you planning to hide it forever? Did you think I'd never find out? Do I look that stupid and idiotic to you? Gyeongmin Tell me.
Ruby and Runa were switched, weren't they? Ruby's sister Runa has been shamelessly posing as Ruby and deceiving everyone.
She's Jeong Runa, not Jeong Ruby.
How could you? You knew.
So how could you? How could you do this to me? You're right.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
It's my fault.
It's all my fault.
The girls did nothing wrong.
It's my fault.
If I hadn't mixed them up at the hospital, none of this would've happened.
I'm a moron.
I couldn't even tell my own children apart.
I'm to blame.
It's all my fault.
Gyeongmin, you and Runa have been together for a while, so couldn't you forgive Runa? Can you forget everything and live with her? You really think that'd be possible? How could I do that? How could I do that to Ruby? But it's not like you can marry Ruby.
Ruby says she'll forget everything and move abroad with Insu.
She says she'll start over again.
So couldn't you forget everything and start over too? Then what about Ruby? We loved each other more than life itself.
And you want me to forget everything and live with the girl who stole her sister's life? How can you even ask that? Then what about Ruby? Isn't Ruby your daughter? You don't care what happens to her? No, no.
That's not what I mean.
There's nothing we can do.
There's no turning back now.
I can't do that.
I'll put everything back to the way it was before the accident.
I'll go away with Ruby.
I will never give up on Ruby.
I can't let her go like this.
Gyeongmin Gyeongmin Gilja.
Gilja What now? Is it true what Gyeongmin said? Huh? Is it true? I deserve to die, Chorim.
Have some fruit.
They're extra sweet this time of year.
This is very sweet.
Come have some of this.
Yes, mother.
They're wilting.
He loved them, so I'm trying my best.
They say plants have feelings too, mom.
They're probably mourning dad's death too.
They mourn more than his daughter-in-law.
What? What do you mean? I shouldn't say this, but when I see Ruby's face these days, I get scared.
It makes me shiver.
And I get the feeling that she's to blame for Changgeun's death.
I hate her for it.
I keep telling myself that it's not true, but the thoughts keep coming.
It's probably because you're stressed.
There's no way.
Gyeongsuk, truth be told, I feel the same way.
What's gotten into you? Grandma, it's probably not like that.
Right? I'm just getting senile, right? Since we're on the subject, I have to say, Ruby is acting strange.
At the funeral, she kept laughing and crying back and forth like a crazy person.
Jang, what did you just say? A crazy person? Ruby, no matter how angry you are, you can't talk like that in grandma's presence.
It's hard enough as is, why are you picking on me, Ms.
Jang? Frankly, you're even crazier than I am.
Seriously, what are you doing right now? Where are your manners? Grandma, you're the one who's being rude.
I didn't do anything wrong.
It's Ms.
Jang's fault.
What? How dare you? Ruby! I'm sorry.
I lost my temper when I heard that ridiculous accusation.
I'll be more careful from now on.
Good heavens.
How could she I should've watched my mouth.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
Gyeongsuk, I'm sorry.
That mouth of yours You're home? Crazy? Me? Fine.
Say what you like.
Because I'm Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby.
I graduated from a top-notch college, the wife of JM's heir, and i might enter politics.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
Mom Gyeongmin.
The recipient is unavailable.
Gilja, is she still not picking up? What am I going to do? What do I do, Chorim? When did you get home, hon? What's wrong, sweetie? Why are you glaring at me like that? Are you still angry? Hon, the video was really fabricated Shut up.
I just got back from meeting your mother.
Just answer my questions.
Gyeongmin, what's wrong? Did you hear what I said? Just answer my questions.
One more lie, and I'll make you pay.
What's your name? Gyeongmin.
What is your name? Jeong Ruby.
What? Jeong Ruby? I'll ask you one more time.
Your name.
Jeong Ruby.
You really didn't know? What's the matter? Jeong Ruby? Jeong Ruby? Jeong Ruby Jeong Ruby? Jeong Ruby? You're Jeong Ruby? Why are you doing this? Have you lost your mind? I'll ask you again.
What is your name? Can't answer me? I told you.
What's this about? I'm Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby? You? Gyeongmin, stop it.
I'm scared.
If you're really Jeong Ruby, you'll be able to answer this question.
When I proposed to you and put that ruby ring on your finger, what did we promise each other? What did you swear to me? Can't answer me, can you? It's because you're not Ruby.
Did you think I'd never find out? Jeong Runa? No.
What are you saying? I'm Jeong Ruby.
The person in front of you is Jeong Ruby.
I'll give you one more chance then.
Tell me.
What did I say when I proposed to you? What did we promise each other? Tell me! Come on.
Tell me! That we'll love each other forever.
Stop it, hon.
I'm scared.
Stop it, hon.
Hon No matter what happens, I will never take this ring off.
Even if we go our separate ways, and even if we die This ring, which symbolizes our eternal love wasn't yours.
It was Ruby's! No.
What's gotten into you? I'm Ruby.
This ring's mine! I forgot.
I forgot because of the accident.
I won't forget it again.
What you said when you proposed, I'll remember it forever.
Don't do this.
I'm scared.
You're scared? You, who stole your sister's life without a second thought, and pretended to be Ruby, you're scared? My dad died because of you, didn't he? My father died because of you.
Tell me! What did you do to my dad? Tell me! What did you do to him? No No Stop it.
It's all a misunderstanding.
What's that noise? Was that from the TV? Gyeongsuk, it's mayhem upstairs.
Gyeongmin's screaming and throwing things.
What? Ma'am, Ruby isn't Ruby.
Jang, speak clearly, please.
Ruby isn't Ruby? What does that mean? Gyeongmin was yelling at Ruby for being responsible for Changgeun's death.
What? Please.
Please tell me the truth.
Who are you? Why did you do this? Ruby's your sister.
She's your twin sister.
Twin sister? Sister? So what if I'm not Ruby? Why are you being so nosy? Ignorance is bliss.
Who cares if I'm Jeong Ruby or Jeong Runa? You said you loved me.
That's right.
The person you embraced and loved wasn't Jeong Ruby.
It was Jeong Runa.
It was Jeong Runa, Mr.
Bae Gyeongmin.
You enjoyed it too.
You didn't enjoy it? Be honest with yourself.
You enjoyed it so much you lost your mind.
Gyeongmin! What's going on, Gyeongmin? Open the door! Bae Gyeongmin's no better, is he? You and your condescending attitude So this is all you're worth? Using violence against women? What did I do wrong? You said you loved her madly.
You said you loved her more than life.
You call that love? You couldn't even recognize her.
Why did you do it? Why? Why? Why? Because I was jealous and angry.
People like you wouldn't understand.
People like me can never be like you no matter how hard we try.
We can't be your equal even if we do our utmost to become successful.
That's why I did it.
I wanted to succeed.
I wanted to soar.
Do you have any idea how desperate my desire for success is? Do you know how miserable I feel? You have no idea.
How would you? You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
Not ever being able to have what you want.
That's something you'll never understand.
Why? You want to hit me again? Go ahead.
It won't make a difference.
You're a fool, an idiot.
You couldn't recognize the love of your life.
Gyeongmin, don't leave me.
I'm your wife.
We're married.
You said you'd always love me.
You said you couldn't live without me.
I can't live without you, hon.
Love me, Gyeongmin.
Love me.
Please, Gyeongmin.
Get out, now! No.
I need you.
I'll devote my life to you.
I'll be good to you.
Gyeongmin, don't leave me.
Please love me.
No, Gyeongmin.
You can't leave me.
What happened? Ruby and Runa switched places? - Mother.
/ - What Mother What is going on here? I'll let you know when I can.
I'm sorry about the commotion.
Don't go, Gyeongmin! I'm sorry.
I can't live without you.
You're all I've got.
Stop it.
Sweetie! Ruby, what happened? Tell me everything.
You have to be honest with me if you want me to help you.
Is it true what Gyeongmin said? They're all lies.
You saw him.
He's out of his mind right now.
He's so angry he can't see straight.
He's gone so crazy that he slapped his own wife.
Where's Gyeongmin? I have to grab onto him.
Divorce is out of the question.
I love him so much.
Ruby! Calm down, Ruby! Ruby.
Ruby! Ruby! What's wrong? I'm in a rush.
I'm meeting Gyeongmin for dinner.
Do I look pretty? Assemblyman Shim Jaeyun told me I'll become the next president of Korea.
See you later.
Ruby's acting strange, grandma.
What in the world is going on? Call Gyeongmin.
I just tried, but he's not answering.
Changgeun just passed away, and now this? Hello? It's me.
It's me, Bae Gyeongmin.
Yes? Ruby.
Ruby Ruby.
Ruby I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Ruby.
It's taken too long for us to meet like this.
I'm sorry, I got my memory back but I couldn't get myself to tell you.
Why not? If you had told me, you wouldn't have gotten hurt and suffered alone like this.
How could I tell you? You were already Runa's husband and my brother-in-law.
You should've told me regardless.
You should've been honest.
I hoped you'd recognize me.
I thought you'd be able to recognize me.
I thought you'd uncover the truth that I couldn't get myself to tell you.
Why? Because I was convinced you knew me better and loved me more than anyone else.
But you didn't even try.
The woman you loved turned into a totally different person, but you didn't try to figure out why.
Gyeongmin, I'm leaving.
Don't leave.
Then what should I do? Marry you once you divorce Runa? Have my former brother-in-law's baby and have that baby call his daddy's ex-wife "auntie"? Could we live like that? To me, you're just my brother-in-law.
I begged and pleaded with you to help me just this once! So why did you do it? You're leaving? What are you running away from? It's really over now, Jeong Ruby.
The truth has finally come to light.
I want to live my life now.
You want a tearful reunion with the real Jeong Ruby? Slow down.
It's your fault.
You ruined everything.
See you next time
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