Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e92 Episode Script

Episode 92

To me, you're just my brother-in-law.
I loved you very much.
I would've died for you.
But this is it for us.
Gyeongmin Please give Runa a chance.
I couldn't understand or forgive Runa's greed and ruthless desires at first.
But I understand now.
I'm trying to understand because she's my sister.
Don't, Ruby.
This isn't right.
Let's think about us again.
We could leave Korea and live abroad.
I can leave everything behind I don't love you anymore.
Runa's the one who loves you.
Didn't I tell you? Emotions are fleeting.
Love that burns eternally, like a red ruby, might just be a fantasy.
Or maybe when I made that promise the day you gave me that ring The promise to keep it on forever When I broke that promise, that's when our love might've vanished.
Goodbye, Gyeongmin.
Don't go.
Don't go, Ruby.
Episode 92 I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
I still love you.
I love you.
You're Runa, right? You're Runa.
Right? Right? Why did you do it? You should've denied it.
Why did you tell him the truth? Why? Gyeongmin wants a divorce.
He wants to leave me and be with Ruby.
You should've said there was a mixup.
Why did you have to let this happen? Are you serious? Why did I tell him? Because it's the truth.
It was the right thing to do.
It's all over, Runa.
It's actually better this way.
Gyeongmin was a little late to the discovery, but honestly, I feel relieved.
So as for Gyeongmin, you should also I told you to help me and keep it a secret.
I begged and pleaded with you to help me just this once! So why? Why? Gilja! Do you still not get it? Enough is enough! You caused your father-in-law's death.
And still you ask me why I did it? You're not a human being! If you were, how could you I'm not a human being to you! I'm not your daughter either.
Your biological daughter comes first.
You couldn't care less about me.
Jeong Runa, are you being serious right now? You're really What did you just say, Runa? You didn't think I knew? I'm just a random child you picked up.
If I had been your biological daughter, would you have been this hard on me? What? When I was young, I didn't know, so I just took it like a moron.
I tried so hard.
But you only ever praised Ruby.
You treated me so cruelly.
What did I ever do wrong? Why didn't you love me? Runa But then I finally learned that I wasn't related to my so-called family.
I wasn't related to you in any way.
It was wrong of me to hope to be loved by you.
Whether you scolded me or beat me, I was supposed to be grateful you were feeding me.
Runa, what are you talking about? You seem confused.
Confused? You always defended Ruby and doted on her.
When anything went wrong, you'd blame me immediately.
Ruby was precious to you, and I was just a troublemaker.
Look in the mirror, mom.
Look at my face in the mirror.
What are you doing, Runa? Look in the mirror! Look at that face.
That's Ruby's.
It's the Ruby that everyone loves so much.
The smart, kind, and beautiful Jeong Ruby.
That's who I am.
So why won't anyone love me? Why? Why? Because I'm adopted? No, no, no! Runa, that's not it.
Runa, you're my daughter.
You're my biological daughter.
Don't lie to me, mom.
It's me, the random kid you adopted.
No, no.
You're my biological daughter.
So Ruby isn't your biological daughter? Not Ruby? Me? I'm your biological daughter? It's all my fault.
If I had let you know from the start, you never would've done these horrible things.
It's all my fault.
Because of me, you How? How? Ruby was born between your father and a woman he had an affair with.
After dad died, I had to raise her.
Whenever Ruby did better than you, it made me even more upset.
I wanted my biological daughter to do better.
I was greedy.
That's why I was so hard on you.
I wanted you to do better, you fool.
My real mom couldn't have done this to me.
There is no way.
You loved Ruby more than me? Your own flesh and blood? My biological mother? Like I said, it was my greed.
I wanted my biological daughter to do better than Ruby.
Can't you see where I was coming from? No.
No! Gilja.
Calm down, Gilja.
Calm down.
What do I do? It's all my fault.
Such a pretty picture, Ruby.
- Keep drawing.
/ - Okay.
Who do you think you adopted? I think it's Runa.
She's such a troublemaker.
Should we just take her back to her biological mother? Yeah.
I was an idiot.
I was the biggest moron in the world.
Such an idiot.
Who do we have here? Mr.
Na Insu.
Come, come.
Please sit down.
Please sit.
Let me pour you a drink.
Thank you.
Why don't we make a toast? Slow down, Vice President Bae.
So you're leaving? Far away from everyone? From what? What are you running away from? Are you running away from the mind-blowing truth before us? Bastard.
Tell me.
Why did you do it? You knew.
You knew more than everyone else.
Have you thought about how many people you hurt with your carelessness? You scum.
You're leaving with Ruby? Why you? Why you? Why do you get to leave with Jeong Ruby? I'm sorry I let it come to this.
I must've looked like such a fool.
I couldn't recognize the woman I loved and I smiled like an idiot at the wrong girl.
You must have thought I was a joke.
The world's biggest fool, Bae Gyeongmin.
Congratulations, Na Insu.
You're the ultimate victor in this game.
You traded Jeong Runa for Jeong Ruby.
Vice President Bae.
I'm sure you'd like to run away from this unbearable reality.
You didn't know things would come this far.
Now you're full of regret and fear and you want to run away.
But Na Insu, please do me this one favor.
Make sure that Ruby, the woman I loved, never has to suffer again.
Please do me this one favor.
Please Please.
Hello? Why're you calling so late? What? What about grandma? She just fell asleep.
You're going out? Gyeongmin's outside.
He's drunk.
He's had a lot to drink.
How much did you drink, Gyeongmin? Wake up, will you? Wake up, Gyeongmin.
I'm sorry, and thank you.
Should I take him to his room? No.
We'll take it from here.
What happened to your face? Here.
He needs to sleep this off before we can talk to him.
Gyeongmin, snap out of it.
I'll make him some honey tea.
Are you okay? I'm sorry, mom.
What happened? I have a general idea, but fill me in.
Your daughter-in-law and my wife, she wasn't Ruby.
So it's true what you said earlier? Focus.
Give me a straight answer.
Are you sure she's not Ruby? I don't know how this happened.
I hate myself.
I could die.
Ruby, what's going on? You haven't drank in ages.
I couldn't believe it when you called.
You're the only friend I could think of.
Lee Eunji, you're my friend, right? Of course.
You're pretty self-centered, and you were really rude to me, but a friend is a friend.
Then no matter what happens, please call me Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby? What else would I call you? This was what my life was meant to be.
Congratulations, Jeong Ruby.
Oh, my goodness.
Slow down.
Take it easy, will you? It's odd.
Why do you look so pitiful today? You're wearing a designer outfit and carrying a designer purse, but you look so poor.
Do you want these? What? If I gave you my designer clothes and purse, even the car I have parked outside, and even my face, how would you feel? Hmmm How about I gave you my perfect husband and my wealthy in-laws as well? That would really be But that's just ridiculous.
Don't bite off more How did it go again? In any case, surprisingly enough, I'm okay with myself.
I'm content.
Happiness is overrated.
No dream, no greed, no ambition That's why your life is so pathetic.
What's wrong with my life? I'm happy.
If you think marrying into a rich family is what makes you happy, you're wrong.
Even a fool like me knows that money isn't everything.
Something's up.
That's why you're drinking and blabbering.
What is it? Is your husband cheating on you? Does he want a divorce? Yes.
He's in love with another woman.
I don't know what to say.
Why didn't you tell me, Ruby? You knew all along, didn't you? I'm a terrible aunt.
I didn't recognize you and I called you Runa.
Aunt Chorim.
You didn't do anything wrong, Chorim.
I'm the idiot who didn't recognize her children.
Runa made plans to dupe all of us.
How could you have known? She got plastic surgery, posed as Ruby, and on top of that, she deceived her sister's fiance.
Don't cry, Aunt Chorim.
Runa had been so jealous of you since you were little, but who could've imagined she'd hold such a deep-seated grudge for being raised differently? How could she be so ferocious? That ferociousness is terrifying.
What about Runa? Where is she? I'm sure Gyeongmin's family knows by now.
What if she disappears again? Don't worry.
Runa won't give up so easily.
You trust Runa? The girl who threatened to kill herself? Runa's my flesh and blood.
She's her mother's daughter.
One year after our marriage, my husband passed away.
I went through so much, but I managed to raise Ruby and Runa.
Runa's ferociousness, she got that from me.
So don't worry and get out of my room.
It's really all over now, Jeong Ruby.
The truth has finally come to light.
Now, Runa will go back to being mom's biological daughter, and I I will go back to being dad's illegitimate daughter, Jeong Ruby.
But thank you, mom.
What are you running away from? Are you running away from the mind-blowing truth before us? You scum.
You're leaving with Ruby? Why do you get to leave with Jeong Ruby? That's right, Na Insu.
You're scum.
You're running away from your problems and yet you claim to love Ruby? You're going to leave with her? You're a conniving, selfish prick.
Investigative Report on Jeong Ruby Jeong Ruby's OB/GYN Medical Record Jeong Ruby's Phone Records Application for Divorce Jeong Ruby.
Pick up your phone.
I think it's your husband.
Gyeongmin Hello? I'm sorry, hon.
Were you waiting long? I got worked up and said a lot of weird things.
I'm sorry.
What's this? I signed it.
I just need your signature.
They're divorce papers.
Is this necessary? So suddenly? Yes.
We never should've met.
You're smart, so I'm sure you understand.
I don't want to see you ever again.
What? Do you want a tearful reunion with the real Jeong Ruby? Are you trying to make up for lost time? I want to live my life now.
I want to be able to breathe.
Since I married you, I never once felt like I was alive or breathing.
Why? Because our marriage was a farce.
It was a sham.
A farce? A sham? When I think of how my dad died, I want to put you behind bars.
So if you have any shred of human decency, you'll sign it and send it to my office.
A farce? Put me behind bars? You never loved me, even for a second? It's me.
We have to talk.
Ruby's not in her room.
She didn't take her purse.
I think she only took her phone with her.
Huh? Where did she go so early in the morning? Maybe she went to see Insu.
Or maybe Gyeongmin.
Juice, please.
Yes, Director Bae.
Hello, sir.
Another glass of juice, please.
No thanks.
I'm fine.
I'm sorry.
Dad hasn't been gone for very long, but I'm a total wreck.
Is it true? Do I have to believe everything I heard? Yeah, it's all true.
When dad found out, he collapsed from the stress.
I couldn't believe it either.
After I found out the truth, I didn't know what to do.
How could this happen? She was the love of your life.
You vowed to be with her forever.
She was the reason you decided not to finish your studies in the States.
So how could you not recognize her? What do I do now? All that time How did Ruby endure it? All that time, she watched as I called Runa "Ruby.
" How excruciating that must have been.
Did you get to meet her? Yes.
She says she's leaving.
Slow down.
Why? Afraid of another crash? It's your fault.
You ruined everything.
Ever since we were young, you always got in my way, without fail.
Don't you get tired of it? Stop it, Runa.
Don't call me Runa! I'm Jeong Ruby.
Get it right.
Call me Jeong Ruby.
Stop it! See you next time
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