9-1-1: Lone Star (2020) s02e01 Episode Script

Back in the Saddle

1 TOUR GUIDE: Now if you'll look up ahead, you'll see an exact replica of the most famous artillery pieces in Texas history.
The Twin Sisters.
They were key in helping Texas triumph at the Battle of San Jacinto, avenging the Alamo, and winning the Republic her independence.
Who helped the Republicans? I don't know.
I think some girls, but I can't hear with these masks.
May I continue? Now, some people believe the cannons sank in quicksand, others, a Galveston bayou.
Mom, look! But their whereabouts remains a mystery.
Oh, my goodness! (DRAMATIC MUSIC) - Do you see that? - Holy smokes! They have rides? NEWS ANCHOR: So here's something you don't see every day A military tank on the streets of Austin.
Sources are saying it's an M1 Abrams first used in combat during the Persian Gulf War.
Apparently, whoever's driving that thing stole it from the Texas Military Forces Museum in the last half hour or so.
Police should have no trouble finding him.
He's left a trail of destructin for more than a mile.
His name's Lieutenant John Vasquez.
The curator at the museum says he volunteers there.
- Helps maintain the equipment.
- ELLIOT: Inform Austin PD.
See if you can get a number on the guy.
Copy that.
- (POLICE SIRENS BLARING) - OFFICER: This is the Austin Police Department.
You are in extreme danger.
Stay clear of the road! (SIRENS WAILING) CARLOS: Park 'em at least two deep! POLICE OFFICER: We're talking about a 57-ton tank.
You really think he'll stop for this? No, but hopefully his treads will get stuck - when he tries to go over.
- And if he decides to just shoot us with the cannon? Duck.
Everybody, take cover! Get ready to run.
(OVERLAPPING SHOUTING) (DRAMATIC MUSICAL STING) Somebody needs to come up with a new plan.
OWEN: Where do you want us, Sergeant? STOKES: Hell if I know.
We got no idea where he's going.
And we can't talk to him.
Apparently, everything on that tank works except the radio.
And he's not picking up his phone.
So you know who he is.
Lieutenant John Vasquez.
He was a tank gunner at Desert Storm.
Wife says he's been despondent since they buried his daughter on Friday.
She was 27.
Served two tours in Afghanistan.
She died in Afghanistan? No.
She died here.
We'll keep pace.
Strand out.
The poor bastard.
Yeah, first the world ends, and now this.
Plus, there hasn't been a decent military funeral - in a year.
- No wonder he's pissed.
Cap, I think I know where this guy's going.
He's headed to the VA Hospital.
Come on, people! We gotta evacuate! Let's go! Let's go! OFFICER: Go, go, move.
Let's move it, come on! You sure about this? His daughter was denied care at this facility.
(DRAMATIC MUSICAL STING) Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
All right, come on! Let's move it! Move, move, move, move! There's still a lot of sick folks in there, Cap.
Cap, we haven't even hit the east wing yet.
We should call it.
We need to consider our people's safety too.
What about his people? (SOLEMN MUSIC) (TENSE MUSIC) (PHONE CHIMING, BUZZING) Elena? ELENA: Oh, mi amor.
What are you doing? They forgot about her, Elena.
Our baby.
Everyone forgot her.
I'm gonna make them remember.
ELENA: John, stop.
Listen to me.
These people, they wanna help us.
What people? GRACE: Mr.
My name is Grace Ryder.
I'm a 9-1-1 dispatcher.
I do have a friend on the line.
He has something he'd like to say to you.
This is Captain Owen Strand.
Austin FD.
I wanna say how sorry I am for your loss.
No one should ever have to feel what you're feeling.
I understand you wanna blame the government for what happened to your daughter.
For denying her sacrifice.
I know how painful that feels.
You have no idea how that feels! No idea! OWEN: Oh, but I do, Lieutenant.
You see, on 9/11, it was the one day this country swore that it would never forget.
And it did.
Those of us who were there that day, we don't have that luxury.
We don't get to forget.
And I know too many people who survived that day, only to die years later forgotten.
Because their problems were too expensive.
Too inconvenient.
(SOMBER MUSIC) So yeah I understand your rage.
The men and women standing with me aren't moving.
How would Sophia feel about you taking down all these heroes? Heroes just like her.
How is that gonna honor her memory? Do not make your daughter's life a footnote to something stupid you do here today in her name.
CARLOS: Let's move.
Let's get him out of that tank.
- OFFICER: John Vasquez.
- (CRYING) esc from the tank with your hands in the air.
JOHN: Please don't shoot! OWEN: Okay.
- (LAUGHTER) - TK: Good one, Cap.
Hey, hey, hey, social distance.
- All right.
- Social distance.
- Well? - CHARLES: Hot damn! Back in the saddle, babe.
Yeah, the saddle's a little tighter than it used to be.
CHARLES: In all the right places.
You look like a boss.
A sexy-ass boss.
Well, I'm glad I look the part 'cause I sure as hell don't feel like it.
What are you talking about? Tommy Vega, you were the best paramedic captain - in Travis County.
- TOMMY: Exactly.
That was the better part of a decade, Charles.
I mean, what if I just don't have it anymore? Impossible.
Greatness is in your DNA.
You got this.
You believe that.
(CHUCKLES) Chateaubriand? - For breakfast? - Steak and eggs! It's classic.
Besides, I got 40 pounds of this stuff frozen in the garage.
Along with five buckets of scallops, two cases of lobsters, and not to mention, 15 cases of toilet paper, 70 formal place settings, and stir sticks.
- Oh, so many stir sticks.
- (CHUCKLES) Well, upside, world ends tomorrow, - we're ready.
- Yeah.
I'm pretty sure it ended last March.
- Baby? - Mmm mm-hmm? I'm sorry about this.
- I failed you.
- Hey, uh-uh.
No, you didn't fail, and neither did the restaurant.
We were doing great.
Then a damn virus blew up the world.
And not just our world.
The whole damn world.
I know that going back to work isn't what you want right now.
No, it isn't.
I always figured I'd go back at some point, and I'd hoped that it was when the girls were a little older, but that's all.
- But now? - Hmm? They get their daddy at home to take care of them? - I mean - (BOTH LAUGH) - We're gonna be okay.
- Mm-hmm.
Assuming I don't forget the difference between Dextrose and DuoNeb.
Ooh! Oh, that's it.
- Talk dirty to me, Captain.
- Oh, you like that? - I do.
- Dextrose.
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
- ISABELLA: Morning.
- (BOTH LAUGH) It smells like dinner.
It's not.
It's breakfast.
It's steak and eggs.
A classic.
Hey, doesn't your mama look like a boss? BOTH: Mama is the boss.
I love my girls! ROSEWATER: Well, if you ask me, what she did was incredibly selfish.
MARJAN: What are we talking about? - Michelle.
- Again.
- What'd she do? - The same thing.
- She quit! - MARJAN: She did not quit.
She gave up her occupation in pursuit of her vocation.
And I admire that.
- Don't those mean the same thing? - Hell no.
Vocation is much more than just a job.
It's more like a calling.
Well, I feel like being a firefighter's my calling.
PAUL: And some of us are lucky when the two line up.
- But when they don't? - You gotta make a choice.
Which Captain Blake did.
Which was incredibly selfish.
GILLIAN: Right, Tim, she selfishly gave up job security to dedicate her life to helping mentally ill people living on the streets.
People like her sister.
- What a monster.
- (SMALL LAUGH) ROSEWATER: She abandoned us, Nancy.
For some new rando captain who hasn't been on the job in, like, forever.
You realize how much EMS has changed since 2013? I remember 2013.
- Live concerts.
- Nightclubs.
- You want a hug, Probie? - I need a hug.
You should've asked.
I'll give you a hug.
And this is your office.
(CHUCKLES) Well, my last office was more or less a broom closet.
Well, we have one of those too if you'd be more comfortable.
I bet it's a really nice broom closet.
Yeah, it ain't bad to be a broom in my firehouse.
Hmm, well, I'd heard you made some renovations, but I gotta tell you, I've never seen a firehouse like this before.
Actually, my inspiration was architectural designer John Pawson.
TOMMY: I don't know if I have enough stuff to fill up this space.
But it's not as big at it looks.
See, that's the minimalist aesthetic.
It (CHUCKLES) I'll stop.
You'll fill this place easily.
I wasn't really talking about filling the space.
I was talking about the shoes.
Michelle Blake was a rock star.
You know Michelle? I should.
I trained her.
Then, she comes from a long line of rock stars because I hear the same thing about you.
I don't know who you've been talking to.
JUDD: Hey, girl! Guess what I just found in your truck.
- TOMMY: Juddy.
- Hey.
- (CHUCKLES) - Oh! You have no idea how hard it is to social distance at this particular moment.
I appreciate that.
So, Owen, this is my good friend, Tommy.
She also happens to be the best EMS captain in all of Texas.
- We've met.
- Oh, you think you have.
Wait till you see her work.
All right, let's not raise any unrealistic expectations.
- All right? - She's very modest.
Did I ever tell you, Cap, that Tommy did me the supreme kindness of introducing me to my wife? - Many times.
- Well, it's still true.
OWEN: Well, I'll let you settle in, let you guys catch up.
Captain, welcome to the 126.
He's something, ain't he? He's something.
So first day.
I know it's not the most fun circumstances, but how do you feel? Like I need a lot of Jesus and a little bit of Jack.
- I think you'll be great.
- TOMMY: Okay.
Don't let them get in your head, girls.
Yeah, Carly's big.
So what? There are only one of her, and there are 15 of us.
So as long as we roll together and we watch each other's backs, we're gonna annihilate those bitches! (CHEERING) Right, Julie? Julie.
Julie, are you okay? Come on, everybody gets jitters their first game back from an ACL.
Yeah, but not everybody has to go up against the same cheap shot artist who tore it in the first place.
Two surgeries.
Five months on crutches.
I mean, I'm an accountant with three kids.
I would be crazy to risk going through all that again for some stupid game.
Some stupid game? Oh, hell no.
You started this team! Okay? Look around.
It's because of you that Holly had the courage to dump her asshat of a boyfriend.
And Ruth demanded that raise.
And Yasmeen finally moved out of her parents' attic.
Now it is your turn to show Carly that you are not Julie Shumpert, scared accountant.
You are Betty Bad Wheels.
And you are back in the saddle! - Okay? - (CHEERING) - TONYA: Yes! - TEAMMATE: One, two, three ALL: Annihilator! (BRASH PUNK ROCK) - (BOTH GRUNT) - I don't give a damn - Get off! - 'Bout my reputation Living in the past, it's a new generation A girl can do what she wants to do And that's what I'm gonna do - Get off of me! - And I don't give a damn 'Bout my bad reputation Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Not me, me, me, me, me, me, me ANNOUNCER: Oh, and it looks like Betty Bad Wheels is making her move! SINGER: Never said I wanted to improve my station And I'm only doin' good when I'm havin' fun CARLY: Careful.
You might tear something.
- Bitch! - And I don't give a damn 'Bout my bad reputation - Oh, no - (GRUNTS) - (GRUNTS) - Not me Me, me, me, me, me, me Oh, no - (ALL GRUNT) - Not me Not me - Not me - (GRUNTS) JULIE: Oh, my God! Tonya! Please! She's over here.
There's blood everywhere.
She slid across the floor.
A splinter or something must have been sticking up.
It's all my fault.
(STAMMERS) I'm her captain.
I let her down.
I never should've come back.
I I wasn't ready.
- Please help her.
- Captain, scene's medical.
It's your lead.
Where would you like Fire? Get ready to lift her up.
Get the floorboard so we can move her.
Paul, let's get a backboard.
Marjan, the reticular saw.
- Mateo, you're with me.
- TOMMY: Your friend.
- What's her name? - Tonya.
Tonya, my name's Captain Vega.
You've gotten yourself into quite a little trip here.
I need you to hang in there, okay? We're gonna get you out of this.
I'm not going anywhere.
Get her in a C-collar.
Start a line.
- Run it wide open.
- Copy that.
Stabilize that shard with two rolls of Kerlix.
Copy that.
PAUL: Backboard flying in! TOMMY: We're almost there, Tonya.
- How are we feeling? - TONYA: I'm so tired.
No, ma'am.
I need you awake.
I can't have you going into shock.
GILLIAN: I'm pushing fluids, Cap.
TOMMY: Kitten Crusher? What, you have something against cats? I'm a kitten who crushes.
MARJAN: Ah, you must be a blocker.
TONYA: How did you know? I can recognize my own.
- You used to roller derby? - Mm-hmm, back in Miami.
You should lace up again.
We're gonna be down a blocker.
- Splinter's secure, Captain.
- All right.
Lift her up.
Cut her loose.
OWEN: All right.
Nice and easy.
On three.
One, two, three.
TONYA: (GROANS) - MARJAN: All clear.
- TOMMY: All right.
Get her on the backboard.
OWEN: Guys, watch the shard, Keep it clear of the board.
- Nice and easy.
- Careful.
- (ALL GASP) - Oh, my God! - Her arm.
- TONYA: What? - BOTH: Oh! - (TENSE MUSIC) All right.
Get her on the gurney.
(ALL GASP) GILLIAN: No radial pulse.
No cap refill.
Tissue's about to go necrotic.
Cap, we gotta restore circulation now or she loses the arm.
(ECHOES) Captain, what's the plan? (MUSIC SWELLS) - I reset it.
- ROSEWATER: You? You sure? We only get one shot at this.
You haven't been in the field - Get me the vacuum splint.
Tonya, I'm not gonna lie, this is gonna pinch.
- All right, you ready? - Yeah.
OWEN (ECHOES): Scene's medical, your lead.
ROSEWATER (ECHOES): We only get one shot at this.
TOMMY (ECHOES): Michelle Blake was a rock star.
JUDD (ECHOES): Best EMS captain in all of Texas.
TOMMY: Let's not raise any unrealistic expectations.
JULIE: Oh, my God! Her arm, her arm! CHARLES: You got this.
GILLIAN: About to go necrotic.
TOMMY: What if I just don't have it in me? - TOMMY: Lord, help me.
- (BONES CRACK) - (SCREAMS) - Oh, my God! TONYA: (WHIMPERS) GILLIAN: We got a pulse, Cap.
Does that mean that I'm That means she just saved your arm.
Thank you.
(SIGHS) (SOFT MUSIC) You can breathe again, Captain.
- Hey.
- You get the cheeseballs? No, I didn't get the cheeseballs.
Why not? Because Mateo, my boyfriend goes to a lot of trouble to make us healthy snacks and provides us with a safe place for us to gather so we can at least have some human interaction in this uncertain age, and I'm not gonna spoil that with cheeseballs.
Also, I forgot.
Did you remember the orange juice? - TK: Yeah, I got it.
- Oh, you remember the orange juice, but you forget the cheeseballs.
It's not like they have all the orange stuff in the same corner of the market, Probie.
You seem a little stressed.
- Is it that noticeable? - MARJAN: I noticed.
And I'm pretty sure I haven't looked at you - since you walked in.
- I noticed her noticing.
I had some trouble getting out of the house.
- Again? - That's still going on? Oh, if anything, it's worse.
TK, did you use the last of my Naseberry Eye Exfoliant? Do you think I have a death wish? OWEN: That's unbelievable.
You know, she also moved my hand towel, which I expressly asked her not to do.
Dad, please don't freak out.
OWEN: And her long chestnut hairs are in my brush.
Who does she think she is? GWYNETH: (SPEAKING JAPANESE) Do you mind? I was on with clients in Osaka.
TK, will you tell your mother that I can put up with a lot, but I will not stand for someone stealing my last line of defense beauty products? No, I'm not gonna do that.
And would you kindly remind your father that he stole my beauty products for all ten years of our marriage, and this is no way to treat a guest? - I'm not gonna do that either.
- OWEN: A guest? Ha, a guest stops being a guest after a month.
Or four.
From there on out, you are a squatter.
Oh, Dad.
Why? It is not my fault that you allowed our only child to be shot right before a worldwide pandemic hit.
Mom, why? MARJAN: So why is she still here? Yeah, doesn't she run a big law firm in New York? Well, New York was rough at first, and like most people, she's taking her meetings online and she doesn't have to be anywhere.
Plus, my dad got cancer.
She wanted to come and support him.
By giving him another tumor? I don't know.
I-I've seen them together.
I think they like sparring.
They're pretty well matched.
Oh, there is no sparring.
Nobody's wearing gloves.
(BOTH MOANING) Oops, we did it again.
That probably stopped being funny in July.
Maybe it was a little funny.
It was just more dorky funny.
You have a very dorky side to you, Owen Strand.
It's the side I've always found very charming.
Even when I'm yelling about exfoliants? - Particularly.
- Whoa, where are you going? I have a 3:00.
In the next room.
GWYNETH: Yeah, well, you know my rule.
I show up to these Zoom meetings like I would any real-world meeting.
It keeps me from getting lazy.
Lazy is the last thing anyone would ever accuse you of being.
But it does explain the dearth of exfoliants.
You do so many of those Zoom calls.
How the tables have turned.
When we were married, I was the one always complaining about how much you worked.
I'm not complaining.
I'm saying it's 3:00.
We got time.
You really think I'm a squatter? No.
A barnacle.
A beautiful barnacle.
Attached to my home.
Come on, round two.
TK's gonna be gone all day.
Oh, but what if your folks come home? You are hilarious! You're the one who insisted we be sneaking around behind his back.
There's no sneaking! There's just also no point in confusing him by telling him.
I mean, we know what this is.
- We do? - Yes.
We are two consenting adults who happen to be very fond of one another who have been closely confined and have found an option other than homicide.
(QUIRKY MUSIC) (DRAWER CLATTERS) Step away from the exfoliants! - GWYNETH: You can't see that! - I don't have to! (MELANCHOLIC MUSIC) Hmm? (SIGHS) Where are the girls? Where they are every Wednesday.
You took them to school without letting me see them? Letting you see them? Why didn't you wake me up? Well, you just finished working your first 24-hour shift in eight years.
We wanted to let you sleep a little, so That's not okay, Charles.
I haven't seen my babies in 24 hours.
I come home, and they're asleep.
I wake up, and they're gone, and I was here.
I was right here, Charles! Babe.
Come here.
I (SIGHS) - (EXHALES) - CHARLES: Come here.
Come here.
Come here, come here.
Come on.
(CRYING) (WHISPERS) I'm sorry.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
There's not a thing wrong with you.
Maybe that's the trouble.
Being perfect is a lot.
You need a flaw.
No, I'm not perfect.
Far as I'm concerned, you are.
- I'm still annoyed.
- (CHUCKLES) I know.
I promise to wake you up next time.
- After a 24-hour shift? - Mm-hmm.
You'll do that at your own peril.
(CHUCKLES) I'll take the risk.
They miss you as much as you miss them, you know? - They do? - Sure, they do.
This is hard on everyone right now.
But it's like the scripture's saying "We rejoice in our suffering.
" Well (SNIFFLES) I wish this last year hadn't given us quite so much to rejoice about.
You and me both, babe.
You and me both.
(TENSE MUSIC) JUDD: Phone company said his name's Carl Hubbard.
He's 41 years old.
His boss says he's fit at a fiddle.
He got no cardiac history.
He said the guy runs Ironmans on the weekend.
Well, something's definitely wrong with him.
What do you think, Captain? Could be a heart attack, a seizure.
He may have just fainted from dehydration.
It's impossible to tell from down here.
OWEN: All right, we gotta get him down so Medical can have a look at him.
TK, get the rescue harnesses.
- Mateo, deploy the rescue bag.
- TOMMY: Radio West Park.
Tell them to have their cardiac and stroke teams on standby.
Tim? I'm gonna need two bags of D5.
Captain? I'm gonna need one of those harnesses.
(TENSE MUSIC) How you doing back there, Captain? Fine.
Other than forgetting how much these chafe.
Last time I was in one, - "Gilmore Girls" was still on.
- Oh, don't worry.
I got your Hibiscus Blister Balm in the truck.
- (BOTH LAUGH) - OWEN: Yeah, you laugh now.
You'll thank me later.
Carl, can you hear me? He's in shock.
He's got a wound in the upper left leg.
It's bleeding out pretty bad.
Looks like some kind of a puncture wound from a tool maybe.
OWEN: I'm secured here.
TOMMY: Hold him as still as you possibly can.
(INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER) - OWEN: Can you reach him? - TOMMY: Yeah.
OWEN: All right.
TOMMY: Captain, that's not a puncture wound.
- That's an exit wound.
- Maybe from a bullet? That doesn't look like any gunshot I've ever seen.
(DRAMATIC MUSICAL STING) (THWACK) (EQUIPMENT RATTLES) OWEN: Get behind the dish! (MUSIC SWELLS) - (GRUNTS) - What the hell was that? - It's a bolt.
- A bolt? - You mean, like, from a - (CROSSBOW BOLT WHOOSHES) 126, we're taking fire.
Did you just say you're taking fire? 'Cause we don't hear anything down here.
That's 'cause it's coming from a crossbow! A crossbow? - (CROSSBOW BOLT WHOOSHES) - OWEN: (GRUNTS) - TK: From where? - (CROSSBOW BOLT WHOOSHES) Looks like I think from the south.
Get down, Probie! OWEN: Look, we have a severe leg injury.
He's bleeding out.
We're kind of pinned down here.
Dispatch, this is 126.
We need APD.
4206 Ridgewood, but quick.
Why the hell is someone taking shots at a cell tower? Everyone hates the phone company.
Stucco apartment.
Second floor, third unit from the left.
Really? How can you tell? - The window's open.
- There are open windows everywhere.
Yeah, but only one next to a running air conditioner unit.
Come on.
Open your eyes.
Stay with me.
Guys, come on! We gotta stop him! Hey, hey, hey! Police are gonna be here in two minutes.
Yeah, that's two minutes longer than my dad has - hanging up there.
- MARJAN: TK's right! Cap's ass is blowing in the breeze.
- I'm going too.
- Me too.
Hey, killers! If we're gonna do it, let's at least do it smart.
Hey, no, no.
Stay with me.
Look at my eyes.
Stay with me.
- (CROSSBOW BOLT WHOOSHES) - CARL: (GRUNTS) Hey, Captain! We gotta stop this bleeding! Captain, let's go! - Trying to focus here! - Focus will be good.
(TOMMY PANTING) All right.
Hold him as still as you can.
I'm gonna close his wound with this iTClamp.
All right.
- JUDD: Hey! - Suck it! SINGER: I come from the water Nuh-uh! - Don't even play! - (BOTH GRUNT) SINGER: I got what I came for I sucked that hot I come from the water Wow.
(SIRENS WAILING) You know, if you get yourself shot again, you're never making it out of the doghouse.
Maybe don't make us do your job for you next time.
You really are a smug bunch.
You love it.
Hey, so what was her deal anyway? Lady Legolas with the crossbow? CARLOS: According to her, she was trying to stop the spread of COVID-19.
She read on the internet that it was being spread - by 5G towers.
- Oh, good.
I thought for a second she might be crazy.
Told you, everybody hates the phone company.
JUDD: (SHOUTING) Hey, what'd I tell y'all? What did I tell y'all about this woman right here? She's something, ain't she? Yeah, that was objectively badass.
(ALL CHEER) - Hey, I was there too.
- JUDD: Yeah.
You were just hanging up there getting shot at and she was performing surgery 100 feet up, taking fire.
- Yeah, he is that.
- (LAUGHS) And I couldn't have done it without you, Captain.
And somehow, I think you coulda.
Well, you say that now, but admit it.
You thought I was freezing up again, didn't you? I have no idea what you're talking about.
We both know you saw me choke at the roller derby the other day.
You were resetting a compound fracture with your bare hands.
You're entitled to an extra breath.
Well, I want you to know that that was a one-time only, first day back kind of thing.
The rust is off.
I'll stay on my toes.
Hey, Cap.
I think we're gonna have some fun.
You bet your ass we are.
(SIRENS APPROACHING) Now, it's been a month since you finished your last round of immunotherapy, and it's at this point we can begin determining the efficacy of your overall cancer treatment plan.
That's doctor speak for, "Did any of this stuff work?" DR.
JACOBS: Now, I won't keep you in suspense.
Your blood work and your pulmonary function tests look good, but the CT scan is the real bellwether.
Looking them over, what I'm seeing here is - Frankly, it's not - (DISTORTED VOICE) - Oh, God.
- Hey.
No, no, no.
Come on, come on.
The gravity of this, we usually recommend counseling.
Uh, so it's so it's bad? - My cancer spread? - DR.
JACOBS: What? - What? - BOTH: What? Shoot! Wait, did I freeze? TK: Yes, yes! You freaking froze! - We didn't hear the whole - Oh, I am so sorry.
Technology has allowed me to make house calls, but it has been hell on my bedside manner sometimes.
No, no, your cancer has not spread.
Your tumor has been reduced by 73%.
Captain Strand, your lung cancer is officially in remission.
I'm sorry, but what were you saying about counseling? DR.
JACOBS: Well, because sometimes good news is just as difficult to process as the bad news.
Are you saying that That he's cured? Mm, he's in good shape.
We could even do a wedge resection surgery soon to remove the tumor completely.
Captain Strand, you're going to get your life back.
- Wow, um - DR.
JACOBS: (CHUCKLES) - Wow, indeed.
- Wow.
JACOBS: Go, why don't you take some time to celebrate? We will get another visit on the books to discuss further steps.
Thank you.
Thank you so much, Dr.
Oh, my God.
Dad, that's amazing! Everybody at the firehouse is gonna freak out! Look, let's just Let's just hold off a beat, 'cause I wanna get a second opinion.
And I don't wanna do an end zone dance and have the ref call the play back.
Whatever you say.
(CHUCKLES) You did it! - GWYNETH: Mm.
- TK: Oh, my God! (BLOWS AIR) You know this is good news, right? The best.
I'm so proud of you, Owen.
The way you fought through those last rounds of chemo.
You never complained, you never felt sorry for yourself.
It'd be hard to complain to the woman who's holding your barf bag.
Thank you.
Thank you.
No, you did this.
You did this.
You were so strong.
I knew it would turn out well today.
- I knew you'd beat this! - Mm-hmm.
Which is why I, um I bought a ticket out to New York for Saturday.
Why? You know, TK's gunshot wound healed a long time ago and now you're in the clear, so I feel like it's time that I get out of your perfectly coiffed hair.
(BOTH LAUGH) Well, um it has been a pleasure sheltering in place with you.
(LAUGHS) (SOFT MUSIC) (CALL RINGS) MARY: These folks aren't just our clients.
Many of them are friends, so they deserve to keep their benefits even if they miss a premium.
Thanks, Mary.
The pandemic's been hard on everybody.
I'd love to hear accounting's take.
Well, I've been running the numbers, - and it'll be tight - LARRY: (CHEWING) But the good news is that we should be able to Larry? Can you mute yourself? We can hear you chewing.
(MUNCHES) You you can? - Yeah.
- Yes.
Oh, my bad! Go ahead, Vern.
Go ahead.
Well, it's gonna be tricky, but if we part out the homeowners and the auto from our umbrella policies, - we shouldn't have any - (ZIPPER UNZIPS) - Uh, Mary? - Yeah, Mary.
Mary! - No, no! - Nuh-uh, Mary! Mary, we can see you! Mary! (GASPS) No Poor thing.
I saw nothing, Mary.
- Hey, Larry! Larry, is everything okay? - EMMA: Is he okay? - PERSON: Are you okay? PERSON: Is he choking? - VERN: I think he's choking.
- He's turning red.
VERN: Oh, my gosh! Is he okay? - EMMA: What's happening? - BOSS: Larry, can you hear us? - Oh, my - Oh! - Do something! - Oh, my God.
(TENSE MUSIC) (ALL GASPING) - Ooh - Aw - Gross! - Wow.
ALL: You're on mute! Unmute, unmute, unmute! He's gonna be all right, but, uh, tell your friend, smaller bites.
- Oh.
- (APPLAUSE) - Oh, good job, you guys.
- Thank you! - Oh! - Great! There she is.
- Hey, baby.
(SMOOTH MUSIC) Hey, the girls only went down about an hour ago.
Why don't you, um Why don't you wake them up and get in a little QT? No, it's a school night.
- Um, what's that stain exactly? - Oh.
Curl and style milk.
(SIGHS) Your man got the bright idea to do the girls' hair.
You know, like a dry run for picture day next week? Well, how'd that go? Oh, I'm not gonna lie to you, it was a battle.
There was a lot of crying, there was a lot of tears, a lot of pain.
I'm sure that one of the girls even cried too.
- (LAUGHS) - But it was all worth it.
Um, let's see.
Tell me that that is not a solid French braid.
- CHARLES: Boom.
- TOMMY: Oh, I see.
Well, you know, Evie's symmetry is just a little off, but, yeah, I'd say that's a good, solid start.
- It's a good start? - Uh-huh.
You give me a week.
I'ma have those girls rocking box braids and Marcel waves.
(CHUCKLES) I bet you will too.
- CHARLES: All right.
- You're my hero, you know that? Really? You're the one who's climbing up a tower.
- Getting shot at.
- Oh.
- Yeah, I saw the news.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, well, believe me, I have the easier job.
Oh, you do, kinda.
Don't you? - Oh, and - What? - I need you to shut up.
- Yeah.
- CHARLES: Now, who the hell - (GROANS) Okay, give me just one second.
- TOMMY: Yeah, okay.
- CHARLES: All right.
I don't believe this.
TOMMY: (CHUCKLES) Hey, y'all.
We brought some cheesecake.
Well, what are you doing here at this hour? JUDD: You said you wanted a little Jack.
Well, I brought a lot of Jack.
Anybody who makes a save like that their first week back, and they're (CLEARS THROAT) Gonna celebrate that.
That's TOMMY: You didn't have to do that.
- You really didn't.
- And we're not going to.
This is for you.
No, no, no, no.
Come on.
Come on in.
- I'll get some plates.
- (GROANS) We'll talk about calling ahead.
- I'm sorry, brother.
- Yeah.
Oh, my fa Mm-hmm, it better be damn good cheesecake.
Well OWEN: Well, somebody's anxious to leave.
Oh, you know me.
I like to be ready.
But my flight doesn't leave till late tomorrow.
Maybe in the morning, we can have one last family hang.
Finally get out to that bridge with the The thousands of bats.
Yeah, 1.
5 million bats.
Yeah, I I don't think it's a good idea.
Uh what about, uh, Barton Springs? It's where all the hippies go topless.
No, I mean I don't think it's a good idea that you leave.
Wait, you mean stay? Why? Why not? Come on.
You have to admit it's been really special having us all together under the same roof again.
Yeah, but it's also been like living in a pressure cooker.
We know how to release steam.
Yes, we are excellent, really, but Are you serious? I'm not ready for you to go.
What about the firm? They would lose their minds - if I didn't come back.
- OWEN: The firm? You mean the one with your name on the door? Come on, I think you've been working just fine from here for the last few months.
But the pollen down here! It's it's apocalyptic! And I've met so many amazing people in the medical community.
Look, Gwyn.
Remember when you said we both know what this is? I'm not so sure we do.
Or what it could be.
Don't you want to find out? (SOFT MUSIC) Are you sure you're not just trying to get out of driving me to the airport? I was just gonna put you in an Uber.
This could end in homicide.
It could.
But how many times are we gonna get a second chance at the best relationship of our lives? Oh, crap.
(LAUGHS) We're gonna have to tell TK if that's what's really been going on.
TK: TK knows.
- What do you know? - TK: More than any son should.
The walls here are not that thick.
Who else knows? Everybody.
- Well, he's a wise-ass.
- (SIGHS) Remember when he was young and adorable? No, not really.
BRITISH PODCASTER: Do you find yourself looking for stability in this chaotic world? (IN A BRITISH ACCENT) I bought a food truck in February 2020.
BRITISH PODCASTER: True stability comes from within.
So let's try a focus exercise.
What are you doing now? Say it out loud.
I am massaging the kale.
BRITISH PODCASTER: You may feel your mind start to wander.
If this happens, close your eyes.
Return to your center.
Bring your attention back to your task.
(SIGHS) I am massaging the kale.
I am massaging the kale.
- I am massaging the kale.
- (INHALES, EXHALES) BRITISH PODCASTER: Feeling better? You know I do.
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