Ben 10: Omniverse (2012) s02e01 Episode Script


[owl hooting.]
Despite the airship's thermal readings, there are no Chupacabra sightings as of yet, - only these unidentified tracks.
You hear that? - It's coming from that clearing.
- Whoa! We found Bigfoot! - Shocksquatch: Oh! - And a Chupacabra! And the Chupacabra's shiny, metal backpack? [electricity crackles.]
[Chupacabra shrieking.]
We should follow the Chupacabra.
- That's why we're here.
- But, Dad, Fiskerton just captured Bigfoot! [grunts.]
Bigfoot?! Don't you watch the news? Of course we do.
Ben Tennyson, it's an honor.
I'm Zak Saturday.
Ben 10 he's a kid, and he wants to have fun but when you need a superhero, he gets the job done Ben 10 with a device that he wears on his arm he can change his shape and save the world from harm when trouble's taking place he gets right in its face Ben 10 when lives are on the line it's hero time Ben 10 Uh, sorry about that.
We thought you were Bigfoot.
Ben: [chuckling.]
Yeah, I get that a lot.
- Well, Shocksquatch does.
- This is my Dad, Doc Saturday, and you've already met my brother, Fiskerton.
- We're big fans.
- Ben: Yeah, I can tell.
We worked with your Grandpa Max a while back on a Cryptid-related matter.
Ben: Oh, those Saturdays.
You guys track down all those freaky animals.
Cryptids, like Fisk here and like that Chupacabra - that got away.
- Ben: Chupacabra? Come on, Chupacabras aren't real.
Says the dude with the magic watch that turns him - into aliens.
- Ben: Wha magic? Science.
Way more real than crypto-whatitses.
Sorry, Ben, but these Chupacabras are Cryptids, and they're attacking Bellwood's alien population.
Ben: We know.
My partner and I have been tracking them for a week.
This is the first time we actually caught up with one.
Hopefully, Rook has caught it by now.
[breathing heavily.]
I did not.
You must be the Saturdays.
Thank you for coming.
Ben: Huh? You knew they were coming? Rook: Magister Tennyson called them due to their cryptozoological expertise.
Although, I have made an extensive study of all life-forms on Earth, and I am certain that Chupacabras do not exist.
- That's because of us.
- It's our job to make sure Cryptids stay hidden for their own protection.
- Rook: That makes sense.
- Ben: It does? Am I the only sane one around here? [device whirring.]
[device beeping.]
So, the Chupacabras took up sculpting? Rook: It's not a statue, Ben.
It has a pulse.
And this wound is consistent with the reports from - the previous alien attacks.
- We'll take him up to the airship, see if we can cure him.
The control room's down the hall, and that's the game room.
Ben: Rook, we definitely need our own airship.
Rook: We already have a spaceship and an underground - headquarters.
- Ben: And neither of them has - a game room.
- Meet the rest of the family.
[bird shrieks.]
Zon and Komodo.
[Komodo hisses.]
Ben: Agh! [Zon chirping.]
At least somebody knows how to - treat a celebrity.
- This is the medical bay, and this is my Mom.
- Rook: Nice to meet you.
- Ben: Um, yeah.
- Meeting you is the good.
- Oh [chuckles.]
right back at ya.
Dude, that's my Mom.
Ben: Do Cryptids have any special powers, you know, - like my aliens? - Some do.
I can show you more about them, but you can't tell my folks.
Ben: You're not hiding the lock ness monster up here, are you? 'Cause that would be awesome! No way.
We'd never take Nessie out of - her natural habitat.
- Ben: Oh, totally awful so wrong.
[robotic laughter.]
- Rook: "Weird world"? - Ben: Oh, yeah, I remember that show.
It had that dude in the creepy mask.
Ben: Yeah, it was on against "Sumo Slammers," - so I never watched it.
- I never saw "Sumo Slammers.
" It's too hard to catch up on TV when you're saving - the world all the time.
- Ben: I know, right? And every time I'm just about to get past level 12 in "Sumo Slammers: World tournament," some bonehead alien tries to destroy the universe or something.
Rook: Yes, it must be difficult for you not being able - to watch your favorite programs.
- Ben: He grew up on a farm a very serious farm.
[electronic whirring.]
No internal injuries.
Organs are functional.
He's just a rock.
What does that do? It's a potion made from Tibetan sea beads.
It expels evil spirits.
I know that look.
Just because one remedy didn't work doesn't mean - there's not a mystical solution.
- You keep applying your potions and elixirs while I try doing some science.
Argost: Greetings and bienvenue.
I am your host, V.
Rook: Argost is gone, correct? Was it a Cryptid that - destroyed him? - Actually, it was me.
Turns out he was really an evil yeti out to destroy humanity.
I zapped him out of existence when he tried to combine my kur power with antimatter from an alternate universe.
Ben: Yeah, you lost me at "zapped.
" Let's just say he was my nemesis, but he made an awesome TV show.
This episode [alarm blaring.]
There's been an attack at an - alien grocery store.
- Ben: Oh, don't tell me.
Rook: Mr.
I'll stay behind and keep an eye on the lizard man.
Ben: Whoa, whoa, don't be so hasty.
Rook, you stay.
We may need Zak's mom's medi medi uh, you know, what she's got.
We should all go.
These Chupacabras are dangerous.
Ben: Right, no doubt.
[blaring continues.]
- Cool! Does that turn you into Anything? - Trouble.
[indistinct shouting.]
[Chupacabras shrieking.]
[shouting continues.]
Drew, you were right.
[Chupacabra growls, shrieks.]
The Chupacabras are draining that alien's life force.
We're too late.
[Chupacabras shrieking.]
- No, no, no, no, no! - Ben: I won't trash your store this time, Mr.
I promise - that I'll try.
- Do you know how long it took me to get live Aldabaron Beetafangs in stock? They don't grow on trees, you know.
- Rook: Actually, they do.
- Not the point.
[Chupacabras shriek.]
[Chupacabras shriek.]
No! [shouts.]
[Chupacabra shrieks.]
Unh! Not so fast! [Chupacabra growls.]
I feel you don't want to do this.
Who's controlling you? [Chupacabra shrieks.]
Unh! [Chupacabras shrieking.]
Drew and I need to get the - injured up to the airship.
- Ben: We'll get the Chupa-loopas! - Rook: Chupacabras.
- Ben: Yeah, those! [Chupacabras shrieking.]
Welcome back, my children! [beeping.]
[electronic whirring.]
Animo: Ah, ah, just enough.
Our time has come.
[electronic whirring.]
- Welcome back, Mr.
Argost! - V.
Argost: Ah.
Greetings and bienvenue.
[creature hisses.]
Animo: [loudly.]
Do you know where you are? V.
Argost: I'm reanimated, not deaf.
[laughs evilly.]
It worked! Our plan is an unmitigated success! V.
Argost: I seem to recall it being my plan.
I gave you the blueprints for this machine before my unfortunate run-in with Zak Saturday.
What is this?! I explicitly asked for a yeti body, not some collage of Cryptid parts.
Animo: I took the liberty of making some modifications.
I used the Chupacabras to drain the life force needed to power the machine.
It's been a productive three years.
Argost: Three years?! You were supposed to bring me back in a month! - What was the hold-up, Mr.
Animo? - Dr.
Animo: Ben Tennyson, and - it's Dr.
Animo! - V.
Argost: Yes, and I'm sure that came from an accredited university.
Well, it has been a rude awakening.
Run along now.
I have one Zak Saturday to dispose of.
[clears throat.]
With all due respect, I'd like to discuss the particulars of this partnership.
[ Chupacabra chitters.]
I keep your life force full and vigorous, and in return, you help me find the world's most exotic animals for me to - improve.
- V.
Argost: Put a pin in that one.
I want to take my new body for - a test-drive.
- Dr.
Animo: Then you'll be needing this.
I'm not picking up any Chupacabra thoughts.
Ben: Telepathy awesome! I used to be better at it before I destroyed Argost.
I thought my powers were totally gone, but Mom says I have some sort of residual, mystical something or other.
So, how does the Omnitrix work, anyway? Ben: Terrible, like it has it out for me.
[indistinct shouting.]
[laughs evilly.]
Both: What kind of alien is that?! - V.
Argost: Zak Saturday?! - Argost?! - How is that even possible?! - V.
Argost: I can't believe my good fortune.
You just saved me the annoyance of coming to find you.
- Ohh! [shouts.]
- V.
Argost: And you must be - Mr.
- Ben: You know, your show seemed cool, and your new look is admittedly rad, but we're totally gonna have to kick your butt.
It'll be fun to destroy you for the second time.
Argost: Aw, don't you like the new me? I admit I was not taken with my new form at first, - but it has grown on me! - Ben: So I guess this means it's hero time! [shrieks.]
[both grunting.]
- That was just the warm-up.
- Now it's time for the main event.
Unh! Unh! Nice try! [roars.]
[Chupacabras shrieking.]
- Unh! - Dr.
Animo: Testing your new body in public was not the best idea! [grunts.]
[Chupacabras chittering.]
Ben: Argost is working - with Animo? - Animo? Ben: Mad scientist likes to experiment on animals, strictly a B-grade villain.
[tires screech.]
We can still catch them! Fisk can go from zero to 60 - without breaking a sweat.
- Ben: Rook, we need a trike.
- Rook: You have a motorcycle.
- I'd trade the trike and the airship for some credit the next time I save the world.
Every time I stop a Cryptid invasion, they say it's tornado - damage or something.
- V.
Argost: Careful, you're not darning a sock.
This patchwork quilt you call a body clearly isn't strong enough to destroy Zak Saturday.
Animo: [tsking.]
Really, Mr.
Men of our caliber needn't fight our own battles.
It's beneath us.
Voilá! And these are but the first.
Together, we can locate enough creatures to build an army of Franken-Cryptids! V.
Argost: But Cryptids are unpredictable.
How do you know they won't turn on you? Dr.
Animo: Sadly, I've had to resort to rather crude methods.
This only works with the simplest of creatures such as these Chupacabras.
All Tennyson has to do to beat me is destroy this transmogrifier, but you, Mr.
Argost, thanks to the residual powers of the anti-kur, you can control them with but a thought.
[laughs evilly.]
Prepare for battle! That's it! [tires screech.]
There's definitely a Cryptid in there.
Rook: I can use my proto tool to realign the tumblers.
Oh, wait [engine revving.]
they left the door unlocked.
Ben: Welcome to Animo's lab, population zero.
Looks like he took off.
Argost's handwriting.
Looks like he figured out how to bring himself back using the combined life force - of Cryptids and aliens.
- Rook: But you said Argost was completely annihilated in a mystical particle/anti-particle reaction.
Maybe the reaction created its own interference pattern, sending reverse wave forms back through the original conduance.
Rook: Which would account for your restored telepathic powers, as well as Argost's resurrection - via this device.
- Ben: Don't worry, big guy I'm not getting any of this either.
Brilliant, Fisk! If we reverse the field polarity, it just might work! [sloop!.]
Guys, if they're gone, why am I still sensing a Cryptid in here? [creature roars.]
[creature growls.]
Heatwave: Unh! Unh! [creatures growls.]
Unh! Unh! - Heatwave: [grunts.]
- Ben: Unh! [creature roaring.]
[creature grunts.]
[creature roaring.]
[creature groaning.]
If you were Argost, where would you be? [beeping.]
Attacking the airship.
Argost: Don't look now.
The Saturdays will go down in flames! [creatures shrieking.]
[tires screech.]
We have to get up there to - help Mom and Dad! - No, you don't.
We evacuated everyone before Argost made it to the ship.
Ben: I'm so glad you're okay, Mrs.
- Um, my Dad's okay, too.
- V.
Argost: Morphs, forget - the ship attack! - Let's do this again! [grunts.]
[creature shrieks.]
Put him down, you hideous beast! V.
Argost: My dear, do we really have to resort to name calling? [electricity crackling.]
Agh! Aah! [grunts.]
Thanks, bro.
[creatures shrieking.]
[shrieking continues.]
Shocksquatch: Yah! [shouts.]
[electricity crackling.]
[creature moaning.]
Argost: Bonjour, Doc and Drew Saturday.
What a coincidence running into you in this sleepy, little burgh.
[car alarm blaring.]
Shocksquatch: [shouts .]
[blaring continues.]
This is between us! Leave them alone! V.
Argost: Very well.
[Chupacabras chittering.]
[fingers snap.]
[Chupacabras shrieking.]
Ah, the world's only Fiskerton phantom.
If I could cross you with an owl man, it would be the bee's knees.
Note to self put knees on bees.
Let's take him back to my lab! [whirring.]
Huh? [Chupacabra shrieks.]
Unh! [growls.]
- Unh! - V.
Argost: Any last words? You won't win! You look gross! In the last season of your show, you totally phoned it in! V.
Argost: [shrieks.]
Argost's body runs on the life force that was in the Chupacabras' cannisters.
If we can syphon the energy back out of them, it'll shut him down and free the Cryptids.
Ben: So you need an alien who can channel energy? I think I know just the guy.
Argost: Oh, can't this wait? I'm about to finish off Zak Saturday kind of my - raison d'etre.
- Dr.
Animo: Sorry, that Fiskerton thing is proving very hard to capture.
- [grunts.]
Agh! - V.
Argost: Did I stutter?! - I said not now! - Dr.
Animo: After all I've done for you! I'm the scientific genius here! V.
Argost: Oh, please.
You can be replaced by a chimpanzee with a sewing machine.
[Zon shrieks.]
[Chupacabras chittering, shrieking.]
Animo: A pterosaur! What a splendid addition to my army! [Komodo grunts.]
Not again! [Chupacabras shrieking.]
[creatures grunt.]
Argost: [chuckles.]
This tail does come in handy.
What more can I ask for? [beep.]
Feedback: Eyes in the back of your head.
[electricity crackling.]
Argost: I will have my revenge, Zak Saturday! This isn't over! Feedback: Sorry, dude, it kind of is.
[electricity crackling.]
[Chupacabra shrieks.]
Ben: Reporters will be here soon, Zak.
Ready for that limelight? Thanks, Ben.
Much as I'd like the world to know what I do, our work has to stay secret.
Animo's not the only one who wants to hurt Cryptids.
I'd rather keep them safe than be a star.
Ben: Well, it's been great saving the world with you.
- You too.
- Ben: And your Mom.
Still my Mom, dude! Oh, one last thing.
- Picture with you as an alien? - Ben: You bet.
Rook: I do not understand human fascination with Ben's aliens.
I am an alien after all as are all of the aliens in Undertown.
In fact, to us, Earth is - an alien planet.
- Ben: Relax, Rook.
You're still my number-one partner.
After Kevin.
And Gwen.
Rook: True enough.
[camera shutter clicks.]

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