Bloodline (2015) s02e01 Episode Script

Part 14

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [.]
[woman 1.]
Need help with that? [woman 2.]
No, I got it.
[woman 1.]
All right.
[woman 2.]
This way? [woman 1.]
Yeah, she just said, "Across the street.
" [woman.]
Your order ready.
Thank you.
[bell jingles.]
[snoring softly.]
[door closes.]
Anything still open? Yeah, I got him a toothbrush and a few things.
What was he doing out there? Sleeping.
This is so strange, just showing up like this? You think he's definitely Danny's? I don't know.
I didn't think about Danny when he wasn't here, but of course he had a whole life going on outside this place.
- Yeah.
- Who knows what else is out there.
[bell ringing.]
We don't know anything about him.
We're just gonna let him stay here? We are for now, until your dad decides what to do.
- [Janey.]
Why did he even come here? - We don't know that yet.
- And why is he so weird? - [chuckles.]
All right.
Where is he? He took his breakfast outside.
Is he really our cousin? [John.]
Until we find out more let's not mention it to anyone, all right? [John.]
I have to go.
Did you sleep all right? Yeah, I guess.
You know, you and I are gonna need to talk.
About what? Oh, about why you're here.
I talked to you a lot about your dad last night.
I'd like to know a little bit more about you.
Are you afraid of me? Am I afraid of you? When I showed up last night, it seemed like you might be a little afraid of me.
No, Nolan, I'm not afraid of you.
I am a I am a little curious as to what you might want.
My dad is dead.
I have nowhere else to go.
[paper unfolding.]
What's this? You asked for my mom's phone number.
That's the last one she gave me.
Doesn't work.
Evangeline Radosevich? That's her last name? So she tells me.
Who the fuck knows with her? Well, I'll tell you what.
How about I try to track her down and have a talk with her? Good luck with that.
You know what, I gotta get going, but I'd like you to stay here today.
And I get back, we can talk.
Yeah? Can't wait.
[music playing indistinctly.]
Hey, Freddie, you like this boat, right? She always brought me luck.
Make me an offer.
- What you mean? - Name your price.
Really? - What do you think is fair? - Shit.
I could I could scrape together about eight grand.
By when? I can get you half by the end of the month.
Can you get it any sooner than that? No, sorry, man.
But thanks for the offer.
No, no, no.
That's okay.
End of the month is fine.
Go ahead, take her.
She's yours.
- Thanks, Kev.
- Just get her out of here now.
Don't ever dock her here again.
[birds crying.]
Is this him? Is this the guy who delivered the product to Rayburn? He is an errand boy.
He doesn't know anything.
He knows you.
Are you really gonna do this to every goddamned man who worked for me? I don't call the shots.
- Tell me about Carlos Mejia.
- Who the fuck is that? He ran product through the inn with Danny Rayburn.
Where can I find him? I have no idea.
What could you tell me about Rayburn's friend Eric O'Bannon? The word is he left town.
You're certain about that? How can I be fucking certain? Watch the attitude.
Our friends are businessmen, and you are very bad for business.
You tell them this whole thing is gonna blow over.
The smoke is gonna clear, and when it does we're gonna pick up right where we left off.
We'll see about that.
José Munoz, missing.
Rafi Quintana, missing.
Eric O'Bannon, missing.
Ralph Lawler, deceased.
Daniel Rayburn, deceased.
We're sitting on over two million dollars' worth of this man's drugs.
And this task force can't seem to locate one single member of his crew? - Is that what you're telling me, Sheriff? - We're not the only ones looking for them.
The people Lowry worked for are cleaning house.
Other than Lowry, everyone on this board that's still breathing has a contract out on them.
We served warrants on his shop and charters.
We'll keep hitting him until we've got something.
- Where's the warrant on his residence? - My office is working on it.
What is taking so long? We're pulling every string in the system to get that warrant.
Any progress connecting him to your brother's murder? Detective? Detective.
Uh, uh, Lowry's laying low.
He knows he's being watched.
Look, the simple truth here is, whether we get Lowry for drugs or human trafficking, - we close the case on Danny's murder.
- My office is sympathetic, Detective, but in order to prosecute we need more.
Lowry did this and we all fucking know it.
Look, if I may It's only a matter of time before he makes a mistake.
[alarm clock beeping.]
Miss Rayburn? Miss Rayburn.
I'm sorry to wake you.
- Shit.
- I didn't wanna disturb you, but a man from the Islamorada Allied Bank called.
What is it in reference to? He had a question about your father's account.
My father? I don't handle my family's stuff anymore.
He should talk to my mother.
It was clear he wanted to talk to you.
He said it was urgent.
Okay, thank you, Alice.
Can you get me a cup of coffee, please? - Of course, Ms.
- Thank you.
Oh, good.
I thought I was late.
You are, but so is everyone else.
Partners' prerogative.
How are you? I'm fine.
- Hey, are you free for dinner tonight? - Yeah.
I was supposed to entertain some prospective clients.
- I would rather not do it alone.
- Of course.
- [man.]
get a file by end of business? - Well, hopefully, I'll do my best to [line ringing.]
[woman over phone.]
Evangeline Radosevich, please.
There's no one here by that name.
I'm sorry, is this your residence? Yes, this is my place.
Well, can you tell me if Evangeline Radosevich has ever resided there? I don't know, I just moved in.
You haven't by chance heard that name, have you? No, never heard of her.
[knock on door.]
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Got a minute? Yeah, of course.
[door closes.]
Thank you.
You know, I really appreciate you backing me up this morning.
I know you have your doubts about my theories on the case, so thank you.
I did, at first but you're right.
I don't see any other scenario.
Yeah, but something's been bothering me.
You sure that Danny was gonna go to the pier dedication? Well, that's what he told me.
Why? I know, but, I mean, with everything that happened you really think Danny would come back home and face the music? I mean, when did Danny ever face up to anything? I thought about that, but let's not forget, he stole Lowry's dope.
I mean, who else would have reason to kill him? Who knows? I mean, maybe there's somebody else out there with a motive.
I only see Lowry.
I'm gonna pursue other leads.
Now, wait a second.
Aguirre wants us deferring to the feds.
I know.
I'm just gonna poke around.
He was your brother, John.
I mean, someone should do something.
Thank you.
[clears throat.]
And the Lowry angle? It's all about Eric O'Bannon right now.
We get O'Bannon, we start getting our answers.
And in the meantime, I'm gonna keep digging.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
[woman 1 over TV.]
Another glass of rosé.
[woman 2.]
Don't get a hangover.
[woman 1.]
Nobody ever gets a hangover from rosé.
Honey, your phone's lighting up like a Christmas tree.
[woman 2.]
Oh, you know that online dating is keeping me busy.
[woman 1.]
Lucky girl.
Who's on the phone? [woman 2.]
Well, let's see.
- No! - [gunshot.]
[woman 1.]
with a bang.
[indistinct voices.]
like Gina, she was just leaving.
Hi No, no, you don't have to go.
Holy fuck.
Your fucking brother didn't try to stop him? [scoffs.]
- Is he still parked out there? - [Danny.]
Huh? John, he still there? He's gone.
What are you gonna do? So [upbeat music playing over radio.]
- [Little Jake.]
Need something? - Oh, hey, man.
You know what, I'm wondering if we can polish up any of this old shit.
What do you think? Maybe move it for a little cash? [Little Jake.]
That trailer, you can get seven, eight bucks for it.
Yeah, you're right.
Fucking A, that was a dumb idea.
You keeping your mind right, boss? My mind? Yeah, I'm good.
Well, you still moving forward with the new marina? - How's that going, everything kosher? - It will be.
How? Ever since your brother died, you've I've been what? Look I get it.
I feel bad, I really do.
But ever since then you've been losing focus.
- We've been losing accounts.
- Jake - Now, if you can't do the job - Jake Look, if you can't do the job, if you need some more time, - then bring someone else in here.
- Okay.
Look at you, your mind ain't in it.
Listen, man, I thank you for talking to me.
But I'm trying to build an empire here, you know? And I'm not gonna forget you little people.
Relax, you'll get paid.
You haven't spoken to the boy again, have you? [Potts.]
No, not yet.
Haven't been able to find him.
The kids are coming for dinner tonight.
John is supposed to update us on the investigation.
What you told me, about what you found in Miami [sighs.]
Yeah? It's a lot to process.
I'm sure it is.
John lied to me, I get that.
I just [sighs.]
I just can't figure out why.
Would you like for me to try and find out? Well, listen, I appreciate you - letting me in on the briefings.
- You deserve to be in the loop.
I hear you're throwing your hat in the ring for my job.
Is that true? You wanna be sheriff? Shit, Frank, do I look like a politician to you? Well, that's an evasive non-response response, so, yeah, I guess you do.
You know, I thought I had this thing sewn up.
Who's gonna oppose me? Plekanic is a fucking cowboy.
Davis is a glorified paper-pusher.
But you? You make me nervous.
Franco, I haven't decided on anything yet.
I like you, John.
We've known each other for a long time.
But this job is a lot more complicated than putting away bad guys.
- I think I understand that.
- No, you don't.
How could you? I'll tell you this as a friend.
If you run, I will stomp your ass.
[both laugh.]
All right.
I'm sorry about your brother.
I wish I could do more, but the feds are running this.
Who do you know that does that? [Nolan.]
Oh, boy.
What? [Janey.]
Who does that? [Nolan.]
I've seen guys, you know, gotten the leaves and it's all Janey.
You need to get ready for dinner.
I'm just hanging out.
But I don't wanna be late for Grandma's.
You need to go and get ready for dinner.
- I'll finish that later.
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Whatever.
Your mother's a very hard woman to find.
Well, when you spend your life running from collection agencies you get good at that.
You asked me what I want from you.
That's right.
I guess, mainly I just wanted to meet you.
See if the Rayburns were actually real or if they were just another lie my dad told me.
You can't just come into people's lives and expect them to embrace you, especially when they know so very little about you.
Look, bro, I haven't talked to my mom in a year.
I don't know where she's living, or if she's living.
A few months ago my dad got in touch with me started sending me money.
Sending you money where? Well, I didn't have my own address, so he sent it to his place.
In Miami.
You know about the place in Miami? Yeah, I used to hang out there with him sometimes.
Did you know about it? I did.
Did you ever go there? [.]
Just once, huh? Yeah.
I hear that's where they found all the drugs in the Miami apartment.
Do you know anything about that, Nolan? No.
I mean maybe you saw something while you were there, like in September.
I didn't see anything.
I wasn't even in Miami in September.
Anyway, the money my dad was sending stopped coming.
Next thing I know, he's dead.
[phone ringing.]
How do you know he's really Danny's son? - I don't, but I think I believe him.
- [Kevin.]
Okay, so what does this mean? [John.]
I'm not certain.
I just thought that you guys should know.
Jesus Christ, Danny was a fucking father? [John.]
Listen, it doesn't seem like they had much of a relationship.
Still, John Still what, Kevin? It doesn't change anything.
It doesn't? How can you say that? The kid had a father and we [John.]
Kevin, Meg is right.
It doesn't change anything.
I just thought you should know, that's it.
So are you bringing him to the inn tonight or what? No, I'm not bringing him tonight.
Don't say anything to Mom.
- There's too many questions.
- What's going on with the investigation? The investigation is at a standstill.
I'll fill you in at dinner tonight.
I gotta go.
[phone rings.]
Miss Rayburn, the Islamorada Bank called - I fucking told you I'll call them back.
- Sorry, Ms.
Rayburn, I'll let them know.
- Also, I just - What? Just wanted to remind you about the dinner tonight with Miss Chaffee.
Thank you.
- Wow.
- Pretty amazing, huh? The detail is I can't believe this is really happening.
You don't seem happy.
What? No, come on.
No, this is incredible.
I'm thrilled.
No, you're not thrilled.
I can see that you're feeling some other feeling, but you won't tell me what it is, so I have to guess.
You don't have to guess, Belle.
Well, then you have to express yourself.
We talked about this.
This was our problem the last time.
You can't just go bouncing along the surface of things anymore, Kevin.
I wanna express myself, I do.
Do you? Because you still won't even talk about Danny.
And that doesn't seem healthy to me.
And there's no way that I can help you if I don't know what's going on with you.
I wanna tell you everything, I do.
I Whatever it is, Kev, just tell me.
I'll be here.
Just tell me.
Whatever it is, I'll be here.
I fucked up.
I'm in so much shit.
[exhales sharply.]
I'm broke.
It's the bank.
There are some obstacles to buying the new marina.
I thought your family agreed to back the loan with the inn.
That's the new loan, but I still have debts on the old property.
I'm hemorrhaging interest payments.
Business sucks, it's tailing off.
Boat repair is cyclical.
There's weather, there are seasons.
Bank doesn't care.
I have a quarter to recover, and then, I don't know, maybe even foreclosure.
So that's what's bothering you? Financial problems? Yeah.
Money is money, Kev.
We'll get through this.
How can I help you if I don't know what you're going through? Well, now you know.
[upbeat music playing over radio.]
Very kind.
What do you think? [woman.]
Yeah, I think so.
You all wanna go on the boat? [woman.]
Well, we can ask them.
Well, hello.
- Forgive me, we met at Robert's funeral.
- Yes.
- But I - Diana.
- Diana.
- John's wife.
Of course, yes, yes.
Well, it's nice to see you.
It's nice to see you too.
- Tell John I said hello.
- I'll do that.
- So, have a good evening.
- You too.
This what you need? [Belle gasps.]
- You found it.
Sally's favorite.
- [Diana.]
A little wilted, but [Ben.]
Can you take this? Thank you.
Did you know Lenny Potts is staying here? - No, he's not.
- [Sally.]
Yeah, he is.
Can't seem to get enough of the place.
Well, that's great.
I need some water, please.
Mother, sit down.
Please sit down.
I'm starving.
- [Belle.]
Do we have everything? - Yeah.
- No way.
I lost your name, Mom.
- Wow.
[Sally and Ben laugh.]
- You heard this, right? - [Diana.]
You can have a half of one.
Okay, that's fine.
So this guy you keep talking about, Lowry [car alarm wailing over phone.]
Wayne Lowry.
Wayne Lowry.
Meg, is that you? Can you hear me? [Meg over phone.]
Yeah, I'm still here.
Sorry, I'm listening.
So this guy, Wayne Lowry, now he's a suspect? He's behind this.
He's behind this.
We don't think that he killed Danny himself, but we believe that he had someone do it for him.
- Why aren't you looking for that person? - We are.
It's just that that line of the investigation has gone cold.
It's complicated.
The DEA has been looking at Wayne Lowry for trafficking.
That's the same ring that Danny was caught up in.
Well, you're talking about the drugs they found in Miami? [siren wailing over phone.]
The theory is still the same, that Danny stole those drugs from Wayne Lowry, and that's how And Wayne Lowry had Lowry sent someone after Dan Hey, Meg, I can hear that siren.
Sorry, I'll mute.
Bottom line is we're still looking at Wayne Lowry for the murder.
It's just gonna be a whole lot easier to pull him in on the trafficking.
That doesn't seem right, John, just giving up on Danny's case like that.
No one is giving up on Danny's case.
We're gonna get this guy.
I promise you.
Thank you.
- Hey.
- Right on time.
Thanks for doing this.
Yeah, no worries.
Thank you.
[piano playing.]
Look it here, baby I'm coming out On my knees begging Please, yeah [inaudible dialogue.]
[Meg laughing loudly.]
Those MMA classes are paying off.
You beat the shit out of that steak.
- You guys like to work out, huh? - Stay in shape.
Yeah, you look very lean.
- You look fantastic, Miss Florida Girl.
- [Meg.]
Thank you.
- [man.]
She's used to the geriatric buffet.
- [Meg.]
We drink our dinner in Florida.
- [man.]
Is that what it is? - That's right, down in the Keys.
They just need one hurricane to wipe that place right off the map.
- Do not dis my state.
- Sorry, but I thought it was "Flori-duh.
" Read our license plate.
It's the fucking Sunshine State.
Oh, seriously.
Come on, all you have is, what, jai alai and alligator wrestling? - That is not true.
- What else is there? - Crystal meth.
- [men laugh.]
Do you know what my favorite thing about it down there is? The cockfights.
You feel me, Suzanne? Yes.
That's actually where Meg and I met.
- Sounds like you miss it.
- Not for a fucking second.
But it is hard to get good crystal meth up here.
[men laugh.]
- Another round? - You know what, maybe some coffee, and then we can tell you a little bit more about the firm.
- Tonight's just a meet and greet.
No work.
- All right, you heard the man.
- Wait, just have one more all around? - Espresso for me, please.
My second drink, I start reciting tort law.
- It's not pretty.
- [men laugh.]
Would you like to see our dessert selections? - Yes.
- Absolutely.
Thank you.
[man 1.]
Let's see what you got.
[man 2.]
So, does the chef create all these himself? [waiter.]
Yes, sir.
Everything is housemade.
And what do you recommend? [waiter.]
They're all excellent.
Can I get you anything, miss? No.
You know what, I'll be back in one second.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
The last of Dad's stash.
John, I'm tired.
I didn't come out here for the whiskey.
I, uh I need to ask your opinion on something.
I'm thinking about running for sheriff.
I wanna know what you think about it, because it would be a very public campaign.
And I want you to have a say.
After all the dirt about Danny, you think they'll want you? They came to me.
I don't think it'll be a problem.
[Sally sighs.]
The drugs they found in Danny's apartment in Miami Think it's possible someone else could have put them there? Uh Doesn't fit with what we're working on or what we know at this time.
Uh I mean, it's possible, yes.
Why? When did you know he was dealing drugs? I was suspicious when he had all that money.
I knew he wasn't making all that money working here.
You never said anything to me about it.
No, I didn't.
If I'd known everything, John maybe I could have helped him somehow.
But I was in the dark.
Because you wanted me in the dark.
I'm sorry.
I was wrong, I'm sorry.
I should have said something.
Maybe you should say something now.
What else are you keeping from me? [.]
What are you talking about? If there's something else I should know, tell me.
Now is your chance.
All right.
I promise you that anything I find out about this investigation, I'll let you know first as soon as I find it out.
I promise you.
But as far as what Danny did, Mom, you've got to understand, he These people that he was involved with, these are bad people.
They It just doesn't end well.
[indistinct chatter.]
What the fuck? - Hey, man.
- [Marco.]
- It's been a while.
- I know.
- Hey.
- You good? Yeah, I'm okay.
- You all right? - Yeah, I'm kind of a mess, but what's up? You mind taking a ride with me? - With Right now? - Yeah.
How come? Why? Come on, I'll explain everything on the way.
- Uh - Ten minutes.
Yeah, all right.
Let me just hit the head.
Give me one sec.
Just calm down.
You got [snorting.]
Okay, calm down.
Hi, good morning.
Hey, you feeling okay? Yeah, sure.
Why? Because what happened last night wasn't cool.
Yeah, I know.
People drink a lot where I come from.
Well, here's the thing, it wasn't cool, but the clients loved you.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Between you and me, those guys are a couple of frat boy douchebags.
Yeah, I picked up on that.
Well, I guess frat boy douchebags like drunk chicks.
That was my plan all along.
Listen, none of that changes the fact that the way you acted was totally unacceptable.
You could have lost us the account.
Are you firing me? Maybe this job wasn't the right choice for you.
No, it absolutely was.
I don't know.
I'm not sure you're handling the transition.
You slept at the office the other night.
I did not sleep there.
I fell asleep doing my work.
I was working late.
I respect the commitment, but you've been working too hard.
- Too many hours.
- No, I like it.
I think you should take the weekend off.
Go home, visit family, friends, regroup.
That's really not what I need.
Anyway, I need the weekend to prepare the Pell deposition.
It's not a punishment, I'm doing you a favor.
Take the weekend off.
You'll thank me.
It's right over here.
Jesus Christ.
Take your time.
Uh Well, 30-footer.
Fiberglass hull, obviously.
Um It's hard to tell the model with all this damage.
Maybe mid '80s or early '90s? A Bertram or, I don't know, maybe an Albemarle.
- You ever seen it before? - Me? No.
No, no.
I never saw this boat before.
It never came through my yard.
What are you looking for? I'm just trying to get a feel for what actually happened.
Don't you have, like, forensic guys for this shit? Yeah, yeah, but I like to see this from a different perspective.
My guys might have missed something.
- You never know, right? - Yeah.
- You think this was a good idea? - How do you mean? I mean, you're getting rid of a body, is this the best way to do it? Well, I don't know.
They found Danny, so I guess not, you know, but I don't know.
I'm not a fucking cop.
What do I know? No, but you're a boat guy.
I mean, could this have been an accident or an engine fire? [sighs.]
I think your theory sounds pretty good.
I don't know, the only time I saw anything like this was an insurance scam.
This ass-jack from up in Tampa sets his boat on fire for the insurance money.
Other than that, I don't know what I'm looking at here.
Insurance scam? So you think somebody was trying to stage something? - Stage something? - Yeah.
- Marco, I didn't say that.
- But you just said, "insurance scam".
I don't know what you want me to say.
- What do you mean? - I'm not a detective.
- You show up at my place, bring me here - Okay.
Okay, we can stop.
My brother was fucking killed! Do you understand that? - Kevin - Do you? I'm just trying to find out what happened to Danny.
That's all.
Okay, so you find out.
You do your job.
Just leave me the fuck out of it.
[cell phone ringing.]
Insurance scam? Why did you say that? Because he was asking me.
Why say anything? You should have called me.
How? He was standing right fucking there.
We're supposed to act normal.
That's what you told me to do.
The normal thing to do would be to go with him and not ask questions.
That's what I did.
You could have gone without sharing your theories on the case.
What the fuck is going on here, man? You told me that it was just a matter of time before Lowry got arrested.
- Didn't you say that? - It is It's just a matter of time.
I thought we wouldn't still be dealing with this shit, John.
Sit down, Kevin.
Look, sit down, Kevin.
Listen to me.
You fucking listen to me.
We are always going to be dealing with this.
Do you understand me? And you better fucking get used to that, because whenever Danny comes up, you've got to be smart.
You gotta say as little as possible, you've gotta do as little as possible, because everything is on track.
But this thing could go a million different ways.
Anyone could ask you a question at any time.
Mom, Marco, the feds, it doesn't matter.
You've got to be ready for everything possible.
Do you understand me? Always.
- You're scaring me, man.
- You don't have to be scared.
Kevin, you just gotta be smart, man.
You just gotta be smart.
That's it.
What if somebody saw us? - Saw us where? - Miami.
Danny's apartment.
Nobody saw us there, Kevin.
You have no reason to be scared.
The only one that they're looking at is Wayne Lowry.
- That's it.
- What about Marco? Hm? Marco is spinning his wheels.
I'm watching him.
Whatever he does, he brings to me.
I'm on top of that.
- Then there's this kid.
- Don't worry about the kid.
- What is he doing here? - I'll worry about the kid.
Don't fucking worry about the kid, man.
I'll worry about the kid.
[both laugh.]
All you gotta do, is you just gotta take care of your wife and your kid.
Everything else is fine.
Come here.
Everything is fine.
[Kevin sighs.]
Hey, man, do you? - What? - You know, do you? Do you feel guilty? At all? You can't think like that.
The other day, I wanted to tell Belle so bad.
You know? That would be a really bad idea.
Yeah, I know it would be a bad idea, John.
I didn't say that I was gonna tell her.
I said that I wanted to tell her.
And I'm telling you this because you are the only person that I can fucking talk to.
Because we had to do it, right? Right? We didn't have a choice.
Yes, Kevin.
We had to do it.
[cell phone ringing.]
Yeah, Marco.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
[kids laughing.]
[doorbell rings.]
You gonna make him stand out there all day with your pizza? All right, you're doing the dishes.
[doorbell ringing.]
Monroe County Sheriff's Department.
We're executing a warranted search of this property.
- Step aside, sir.
- This is fucking harassment.
I'm calling my lawyer.
You do that.
In the meantime, we'll get started.
Hey, boys.
Come here.
I'm gonna need you to come upstairs, call your folks, have them come and pick you up.
Let's go.
Right upstairs.
Let's go.
Come on.
Let's go.
Come on.
You don't know what you're fucking with, detective.
[indistinct radio chatter.]
- This is Meg Rayburn.
- [man over phone.]
Hi, Miss Rayburn.
Sorry I couldn't call back sooner.
What exactly is the issue? We're closing out all of your father's accounts.
We came across a disbursement we needed to ask you about.
What kind of disbursement? It's a check your father sent from his personal account every month.
I don't know anything about it.
You have to talk to my mom.
I'm afraid I can't actually do that, Miss Rayburn.
Your father was explicit in his instructions.
He wanted this account kept confidential.
Does anyone in my family have access? Not according to our paperwork, no.
Then why are you calling me? Your father listed you as his trustee.
I can't provide additional information over the phone, but how about I send over an account authorization - and you can log in for yourself? - Okay, yeah.
And now that he's passed, it'll be your decision whether or not to terminate the payments.
I guess that depends on who he was sending the money to.
John, we're still looking through everything, but so far the house is clean.
[cell phone rings.]
I gotta take this.
- [woman.]
Is this Detective John Rayburn? - This is him.
Yeah, I'm calling from the Dade County runaway shelter in Miami.
- You called about Nolan Rayburn? - Yes, I did.
Well, he's been registered here several times.
How can I help you? I wondered if you could tell me if he was in Miami anytime, say, around September? Let me see.
- This past September? - Yes.
Uh Yes, he spent almost a week here.
Anything else? No, that's it.
Thank you.
It's me.
John is lying to me.
[cell phone ringing.]
Who is this? What do you want? I didn't like your brother, but I didn't kill him.
Now, the son of a bitch may be dead but he's still making my life miserable.
Now, I know you had a complicated relationship with him, too.
You didn't answer my question.
What do you want? You're gonna do something for me.
I am? I want you to make this investigation go away.
I don't think I'm gonna do that.
Oh, I think you will.
[Danny on recording.]
Hey, John.
I'd like you to meet my friend Wayne Lowry.
I've told him some things that could make your life very difficult.
In the wilderness of heartbreak And a desert of despair Evil's clarion of justice Shrieks a cry of naked terror Taking babies from their mamas Leaving grief beyond compare So if you see the vulture coming Flying circles in your mind Remember there is no escaping For he will follow close behind Only promise me a battle Battle for your soul and mine And mine Your soul and mine Grief beyond compare And mine Grief beyond compare
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