Fog and Crimes (2005) s02e01 Episode Script

Il mare d'inverno

FOG AND CRIMES 2 you understand? - We have to move on.
- I know, I know.
Look! What is that? Is she dead? Oh, my God.
She's dead! Stop, stop! Oh, my God.
Give me your phone.
LOST CHILDREN Are you the one who called? Yes.
I was docking the boat when I saw the woman.
She's down there.
- Continue interrogating him.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Can you tell me what happened? - Around 7:00, 7:15 Good morning, Inspector, do you want to head down? Her skull's been fractured.
Inspector! Come look at this! Inspector, look behind the hedge.
There's a child.
Gallesi, stop him! Stop, stop, stop! Stop.
What's your name? Tell me your name.
Is that your mom? You don't have to be afraid.
Tell me your name.
He's freezing cold.
Let's get him down to headquarters.
Stop! So you don't want to talk to me.
Do you mind? I knew there'd be snacks in here.
You'll have to sacrifice.
I'm used to it, Inspector.
Look at what we have here.
Good, isn't it? Inspector Soneri? - Yes? - Hello.
I'm the social worker, we spoke on the phone.
Nice to meet you.
This is Judge Emiliani from juvenile court.
Soneri, pleased to meet you.
I don't think he's mute, but I can't get him to talk.
Hey, little guy.
That's a nice sandwich you have! What's your name? Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.
I think he's severely traumatised.
I don't think we should push it.
What are we going to do? You can't leave him here The child will come with us now.
He'll get a physical and a psychological check up and then he'll be taken to an institution.
His mother still hasn't been identified, right? No, we don't even know if she was his mother.
When we find that out, we'll know if he can go back to his family or if we need to notify an adoption agency.
OK, but what are we going to do now? - Either I can take him, or you can.
- No, I'll take him.
Come on, little guy.
Come on, come on.
Come on, let's go.
Who is that? If I knew that, the case would be solved.
This makes the place look homier.
- Should I put this here? - Yes.
What's the matter with you? I'm too old for this stuff.
You moved half the house; a 20-year-old would be tired.
Besides not being 20 anymore, I'm a lot older than 20.
It's not just your age that's bothering you.
What's up? We found a woman's body this morning.
There was a child there as well.
He's probably her son.
That's not exactly what's bothering you, either.
We don't have to move in together.
I know, I know.
It just seems like we're rushing.
It's all happening so fast.
Do you want to go back to living separately? No, no.
I only said that's how it seems.
I'm glad we're living together; I just don't want to make any mistakes.
What kind of mistakes? The ones everyone makes.
They move in together, buy a house together, do wonderful things, and then eventually eventually they split up.
Hey, I'm not saying that's what will happen to us.
I don't want to lose you.
Me neither.
The autopsy confirmed that she died from a skull fracture.
However, there were cuts and bruises on her body.
I think she must have fallen.
Maybe she was being chased.
I found a shoe a few yards from the body.
Yes, the right shoe.
In fact, her foot was all scraped up.
Anything else? Yes.
She'd had a pregnancy.
The boy is her son then.
That could be.
My goodness.
You can't eat all that stuff with your cholesterol! Nora's going to call me and I'll have to hear about it! Is that what you think? No.
Nora's not going to be saying anything, anymore.
What happened? We're separated.
I'm sorry.
You were together for 20 years.
Exactly! 20 years! This is actually something I wanted.
She took it kind of hard.
It's hard to be alone after a while.
No, no.
It's much harder living with someone.
Living together is the death of love.
After a while, you can't stand it anymore.
It's natural, it's human.
I don't want to hear it.
No? Why is that? Angela and I have moved in together.
You did.
You're crazy.
Some friend you are.
JUVENILE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Inspector, I didn't ask you here to interview the child.
He still hasn't said a word.
- Then why did you ask me to come? - Come here.
Can you tell me what the problem is? The problem is that he's not eating.
What can I do about it? I think that you have a lot of influence on him.
I thought maybe you'd be able to get him to eat.
What do you say? You're joking.
With all I have to do, you called me here to feed a child? - What can I do about it? - I'm doing for it for his sake.
If he refuses to eat, I'll have to take him to the hospital.
Please, just try.
I'm sorry, I have to go.
If we admit him to the hospital, you won't be able to question him.
Come on.
Inspector! Inspector, we found a handbag.
We cleaned it up the best we could, but we didn't open it.
- So? - Nothing.
I checked all missing person reports for the past six months.
None resemble her.
Make copies of this photo and circulate it.
She's either Russian or Slavic.
She looks better in this photo.
Soneri! The Commissioner's looking for you! What's going on? - The Commissioner's looking for you.
- I'll go see him later.
I'd go right away! He seemed worried! - My God - I don't know why.
Soneri! An old family friend is here, she's a little nervous - So? - So, you have to help me.
You have to promise you'll do what you can to find her housekeeper.
- No, no.
- Come on, she's got me in her sights.
Mrs Malaguzzi, - Counsellor Malaguzzi, her son - Good morning.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Pleased to meet you.
Inspector Soneri.
The best I've ever worked with.
I've known the Commissioner since he was knee high and stealing quince jam from our house.
That is why I trust him.
Mom, please.
Let's not waste Commissioner Capuozzo's time.
Mrs Malaguzzi is here because her housekeeper left the house three days ago after a little argument.
She's been missing ever since.
As you know, it's very difficult to find a good housekeeper.
I know, it's a huge problem in Ferrara.
Commissioner Capuozzo and I are looking into it personally I can see that you understand! I had found one.
Most importantly, she could handle my mother, a rare talent.
I treat all of my housekeepers well.
I even gave Irina old clothes I didn't wear anymore.
I'm sorry, did you say Irina? Did I get that right? Is she Russian? Yes, but don't be racist, Inspector! Irina isn't like all the others.
I've had Russian, Albanian, Romanian, Polish girls.
Even an Uzbek girl.
I fired them all.
Greedy, thieving, rude Was this your housekeeper? Yes, how did you know? I told you he was good, didn't I? Can you convince her to come back? I would, gladly, but unfortunately we found her dead.
Three days ago.
Oh, my God! No! I've lost her forever.
HOUSEKEEPER MURDERED Russian housekeeper's body found by river.
HOUSEKEEPER MURDERED Russian housekeeper's body found by river.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Counsellor - I'll be expecting your phone call.
- Absolutely.
I'm sorry I made you wait.
Don't worry.
You seem happy.
They gave me an international case defending a big company.
Hey, congratulations! If I do well on a case like this, I'll get more recognition.
You're going to be busy.
Yeah, I won't be home very much.
You won't be able to say that living together is suffocating you.
Are you ready? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.
Don't worry, I'll explain.
All right.
Don't be afraid, we're here to help.
Where are you from? That's a nice t-shirt.
Ask him if the dead woman is his mother.
Have you heard of a town called Kiev? My mum lives there.
And your mum, where is she? I don't have a mum.
- What did he say? - That he doesn't have a mom.
He could be in denial about her.
Sometimes, that's the only defence people have.
If he saw her die, it would be more than understandable.
Ask him his name.
I'm called Angela, what's your name? Vania.
Hello, Vania.
The mystery of the woman found strangled on the banks of the Po has, in part, been cleared up.
The woman is a Russian citizen who was working as a housekeeper.
But so far, all we know is that her first name is Irina.
It appears she was here in Italy without a work permit.
Now, let's turn to the invest Are you busy? No, actually, I need a break.
What do you think of that little boy? He's severely traumatised.
Do you think he saw something? I don't know.
Whatever he did see, he doesn't remember it anymore.
A Russian woman we know nothing about, a child who doesn't remember and doesn't speak I'm really enthusiastic about this case.
I'm not sure why, but he's really attached to you.
I know.
It's strange.
You're the only person who will be able to get him to talk.
That would require both time and patience.
I have neither.
You don't want your hidden instincts to surface.
Which hidden instincts? Your paternal instincts.
I think you'd be a great father.
I think break time is over, time to start working again.
This was her room.
- Elena? - Yes.
Give these men the other girl's stuff.
Thank you, Miss.
Did you know Irina? It's pointless, Inspector.
She barely knows a word of Italian.
No, I didn't know Irina.
I am Polish, she was Russian.
It's only when I speak that you don't understand.
Irina left Monday evening around 7:00.
Let's go back over what happened.
The murder took place between 8:00 and 10:00 pm.
That means that when Irina left here, she wound up in the arms of her killer.
I didn't send her away, she left on her own.
Do you think she had an appointment away from the house? Maybe she was meeting someone? Do you remember anything? I admonished her because she'd come home Monday evening, instead of on Sunday like we'd agreed.
She told me she'd had a fever.
There was no way.
She was as lively as a cricket! Maybe it was her son who had the fever.
Did you know she had a child? I don't want to know anything about the private lives of my domestics.
I keep them at a distance otherwise they'll take advantage.
That's probably Roberto.
Your son? Does he live with you? He separated from his wife six months ago and he's staying here.
The house is so big.
- Inspector Soneri, how are you? - Fine, fine.
- Counsellor Malaguzzi, nice to meet you.
- Good morning.
Did you learn anything about Irina? No, not yet.
I was hoping you might know something.
Did you know her well? As well as one can know a housekeeper.
Well, relatively speaking, housekeepers are Mom! She was a saint.
She managed to last a year with us, that's a real record.
Do you think she had a boyfriend, or someone she was dating? She usually spent Sundays with her girlfriends, but I don't know who they are.
She never spoke to me about any boyfriends.
She was a quiet girl.
Did she ever speak about her son, her child? Why would he know anything about that? Mom, wait.
I'll explain.
I'm living here with my mother, because since my separation, I'd rather be here than live alone.
Roberto - And of course because I love you, Mom.
- Good.
I live here, but I'm almost always out.
I'm up early in the morning and back late at night.
I have my own life, habits, work I'm extremely grateful to my mother's housekeepers, but I don't have much time to spend with them.
A red sweater.
She must have bought it from a Chinese street vendor.
Purple shirt.
Same vendor.
Patterned leggings Juvara, what are you doing, selling this stuff on TV? Try to find something interesting.
Sorry, Inspector.
Let's look at this.
Italian homework.
Anything else? Nothing, it's all neat and tidy.
It appears she hasn't been in Italy very long.
What's that? It's written in Russian.
Anything else? This isn't Vania.
Dear Irina, we really miss you here.
Anton and I read the letters you send us every day, and it's like we can hear your voice.
The twelfth of this month is your birthday, and I hope you can call and talk to him because he really needs it.
Anton is already six years old.
" Who is Vania, then? He's the only hope we have for making sense of all of this.
No, there hasn't been much change.
He's still withdrawn, and he's refusing any attempts at communication.
What do you think you'll do? He's been seen by our psychologists with the help of an interpreter.
He has symptoms of autism, but that's not all.
He's easily wounded psychologically.
He needs a lot of care.
It seems he has chosen the two of you as parents.
- Do you have children? - No.
He wants to tell you something.
He said he wants to come with us, with you.
No, no, no! Don't get any ideas! It was Vania's idea, not mine.
It's not possible! We would be granted temporary custody in this situation.
The social worker already said she'd give us a positive recommendation.
To who, us? We're not even married! We are a real couple though! How would you manage this? You're about to begin an important case.
But that child is lost without us! I could figure out a way to manage it.
Listen, it's my fault.
I have a problem.
I don't want a child in the house.
I wouldn't know what to do.
I don't know how to take care of him, can you understand that? Let's forget about it, then.
We're not obligated to do it.
Let's go.
How's your investigation going? How do you think it's going? It's at a standstill.
I don't know I know what you're thinking, if Vania were at home with us, we could get him to talk and that would help the investigation.
If we take Vania home with us, it will only be to help him.
Sure, of course Thank you for taking care of this so quickly.
Doctor Curzi told me the child is withdrawing more and more.
He has more life in him when the two of you are around.
I hope we can help him.
I heard you found out that the dead woman isn't his mother.
I hope your investigation moves along quickly, Inspector.
It'd be good to know whether the child has a family to go back to or if we need to contact an adoption agency instead.
We're all hoping for the best.
Thank you.
It's a nice thing you're doing.
You're good people.
Vania, come.
Don't be afraid.
Do you like the house? This is our home now and yours.
Are you hungry? Want something to eat? - Bread.
- Bread.
What are you two saying? I asked him what he wanted to eat.
Take it.
What do you want? How does salad with a bit of cheese sound? Tonight, I'll make ravioli with a nice sauce.
I won't be having lunch at home, I'm going out.
It'll be ready in 10 minutes.
I have to see some colleagues.
It's better if I All right, I'll see you later.
Look at him eat.
Hi Marta, I wanted to let you know I'm not coming into the office today.
I'll call you later, bye.
- Is that stuff coming or not? - Yes.
Here, Inspector.
In green are places frequented by Russians and the ones with checkmarks are places we've visited already.
- Basically, all of them.
- Yes.
Have you found anything? No, it appears that no one saw her.
What kind of places are they? Bars, pizzerias There's also a kind of dance hall.
- Hi, Soneri! - Hey, Draghi! I heard you're looking for a Russian woman.
Do you need help? What do you know about Russian women? Everything! I did an investigation into trafficking and prostitution.
This Russian woman is a housekeeper; prostitution has nothing to do with it.
Not necessarily.
They often change roles, and they all know each other.
They cling together like one of Saint Joseph's chain letters.
Don't you mean Saint Antonio? Yeah, him.
You gave me an idea, though.
Do you know what we can do? Let's put an ad in the Ferrara Gazette, "Russian housekeeper wanted.
" Put my address on the ad.
Welcome, please come in.
Good morning.
I'm here about the ad.
Here, this is my son and my husband.
Even he is Russian? No, Italian.
Sit down, please.
Listen before we talk can I ask you something.
Do you know her? She's Russian.
Help me find her.
I don't.
Pleased to meet you.
Natasha Krotsky.
I'm here for the housekeeping job.
I'm sorry, I don't know her.
Of course I know Irina, she's a close friend of my cousin Olga.
- What did she say? - That she knows her.
I know she's dead.
Olga cried and cried.
Bad neighbourhood, isn't it? More or less.
- Did you bring your gun? - Of course, Inspector.
Why? You don't think No, I don't think you'll need it.
Don't worry.
Who might this Olga be, Inspector? She said she was a friend.
I think this is the place.
Irina was my friend from Odessa.
Our families were friends.
I cried and cried when I heard she died.
Did you see each other often? Every Sunday.
The girls have a little get-together.
Irina always came.
Irina was beautiful.
Did she have a boyfriend or was she dating anyone? Irina was a decent girl.
Her son is in Odessa with her grandmother.
Her husband died in a car accident.
She didn't have any boyfriends here in Italy.
Listen near Irina's body, we found a young Russian boy.
Do you know him? That's not her son.
I've seen photos of Anton many times.
That's not him.
Plus, Anton's in Odessa.
We already know that.
We're having our get-together today.
Why don't you come? Nina will be there.
She was close to Irina, much closer than me.
She might know the child.
Why don't you come, too? Thank you, yes Nina! Nina! The commissioner is investigating the death of Irina, the other must be his valet.
I get it.
Pleased to meet you.
Have a seat.
- Nina.
- Good morning.
Nina, you said.
Irina and I went to school together in Odessa.
It's not right that she died this way.
Ask her about the child, maybe she knows.
Child? This is a picture of a child we found near Irina's body.
He's Russian.
We don't know anything about him.
There's probably some connection to Irina.
No, I've never seen him.
Are you sure he was near Irina? Yes, I'm sure.
I don't understand.
Irina used to tell me everything.
She never spoke to me about a child.
If Irina had a boyfriend, the boy might be his son If the child is Russian, then the boyfriend would be Russian.
If Irina got together with a Russian guy, we'd all know about it.
What do you think, Inspector? I think there were a lot of things that girl wanted to tell us Inspector! I didn't think it would be this soon though.
I have to speak to you.
Go ahead.
This past month, Irina was with a guy.
She didn't want anyone to know.
Do you know him? Yes.
I don't like him.
Why? Mario is a crude man.
He makes a lot of money, but that's not always a good thing.
Do you know his last name, what he does, where he lives? His name is Isnaghi.
I don't know where he lives.
I do know that he sells fish.
He sells fish to restaurants all over Emilia Romagna.
Nice restaurants.
Irina must have liked him even though he was crude.
No, I mean crude in another way.
Irina was naive.
She didn't want to see Mario's vices.
You must know them well, however.
Mario tried to get together with me.
I refused him.
Men like him disgust me.
These vices must be really bad.
I think Mario tries to get Russian girls to become prostitutes.
He gets the girl to fall in love with him, promises marriage, and then sends her off with other men.
With these arrests, we have definitively broken up a gang that has ravaged this area for years.
It has been a long and tiring job and we have Inspector Draghi to thank.
Thank you.
If there are no questions, I invite you all to have a drink with us.
Thank you.
- I understand you're looking for me.
- Yes.
I would have liked you to have been at the press conference, but you don't even come to your own.
I want you to tell me about this little boy.
I understand you asked for temporary custody.
I don't want to interfere with your private life, Soneri, but that child is part of the investigation.
Why did you bring him home? Would it seem strange if I said I did it to help him? Yes.
Not because I don't think you're capable of wanting to help a child.
You brought him home because you want to learn something about the murder.
What if that was the case? Anyway, that boy needs us.
I've known you for a long time, so I think that gives me the right to offer some advice.
Don't mix work with your personal life.
It makes things messy.
I'm telling you this for your own good.
- Good morning, Counsellor - Good morning! Come on, Vania! unacceptable behaviour - Excuse me! Counsellor! I was about to postpone the hearing! - Excuse me, Your Honour - Is there a problem? No, no problem.
Good morning.
I'm ready.
I'll take the witness list to the judge.
What? Vania, shut up! Here is our witness list, Your Honour We also call Mr WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN THE EYES OF THE LAW Don't leave me alone.
Counsellor, what are you doing? Did you bring your son with you? No, he Your Honour, I'm going to ask for a postponement.
I'm sorry.
We've been walking for an hour.
At least tell us where you're taking us.
To a special place.
I'm going to show you a fisherman's heaven.
Imagine what hell is like, then.
Fantastic! We've only passed 2,000 other places just like this one.
Yes, only here will we find Hi.
How is it going? Cute.
Here we are Enough of this now, you have to let me move! Otherwise, what am I going to do? What kind of animal is this? Here.
- You're finally here! - Hi! - Vania's been asking about you all day.
- Really? That's nice.
What is that smell? What are you cooking? It's cabbage soup, but it's only for Vania and Masha.
Who is Masha? Good evening Inspector.
I asked her to help me with Vania.
I can't blow off work completely.
- Hello, Masha.
- Thank you.
Are you OK with this? Yes, I mean this way, we're a real family.
Can we open the windows? It smells in here.
Maybe it's the cabbage - It's 35 degrees outside.
- Maybe it's just me.
Let's go out to eat at Alceste's.
I have to talk to him anyway.
Masha can eat the cabbage soup.
- Good evening, Alceste.
- Good evening, Inspector! Vania, what's wrong? Come on in, come on! What's going on? Come inside! - Vania! - What's wrong, sweetie? I don't know.
He's never done this before.
What is it? What are you afraid of? Come.
Are you afraid? Give me your hand.
Come on, let's go.
We have pork cutlets in red wine sauce served with potatoes.
Do you want to try it? Do you have any fish? Of course, the freshest.
It's just that I know you don't like fish.
We get freshly caught deliveries every morning.
Today, we have snapper and plaice.
If you want, I'll make you a nice Alceste, who is your supplier? The best, Inspector, you can be sure of that.
Is one of them a certain Mario Isnaghi? Is he a friend of yours? Do you know him? What type of guy is he? He doesn't talk much or get out much, but his fish is excellent.
He comes, gets paid, and leaves.
His prices are good, too.
Do you know where I can find him? If you want, come here Thursday at 11:00 am and I'll introduce you.
That wouldn't be a problem? No problem at all.
Worst case scenario, I switch suppliers.
Well, no fish for me.
I'll take the cutlet with whatever you think.
Me too, but with salad instead of potatoes.
For him, potatoes would be great, but without the cutlet.
Maybe a nice steak instead.
What do you think? Good.
Is this your nephew, Inspector? No, no, no.
He's her nephew.
I'll be right back.
Do you know her? Why are you looking like that? Vania? What's the matter with him? He's looking at one of those kids who pretend to be deaf and mute and sell stuff on the street.
What are you doing here? Who gave that to you? Sorry, sorry.
Let's go.
Get your stuff.
You are not to disturb the people eating.
Why are you scared? Don't be afraid.
You shouldn't be bothering the patrons Let's go! Goodnight Vania.
If you're scared and can't sleep, just call me.
How is he? I think he's calmed down now.
When I asked him who the boy was or if he knew him, he got upset again.
I think he knows him.
What are you thinking? The same thing you're thinking.
Vania knows that boy because he used to be like him.
These children are caught up in rackets.
The guys in charge send them out to beg for money.
And if they don't come back with enough, they beat them.
- Where is this handbag, Gallesi? - On the river bank.
Come this way.
Good morning! My name's Cantiani.
Tell us what happened.
I was picking mushrooms.
There are lots here and they're good, too! Where did you find the handbag? - There, right there.
- Yes, here it is.
I didn't even open it, Inspector.
I handed it over to your colleague exactly the way I found it, I swear.
Yes, yes.
- Is it stolen property? - No, no.
Will that stuff be helpful? You've been extremely helpful, Cantiani, thank you.
Come here.
Go to the restaurant here in town.
Go inside to talk to the owner, not to eat.
Tell him if he sees one of those kids, who pretend to be deaf and mute and who sell knickknacks, that he should let us know right away.
What the hell is all this stuff? Lighters, miscellaneous stuff And this? This is a cup in the shape of a piggy bank.
What about an Easter egg? Did you bring me one? Very funny.
Do you remember that boy? Of course.
I know he's staying with you, too.
You're crazy! He used to go out and beg, pretending to be deaf and mute.
And it was all organised by the Russian mob.
You've solved the case then.
The housekeeper was murdered by the Russian mob.
I don't think so.
I think it was more complicated than that.
Was this her bag? I don't know.
I brought this cup from home.
The boy's prints are on it.
You have to check the prints from all these items and the bag, compare them, and let me know what you find.
What if they're not the same? If they're not the same, then all the kids who went to the river, all the gangs, were tied to the racketeers.
Maybe that's where their base camp is.
Before I assign two squads on it, I want to be sure.
Excuse me.
Analyse and catalogue everything.
Yes, Doctor.
So? How's your marriage going? We're not married.
We're living together.
You have a woman at home, and now a child.
You're a family! Do you have babysitter as well? She's Russian.
Don't you see? Try to see the good in the situation! Nanetti, when you call me asking for help, because you're lonely since you left Nora, I'm not going to help you; I'm going to let you suffer.
Let me know when you have the results.
- Hi, Isnaghi.
- Hi, Alceste.
- Do you want the usual? - Do you have anything fried? I can't give you that; it's for another restaurant.
Good morning, Isnaghi! Who are you? I'm Soneri.
Inspector Soneri.
I've done something wrong.
Congratulations! That was a quick confession.
Did you kill her? You're mistaken.
I wanted to marry Irina.
I made a mistake not coming in and talking to you.
I was her boyfriend.
Let's go down to headquarters and have a little chat.
Let's go! It's 300, right? Here.
Should I bring the fish into the kitchen? No, if you have to go, leave it here.
We'll take care of it.
- Isn't that right, Inspector? - Of course, Alceste, thank you.
Remo, bring the fish into the kitchen.
I could be guilty of every fault in the book, but I didn't kill Irina.
All right.
Let's talk about these faults of yours.
How many other Russian girlfriends do you have? No one else.
I don't even know any other Russian girls.
Irina I met her by chance.
We were shopping in the same supermarket.
What about Nina, Irina's friend? She said you came on to her.
No, not at all.
But I can imagine her saying something like that.
Why? Because she was jealous of Irina.
Normal stuff.
Jealousy among women.
I only ever saw her twice, when we first started dating, when Irina wanted one of her friends to chaperone our dates.
That girl she smiled at me too much.
I didn't even look at her.
She was offended.
I see I was mistaken.
I thought you were one of those guys who gets to know Eastern European girls, promises them marriage, and then sends them out to work the streets.
Are you joking? Is that something else Nina made up? Juvara! Can you please read what we pulled up on Signor Isnaghi.
Of course, Inspector.
In 1998, he was convicted of writing bad checks.
He had an import-export business, and he bought frozen fish from a Russian company, but then went bankrupt.
He got another conviction for falsifying records, and then he opened a travel agency that handled travel to Russia.
That's all in the past.
It's true that I used to work with Russians, so what? Now I do my job.
It's been years In 2001, you were booked for pimping two Russian girls and one Albanian girl.
The Albanian girl was a minor.
The case was dismissed because of lack of evidence! Irina was killed Monday the twelfth, between 7:00 and 10:00 pm.
Where were you? In Padova.
I was on a fishing trip.
I went out to eat later at a tavern with friends.
You can check up on everything if you want! - Soneri! Come here! - Not right now No, come here.
I'll be right back.
- What's going on? - Mrs Malaguzzi is here.
- I wanted to say hello.
- Good evening, how are you? - Nice to see you.
- Inspector.
We just filed a report.
The new housekeeper stole some valuables.
Two paintings, a few jewels, and a stamp collection that was worth a lot.
A Romanian girl.
She made copies of the keys to give to her criminal friends.
Amalia, excuse me, I'll have to say goodbye, I have an important appointment.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Commissioner.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Soneri! - Thank you.
Mom, let's go please.
I have things I need to get to, as well.
I will never find another one like Irina.
Have you found out who killed her? Not yet, Madam.
Hurry up then! You'll never figure it out once people start forgetting.
Vania, Masha made you cookies.
Taste them.
Was your home as beautiful as this castle? The house? That place you lived before coming here.
It was very bad.
Who was there with you in that house? Hi, honey.
So? He said the house he used to live in was very ugly.
Anything else? I was asking him who else lived in the house with him.
Why don't you try asking him some questions? OK! Come here.
You and I are going to play a game! You're good with kids when you want to be.
Can you tell? This is how we're going to play.
I'm going to ask you questions, and each time you answer me, I'll give you a a cookie.
Where did it go? He ate it already.
All right, what can I give you? What can I give him? A toy? Good.
But translate, otherwise Do you want to play? If you respond to his questions, you'll win a prize.
Who was in the house with you? Vania, who lived with you in the house? There were Anton, Karl, Babel, Boris.
- Other children? - Yes.
He gave me the names of three children.
And then there was Papa Serghej, he was very bad and hit us with a stick.
He says there was Papa Serghej, who used to hit him with a stick.
What about Irina? Vania, do you remember a lady named Irina? Vania if you answer this question, you'll win a great prize.
Please, for us.
It's very important.
She was very kind.
And he Who was he? Do you remember him? Did you ever see him? Who is he? This is very important to us.
Try to concentrate.
I beg you, please, Vania.
Enough, enough.
What did he say? He said that Irina was nice.
But there was someone else he doesn't want to talk about.
I bought mozzarella and prosciutto.
I've been eating this stuff for a week.
You miss Nora's lunches, don't you? No, no.
I'll eat this stuff for the rest of my life.
You won't make it.
You're not someone who can make it on his own.
You'll go back.
We'll see, we'll see.
Tell me about the prints.
They're not Vania's, are they? No, but they do belong to a child.
Were there any belonging to an adult? Yes, but the bag is old.
I couldn't lift them because the child's prints are newer and they cover everything.
We need to know who was running the racket, because Vania and other kids were a part of it.
I tried questioning him, but he won't or doesn't want to talk If you want, I could take the lighters and the dolls apart, analyse the materials, and tell you where they're from.
They're from Russia! That's the only thing we know for sure! - Come up and have a glass of wine.
- No, no, no! - Come on, stay for lunch.
- No, no, thank you.
I'm going; I have to get back to the office.
Soneri, if you ever have any problems with Angela - I don't know my house is your house.
- Thanks.
- Bye.
- Have a good day! Are you saying that the Russian mob is involved with that women's death? No.
At least, not directly.
In what way? Irina and Isnaghi were together.
He had business ties with Russia.
He was brought in on charges of pimping.
I don't think that Irina was involved in his business, or if she was it was by chance, and she paid dearly for it.
You think that Isnaghi could have killed her.
I don't know.
We checked out his alibi and it's solid.
He could have sent someone to do it.
Of course.
Anything's possible.
The Inspector always has doubts at this point in the investigation.
Doubts that are usually proved right.
Come in.
May I? Good morning! - Hi Calo! - Good morning, everyone! - Hi, Ennio, how's it going? - Hi, Soneri So, have you thought about what I said? Yes.
I'll call you later.
Yes! That's enough, come on.
I need the computer.
I have a lot to do and Soneri will be here any second.
I don't even like it.
You don't like it because you're losing.
I don't think so.
- Any news on this Serghej? - Nothing, Sir.
It must be a nickname the kids gave him, or else he has a clean record.
Yes, hello Who is it? Cadorna Restaurant? You've got the wrong number.
Yes, that's me.
Of course, I'm sorry.
Yes, I asked you to call.
He's there right now? Very good.
Thank you so much.
Goodbye, goodbye! Sir, there's a deaf, mute child begging at Cadorna Restaurant.
Let's go.
You come with me.
You watch the door.
Let's go.
Second floor.
Stop! Don't move! I fired in order to stop him, Inspector! Handcuff him and take him away.
Stop! Don't move! Gallesi, come here.
Handcuff him.
Wow, that hurt! Angela, can you meet me at the old station? - Right away.
What's the number? - 79.
Take him away.
- Let's go.
Yes, yes.
- Everything all right? - There's another one upstairs - I'm on my way.
- Are you here? - Yes, over here.
Try to reassure them, OK? Don't ask them any questions.
Just tell them that we care about them and no one's going to hurt them anymore.
Don't be scared.
I will not hurt you.
We're here to help you.
I promise that nobody will hurt you anymore.
We'll take you to your parents.
And if you don't have any parents we'll take you to a Children's Institute, where good people will take care of you.
I promise Do you understand me? My name's Karpov.
I've been in Italy for two years, for work, just for work.
I'm a labourer I'm not in charge.
The organiser is in charge.
I don't know anyone! You'll go to prison, Karpov.
You'll serve 30 years minimum, like a life sentence.
Do you know what a life sentence means? How can I get a life sentence? My only crime was begging.
You know Italian law well.
But not well enough.
I'll put you away for what you've done.
Criminal charges of violence against minors, personal injury, enslavement.
All that will get you minimum 26, 27 years, which I assure you is like a life sentence! Not to mention the Russian girl who was killed It could have been you who killed her.
I've got nothing to do with it.
I'm not a murderer, I swear! Where do you get the children? They're bought in Russia from poor families, some are kidnapped.
If I see a child on the street, what am I supposed to do? I take him, take him away You disgust me, do you know that? I could kill you with my bare hands.
Where did you get this boy? I bought him from Russian gypsies.
I paid a lot, too.
Do you know how much a child that beautiful costs? All right When you killed that girl, the boy was there.
He saw everything.
No, no.
I didn't even know that girl.
I've got nothing to do with it; I'm not a murderer.
The child wasn't with me anymore; I sold him.
There was a friend who wanted a child like that.
I gave him to him.
Who the fuck is it? - What's his name? - I don't know.
I don't know.
- What the fuck does he do? - I don't know.
He's a merchant; he buys and sells things from Russia.
What does he buy? What the fuck does he buy? - What does he sell? - Everything! Cars, refrigerators, people, pigs, girls, children - And fresh fish, too, right? - Yes, fresh fish, too.
That's his official business, fresh fish.
So? What a fucking mess we made! We tried to keep it hidden, but the news was just too big.
We gave Isnaghi the chance to run.
It'll be hard to find him now.
I gave the order to look for him in airports, stations, all public places.
Let's hope we hear something.
You didn't find anything at his house? He gave us a fake address.
He doesn't have a proper house.
He lives in hotels, or with friends Yes.
What? When did it happen? What a shame! And the mother? Of course.
I know.
OK, I'll let you know.
Problems? Counsellor Malaguzzi.
He jumped off the fourth floor of his building.
They think it was suicide.
"Angels will guide you to paradise.
The martyrs will greet you when you enter.
They will take you to Jerusalem, the holy city.
A choir of angels will welcome you to eternal rest with poor Lazarus.
Eternal rest is given by Him.
He basks in eternal light, rest in peace.
" Amen.
"Through God's mercy, the souls of the departed will rest in peace.
In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost" Why did he kill himself? I don't know.
He didn't have money problems.
He didn't have any health problems, either.
I haven't heard anything about him.
He worked a lot.
He was really good.
That's his ex with her new husband.
Malaguzzi gave her a lot of money.
Maybe he killed himself for her.
Did you hear anything? Only that she left him.
Let's give our sympathies to Mrs Malaguzzi.
- Good morning, Counsellor - Good morning.
He didn't leave a note, but even his mother thinks it was suicide.
My condolences.
If anything occurs to you about your son's death, if you think someone might be responsible, I'm completely available to help.
Thank you.
But I believe that what my son did had more to do with his own anxieties, than with any outside factors.
No one else is responsible, it was him Things are going much better now, even at night.
They would wake up from nightmares before.
The youngest two would cry.
I told the judge we're available to help locate the families.
The judge will be here tomorrow around 10:00 to ask questions.
Don't call in an interpreter though, I'll be here.
My clients have already found another attorney.
I don't know what I would have done without her! Me neither! You feel lost if you don't have someone who speaks your language.
Hi, kids! We're here to say good night.
We wanted to say good night too.
Thank you.
How are you, all right? Well done.
Sometimes I wish I could adopt them all.
It'd be better to help them find their own families, not take them all home.
Of course, don't worry.
I don't really want to take them all home.
I hope not! It's probably just exhaustion, I'm usually never cold.
I can't wait to be in bed at home with my arms around you.
Just a second.
What is it, Juvara? Where are you? Still at the office? No, don't worry about it! We'll take care of it tomorrow, go home Thanks, bye.
Any news? Juvara is hunting down Isnaghi, but it won't be easy to find him.
I didn't tell you, but it's more than just begging.
What else is there? He's not just wanted for Irina's murder, he bought Vania from the Russians.
My neck is so sore Vania! Where is Vania? A man came and said he was the Inspector's assistant.
He said he needed to pick up some documents.
I let him in Where is the child now? He took Vania away.
Take care of this cut.
I'll let you know what's going on.
Stay here! - Inspector, there's no one upstairs.
- I know! Inspector, what is it? What are you doing here, Juvara? I'd just gotten home when your wife told me not your wife your Forget about it.
What did you come here to do? I came to help with the search.
I called Gallesi, he'll be here soon.
If you want, I can have two patrol cars start combing the city alert airports, borders, headquarters.
Standard protocol.
Juvara, in your opinion we've been trying to track down Isnaghi for hours.
Do you think he's going to walk around with a child, or go to the airport and explain that he needs to escape because he has kidnapped a child? No, but we need to start somewhere, right? It's no use.
The ball's in his court now.
What are you going to do, Inspector? The only thing we can do, wait.
He took the child because he wants something in return.
Of course.
It's up to him to contact us.
I'm here! I found out What's wrong with him? Nothing.
Have a seat and wait.
- Inspector Soneri? - That's me.
Hello Inspector, I'm not going to stay on the phone long.
- OK.
- Vania is with me.
I know.
Why did you take him? When you kidnap someone, you want something in exchange, right? What do you want? No! Not enough time.
30 seconds.
We need a bit more time.
Just a little more.
- Did the call drop? - It was me.
I threw my cell phone in the water so you can't trace the call.
Tell me what you want.
A ticket to Moscow and assurance that I will leave Italy without any problems.
That's not much to ask in exchange for the life of a boy like Vania, don't you agree? I can't do this on my own; I need permission from the judge I almost had it, I almost had it! One more second! What does it take with that machine! Get it to work! - Inspector, keep him on a bit longer! - Stop, stop.
I can't keep throwing phones in the water, we have to hurry up.
- Tell me what to do.
- Talk to the judge.
You have three hours, or you and your wife will never see Vania again.
I understand, but how will I contact you? Don't worry, I'll call you.
Wait Isnaghi, I have to ask you something.
Play these games with someone who'll fall for them, Inspector.
I'm not stupid.
Shit! I can't do it I have him! Just for a second, but I have him.
I have him.
Here he is.
Do you see this read spot? It's Isnaghi's cell phone.
He must not have thrown it away.
We can follow him wherever he goes.
We won't lose him again! I don't understand Gallesi! Can't see anything Juvara, what's going on? I don't understand, it's right here He should be here.
This stuff never works.
It's strange that we can't see Inspector! Look! You always were a difficult child.
Look at the trouble you've caused.
Get down, get down.
Get down.
Move! What is he doing? Don't cry, calm down.
That son of a bitch Come on Here.
It's over.
It's all over.
Come on! Jump on! Inspector! Did you know the boat was going off course? He jumped in the water, caught up to you and took the helm.
Otherwise, who knows where you would have ended up? Thank you Gallesi.
Find something to dry off with.
Inspector, come and see this! Son of a bitch.
I don't know how it happened, I wasn't there.
I can tell you what I know, however.
Finally! I bought the child from the Russians.
I deal in people, children even.
I buy them and then I sell them.
I had someone who was interested.
The appointment got delayed.
I had to keep the child all day Sunday and Monday.
I didn't know what to do, I had to leave.
I asked Irina to take care of the child.
I told her he was a friend's son.
I also told her he was mentally disturbed that he made up strange stories and had hallucinations.
So if he said anything about the Russians, she wouldn't believe him.
Irina stayed with him Sunday and Monday on the boat.
I returned Monday afternoon.
I thanked her.
She went home to the lady she worked for.
She was afraid of her, afraid she'd be angry.
I met the person who wanted the child at 7:00.
He showed up.
I gave him the child and left.
Go on.
I don't know anything else.
The next morning, I heard Irina had been found murdered.
I can only imagine what happened.
I imagine she argued with the lady she worked for and had decided to leave.
She told me often that she wanted to get out of there, that she wanted to live with me.
Poor Irina, she didn't know me at all.
So? That evening, Irina returned expecting to find Isnaghi on the boat.
She wasn't expecting to encounter what she did.
Mario, where are you? - Irina! - Vania.
Irina, it's not what you think! It's not what you think! Counsellor Malaguzzi, Mrs Malaguzzi's son I was dressing him.
He was there, right in front of her.
It was him who bought the child from Isnaghi.
What was going on here? Nothing was going on! Vania, tell her we were just playing.
Irina! Irina, Irina! Irina, wait! Irina, where are you going? Wait! It's not what you think! Let me explain! I don't want anything else to do with you! Irina, come here! You don't understand! - He was only here to see the boat! - You are a pig! Get your hands off that child! I never want to see you or your mother again! Irina, Irina! After he killed Irina, he had to get rid of the boat.
So he moved it.
Isnaghi found it the next day a few hundred meters away.
Vania was the only witness to what had happened.
Both Isnaghi and Malaguzzi were confident the child wouldn't talk after being so traumatised.
Malaguzzi was sure Isnaghi would never turn him in for Irina's murder.
Otherwise, he'd incriminate himself for child trafficking.
Well, we've closed the case on Irina's murder.
The murderer killed himself and Isnaghi will spend time in jail.
Everything in its place.
Now we have to find Vania's and the other children's families.
I was thinking about Mrs Malaguzzi.
I feel sorry for her.
Her son was her life.
Who knows whether she knew About Irina's murder? She wouldn't have known anything about that.
I mean about her son's problem.
If she covered it up, she's paying dearly for it.
Do you realise what it means for someone to cover up for a man buying a child so he can abuse him? You're right, you're right.
If she knew what her son was doing, it's only right that she pay for it.
It's terrible to discover such evil inside someone you know well.
Suddenly, you feel like you don't know anyone or anything even yourself.
You're safe now.
It's all over.
All right, little one.
Don't worry.
I have to go.
The inspector will be looking for me.
Would you like some coffee? You've been up all night.
That would be nice.
I'm feeling a bit fuzzy.
Angela, where are you? Can you stay with him, please? - Angela? - I'm here.
Do you want me to sing the song again? It's a lullaby.
It should make you sleepy, but you're wide awake.
You can't understand me Go to sleep Go to sleep Mother's beautiful child If you go to sleep Your mother won't call you She won't call you She'll give you a kiss A little kiss on the tummy I didn't sing those verses to him.
What does this mean? It means Vania is Italian.
Try this.
- It looks like him, doesn't it? - Yes.
Alessio Marcolin.
Three years old when he disappeared.
Brown eyes and brown hair.
He went missing August 18, 2002 from Conegliano Veneto.
They suspected a Russian man working for his father; they couldn't find him.
There were some twists and turns in the story that turned out to be false.
His name is Alessio.
Finding his family; this is good news for him.
We're almost there.
Look who's here! It's your dog! Come here! Come here.
Sit! You're a lucky boy.
You have a beautiful mother and father.
Be a good boy, my love.
We'll come and visit you.

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