Freakshow (2013) s02e01 Episode Script

Freakshow Auditions

Come on, baby pick up the pace! Gotta you gotta hurry we don't wanna be late.
Do I look all right? Yeah, you look beautiful, baby.
You look beautiful.
Let's get it Hey, how ya doin' today? I'm actually lookin' for maybe, like, a coffee Maybe, like, a mocha, caramel, a little bit of whip cream.
My mom, she was always big on that custard.
We'll try that.
We basically gotta find some real talent today.
It's very important.
When I first thought about opening "The Freakshow," everyone told me the sideshow is dying away.
But, The Freakshow was not just alive.
It's growing.
It's expanding.
We've taken over the business next door.
- We've busted down the walls.
- [Screaming.]
It's bigger it's better.
But, it costs a whole lot more to run it.
Yeah! So, I've gotta bring in more amazing performers.
I've gotta bring in bigger crowds.
Okay so, let's get ready.
- All right, let's go, let's go.
- All right, let's do it.
So, my family, Danielle, Asia, and Phoenix, and my freakshow family, Ali, Matt, Jessa, Creature, George, and Morgue, they're depending on me to run the last living freakshow on Earth.
Folks, today, you will witness the strangest creatures on Earth.
The living wonders of the world, and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to "The Freakshow.
" Freakshow - S02E01 Freakshow Auditions - Hey! - How ya doin'? Fire is kinda what I'm known for.
Wow! - Wow! - Wow! That's impressive.
- Wow, yeah! - Wow! - All right.
- Very nice.
We've been closed for a while, while we've been expanding.
But finally, this week, we're having our grand re-opening.
But, we need to sell a lot of tickets to pay for all this.
So, today, we're havin' open auditions.
I hope I find that special performer, who can draw in the big crowds.
- Wow! - Right on! But, one thing I know that ain't gonna be easy.
All right, Larry bring in the next one.
- Hey! - Hey! I'm a belly dancer.
Oh-ho-ho uh-oh! - Uh-oh.
- Gettin' freaky.
[playing harmonica off tune.]
Bad, right? Let's all think, "move.
" "Move.
" Ah.
I have conversations with myself.
So, what did the lifeguard say when you were swimming in the ocean yesterday? He said, "man, you're too far out.
" I'm looking for people that have something very special, very unusual, and, of course, something you won't forget as long as you're alive.
Venice Beach Freakshow, how we feelin'? - [cheering loud.]
- Oh, that'll work.
This is gonna be a good show.
My name is Dangerous D.
, and I like to get dangerous.
Everything you see me do today is 100% real.
This is an industrial zip tie.
- Let me hear it! - [cheering.]
- Oh, my goodness! - Cut it off cut it off.
- Try that.
- That was great.
Yeah! I'm not really a fan of new people, in general.
- Go.
- Oh, my gosh! - Or people, in general.
- [groaning.]
- Venice Beach Freakshow! - [cheering.]
The Freakshow is a very high level of performance art.
So, if you wanna work here, you people are gonna have - to kick it up a notch.
- Yeah.
Thanks for watchin', man appreciate that.
Good work! Oh, my God hey! Hey, what's your name? My name's Gabriel Pimentel.
I heard you guys are hiring what's up? - How tall are you? - Two-ten.
Wow! Ali, I think he might be smaller than you.
Yeah, I think he's got me beat by, like, six inches.
- Does he? - I'm three-five.
Not only is he smaller than me, but he actually has talent, on top of that.
- [cheering.]
- [laughing.]
- Yeah! - Yeah! All right cool.
Well, thank you, Gabriel.
It's actually a real pleasure to meet you.
- Me too.
- Thank you.
I'm definitely questioning where does this leave me - at The Freakshow? - Good job! - Hello.
- Hi! I'm Genevieve.
Genevieve, nice to meet you.
I'm not too fan of Genevieve.
She didn't really have anything to her besides vibrating her stuff.
She just seemed to rely on sexual appeal rather than Doing something.
As soon as Genevieve, the snake lady walked in, I knew we were onto somethin'.
Now, that's what'll draw in a crowd.
Now, the snake lady has always been an important part to the sideshow.
She mesmerizes the audience.
She hypnotizes them to come into the show.
It's almost as though Eve has finally overpowered the serpent from the Garden of Eden.
- Yeah! - Whoo! Wow! That's a tradition The snake lady.
That's guaranteed to draw a crowd.
I don't really want that in the show with me.
I don't really wanna share the stage with somebody that's, like, sexual.
Just being sexy and that's all you are, that's the part that really frustrates me.
- It is a traditional thing.
- Yeah, I just think the opposite.
It's very It can also be seen as mystical, not just sexy, okay? Yeah, but she didn't See, you gotta remember about snake ladies.
If they stand outside, they are hypnotic.
I agree with that, and it's traditional, and it will draw in a crowd.
I just don't really see it being a part of the show.
There's no place for her on my stage.
Dangerous D.
was great I love this guy.
- Yeah, he's he - Oh, he was great.
Okay, I'm going to hang out with Morgue.
- You sure? - Yeah.
- Bye.
- All right I love you.
Look at me Be safe and just let us know when you get there.
- All right.
I love you.
- Love you.
You're putting your tongue all over it.
- Really sticking out my tongue? - Yeah, look it's gonna go like this.
See how the mousetrap is more like this? - Okay so, it's on an angle.
- If it were level, there's more of a chance of it hittin' your teeth.
Okay so, like this? The opposite way, like-like a Oh, I'm getting lipstick on your mousetrap.
They need to make special mousetraps for me.
- Okay, so - All right.
Ready and recording.
Ow! - Ow, that really hurt.
- Yeah, it kinda hurts.
That's what a mouse feels like when it dies.
- That's really sad.
- Okay, good job.
- You'll be fine.
- Wait.
It should be fine.
You looked like you did it right.
- I feel like I have a line.
- I see I yeah, I see a line on your tongue.
What Did your dad see anyone that he liked today? - Oh, the auditions? - Yeah.
I haven't really heard anything about it.
Why? 'Cause I've been workin' on a new stunt for the grand opening.
- You have? - Yes.
I'm looking to do something a little more dangerous.
- I think you should, but be careful.
- Yeah, I'll be careful.
Hey, how's it goin'? I really wanna make our grand re-opening something that people will never forget.
So, I decided to bring in a special guest.
- Todd? - Hey, yes.
Wow so nice to meet you, man.
I searched all over the world and, in the U.
, I found the man.
His name is Garry Stretch.
He has a condition called, "ehlers-danlos syndrome.
" He's got the stretchiest skin on Earth.
The man's got the world record, and when you see what he's gonna do, you're gonna talk about it for the rest of your life.
- It's-it's weird.
- Just take hold and give it a pull.
- Wow! - And it doesn't hurt? - Not at all.
- Ah! Completely natural.
It is so good to see you, Garry.
I have read about you for so long.
You know, having Garry Stretch here is almost symbolic of what we're doing.
We're stretching the boundaries Making the Freakshow better than it's ever been.
Every time we do somethin', we try to take it next level, and this is gonna be extra.
- We're gonna stretch it.
- Excellent.
Let's go I'm ready to turn it up, man.
I'm ready to get it on I'm ready to turn it up.
You ready to play, bro? Let's do this, real quick, baby.
Let's get this, real quick tryin' to get my drink on.
Okay, then let me get, uh Hey, garry.
- What kinda beer you want? - Whatever they do.
Oh, no Don't spill my drink! That was gangster, right there.
Now, ladies, this is the man I-I wanted you to meet.
He's a friend of ours, all the way from the U.
His name is Garry Stretch He has this amazing talent.
I'm gonna leave you speechless.
Oh, my gosh! Yeah, we're freakin' out over here.
Did you see, uh, Dangerous D.
yesterday at the auditions? Um, his stunts were kinda more sort of like jackassy, you know, just kinda like hurtin' himself.
He had a really intense, you know, like, stage personality.
Oh, okay, that's good, that's good, that's good.
He was really into it.
What do you think of that that lady with the really big snake? I think, on the outside, that would work to bring people in, but I didn't necessarily wanna perform with her, because, I don't know, just different style.
Gabriel, um, I don't know if you remember him, - the little person.
- Oh, yeah.
He seemed like a really nice guy.
He had a lot of energy, a lot of personality.
Yeah, but it's got me a little concerned because I'm the littlest person here at The Freakshow, and it's kinda like, if Gabriel gets hired, then You know, everyone's gonna want pictures with him because he's the smallest person.
And it's kinda like, well, where does that leave me? A circus, or a carnival, or a sideshow has always been where I feel longing or yearning.
A beautiful woman, with a deadly serpent there's nothing better to draw a crowd.
I feel like that's my incarnation.
I-I've been there a million times in my lives.
Wait, you're sayin' "your lives.
" You think you've had more than one life? Oh, my God is she kidding me? I've had, like, a million at least 140 in-in-incarnations.
I was in Atlantis I was in the Maria.
I was a he Crystal Healer I-I had I was in many, many sideshows in the past.
I was a rept part of the reptilian race.
Do you know the reptilian race? There are some very dark, negative ones.
Like the reptilians that are They're in the they're in the government.
Exactly manipulating things.
There are some very dark yeah.
They're-they're sacrificing babies, eating their blood, and they are they are.
I don't know if Asia is gonna feel comfortable or not with the snake lady All I know is, we have to make the show bigger.
So, I've been working on a new act - Yeah.
- On something a little more dangerous.
I had a scythe made.
Wow, nice! So, tomorrow, I'm gonna attempt to swallow this.
Holy shit, Morgue.
It's probably the most dangerous stunt I do, as in risking my life, because it actually pushes up against my heart.
I don't think it's been done.
I've never seen anybody swallow a scythe.
- I wanna do it.
- That would be huge.
- Surprise! - Hey, everybody! Hey! Surprise, surprise! Well, everybody, this is Genevieve.
Everybody say "hello.
" - Hello.
- Hi.
She's gonna be our new snake lady.
[indistinct cheers.]
- - I just personally wouldn't have chosen her as a performer to work with us.
I don't think that it's really gonna work out, and I don't think her performance really matches our show.
I've brought in Genevieve as the newest member to our family.
- Oh, welcome.
- Cool right now.
Uh, so, uh, everyone say "hello.
" This is my son, Phoenix he's the co-owner.
- This is my daughter, Asia.
- Hi, daughter Asia.
I don't think Asia was too happy about Genevieve being hired.
- And this is Morgue.
- Hi, Morgue.
Good morning.
I don't think she particularly cares for the way that Genevieve presents herself and performs.
So, everybody, she's gonna be here.
This is her first day.
She's gonna help us draw people in from the front.
- Yeah! - Girls, she is your sister.
Boys, watch it.
Yeah, you do have to remember that.
We just had to pick.
Okay well, we had to pick somebody.
We had to I needed a snake lady for the Wow! Wait, don't float away.
All right, folks are ya'll ready to see the world-famous, Venice Beach Freakshow? Make some noise! [audience cheering.]
We have finally expanded The Freakshow bigger than it's ever been before.
This is our grand re-opening! Come on.
Make some noise! [cheering.]
Folks, The Freakshow is alive.
Come on up.
It's time to go inside! This is a pig with one head on two bodies.
Now, folks, if ya'll would, ya'll come gather around here.
I wanna show you.
She's got one head, but she's got two bodies.
- Oh, my god! - Oh, my god! All right, folks.
Everybody, it is showtime, right now.
Give a big round of applause for Genevieve, the Serpentine Sorceress.
[cheers and applause.]
Yeah! This man is one of the most famous sword swallowers in the world.
Today, he's gonna attempt to swallow the scythe.
As he goes to swallow it, he must curve his body to accommodate it it will bump his heart.
It's gonna move other organs inside himself, and you're gonna see him twist.
This man is about to risk his life in front of your eyes.
This is probably the most dangerous stunt you will ever see.
[cheers and applause.]
- - Yeah! Okay, folks.
Our next guest, he's all the way from the U.
I've read about him in "The Guinness Book of World Records," All the "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" books.
He's known as the man with the stretchiest skin on Earth.
Give it up for Garry Stretch! [cheers and applause.]
Yeah! [cheers and applause.]
We're makin' history here at Venice Beach.
The Freakshow is alive It's a new era, for real.
[cheers and applause.]
It's not just my dream now It's everyone's dream.
Even when things get hard, I will keep striving, not just for me, but for the whole freakshow family.
Do you think we did a good job on expanding The Freakshow? [cheers and applause.]

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