He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021) s02e01 Episode Script

The World Above

1 [dramatic music.]
[exciting music.]
What now, Scoundrel? Do be mindful of the other kingdoms, won't you? How am I supposed to fight you without stepping on everyone else? A true king finds a way.
Excuse me, Avion.
Pardon me, Leviathae! I always told your mother you were born for diplomacy.
Why don't we talk to anyone from those places, ever? The people of Eternos had a bit of a[sighs.]
falling out with the Bird People and the Mer-folk after the Great War.
Don't soft-pedal it, Randy.
[uneasy music.]
See, nephew, King Hiss was going to use that sigil to create an eternal army of undead snake soldiers.
But Grayskull and his wondrous sword and castle stopped him.
Shouldn't everyone have been happy about that? Many wanted the power to raise the fallen soldiers over and over.
King Grayskull wouldn't let them have it.
Ultimate power corrupts ultimately.
Depends on the power, doesn't it? [ominous music.]
If only I knew then what I know now.
Becoming King is great.
But becoming a god does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it? With Grayskull destroyed, there will be no force on Planet Eternia Or anywhere else for that matter That can stand in your way, Lord Skeletor.
You might say that, with the power that sigil holds, I'd be the actual Master of the Universe! [evil laughter.]
[light music.]
Is it still good to be the king, sir? Never a bad day to be Stratos, Royal Guard number one.
This is the pose, right, for the "me" statue? Yes, sir.
It's nearly finished.
[bright music.]
Ah! On the real though, how was my approach on the way down? A little wobbly? Eh, it felt wobbly.
Not that I wobble.
I just don't want it to look like I wobble.
You know what? Royal decree.
The word wobble no longer exists.
Wobbling no longer exists, sir.
What is that? Fireworks?! I'm not late to the unveiling, am I? Stratos out! I didn't schedule any fireworks.
Did you? [dramatic music.]
Stratos out.
[music builds.]
[all exclaim.]
[all sigh.]
- [cracking.]
- [all gasp.]
[wheezy, shrill gasp.]
[dramatic music.]
Yeah! Um, sorry about your statue.
[both chuckle nervously.]
I have the Power! [singer.]
The Power is ours It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul The Power is ours It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul The Power is ours Hey, we'll find our purpose 'Cause we know we're worth it And we'll be remembered We are the defenders, defenders - Oh - We fight for the win We fight till the end - We fight for the win - The Power is ours It's in our soul They chuck us over, you think you'll still land on your feet? - [rocks clattering.]
- [wind howling.]
Ah if Adam doesn't sort this out, I fear we may learn the answer.
See, we were in this cosmic, eternal battle with each of our nemesis.
Nemesises? Nemeses? Nemesi.
That isn't a word.
[Stratos clears throat.]
It is now, sir.
Things went sideways, and we lost Eternos.
Then my uncle tried to destroy the castle.
So we moved it and wound up here? I guess now you're my nemesi.
[Stratos grunts.]
Skeletor is my nemesis.
- [grunts.]
Huh! - Ah! Just as the Beast Man is mine.
- Wait.
Why don't I have one? - [groans.]
I'm gonna need to speak to someone above you about this.
Where's your king? Hiding beneath the city back home.
I'm the next best thing right now.
- Here we go.
- Bother.
I am Adam, Prince of Eternos and defender of the secrets of Castle Eternos, that's easily 11 times worse than anywhere else you could have been from.
Call in the rest of the armada, turn that place to dust, and I don't know.
Toss them over the side after they rebuild my statue.
Huh? Nice work, Prince Adam.
It's my first diplomatic incident.
Potentially your last as well.
You know what? We'll just fire the old castle back up and have our ghost get us the heck out of here.
We'll be out of your feathers before you know it.
hey Guys[echoing.]
guys About that.
What do you mean Eldress is gone? Exactly what those words mean.
In that exact order.
How can she be gone? Isn't she a ghost, which is like already one degree of gone.
Specter or not, she is made of magic.
Perhaps she used all she had left to move the castle here.
Grayskull is connected to all the magic in the universe, right? So we'll find a way to bring her back.
We have to.
Until then, we need to find some way to leave Avion before Stratos destroys the castle.
Or we find some way to get them to let us stay until we can get Eldress back.
How? Do you know something about these birdbrains Language, Krass'tine.
That we don't? Yes.
Um I'm a bit of an amateur Avionologist.
Or as the Avion say, "Avionologist amateur.
" Ha.
[clears throat.]
Anything I don't know, I'm sure we can read about here in the archive.
Everybody, grab a book.
[pages fluttering.]
[dramatic music.]
If we're being mind-controlled, is me askin' this question even me askin' this question? Well, if Skeletor's doing the controlling, why would he need you to ask that question? He'd know.
But is that your answer, Baddrah, or is that his answer? Ta! You've blown me mind, Tuvar.
Or did he? Turn those frowns upside down, citizens of Eternos.
[Beast Man roars.]
[indistinct chatter.]
I'm here to stay.
They don't seem particularly excited at the prospect.
Once I find that sigil, they won't have a choice.
No one will.
Reality itself will bend to my will.
No sense conquering the universe on an empty stomach, right? [Skeletor.]
Trap-Jaw! Get to work on those new weapons of war I've requested.
But I was gonna - [Trap-Jaw groaning.]
- [Beast Man growling.]
I'd like to show the rest of Eternia how Skeletor's Eternos truly rolls.
Thank you for the roasted flesh.
Yes, Lord Skeletor.
[uneasy music.]
It's a bit early the overthrowing process to be showing off, isn't it? We're going to be scouring Eternia for that Sigil of Hiss.
Might as well look good while we are doing it.
[drone buzzing.]
Oh, Beastie my bestie, fetch.
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear [growls.]
[suspenseful music.]
[grunts, snorts.]
Oh! Oh, thank goodness.
All this cloak and dagger is too much for me to handle.
You're doing great, Ork-O.
- Ork-O.
- That's what I said.
Were you able to use that recording spell you discovered? What's my brother's next move? He's planning on going after something called the [Skeletor's recorded voice.]
Sigil of Hiss.
That doesn't sound good.
My brother cannot be allowed to find that artifact.
Can you get word to Adam and the others? I can try.
Look, I'll just have the masons' guild build me a new statue.
Can your people just come back outside so we can throw them over and get this over with? Get what over with? Something that's a little bit demonstration and a little bit threat.
And an awesome show of power, sir.
What he said.
Wait for it [boom.]
Oh! [dramatic music.]
What was that?! Same thing we're going to do to the island your castle is on.
Give them enough of a push and these rocks drop like uh, rocks.
Ah, the explosives are being placed below us as we speak, King Stratos.
[distant boom.]
Was that an explosion I just heard? That would be the "classic show of Avion might" this book talks about, I think.
I can't really make sense of a lot of it.
Keep using the translation key Duncan wrote out for us.
He won't let us down.
Ah, the Prince of Eternos appreciates your patience as he consults, um consultants about the current situation.
This ground dweller seeks to offend us.
No! No, no, no, no, no, no.
I love Avion culture and language.
See? [clears throat.]
- Et voila! - Aah! - Et voila to you, sir! - Aah! Everybody now, et et voila! What exactly do you think you're saying when you say that? "There it is"? [Stratos whispers.]
I am so sorry.
[Cringer roars.]
Per Avion custom and our Man-At-Arms Duncan's translation Oh, um, hey, guys, I might not have known as many words as I thought.
Cut it.
Cut it.
The people of Eternos challenge you to Course Aerien.
Oh [laughs.]
And what will the prize be? Sanctuary.
I've never lost Course Aerien.
Maybe that's just because you've never been challenged by He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
Should I have been? Are they inside your castle too? By the power of Grayskull! [all.]
I have the power! - [Battle Cat roars.]
- We have the power.
The power of Grayskull.
I thought my Red Legion destroyed the castle and the brats along with it.
There is still plenty of undiscovered Grayskull artifacts in the Eternian Wilds, Lord Skeletor.
Someone probably activated one by accident.
Hmm, perhaps.
[epic music.]
King Stratos, let's get this fight over with.
Course Aerien isn't a fight.
And it's one on one.
Royal versus royal.
Then what did I just challenge you to? [dramatic music.]
I am the wind.
The wind is me.
And the wind is awesome.
[Ram Ma'am.]
You don't think he'll win, do you? I mean, I can't, you know, fly.
Given what we know about your strength, the checkpoints for the race are at reasonable enough intervals for you to jump from each one to the next.
Duncan, I can't fly.
[Battle Cat.]
In a pinch, use your sword.
To fly?! [clank, whoosh.]
- [Adam.]
Um - Ready, set, go! Stratos out! No fair! [both gasp, laugh.]
[Stratos laughs.]
[He-Man screams.]
- Oh! - Whoa.
This is gonna be an absolute breeze.
[dramatic music.]
Ha ah! - Ha ha! - Aah! Looks like we're neck and neck, King Stratos.
Only counts if you pass through every checkpoint, Prince Adam.
[He-Man screams.]
- Ha-ha! - Nice.
[electric crackling.]
[dramatic music.]
Whoa! Whoa! - Whoa, indeed.
- I knew he'd be fine.
Record time.
I-I guess that one's on me.
Permission to save your kingdom, King Stratos.
You can do that? [exciting music.]
- Whoo! - Hoo-hoo! Nice race, Your Majesty.
I still won.
But I think you guys can stay.
For a little while at least.
[Krass sighs.]
[He-Man sighs.]
Grayskull lives to fight another day.
What's next? A nap? [sighs.]
Not yet.
We find a way to break Skeletor's havoc-hold on my dad's army so we can liberate the city and rescue my dad, Ork-O, and Teela.
So no nap then? [Teela.]
Adam, Grayskull.
Can you hear me? Eldress! That isn't Eldress.
So Teela's ghost now too? No, I'm not a ghost.
I just couldn't reach Eldress.
So I'm trying harder to reach you.
Did something happen to my dad? Ork-O, the king, and me, we're all safe for now.
But no one else will be if Skeletor finds the Sigil of Hiss.
What's the Sigil of Hiss? [Beast Man chuckles.]
Let's go! [Beast Man snarls.]
Beast Man to Skelly, Randor and the witch are still in the city.
How very interesting.
Happy hunting.
[Beast Man roars.]
[intense music.]
[dramatic music.]

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