Maestro (2022) s02e01 Episode Script


Here's to you!
He was in Paxos for a while.
I visited him there
to tell him I was pregnant.
We were separated.
Is he from Paxos?
No, he was there for a festival.
He's a musician.
When did you two come back here?
Five or six months ago.
I was three months pregnant then.
Now I'm close to my due date.
Do you want
to raise this child as a couple?
That's why we're here.
Well, why I'm here.
Sorry. He's always late.
He promised he'd come,
so let's just wait for a bit.
Should I go outside?
No, it's fine. We've got time.
Since it's our first session,
we should get to know each other.
Why couples therapy
and not individual therapy?
Because I want us
to raise our child together.
At least at the beginning.
- Do you have an open marriage?
- No.
We have a strange marriage.
We found a convenient space in each other.
That much is clear.
And now we're trying
to find a place for this child.
- That's why I wanted to come here.
- Does becoming a mother scare you?
No, I'm very practical and reasonable.
It's in my nature.
You'll never see me break down
or get hysterical.
I can't stand weak women.
I'm so sorry.
It's not right to keep you waiting.
No worries. Let's wait for him.
Which island were you on?
He's not answering.
I've heard it's beautiful.
I'd like to go sometime.
I've seen pictures,
and it seems like paradise.
I didn't have a great time there.
It really is like paradise,
but I had a hard time.
It's a tiny community.
Small-town mentality.
The moment you give birth
to a child, everything changes.
When a mother realizes
her baby is in danger,
she'll do anything to protect them.
That's what nature tells us.
But we humans
have created societies with different laws
that go against nature.
My Antonis?
My Antonis?
We confuse what is right
and what is wrong for our child.
Our limitations keep us
from seeing clearly.
And that's when we feel weak.
And so alone.
Ever since I was a girl,
I've been putting out fires.
I keep the balance.
I agree to everything.
I do things right.
I have always been there
to help others get ahead.
But something went wrong.
I thought I was the one putting out fires,
but maybe I'm the one
who allowed them to spread.
I did what I had to do to save our son!
We're here because of you, you asshole.
And you're not to blame?
I did it all by myself?
How is our son going to live?
He killed someone. What is he going to do?
Stop shouting! It was an accident.
You'd have done the same.
They haven't found a body.
They won't look for him.
Antonis is a grown man.
He'll get through this.
Just make sure
your boyfriend doesn't talk.
And that no one finds out.
Our son's safety depends on you.
So stop being hysterical,
and get a hold of yourself.
I lash out at him,
but the truth is that I blame myself.
A passive person like me
might actually be more dangerous.
I try to wash away my guilt.
But it's too late.
A few days later,
they found Charalambos's boat
in the middle of the sea.
Without Charalambos on it.
He's now considered missing.
Events like this cause turmoil
in small communities.
For some.
I read somewhere
that our children do not belong to us.
We may give them our love
but not our thoughts.
They have their own ideas.
Their own souls.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
Life does not go backwards
nor does it linger on yesterday.
So, do you trust me?
Not at all.
Is it too late to change that?
Is that why we're here?
This conversation
can't happen at home
or in the presence of anyone else.
Anything we say here stays between us.
And I'll never talk about it again.
Got it?
You don't need to say anything.
It's me who wants to talk.
I need to.
So please just hear me out.
I have no idea how you're feeling.
And I'd do anything
to get you out of this situation.
I don't want you
to carry this burden alone.
I know it's a lot to ask,
but please try to understand
that you are not alone.
It's the two of us here.
It was self-defense.
- Antonis, please!
- I'm not discussing this with you.
We don't have to talk about it.
I want to
I don't want to hear it!
For fuck's sake! Shut up!
Don't ever bring this up again.
All right. I'm sorry.
He shouldn't have told you.
He's such an asshole!
He promised he wouldn't say anything.
I don't want anyone to know.
Not Klelia, Grandma, or anyone else.
Do you understand?
No one will find out.
But I'll go crazy
if you have to deal with this on your own.
So you want to talk it out?
Have a little chat?
Exchange apologies and go to therapy?
I just want to help.
Don't bring this up ever again.
That's how you can help.
You have my word.
I'll be here to help you.
He was so evil,
he'd have killed his own child!
I know what kind of a man he was.
Hi, honey. Have you heard the news?
What news?
They found Charalambos's boat.
He's missing. He probably drowned.
Kiki just called and told me.
Yeah, I heard.
It's too bad.
But he did abuse his family,
so he did them a favor by leaving.
One less evil person in our society.
I should be congratulating Maria.
May God have mercy on the bastard's soul.
Are you hungry?
Mom, what are you doing?
Nothing. I'll just lay here
and read my book.
- Am I bothering you?
- Yes.
You don't need
to tell me why you feel like shit.
But you shouldn't be alone.
Get some sleep.
Mom, can you go, please?
Sofia, I'm the best company
you could have right now.
That's the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Mom, go.
Can I read you something?
It's excellent.
No. I want you to go.
Listen. I love how he puts this.
"Our children do not belong to us."
"We may give them our love
but not our thoughts."
"You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you."
Enough with the philosophical crap, Mom!
I told you to go away!
You've all become such jackasses.
Go to hell.
I'm a burden to my children too.
The same way that my mother is to me.
A burden and a need.
I wish I were a little stronger.
I wish I could react.
It's a girl.
I wanted a boy, but it's a girl.
Why did you want a boy?
Because we can't have
the typical mother-daughter relationship.
Why not?
I'm missing a lot of traits
that are often associated with women.
I don't have the same issues.
Insecurities, codependent relationships,
complicated emotions.
I'm more of a clean-cut person.
To be honest, I pity women
who constantly need to be rescued.
Is that cliché?
A bit, yes.
I just mean I won't be the first
or the last woman to give birth.
I don't feel special.
I'm tidying up.
I want to machine-wash the curtains
and covers.
They'll be cleaner that way.
It's a bit lighter.
I want to do something about the basement.
Everything is so moldy.
The tree roots
have destroyed the storage room.
It needs plastering and cleaning.
I don't know where to start.
His rifle isn't in the storage room.
So where is it?
Did he take it?
If it's not there, maybe.
Are you sure, Spyros?
Yeah, Mom. What are you talking about?
Relax. Come here.
What do you think happened?
How should I know?
He's involved in all sorts of things.
What should we do now?
Do you think he'll be back?
I don't know.
Can I tell you something
that I'm ashamed of?
You don't need to.
I already know.
I want the investigation to continue.
We have to do all we can.
We owe it to his wife and son.
Any news from Italy or Albania?
No, and even if they do find him,
the fish will have eaten him.
Let's be real here.
I can't believe this happened.
And Orestis?
He helped them.
That's why he left?
He was close by.
He heard everything and went to see.
He called Fanis.
You could have gone to the police.
It would have made sense.
Made sense for whom?
I don't want to hurt you or your son.
For years, Fanis
has worked multiple side jobs.
- Illegal ones?
- Yes.
He's not the only one.
The boat company in Corfu is a front.
He's trafficking.
Charalambos was his right-hand man.
His clients are Italian, and he's in deep.
Very deep.
I knew he drank.
I knew he sometimes got violent.
I knew everything.
I only let him work for me
every once in a while
so that he'd have some extra cash.
For Maria's sake.
How could I have known?
I'm worried about his son.
I've known him
since he was a baby.
He is like a brother to my son.
It's so hard,
what that kid has to deal with.
My son and Charalambos's kid are together.
Fanis tried to put an end to it.
They got caught in the middle,
and now all this is happening
so that no one finds out about Fanis.
How involved are you?
I let it happen.
Do you want to report it?
Yes. But I won't.
I can only hope
that Charalambos is never found,
that this all blows over,
and that my son recovers.
If that's possible.
I want us to also look in Parga
and anywhere Charalambos did business.
Let's hope we find him somewhere.
It's your life.
You can go on with it as you see fit.
Would you have acted differently
in my position?
I'd never be in your position.
I should have told you long ago.
You were right not to say anything.
I won't go to the police,
and I won't create problems for you,
your son, Fanis, or anyone else.
Thank you.
This is all so unfamiliar to me.
What about us?
Am I unfamiliar too?
I am deeply in love with Michalis.
He's good for me.
But I am not.
He fell in love with the wrong person.
He was in the wrong place
at the wrong time.
He doesn't have anyone.
Only me.
What a shame.
After all these years,
I still haven't found a way to be happy.
You shouldn't be here.
No one saw me.
I have to go.
My mother is alone at home.
How is she?
Why? Can't I be here?
There's no reason to talk.
We shouldn't be seen together.
Why not?
We're friends.
People might get suspicious.
I just wanted to see you.
It's better if we don't have much contact.
I haven't slept at all.
Me neither.
It will pass.
You'll go to Athens,
and all of this will blow over.
We need to forget about this and move on.
Can you go now?
Will you join me in Athens?
I can't be alone anymore.
Really, I'm going crazy.
I'm not okay.
I can't help you.
If you can't, then who can, man?
We're in this together.
In what?
I want nothing to do with you.
I just want to focus on my life.
I don't want to get into situations
I need to think about my future.
Υianna is a good girl.
I want to have a quiet life with her.
And please, don't come back here.
We'll talk again
when all this is behind us.
Get out.
Take care.
Honey, I haven't been able to reach you.
I hope you get this message.
The therapist and I are waiting for you.
Her schedule is tight.
I hope you're okay. Get here soon.
I'm so sorry.
I don't know why he's so late.
Are there any protests downtown?
He fell in love.
It's natural.
With a 19-year-old.
You understand
Is that why you came back?
No, I would have anyway.
I felt sorry seeing him suffer like that.
A middle-aged man falling for a girl
who could be his daughter
is kind of a dead end, right?
So their relationship is over.
What did you expect?
Did you feel threatened by all this?
No. When he gets here,
you'll see that I didn't feel threatened.
I've got more important things
to deal with.
Klelia, hold on.
- Hi, Irini.
- Hi. How are you?
- Fine. You?
- Same old, same old.
- Send my congratulations to your father.
- Thanks.
Will you be auditioning
for the Conservatory?
Yeah. I hope I get in.
You will. When are you leaving?
After the inauguration.
- Could you do me a favor?
- Sure. What is it?
Give him this?
It's a present to thank him
for everything he did for us here.
He left suddenly,
and I didn't get a chance.
Who did?
It's a pair of glasses he really liked
and was supposed to pick up.
I don't have his address,
phone number, or email.
I don't know where to send them.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
I'm not going to see Orestis.
Why not?
Klelia, I'm sorry. I fucked up.
- It's okay.
- I'm stupid.
- Don't worry, it's fine.
- I thought that
You can call the Athens Conservatory.
I think they'll have his details.
Bye, Irini.
I'm here every day if you need me.
Drop by for a coffee.
Sure. Bye.
Hey, your hair looks great.
Thank you.
What are you doing here?
Just sitting.
Where's Dad?
At the office, I guess.
- I was waiting for you.
- Why?
I haven't been spending time
with you lately.
It's unfair, and I wanted to apologize.
That's okay.
You're not that helpful.
You only focus on Antonis, like always.
Do you really believe that?
Yes. His problems are always
more important because he's gay,
so he's the center of attention.
Plus, he's your favorite.
- Don't be mean.
- I'm not.
I'm jealous.
- There's no reason to be.
- What the hell happened?
- What's wrong with him?
- Ask him.
- He won't talk to me.
- He must have his reasons.
Ask away.
Give me some attention.
What can your daughter,
who you care so deeply about, tell you?
I'm all ears.
I'm doing great.
Okay, I was a little disappointed
because I got dumped by the only person
I ever loved, but fuck it.
I'll go to Athens, study,
live with Thanos, who is a hell of a guy,
and try to do everything
that I'm supposed to.
Aren't you doing the same?
Do you like my new haircut?
Nothing to say?
I've been drinking. I really shouldn't.
Gosh, Mom.
I've only got one question.
Don't you feel sorry for yourself?
I was very quiet as a child.
I never asked questions
or demanded anything.
I wanted others to do everything for me.
Some claim that it's healthier
to express your anger,
even if it isn't pretty.
I was never one of those people.
That's it. Yes! They rock!
Perfect. I nailed It!
- Did he talk to you?
- No.
Just leave him be. He's heartbroken.
What's that smell?
Cookies made with medical cannabis.
For Moulouchos's Katerina.
Chemo has wreaked havoc on her,
and her doctor suggested
alternative treatments for the pain.
I don't know if what they gave me
is actually medicinal, but who cares?
What the hell has gotten into them?
I stay out of it.
We all have our own way of dealing
with our issues.
Like you cutting your hair.
Don't you like it?
- No.
- So what?
You butchered your pretty hair.
You live in your own little world.
You're full of shit.
- What did you say?
- You heard me.
How dare you talk to me like that?
Who do you think I am?
One of your friends?
You should be ashamed.
Apologize immediately.
Sit down.
Sit down!
I'm sorry.
Can I go now?
This is Dionisis.
Who is Dionisis?
My great love.
And a huge fiasco.
He was my piano teacher.
He's the reason I went to Athens,
but I didn't know he had a family.
He failed me at the Conservatory.
I returned home devastated.
Two years later he divorced his wife
and came here to look for me,
but I was already married.
He stayed alone on the island
and died in my arms 50 years later.
I never got over him.
You're not the only one
who's ever been let down,
who's ever been angry.
These things happen in life.
But you don't need to behave like a brat.
This Orestis thing has broken you.
I know better than anyone.
The two of us are alike.
Were your parents involved
in an illegal business?
Were you proud of your father?
Did you feel sorry for your mom?
Then we're not alike.
It's not only because of Orestis
that I'm like this.
I'm so disappointed that I don't dare ask
what's going on in my own home.
I'm afraid I'll turn into them.
So let me be angry.
I think I have that right.
Do you regret not going back to him?
You just ruined any romantic notion
I might have had about you and Grandpa.
I'm sorry.
I'm not buying it.
They're covering it up.
There's no way he's missing.
They're involved with the Mafia.
I bet he's living it up in America.
Do you know what I don't get?
Why did that teacher leave so suddenly?
The mayor must have found out
about his daughter.
He really did pay for that festival.
His son is gay, and his daughter's a slut.
She's a cocktease, all right.
And her brother loves cock.
- Oh Sofia. Hi. How are you?
- Congratulations on Fanis's win.
How's your mom and the kids?
- No.
- Calm down.
We didn't say anything.
Are you crazy?
Litsa, do you have a broom?
Go get it, dear.
And put everything I threw on my tab.
Hi, Michalis.
Can I give you a lift?
No, thanks, I'd rather walk.
I wanted to thank you
for everything you haven't done.
I'm in a difficult spot.
We're trying to protect our children.
As you should.
But if you have nothing to tell me,
as mayor to doctor,
you'd better go.
I know how much you love her.
And I know that everything you do,
you do for her.
She won't be with me for long.
She'll go back to you soon.
I know her well.
I don't mind.
As long as you're discreet.
Excuse me?
If Sofia is okay,
then I'll also feel more secure.
I have a lot on my plate,
and an angry wife
isn't the best support system.
Aren't you ashamed at all, Fanis?
No. I'm a practical man.
Why would I be ashamed?
I've put up with it all this time.
Sofia will feel
like leaving me is a huge change,
while I couldn't care less.
What I do care about
is that no one finds out
and that you forget what you saw.
Or I'll have to take other measures.
If you were to talk,
you'd be destroying both Sofia and my son.
You wouldn't want that, would you?
An evil person can take many forms.
The worst are the likeable ones.
They never get violent,
they caress you and take care of you.
What they say makes sense.
You accept them, and they get you
to help them when they need you.
They say they're doing it all
for the family.
But the truth is that everything they do,
they do for themselves.
No matter the consequences.
Even after everything,
he's trying to find a way to carry on.
Is there anything more violent than that?
Not knowing when to stop?
That's who I've been with all these years.
A charming, ruthless asshole.
Who has now become dangerous.
Both for my children and for me.
Stop yelling. I said stop. Calm down.
I just want to talk.
If you wake up your mother,
I'll kill you both.
Do you miss me?
At least your life
was interesting while I was here.
You had something to run away from.
And now what?
Where are you off to?
I told you, I just want to talk.
Do you miss getting beaten up?
Did you get used to it?
You see? It's not easy.
Your body is asking for it.
I'm haunting you.
Me, your father. I'm haunting you.
I created you,
and you won't get rid of me that easily.
Got it, you bum?
I said it all along.
I'd rather see you in a coffin
than living as a homo.
Remember I told you that?
And where did that get me?
These are bad people, my boy.
What's that look for?
Because I called you "my boy"?
You're my kid.
You're my boy.
What is it?
You want me to say that I loved you?
Of course.
But you didn't like that.
You wanted me to show you.
So, what did it bring you?
You live in fear!
And who knows,
they may end up finding me eventually.
How many months
do you think I'll stay down there?
You're scared shitless.
You'll all go down for this.
But you know who they'll blame
if they ever find me. Right?
And that bastard teacher who helped you?
He skipped town!
You're on your own, Spyros.
On your own!
I'm visiting your mother now.
She needs this even more.
She'll get slapped around again.
What's the matter, Spyros?
I just had a nightmare.
Are you all right?
Yes. Come here.
I don't know what to tell you.
So if you knew, you'd tell me?
Of course.
I've done everything in my power
to get them to find something.
They won't find anything.
Did they kill him?
Maria, I honestly don't know.
It's been days.
Someone would've found something by now.
I'll keep you posted.
You have my word.
For now, the only thing we can do is hope.
Is my son involved in this?
Give me a straight answer.
What are you talking about?
It's too early to draw any conclusions
That's not what I asked.
I think you're being delirious,
but that's understandable.
I would never put your child in danger.
I'm not that kind of person.
I have kids too,
and you know how much I love them.
Are you sure?
About my children?
That you aren't that kind of person.
If you keep acting like this,
people will get suspicious.
Go outside. Let people see you.
Have fun.
Pretend nothing serious happened.
My inauguration is coming up.
After that,
you and your sister will go to Athens.
Your plans can't change at all.
And no one can find out.
This will all be forgotten.
Don't be scared.
They won't find him.
I guess it's over with Spyros.
I'm so sorry it ended this way.
But don't let a weakness
put you in danger.
You've risked enough.
Move on and don't look back.
You can live however you want in Athens,
away from everyone.
Whatever you need, I'll be here.
But please, for everyone's sake,
go outside and let them see you're okay.
You're just heartbroken.
That's what everyone must think.
These things happen.
He needed to talk
to someone that he really loves.
I swear to be faithful to my country,
to obey the Constitution and the law.
I would like to wholeheartedly thank you
for your trust in me
and for being here today.
Friends, having fought all these years
against all kinds of adversity,
I've come to realize that real change
only comes through hard work,
putting aside
any selfishness or self-interest.
With a strong sense of responsibility,
regarding both my new duties
and the goals we'll set together,
I promise you that I'll devote myself
and do everything in my power
to turn our island
into the place that we all dreamed of.
Lastly, I would like
to thank my family with all my heart.
I wouldn't have achieved anything
without them.
My Sofia
and my children who couldn't be here
because they've gone off to college.
They're growing up and moving on,
just like everyone else's children.
But that's why we do everything we do.
For our children.
Fuck it.
There is nothing more neurotic
than trying to achieve a level
of happiness that is not your own.
That's what I did.
I had a marriage, two kids,
I lived a life others wanted.
However, my biggest fear
was always being alone.
And out of that fear
I made the biggest mistakes.
And I paid for them.
We said two hours, right?
It's been more than an hour
and I feel bad.
- No, there's no need to.
- He knows how important this is to me.
Why is it important to you?
Because I've stood by him
in way more extreme situations
than a therapy session.
- Do you think he's afraid of you?
- Yes.
Because he needs me.
And what about you? What do you need?
To have this child
and for it to have a father.
I could easily have it by myself,
and he'd never see it.
I can give birth to it,
raise it, do whatever I want.
I am perfectly capable.
I don't need him.
But I chose to have it with him,
and I will.
Do you think you'd be capable
of using your child
to keep this man by your side?
And I want
all these unpleasant feelings to go away.
To be able to live like normal people,
so that I don't reach that point.
So you don't just want him
as your child's father,
but as your partner too.
What's the role of that girl in all this?
She's a pretty, indifferent girl.
- What if she came back into his life?
- She'd leave again shortly afterwards.
Mrs. Nakou,
what do you think
your husband loves the most?
- Does that make you jealous?
- I'm indifferent to it.
So you are not in any way connected
to that part of him.
Stop! Guys, stop.
You You don't listen to each other.
It's extremely important
to listen to each other.
You need to come in more sharply.
You're not in sync.
Let's start again from the second part.
And not so much vibrato this time.
It ruins the tonality.
Come on, let's go again.
The third part, a bit further back, okay?
More marcato.
Let's go.
He's a conductor at the Conservatory.
I got him the job.
He's a bit obsessive about music,
so it helps him blow off steam.
His love for music
Do you think his obsession will make him
put music before you and the child?
He's untouchable.
Incapable of being a companion.
He finds it difficult to live with people.
It's a disability, I'd say.
All these 5/4 beats are very difficult
and require perfect timing.
They resemble traditional Greek beats,
and that's why
they demand dancing precision.
So, please, listen to each other.
And, Nikos! Listen! Or look at me!
But do something!
And, Yiorgos. Sharper with the bow.
From the second part again. Come on.
And listen to each other.
Let's go.
He's rented an office
and shuts himself off in there.
It's better than having him
around the house all day.
But he comes home in the evening.
We both have our own schedules and spaces.
But he always comes home.
Not that I'd mind if he didn't come home.
We're past that.
Mrs. Nakou, he probably won't come.
You know that.
Yes, I'm so sorry.
You knew all along that he wasn't coming.
He doesn't even know that you're here.
Is that right?
I'm not sure what scares you the most.
The fact this child is coming,
or that you may have broken up
and don't want to accept it?
In either case,
your actions are leading you
towards what you fear the most,
being alone.
Two hundred euros?
I don't know what happened on the island
that brought you so close to your husband
or drove you even further apart,
but it's not a healthy relationship.
If he really was my partner,
I would have been able to ask him to come.
If he really was your partner,
maybe neither of you would need to come.
I liked that last remark.
Where were you?
The office, appointments
- Are you going out?
- No.
Should I order in?
The countdown begins
for the same-sex marriage bill.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis is holding
a press conference on Wednesday.
What will the bill stipulate
on adoption and surrogacy
When is the concert?
In a few days. Are you coming?
I'll see.
- Isn't Klelia coming to the school?
- I have no idea.
She must be in Athens.
- Won't she be taking the exams?
- I don't know. I haven't looked into it.
If she comes, you should make sure
she doesn't get into the school.
- So you're not in contact with her.
- Who said that she'd even want to?
If you weren't so infinitely stupid,
you'd understand what I mean.
I can't afford
to get into any more trouble.
And I won't cover for you again.
I want nothing to do
with that fucking island.
Make sure she fails.
Yes, ma'am.
Do you care at all
that we're about to have a child?
Would I be here if I didn't?
Then, we're clear.
What's with the eggs
they threw last night?
What eggs?
- Someone threw eggs at our front door.
- I have no idea.
I'm not going to the concert.
For fuck's sake.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
There is nothing more neurotic
than trying to achieve a level
of happiness that is not your own.
That's what I did.
However, my biggest fear
was always being alone.
But after all,
I was probably more alone than I feared.
And out of that fear
I made the biggest mistakes.
I'm paying for them.
Demosthenes, it's out of your hands now.
Weren't you looking forward
to your retirement? Why not get some rest?
Because the guy got two bullets.
He was obviously murdered.
Why not look into it?
He's been missing in Paxos for months.
Give me that file.
What you did was illegal.
He's not the first or last dope dealer.
Why do you care?
I've got way more important cases
to deal with.
Fine, I can look into it myself.
I'll be discreet.
Why can't you just get some rest?
If you tell me one more time to rest,
I swear to God, I'll smack you.
Go to hell! You little shit!
I taught you all you know. You owe me.
You were never here,
and I didn't know you took the file.
You're on your own.
If you get anywhere, let me know.
Subtitle translation by: John Michalis
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