Men of a Certain Age s02e01 Episode Script

If I Could, I Surely Wood

Last season, on "Men of a Certain Age" people getting worse? No, I gotta go.
Don't get me wrong, Marcus is a winner.
Who's that? Hey, so listen the new What the hell are you doing here? and settle up.
I don't care why you are over here, you can't come over here, okay? You have no idea, how much work it takes to be an actor.
Hey, it's just a number, my friends.
Just a Oh.
And try something else.
- Oh, thank you.
- Good to see you.
I want to introduce to you the new guy, his name is Therry.
Stop, .
You may actually have a shot.
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes, I would, if I could, I surely would, I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, - Yes, I would, - Good morning.
if I could, This is daddy's new pump.
No more needles for daddy.
I surely would.
Away, I'd rather sail away, like a swan, that's here and gone.
A man gets tied up to the ground, he gives the world its saddest sound, - its saddest sound - Come on! I'd rather be a forest than a street, ♪ yes, I would, ♪ ♪ if a could, ♪ I surely would.
Hey! Good morning, boss.
- Hi.
What's up? - Hi.
My son is in Lucy's class? Danny? - Yes, yes.
- Danny's mom.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
How's it goin'? Danny says you're on the senior tour? Trying.
Trying not on it yet.
Actually got a long way to go before I'm ready.
Plus, you got to be 50, and that's way couple months away.
Well, see you on campus.
Bye, Joe.
- Oh, goodbye - Stephanie.
- Stephanie and Bonnie.
- Stephanie and Bonnie.
Got it.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
You don't have to know all the moms' names But you should at least know the single ones.
When I grow up to be a man, will I dig the same things that turn me on as a kid? Will I look back and say, that I wish I hadn't done what I did? Will I joke around, and still dig those sounds will I still joke around when I grow up to be a man? And still dig those sounds.
No, look, I'm not saying you had anything to do with it.
I'm just saying that you were a dick in my dream.
I've had that dream.
More coffee? Yeah.
Let him have his coffee 'cause he's still getting his body clock adjusted to "having a job" time.
Here you go, Ter.
Thank you, Laura.
Anybody else? No.
I'm okay, thanks.
All right.
So you're hitting the range a lot these days, huh? Yeah, yeah, doing my thing.
Let me ask you I'm there, right? These two single moms from the school come by.
Well, how do they know I'm separated from Sonia already? What is there, a sense of a smell I give off? Well, they have to look past the smell, but, shit, yeah! It's a radar that they have.
Come on.
You're on the market, you got to get used to it.
They never even looked at me before, and now they're all Flirty.
It's crazy.
Well, it could be all in your head.
Although there's probably not enough room, with all the other crazy shit going on up there.
Yeah, no.
Anyway, I'm not gonna do start a whole whatever.
You don't have to marry them.
Just get in, get out.
That's that's creepy with the lean and the inflection.
Look, he's right, though.
You can't turn into a hermit now, Joe.
Your divorce is finalizing.
You gotta be out there.
Plus, you already got back on the horse with Dori.
Yeah, and the horse left and kicked me right in the nuts.
So find a new horse.
No, no.
I'm not gonna get into a whole thing that isn't gonna go anywhere.
Plus, I just I need my space.
Okay? That, I can understand.
I mean, I got a lot on my own plate now.
Trying to learn the ropes at his place Hmm, I'm still hungry.
You know what? I'm in the mood for something chocolate, I think.
Let me Hmm.
Come on.
For real? It's your future, too, a-holes.
My future's a fake nose and glasses? Oh, funny.
That's funny.
I'm trying to think of who you look like.
Just let it go.
All right? You know, really.
Let it go.
This is how it is.
How bad is it? No, I'm not kidding.
How bad? I know I don't have a glasses head, and this is why I kept putting the shit off.
You look fine.
It's Papillon.
- What? - You're Dustin Hoffman when he was Papillon.
First of all, Steve McQueen was Papillon.
Okay? Not Dustin Hoffman.
Yeah, and Hoffman had thick, round glasses in that movie.
Yeah, but still, I'm gonna call you Papillon.
Papillon didn't wear glasses.
The guy who wore the glasses wasn't called Papillon.
Yeah, but you still get it.
- No, you don't get it.
- No, you look fine.
Okay? Just relax.
Take this.
All right, how 'bout this? How 'bout I buy you dessert in honor of your dying eyes? No.
I forgot I can't get dessert, so forget it.
What do you mean, you can't get dessert? I made a bet on the range today.
A bet? Not a bet bet, a, you know, "in my mind" bet.
I tried to hit the 100-yard marker.
I gave myself 10 shots.
And I couldn't do it.
And that's what I bet.
I bet No sweets for a week.
A week.
Damn it.
I couldn't find my 9-iron.
I left it at the hotel when I moved out, and that's why.
I would have hit a punch 9- iron to that damn target.
So no dessert.
Not for me.
I, uh, I gotta go.
- Come on, come on, come on.
I gotta go.
- What, what, what? I still got 20 minutes.
Right, boss? Um Yeah.
What happened to "space"? I don't need as much as you.
- Was that you? - Yeah.
I'm sorry.
I gotta go.
Well, you don't actually mean right this second, do you? - Because - I know.
Me too.
But I absolutely Have to be back By 1:30, because I have a sales meeting and after that I'm up.
If I'm not back Another salesman may get my customer.
Look, I'm really trying to do this right.
Owen got me this job as a big favor.
So when you said that you only had 20 minutes, you meant exactly 20 minutes.
I thought I could make it work.
I really can't.
Can you drive me? Guys, um This is one sorry-ass board.
Congrats, if you want to call it that, go to Carl, taking the crown with 9! Oh.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Uh, look, um, I know.
It's been a couple weird months.
A lot of transition.
So, Marcus quitting like a little bitch We're calling that a transition got it.
So, anyway, um You know, I was thinking all last night about what to say to you guys today.
And, uh, here it is.
We're a team.
We're gonna win a lot of championships.
All right.
Let's go.
Phones in here.
Aw, come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
Let's go.
It's only gonna be a few minutes.
Okay? So, once again Team, us.
And I want to make sure that the game plan I have come up with, is something that you're all on board with, okay? I want to discuss it.
Get your input.
Get us all working together.
Now, there's never gonna be a perfect system, where everybody here is 100% happy with everything.
Oh, don't mind me.
I'm just getting something from my office.
You know what? I don't want to keep everybody off the floor, so we'll cover this stuff later, okay? So, uh, let's go hoo! Sell some cars! Yeah! Yeah! Great.
So, you ever bang anyone famous? Sorry.
You ever make love to anyone famous? I'm not sure how many times we have to go over this, but I'm not really into discussing my sex life with you guys.
What's the big deal? Was she really famous? Or was he? - Oh, shit.
- Good stuff.
- Uh, hey, fellas.
- Oh, what's up, boss? Um, you know, I don't want to be a dick, but, um, how 'bout some cold-calling? Mm.
[ chuckling .]
Let me call you back on that.
Yeah, right, but, um, seriously.
Here we go, "o.
" Who's up? Uh, you are, if you can sell cars to the homeless.
Uh, but if you will excuse me.
Why don't we, uh, let Terry take this one? But I'm up.
Yeah, well, there you go.
Maybe he's a millionaire in disguise.
- Hey, I-I'm cool with either customer.
- Take the lady.
Hey, there.
I'm Terry.
- Can I answer any questions for you? - As a matter of fact, you can.
My son told me about a new model of car you have - called a Cruze? - Well, sure.
- It's right here.
- Ah.
Of course.
This car gets great mileage.
You can go 550 miles on a tank.
That's round-trip to Vegas Or or 50 trips to Encino, depending on what you're into.
Well, that all sounds good.
Is that the price? Uh, basically, yes.
Should we go in there to take care of everything? Absolutely.
I don't know why you guys keep selling these things.
We're gonna run out of oil in June! June! Yeah, we're all just crazy, I guess.
- Yep.
- It's the only way.
Yeah, I know.
I just want to double-check with my son, and I'll be back tomorrow.
Don't go buying it from somebody else, though.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- What happened? - She wanted to check with her son about the trunk space.
But don't worry.
She's coming back.
Dude, they never come back.
Look, I know the conventional wisdom and all that.
This is different.
You know, for a guy who hasn't made a sale "o" I've been here a while now.
Right? I know how you guys do things, and that's totally valid.
But at its heart, this is and I know people, right? And I know people.
Ah, then you know how pissed off I am right now.
All I can tell you is I'm doing my best.
- Right.
- And I'm gonna come through for you.
I promise.
Trust me.
But I gotta do it my way.
Okay? Can we can we at least agree on that? - Okay, okay.
- Okay.
All right.
The millionaire spit on me.
Um, I wouldn't worry too much about the numbers, daddy.
Homeless guy out there says we're gonna run out of oil in June.
Anyway, um, you know, Terry's still getting adjusted, and weather-wise we're getting screwed.
Well, I think it's pretty simple, son.
You got to get Marcus back.
As far as your friend goes I can't do that, daddy.
Well You're the boss.
Hey, boss.
What's shakin'? Not much.
Not much.
Well, don't let me interrupt.
I'm gonna run a comb through this, grab some coffee.
"Greek mythology", you're reading that, huh? - Yeah.
- What about the, uh, Sisyphus guy? - You get to him yet? - Yeah.
He was kind of an idiot.
What? He was a guy putting his head down, doing his job, you know? Just pushing that rock.
Yeah, but it was kind of a dumb guy who screwed around all the time, so the gods punished him by giving him that job.
Well, that's Is that right? Do you want me to drive you? - Let's go.
- Waiting for you.
Bye, dad.
I took $10 off your dresser for lunch.
All right.
Well, you stole from me.
See you Tuesday.
Oh, hey, you got Dr.
Schneider today, Albert.
Don't forget.
Oh, I know.
All right, bye! Don't let me see those Friday morning.
I see those out on Friday, I swear, I knock 'em over.
Send a little message.
What's that? What's that message? The message is, get off your lazy ass and bring in the empties.
You're uglying up my neighborhood.
But I'm not talking about your cans, Joe, because I know you're not gonna piss me off like that.
And do people know it's you knocking over cans? Oh, yeah.
I'm kind of like the Mayor around here.
Me and Bullethead, we keep an eye on the quality-of-life stuff garbage, picking up dog crap.
Trust me.
Every neighborhood should have one of me.
Come on, let me give you a quick tour.
I'll show you what's what.
Ah, no, I gotta get to the store.
I'm good.
I know my way around now.
No, you don't.
Come on, it's morning.
Let me show you where to get coffee.
I got a I You drink coffee, Joe? One guy left his sprinklers on all night.
I knocked his cans over.
It's not about the garbage, Joe.
It's about the message.
Okay, this dry cleaner I bring my stuff to? Older couple I think they're Jewish.
They got the thing in the door, and they're always yellin'.
Anyway, man, they're good.
Any stain I got, they can handle it.
No questions asked.
Here we go.
Get up.
I'm telling you The guy makes a good cup of coffee.
Even if I hate the prick.
Every morning I come in here, we make eye contact I gotta say good morning to him before he says it to me.
Every time.
You know what? Not today.
I ain't sayin' it.
And he don't say it first, I'm throwing that coffee right on the floor, 'cause that's bullshit.
As far as bars go, Mulligan's is kind of my home turf.
They got the big screens, and the waitresses are hot.
Even the ugly one.
Hey, what are you doing tonight? We should go watch eagles-giants.
Hey, listen.
I can't hang out with you.
I'm on the wagon now You know, gambling-wise And I got my life I- I got it moving forward.
I got things under control.
So Sorry.
I just I gotta draw the line With you.
Well, I'm not gonna bullshit you, Joe.
That hurt my feelings.
- Well, no, come on.
I mean - You understand, Joe? I don't need your action.
I got plenty of dipshits I'm doing business with.
I just want to hang out, 'cause we had some laughs.
I thought we could do it again, but if you're gonna get all "woe is me," then forget about it.
Look, I-I'm sorry.
I'm just I'm just talking about throwing some darts, drinking a beer, watching the game.
Nobody's talking about gambling.
- I know, I know, but - You know what gambling we'd do? A couple of desperate women walk in, we play a little skank roulette.
All right, look, look.
If you're just talking about going and having some fun, then all right.
All right.
It might be good.
- So you'll be there? - Yeah.
All right.
I'll go.
You're definitely gonna be there? 'cause I'm gonna shower, and I hate showerin' for nothin'.
I'll be there.
All right! - Thattaboy, Joe.
- Yeah.
You are sick.
What? You are sick.
You ugly in the face.
What? Don't give me that, Mahmood.
You should be more polite to people.
You are the impolite one.
You are no one to yell at me about my actions.
- This is my store.
- I'll yell all I want.
How about I yell immigration, huh? - How'd you like that? - I'm a legal citizen.
Hey, Joe.
Mulligan's tonight.
- I'm buyin'.
- All right.
Say hello to me! Um, you know what? I want to tell you.
When I was in high school, I was in "Godspell.
" I played Judas.
And I got quite my share of strange.
I don't belong here.
What? I don't belong here.
No, you're right.
I can't do sales my way.
Because there is no "my way.
" There's your way, there's the right way, and then there's me.
and the combo I it just isn't working.
I'm trying.
I it just ain't me.
Right? Believe me, I wish it was.
I wish I could manipulate people into deals and not feel shitty about it like you guys.
I appreciate that you took a chance on me, but I think we both know now that this this was a bad idea.
I I'm not gonna leave you hangin'.
I'll stick until you can find a replacement, but Thanks.
- Well - Thank you for the opportunity.
Guess I'm back to being the best-looking guy here.
Since you quit, you're gonna, what, share custody of me? No.
I told you.
We're totally cool.
He knows that I appreciate everything, and I'm gonna be there for him until he finds a replacement.
It's just I'm trying to make it easy for him, 'cause the whole boss thing is kicking his ass a little.
- What are you gonna do next? - I am gonna Not think about what I'm gonna do next.
You just blew my mind.
- You're welcome.
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, hey, I like your pendant.
- Is that Me & Ro? - Good eye.
I got it before all the celebrities, I'll have you know.
Hey, have you been to that little place on Hyperion that has those studded bracelets? - You'd love those.
- I do love those.
She's not here, the other one? The what's her name? - I guess she's not working.
- Laura? No, Laura's not working.
Gonna see her tonight.
For more than 20 minutes.
It's just sex, Joe.
- You should give it a try.
- Yeah, yeah.
The whole "bang, zoom" it's How do you look at yourself in the mirror after? Seriously.
I do not bang and zoom.
- You know, I get it.
I like women.
- Yeah.
I just I don't like to hurt 'em, and you do, I guess.
- Oh.
Now I like to hurt women? - Well, kind of, in the long run.
- You know? - You are funny Father Joe.
What about the hygienist? Hmm? - You had sex on a first date.
- That's just it.
We Dori and I we connected.
You know, there was something I wasn't gonna.
I gotta feel something.
I gotta feel a connection.
That's just it.
I'm not like you.
I don't bang-zoom.
Yeah, I guess I should just accept it.
I I I like to hurt women, and you like to marry them.
No, I'm not ready for that again.
How do you look at yourself in the mirror, though? Naked, usually.
That's all you got? No, my mind just completely shut down.
Hey, Mr.
That hotel you used to live at left a message.
They said they have your 9-iron or something.
Oh, yeah? Ohh.
Damn it.
I just drove by there on the way back from lunch.
Yeah, okay.
All right.
I'd be eating dessert right now if I had that 9-iron yesterday.
Yeah, it's nothing.
All right, forget about it.
All right.
And, uh, Mr.
Manfro stopped by.
What? He stopped by here? Yeah, he told me to remind you to get to mulligan's by 8:00.
Otherwise, you get the ugly-waitress table.
All right.
- All right? - Yeah.
- Hey, Mr.
- Hey, Jerry.
How you doin'? Good, good.
Uh, nice to see you.
Are you back with us? No, no.
I think there's a 9- iron back here somewhere.
Uh There we go.
Nice-looking club.
I've been missing this.
All right.
Michelle? - No way.
- Joe.
- Joe! Yeah, of course.
- Yeah.
Where have you been, uh, hiding? I've been here since Tuesday.
I haven't seen you around.
Yeah, I I don't stay here.
I came by to get my club.
I, uh, got my own place now.
You know, just real place, real furniture.
Yeah, it's real.
I sound like a 16-year-old.
Anyway, I'm just I'm just it's weird to be back here.
Well, are you are you are you hanging out, or? Well, I'm supposed to I'm gonna watch the game with a neighbor of mine.
But, uh, anyway, you're working, right? Uh, yeah.
Yes, yes, I am.
I'm working very hard.
I've never eaten pasta in a bikini before.
You saw my stomach before we ate.
In case I bloat, you know I've got a washboard belly.
I saw that.
Yeah, pretty flat.
Pilates four times a week, so - Wow.
- Yeah.
It better be.
Jesus, how can a no-name hotel make a pasta this good? That's salt, really.
- Ah.
- I could do that.
No, this chicken's crazy.
Taste that.
- Right? Yeah.
- Mmm! - I'll take that whenever you're ready.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Thank you.
All right.
Now Sorry you gotta see this, but You just had dinner with grandpa.
- I like it! - No, you don't.
- Stop it.
- No, I like it.
You look like Don't say "Papillon.
" A Corporate stud lawyer.
Really? Wow.
- All right.
- Papillon? No, that's nothing.
Stud lawyer.
I like that.
Should we get some dessert? The guy didn't even ask us.
Yeah, let's get Oh, no, no.
You can go ahead.
I'm just on a This thing A one-week no-dessert diet.
You trying to save me from myself, Joe? Is this an intervention? No, no, no.
You don't need saving.
Listen, um This was fun.
I had fun, too.
So, uh, when can I see you again? How about now? Should we get a drink, maybe? You want to go downstairs and get something? Oh, no.
I'm just I'm, uh, just fine.
Just fine.
Come over here.
Yeah, listen, I just, uh I don't want to hurt you.
I don't I don't think maybe we shouldn't do this, 'cause I don't know.
It's not fair, really.
Aw, Joe, you're not freaking out on me like last time, are you? Put the glasses on.
Yeah? I'm outside.
It's good to be the king, huh? Yes, Marcus.
Yes, it is.
Y'all need to stop playing around, okay? Just 'cause I came with the old man don't mean I got to go home with him, all right? Hey, thanks again for picking me up.
You know, I really am in the mood to suck back a few of these on the Thoreau dime.
- You know what I'm sayin'? - I do.
I do know what you're sayin'.
So, um, let's not beat around the bush.
Hmm? We want you back.
I know there was a little bad blood at the end there, but the truth is, you're, um kind of, um irreplaceable.
Your father put you up to this? No.
Listen, Owen.
I'm just gonna be honest with you.
Okay? I believe 100% I should have your job.
You know, I'm just saying, based on skill Come on Ain't no way you should be running that place instead of me.
But, hey You got something more important than skill Blood.
Okay, and, you know, I should have known better than get involved with a family business, man.
So that's on me.
But, hey You're the man, right? And the man is the man no matter how he got to be the man.
You want the job or not? Well, shit, Owen Do I want the job? Do I want to go work for Scarpulla? Who happens to be kicking your monkey asses right now.
Well, you know where I was gonna go work? That Beverly Hills Aston Martin dealership selling some sexy-ass James Bond shit.
- You know what I'm saying? - So why don't you? I'm just weighing options.
Is that right? What? You think I need you more than you need me? Shoot, I'm not the one paying for dinner.
To my best salesman? Yeah.
I'm gonna need another one of these.
And Ladies.
Order whatever y'all want, okay? From the good folks at Thoreau Chevrolet.
Hmm? - Okay.
- Yes.
It's actually called the champions tour, not the senior tour.
Yeah, I don't like calling it that, 'cause then it sounds like I'm bragging.
That's really great.
Yeah, but, yeah, I still got to get my game in great shape just to have a chance at it, so You better do it.
I'd really rather tell people I slept with a pro-golfer than a party-store owner.
You know what I mean? Nothing against party stores.
In fact, I'm gonna go ahead and tell people I'm sleeping with a pro-golfer.
Yeah, 'cause we're doing this again, Joe.
- Oh, yeah? - That's non-negotiable.
No, no.
No argument there.
All right, you gotta get out of here.
Oh, yeah.
I just - I thought - No, I know, but you gotta go.
I have a 7:30 breakfast meeting.
My stupid city contact is picking me up, and you can't be here when I wake up, so - Oh, I can't? - No, because I'll be an hour late.
You gotta go.
No, I get it.
No, you don't want to be late.
I got a whole bunch of stuff tomorrow.
I'm here for four weeks, Joe.
I know you like me.
- Mm-hmm.
Call me.
Leave a message.
And Enough of this "shy boy" crap.
I think we're past that.
Oh, yeah.
- Bye, Joe.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
[ singsong voice.]
- I'm bangin' a golf-pro.
You know, I ain't gonna make it in tomorrow, man.
I got to sleep this off.
Tell everybody my big comeback's the day after tomorrow.
All right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, "o.
" okay, now what? Huh? Now what?! Yeah, let all them Camaro horses out on this Volvo's ass.
Come on, "o.
" No, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, "o.
" Yo, back off, "o.
" You see this truck, right? Owen.
Owen, he's not playin', Owen.
Hey, hey, hey, hey! Shit! Oh, my God! You are the man! You are the man! That was awesome! Owen tells me you're leaving us.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I am.
Um, but I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate - that this was a great opportunity.
- No explanation necessary.
Come on up to my office for a minute.
Well, I'm not one to stand in anyone's way, but Truthfully, son, you ought to be good at this.
- Uh, yeah, well, look, I appreciate - Not just okay, but good.
You're good-looking, You're you're funny, and damn it, people actually like talking to you.
I appreciate the compliments, but I I really don't belong here.
I mean, you can ask the other salesmen.
I'm not really jibing, you know? Well, the reason you don't jibe with those knuckleheads is because you are a winner, and guess what they are.
They're the bunch of losers who want to keep you down, because the minute you figure this shit out, you're gonna be taking food out of their mouths.
They don't have the charm.
And you do, son.
You can't teach it.
And I can't bear to see such a good-looking prospect walk out of my door without giving him every chance to shine.
Uh, look, I I do feel like I'm good with the customers.
You know, I can chat them up, - and I can get them on my side.
- The charm.
But, but here's the thing.
When it gets to the business part, I just feel fake.
I feel like I'm just using them.
Owen Owen tells me that you're quite the ladies' man.
- Well - What is it they call it these days A cocksman? That's that's just more reputation than I was a bit of a cocksman back in the NBA, myself.
And one of these days, I'm gonna have to introduce Owen to his long-lost brother in Portland.
I'm kidding.
What I'm getting at is that both of us understand how a conversation with a lady should go.
How it should always appear to be organic, while at the same time, having a certain goal in mind.
- O- kay.
- That is the key for you, son.
You got to think of customers as women, not as people.
They want to do it.
They just don't know it yet.
Well, um That's that's Yeah, I'm gonna be around a few more days.
So I you know, I'll just I'll keep that in mind.
No time like the present, son.
You need any help? Oh, yeah.
Um, you got that new Cruze? Yeah.
Right over here.
This one's got alloy wheels, leather, great gas mileage.
How's the pickup? Don't want anything wimpy.
Oh, no.
You want to go with something, uh, about like the turbo, I guess.
Little more oomph.
Huh? Uh-huh.
UhI'm not sure.
Um Just hold on.
I'm gonna check something.
Oh, yeah.
That's cool.
Take your time.
You a skier? Oh, yeah.
This has got a backseat folds down.
Get your skis and all your gear in there.
Plus, I see that you are a phone guy.
Check this Out.
You can warm this up while you're still sitting in the lodge.
We can haggle over the numbers.
What do you say we at least go and start the paperwork? Might as well see what the damage is gonna be.
Good enough.
Come on.
Right over here.
- Have a seat.
- All right.
"Gonna start the paperwork.
" Never said that before.
Can I have a contract over there, please? Are you seeing this? He might actually sell one.
Oh, he's gonna sell one.
This is a house deal.
- Oh, no, really? - Yeah, yeah.
Rick Larsen called me today and said that his son is coming in.
I said I'd set him up.
No, it's gonna be good.
Your boy just needs to get on the board.
Once he gets a taste, he's gonna be all right.
I'm doing the part where I say "I gotta go talk to my manager.
" I I think he's into the satellite radio, too.
- This is good.
- Yeah.
- This is good.
- Yeah.
I mean, I I I'm getting this.
Anyway When's Marcus coming back? Tomorrow.
Oh, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon.
Oh, God.
It's not the club.
It's me.
I suck.
Aw, shit.
Hey, man.
All right, so, um Let's, uh, welcome back, weighing in at 190 pounds, the former and current champeen, straight out of the inland empire, the hella sella himself, Marcus brand! Yeah, everything old is new again.
Okay, here we go.
What up? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
H-hold on.
No, just stepping outside to get a better cell signal.
Can you put that damn thing away, or you're fired? You got 30 sales? 'cause last time I checked, he does 30 sales a month.
I'll tell you what.
Everybody in here who's got 30 sales Get out your phones And make all the calls you want.
I guess that means "shut up and listen.
" And, dickhead Lose the bike.
Synch by Benfo.

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