Rescue Me s02e01 Episode Script


all hands at 1-5-4 121st Street.
There's a report of a woman unaccounted for on the third floor.
Is she black? Given the neighborhood, I guess she is.
Why? Well, we're racists.
Think how much easier it would be if we only had to save the white people.
Or even, just, you know, models.
There you go.
You all right? If she is a model, or even just a model type, I got dibs on the mouth-to-mouth.
I'm serious.
It's a deal.
Here you go.
Hold it.
Right there.
All right.
All right? Yeah.
Do it.
We got one on the second floor! We need you up here now! Pull him up.
Got him? Yeah.
Still wanna give her that mouth-to-mouth? Too afraid of falling in.
Christ! One, two, three! Turn her the other way.
Jesus! She's no Atkins client.
What's that? She's fat! Well, no shit, Sherlock.
Come on! Grab! When will these people learn to stop eatin', for Christ's sake? I'm gonna grab the ax in the alley.
Tommy! Hey, Tom! Tom! Can you hear me? Chief, I got a man down.
I need some help up here.
The whole ceiling collapsed.
I can't see him at all! Hey, Tom! Let's go! Tommy? Tommy! -Tommy? Tommy! - We need you up here now! Tommy! Listen, I got Tommy down under a pile of debris.
I got monster flames-- Tommy! Tommy! It could've been so perfect.
We had everything.
By the way, I'm sorry I sold the house.
I had to take the kids away, Tommy.
I had to.
He's kicking.
Wanna feel? Only a matter of time, Tommy boy.
You almost got me killed.
Sooner or later you were gonna take somebody out for good.
Payback's a bitch, bro.
I wish I could kiss those two little dimples on your lower back one last time.
You know--- just above your ass.
Your skinny little double-grapefruit Irish ass.
If you're ready, it's okay.
Touch my tits, baby.
Lick my neck.
Why don't I move the three kids over there and you see what kind of parenting you do by yourself.
Follow me, brother.
I love you.
Don't go now, Tommy.
Hey, Tom! On another day C'mon, c'mon With these ropes I tied can we do no wrong Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young With my teeth locked down I can see the blood Of a thousand men who have come and gone Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young Is it safe to say C'mon, c'mon Was it right to leave C'mon, c'mon Will I ever learn C'mon, c'mon C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon Goddamn it.
Ohh! Aah! Oww! God.
Probie's still dating the fat chick.
I wa-- I was, uh-- I was-- Chief's wife is all right.
He said she gets worse as the day goes on.
Supposed to be typical with Alzheimer's.
Pretty sad.
I got this new girlfriend and she's into antiques.
I remembered that antique shop up here and went to look at some stuff-- Who the hell do you think you're talking to, asshole? I've helped you concoct some of the best bullshit cover stories-- This is not concoction, okay? under the worst possible pressure situations.
I have a new girlfriend.
Okay? Antiques and my new girlfriend.
Why don't you kiss my goddamn giant Irish pisshole.
I've seen you out here in your truck I figure you must be desperate to know what's going on, so I figured I'd fill you in.
So, uh, how's the new guy? Sully? Goddamn great.
Decent cook too.
Really? Yeah.
How is he in the shit? Oh, he's terrific.
We caught a fire a couple weeks back.
Hot, smoky fire.
We could hear this kid screaming for help.
He sounded real close.
Franco goes in to help him, but Sully grabs him at the last moment and pulls him back out.
He saved Franco from getting hurt again.
Kid's in the hospital, you know, but he'll be all right.
You haven't asked about Franco.
Is he all right? For the most part.
Shoulder's still giving him trouble, you know.
He probably shouldn't have come back to work so soon, but you know him.
Laura's been helping him out with Keela cause Franco's mom is busy taking care of his dad.
His dad's in bad shape.
- You should give him a call.
- Yeah, I, uh, thought about it.
Thought about it a lot actually.
Well, I should be getting back.
Yeah, I-I gotta get to work.
They're going fast! Cookies.
Get your cookies.
We gotta light our tower here.
I got some twin towers here that light up.
Battery operated.
Get your cookies, guys.
T-shirts here! remember! Never forget! Sal.
What's up? Better late than never, huh? Yeah.
Drove by Ground Zero again this morning.
Goddamn morons are still selling those twin towers cookies.
Sons of bitches.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
All right.
Still got two more coming to me, all right? Ready? Cock.
Going outside for a smoke.
You know-- You say one thing to me about cancer, and I swear to-- Hey, you missed a spot right here.
Hey, Tommy! Tommy! Hey, Paulie.
I got the pictures from the big car fire! Where are they? In my mom's room.
I was showing her.
All right.
No big thing.
Where's your jacket? Oh, man! Don't worry.
Go grab my bunker jacket.
It's cold.
Carmine, the probie! Hey, Paulie.
Can't wait to see those pictures you took of the big car fire.
I'm cold.
Hurry up.
That was legendary, what you did on that job the other day-- the car fire.
Yeah, right, right.
Yeah, nothing but excitement out here.
Let's light that car on fire and put it out.
That'd kill a couple hours.
- Hello? - Hey.
Long time no see.
You got that right.
How you doin', pal? You heard? Well, I heard some things.
So, did you, uh, get kicked out of the priesthood, you retire on your own, or what? Little bit of both.
Look, the only time you call me is when you're in a tough spot and you wanna talk about God, guilt, booze and bullshit, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
So what is it this time? Booze? Broads? What, do you got prostate cancer? What? Nice.
Real nice.
Oh, so it ain't cancer? Look, uh, you still, um-- You still going to A.
? Yeah.
Yeah, I just-- You know, I-- I been having a rough time the last couple months, Mick.
It's, uh-- I don't know, man.
It's been tough.
And I was just thinkin'-- Tom.
The last time I quit drinking, Tommy.
you were the guy who helped me get started.
I've been having these dreams.
I had another one last night.
It's-- I don't know what to make of this stuff.
I was thinking, maybe-- I don't know, man, maybe it's time for a change.
You know what I mean? I just-- Mick, you there? Mick? Hello? Asshole.
Mickey? Hey.
Hey, Tom.
Look at this.
The cops have been busting my balls for weeks.
I've told you, I can't take care of every goddamn problem you have with every goddamn cop in the city.
You know what it's like to park down there? You should've thought about that before you left your nice house in Rockaway Beach with your nice little lawn and your nice little goddamn driveway.
Yeah, I should be sitting out there sipping a beer in my old house looking at my other house that she sold to some new family right out from under my nose-- illegally, I might add.
Speaking of which, here's your rent for your F.
Look, he ain't assigned back in New York for another three months.
That means you've got a place as long as the cabbage keeps coming.
Don't "okay" me.
You know it's an illegal sublet.
Low profile.
Low profile.
Oh, look who's finally here.
Hey, Eddie.
Can I get a cup of coffee, please? I got 20 minutes before I gotta be in court.
So, what gives? Well, you tell us.
You got something on Janet and the kids yet? Tom, we've been over this on the phone.
I've exhausted every available option.
I've called in personal favors that I was saving for extremely dark and rainy days.
It's unbelievable.
It's unbelievable.
He's been working for three months on the arm.
Give him a break.
- I can't afford a real lawyer.
- I am a rea-- I am a real lawyer.
You're my cousin.
Yeah, well, I wish that could change.
Yeah, me too.
Do you think it's easy tracking her down? She has the kids call you from pay phones once a week, for two minutes max.
She hasn't touched her credit cards, and I doubt she will for a good, long time since she got $500,000 for the house.
She kidnapped my kids.
Look, the courts almost always side with the mother.
Unless you can prove she's a junkie or a street whore or something like that.
I'm gonna knock his lights out right now.
I am trying to get you to listen to some reason.
All right? Can we now figure out a plan that's actually gonna work? You gotta get me a real lawyer.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Cut it out! Cut it out! Cut it out! Stop it! Stop it! What's the matter with you? Not here! Look-- Hey! Hey! What is that? He started it.
You fag.
Yeah? So what? Super-fag.
"Super-fag"? What the hell does that mean? - You know what that means.
-Would you stop it? Between the 500 grand and the extra cabbage she has, she potentially has enough to live on for a very long time.
How long are we talking about? I don't know.
Under these circumstances, a woman stealing off in the dark of night to avoid an abusive or possessive spouse, they don't-- Possessive? Yeah.
They usually stop all normal modes of behavior.
No shopping for shoes, no shopping for dresses, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
They adopt a bunker mentality.
This is, like, the 10th time I've told you this! Super-ultra-fag.
I know Janet.
She needs to buy shoes.
It's only a matter of time.
Look, I have dealt with women in these circumstances before-- Is he still talking to me? All right, that's it.
I got a case to try.
I got real work to do.
You don't walk out on me.
I walk out on you.
Okay? Yeah.
Big shock.
Call me if you hear from Dad.
All right? Mega-mo.
Come on.
What you gotta do that for? Thank you.
Mega-mo? Look, shithead.
Just for your information, all right, "ultra" is way bigger than "mega.
" - No, it's not.
No, it's not.
- Yes, it is.
Yes, it is.
- No, it's not.
- Yes, it is.
Oh, God-- Find my kids.
Nice, Tommy.
Punch in the door! - Go.
-Kick it in! I like it with the onions.
What are you-- Hey-- All right.
Can you make it? Somebody left a couple of smudges.
Uh, send two guys up.
Hey, Kenny.
How's it going? Good.
You sure? You look-- I don't know, uh-- I sold the house.
Oh, shit.
I've been packing stuff up.
Finding stuff, you know.
Poems I wrote Phyllis.
Divorce is a bitch, huh? Well, at least you have your girlfriend.
Yeah, well, funny thing about that.
She's got this, I don't know-- it's like a fetish.
She's only into unavailable men.
Now the wife is gone-- Your fruit is no longer forbidden.
I told her I'm easy.
Flat bacon, hot coffee, an afternoon blow job three or four times a week.
She didn't bite.
So it's over? Well, unless I remarry or start seeing someone else-- then we're back on.
Crazy broads.
Speaking of which.
Banker's hours, sweetheart? - Sorry, darling.
- Excuse me? From now on, you call me names, you're getting them right back.
Don't push it, dollface.
Okay, love lump.
Love lump? I've used it.
What you making, Sully? Lamb shanks.
They look good.
I've never had those before.
Lamb's good for you.
Keeps you regular.
You know the saying.
"In like a lion, out like a lamb"? - Doesn't that have to do with the weather? - And your bowels.
Works both ways.
Mmm! Something smells good! Yeah, lamb skanks.
Hey, uh, Laura, will you do me a favor? If it involves any part of your body, no.
Actually, I have physical therapy tonight.
I was hoping you could come over and look after Keela for a couple hours.
No problem.
Usual time? Yeah.
Uh, what's with the camera? Oh, my folks wanted to see where I work, so I figured I'd send them a couple pictures, give them an idea of what it looks like.
- You gonna take pictures of us? - I don't want to scare them.
- Is there any more water? - Out on the floor.
Oh, right.
Why replace it if you use the last one? No.
Make the girl do it.
Hey, take a picture of me.
You know what you should do? Take out your cock and take a picture of it.
- I'm gonna do it right here.
- No, no, no.
Don't take your cock out in the kitchen.
- Why not? - I don't know.
That's what my mother always said.
The look on her face when she gets these developed is gonna be great.
- You, go watch the door.
- Very adult, guys.
A new high.
- You do it? - Hang on.
I'm trying to figure out which is my best side.
Oh, yeah, it's the left.
Here she comes! What's everybody so happy about? Oh, just, it's more water.
Excuse me, miss.
Yes? I was kinda wondering if you could help me out.
I'm a firefighter.
Really? Uh, anyway, I was injured recently-- I got scarred up pretty bad.
Um, anyway, I saw you here and, to tell you the truth, I wanted to ask you out, but I guess, because of the injury, I didn't really have the nerve.
I don't see any scars.
It's on my neck.
- Would you show me? - Nah, I don't want to.
- Please.
I work at Christ the Savior.
- Oh, you're a nun? A nurse.
It's a hospital in Queens.
Thank God.
I've probably seen worse.
Oh, it happened a couple of months ago, huh? I can tell by the redness.
Um, I can suggest something for that.
Oh, yeah? Thanks.
It's my phone number.
I live around the block.
So call me.
All right.
You want to see a movie? There's a great French film playing downtown.
What? Come on.
What? Those French movies suck.
It's Fran?ois Truffaut.
I don't care what it's called.
Okay, that's the name of the filmmaker.
Don't worry-- I hate those.
You gotta read while you're watching the movie.
If I wanted to read, I'd stay home and read a book.
Oh, really? You haven't read anything other than a cereal box the entire four months we've been together.
Oh, bullshit! I read! You read what? The vari-speed section of my dildo manual? Aha! What else? What else? I'm reading th-- that new Mickey Mantle biography.
I bought you that book two months ago, and you're on the third page.
So? I'm savoring it.
Savoring? Yeah.
It means taking my time.
Enjoying it.
Right? You can buy those towers here.
Twenty dollars.
Ohh! You want cookies? You want cookies? Huh? You son of a bitch.
How about a cookie with my cousin's face on it? Last report they had on him the morning of 9/11, he was stuck in this tower.
How about that? You want a cookie? Yeah? Who you callin'? I'm calling the cops.
-Oh, yeah? You calling the cops? You got any cop cookies? -No! Then don't call them, 'cause they ain't gonna be happy.
You want cookies? -Here's your cookies.
Let me tell you somethin'.
Tell your friends all across America, don't come down here to buy cookies! Come down here to honor 343 brave, brave men who gave their lives! Bow your head to 'em! And think about their fallen brothers left behind! You want cookies? Huh? Then call Pepperidge Farms.
Yeah! Hey, buddy! Hey, hey, hey! Hey, guys.
Come on.
Come on.
Freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech.
Drunk and disorderly.
Public urination.
Destruction of private property.
Which charge you wanna argue about, shithead? I'm a fireman.
Come on.
A fireman making a fool of himself.
Haven't seen much of that lately.
You know they have no cop cookies, right? Seriously, take a look.
Not one cop cookie.
Swear to God.
Thanks a lot, Sarge.
I owe you.
Don't forget theLion Kingtickets.
Four seats.
Uh, front row.
Lion King?What are you, like, the king of Broadway all of a sudden? You know, man, you're a worthless piece of shit! Goddamn you! Son of a bitch-- You know what, Johnny? I've had enough of your shit.
What's going on? Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Assholes! Get out of here! Relax, man! Come on! Mind your own goddamn business.
Yeah! Can't have a discussion on the sidewalk without somebody butting in.
Just trying to help! Yeah, yeah.
You-- You listen to me, asshole, and you listen real goddamn hard.
You are officially through.
No more parking ticket favors, no more background checks, no more legal work on the arm.
You're through.
You want your kids back? For what? So they can live in some shithole with their drunk-ass, lowlife, thickheaded Mick father? I don't think so, numb-nuts! Clean up your act, Tommy! 'Cause then and only then are me, or Eddie, or anybody gonna help you find your kids.
- Don't you dare call me until you get your ass back in A.
- Yeah.
And don't screw up that apartment deal, Tommy.
Low pro.
Oh, man.
Goddamn it.
Hey, kid.
Come here.
What? What's going on? Get over here.
We may have a situation.
What? With your cock.
My cock? Did you really take a picture of it yesterday with Laura's camera? Yeah.
Well, you told me to.
- Shit.
- What? What? What's wrong? I was talking to a pal.
I told him what you did.
He says it's illegal.
If you take pornographic images and have the film developed commercially-- Shit.
Unless Laura has a darkroom at home, she could get in a lot of trouble.
She could be arrested.
What? Shit.
You gotta get that camera away from her.
H-How? Don't look at me, junior.
You got yourself into this.
Get yourself out.
Sully, you told me to do it.
That won't hold up in court.
Goddamn cabbie.
It takes me and the one I get's got terrorist written all over him, he stinks like camel shit, he's got a turban and this long beard and this smocky thing instead of a shirt.
Holy shit.
What happened to your face? Oh, a little discussion with my brother Johnny.
I'm gonna take a shower.
All right.
Coming through.
Cover up.
See you tomorrow.
Hey, listen, Laura.
I've been thinking about taking some pictures, and I don't really know anything about cameras.
But that seemed like a nice one that you had the other day.
Nice? It's disposable, Sean.
Really? Well, it's just my speed.
You know? Could I just take a look at it? Just see if it's right for me before I spend the money? They cost 10 bucks.
You can buy it at the supermarket.
If I could take a quick look, borrow it for the night, just get a feel for it-- Go buy one.
I can't look at yours? I dropped mine off to be developed this morning.
I'm picking the pictures up on my way home.
Well, uh, good night.
Do you have any conditioner? On the sink.
Stop it.
What? Ow! Stop it! You smell and taste like whiskey.
You know I can't drink.
You know what it's like to smell and taste booze on the breath of someone you're sleeping with when you yourself can't drink? I'm sorry.
I didn't think of that.
It's upsetting.
I can fix it.
Just a sec.
Two secs.
I just think it's better, you know, if the two of us are on, like, the same page.
Tryin' to keep a low profile.
Two secs.
- What are you doing? - Hmm? Pouring myself a vodka.
What? It's completely odorless.
You are so annoying.
You know that? I'll put it back.
I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna go.
- Why? - 'Cause you're a Neanderthal.
- I'm so sick of this apartment! - Shh! - I swear to God.
- What? - One of these days.
- I can't hear what you're saying.
One of these days, Tommy-- - Shh! You shush! You have no respect for me, no respect for this baby.
Self-centered ass! Shh! Shh! Shh! See? What are you doing? - Oh.
You know what? I'm gonna go.
- Shh! Out the front door! Really? Yeah.
Really? Oh, hello.
- Meet your new neighbor.
- I-- I don't actually live here, per se.
Nice to meet you.
Think you might need this.
Ah, Jesus! That's not even funny, Tommy.
What are you doing here? Well, I was just in the neighborhood and I thought-- Yeah? What, are you antiquing? - Very funny.
- Staten Island keeping you busy, huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, man.
It's nonstop action over there.
Am I gonna die, Mr.
Fireman? Yep.
But not today.
My mom's gonna kill us.
Hey, guys, I'm gonna need a pound of butter and a whipsaw.
All right? What's a whipsaw? We, uh-- We had a car fire last week.
Really? Yeah.
Messy, messy job.
Pretty scary.
Tommy, Tommy, stay back.
It looks like it might blow.
We've got plenty of time.
Don't worry about it.
Come on, Tommy, watch it.
Come on, let's go.
I gotta tell you, I never seen a group of guys move so quick.
It's like they were cheetahs.
How's your, uh, new guy? He still working out? Oh, yeah, sure.
Sully? Yeah.
He's kind of like you, you know, without the, uh-- without the angst.
My angst.
Of course, my angst serves me pretty well with my new group of-- Cheetahs.
All right, look, Tommy, we do this, right-- I go to Perrolli with this, you and I gotta be crystal-goddamn-clear about a couple things.
Okay, okay.
You gotta get off the booze, Tom.
No more drinking-- in the house, before you get to the house, on the job.
It's a big-ticket item, Tom.
Taken care of.
No problem.
What else? You gotta make things right with Franco.
Face to face.
- Hello.
- Hey, Mick.
What's up? - You know that meeting you used to take me to? - That ain't funny, Tom.
- I'm serious, Mick.
- All right.
Every night.
- I'll meet you at out front, at, uh, quarter of.
- All right.
I'll see you there.
Hey, Tom? Yeah? Don't bust my balls.
I ain't busting balls, Mick.
All right? I need the help.
Hi, Laura.
What a surprise.
Sorry to bother you on your day off.
No, no, it's okay.
Come on in.
I had kind of an interesting evening.
I mean, not the whole evening.
Just the part where I picked up my pictures at the drugstore.
Oh, yeah? Well, how so? Knock it off, Garrity.
I know it was you.
I'm so sorry.
It wasn't my idea.
Sully told me to do it.
Yeah, I don't have to get that.
Do you know how lucky you are that the guy at the drugstore is my friend? I could've gone to jail, asshole.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know what I was doing when I was, you know, posing.
I just-- I found out later.
Okay? Look, I'm sorry.
I mean, how mad are you? I was pretty mad.
I'm over it now.
That's good.
That's real nice of you.
I was actually furious.
And then I took your picture and I downloaded it onto my computer and-- attached it to an ad for gay sex on Craig's List.
I hope you don't mind.
I gave them your home number.
Oh, and I gave them your cell too.
Have a nice day.
What are you doing out here? I saw you with that geek, Theresa.
Look, it's just some guy that I met.
We talked and had coffee.
Look, I know you think I'm stupid.
You're not as dumb as you make yourself out to be, Michael.
What's that supposed to mean? Look, Michael, I think-- Look, I know I'm not as smart as you and stuff, and I don't like to do stuff that you like to do and stuff, you know, but, I mean, the sex is great, right? The sex is just okay.
Get out! Are you serious? What about all my special tricks? If I was attracted to tricks, I'd be blowing David Copperfield.
Oh, so that's his name, the guy you met? Maybe you shouldn't come in.
Hey, asshole! Your phone, Daddy.
Thank you, cutie pie.
Who is it? Nobody.
Frank, it's me.
Uh, just callin' 'cause, uh, I haven't talked to you in a while and I kinda wanted to catch up.
You know? Maybe, I don't know, grab a cup of coffee, say hello.
Call me.
You have one new message.
Here, talk to your father.
Dad? It's just the machine, Connor.
Can you come see us soon? I can't find that firehouse.
Can you look for it? Give the phone to Katy, Connor.
I really, really, really miss you, Daddy.
I drew you a picture of Uncle Jimmy.
Stop crying, Katy.
I don't want to talk.
Talk to your father now, please.
No! Oh, mama Don't walk away I'm a goddamn sore loser I ain't too proud to say And I'm still thinking 'bout you I'm so lonesome without you ? I can't get you out My mind What-- What is your name? Oh, mama Don't lead me on With my soul shut down so tight Just like a stone-cold tomb Ain't it clear when I'm near you We are here at the fifth annual Keefe vs.
Gavin Super Bowl Bonanza.
Unfortunately you have the bum knee.
You won't be playing.
But you are the super-marvelous photographer.
What do you got to say to your daddy? You ready for the game? Uh, I love him very, very, very much.
Who's the best dad in the whole world? Daddy's the best daddy in the whole wide world.
And who's the best mom? You are.
Jimmy! Oh, there's blood on the floor It's 'cause of this heart on my sleeve That's bleeding I knew I was always meant for the camera.
And my soul's shut down so tight Tonight Ain't it clear when I'm near you Dad, go away! Stop.
I'm just dying to hear you Stop! Go away! Stop! Go away! Callin' my name one more time Whoo! Thank you! We love Dad! We love Dad! We love Dad! Oh, shit! Goddamn it! Must be something in the air that I'm breathing Yes, I try to ignore All this blood on the floor It's just this heart on my sleeve That's bleeding Oh, mama Ohh-ohh You leave me here a-reelin' Gone away so long Sayin' the love that we had Was just selfish and sad Yes, but to see you now with him Is just making me mad We love Dad! We love Dad! We love Dad! We love Dad! We love Dad! I was standing here Burning in my skin Yes, I was standing here Burning in my skin Cloudland.

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