Sky Rojo (2021) s02e01 Episode Script

Hookers Didn't Kiss on the Lips

[panting and heavy footsteps]
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing continues]
[ominous chime]
[footsteps approaching fast]
[heavy breathing]
[ominous chime]
[Coral] The saying goes
that when you're about to die,
you can see the entirety of your life
flashing before your eyes.
Like a summary of all the decisions
that brought you to this moment.
And if I'm being honest,
when it came down to mine,
well, let's just say they were
less than worthy of a Nobel Prize.
[Coral yells]
[truck horn honks]
Seeing images flashing by
one after the other
with the mental clarity
only drugs can give,
I realized in that moment
what I previously thought was a free fall
- [shouts]
- [gun clicks]
turned out to actually be
the very push I needed to blast off
like a rocket.
[upbeat music playing]
What I thought was the end of it all,
was just the beginning of it.
[dramatic drumbeat]
And that revelation led me
in that pivotal moment
to change everything.
[Coral gasps and coughs]
[Romeo coughs]
[shakily] This is the second time
you've come back from the dead.
Don't push your luck.
- [Romeo groans]
- [Coral breathes heavily]
[keypad beeps]
[ominous music playing]
[keys jangle]
[Wendy] If the fucking bitch you love
like crazy smashes your head open,
humiliates you, and steals from you,
it's OK to cry
out of anger or helplessness.
[Gina] But Romeo's were tears of hope.
Because instead of leaving him to die,
Coral had just saved his life.
[Coral] That magical and emotional moment
warranted a celebration.
["Mami" by Ptazeta and Juacko
playing in Spanish]
[Coral] That was when I crossed a line.
A line seven inches long,
if we wanna get specific.
Crazy, crazy, she stares at me
When she touches me, crazy girl ♪
[Coral] Now I could've thought,
"Hey, this is the same cocaine
cut with speed and amphetamine
that just made Romeo collapse."
She shatters my head into pieces
Playing dumb with that naughty look ♪
[Coral] But I was not in the mood
for drama at the time.
Tastier than my last sip of beer ♪
- Ladies!
- [all chattering]
Mother Christmas is here.
And she's here to bring you freedom.
[song continues]
You know what I have here?
The account book belonging to one Romeo.
Let's see.
You owe 260 euros in hairdressing costs,
700 for condoms, and
a whopping 5,000
to cover your travel to Spain.
[Coral] Now you owe nothing.
And you, nothing.
And you.
And you.
From now on,
none of you owe him a damn thing.
Because we're getting
the hell out of here.
And I'm taking this.
This too.
And this.
You must be wondering
how to get out of here without a passport.
Never fear.
Now let's see.
Asunción Mereles. Maily Rodríguez.
This is yours.
Alice Vadillo.
Mami, Mami ♪
[laughs] Italy? Paraguay?
[Coral] I've done
a lot of drugs in my life,
but never before
had I ever been so strong.
I felt like a fucking boss.
- [menacing music swells then fades]
- [footsteps]
Where are you going?
Where's Romeo? Have you finished talking?
Mm-hmm. An honest chat.
Well, that was before he overdosed,
poor guy.
Between me and you, Romeo's not all right.
He's overdoing it with the drugs a bit,
and in his condition, that's not smart.
He needs your love and attention.
Uh, and some methadone.
[Beefcake] One more step
and you're a dead woman.
You're not leaving here.
I've gotta say at another time in my life
what you just said
would've kinda scared the shit out of me.
But you know what?
[playfully] I discovered
where Romeo likes to keep his guns.
[guns clatter]
[screams and laughs]
[Beefcake pants]
What? Huh?
Anybody else wanna try? No one, right?
How? Because I have the guns, so
I'm out.
[soft electronic beat]
[guns click]
[Beefcake chuckles]
You laugh now but you won't get far.
You're a fucking junkie whore.
Well, you're right, you know.
Not about getting far, but the other part.
[Beefcake grunts]
Do you know why I always get so loaded?
Because of all the shitty things
I've done in my life,
this is the only one that never fails.
I always have fun.
Although clearly I'm thinking up
some new ways to entertain myself.
So, Beefcake, how about it?
Wanna have fun together?
[racing electronic music playing]
[motorbike accelerates]
Hang in there, Wendy. It's gonna be OK.
[yelling] Hey!
[electronic music stops]
[engine stops]
Yo, where's my brother?
What did you do to him?
Christian. Calm down, Christian. OK?
- Don't pull the trigger.
- Whose blood is that?
Whose fucking blood is that?
Did you kill him?
Did you kill him?
[guns clatter]
Let us through
or I'll put a bullet in your head.
[metal softly clatters]
Shit, what the fuck are we even doing?
Seriously, are we all
out of our fucking minds right now?
I don't actually wanna kill you.
And you know
you aren't fucking killers, so what?
Tell me where you have my brother.
Tell me.
We can still get out
and have a normal life.
Put this behind us.
I mean it.
I'll go first, OK?
[softly] See?
Get on your knees.
On your knees or I'll kill you.
[Christian exhales]
This hole in me
is thanks to your asshole brother.
And if I didn't kill him,
then I hope he dies soon.
'Cause where we put him,
there's no escaping.
And I wish the same thing for you.
[Wendy] Open your mouth.
[sniffs] Open your fucking mouth.
[Christian exhales]
[Wendy breathes heavily]
Know why I won't be able to stick
to your plan, living a life that's normal?
[cries] Because what you did to me
[sniffs] I can never forget,
you sick piece of shit.
[menacing music playing]
[door opens]
They just told me
you don't take it in the ass.
- [Wendy] No, I don't.
- [scoffs]
And why not? What, you think it's gross?
Or you think it's unnatural or something?
Come on, fucking tell me.
'Cause it hurts.
Oh, well, this client came to me,
busted my fucking head,
and demanded
I give him back his 250 euros.
This is a fucking titty bar.
Jesus, there's a neon sign outside.
And you're a whore, and that means you do
anything and everything a client asks you.
Everything. More if he pays extra.
- I'm serious, it really hurts.
- Oh, it hurts. Got it.
Don't worry about that
because I think I can help you out.
How about I stretch it for you?
You'll feel a little pain
for a whole life of pleasure.
You'll see.
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music swells]
No, no.
[echoes] No.
[Wendy cries]
[crying] I wanna go. I wanna go. Please!
[echoes] Stay still!
[Wendy gasps]
[door slams]
[metal rattles]
[Wendy grunts]
[suspenseful music fades]
[inhales] Pray.
I said pray.
[Christian sobs]
- Our Father who art in heaven
- [Wendy] No, no, no.
Not to the Father.
To the Virgin.
[breathes nervously]
[shakily] Hail Mary,
full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
- Stop it. Let him go, Wendy.
- Keep going!
I don't know the rest.
Well then, start the fuck over,
son of a bitch.
- Hail Mary
- Do it louder!
[shouts] Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
[cries] Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb
- And if you wanna beg for mercy, pray.
- [cries]
- Pray.
- [metal rattles]
Fucking pray, goddammit!
[struggles] Our Father, who art
who art in heaven
[struggles] Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
[crying] Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is
the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Christ.
[crying] Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come
[cries] Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.
[motorbike starts and revs]
[sigh of relief]
[inhales deeply]
[solemn music fades to silence]
[sigh of relief]
[gun clatters]
[car horn honks continuously]
[car horn honks continuously]
[loud car horn honks then fades]
- [car horn stops]
- [Christian, muffled] Moi!
- Moi!
- [yells]
- Moi! Moi!
- [muffled yelling]
[muffled yelling]
[engine starts]
- [motorbike accelerating]
- [rock music playing]
Moi! I'm coming, Moi!
Hang on, Moi! Hang on!
[rock music continues]
We gotta get off the main road.
Wendy, we said we would
meet Coral at the diner.
If someone sees my wounds,
they'll call the police.
We have to go through the woods.
We can get there faster.
[soft rock music playing]
- Moi!
- Hey! Hey!
Hey. Hey.
Moi! Hey, are you OK?
- Are you OK?
- Back up. Move!
[Christian] Yeah.
- Kick the shit out of it. Hit it!
- [glass cracking]
[motorbike accelerates]
[Christian] Yeah!
Come on, grab my hand.
Come on!
[rock music swells]
[Moi grunts and breathes heavily]
- [both grunt]
- [rock music stops]
- [Wendy coughs]
- [Gina grunts]
[heavy breathing]
Are you OK? Are you OK?
Wendy, are you OK? Wendy.
[Wendy inhales]
[exhales] I'm not OK.
- [Moi grunts and breathes heavily]
- [Christian coughs]
[ominous music playing]
[motorbike engine turns over]
[cries] It's all over, Moi.
You're already safe now.
It's all done. It's all over.
- You're gonna be fine, bro.
- [yells]
[Christian] It's over. It's OK.
You're safe now. It's all over.
[whispers] Don't worry.
Don't worry, I'll carry you.
Come on, help me.
- [Gina grunts]
- [Wendy breathes heavily]
Let's do what we said
and get out of here forever.
- Please, Moi.
- And go where?
I don't care, anywhere.
You just escaped from your grave.
This is our second chance, man.
Well, if this is our second chance,
are we gonna spend it hiding
[exhales] after those bitches
tried to kill me?
Like an animal
with no air to breathe.
- Where the fuck are we gonna go?
- What part of starting over don't you get?
I'll start over once I've killed them all.
[ominous music playing]
It's about ethics.
Out of loyalty to Romeo.
Out of respect for ourselves.
OK, I'll go with you.
But we do this thing,
and then we change our lives.
Swear on it.
[soft, dramatic music playing]
I said swear on it.
Swear, bro?
[engine starts]
Hang on, Wendy.
[Wendy groans]
Hang on. Just a little longer.
[dramatic music fades]
[Coral] Tony!
Tony, play me a song.
[soft electronic music plays]
No, that one's shit. Play another one.
[music stops]
- Woman ♪
- That one.
["Mala Mujer" by C. Tangana
playing in Spanish]
That's way better. Turn it up! Turn it up!
That's it! That's the one.
Come on down.
Come on, come on. Let's all have a party.
Come on, everybody.
Get over here. Let's go, Lupe.
Come on, I wanna see you dance.
I promised myself a thousand times ♪
A thousand times ♪
[Coral] The absolute best and worst thing
about drugs is the break from reality.
What you see,
what you feel, what you enjoy
is only in your goddamn head.
Time runs differently,
the rhythm hits differently,
and the law of gravity doesn't apply.
But it's also a good thing.
You don't need reality
to rise to the occasion.
[Coral] Bad boy, Beefcake.
Beefcake, come on.
Why are you still sitting down?
Come to the party. You're invited.
Get that motherfucker up there.
I wanna see him dance.
I've never seen him dance before,
and now I want to.
[Beefcake grunts]
Come on, Beefcake.
Shake what your mama gave you.
Real talk.
We've always had so much fun here.
We've had bachelor parties,
celebrations for fancy businessmen
And we've had so much fun, right?
Good times.
["Veinte años"
by Lauren Henderson playing in Spanish]
If you don't love me anymore ♪
The love that went away ♪
- Competition time! Who's the best kisser?
- [all cheer]
[Wendy] I always thought kissing was
the iconic way to express love.
The only inviolable bastion
that really meant something.
And that's why hookers never
kiss on the lips. But that's not true.
There is nothing inviolable in a brothel.
You can have anybody's tongue
in your mouth
and have the taste
of his saliva all night.
Pretty Woman was a fucking joke.
The only thing those guys
had in common with Richard Gere
was that they'd both drive home
in luxury cars.
All that shit and the people who hurt you
stay burned into your memory forever.
[Coral] I said dance!
[Coral] It's called a "grudge."
And it's an inner force you can't manage
with clarity or rationality.
It consists of wanting to hurt
those who hurt you before.
I guess indulging in those minutes
of bitterness is what killed me.
Some shots will spice this up. Lupe!
Bring shots.
For the lovely ladies and for me.
["Mala Mujer" continues playing]
Help me out, my hands are kind of full.
And now I'm crying and she's dancing ♪
Oh, you naughty boy, you suck.
You're not dancing at all.
Shit. This is a party.
- [gunshots]
- [screams]
[screams and laughs]
[Coral] Come on!
[screams and laughs]
Come on!
Bad woman ♪
Bad woman ♪
[exhales] It's fucking hot in here.
Fuck, what a shitty party. Fuck.
- [menacing music playing]
- [metallic thud]
[Coral] Fuck.
Shittiest party ever.
[tuts and shushes]
What are you doing, Beefcake?
Come on. Why can't I see you?
Stand up, you motherfucker.
I swear, if you try
to screw me I'll kill you. Eh?
[strained] Romeo!
Oh, Romeo!
Here's your Juliet.
Come down and join the party.
I'm leaving.
'Cause I'm meeting up with some friends.
But you just stay here.
[menacing music continues]
Remember, right now
I'm coked up to my eyeballs.
And I have three guns on me, OK?
[Coral] The bad thing about being
so fucking high is that when you crash
it's fucking legendary.
[menacing music swells]
[menacing music ends sharply]
["Shine a Light" by D. Glover, G. J.
Crockett, J. Glover, and J. Allen playing]
Now the day is over ♪
And the night's coming down ♪
There's no one else can reach me ♪
I'm on the dark side of town ♪
This is the place I go ♪
I need you to save me
'Cause my world is black ♪
You know where to find me ♪
Please bring me back ♪
Shine a light on this road of mine ♪
Shine a light on this road of mine ♪
Shine a light down on me ♪
One more time ♪
Shine a light ♪
On this road of mine ♪
Shine a light down on me ♪
One more time ♪
And show me the way, yeah ♪
Subtitle translation by: Katie Ward
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