Being Human (US) s02e02 Episode Script

Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?

Previously on Being Human Stevie? I'm a little surprised you're haunting school.
- 'Cause I killed myself to get out of here? - Yes.
Ever try sleeping? Can we even do that? I actually dream.
What do you want? We've gathered here to confirm the best vampire to lead Boston.
That person is my daughter.
Aidan, you will be my daughter's second.
My little girl.
We must help him, Hegeman.
No distractions, no wolf.
Things took a wild turn, didn't they? - Aaah! Get out! - Oh my god! And just a scratch was enough.
I love you.
Nora! Nora? Oh! Oh! All I wanted was to sleep again, dream.
Aidan! I did die in my pyjamas after all.
Aidan! I was ready.
I had a dream last night I miss that rest, the escape I dreamt that I was swimming And the stars above that luscious 8-hour break.
Directionless and drifting And somewhere in the dark Were the sirens and the thunder And around me as I swam The drifters who'd gone under time, love Turns out though, monster don't get a break.
Time, love Sleep is no escape Time, love It's only a nest to hatch more nightmares.
Time, love Time, love It's only a change of time I had a dream last night And rusting far below me Battered hulls and broken hardships Leviathan and lonely I was thirsty so I drank Though it was salt water There was something about the way It tasted so familiar You don't get to wake up, your heart pounding, and realize, "God! That was just a dream.
" You don't get to feel that euphoria of being spared.
It's only a change of time The black clouds I'm hanging This anchor I'm dragging Mmm Aidan.
We cut through the lowlands I never thought you'd be the one to dig me up.
Why didn't you feed with me? Confusing and violent Because I don't drink live anymore.
I had a dream last night When I opened my eyes Your shoulder blade Your spine Were shorelines and moonlight New worlds for the weary New lands for the living I could make it if I tried I closed my eyes I kept on swimming Time, love Time, love Nora.
Time love Nora? It's only a change of time, love Time, love NORA! Time, love It's only a change of time, love Time, love Because for us, nightmares really do come true.
They already have.
It's only a change of time I looked everywhere for you.
I thought you were-- You OK? I'm a little shaky.
I did this to you that night? Let's go inside, OK? Yeah, OK.
Oh, I'll make you some tea.
OK, so, interesting social development.
Just not now, please.
Because I met some people and-- - I had no idea you were so beautiful.
You can see me? Oh my god, Nora! I've been wanting to talk to you for so long! You-- How can you see me? You're not dead, are you? I'm a wolf.
- Whoa! - One, two, three You moved! I told you not to.
Watch him.
Make sure he doesn't-- - Go, go! - I don't care.
Not in the nads, OK? Anywhere but the nads.
You flinch, I get to do it twice.
Who are you? You a vampire? Uh, Josh, Nora, this is Stevie, my friend from the reunion.
Yeah! And, uh, OK, this is Dylan, And, uh, the guys call him Boner.
I call him Phil, the name he was actually born with.
What's up? Hey, I like your place.
I'm gonna go wash.
I think that's, uh I'm-- I'm so sorry about this.
Were there this many ghosts here before and I just couldn't see them? No.
God, no.
What's with the lost boys? Last night, had this evil nightmare.
Wait, stop.
What are you talking about, nightmare? I slept.
Stevie taught me how to sleep.
I did it.
It was a friggin' mistake, because I dreamt my door came back.
I opened it and then this-- this thing rushed out.
And I think it actually flew out.
But why are those ghosts here? Well, you guys weren't here, so I went to talk to Stevie about it, and he was at this sketchy diner with his friends, and I don't know, I invited them here.
Just invited them over.
Great idea.
You look worse than Josh.
And he just found he turned Nora.
Why would you do that? I need a drink.
I'm sorry.
I get nervous around bad news.
I have to eject it as quickly as possible.
Like food poisoning, you throw it up, feel better.
I'm sorry.
Why are there ghosts punching each other in the balls? Oh, God! I can't go through this again.
You do it.
Why not? Come on, man! Come on! God, Aidan.
I wanna kill myself.
How could I have let this happen? OK, listen to me.
You can't do this to yourself right now.
Do not make this about you.
Out! You know, and the sick, crazy thing is that I owe her my life.
If Nora wasn't a wolf, I'd be dead.
There was a vampire in the woods.
He tried to kill me.
One of the Dutch guys, I-- - Hegeman? I don't know! He had the beard.
It was the boss.
Oh! Hegeman.
Nora's wolf killed him.
Josh? Very important.
Were there any other vampires there? Listen to me.
I don't want Nora to know about this, OK? She can't know that she killed somebody, even if he was a homicidal vampire.
That's why his name is Boner.
It requires heavy maintenance.
He's a ghost.
He can't-- It's like a phantom limb.
He can mind-whack it.
That's disgusting.
You know, I think I'm just gonna-- I'm gonna head home.
Uh OK, yeah.
I'm sorry about the haunted circus here.
I'll walk you home.
No, I-- I'm just gonna walk by myself.
But I'll, um, call you later, OK? Yeah.
Josh, join us, please! Aidan, you can't leave.
Hey, hey, hey! You can't go.
I have a room full of teenage boys.
Besides beating off and playing Xbox, what do they do? That about covers it.
Get rid of them.
Your friends kill people.
This is it for me.
This is who I have to hang out with.
I have to start somewhere.
Come on, you were a teenage boy once, in medieval times.
Hey, dudes, um, when did you die? '01.
Well, do you want to watch Scarface in HD? It's out? Oh yeah.
- Never seen it.
- What's wrong with you? That is why you've never moved on.
Come on! That'll work, thank you.
How is it you get stuck minding the errant princess again? I'm more like your advisor.
Well, that's unsettling.
You were Bishop's advisor and he's dead.
It was complicated and it has nothing to do with us and I promised your mother that I would help you lead Boston, so.
OK, so if you're ready, the first thing we need to do is we need to find someone in the police to take over what Bishop did, covering up killings, handling cleanups.
What's it feel like with your maker gone? Uh, it's a little strange.
But not necessarily in a bad way.
I bet you feel free.
So why take this job, grooming me? Such a bizarre term, isn't it? Well, you know better than anyone.
Your mother speaks, and it happens.
Well, the drapes are different, but everything else looks the same.
It's like we were just here.
Except the lights were more flattering back them.
These bulbs are so harsh.
Suren, I really think we need to handle this police situation.
Are you up to seeing the candidates today? Aidan, you don't have to worry.
I'm not the gullible little fool you had to babysit then.
I've changed too.
Oh, that's right.
You're a vegetarian now.
Why don't we forget about the past? It's kind of hard to do, isn't it, when Mother's put us right back here at the scene of the crime? It's so like her.
She wants to rub my nose in it my weakness.
But she did give you back to me.
Look, we've all made mistakes.
We just have to show her that you are ready to lead now.
You really think I can? If you want to.
If you're willing to block out distractions.
I've had 80 years to think about what I want.
I won't be distracted this time.
Please! Aaah! Let me go! Hey.
Should you maybe have taken a sick day? No, I think this is the best thing for me right now, working.
Makes me feel almost normal.
Can I get-- Can I-- can I get a mocha? Get whatever you want.
No, no, no.
No, can I get a mocha? 'Cause, you know, chocolate is toxic to dogs.
So I just-- You're not a dog.
No, but I am, like, a canine, right? Of sorts.
Once a month.
One night a month.
The rest of the time, we're still us.
I keep doing my rounds, thinking: I'm a werewolf wrapping a burn victim.
I'm a werewolf inserting a catheter.
I'm a werewolf peeing in the ladies room.
How much do you remember about the change? Being in the car, and the panic, the pain.
You don't remember anything about being the wolf? Should I? No.
No, that's the one blessing.
We seem not to remember what the wolf does.
Why didn't you tell me about the scratch? I didn't know if I was infected.
I could've prepared you.
What? I tried to talk to you about this, but you wouldn't.
I didn't know what you were-- I didn't know why you were asking.
If you did, you would've flipped out even more! Hey, Josh! I just wanted to say I'll see you at the mixer tonight.
- Oh, the new med-student mixer.
I forgot.
Crap! Yeah, um, Nora, this is Jesse.
He's just finishing up MIT med school.
Hey, Nora.
Uh, yeah! Hey, congratulations, by the way.
Rematriculated! Thanks.
Nicely played.
Ha! I've gotta go.
Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna make it.
- No, no! Dude, all the first- years are gonna be there, girlfriends, boyfriends, the whole catastrophe.
- Yeah, but-- - Trust me.
You do not wanna be the one guy who doesn't show who the rest of the class spends the whole night gossiping about.
OK Do you wanna play rough? - OK! - OK.
Say hello to my little friend! But it really didn't feel like a dream.
Something flew out.
I felt it rush by me.
And if they were, I'd have gotten my door 10 times over.
Well, what am I supposed to do? What now? I'm clearly never gonna sleep again.
So how am I supposed to fill this giant, sucking abyss of time? You whores! You whores! This can't be it.
My eternal afterlife? Dylan! Sally's bored.
Let's take her to the bridge.
Or we could do something actually fun.
Sally, you ready to rage? All right.
Let's rage.
- Oh! - Whoa! I'm sorry! I am so sorry! Wow! Somebody's thirsty.
Uh, yeah, well, we can't keep this stuff in stock.
Trauma patient? Uh, anaemic.
Do you work here? I'm trying.
I'm interviewing for my residency.
Oh, who are you interviewing with? Dr.
I knew it.
He's an ass, isn't he? I mean, what kind of a name is Norlick? Don't put "lick" in your name.
He's not normally an ass.
It's just that his wife left him and he's just a little bit, extremely angry, OK? Hold on, I-- - Yeah.
- I gotta-- - Yeah.
I should-- I gotta take this.
Hello? Aidan, it's Suren.
I need you to meet me at the hotel.
Two werewolves at a cocktail party.
Sounds sexy.
No, no, no Not-- not-- not wolves.
Not 2 wolves.
This-- this is who we are, Josh and Nora, the cute, normal, hardworking, why-is-the-gorgeous-nurse-going- for-the strange-orderly couple.
We can't let this thing take over us.
No, I was dreading this mixer way before last night.
Yes! See, that's the proper human attitude, hatred of awkward social situations.
That's me, like, all the time.
I'm gonna go home, I'm gonna put on my khakis and my blue blazer, and you are going to put on your female equivalent of that, and we are going to mingle tonight.
Mingle? Yes.
- Listen, there are battling leukemia, and if they can still smile, so can we.
I can't believe you just played the cancer card.
Um And I got you a mocha.
Ah! There he is.
Cecilia, this is Aidan.
What did I tell you? Gorgeous, right? Sit.
Suren, I'm in the middle of a shift.
I have a story and it won't wait.
I was out walking and Boston's changed so much.
I was completely turned around, and then Cecilia showed up, like a heavenly answer.
Oh, you're very dramatic.
Oh, yes, she is.
I keep looking at you, thinking: "Have I seen him?" But I don't think so.
I would've remembered you.
Where from? The hospital.
Suren told me that you're a nurse.
So you work there? No, I'm a cop.
Lucky us.
You're looking for someone to do security.
Aidan's been hounding me about it.
I'll leave you to it.
Just a moment.
I told you I already have cops lined up.
Cops who are vampires.
We can't rely on a bunch of paunchy Bishop leftovers who are gonna hate taking orders from a woman and the vampire who who killed him.
We need people who will be loyal to us.
They'll be loyal to whoever's in power and that's you.
You speak with Mother's authority.
Besides which, you can't just turn some random cop that you met on a stroll.
You don't know anything about her.
Feeling a little abandoned over here.
Aidan, she's smart.
She's ambitious And anything she likes you can mold her into.
If you want her, you're gonna have to turn her yourself.
You think I'm asking too much for you to break your diet? You said you would help me.
You have no idea how I'm compromising myself for you already.
How's that? You say our first order of business is to find a new connection in the police department.
But there are some who might want us to focus on, say, Hegeman his sudden disappearance.
I could let them sniff around if you'd like.
It's up to you.
Meet me on the dark side Enter from the inside I was always planning to go to B.
Now I can at least go to their parties that I would never have gotten invited to.
So this it? This is raging, walking around, just watching a bunch of drunk people dance like idiots? You gotta pick your moment, spot your guy, and jump in.
OK, well, what's the point if you can't drink and smoke and grind up on somebody you hope you'll never see again? Who says you can't? How about we just swing off a ceiling fan? We just got here.
I think we just found 2 fish.
And now we rage.
Check it.
Imprisoned by fate Shame, blame It's the shame game But I will love again Whoa! Yeah, yeah! Oh my god! Did they just highjack those guys? Oh my god! It's not that great.
Trust me.
Everyone has a dark side Why don't you like mine? Overseas Hi.
See, this is lovely.
When was the last time we got all dressed up and went out? Yeah, everything is picture perfect.
Josh! I need a martini, stat.
Hey! We made it.
We made it, yeah.
It's, uh OK, so is there, like, a magic portal between the shoulder blades that you just-- - You've never taken a body before? I did once for, like, There was this medium and she was trying to exorcise me and it felt like I was being ripped apart, so I just jumped into her.
I was like one of those mothers who'd flip over a car to save her burning baby.
Holy crap! Yeah.
Kind of jacked me up for a while.
Well, see, like, drunk people, or high people, they're a little bit easier to get into.
You know, their resistance is lower.
Ah! Then you have people who are generally easier to get into.
And then you have fools who you just cannot get into at all.
Why, because their will is stronger? I've actually never figured that out.
It's just harder.
You just can't.
OK, so why aren't you wearing somebody.
It's kind of like getting wasted.
You know, I used to, but it sent me down a very, very dark path.
And anyway, it doesn't really matter who I'm in.
I'm still me inside.
You've got a hardcore emo thing going on, you know that? Yeah, supposedly it works well with the goth ghosts.
You know what? Let's bounce.
No! Are you serious? Maybe I can find someone with a cute pixie haircut.
It's not like trying on new outfits! This is like a crack den! You really wanna be on the pipe right now? You know what? I'm gonna be completely honest with you.
I've always been a smidge curious about the crack.
Really, is anything that good? It's, like, you know what I always said? If I know I'm gonna die, I'm 95 years old, I'm living in a hospice, I'm gonna try heroin, just to see what it feels like.
Please don't do this.
Oh! Give her another beaker! It's not that easy.
Whoa! Whoa! Aaah! Whoa! Whoa! Yes! Yes! Oh! Yes! Aaah! Hey! Oh, I felt that! Oh my god! Mmm! You really like beer.
That doesn't mean I'm slutty.
I like the feeling of it sliding down your throat.
Like, the bubbles that go-- You know it burns and it tickles at the same time! You're totally baked right now.
- Mm-mmm.
Super alert, super clear.
Senses firing like fireworks.
It's like ah! I love 7-layer dip.
You want a drink? We should probably just stick to business.
Is that your code word? I really wish you hadn't come.
You don't know what this is.
What? Is Suren gonna walk in on us? What's it with you two, anyway? Come on.
I'm a cop.
I've heard it all.
Are we gonna do this with our clothes on? Go.
- What? - GET OUT! You're a freakin' nutcase.
So, you guys have been dating for a couple months.
Yes, we have.
But really on and off.
We've all been there.
Not that that's bad.
We're very close, though.
You know how tragedy, like, brings people together.
We've been through a lot.
We've been hit by so much lately.
Uh, Nora, are you OK? You need to go to the bathroom.
- I'm fine.
I just - You sure? want a bit more wine.
I think you've had enough.
No, actually, I haven't.
I know you don't think so, but you have.
And I know you think so, but I haven't.
Nora, please, stop We're just gonna go get some food.
I woke up naked in a pile of leaf litter this morning with a squirrel in my mouth, so I'm gonna need a little bit more.
What happened? We were camping.
We went camping last night.
She's kidding.
It's not like I'm pregnant anymore, right? So I can drink whatever I want.
I'm so sorry.
That's fine.
A miscarriage.
It's all gone.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'll get us a cab.
I'm so sorry No.
but I'm too drunk to pretend that I'm normal.
No, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have made you do this.
Not today.
It was stupid.
Today, 2 weeks from now.
It doesn't matter.
I can't fix this by pretending.
I just wanna make it better.
It's like when people come into the hospital, their kid's in a coma, and they ask me: "What can we do?" And I tell them to just stay with them, be with them.
But what that really means is that there's nothing they can do.
You know that better than anyone.
You don't feed, you don't kill and you can't turn.
How is this supposed to work exactly? I almost killed her, all right? It's been too long since I fed.
I don't have that kind of control now.
You're supposed to be my second, my right hand.
You did this for Bishop.
I'm not that vampire anymore.
I used to worship you.
I wanted to be as strong, as calculating, as ruthless as you.
And when I opened my eyes and saw you standing there at my side.
I thought: "With his help, "I can be everything I was supposed to be, "my mother's daughter.
" How did you think we'd bring a city of vampires to heal without shedding a drop of blood? I don't think that there's anything that I can say about all the things, the people that brought me to this point that would make you understand.
Get out.
You taking off? No! Hey, Dylan, you smell that? It's jasmine.
That's intense.
I never thought I'd smell anything again.
All that zen crap, about embracing the moment, it's true! It's like, just to feel solid like this, you know? Now I feel like crying.
I wish I lived every moment like this.
You can.
It's like one big do-over now.
You can try on as many as you want.
Oh, I have goose bumps.
I have goose bumps.
Oh, I never want to leave.
I never wanna leave.
And that's not even the best part.
Ha! Whoa? This isn't even my body.
Then who cares? You didn't just say that.
Get off me! Get off! Get me out! It's way harder to get out than to get in.
Stop! Get off me! Get me out! Stevie, stop it! I told you this was dangerous.
Who the hell do you think you are? You wanna die again? I'm gonna rip your punk-ass head off.
Settle down.
You think this is your business? Hey, get off him! You get into my face and tell me to settle down? You stickless freak.
Come on.
Let's go.
You always get like this! - Shut up! - You get all "aggro" in people! - Shut your face.
- You need to stop taking! You don't tell me what to do.
No! No, stop! No! Aaah! What happened to him? Oh, crap! What did you do? I didn't mean to.
I told you.
This is what happens when you take.
You lose control.
I'm sorry.
Oh God! Oh my They can't void your acceptance because your girlfriend flipped out, right? None of that matters anymore.
I'm not going to med school.
What? What, are you embarrassed that they know that about us, 'cause screw them! No, I'm not embarrassed.
I'm just-- Pulling all-nighters so that I can be a dermatologist seems beside the point now.
It's not what I want.
I want to work on finding a cure.
A cure.
Yes, I need to fix this! I need to try and fix this for you! No, whoa.
I do not want you giving up med school for me.
I don't want that responsibility.
What do you want? What-- what do you want? I admit we can't go on like nothing has changed.
You say I can't do anything, but maybe I can.
I don't know what I want.
I didn't want it to be like this.
I wanted us to be happy, not be together because we're monsters.
I know.
It all moves so fast.
Too fast.
And I know I don't look like it right now, but I'm-- I'm happy.
You-- You make me happy.
Then why do I feel like we're completely screwed? Because that's the appropriate, human and non-psychotic reaction.
You turned her.
She took to my blood like a kitten to milk.
Did you know that I haven't turned anyone since I last saw you? Because of what he did to you.
What are we gonna do, Aidan? Why did you take this job really when you knew you'd be right back at my side? You knew what you'd be asked to do.
Your mother is way too smart to give you an unwilling second.
I told her that I would help you, I would guide you, I would make you a success, only because then then she'd set me free.
Set you free? To live how I want, with who I want, and to never have to deal with vampires ever again.
Sounds kind of lonely.
No one knows Boston better than me.
No one can move the pieces better than me.
And if it ever came to a fight I killed Bishop, and that's worth everything here.
I will work for you.
But I could never be like you.
Except for that last, little bit, you're beginning to sound like the old you.
I feel like I got run over by a bus.
And the bus is parked on top of me.
- I wish I could give you a shot of B-12 or start an IV.
I'd kill for just some Tylenol.
And this is what happens when you go into people? Well, at least I'm still here.
You think he's really gone? I felt it.
It's like Dylan was there and then he just wasn't anywhere.
It's like his energy got snuffed out.
No! I just didn't know that we could do this to each other, that we were capable of this.
I think it's better to know what you're capable of.
Then you understand what you're dealing with.
Yes? Forgive me, but Hegeman and I were to share a ride home together.
Any word? Word of what? He was doing business for your mother.
Well, Mother is away and Hegeman is not in the habit of checking in with me.
I suppose I can take this up with Mother.
Safe travels.
Take all That you want from me I've nothing Lies or regrets Hi.
Can I get a whiskey on the rocks, please? I've nothing left I'm all but dead And I don't know And I don't know And I don't know And I don't know OK, I'm not.
But what if I really were stalking you? How was your interview? Let's just say, don't think your hospital's the best fit for me anyway.
Oh, no, no, no.
Norlick Turns out he's a douche, wife or no wife.
I gotta stop saying "douche".
It's It's anti-feminist.
Hey, you know what, though? You're gonna land someplace better.
There's nothing worse than working where you don't belong.
So someone's had a rough day too, huh? Yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
It was.
But, um So far it's got a really nice ending.
I'm Aidan, by the way.
I'm Julia, by the way.
Nice to meet you, Julia.
Nice to meet you too, officially.
My head's awake Too be sure You wanna get out of here? That I can't escape Last call.
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