Bloodline (2015) s02e02 Episode Script

Part 15

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [rain pattering.]
[man whispering.]
Rise and shine.
- [woman gasps.]
- [drawer opens.]
Is this what you're looking for? Motherfucker.
- Who is this? - I'm a friend of your husband's, ma'am.
Was a friend of your husband's till tonight.
Till you sent that guy to my motel.
Are you gonna kill me? [thunder rumbling.]
No, I'm not gonna kill you.
I believe in second chances.
What the fuck is this? That's shit you need to know about my brother.
[Danny on recording.]
So, John, Wayne knows enough now to get you locked up.
- Turn it off.
- We're all gonna get along, or I take you both down with me.
Fucking turn it off.
I'm a businessman, Detective.
And I need my business back up and running, so this bullshit with the task force? You're gonna bring it to an end.
And nothing happens to me or anyone who works for me.
Now, I know there are gonna be a lot of people who would be very interested in hearing what your brother has to say about you.
Every word on that tape is a lie.
Is it, Detective? His word against mine.
Well, then I guess you got nothing to worry about.
John knows you tried to kill me tonight, Wayne, so back the fuck off.
Because my baby brother is very protective.
Aren't you, John? You tipped me off about a federal investigation, I was about to get busted.
And let's not forget, [chuckles.]
you moved two million dollars' worth of coke from the inn so the feds wouldn't find it.
You stole evidence.
And you lied to the DEA to protect me.
The list goes on and on and on and on.
The truth is, I'd be in prison if it wasn't for you.
[Danny laughing on recording.]
Fuck you.
You're not gonna do this to me.
Fuck you! [Danny laughing on recording.]
Fuck you! [.]
You're late.
What happened out there? Car accident.
Was it bad? People hurt? Yeah.
Burt Fisher called again.
Hm? The campaign consultant.
Party's asking that you meet with him, so we gotta decide if you're really gonna run.
I've already decided.
I'm gonna run.
We were gonna have another conversation.
I know.
You know you literally sat there five years ago when Maddox retired, and you told me there was no way, no way in hell you'd wanna run for sheriff.
- That was five years ago.
- Well, why now? I need this.
I haven't said anything until now because I know what you went through with Danny, and that you're still going through.
But we all went through it.
Ben, Janey, me.
You're here, but you're not.
You're gone.
I see the toll that this has taken on you.
You ended up in the hospital.
I'm worried.
About you.
About us.
Just the idea of taking on a sheriff's race, doing that right now, just [.]
Listen to me.
This is a good time for me to put my Put my mind towards something else.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry I haven't been here for you.
Very touching.
What did I tell you about that? Don't worry.
I'm going out to the road.
[birds squawking.]
Well, I can't remember [upbeat music playing on radio in distance.]
Come on, motherfucker, come on.
Fuck! Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! [horns honking.]
[cell phone buzzing.]
- Hi.
- Hi.
Wait a second.
You look familiar.
Oh, really? Is it Mary? Is that it? No.
- Keep going.
- I'll get it.
- I just need a second.
- I'm sure you will.
No, I'm good with names normally.
I just need a second.
You okay with me dropping by unannounced? Well, technically, I wasn't totally unannounced.
- Work's been hairy.
- Yeah, Susannah told me.
You taking the weekend? Going down to the Keys? No, that was her idea.
It might be nice to be home.
Reset your system.
- It'd be good for you.
- Stop.
Stop, okay? - I know what's good for me.
- Okay.
Time at home is not what I need.
And the fucking Keys are not what I need.
All right.
Well, clearly this isn't the best time.
Hey, wait.
I'm sorry.
I'm I really don't wanna be alone right now.
If you could just please stay.
We can get a movie or we can get something to eat or We can do whatever you want.
Around here, if you wanna run for office, you have to talk to Burt.
Burt's run campaigns for half the elected officials in Monroe County.
Truth is, politics is pretty damn simple.
All you have to do is choose the right candidate.
Well, I appreciate that.
I didn't say you were the right candidate, Detective.
Forgive me for saying this, but a campaign manager just seems like overkill for a sheriff's race.
Maybe you should hear what Burt has to say.
A few campaign speeches and some lawn posters, and I mean, this is Monroe County.
We're not talking about a national election.
Well, in addition to lawn signs, you've got polling, message refinement, debate prep, event planning, party relations, fundraising, FEC compliance.
You kiss the babies for him as well? I provide the babies.
I'm not gonna lie to you, Detective.
You've got a problem.
A big problem.
- And what might that be? - [Burt.]
Your brother.
In a race like this, his story will be a liability.
We've already addressed that issue.
To a small group of party faithful.
As I understand it, he was accused of drug trafficking and possible homicide before he, uh Anyway, make no mistake, this is gonna be your opponent's main line of attack.
Sheriff Aguirre and I have had a conversation.
We plan on keeping this a clean race.
See, this is why you need me.
Why do I get the feeling that you're interviewing my husband instead of the other way around? [Burt.]
I'm just saying, if you wanna do this, you're gonna have to open yourself and your family up to a whole lot of scrutiny.
Even down here a campaign can be rough.
People talk.
Rumors spread.
One way or another, a candidate's true self gets revealed.
That can be a good thing or a bad thing.
What it can't be is a surprise.
So you gotta know, Detective why the hell do you wanna be sheriff? [Belle.]
Cabochon labradorite.
Sterling silver.
I don't know if it's gonna fit you.
Oh, that could be perfect.
Or, um [pop music playing over radio.]
This is a Oh.
A local artist.
Isn't this great? It's a great piece.
Have a look around.
I'll be back in a minute.
Hey, is everything okay? [Belle.]
I called you.
Yeah? Because a guy just left, bought a white gold diamond halo, paid cash.
- Okay.
- Gift for his girlfriend.
First time in the Keys, thinks he's discovered America.
- That's a good thing, right? - Listen.
He's in real estate.
I told him about you and your place.
- You did? - Yes.
- Well, what did you tell him? - I said that the location can't be beat and that nobody in the Keys can do the work you do.
So who Who Who is he? I looked him up online, and apparently he's made a fortune in commercial property.
And he wants to meet you.
- No shit.
Really? - [softly.]
When you're walking through here Right, right, right.
Okay, okay, okay.
- Right, I get it now.
- Morning.
Take a look at this.
Gas cans? Coast Guard found them hidden in the mangroves west of Molasses Reef.
John, that's the same area that Lowry's men used to use to refuel.
Anything else? No, but there's dozens of them and they're full of fuel, so we're thinking Lowry's getting ready to do another run.
Or he's testing the waters to see who's watching.
- [John.]
Could be.
- Diaz.
I mean, he may be working a different angle, but if he's feeling confident, we need to find out what that angle is.
Oh, okay.
That was Largo.
Some nut job lost his shit on a waitress up there and they want us to head up.
What do they want us for? Someone specifically asked for me and you.
[downtempo pop music playing over speakers.]
This her? Hi, how are you? Detective Diaz, Detective Rayburn.
How do you do? Nice to meet you.
The guy that was bothering you, do you know him? Never seen him before.
He came in, he was drunk, and started talking weird shit to me.
- Talking about what? - All sorts of crazy shit.
- Yeah, so, what'd you do? - Told him to leave.
So, he went ballistic, my manager got involved and then things got physical.
You okay? I can take care of myself.
I don't need no police.
- So why'd you call us? - I didn't.
You didn't call us? Who did? [sobbing.]
[Marco and Vicente speaking in Spanish.]
Ask him what he was doing with the waitress inside.
[Marco speaking in Spanish.]
[speaking in Spanish.]
He says that there's a young couple from his church and that this woman offered to help bring over their family, because she has access to boats and that she would be willing to do it for a price.
Right, right, right.
Mm? Recruiting traffickers? [speaking in Spanish.]
[Marco and Vicente speaking in Spanish.]
He says that That a boat's about to get here, and he thinks maybe these are the same men that killed his Ana.
Tell him we'll take care of it.
You gotta let Tell him he's gotta let us do our work.
- [Marco.]
- Make sure he understands that.
And again, I'm sorry for the loss of your daughter.
[Marco and Vicente speaking in Spanish.]
Get him a coffee, okay? I know.
Can you believe the fucking timing of this shit? You know, if she's recruiting, that means Grunwald's right.
Lowry's getting ready to do another run.
Let's bring her in, John.
You think she's working for Lowry? [Marco.]
Could be.
- What, off this guy's word? - Run her through the system.
I'm sure we'll find something.
Did I just hear you say that? This is our chance to get Lowry.
Do we really wanna fuck that up? Hm? [Marco and Vicente speaking in Spanish.]
Detective Rayburn.
I'm afraid Miss Cortez can't help you.
- Who are you? - Miss Cortez's attorney.
She has nothing to say.
Usually when you guys pop up this quick, the clients have a lot to say.
- Are you charging her with something? - I don't need to.
She's got pending charges and a bench warrant for missing her last court appearance.
Well, then I'm here to bail her out.
Why don't you take a seat, because she's gotta be processed and go in front of the judge.
For your own sake, I'd encourage you to stop what you're doing and let her go.
And why would I do that? Because Miss Cortez is prepared to provide information on another case.
A case Wayne Lowry is certain that you don't want the district attorney reopening.
[Meg over phone.]
I represented Carlos Mejia on an aggravated assault charge.
Was there anything unusual about the case? - Unusual how? - Just tell me, Meg.
Was there anything at all off about the case? I mean, a witness dropped out, but so what? Why did the witness drop out? Because I tripped him up on cross.
- You're sure that's why? - That's what the ADA told me.
He takes back his testimony and then the case against Carlos is dropped? John, what's the issue? What's going on? - I need you to come home.
- No, I can't.
No No, you don't have a choice.
I need you here.
You're freaking me out, John.
What's going on? Am I in some kind of trouble? I don't know.
You need to be here.
Listen to me.
I mean as soon as fucking possible.
Do you understand? [hip-hop music playing over speakers.]
[people chattering and laughing.]
- Kevin? - Mr.
- Yeah.
- Hi, it's a pleasure.
- Yeah, come on.
Have a seat.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
Would you give me a second? I gotta talk to Kevin here.
- Hi.
- Glad you could come up.
I really appreciate you meeting me.
Like I told your wife, I'm always looking for opportunities.
Well, I tell you what.
I've got a once-in-a-lifetimer with this new marina.
And I got it because my family has been down here a long time.
Yeah, your wife said almost 50 years? That's right.
People know me, you know? They trust me to turn it into a mixed-use facility that'll make money, but also won't look like fucking Vegas on the water.
Know what I mean? [laughs.]
So, what do you have for me? People come to the Keys because it's one of the most unique places in the entire world, right? They wanna come and they wanna experience that beauty, but they want it unspoiled.
They want it, uh pure.
But they also want comfort and service, right? I wanna build a state-of-the-art stowage and docking program.
Fishing charters, boat tours, off-season storage.
Uh - Like, a beautiful boutique retail space - Kevin, look.
Everything that you're saying, I love it, man.
Okay? Have you had a pro-forma done? - Uh, you mean like a business plan? - Yeah.
Yeah, essentially.
But you also wanna detail things like your build-up costs, your seasonal sales rates.
Yeah, I mean, like, I have financials.
Sure, but I mean, what does that mean for a mixed-use marina, right? - Right, exactly.
- [laughs.]
And I imagine that you've accounted for your seasonal contingencies - and your impact fees on a per seat basis? - Mm-hm.
So, can you tell me something about how you've budgeted for your holding costs? Um My what? Fuck! You're such a fucking idiot! [sniffs.]
[knock on door.]
Um, uh Hang on a second, please.
What the fuck, man? I said give me a second.
Easy, brother.
To party alone is bad luck.
Uh, okay.
[both chuckle.]
Um, yeah, okay.
- Ahh - [chuckles.]
Snow this good? I have some brethrens willing to scare up significant funds for that.
No, no.
No Dude, I don't I don't sell it.
Come on, Frosty.
Hook a brother up, man.
Um No, no, man, I'm sorry.
I don't I don't Thank you, though, for the offer.
Damn, Frosty, that's good.
I was very sorry to hear about Danny.
- I really liked him.
- [Sally.]
Yeah, thank you.
I appreciate that.
The cops are all done with his things.
- Thank you.
- Sure thing, ma'am.
- Take your time.
- Okay.
[door opens.]
What did the landlord say? He remembers letting John in a few months ago.
- So he was here more than once? - Yes.
You're certain? I am now.
Though I don't think John mentioned any of it to the police.
- [driver.]
Do you need help with your bags? - No, thanks.
I got it.
[man speaking indistinctly over dispatch radio.]
[thunder rumbling.]
I don't understand what you're saying.
Her lawyer's trying to use me as leverage? He says that your witness was tampered with.
That's not true.
It never happened.
He was.
It did happen.
I talked to the witness.
Wayne Lowry's people got to him and they paid him off.
- That's why he recanted? - There's more.
The money came from Mom.
Yeah, Carlos worked at the inn.
She paid him every week.
Mom paid with a personal check.
Oh, shit.
That's right.
She gave him money for bail.
Danny had Carlos sign over that check.
So, it wasn't enough for him to fuck with my case, he had to create a fucking paper trail? Jesus Christ.
Why is this all coming out now? The lawyer of the woman we arrested was sent by Lowry.
Why would he do that? Why would Lowry know anything about this? Danny.
Danny what? Danny told him? I think we have to assume that Danny told him everything.
So, he knows that you lied to the DEA? He knows that we hid the drugs? - My word against his.
- Jesus Christ.
- This is all about Danny still.
- Meg He won't fucking go away.
Mom's gonna be involved.
And me.
- Neither of you did anything wrong.
- Are you fucking crazy? I've tried one criminal case in my entire life and now it looks like I bribed a witness with a personal check for the sole purpose of running drugs through my family's business.
Listen to me.
Wayne Lowry is the only fucking person that has a motive for killing Danny.
The only one.
We have to shut this down.
Do you understand that? How? We find Carlos.
Carlos is the one person that knows that you did not do anything wrong.
Where the fuck are we gonna find him? You said the DEA doesn't know where he is.
The DEA doesn't know where he is.
But I do.
Hi, I'm I'm just here looking for Carlos Mejia.
- What's your name? - Meg Rayburn.
I'm his lawyer.
Is Carlos here? No.
A few nights ago, he picked up his shit and took off.
Okay, is there any chance that you could get a message to him? Depends.
What's the message? Did he ever tell you about my brother John Rayburn? - The cop? - Yeah.
No, no, no.
Carlos isn't in trouble.
He just needs to talk to my brother.
About what? You know, my family's helped Carlos a lot, and now we need him to help us, so if you could just tell him to contact my brother.
I don't even know if I'll hear from him again.
- But if you do? - If I do, I'll tell him you came by.
[upbeat rock music playing over speakers.]
Hey, hey.
Jake the Snake, man.
- Hey, Kev.
- Hey.
Listen, um I'm sorry, but I'm leaving.
Just come to say goodbye.
Come on, man.
You can't be serious.
Come on.
I swear to you, every fucking cent I owe you, - you're gonna get it.
With interest.
- Kevin.
You gotta stop.
No Don't worry about all that.
Listen, anything that you can find.
All right? Go around my yard, anything you find, you take it as collateral.
I just gotta feed my family, Kev.
You understand.
You waited this long already, man.
Come on.
We had a good run, didn't we? But I'm done.
I'm gonna take care of you, Jake.
You're not gonna shake my hand, Kevin? Don't do this to me.
Don't Please don't do this to me right now.
- Come on.
You're all I got, man.
- [sighs.]
- Good luck, brother.
- Jake.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
I heard you were here.
How are you? I can't get enough, I guess, John.
Had a hell of a fight with a sailfish yesterday.
- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.
Well, hell, this time of year, you'd probably have more luck down - Down around Key West, I'd think.
- Yeah.
- There's too many tourists.
- Ah.
I'd rather stick around here and see what I can find.
How long you planning on staying? As long as it takes until I can catch a big one.
Goddamn if you don't put on a good act.
I mean, you You act like you have my family's best interests in mind But if you did, you wouldn't have given Danny those tapes, Len.
Well, John I'm not sure that I agree with you.
Your guilt from the past That's why you're here.
Why don't you leave it alone? Why don't you leave my family alone? Please.
All right.
His name is Nolan.
And I didn't wanna say anything until I was sure.
Are you sure? When you meet him, you'll see.
Did Danny talk to him about us? It seems he did.
What does he know? What do you mean? Did you meet his mother? Still trying to track her down.
Do you wanna meet him, Mom? If I do what am I supposed to tell him? About what? About everything.
I hope you're getting some much-needed R and R.
- You get down to the Keys? - [Meg.]
Yeah, I did.
It's great.
It was a great idea.
Thank you for that.
You using the time to clear your head and get your focus back? Yeah.
That's what I'm doing.
That's what you said to do.
Okay, good.
Because the Pell case is going to trial.
I need you back and on your game.
How soon can you travel? Uh, can you give me one more day? Okay.
See you then.
[car door closes.]
Hello? John? - [man.]
Miss Rayburn? - [gasps.]
Jesus Christ.
You stay right there.
Why were you looking for me? I just wanted to talk to you.
I know the truth about your case.
I know what you and Danny did to that witness.
I'm so sorry, Miss Rayburn.
I mean, you trusted me and you helped me.
I know about the drugs, too.
I never meant for anything bad to happen.
And I don't want anything bad to happen to you.
So, I talked to my brother John and he's willing to help you.
You just have to go in there and tell him the truth.
There are men that are trying to kill me.
- Lowry's men.
- I know.
He can protect you.
Just talk to John.
Can you do that, please? [country music playing over speakers.]
Come on, baby.
[woman over radio.]
Bravo 4, are you located anywhere near the Marathon Minimart? - This better be fucking good.
- [Marco.]
We're sorry to bother you, Judge, but we have an affidavit for a search warrant that needs impartial eyes.
Oh, well, that's cute, detective.
I tell you what these impartial eyes are seeing.
You two got shot down by the judge on duty and decided to come all the way out here and ruin my day off.
Is this regarding your brother's murder? Yes, sir.
We've picked up a woman.
We suspect that she's a recruiter for Wayne Lowry's trafficking ring.
You suspect how? An immigrant couple ID'd her off a six pack.
They were looking to bring their sick mother up from Honduras.
They've already given a $2500 deposit.
And this woman, did she introduce them to the traffickers? Yeah, and according to them, a boat of illegal immigrants is gonna land here any day now.
So, they said that he said that she said [laughs.]
That's a little light on the PC, don't you think, fellas? She was also picked up previously for manufacturing fake IDs.
Fake IDs.
So was my 16-year-old grandson.
Your Honor, we're holding her on a misdemeanor.
She's gonna make bail on Monday, and I'm certain she is gonna skip town.
And you'd like to sneak a little peek inside her domicile before that happens.
Yes, sir, I would.
Well [grunts.]
I'll think about it.
We're running out of time, so we brought you her jacket and everything we have on Lowry.
Well, like I said, I'll think about it.
In the meantime, I suggest you gentlemen vacate my fishing hole.
The croakers are starting to nibble.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Don't run over my line.
You Sally? Yeah.
Yeah, I heard about you.
- My dad actually lived in this place? - Until he was an adult.
[Nolan chuckles.]
My dad was never an adult.
- Is that my dad? - Yeah.
And your Uncle John.
[Nolan chuckles.]
Look like a couple of bum chums.
Is this my Aunt Meg? No, that's Sarah.
Who's that? The dead one? My dad liked the dead one the most.
Why did you come here? John said you wanted to meet me.
I mean, why did you come down here? Holy shit.
What is it you want from us? I don't want anything from you, Sally so you can fucking relax.
And you can clean up your fucking mouth.
Now come inside for some lemonade.
[cell phone ringing.]
[upbeat rock music playing over speakers.]
You Frosty? - Yeah.
Who the fuck are you? - Mutual friend.
Malaki says he met you at a party.
He didn't tell me much else, though.
Uh Well, there's not much else to tell.
So, how long you been in business? Uh, I'm not.
I'm just helping out a friend.
Anyone we might know? You ask a lot of questions.
Just trying to be thorough.
- Can I get you guys something? - No, thank you, sweetheart.
- How's the pie? - It's great.
Actually, can I get a whole one to go, and a check? You got it.
Enough small talk? Okay.
You see that guy out there smoking a cigarette? The way this works is, you bring your stuff to him, he'll sample it.
If everything checks out, he'll text me, I'll meet you by your car and pay you.
[sucks teeth.]
Yeah, I don't I don't think so.
- What do you mean? - That's not gonna really work for me.
- And why is that? - I'd just rather stay here.
There's a sample in the sugar if you wanna try it.
If you're satisfied, you get the money, you bring it to me, and I'll tell you where to find the rest of it.
That's not how we do business.
I totally understand that, so if you wanna walk away right now, that's fine.
We'll do it your way.
How did the witness tampering go down and whose idea was it? Carlos, I need you to tell me this now.
- I don't wanna get anyone in trouble.
- Who might you be getting into trouble? Miss Rayburn.
What? - It was her idea.
She bribed the witness.
- No.
You mean it was Danny's idea.
No, it was your sister, Meg.
She didn't think she'd get my charges dropped, so she got Rafi Quintana to pay the witness.
Fuck you.
My sister barely knew you.
Why would she care about your charges? Because she wanted me to help you.
Help the whole Rayburn family.
Help the Rayburn family do what? Move cocaine through the inn.
You listen to me, Carlos.
You and I had an agreement.
I would keep you from getting dragged into this and then one day, you would help me.
And today is that fucking day.
I need your help.
You only protected me because you were working for Lowry.
Wayne Lowry is using you to fuck with me and my family.
After he gets what he wants, - he's gonna kill you.
- Your family was in on it.
- Thank you.
- [waitress.]
No rush.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
Fuck, yes.
Fuck! [Pete.]
I spoke with Carlos.
- He said it was all your idea.
- He's lying.
He threatened to put the money on us, to put the drugs on us.
He does that that gives motive for Danny right there.
[cell phone ringing.]
Who is it? - Hey, Marco.
- We're good to go on Elena Cortez.
We can search her house.
Judge Hemel signed off.
That's great.
Good job.
- He gave us the warrant.
- You can't.
No way.
You cannot pursue it, John.
- I don't have a choice.
- Lowry's gonna expose us.
It doesn't matter if I do or don't, Marco is gonna pursue it.
- Well, then tell him to back off.
- I can't I can't do that.
I can't do that.
What if you find something that connects her to Lowry what are you gonna do? [.]
Monroe County Sheriff's Department! [knocking on door.]
Monroe County Sheriff's Department! Go for it.
Go, go, go.
Sheriff's Department! - Check outside.
Check outside.
- The mud and the mosquitoes? Mud and mosquitoes are good for you.
I'll check in here.
Hey, Reggie.
- Is that her room? - Yes, sir.
This is it.
Come here a second.
Go outside and make sure he doesn't fuck anything up.
Do me a favor, will you? No one touches anything until I see it first.
Got it.
Over here.
Come here, pop that.
- [men speaking indistinctly.]
- [cell phone buzzing.]
Everything's clean.
[men speaking indistinctly.]
- Any luck? - No, nothing.
John? John, anything? John? [John.]
It's clean.
In 1979, I was ten years old.
All of us kids, we lived here at the inn.
And our parents had one rule, it was the granddaddy rule of them all.
And that was that you do not go into the guests' rooms, ever.
Well, I was a 10-year-old kid.
One afternoon, a couple guests came along and they were very mysterious.
And I was intrigued.
So, the next morning, I went to the front desk.
I took their room key, and I went out and I watched until they left for the day.
I let myself into their room and my heart was pounding.
I closed that door, and I tell you, it was like, uh It was like being in one of those detective novels, you know? [crowd laughing.]
And I poked around and I prodded and I looked here and there.
I laid down on the bed and a couple hours later, the people came back and they found a 10-year-old detective asleep on their bed.
[cell phone buzzing.]
Now, you all knew my father.
Most of you knew my father.
God bless him.
You know when he was angry, he had a silence to him.
And the more silent he was, the more angry he was.
And I tell you, he was deadly silent when we came together, and he said to me after this, he said: "I'm happy for you.
" Well, he says, "I'm happy for you because every day after today, you will always know the meaning of right and wrong.
" [.]
And then there was my mother, who I can never, never forget the look on your face.
Because it was a look of disappointment and betrayal.
And she only said one word to me: "Why?" And I'll tell you, I have been trying to figure out the answer to that question my whole life.
I don't live here at this inn anymore.
I live in the real world where right and wrong have life and death consequences.
That's why I'm officially announcing today that I am running for Sheriff of Monroe County.
Because I realized that there is no answer to my mother's question: "Why?" There's only human nature.
And human nature needs to be nurtured and policed so as to save us from ourselves.

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