Breakout Kings (2011) s02e02 Episode Script

Round Two

1 Sanchez, you have a visitor! Chow time in five minutes.
Chow time over in ten.
Come on.
Got to be here somewhere.
I don't know about this, guys.
Found it.
Two minutes to freedom.
I only got 46.
Anybody in the infirmary? Negative.
Check the heads.
It's not big enough in there.
It's exactly as big as it's supposed to be.
We're going to get stuck inside and die.
Now is not the time, Pat.
They're not even going to find our bodies down here.
Get in that tunnel.
Don't touch me! - You don't have to go in.
- Easy But you hurry back to your cell, you keep your mouth shut.
All right.
Hole too small for you, Brody? Three confirmed missing: Pat Duffy, Brody Ardell and Victor Mannion.
Last seen in the mess hall.
Come on.
Prisoners on your feet.
Stand for count.
Nice work, boys.
Good to see you again, boss.
I'll wire the fee into your account as soon as we get the money.
Count is short.
Repeat-- count is short.
Commence lockdown.
Sounds like trouble at the prison.
That ought to do it.
You're officially discharged.
We'll see you around.
Can you take care of a warrant for me, Ray? Sure.
I can bring you in right now.
Nah, never mind.
100 bucks says Zancanelli's back here three months for taking money again.
Ain't happening.
Shut it, Dutch.
Who wants a piece of the action? If you hit him, Ray, I got to report it.
Thanks for reminding me why I never want to come back here.
All right, we're back to work.
Not how we wanted it, obviously, but we're back.
Who's he? Per marshals policy, when a deputy is killed, each member of his unit must do one session of grief counseling.
Apparently, you guys refused to do it at Maybelle.
We're not telling a prison counselor about the cops we work with.
Don't care how confidential you say it is, Ray.
That gets on file, anyone can get their hands on it.
Well, I got to sign that paper that says you all got counseling.
It's a liability thing.
- Then sign it.
- Just got my badge back.
I'm not lying on a federal document.
That wasn't the deal when I signed up-- that I'd have to make myself available for therapy.
I don't need it, I don't want it, and I ain't talking to Orville Redenbacher over there.
All right, you do it, Lloyd.
Hmm? Oh, no, no, no.
Counseling coworkers may be considered a conflict of interest.
- By who? - By me.
I don't care.
You're doing it.
Okay? Doc, we're going to keep this in-house.
It's my understanding Dr.
Lowery's no longer a doctor.
Well, they took away his license, not what he learned.
Okay, this is tough for all of us.
We're just looking to bend the rules, not break them.
Now, I know this is hard for all of us, but Charlie would have wanted us to take care of business, and that's what we're going to do.
Keep it poppin', Orville.
So, unless anybody has anything to say, let's get to it.
Two convicts just tunneled out of Shawangunk maximum security prison in upstate New York.
I just think it's bullshit we don't get to go after the guy who killed Charlie.
Well, I don't like it any more than you do, but there's nothing we can do about it.
Marshals already have another team on it.
If it wasn't for him Why don't you take a few minutes? Go get changed.
The foreclosed house they tunneled from-- bought at a bank auction for cash.
Names on the deed came back bogus.
Our techs are at the house, processing it for prints and any other evidence to see who aided the escape.
Scumbag number one.
Victor Mannion.
Leader of the mole hill crew.
These are the dudes who tunneled into a marine base and stole the whole payroll couple years back.
$9 million in small bills.
Two marines were killed in the robbery.
The police never recovered the money.
They all liked Victor for the job, but nobody could pin it on him.
He and Pat Duffy were doing short time on weapons charges.
Now, the press has been running the marine heist story nonstop, and the guys in Victor's crew are getting - leaned on by the cops.
- Someone's going to crack.
Wherever that money is, it's up for grabs.
Either one of Victor's boys is going to steal it, or a cop's going to steal it-- no offense, Ray.
That's why these guys broke out-- to get to that money before anyone else does.
As long as he was locked up, his cash was at risk.
Okay, uh, Ray, remember how you said, "if anyone has anything to say"? - Okay.
- Okay.
- Charlie's funeral.
- What about it? I just feel like you could have pulled some strings and gotten us out for that.
No, I couldn't.
- And you know how I know? - No.
Because I tried.
Other escapee-- uh, Brody Ardell.
Relative newcomer to Victor's crew.
He got popped on a larceny charge and was serving three years.
This member, Pat Duffy, was found dead underneath the prison.
I hope his friends are allowed to go to his funeral.
Look, you can go through the file or you can go through the window.
Not today, Lowery.
Three gold stars? I'm so proud of you.
So how do you like your new teacher? Did you just shush me? Mind your business.
I'm on a really important business call.
If you could just lower your voice, a tiny bit okay, I'll-I'll I'll let you go.
I love you.
Okay, bye.
What the hell is your problem? Somebody just walked into my office.
Can I get right back to you? Okay.
You work upstairs, right? You can't talk up there? I can talk wherever the hell I want to.
Okay, I just needed some space.
I'm dealing I'm dealing with some stuff at work right now, and That is He was a great guy.
He, uh He took a chance on me when nobody else would, and I, uh I can't believe I'm crying in front of you.
I'm sorry.
This is this is really embarrassing.
No, not at all.
You're just getting it all out.
Don't be embarrassed.
I cry every day.
When's happy hour? Uh, I work in the nightclub business, unfortunately.
Why don't you let me pour you a stiff drink? I wish, but, uh, that'd actually get me in trouble with my boss.
I'm, uh I'm sorry I girlied up your office.
I got to get back upstairs.
Well, you know, the good thing about this stuff-- doesn't go bad, so You know, if you need some Come back down.
Get me a bag of pork rinds, a root beer and an issue of juggs.
That guy is calling us in.
Think you're being paranoid.
Yeah, you're right.
I'll just let it go.
What's the worst that can happen? No, no, no, I'm positive it's the guys that I saw on television last night.
No, absolutely.
No, you have to I was talking to my mother.
Oh, I hope you told her you love her.
What's wrong with you?! We can't keep stacking bodies.
He was calling the cops.
You got as much to lose in this as I do.
Nine mil in unmarked bills.
Can you imagine? You know, within a year, I'd be fluent in Spanish, Shea Daniels would cease to exist, and there'll be one more Enrico Rivera living in Costa Rica, bro.
I hate to interrupt your champagne wishes and caviar sueños, but, uh, how are you doing? With what? With your Spanish correspondence course in preparation for your new life in central America.
With-with Charlie's death.
What do you want me to say? He was a cop.
Cops and cons die.
I'm not happy about it, and I feel bad for his wife, but I've seen a lot of people die, Lloyd.
I don't die with them.
Okay? Ray wanted us to talk about it.
Yeah, we just did.
Check me off your little list and leave me alone.
Didn't want to talk, so Look, Shea's good, but he's got an attitude problem.
Lloyd is invaluable, but he's out of his mind.
I need a heavy hitter I can count on, especially when the team splits up.
I can't be in two places at once.
And one of the smart things that Charlie did-- something I didn't give him credit for, and I was wrong not to-- was bringing you on board.
If I'm gonna run this team, I need you to step up.
You come through, and I'll do right by you.
This isn't a little parlor trick you're gonna play on everybody? Pull each one aside and tell us we're your go-to con? No, and don't let me rethink what I just offered you.
Sorry to interrupt.
Ellenville Police Department called.
The runners just took out a civilian.
All right, you two check around back.
Right there.
Screen's cracked.
Disposable phone.
Still got a lot of juice in the battery.
Ray Zancanelli? Who's asking? FBI agent Maruca.
Heard about your unit.
This one of your convicts? He's good.
What do you guys need? I can't discuss confidential government business in the presence of a convict.
Your ears broken, homegirl? You heard the man; I'm good.
I'm gonna need you to adjust your attitude.
Couple of steps back before I adjust your ass with my foot.
I see you have quite a handle on your unit, Zancanelli.
Somebody better tell foxy brown over here to get a handle on her lip.
We gonna have a problem here? Get your hand off your weapon.
Look, don't even let him what you gonna do We should get Jules to check this.
Hey, hey, hey.
Uh, you know, we both know we have to get this out of the way, so the whole Charlie of it all.
Now, I you were choked up.
I know you really cared for him.
Considering the parallels between his death - and your father's - Okay.
Both of them were young men in their prime, both of them were in law enforcement, and I can't help but think some of your grief - Okay, it's just you and me back here, right? - Yeah.
Tell Ray we had a meaningful discussion and that I'm fine.
- Because I am.
- Okay.
Why-why are you guys even yelling? You okay? Ambulance, medevac knight rider.
Yeah, he's okay.
Anybody else touch one of my guys, you're gonna have to deal with me.
Now, what do you guys want?! Brody Ardell.
Know him? Yeah, he's one of the convicts we're chasing.
He's also an undercover federal agent.
You'll live.
We put Brody undercover to get information on the marine heist.
He infiltrated Victor Mannion's crew successfully.
We knew once he was in, he'd be worried about his money, maybe try to move it.
We had to get Brody close to Victor again, so we put fake larceny charges on him, threw him into prison with Victor to see if maybe Brody could learn what he was planning.
Did Brody confirm that Victor broke out to get the money? Well, that's what we were guessing.
Guessing? He didn't tell you they were breaking out? No.
Brody's going after $9 million, and didn't say nothing? You're never gonna see his ass again.
I got another taser in my trunk.
You want me to get that for you? Get out my face; How about that? Shea, go sit in the car.
Look, I assure you, Brody is a solid agent.
Yeah, who let a civilian get shit-stomped back there.
That's two bodies on him.
I said in the car.
Agent Brody is a highly-trained officer Would you trust Brody with $9 million? I'd trust him with my life.
Yeah, what about that guy's life? In the car! Pursue this case any way you want, deputy Zancanelli, just stay away from our agent.
What the hell are you doing? Hey, I thought you were back on meds.
So I got the denomination breakdown of the bills stolen by Victor and his crew.
In a standard bank job, mostly hundreds are taken.
But because this was a military base, marines want 20s, fives, singles.
For strip clubs.
So we are talking ten times the normal amount of bills taken, at least.
In a five-by-five-by-three pallet, we're looking at a load about this size.
- They'll need to launder it.
- No way.
They got the holy grail: small bills.
No bait bills you get from a teller stick up.
This money is untraceable.
They'll lay low, pay for everything in cash.
They can party off the grid for the rest of their lives with a score like this.
Well, we got to get to them before they get to the money, or they're ghosts.
Show her the phone.
Found this on the scene.
Uh, probably broke when it hit the ground.
Could be Brody's, could be nobody's.
Yeah, I'll see if I can pull some info off the SIM card.
Oh, and, um, Ray, I'm tracing the serial numbers of the equipment left at the tunnel house.
A lot went into getting that, boy.
Not that you're a boy; You're a girl.
But, uh, I had a little tussle with a g-man, uh, took a tase right to the chest, but I shook it off, 'cause it was worth it to get that phone.
- Yeah.
We used to tase each other all the time in the academy.
Usually only takes a few minutes to recover.
You know it.
So, uh, hey, I guess I'm supposed to talk to you about that Charlie thing and how it's affecting you, maybe.
Probably be best if we sat alone somewhere, maybe the interrogation room or the coffee shop downstairs, if you thought, you know, that was more comfortable.
You can just tell me anything.
Nothing's off limits.
Just tell me how you're feeling.
Um, thanks, but, uh, Dr.
Edmunds, who was here this morning, we talked before you arrived.
- Ray already signed off on me.
- Ooh.
It's Brody's! It's Brody's phone.
He texted himself a message under his name about meeting at a port in Delaware.
All right, notify the feds, and call up sog's air wing to do surveillance over the marina.
You still think he's dirty? We're heading there, so don't be late.
I'm not sure how long I can stall him if you're not there.
You Brody? Yeah.
Eric Hemings and Dr.
Paul Klee.
Look, tell the boss I would've been here earlier, but, uh Don't worry about it.
That's a lot of weight to move around.
Well, they've got a dirty federal agent helping out.
You saw the text.
There's a pretty good chance that guy's clean.
Come on.
Really? Whose box is that? Ray's.
Did you want to talk about why you're not moving into Charlie's office? No, but I'll talk about how much fun it's gonna be punching you in the face if you don't get back to work.
Listen, Ray, not only am I interested, but I have a vested interest in how you're dealing with Charlie's death, specifically as it pertains to how effective a leader you'll be.
Not, you not moving into Charlie's empty office may be construed less as a show of respect and more as a sign that you don't feel like you deserve this promotion, and maybe you're struggling I wanted you to talk to the cons, not me.
I tried, per your directive; They won't.
It was a great idea, though.
Hasn't marginalized me at all in the eyes of my peers, - so thank you for that.
- Your peers are cons.
Charlie never would've put me in this position.
Yeah, well, I'm not Charlie.
Marshals I got agent Maruca on the phone.
Brody reached out to them.
Brody just called from a pay phone.
He said they're headed to marina 59 in Queens.
Maybe they're getting a boat from there and sailing it down to Port Canaveral, Florida.
What we were thinking, too.
We're about an hour away; Your team can get there first.
Copy that.
This dirty fed is playing you all like a fiddle.
Let's roll out.
Your boy ain't showing.
Not one word from you.
I won't.
Hey, Lloyd, if you were on the run, would you come to a marina swarming with cops and only one road in and out? No, don't put me in the middle of this, please.
No way they're coming here.
I said shut it.
I'm telling you, this guy's gone rogue.
He's only calling in to keep us away from them.
There's $9 million at stake here.
His record's clean; Nothing to show that he's dirty.
How'd your record look before you got popped? How would you like to go back to Maybelle in a wheelchair? I'm on this team to help your ass, right? You about to blow it your first day running this joint.
Enough! Keep it Under wraps, he's angry.
Just saying.
You said Charlie picked me because I was good, right? Well, he picked you, too, to take over for his team.
Not to all of a sudden become some boss whose only goal it is is to cover his ass, but to be Ray Zancanelli.
Yo, Foxy Brown's back.
Seen anything yet? No, we might not.
Well, maybe it's time you guys start considering your agent may have gone rogue.
No way.
Does he have an OSW? What's a what's an OSW? It's an officer safety word.
A word an agent slips into a conversation to let you know he's in trouble and needs to be pulled out.
Yeah, he has an OSW: "Sunset.
" He's had plenty of chances to use it, and he hasn't yet.
Then where is he? I don't know.
Look, you guys can stay and wait here and do what you want, lady, but we're gonna go look for a dirty cop.
One, two, three.
As soon as we step off the plane, you get your half of the deal.
Hey, Jules.
Car show up yet? Yeah, it just did.
What's up? I traced the equipment at the tunnel house back to the manufacturer who said that it was bought by a leasing company.
They said that a man paid in cash for two orders, one delivered to the tunnel house, another to a farm in New Jersey.
Was the second order digging equipment? Yeah, a small backhoe.
They're digging up the money.
Erica and Lloyd get to Brody's wife yet? Yeah, almost there.
What, did Gary Coleman drop this thing off? How come I've always been with you or Charlie? Casper and Wendy get to go off on their own, but me, I'm always stuck on a marshal's hip.
I wonder what's so different about me.
Hmm, let me think.
Didn't you say you were one-eight Irish? Yeah.
I don't trust micks.
Check the mailbox.
Hey, did Ray deputize you or something? 'Cause you are really bossy lately.
Just do it, Lloyd.
Hey, take a look at this.
Somebody didn't have time to turn off the hose.
All this mail's at least three days old.
That's not a good sign.
Look at this.
The door's kicked in.
What was Brody's OSW word again? "Sunset.
" Brody's wife must have written it.
"If you can read this note, you're a dumb cop.
" Man, this is the marina all over again.
They sent us chasing a backhoe while they're digging up $9 million somewhere else.
Agent Brody is playing us.
They took Brody's wife and kid.
Victor's crew must have done it a couple days before the breakout.
Son of a bitch.
Well, they must've known he was undercover when he was in prison.
They forced him to break out knowing that he would throw us off the scent.
Yeah, well, now we don't just have runners, we've got have hostages.
What'd you guys get? Oh, we got dick.
Back to square one.
Not necessarily, Ray.
Hold on a sec.
I'll call you right back.
I told you he wasn't dirty.
Shut up.
Tire tracks from Brody's driveway into the street.
Somebody backed up and left in a hurry.
And they passed that gas station on the way out.
How much you wanna bet they've got security cameras? You say a word, I'll have your son's feet cut off in front of your wife.
License, passport, load papers.
What are you carrying? Medicine and a fellow doctor.
I need you to step out, open the tailgate.
Is there something I'm missing in the paperwork? Open the back, please.
Where is this going? Atlanta, then Laos.
We're a small operation out of Lancaster.
You're good.
The footage from the gas station was grainy, but I found what looks like a woman riding in the back seat with a child in her lap, two men with her, one driving, one in the rear.
What kind of mother puts her kid on her lap instead of a car seat? Britney Spears, or a mother who's been kidnapped.
Are they still local? Yeah.
I tracked the car best I could.
I picked them up on a community watch video at the end of the block and an ATM camera a mile west from there.
And the last footage I found is from a red light camera when the car pulled into the Deerbrook Acres subdivision.
No video of them driving out.
Then they must still be there.
What are they driving? Red Camry.
I need a gun.
I am not comfortable with her having a gun, Raymond.
Have you been tracking people since you were eight? When I was eight, I was applying for colleges.
And that being said, on a purely logical level, which one of us should have a gun? Okay, you need to bend the rules here, Ray.
You think Victor's crew is gonna let Brody and his family live once they get his money out of dodge? They're as good as dead, and so are we if we don't have a firearm.
You're not seriously thinking about giving her a gun? Hey, Charlie gave me one once.
Are you at the car? This ain't right, man.
Look under the seat.
I think this is a bad idea.
I agree with Shea.
This ain't right.
A taser? Are you for real? No, all the way back, to the left.
That's my personal firearm.
Be very careful.
It can't come back to me with a body on it.
Got it.
I believe you're familiar with one of these.
Take my extra piece.
Any of those rent-a-cops give us any trouble, the plane gets here, use it.
In case you're getting any fun ideas, know this: if my guys don't get calls from me at prearranged times, your family's dead.
So you might be pointing the barrel at me, but you're putting the bullet in their heads.
You can kill me.
Men with badges know what they signed up for.
But an agent's family gets touched, there won't be a rock in this world for you to hide under.
The feds will find you and they'll take you out.
Just do what I say.
We'll save 'em all that trouble.
Okay, there's the car.
They must be in that house.
We need to peel somebody out from inside and find out what's going on.
Do you remember Manuel Noriega, Panamanian dictator captured by U.
troops? More specifically, how he was captured? Psychologically speaking, these guys are in the exact same situation, okay? Guarding two hostages with their lives and a cut of $9 million on the line, we are talking a nearly explosive level of stress hormones coursing through their brains right now.
Oh, yeah.
Throw in a little sensory disturbance into the mix, it will definitely illicit a debilitating neuro-endocrine reaction.
Aka I'm gonna get all up inside these bitches' heads.
Keep an ear out for my safe word.
Did did you really give yourself a safe word? Yeah.
It's "shabba.
" What's shabba? You know the song, Mr.
Loverman, shabba.
What the hell's that? Fruitcake neighbor's tanning in the yard.
I'll shut him down.
No, let it slide.
What are you looking at? Son of a bitch! Hey! Whoo! Hey! I've got a kid who's trying to sleep over here, pal! What the hell? Shabba.
What the hell is "shabba"? Shabba! Shabba! Shabba! Need help? How many people are inside? Screw you, bitch.
I won't.
But my Glock will.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
Be smart.
We've got this place surrounded.
I just looked out front.
Nobody's there.
Drop the gun.
All you're looking at is a kidnapping charge.
You do not want a body on your hands.
Shut up.
Now, where's the fruitcake? Where are they? Where are Victor and Brody? Maybe 50,000 volts of "help me remember" will jog your cerebrum.
Okay, okay.
They're flying out.
They're flying out.
Airfield in Jersey.
I really like this thing.
Hands where I can see them.
I'm here to help you, I've been working with agent Maruca Shut up and turn around.
I know Victor took your family, but we got them.
They're safe.
You're an agent! You'll say anything to keep Victor from taking off in this plane.
You've got to trust me, just lower your gun.
I'm sorry.
But if I got to choose between you and them, you lose.
That's my team now.
I could put your wife on the phone.
I'm gonna answer it.
Don't go near that gun.
If I could prove your family's okay, Victor loses all leverage over you.
You get to that gun, I lose all leverage over you.
Let me answer this.
Don't you move! Answer the phone, Brody! Don't move! Screw it.
Brody! Put the wife on the phone! Brody, let's go.
Brody! It's me.
We're okay.
We're okay.
Hello? Yeah, I'm okay.
Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
Who moved my boxes? I did.
It's your office now.
Did you get the thing I asked for? And I need you to sign this grief counseling document, so I can fax it over.
Lloyd, you talk to everyone? I did, Raymond.
But nobody talked back, which slightly impedes the counseling process.
You know, you're pretty critical for someone who didn't have to talk to anybody.
That's because nobody asked me, Erica.
How are you dealing with Charlie's death, Lloyd? I will tell you.
Because as you all know, I don't have a problem with sharing my feelings.
I feel guilty.
I feel like I am the first link in a chain that led to Charlie's murder.
You can't lay that on yourself.
The government brought me in as a expert witness on Damien's case.
I recommended he be committed and sedated for the rest of his life.
They didn't listen to me.
Then that's their fault, not yours.
I did not properly make my argument.
'Cause you know what happens when you're 24 years old and you've already been a doctor for six years? You think you know everything, and when people don't agree with you, you write them off as morons, and you move on.
But I should have Pushed back, I should've done something to get them to see who Damien really was.
But I didn't do my job, and ten years later, a good man died.
Oh, get off the cross, Lloyd, we need the wood.
We're not ready to talk about this.
At least not with each other.
Which is, uh, perfectly understandable and not at all unexpected.
But I am here if you guys change your mind.
And I just want to say, out loud what I think we're probably all feeling.
I miss the guy.
I miss Charlie.
We shouldn't be mourning Charlie.
Hey, just because you didn't get along with the guy, doesn't mean you can talk shit about him when he's dead.
I'm not.
I'm with Lloyd.
No, we should honor the man.
You know, make a toast or something to celebrate his life, you know? I'll be right back.
You know You knock almost as loud as you talk.
Well, I need a bottle of booze.
- Using me already? - That's a two-way street.
In that case, take anything you want.
What's the name of your nightclub? It's not open yet.
I'm still thinking of names.
- Is this your first one? - Uh Second.
Um I'm kind of starting over.
Aren't we all? I look forward to returning the favor.
Well, you know where I'll be.
I'm not even gonna ask.
Your idea, Shea.
You want to do the honors? To Charlie.
A good man gone too soon.
To Charlie.
All right, get dressed out.
Chew some gum, so they don't smell anything on your breath.
Thanks, Ray.

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