Freakshow (2013) s02e02 Episode Script

Boobzilla Comes to Town

We got a very special guest comin' today.
Y'all ready to hear who it is? You are gonna meet a woman with the strongest boobs in the world.
- She can crush cans with them.
- Wait-I'm sorry.
- What? - Okay.
Boobzilla, Boobzilla, Boobzilla, Boobzilla! Really? Folks, today, you will witness the strangest creatures on earth, the living wonders of the world, and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to "the Freakshow.
" So, Danielle, you remember who's comin' today, right? Who? Miss Boobzilla and the boobs of death.
I wanna see her do some boobs of death.
In the circus sideshow, you'd often see the strong man.
But, once in a while, you got a chance to see the strong woman perform feats of strength that no man could do.
Wait are they gonna be, like, this big? This big.
- Oh, my gosh! - We'll see when she gets here.
The amazing Boobzilla.
This woman lifts weights with that special part of her anatomy.
Once you see it, you never forget it.
- I'm excited.
- I think everybody is.
I might need her boobies to knock you out a little.
- Who? - Jenevieve.
- Jenevieve? - Yeah.
- She's working today? - Apparently.
Doing what? I am not a fan of the new snake lady.
I have brought in Jenevieve as the newest member to our family.
Hi, baby.
It's just difficult, as a female performer, to see another female relying so heavily on just sex appeal.
Is Jenevieve here? Do you guys know where Jenevieve is? Nope.
It looks pretty set up to me out there.
I think we just need Jenevieve to put in some work.
Is she really late Seriously? - Hey! - Hey! So, listen, if you don't mind, Jenevieve, just start grabbin' things.
We'll just carry as much as we can out.
Let me get my hair out of the way.
I'm seeing so many sketchy things today.
Jenevieve? I don't really know Jenevieve that well yet.
But, um, from what I've seen, I don't really know how this is gonna work out.
Hey! Hello, hello! Larry has been desperate to meet Boobzilla.
- Wow! - Wow! Hubba-hubba.
Give us the lowdown on what your boobs can do.
Currently, I'm at a 44-R cup hoo-rah! Right around 25 pounds apiece.
- Wow! - At this point, my record is lifting over 200 pounds - using nothing but these.
- No! They're just gonna keep growing.
Are you serious? My character and persona as "Boobzilla" developed, actually, soon after I was diagnosed with gigantomastia.
I was 13, and I had my boobs develop from a B-cup to a D-cup in less than two weeks.
It was very confusing and an awkward time.
I was dealing with kids that just didn't understand what it was like to have this condition, and I raised myself to believe that there's nothing wrong with the way I look.
I really can't wait to show Venice Beach what the amazing Boobzilla is all about.
All right, well, y'all make her welcome here.
- Ow! - What happened? You okay? She got me.
Look, I'm bleeding.
- She bit you? - That is so crazy.
She's never done that before, ever.
What? She just took a chunk out of my thigh.
- What? - Look-look at the blood, right there See that? She was like-she was like this, and she went - But you're okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.
Is there anything I should be worried about, like, with people outside? No, 'cause I'll-I'll hold her very close.
- Okay, yeah, make sure you - Oh, see, check her out.
Yeah, she's in hissing mode today.
She does that She's a woman.
When I heard Jenevieve scream from her snake biting her, I got really nervous.
When you're a snake lady, you've gotta be perfectly in sync with your snake.
You've gotta know how it's gonna react in a new environment, and Jenevieve doesn't seem to be able to do that.
- Listen, the main thing is - I got her.
Watch the kids There's a lot of kids.
Oh, I definitely will hold her head close to me.
Yeah, keep her under control.
- I will I promise I will.
- All right.
I really wanted to try to do something different.
- You know, something bigger.
- Okay, what you got? I was wondering, you know, about maybe lifting Ali tomorrow.
- How do you do it? - Well, I mean, you know, I-I would-I'd lift the chair.
Then if she's able to, you know, maybe position herself, and I can lift the rest of the way.
Well, let me grab her Hey, Ali! Are you okay? Ah, there you go.
Sorry I just-I'm having issues.
- I have hip problems yeah.
- Yeah? - Is it hurting you that bad? - Yeah.
It's, like, really, really hurting, and I'm-I'm really uncomfortable right now.
I've been dealing with this pain for a long time.
But then, the last two months, I've been in excruciating pain.
So, I'm feelin' pretty bad.
She was gonna try to do a stunt.
She, basically, puts her boobs over the back of the chair, and then lifts you with her boobs.
Oh, wow! I think for me to try this would, you know, probably not be a good idea.
I'm just scared that it's hurting you that much.
It's gettin' so bad.
- I mean, standing - Baby, are you okay? - Yeah, I'm good.
- Yeah? I'm just-I had to I have to sit down.
You definitely need to go to the doctor.
I'm, like, extremely scared.
Ali, I've seen it get worse, like, in the last few months.
You gonna promise me you're gonna go to the doctor? - Serious? - Yeah, I will go.
I will go.
See if we can get ya fixed up.
Oh, pain.
We gotta get rid of this pain and figure out what's goin' on with you.
You can have a seat right on the exam table.
- Oh, thank you thanks.
- Okay, great.
Thank you so much.
- There you go.
- Okay.
And just do a backwards action here.
- There you go got it? - Yep.
Hi, Ali How ya doin'? I'm good How are you, Dr.
Bradford? Good So, what's happening? Uh, I'm just experiencing a lot of pain - coming from my hip area.
- Okay.
It used to be standing bothered me, but now it's, like, everything.
You have two hips that are a problem.
- When we look at your X-rays - Mmm-hmm.
- Here's your right hip.
- Okay.
- Here's your left hip.
- Uh-huh.
And, normally, there should be a nice round ball there.
Okay, yeah.
So, you can see on both sides, and it goes completely flat.
Hip problems are fairly common with little people.
The only option is a hip replacement.
Oh, gosh! That sounds really, like, scary.
I really don't think there's any other option now.
You have two hips that are a problem.
The only option is a hip replacement.
Oh, gosh! Hip replacements actually work really well.
They get rid of pain, they improve your function.
You're really not gonna be able to rehab properly until you get both hips done.
That sounds really, like, scary, especially because of me being so small.
I just don't like the being put under.
- Right.
- Like, am I gonna wake up? Had a couple of medical procedures where I was given not enough anesthesia.
So, they put me out with the gas, and then I woke back up very quickly.
A couple years later, I had to have another medical procedure, where I was given too much anesthesia.
It was just very scary.
So, I'm definitely afraid that something like that is gonna happen to me again.
The anesthesiologists I work with are very good.
- Well - Wow.
And th-there's no other, like, options? This is about the only option you have left.
Wow okay.
- Wow.
- I'm so scared, honey.
- It's gonna be all right.
- I'm so scared.
I know It's gonna be okay.
Hey, guys.
I just wanted to fill ya in on what's goin' on - with my situation.
- Okay.
My surgeon told me that I have to have a double hip replacement.
There's no question it's worse and worse.
You gotta do somethin'.
Uh, you know, the-the pain shots I was getting worked for a while, but it's, like, not working anymore.
I can't sleep at night.
I'm in, like, so much pain.
And I just-I don't wanna do this, but I can't, like, I can't get Like, there's nothing else I can do.
I'm just, like, so scared.
You're the one that's gotta go through it, but we'll be there with you.
I don't like most people, but I like Ali, and I really care about her.
So, yeah, I'm legitimately concerned for her, and I want her to have as much support through this as she can get.
I'm sorry I don't mean to be so emotional.
- No! My God! - No, are you kidding? We love you We love you.
- You're gonna be fine.
- Yeah.
I know you wanted to do that stunt - with me and-and Boobzilla.
- Mmmhmm.
But, my doctor actually scheduled the surgery immediate.
So, I won't be able to do that stunt.
That's okay That's all right.
We'll figure it out.
Don't even worry about work, okay? You just worry about your health.
You just worry about doin' what you need to do.
Your job will be waitin' on ya when you get done.
- I have my spot here, right? - Yes, you do.
This is home to me, and I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else.
So, I hope I will be able to return.
You will.
- Stop it stop it.
- You'll make it.
You will.
You'll be dancin' on the stage.
Ali, Ali Pinky promise.
Thank you.
- Hey, baby.
- Hey, honey.
Are you nervous? Actually, I've never been this scared in my life.
- Yeah.
- I mean, everybody's sayin' it'll be fine, and it's gonna work out, but I hope it's just that easy, you know? I know it's hard, but you gotta focus on positive things.
Think of, like, you know, you're gonna have new hips.
You're gonna wake up.
You're gonna be a whole new person.
Yeah, as-as good as it could be, then as bad as it could be.
And if I don't make it tomorrow I don't even wanna think about that.
I don't wanna think about me losing you.
I don't wanna leave you either, honey, but stranger things have happened.
You're gonna be right there, right there next to me when you wake up.
It's been pretty hard, you know? I mean, trying to hold my fears.
It has been the most difficult time, but I'm there to give her all the support in the world.
The last couple months, I feel like, has been hell for both of us, and I just wanna say thank you.
- Yeah.
- You've been so Getting up in the morn You make my bagel every morning.
- You're patient with me.
- I try-I try.
My thing is to have you come out, you know, with a big smile.
- I love you - I love you, too.
in over three years on a regular basis, because they're just They're binding, they're uncomfortable.
I need them to look fabulous, like the rest of me.
I'm sure we can fit you with something that you'll be comfortable in.
That'd be great.
The ladies of the Freakshow are taking me out bra shopping, 'cause I never really had good luck shopping for undergarments, and I couldn't be more excited.
So, let me see how you're built across the back.
This oughta be interesting.
You might be next.
I've only owned, like, one bra in my life come on.
I thought I'd bring you a fun color.
- Purple! - Holy moly! That is like an easter bonnet for a two-headed baby.
I didn't know they made them that big.
- Will you all excuse us for a moment? - Sorry, guys You can't, uh, have a-have a peep-show.
I feel mildly awkward.
Oh, my gosh! I feel like that's a fake butt.
- For you? - I thought it was cool.
It might get a little lost.
Boobzilla's bra! Whoa Oh, my gosh! This brassiere is now Boobzilla endorsed.
Jenevieve could maybe work on the whole character of being a snake lady.
I just don't really see much to her.
All right, folks.
Welcome to the world-famous, Venice Beach Freakshow! Some of the most unusual performers on earth are here.
You're gonna see the rubber girl, the fire eater, the sword swallower, the electric lady, the bearded lady.
Here's one of our special guests today Gabriel, the smallest man in America.
I'm really excited doing this stunt with the amazing Boobzilla.
I heard you guys are hiring What's up? Nobody's ever picked me up with their boobs before.
I'm really excited to see that and feel that.
Right there is Jenevieve, the serpentine sorceress.
Jenevieve just dropped her snake, and the snake fell on the metal hole.
That just really bothered me.
I just feel like Jenevieve is so focused on the way she's looking, that she's not even focused on the fact that she's a snake lady.
Folks, today, we have a very special guest.
Known around the world for having the strongest boobs on earth, The amazing Boobzilla! She's gonna lift a full grown man, using only her boobs.
The show's about to get started.
I just saw Jenevieve just dropped the entire front of the snake on the bar.
- Was the snake okay? - I don't know.
She just, like, picked it up and was showing it, like it-like she didn't just hurt her animal.
- Like, it was really bad.
- All right, all right.
Like-like, threw the snake on it.
All right, I'll check on it.
The animal's safety, as far as I'm concerned, comes before the entertainment.
Hey, I-I heard your snake fell or somethin' out there.
- Is it okay? - No, she didn't fall.
- Oh, okay.
- Oh, she let her head fall, but, I mean, she put her head down.
- But, she didn't get hurt? - No-no-no-no, she's fine.
Oh, okay All right.
Just watch her head.
All right, folks, give it up for the amazing Boobzilla! Boobzilla! All right, ladies and gentleman, are you ready for the biggest freak in all of Freakshow? Come on, make some noise! One, two, three! Yeah! Are you ready to see the amazing Boobzilla lift a full grown man, with just her boobs? Here he is, Gabriel, the smallest man in America! Yeah, yeah! Come on, make some noise! It was a lot of fun to have the amazing Boobzilla perform her feats of strength here today.
But all I could think about, was that I wish Ali could be here to enjoy it with us all.
Today is Ali's surgery.
We can't wait to see her later.
I just wanna make sure she gets through this okay.
Hold my hand.
Okay, let's do this.
I am so nervous.
Yeah, it'll be okay, baby You're gonna be okay.
She just brightens the world up to me, you know? And it sucks seein' her now wakin' up in the middle of the night, just in tears and in pain.
I hope this is the last time we're gonna deal with this, you know? I'm just, uh, I'm really, really scared for her right now.
All I just want is to make sure you come home to me.
Hey! I'm scared, you know.
We definitely need some smiles around here.
I'm really scared.
We love you so much Don't worry.
- I love you guys, too.
- You're doin' the right thing.
Hey! Morgue, how are you? - Good how ya doin'? - Creature.
Oh, and I got Morgue doesn't even hug people.
- This is a big deal.
- I feel really special.
This is for you.
"Littlest card for the littlest lady.
"Get well soon, Ali Morgue.
" - Thank you This is - That is so nice.
- That is so sweet.
- I'm glad you like it.
Thank you I really appreciate it.
We know how much you've been struggling, but we just want you to feel like everything's gonna be okay.
You got the best support group you could ever wish for.
I'm a lucky, lucky person to have this many people, like, waiting for me to wake up.
- We love you.
- We love you.
- Freakshow family.
- I know, I know.
- I love it.
- Exactly.
Ali Chapman, we're gonna get you ready.
I'm super nervous, but I am hoping I won't have this pain that I've been dealing with for so long.
So, I'll get to see my mom and stuff, like, before I go? - Yes.
- Okay.
I've never been so scared in my entire life to do something.
I can just hope and pray.
The strength that you don't have, well, we have it for you.
I love you, mom.
The fact that I have you two right here is so special to me.
We're gonna be there, Ali.
This is it, you know, and there's nothin' I can do anymore.
She just makes me feel so good, you know? She makes me laugh, and smile, and just wakin' up to her That's the best thing ever.
She's a good, good, good woman, and just she's-she's my everything.
I don't know what I'd do without her.
I love you so very much, baby.
Thank you I love you, too, very much.
We're all done.
Ali's doin' great.
She's got a nice shiny new hip in there.
- Yeah, that's awesome! - Um, no problems at all.
Oh, man.
She'll-she'll be a little sore for a few days - from the actual incision.
- Okay, okay.
But that's gonna get progressively better.
So, is she still sleepin'? She's a little groggy, but she's wakin' up.
Oh, she is- all right! - That was her big fear.
- Thank you so much! Come here.
Thank you, man Oh, man! Thank you.
Yeah, all right That's what I'm talkin' about.
Thank you so much, bro.
All that emotional buildup, all the fear, just wiped all away.
The woman I love is all right.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Ali is one of the shining lights in the Freakshow family.
She's here for us, and we're here for her.
I thank you so much.
It's such a blessing to know she's gonna be okay.
And, hopefully, soon, she'll be back, better than ever, stronger than before, smiling bigger than she ever has in her life, 'cause here at the Freakshow, it's all about family and taking care of each other.
Boobzilla, you did such a great job.
So, here's a little gift from the Freakshow.
Woop-woop! Oh! - Oh, my God! - Oh, my gosh! - That looks so good.
- Wow! - Where-where did you find that? - I love it.
Hubba-hubba Oh, my gosh!
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