She's Gotta Have It (2017) s02e02 Episode Script


One, two, one, two, three Where Brooklyn at? Where Brooklyn at? Where Brooklyn at? Where Brooklyn at? [MUSIC STOPS.]
Do you know what Skylar said to me last night before she went to sleep? My own daughter, and I quote, "Mommy, I am so happy that I have two mommies.
" Are we happy about that? No.
Opal is not happy about that.
My daughter has one father, who she sees occasionally, and one mother, me.
I do not like these lines to be blurred.
Well, it's not something I'm doing intentionally.
I mean, me and Sky get along.
Would you prefer that we hated each other? - That is not the point, Nola.
- Okay.
Then tell me what the point is.
The point is that the mother-daughter dynamics are being twisted.
Skylar needs to know that she does not have two mommies.
I gave birth to her.
I breastfed her.
I wiped her ass.
I clothe and feed her.
I pay an arm and a leg to put her through Heights Prep.
No argument here.
- I'll fall back.
I feel you.
- But do you? I do.
I apologize for overstepping my boundaries.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Come on.
My turn? - Your turn.
I've been thinking about my daddy a lot lately.
He's getting up there in age, you know? No, don't be fooled, Stokes will outlive us both.
I'm not so sure about that.
Daddy's always been this great musician, like an exceptional artist.
He's just never made any serious money.
There is nothing romantic about being a broke artist.
I wish I could make money as an artist and not feel bad or guilty about it.
Girl, you sound absolutely crazy.
I know, but that's the way I feel.
And like Eddie Kendricks' saying, "Girl, you need a change of mind.
" And Eddie Kendricks of The Temptin' Temptations was never wrong.
- No, he wasn't.
- Uh-uh.
- I got to go to work.
- Right.
I love you.
I love you.
Before we get too tipsy, I would like to give a toast to Shemekka.
To Shemekka! Here's to not letting anything hold you back from your hustle.
Thank you.
It's just a new job.
- A new beginning.
- It's a step in a new direction.
It's a lot better than the last one.
Thank you.
- It's definitely a stepping stone.
But I'm not in there just washing hair, you know.
I'm in there taking notes 'cause I'm about to take over this beauty biz.
That is a great summer ambition.
My ambition for the summer is to stop complaining so much and just try and be more grateful for what I do have, because, you know, we are all, like, so blessed.
- Cheers! - Cheers to that.
- Cheers, girl.
- I love that a lot.
My ambition for the summer is to create like I've never created [CLO.]
to be the best partner to my partner that I can be, uh to get that shmoney.
Darling, summer is only three months long.
One for each month.
To longer summers.
To longer summers! To longer summers.
Papo! What's up, Nola? [PAPO.]
How's my beautiful black queen? I'm good.
How you been? As you can see - Ah.
- Yeah.
It feels good to be out.
I'm home.
- I'm back in the hood.
- It's so good to see you.
It's good to see you too.
How's my black queen doing? All right.
Kind of the same.
- It's the best we can do, huh? - Yeah.
- We were trying to get you out sooner.
- I know.
God always has a plan.
Did you call me Papo? Yeah.
You know I go by Divine now, right? Since when? [INHALES DEEPLY.]
Since I was in there.
Those 18 months in there taught me a lot.
Get introduced to the world of the Five Percenters, I truly understand who I am as a man to know that finally I am God.
- You know? - Yeah.
What changed? - Changed? - Yeah.
I learned that I'm more than just Dominican.
I'm a black man.
- [NOLA.]
- Original black man, - Asiatic black man.
Are you making time for your art? Not right now.
I'm just trying to get my stuff straight, you know, trying to put a little more money in my pocket, you know, trying to just feed myself and pay half of my rent, you know? Yeah.
Good morning.
I said I was coming right over.
I remember, I'm just sketching.
I have the best news ever.
What is the best news ever? Have you ever heard of earWave? I don't know.
What is that? Like swimmer's ear? [CHUCKLES.]
No, it's a music streaming company, and they're launching a New York City campaign.
- Cool, and ? - And they want your work for their ad push.
- Holy shit! Seriously? - Yes! [CHUCKLES.]
Oh, fuck! Um Money! I know.
What kind of ad? Like, how'd they even hear about me? Your My Name Isn't work.
Oh, wow.
That's dope.
This is gonna be so fucking massive for us.
Can you imagine? I bet that you never thought you would see your My Name Isn't on the side of a bus ad, right? Wait a minute.
Um My Name Isn't as an ad? It's real simple, girl.
They saw your My Name Isn't on the 'Gram and they want to work with you for their new branding.
It's It's a no-brainer.
Just take a meeting with them.
- Yikes.
- Yikes what? I like that they like my work.
That's, like, real Kool & the Gang, but [SCOFFS.]
I'm not trying to see my shit on some, like, limited edition aluminum can.
Oh, my God.
I wish, that would be, - that would be so dope.
- Clo.
- No.
- I have followers, dare I say fans, that will think that I took the first one-way ticket out of the hood.
Since when was - the last time Fort Greene was "the hood"? - [DOG BARKING.]
I'm just saying I'm allowed to cultivate my own image.
- Pull this thing over! [LAUGHS.]
- Oh, my God.
Let's put this bad boy in reverse, please.
My street campaign was something completely separate, right? It was this anonymous thing that I was using to Yeah, and I blew your cover and that's why you have so many followers, and you're welcome.
You're asking me to put a price on trauma, Clo.
No, I'm asking you to trust me, babe.
Am I supposed to ask my followers to trust me after I diss them? How is this a diss? Literally the only reason why your My Name Isn't is peeled off the walls because your followers stole them and put them up on eBay for, like, a really good price.
What? Really? I didn't know that.
- Did you tell me that? - No, I'm doing my job by not telling you every little thing so that you can focus on your art.
Um Is getting me a solo show at the New Medina also a part of your job or - Nola.
- Hmm? - My friend.
- Yes.
My sissy [CHUCKLES.]
my former roommate, with all due respect, your artwork isn't even up on the walls of a cupcake shop.
Now, that big group show with all the badass known artists, that was that was a really great one-time thing.
And this earWave gig is, like, leaps and bounds for your career.
I will think about the earWave thing if you do your best to give me that solo show at the New Medina.
Better take that meeting with earWave, 'cause I'm gonna give them your contact.
Trying to be out here with some hazel eyes and saying that this is a ghetto! ["THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I" PLAYING.]
Carlos and Carmen Vidal [MEKKA.]
Yo, Winny! Just had a child A lovely girl with a crooked [MEKKA.]
Turn that shit down.
Mad loud for no reason.
Yo, what's up, Mekka.
What's up? How did it go in there? Ah.
I'm on antibiotics.
- Damn, man.
- [SIGHS.]
God forbid you have to keep coming out here this long, you know, like, you know what I'm saying? You know you don't got to be doing this, right? I mean, I don't mean it like that, Mekka.
You know you my Mekka.
I'd do anything for you.
Door-to-door service, Winny Win.
I appreciate you, Win.
Man, I'm just trying to be righteous and all, you know what I'm saying? Ain't like I feel a guilt trip or nothing.
It's like, you know, you my Mekka.
I just, you know I got love for you.
I appreciate that, Win.
Let me ask you a question, though.
I want to get the strap for these niggas who fucked up your backside and all that.
They fuck with my Mekka, you know, I got a problem with shit like that, you know.
No, thanks, I'm I'm good and you been doing enough.
Can we, um, go get Nadia though? Can we get Nadia? - Let me One more before we peel off.
- All right.
- Listen to this.
- Hmm? What's up with you coming back to the Hot-N-Trot? What? You are bugging! No, no, you taking it wrong, mama.
I don't mean like that.
I know you're fucked up and you ain't got no ends like that.
Winny want to take care of Mekka, you know what I'm saying? You ain't got to show up or nothing, just put you on my payroll.
I'm not doing that, okay? I'm good.
I can handle my handle.
Let's get out of here.
Listen, Mekka, even when you're being mean to me, you get me and my feelings and all that.
You know, you gotta stop keeping me on front street and all that.
You know, Winny got a thing for you.
- It's Win time.
It's Win time.
It's Win time.
Hey, Ms.
Good morning to you too, Nola.
Um, I will get your rent to you soon.
I know my last check bounced.
Young lady, I been done told you the only bounce I like is a Spalding basketball on a wood court.
I remember.
Now, if there's a problem, you can go live with your parents.
- No new grant money? No, and I've been working on it.
Part of the reason I haven't been able to pay you is because my student loans from Pratt Institute fell behind.
Well, your narrow black behind gon' be out on the street.
I apologize? [JAZZ MUSIC PLAYING.]
I'll get it to you soon.
I promise.
Let me see what you're drawing.
Oh, yeah, nothing, you know, much, just some naked pear naked pear trees.
It must be nice to having a roof over your head, making art.
- Hey now.
- I'm just saying, you've got to learn how to thread the needle and take them jobs, and you'll feel better once you're responsible for your own life.
Now, one wrong gig and it's over.
Listen to your father.
You should listen to your young mother.
- [NOLA.]
Oh, gosh.
- Here's one instance, when the Mad Men wanted me to write a jingle for a femin-nimin-nimine type - hygiene commercial.
- Please don't tell this story.
Mind you, it was the '70s and I'd just got done performing at Carnegie Hall.
- Oh, I remember that now.
- Your mother remembers.
It must have been during those times when we had to eat, uh, what was it? Cow tongue? I remember that.
It was in candlelight, wasn't it, Stokely? - In the dark, in the dead of winter.
- [NOLA.]
It was fucking awful.
I'd better make this short because your mother is all up in my business - and on some other shit too.
- Please do.
So, I told the Mad Men that I would write them a jingle if, and only if, Redd Foxx would sing the jingle.
It went It went a little something like this [PHONE RINGS.]
Stokeley, don't do that.
- I pay the damn bill.
- If your hair is Nappy on the top And your middle curly's mashed From your pantyhose And you got a string hangin' Like a bloody nose Daddy, gross! - That's disgusting.
- Why would you [PHONE RINGS.]
Don't Don't touch it, Stokes.
I got it.
Hello? May I ask who's calling? Yes, this is she.
Hi, how are you? [CHUCKLES.]
Just wonderful.
Me? Oh.
Woodie, you know, I I've been out of circulation for a while, so Yes.
Yes, I will.
Okay, thank you.
I'm going to star in the new Woodie King Jr.
play at the New Federal Theatre.
- Mommy, yes! Mommy, yes! [MS.
Good morning, students.
- Good morning, students.
- Morning, Ms.
I keep butting heads with these damn gentrificationists - disguised as charter schools.
- Hmm.
Someone has to save BK, right? I'm trying.
How you been? What's on your mind? You know, I'm out here still trying to do right.
- [MS.
- And I know I'm a little late signing up for the summer program.
But if there's anything I can do or if any of the spots still need to be filled - All filled.
- Right.
Well, if you have any sick teachers who need a sub All filled.
It's my fault.
I thought about it too late.
You slow, you blow, right? You know Raqueletta Moss would have saved a spot for you, but I had no idea you were still interested in teaching at this school.
It's all good.
Thanks for taking the time.
I know you crazy busy.
Hey, hey, uh, I just thought of something.
Uh We got a little money to hang a vinyl mural along this fence here.
I'm thinking you and some of the program kids could create the design for it.
You know, something symbolic of the community.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
- Oh, no hugging.
But as you know, here at Harriet Tubman, with love, compassion, and discipline [BOTH.]
we expect success.
- So I expect a successful mural.
All right? - Deal.
- Deal.
Honey came in And she caught me red-handed [BOY.]
I was playing baseball.
- You're late.
Get off your phone.
- Sorry, Ms.
Banging on the bathroom floor - You teachers are late.
- Sorry, Principal Moss.
- Set an example! - Someone was late.
I had given her an extra key All this time she was standing there She never took her eyes off me How you can grant your woman Access to your villa Trespasser and a witness While you cling to your pillow [JAIME.]
Love you so much.
Oh, Jamie.
If she say a night Convince her say a day Never admit to a word when she say And if she claims ah You tell her, "Baby, no way" [MOANING.]
- But she caught me on the counter - It wasn't me - Saw me banging on the sofa - It wasn't me - I even had her in the shower - It wasn't me - She even caught me on camera - It wasn't me - Saw the marks on my shoulder - It wasn't me - Heard the words that I told her - It wasn't me - Heard the screams getting louder - [CHERYL PANTING.]
Jamie! Jamie! Jamie! Hi, Fort Greene! So glad you could make it today.
We live here, asshole! Looking like a clown in your seersucker suit.
Hostile natives.
Just kidding.
Just kidding.
So Uh, today is a new day for us, and you can't spell United States without a U and an S You can't spell "fuck you" without an F-U! - [CROWD CLAMORS.]
- Okay, well, then on that note, uh, allow me to introduce my lovely Cleopatra, the head of our community outreach, Clorinda.
- Thank you! - [MAN.]
Damn, Clo.
Hello, Fort Greene, Brooklyn! Hi! - [CLO.]
So, we're here! - [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS.]
Well, without further ado, I would love to introduce to you all the beacon of Fort Greene, the Amistad Development Group! [SCATTERED APPLAUSE.]
- [MAN.]
That's some bullshit, for real.
- [CLO.]
It's about jobs, - housing, and hope! - Yes.
Not those trash skyblockers, right? Yo, Joey Chainz was our bike shop, son! No, no, no, that ain't the case They're doing that same eminent domain thing in Chinatown, expect they're calling it "eminent lo mein.
" - Speak truth! - [MAN.]
That's mad racist.
I lost my job because of you.
- Now I gotta move keys! - What? Nah, nah, nah, nah.
I got an interview at the locksmith down the block.
- [ALL.]
- Wait a minute.
What is this, open mic at the Apollo? Come on, when I first came to the Fort Reclaiming my time! - Tell him! - But now Brooklyn is Reclaiming my time! - Yes! - If you could just support the [ALL.]
Reclaiming our time! Eighty-twenty housing affordability, you can't [CROWD.]
Reclaiming our time! [DANTON.]
Well, Amistad is [CROWD CHANTING.]
Reclaiming our time! Reclaiming our time! Reclaiming our time! Reclaiming our time! [DANTON.]
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Reclaiming our time! - Reclaiming our time! - No justice, no case.
What did you do? What are you talking about? All right, good, you've got this weird look on your face.
- Are you all right? - Yeah.
- Just coming from the Joey Chainz rally.
- Oh.
You ever hear of earWave? Earwig? - Forget it.
- No, no, come on, tell me.
No, it's this new music streaming service.
Nola, we don't need another one.
I already got rid of the cable because we had too many.
They reached out to Clo, and they want to hire me for their new launch campaign in New York.
- Baby, that is great.
- Well, I haven't said yes yet.
Totally get it.
You don't want to seem too eager.
No, no, it's not that.
It's just they want to use the My Name Isn't campaign.
Well, fuck yeah.
Good for them.
Fuck, have you been talking to Clo? I do not want to be more famous for an ad than for my art.
What about Warhol? Didn't he work in advertising? Baby, it is time to step it up and get your feet wet in the big leagues.
I think I'd feel better if I had a solo show first.
Well, I told you you could do a solo show at my shop.
I mean, people are doing them everywhere now, - coffee shops, bookstores.
- Yes.
And what if I weren't taking care of the two of us? What would your decision be then? What are you saying, that you're my crutch? Are you my mother or my lover? Well, that depends.
Do I have two kids or one? You got one kid, and your very adult lover is going to pick her up from summer school.
- Oh, yeah.
- So how about that? We're not in a one-parent relationship, are we? All right.
So trust me to be the other parental figure for her.
- But can I also - Mm-hmm.
- trust you - Mm-hmm.
not to be late to pick Skylar up? ["TROUBLE MAN" PLAYING.]
I come up hard, baby, but now I'm cool I didn't make it, sugar Playin' by the rules I come up hard, baby, but now I'm fine I'm checkin' trouble, sugar, Movin' down the line I come up hard, baby, but that's okay 'Cause trouble man Don't get in my way I come up hard, baby I've been for real baby With the trouble man Gonna keep movin', gonna go to town I come up hard, baby I'm gettin' down There's only three things for sure Taxes, death, and trouble Oh, this I know, baby Ooh This I know, baby Ain't gon' let it sweat me, baby Woo Oh, no Ooh, I come up hard The fuck? I didn't make it, baby Playin' by the rules I come up hard, baby, but now I'm fine I'm checkin' trouble, sugar Hey Movin' down the line [VIRGIL.]
Why is it like a million degrees inside the school every day? We need AC.
You'd think with all the money our parents pay [NOLA.]
Surprise! - Hi, Nola.
- What's happening? Virgil, this is Nola I was telling you about.
- [NOLA.]
Hey! - [VIRGIL.]
- [NOLA.]
Nice to meet you.
Hey, Virg.
Mom! Don't call me that.
Hi, Cheryl.
- Hi.
- Ready to roll? - [SKYLAR.]
Let's go.
Oh, that's where I've seen Nola.
Virgil, sit your narrow ass down on that stoop and do not move, I mean it! Excuse me.
Me? Can I speak to you for a second? [NOLA.]
Um yeah, sure.
Let's get out of the kids' earshot.
Uh wait here.
Don't move.
Um What can I help you with? [NOLA.]
Yeah, that.
That's not for sale anymore.
- I, uh - You think? I'm sorry.
I I don't have a lot of time.
I really need to get her home.
You mean another home to wreck? Oh, it's Cheryl.
Cheryl Overstreet.
Oh uh - I - Uh, uh, uh.
Now you're stuttering? You stutter with my husband's penis in your nasty mouth? Whoa, I Listen, you bum bitch, if you ever, ever show up at my son's school with your tramp ass again, - you will rue the day.
- Look, I Listen I You have no place here.
If I were living hand to mouth and we were in front of a public school, you'd get the Brownsville beatdown of your lifetime.
I understand you're upset, but I'm from the Fort - and I will fuck you up.
- My son should not have to deal with his father's mistress showing up at his school! I gotta go.
By the way, you're a terrible painter.
I understand why you have to suck dick for a living.
Let's see, ten thousand BJs at a dollar a pop? Yeah, that adds up about right.
Get the fuck out of here before I lose my cool.
WorldStar ho.
- Let's go.
- Are you okay? Mm-hmm.
- Are you sure? - Mm-hmm.
How fucking dare she? Do you know Virgil's mother? Uh, nope, just met her.
- Let's go.
- Mom! Wait until I see your father.
How fucking dare she show up to my school! Why were you so mean to her? - Have you seen her here before? - No.
I should've punched her in the face.
Wanna go sit on the promenade bench for a while? Nope, nope, nope.
Definitely don't want to do that.
- Definitely don't want to do that.
- Okay, I know what to do now.
Yeah, let's do whatever you want to do.
Can I go to Coney Island? I want to go on the Wonder Wheel.
Yo, what the fuck? - Fuck, man.
- Damn, yo.
Yo, Marisol, you could have called me.
I didn't even know nothin'.
I don't even have your phone number no hows.
- What's up, Lu? - Yo, look! Look at that shit.
Oh, shit.
- Oh, my God.
I know, right? What the fuck, man? Yo, how did this happen? Y'all got evicted and shit? Have you talked to Moms? - Have you? - Damn, Lu, yo, you know shit's fucked up in PR.
No, I didn't know.
I never heard.
Yo, you ain't heard? Moms probably missed a payment we sent.
The fucking Housing Authority, they don't fuck around, man.
Fuck! What you gonna do, y'all? [IN UNISON.]
Yo, mind your fucking business! That's what! Damn, yo! Fuck, man, all right, let's go.
Damn, yo.
No buildings blocking this gorgeous heat and sun.
- It's a rough week, huh? - You have no idea how rough.
Is it that bad? Ow.
Fuck! What did you say? What's the matter? - What did you do to your ear? - Gentle! Let me see it.
You took it out.
- Yeah.
- It doesn't look infected.
- It really hurt.
I had to take it out.
- What did I say about another piercing? Mom, you have a pierced nipple.
- So what? - Hey! No, just just let her go.
I put Locations on her phone.
Oh, so now you want to call the shots with Skylar? Hmm? When the fuck were you gonna tell me you took her to get her ear pierced? There was a day this week - I was in a really bad place, okay? - Oh.
I know it was fucked up and I should've told you And it sounds like Skylar totally took advantage of you.
Hey, Nola, are you even capable of being an adult? Because that is what Skylar needs, an adult.
Can we not do this right now? We're at Coney Island.
- This is my motherfucking happy place! - Huh.
Look, Sky's at the arcade, okay? Come on.
Let's just Can we table this till we get home, please? I'll meet you there.
Something is ending So, I am waiting.
Can you give me a second? I think one of these rings will actually fit you.
- When were you going to tell me? - Damn it.
Do we just have two more quarters left? When were you going to tell me? Tell you what, Opal? Everything I give you All comes back to me Nola, this is over.
- Why would you do that? - Because you are messy.
You are messy, and it is impossible for you not to keep splashing my daughter with your mud! Can we please fucking do this at home? No, you are going to hear this now.
Skylar needs structure in her life, not chaos.
- We got enough of that in the world.
- Opal We don't need it at home.
I have been trying.
- Okay? I have been trying.
- Oh, she has been trying.
Nola, your trying is harmful.
You can't even pick a kid up from school.
- Come on! - [SCOFFS.]
You know what, Skylar doesn't need a sibling, and I sure as hell don't need another kid.
- Don't fucking walk away from me.
- Let's go.
You're walking away and I'm the childish one? You walked away last time.
I cannot do this with you again.
You know, I should have known it's kind of my fault.
I busted my ass to make this work this time.
And I need you.
What, you don't feel like you need me? You know, I told you the last time we broke up that I don't want you to be anyone but yourself.
It's time to rip the band-aid off, Nola.
You don't have to be right all the time.
I do have to be right all the time, Nola, for my daughter.
Love is all we need Love is all we need Everything I give you All comes back to me What about Nopal? [OPAL.]
Let's go.
At Coney Island? Really? Coney Island? Nice! I can never fucking come here again! Nothing Really matters Nothing really matters Love is all we need Love is all we need Everything I give you Everything I give you All comes back to me ["NEVER DREAMED YOU'D LEAVE IN SUMMER" PLAYING.]
I never dreamed You'd leave in summer I thought you would go Then come back home I thought the cold Would leave by summer But my quiet nights Will be spent alone You said there would be Warm love in springtime That is when you started to be cold I never dreamed You'd leave in summer But now I find myself All alone You said then You'd be the life in autumn Said you'd be The one to see the way No, I never dreamed You'd leave in summer But now I find My love has gone away Why didn't you stay? [DISTANT YELLING AND CHEERING.]

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