Six Feet Under s02e02 Episode Script

Out, Out, Brief Candle

Episode 2x02 Out, Out, Brief Candle All in under 14 minutes.
You know the drill.
Let's toe the line, gentlemen! Listen I gotta make this cut to get that scholarship.
Look, man, just don't stop running.
Don't stop running for nothing.
You keep on with me, you'll be on the startin' line with me.
Come on, baby.
- Do you want to play football? - Yes, sir! - I said, do you want to play football? I can't hear you! - Yes, sir! Set.
Plus vite.
On se dépêche, lavettes ! Courez.
Vous me comprenez, ou je parle chinois ? - How you doin', Sam? - Just worry about your own self Touchez cette putain de ligne ! Tu traînes, Josh.
Avance ! Avance ! - This is me beatin' you - Dream on, faggot! Vous y êtes.
Allez, allez ! Man down! Man down! We've got a player down! Fight through it, Sam.
Sam ? Sam ? Okay, he's breathing.
Fuck! Give a hand for Sam, everybody.
This is the spirit of a real football player here! Do you think caviar is too pretentious? Well, with the foie gras and the smoked salmon, it might seem like you're trying a little too hard to impress him.
I do want to impress him without it looking like I could give a shit, which, actually, I don't.
So, why do you want to impress him? I don't know.
Because Trevor was a big part of my life once.
Cause his wife won a fucking National Book Award.
Because I have nothing else to obsess about.
Well, you have me.
You I take totally for granted, don't you know that? I'm so glad you're feeling better.
Yeah, you and me both, fuck-o.
That's the thing about depression.
If you really allow yourself to feel it, it gets very boring very fast.
You're not jealous, are you? Of Trevor ? Should I be? No.
Of course not.
So what if he's the man whose masterly touch ushered me into womanhood? The one I ultimately compare all other men to? Okay, okay, fine.
But, just so you know, you'll only have yourself to blame when I go all alpha dog and beat him to a bloody pulp in front of his wife and kid! Oh, my Hero ! I'm gonna kick his ass.
Fucking Trevor.
Fucking Trevor.
Good morning, Mrs.
Looks like another scorcher, huh? Where are my new acquisitions, Mr.
Gilardi? I'm on it.
What you're on is my shit list, cowboy.
I made you personally responsible for finding three homes that we can dump at a profit, and what do I get from you? Diddly squat! I already closed McKenzie Bros.
and Dayle Montgomery! Three new homes, Mr.
Apparently, I misjudged your capabilities.
What about Fisher & Sons? You've been after them for months now.
Well, they're more resilient than I expected.
Jeez Louise! Man, play like you've got a big dick! Can you get them for me or not? You said I had till the end of the year.
Well, Christmas came early this year.
You're fired.
What ? Your presence is no longer required.
You're hereby rendered irrelevant.
You can't be serious! Mitzi! I can do this.
I swear.
Now just give me another chance! You know, just because I fucked you, that doesn't put us on a first name basis! Well, you're dressed early.
We have an intake at 9:30.
Josh Langmead.
Am I supposed to know who that is? Don't you watch the news? Not if I can help it.
It's too depressing.
Josh Langmead is the Cal State football player who died of heatstroke yesterday.
Till his brain fried.
Well, I'm off to Torrence.
I have a breakfast meeting with the Living Splendour sales rep.
Wait a minute.
That means Now that you're a licensed funeral director, we can get twice as much work done around here! Just do me a favor.
Don't even mention the word "cremation.
" Okay.
Can I mention the word "condescending"? Be back by noon! We thought Josh would want to be wearing his number for the viewing.
Well, of course.
I took him to his first Rams game when he was 3.
It wasn't long after that he started wanting to play football.
He had He had NFL sheets.
Five Halloweens in a row, he went as Bo Jackson.
It was his dream to play pro.
I bet he could've, too.
I think he was good enough.
He was certainly motivated enough.
You ever play ball? Football.
No, no way.
My dad wouldn't let me.
He said it was too d I played a little baseball in high school.
Have you made a decision about a casket? We'd like the Titan 4.
How much is that? What the hell? It's only money.
Well, granted, but the layout is so ergonomic that it feels twice as large.
Honey, it's got a sun roof! - Girl's gotta get a better poker face.
- Yeah, too late.
It's very good that you brought your own inspector.
Uh, no, he's my cousin.
He's in construction.
- So what's with the foundation? - Oh, nothing.
Perfect shape.
Well, part of it was rebuilt two years ago, to the tune of 20,000.
So, it's better than new now.
Excuse me.
What do you think, man? I'm not living here, man.
I've got a house.
What do you think? I don't know.
Vanessa likes it.
Yeah, Vanessa likes dragging you around by your crank, too, is what I think.
You're talking about my wife, man.
Vanessa and me are tight, man.
You know that.
It's not about her.
I'm just breaking it down to you the way the guys have been telling me.
You've been acting like a candy-ass bitch ever since you got married.
Screw you, Ramon! Hey, screw me all you want! You know I'm right.
What are all these people doing in our new house? Baby, - do you really like the house? - Yes! Yes! Rico, the house is good.
It's got some little problems, but nothing I can't fix.
Rico, there's a yard for the boys.
They'll be able to walk to school.
You're closer to work.
Ramon, can we use your truck to move? Nate Fisher.
Hi there, Nate, this is Sheri from Appleby Caskets.
We received your fax order, and I'm awfully sorry, but the Titan 4 is no longer in production.
Oh, you've got to be shitting me! Well, you must not have our 2002 catalogue! - I can pop it in the mail if you'd - Well, what's the closest casket to the Titan? Oh, that would probably be our Haven 2.
- Son of a motherfuck! - Sir! Alright, I'll have to get back to you.
I swear, I fuckin' hate public school! This year-round shit? Fuck! Well, we get October off, and six weeks in the spring.
What do you want? This Persian girl who used to be my best friend at Archer, till I fucked her brother, she's spending the entire summer in France! Where the fuck is Gabe? He was supposed to meet us here like 10 minutes ago! Dink, it's gonna be alright, man.
Everything is chill.
It's not chill.
The cops have that fuckin' video at every school in L.
! Which means they haven't ided us yet, okay? Which means they probably can't id us, and anyone who could is gonna keep quiet if they know what's good for him.
You'd better fuckin' hope so You fucker! Did you fuckin' tell somebody? Because if you fucking told somebody, I will fucking kill your bitch-ass, do you hear me? - No, asshole! - What about Andy? How am I supposed to know? He's your fuckin' best friend! What ? Uh, you were supposed to meet us like 10 minutes ago.
We're waiting.
Jesus, Claire, don't pussy whip him.
You gotta act like you don't care.
Guys hate it when they're pussy-whipped.
Like you've ever stuck around long enough to find out, Wonder Slut! What, Squirrel Nut? Your soul's on fire.
I know.
Your souls are on fire.
Whoa, you are not on the list of people who get to touch my tits! Andy, what is wrong? - Get 'em off me! Get 'em off me! - This is so fucked up! Oh, God! Andy, Andy, say something to me.
I don't know what to do right now! Andy! Oh my God! Andy! Look at me! Go get the nurse! - Did he take something? - Go! You stop it, stop it, you fucking bitch, or I will kick the shit out of you.
Do you hear me? What the fuck are you looking at? I told you last week that the Titan Series was out of production.
Yeah, well, I think that you should have torn the damn page out of the catalogue! It was an honest mistake.
We'll give them the Haven 2 for 11600$ instead.
- David, they're already paying more than they can afford.
- You don't know that.
God, I cannot tell you how much I hate it when you patronize me! I'm being understanding.
You want patronizing? I'll give you patronizing! Hey, guys.
Hey, Rico.
Langmead's in the reefer.
You guys got a moment? Yeah, what's up? Vanessa and I found a house.
Oh, Rico, that's great! Yeah, yeah, we really like the house! And, uh, we can swing the monthly payments, if we put down 20%.
What are we talking about? Well, we pieced most of it together, but we're about 11 grand short.
By tomorrow.
Look, we'll pay you back, over 18 months, at 7% interest.
Now, that's a lot better than the bank, and not too far off the market.
We'll let you know by tomorrow.
But right now, Mr.
Langmead needs your attention.
I'm on it.
See? I am understanding.
Scene Eleven: Nikolai's Flower Shop That's a lovely arrangement.
What is it? Scalene vase.
Didn't they teach you anything at Daffodil University? Actually, it's a combination of inverted T and scalene.
It's my own design, and it's yours.
I just wanted to learn how to make one.
It's a gift from my heart.
Thank you so much, Robbie.
Okay, Ruth, this is going to be hard for me to say, but I forgive you.
Forgive me? For what? You destroyed the natural order of the universe, cupcake.
Everything was perfectly quiet and boring around here before you came, and now Nikolai's all aflutter, wanting to make improvements.
I'm expected to work.
For his own carnal reasons, he favors you over me.
And for that, I forgive you.
I resent that! I've always conducted myself with complete professionalism! Whatever, Ruth, I forgive you.
I don't need your forgiveness! Oh, no, no, goddammit! It's not supposed to go this way! What isn't? OK, Ruth, I'm graduating from The Plan tomorrow, and I would really like it if you would be my witness.
The Plan? What is The Plan? It's a multi-disciplined course that allows you to think way beyond yourself, and rebuild your life, from the ground floor, plank by plank.
That sounds awful! It teaches you how to feel really good about yourself and get what you want out of life.
Do you want to go? It would really mean a lot to me, Ruth.
- Wow! - Pretty sweet, huh? Each portal is lit by recessed halogens.
Tasteful signs for the model name, materials, and pricing.
And this little drawer here? This displays your interior upholstery fabric.
Point of purchase does not get any better than this, my friends.
It's very impressive.
Impressive? It's fucking gorgeous! It's a completely interactive retail experience! 'Cause human beings, we're tactile.
We like to touch the fruit before we buy.
I can't believe you guys! You're still using a catalogue! Now these caskets here, there're on the upper level.
They appeal to men.
It's at their average height.
Down below are the ladies' favorites.
I have seen the future, and this is it! Dave, where would it go? We put it in the second viewing room! What, the room that we've been using for storage? David, that room needs serious work.
So? We use this as a reason to do it! Haven't we been planning to do that with the money Mom gave us anyway? Dave, that money is almost all gone.
A two by five like this will not break your back.
I'll tell you what.
That includes installation.
I'll even throw in a fresh coat of paint for your room.
You cannot beat that with a stick.
Nate, you always say we need to spend money to make money.
Alright, how long to install? Give me the word, and you'll be making sales in two days.
- You really like it? - Who wouldn't?!? I've never seen David happier.
It was like Christmas morning when we were kids.
Whoa! Working out a little aggression there? We're having chicken piccatta.
It needs to marinate over night.
You never cook like this for me.
You never even cook.
And when Trevor goes back to New Haven, I need you to forget that I can! Alright.
What should I wear? Speedo? Hair extensions? Wear what you want.
I don't care.
Don't wear one of your funeral suits.
Oh, I thought you don't care.
Wear something that makes you look like the sexy bad boy you really are.
Something that makes Mister Wife and Kids question all of his middle-class choices.
I'm all for that, just as long as you wear something low-cut in the back, so he can see my name branded on your ass! Hello! Hello? Hello? Hello? Hey.
New casket wall, huh? You boys are doing better than I thought.
I'm Mitzi Dalton Huntley.
David Fisher.
Do you need to plan a funeral? You have no idea who I am do you.
I'm Southwest Regional Director for Kroehner Services, International.
I was hoping that maybe you and your brother might share a cup of coffee with me.
Well, hello! Mitzi Dalton Huntley.
Nate Fisher.
You're a runner, huh? It's bad for your knees.
Yeah, well, everything's bad for something.
So I hear.
Why are you here? I made it abundantly clear to Matt Gilardi we're not interested in selling.
Oh, Matt Gilardi is no longer with Kroehner.
I fired his worthless ass, because I didn't like the way that he was representing our company.
And that is why I'm here today.
To do a little damage control, and apologize to you boys.
Oh, I don't blame you for not trusting me.
Frankly, I'd be worried about you if you did.
- Cream with three sugars.
- Well, thank you.
You didn't put rat poison in here, did you? Drink it and find out.
Oh, please! You boys aren't afraid of Big Bad Mitzi, are you? Come on.
The economy is in a tail spin.
Corporations are downsizing, and resizing, and reorganizing, including Kroehner.
We can't afford to take you over.
Honey, we've got problems of our own.
Okay, let's just cut the foreplay.
But that's the best part.
It's not that we don't trust you.
We despise everything you stand for: corporate profits over personal service, stockholders over clients, greed over everything else, so I think you should take your gesture of good faith, and shove it up your ass! Ooh, well that's one opinion.
Anything that you would care to add, David? No, I think Nate pretty much summed our position up.
Well, alrighty then.
I'll just show myself out.
By the way, you might want to clean out your coffeemaker.
Your coffee sucks.
This is not so good.
Well, who the fuck is named Mitzi anyway? That sounds like something you name a fuckin' chiuaua! Pretty bitchin', huh? When did you start getting all excited over caskets? You're turning into David! Don't ever say that again! Very nice.
Oh, welcome to Casketeria! May I take your order? So, Mr.
Langmead is all ready to go.
So, Nate, have you guys had a chance to think about what weyou know? - Uh, yeah - yeah? - Yeah, let's go in the office.
- Okay.
So do these really open? Can you, like, hide shit in here? Can you close the door? Close the door doesn't sound too good.
We can't give you a loan right now, Rico.
Look, we just spent a fortune on the new casket wall, and now we have to maintain an emergency fund in case Kroehner starts acting up again, which suddenly looks very likely.
It was a tough choice, I'm sorry.
How much did that casket wall cost? Rico, our first priority is keeping this house open.
The more income we make, the more you can make.
Tell me one thing.
Did you and David decide to buy that wall before or after we spoke.
You know, first you won't make me a partner, now you won't even God, you know, I've had it with you moping about not being a partner.
It's not happening, alright? I wish I could help you, but I can't.
I mean, fuck, we're your employer, alright! We're not a goddamned savings and loan! I'm sorry, Rico.
If it were my money, I'd give you all of it, you know that.
Yeah, yeah.
I'll pass it along to my kids, after playing in a parking lot next to a dumpster! Fuck! I'm scared.
What's gonna happen to me now? Well, that''s not my problem, pal.
What? I was so young.
Why me? Well, why the fuck not you? What? Did you think you were immune to this? Everybody! What makes you so fuckin' special? What do you think? I'm not signing up for anything.
Oh, I'm not selling anything.
I'm a visitor, just like you.
Do you know how you can tell? The Elevated wear plastic tags.
The Elevated? Oh, you'll learn the lingo.
My daughter is graduating today.
You? My business associate is graduating.
So what exactly is this? Well, I don't know for sure myself.
But Shelia has never been happier, so I wanted to see what it was all about.
Let's get started.
Today just might be the most important day of your entire lives.
Come sit with me.
There's safety in numbers.
You cannot design a life that works without first drafting a clear blueprint.
And you cannot construct a life that has meaning without first laying a solid foundation.
You are the architect of your life.
Not your emotionally distant father.
Not your overly critical mother.
Not your petty, fairweather friends.
You ! It was hard the first time I stood up for myself.
I always wanted everybody to like me.
Even though I hated myself, you had to like me.
When I rebuilt my foundation, and I was able to honor and elevate the better part of me, I realized I really like me.
So you don't have to! I'm not a salvage job.
I am not a teardown.
I am not junk.
It's taken me many years to say that.
To believe it.
There are days that I slip, and I treat people like shit.
Like I treated myself for the last 30 years.
But then I swear I'm going to win this.
I'm going to build the life that I always wanted to live.
I thought it was too late.
Two terrible marriages.
Children who won't even return my phone calls.
It hurts.
I'm 41 and I feel like I'm 80.
But I have value.
I'm still here.
And as long as I believe in myself and speak fiercely from the Eye, then there's still hope.
There's no mortgage on my life.
I own it.
Thank you, Mom.
Well, that was humiliating.
As if my self-esteem wasn't low enough.
It's kind of funny.
All that time we were racquetball partners, we actually never played racquetball.
I am serious about wanting to learn how to play.
Are you available Thursday afternoon? I don't know.
I'll check.
Hey, wanna drop by my niece's birthday party later? - Eddie's on call.
- Uh, sure.
I got a couple of errands to run.
I'll call you later.
I've got nothing to do.
I'll just tag along, if that's okay.
Oh my God.
Did you hear? Andy was doing Fry! I'm sorry.
In English? Fry ! Wet ! Illy ! You're telling me you've never heard of Fry? I'm sorry.
My parole officer frowns on controlled substances.
You take your standard garden variety doobie, right? You dip it in embalming fluid, cut it with God knows what, and BAM! All your states are altered and you see God! Oryou're in tweaker hell, bouncing off lockers, and swallowing your own tongue, like Andy.
Embalming fluid? Are you kidding me? I've smelled that shit! It's like lethal! You oughtta get out more.
Live a little.
- You've done this?!? - No.
But if you ever wanted to make a quick buck Oh, fuck off, Parker! I am not getting into the pot and embalming fluid business! I've had enough run-ins with the police, thank you! At 50 $ a pop, you might change your mind.
Oh my God! That fuckin' asshole! Right? I mean, Andy's gonna be in detox for like a week! Look okay? It looks fine.
It looks like a page out of Gourmet Magazine! Excellent ! You know they put hairspray on food before they photograph it sometimes? Really? Yeah, I used to go out with this food stylist in Seattle.
I mean, they do stuff to food that is way worse than what we do to bodies, believe you me.
Tell me I look beautiful.
You are beautiful.
You even mean that.
- Hi! - Hi! Will, at least say "Hello!" Hello! Wow, Bren, it's great to see you! It really is.
Oh my God! I'm gonna cry! - You must be Dawn! - Hi! Oh, it's nice to meet you.
Thank you so much for letting us bring Will.
Trevor really wanted you to meet him.
Oh, I really wanted to meet him.
Hey, hi, Will! Will, can you say hi? He'll crash in a little while.
I promise.
- Hi.
I'm Trevor.
- Nate.
Oh! Nate.
- Hi.
How are you? - Pleasure.
This place is really cool.
- Yeah.
So, wine anyone? - I'd love a glass.
I want wine! Oh, you do? Well, what do you say? Hi, Mr.
Pooh Bear.
Do you remember what we discussed in the car? .
"I want wine, please!" Please So, how's the press tour going? Oh, God, I feel like such a sell-out! I actually did "Politically Incorrect" last night! Wow! Was it fun? Oh, hardly.
It was me, Kobe Bryant, that emaciated chick from "The Practice," and some twelve year old rap singer I'd never even heard of! I read your first book.
I thought it was brilliant.
Thank you! - I can send you a copy of the new one, if you'd like.
- I would.
Thank you.
You know, I read "Charlotte: Light and Dark.
" Oh, dear! Why? In grad school.
I had this idiot professor who insisted qthat it was the perfect profile of a classic borderline personality.
You've heard that before, right? I actually went to the library, looked up the symptoms and started behaving like that just to fuck with them! Seriously? That's brilliant! How old were you? I must have been 9 or 10.
It was towards the end.
Personally, I think it's a crock of shit.
Did you ever notice how the majority of borderlines are women? I see it as just a misogynistic attempt to pathologize women who refuse to toe the patriarchal line! Yeah, yeah, I spent 6 months in Seattle on a teaching fellowship.
Ever do any cliimbing up there? Oh, yeah, some boulder climbing.
Normal climbing with ropes but Are you a cragger? Eh.
Rank amateur urban kind, but I love it.
You done climbing rock? Yeah, that's where I learned.
I never knew 30 feet was so high off the ground.
I've got a couple of buddies.
They're real thrillseekers.
I mean, they climb high, but no way I can do that.
Gotta think about more than just myself now.
Bren looks great.
How's she doing? Oh, she's doing great.
- Man, she is so fucking smart! - Yes, she is! She used to run circles around me, I can tell you that.
Everybody expected such great things from her.
How's her brother? He's in the hospital right now.
I just really wanted to get out of my head, so I took 18 months of classes, down at the Shiatsu Institute, thinking I'd do it until I figured out what I really wanted to do.
And here we are 10 years later.
- But you love what you do, right? - I do.
That's the key.
And you know what? There is this girl in my health club.
She doesn't do shiatsu, but I swear.
She is gifted.
Gif-ted! You know, there's a science to shiatsu.
Chinese medicine dates back over 2000 years.
HmmThis is delicious, Brenda.
You know, I never cook like this.
I can make pasta, but that's about it.
She's got me beat.
I can make toast.
And ice cubes.
Nate does pretty good microwave popcorn.
What do you do, Nate? I'm a funeral director.
Really? What--what--what makes one to decide to--uh-- become a funeral director? Well, I was born into it, actually.
Sort of like being born into the Mafia.
Hey, not so fast there, hotshot! It's a tow road! Will ! Will ! Time out.
Sometimes he becomes completely irrational just to gain attention.
Hell, sometimes I do that.
Oncle K ! Hey, baby girl! Happy birthday! I'm 9.
Oh, well, I guess that means I can't call you "Baby Girl" anymore.
You better not! This is my friend, David.
- Hi, there.
- Hi.
So where's the party? You want some? It's good.
This is for you, sweetheart.
I saw this in the store! Yeah, I can't believe they still make these! - I thought you'd like it.
- Thanks, Uncle K.
- Where's Mommy? - In the bedroom, sleeping.
- I'm going to go and talk to her for a little bit, alright? - Okay.
Carla ! Carla ! Hi Thought you wasn't comin' till later.
It is later.
What happened to Taylor's birthday party? Shit! I got home from work and was bone-tired.
I'll take her to the flea market on the weekend, get her something.
That's all you did for her birthday? Buy her an Entennmann's cake?!? It's her favorite.
What are you on? - Don't lie to me! - I ain't on nothin'! Ok? What? You think I'm suicidal or just plain stupid? I think you need to stop living just for yourself, and start thinking about that little girl in there.
I am 7 months clean! I work 2 jobs and take care of my kid! What? I forgot her motherfuckin' birthday! Do you want to arrest me for that? Look, you can do all the damage you want to yourself.
I can't stop that.
But I'm not gonna let you fuck up her life! - Take your hands off me.
- Carla I will file an assault charge, and you do not want that.
My sister had one of these when she was a kid.
But I broke it.
On purpose? No.
I wanted to make a pizza, and I put in a 300 watt bulb, and the whole thing melted! That's dumb! Yeah, I know, and I was 17.
You don't give a fuck about her! I'm talkin' to you! You don't know shit! Get the fuck out of my house! I do! I do! - Do you live in a house? - Yup.
A big house? Not that big.
Got a daddy? I used to.
- We gotta go, okay? - Okay.
Alright, listen, uh I'll come back tomorrow as soon as I get off work, and we'll go to the movies, okay? Okay.
We gotta go.
Oh, my God! What was I thinking? Well, I was only 19.
Aw, come on, it wasn't that bad.
"There's this girl at my health club.
She is gif-ted! Gif-ted".
What a dork! His ears were filthy.
Did you notice that? No.
Now, her I liked.
That kid! What a freak! tart saving up for therapy now! We need some friends.
Some couples we don't hate.
We have each other.
Maybe we should volunteer some place.
No, I'm serious.
Do something good for the world.
Exchange Program.
Habitat for Humanity.
Meels on Wheels.
Just give more, consume less.
Brenda, I'm dying.
What? What did you say? After the auto accident, I had x-rays, MRIs, and they found something.
They found it's called AVM, I don't know.
And I think I'm gonna die from it.
I don't know when.
I'm so scared.
Are you listening to me? Yeah.
Meels on Wheels.
You really wanna do that? I don't know.
I have to do something.
I hate my fucking life.
What's wrong? I was watching Trevor and Dawn tonight, thinking they're just soso complete.
Like they have something that I will never have, ever.
Either I wasn't born with it, or it was beaten out of me, or maybe, maybe I made myself into a self-fulfilling prophecy, and I really am a borderline personality.
Now, wouldn't that be ironic? Hey, what's going on with you? Je ne sais pas.
I don't know.
I spent my childhood performing for clinicians, the rest of my life taking care of my trainwreck of a brother, and I have no idea who I am.
I'm gonna make a cup of tea.
Want one? No thanks.
God, I can't wait until our next funeral! What do you think, Mom? It's very modern.
We figure it'll pay for itself in less than 8 months.
What did we spend on this? About 20000 $.
How much is left in the reserve fund I gave you? I'll have to check.
I want a full accounting of how you spent that 93000 $.
I'm an investor in Fisher & Sons.
That wall is part of my investment, and I want a return! Well, of course, Mom.
I am speaking fiercely from the Eye! Do you mind? I don't know.
I just need one of you to sign right here, and we'll be done Do we need to write you a check right now, or can we just mail it to your office? Uh, you might want to open this first.
It's beautiful.
- It's great.
- It's great.
"Enjoy the new casket wall.
It's on me.
Mitzi Dalton Huntley.
Why would she pay for our wall? She didn't pay for it.
Appleby Caskets is owned by Kroehner.
Since when? Since three weeks ago.
She has us selling Kroehner caskets! Wow.
She's good.
Well, I guess we can at least help out Rico now.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
Then we go under, and he's out of work, and he can't afford to pay us back.
Which won't matter because we won't exist anymore.
David, we just saved 20000 $.
We didn't save 20000 $ ! We just didn't spend it! Actually, we just lost 1600 $ because we had to give the Langmeads the Haven 4 for 10500, thank you very much! Honey, of course I love the house, but, believe me, they are never gonna give us the money.
You love the house, though.
We just have to keep on looking, baby.
No, we don't.
I went to the realtor this morning, and we got the house! I wrote a check for the down payment, and now Julio can have his own room! What? Where did you get the money? What do you mean? Okay, don't be mad.
You went behind my back and asked your sister for the money? Are you crazy? - Rico, I wasn't about to lose that house.
- I provide for this family, NOT HER! I've gone 8 to 10 hours a day missing my kids to get us what we need.
I DON'T NEED HER FUCKING HANDOUTS! Please, I don't want to hear any machismo bullshit today! What did you say to me? Baby, we have a house.
It's our first house.
Can you be happy? I'm cancelling that check.
Listen to me.
When the transmission went last month, where'd the money come from? When I chipped my tooth and we couldn't afford the dentist, who paid for it? Angelica's doing good.
She has extra money.
She's family.
She loves us.
She wants to help us.
So please, put down the phone.
We have a house.
Everything is good.
How's Andy? He's gonna be okay.
What was he on? Some weird shit.
I don't really know.
Because I heard he smoked a joint dipped in embalming fluid.
I wouldn't know.
That wouldn't be embalming fluid that you stole from my house, right? What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how much trouble this could get us in? I mean, first of all, he could've died.
And my brothers could be getting a fucking phone call from the cops right now, and you're gonna bring this on my head? Would you stop? Look, I gave Andy 5 or 6 to sell, and he fucking smoked them all.
I am sorry that I fucked with you.
But you took me down there, and I saw the stuff, and I just wasn't thinking.
Oh, you were thinking.
You were thinking about yourself! Claire, listen to me.
Listen to me.
Look, the cops have a videotape of me and Andy and Dink robbing a fucking convenience store, and now I'm worried that Andy's gonna turn me in.
Who the fuck are you? Fuck! Everything I touch turns to shit! Everything is shit! Everybody was right about you.
You are the only good thing that I have left.
Please don't give up on me.
Oh, Christ.
You know, you're really starting to piss me off.
What? What? What? What the fuck do you want from me? I want you to see me! Look at me! Look at me! That's more like it.
You done with your run already? Uh--I didn't need it.
Well, the Langmead viewing is at 6.
You're ready, right, because if you're not Dave, I need to tell you something.
What have you done now? I think we should sit down.
What is it? Um--Listen, if I've been a dick or something, I'm really sorry.
I found out that I have a condition, called AVM.
It basically means
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