Sky Rojo (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

The Talent of Wretches

Come on. Come on.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Wait here.
Well I used to live on Broadway ♪
Right next to the liar's house ♪
I got the girls.
Eight miles away, in the forest.
Move it.
was self-righteousness ♪
Coral, Coral, we need you here now.
Wendy's in really bad shape.
We couldn't get to the diner
and now we're here
Good morning, Gina. How are you?
Turn it off.
It's bugged. They're gonna find us.
I'm so sorry, but I don't think
that Coral's gonna be meeting
up with you any time soon.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Wait. What are we gonna do now?
Look, Gina. Those are weapons, yeah?
Here. Bring me some bullets.
Gina, get that trap. There.
I heard the Lord when he spoke to me ♪
And he told me to leave that place ♪
So I moved, I moved ♪
I can't really lift it.
Pass me those tools.
What are you doing?
We'll saw it off.
Since I moved, I'm really living ♪
I thank the Lord for everything ♪
So glad I found new friends ♪
Since I moved, moved ♪
I moved, moved ♪
Let me do it, OK?
I had to move, move ♪
And I'm living on Straight Street now ♪
All right.
A bandage won't do any good for this.
We've got to stop the bleeding.
You've gotta cauterize it.
I never wanted
to be a whore, you know?
It's not something
you dream about when you're a little girl.
That's it.
Even if you live
in a slum, in poverty.
Bite down. This will hurt.
I had
the same dreams other kids have.
Being a pilot, a doctor,
a trapeze artist
Then I met my girlfriend.
And I needed to have plans.
To believe it was possible.
Tell me about the plans you had.
What were they?
We'd have a place by the ocean.
We'd eat watermelon in the winter.
We'd have a puppy.
We'd just be together. That's all.
But plans and dreams
just drag you deep down the hole.
Because I wanted mine so badly
I let them rape me every night.
And now I've got none.
Hey, listen. They're not gone.
Dreams don't ever really leave us.
And Coral and I will go
to that beach with you, OK?
I wish.
Wendy. Wendy?
Don't fall asleep. Hmm?
I think I'm gonna need some blood.
Hey. Come on.
You're OK, you're OK.
I'll get you out of here.
I promise.
Even if I drag you out.
I'll get you out of here, Wendy.
Are you all right?
Do you think they were hit?
Possibly, yeah.
Will you cover me?
I'll go and check. OK?
Don't go yet.
I'm going to go to the car
and grab the gasoline.
And then we're gonna
burn those bitches alive.
Keep watch.
Christian, take it easy.
Easy, Christian.
Please don't shoot me, OK?
Please don't kill me. Look, Wendy's dead.
Get down.
Now put your fucking hands on your head.
I'll go wherever you want.
I'll even go back to the club
Put your fucking hands on your head!
Come any closer and I'll blow
your brother's fucking head off!
Even if this is
the oldest job in the world,
we need to capture the energy
and attention of younger people.
We need to make them feel
that getting a whore
is as exciting as drinking,
smoking pot, partying
But the girls don't like younger clients.
They're so aggressive.
That's because they all learned
about sex from the Internet.
Watching gang rapes,
double penetrations, fist-fucking
Sure, our parents saw their first tit
in a nudie magazine
probably when they were 17.
But these guys, around 11,
don't have to be told
about golden showers.
So what we need is ideas.
Come on, R&D.
What about gigolos?
I heard that in France
they've got these clubs just for women.
And if you think about it, Romeo,
it's the age of equality.
Maybe it's time we open a club for women.
Moisés, do you know what ladies do
at a bachelorette party?
- Surprise me.
- They eat the gigolo's asshole.
And they pay for it.
What about expanding the drug menu?
Instead of just coke, we could sell pills.
Go for E, MDMA, maybe even crystal
- That's what all the kids are taking.
- We sell the coke for the fucking.
I don't want stoned clients
walking around here like fucking zombies
running around here and buying
only two glasses of water all night.
Christian, overruled.
Next idea, come on.
We could always have our male waiters
working shirtless in the club.
- That could be cool.
- Charlotte.
Do you think anyone here
wondering which whore he's gonna fuck
is interested in seeing
this idiot's hairy nipples?
- What about a girl who can squirt?
- Like what?
Many women, at the point of orgasm
well, they
Charlotte, you tell them.
A good gush.
A gush.
A gush of what?
No, honey.
It's lighter, more like a white wine.
Look, if I'm having one hell of a time,
I need to change the sheets.
It's a matter of strengthening
and training the pelvic area.
In fact, I could teach the girls.
Now that's exotic.
Most people have only seen
something like that in porn.
It would be like
a good fuck stamp of approval.
A guarantee
that he's making the girl go wild.
A satisfied pussy
makes a man feel like a macho alpha.
by tomorrow you're the professor of pussy!
I want all of my whores
squirting like the Fontana di Trevi!
Idea accepted!
You have to have talent
for everything in this life.
To be a pimp, a whore, a murderer
They always talk about writers' talent,
but they never talk about the talent
it takes to live a miserable life.
But it's there.
And Romeo was capable
of analyzing his own life
with an indescribable talent.
He could recognize what a scumbag he was
with fascinating psychological insight.
When I first saw you walk in
through the doors, I was fascinated.
I had a wife,
but after years of eating soup together,
fascination expires.
Way over.
Fascination lies elsewhere.
It's in the desire.
And every man needs that. Hmm?
Without it, there's nothing.
So without desire, you have nothing.
But you also need a home, Moisés.
Somewhere to rest. Get some peace.
If it wasn't for Clarita and the girls,
I'd be in orgies all day.
Fucking, with a rotten liver
and a septum
even more fucked than it is right now.
My wife was my savior.
And she's not here anymore.
And so I'm doomed, Coral.
Oh, please.
You're only doomed if you kill me.
I've got a foot in both worlds, Romeo.
I'm your fascination.
And your whore.
I'm your party.
But, Romeo, I'm also your girls' tutor.
I tuck them in and read bedtime stories
before they go to sleep.
I do drugs with you,
and with them, I'm baking cookies.
I can give you pleasure.
So much pleasure.
But I can also be the home
you can't wait to go back to.
Can't you see?
We can finally be together, Romeo.
But I also had my talent.
And I got Romeo entangled
in his own dreams.
And just to make sure, I gave him the kiss
I'd been denying him all this time.
And with all the confusion
and the cocaine,
I felt like I had him
eating out of my hand.
But suddenly at that moment,
the alarm went off,
and the dream was shattered
into a million pieces.
They got my brother, Romeo.
Wendy and Gina caught him in a trap,
like some kind of wild animal.
If we don't give them Coral,
and their passports, and some money,
they'll kill him.
They have a gun to his head right now.
And they tried to bury me alive,
like a dog.
All right. I'll call you right back.
Romeo was at a crossroads.
He didn't know whether to curl up
in Coral's lap and create a family
or to kill off the weed
that was devouring everything
and fucking up his life.
He chose the latter.
To kill her.
I'm gonna lose my leg, oh shit.
You wanted to change your life, yeah?
Never thought it'd be that of a gimp,
did you?
And so just maybe
you'll see how hard it is to start over.
There's no changing people.
Because the past is a fucking anchor
and it'll weigh on you
like a ton of bricks.
You could go to therapy
but the thing is,
it's who you are.
And who the fuck are you, huh?
Shooting people
You took a sawed-off shotgun
and shoved it in my fucking mouth.
I guess you had some life
to be able to do all that?
What do you fucking care?
And because of you, my life is messed up.
My brother fucked up mine.
And my brother was fucked up by my father.
It's easy to find the culprit
if you really want to.
So here we are.
You and I.
And if anything goes wrong
in the next few minutes,
you and I will have
the exact same chances of dying.
It's cutting through the bone.
If you take this thing off,
we can get out of here
and go to the doctor, OK?
We can all get out of here.
Please believe me, for fuck's sake.
Oh, thank you, God.
Stop it, Wendy. Wendy.
Don't move. This will hurt.
All right, you're going to stop whining.
Shut your fucking mouth.
And you're gonna do whatever I say.
All right.
Where the fuck is Christian?
Hold it there. Don't move.
Coral, are you OK?
Well, my head hurts a bit, but
What did those son of a bitches do to you?
I still think I've got some blood left.
Got our passports?
Drop your weapons.
Let my brother go, you bitch.
Drop your fucking guns
or nobody gets out alive.
Maybe at that point
we should've asked ourselves,
"Why are the killers dropping their guns
if they don't have a plan B?"
But we had gotten so cocky
with the trap and the sawn-off shotgun
that we weren't in the mood for a debate.
This might sound familiar.
Give me your fucking car keys.
Or would you rather I put my hand
in your pants and pull them out?
I didn't think you were such a bitch
that you would bury me alive.
The first time, you told me
if you ever had to hurt me, you'd do it.
Well, it seemed like good advice.
Let's go. I mean it!
- Stay there.
- Girls, what are you doing?
Please release Christian.
Let him go!
We won't follow you.
- I promise you that.
- Get in.
Let my brother go!
Now that you're no longer beside me ♪
Now that luck has made new friends ♪
They have Christian.
They're in my car.
They're on the back road,
one mile away from you.
- How do we help?
- Remove the spikes.
If the light came to meet me ♪
And your absence is such a relief ♪
Even if it ruins my life ♪
You won't have any more
Love stories with me ♪
I look for and find the way ♪
Where are you taking me, huh?
Why did we take this guy?
He's our insurance, OK?
On TV, the robbers
are the ones taking hostages.
- Stop the car. We're fucked.
- Why?
What do you mean?
'Cause it's Romeo's car
and he's probably tracking us now.
He's going to follow us.
He'll call the police and say,
"Three whores and a gimp stole my car."
We've gotta change cars.
Stop, Gina! Stop!
I fear that in this journey ♪
You're at the end of the road ♪
I swear I saw in your eyes ♪
Three stars that ♪
Get on the floor.
Stop! Please, stop.
Please, sir, help us.
We've had an accident. Please.
What happened?
It's a long story.
Don't move, OK?
Hey, open up!
Help! Help!
- Hello?
- Who's there?
It's me, Satur.
What the fuck, Satur?
Open the fucking trunk.
- Some chicks kidnapped me.
- I can't, it's locked.
Do you have a phone?
- Good morning. My name is Saturio Ortega.
- Put the fucking speaker on.
It's Christian.
Who the fuck are you?
- What are you doing with my brother?
- Moi!
Christian! It's him.
Moi! Those bitches locked me in the trunk.
And then they stole this man's car
and took off.
Hey, Satur! Satur!
Tell them. Tell them
what your fucking car looks like.
It's a pickup truck, '98, light blue.
The license plate is SX 0032.
We're so fucked.
Right there. Turn around! Turn around!
Fucking bitch!
Come on, baby.
They're following us.
Tell the boys I won't be coming back ♪
Floor it. Floor it. Floor it.
driving a car I stole last night
From a smart-ass who wanted some fun ♪
It's a Spider with two seats
It does 200 ♪
We have to turn around.
But how? What do I do?
- I don't know what I'm doing.
- Change sides.
Seat belts on.
On the highway
The lines dance like cabaret girls ♪
Hang on, girls.
The road patrols paint panthers
On the shoulder ♪
Burn the skyscrapers ♪
Burn the pylons and the fire trucks ♪
Burn the courts ♪
Let's go, let's go.
Burn the bars
Because I'm not coming back ♪
Tell Dad I'm leaving town ♪
Hit it!
Good morning.
Wake up, girls. Time for a road trip.
Hello? ♪
Ciao ♪
Hello? ♪
Ciao ♪
Ciao ♪
Subtitle translation by: Katie Ward
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