Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) s02e02 Episode Script

Ruins of War

We are descending at a rate
of speed that is most concerning.
Don't worry! The reentry
thrusters should engage soon!
If they don't, we're all dead!
Told you.
Other than not being able
to steer or control where we land,
I would say this is going well.
The regs have all the entry points
to the castle surrounded.
Not all of them.
Our way out is down.
I knew you were gonna say that.
We use the city ruins for cover
and trek back to the Marauder.
Tech, did you reach the escape pods yet?
Not exactly.
We are using an alternate mode
of transport.
My calculations have us crashing towards
the upper forest region of the planet.
That was smoother than some
of Wrecker's attempted landings.
Tech. Report.
We are alive. But where we
are, I am not fully certain.
The Empire's gonna come looking
for their containers, and for us.
Get out of sight and lay low.
Once we get to the Marauder,
we'll come for you.
Roger that.
Uh, what's happening?
We haven't fully landed yet.
Go! Go! Go!
Are you okay?
My left femur has been fractured by
approximately 150 kilograms of pressure!
So no.
Hang tight.
I'll go up top and scope things out.
Oh, great.
What do you see out there?
We still haven't landed.
- Sitrep.
- The containers have scattered
throughout the upper forest region.
Squads have been dispatched,
but it's unlikely the thieves
who infiltrated the cargo ship
survived the crash.
I want confirmation.
Captain Wilco.
The two from the castle must be
in the city.
Redirect our topside forces.
Monitor all comm channels
and bring a shuttle.
Yes, sir.
Well, this mission has been eventful.
We have to get out of sight.
Wait. We can't leave
without the war chest.
We don't have time.
We need to get away from here
and find cover.
Get down.
They're setting up a perimeter.
Like that'll stop us.
They know our forces are split.
They'll monitor comm channels.
The fourth sun is setting.
Plan Double Zero.
- Copy that.
- Plan Double Zero?
It means "go radio silent."
Comm channels are being monitored.
We're being followed.
- Don't move.
- I'm not.
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
I live here. The name's Romar.
He could be working for the Empire.
Aren't you working for the Empire?
We do not
have time to debate this.
Where's the nearest
place to take shelter?
Well, it's a little hard to think
with her pointing that thing at me.
Much appreciated, but sorry to say
there's no shelter around these parts.
I'm registering a heat source
200 meters west of here.
I suspect it is your domicile.
- How did you do
- Take us there.
Looks like I don't have much say
in the matter.
Captain, we have eyes on
half of the ejected containers.
No sign of the thieves, but we
did intercept a coded transmission.
Then the ones in the cargo
survived the crash.
Divide the search and recovery squads.
Fifty containers were released.
- I want eyes on all 50.
- Copy that.
Sir, we have the city perimeter secured.
Commence the radial sweep.
We'll box in these rogues.
We're gonna need
to break through their ranks.
How many explosives do you have?
Nothing that'll do any damage.
Just a couple of smoke bombs.
Ten o'clock.
Oh. Old Separatist tanks.
Now you're talking.
So, what you're telling me is
that you're rogue clones running
from the Empire's clones,
who used to be the Republic's clones?
You finally got it right.
Why is your house
in the middle of nowhere?
Didn't really have a choice once
the Empire showed up, but
- we make do.
- "We"?
The other survivors
who fled the destruction.
Now that Tech is safe,
let's head back to the container and get
- as much of the war chest as we can.
- No, it's too dangerous.
Troopers could already be
at the crash site.
But we can't leave empty-handed.
We have to complete the mission.
Mm-hmm. Guess you're more like
those other clones than you think.
I'd stay away from that
cursed war chest if I were you.
But we need it.
And it's not cursed, it was stolen.
You think Dooku funded his war effort
by only stealing from outside worlds?
He took from us, his own people.
His quest for power is why
our city is now buried in rubble.
Well, we'll help you get it back.
There's enough in that container
for all of us.
I want none of it.
Let the Empire take it.
The sooner they're gone, the better.
And the same goes for you.
No offense.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
some of us have work to do.
It's not too late.
We can still scout the site
to see if it's clear.
Negative. Your mission is
to keep an eye on the old man.
Thanks for the ride.
No good.
How about yours?
This one's down too.
I have a visual on the targets.
You just gonna stand there?
- Oh.
- I'm keeping an eye on you.
Ah. Not much fun, is it?
Uh, here. Try that.
- What is it?
- Look inside.
There are jewels in here?
No. No, it's only reflected glass.
- It's an optical illusion.
- Then it's not treasure?
Oh, for blast's sakes.
It's a toy.
It makes you happy.
And believe me, that is
worth more than any jewel.
The war chest wasn't ours
in the first place.
Well, we would
have made better use of it.
I am simply stating that
without the funds from the war chest,
- we are no worse off than we were before.
- That's not how I see it.
The Empire's growing stronger,
and we're still doing nothing about it.
Where are you going?
To check for patrols.
I'll be back.
Hey, Ace.
Think you can lend me that
spanner on your belt for a minute?
What are you doing
with a model 2 data core?
This here contains a fragment
of my people's history.
Our culture. Art. Music.
A Separatist archive.
- Fascinating.
- Not Separatist. Serennian.
We did exist before the war, you know.
I never thought of it like that.
Now, if I can only get this thing working.
Oh, I can handle that.
That one!
Forget it, Wrecker.
That tank's not going anywhere.
Don't need it to.
Grab the battery pack.
- For what?
- Leave it to me.
- Air support's on approach.
- Send them in.
Come to
Oh, yeah!
Pick up the pace.
And we're in business!
I make a pretty good tank!
Fire in the hole.
You sure you know what you're doing?
Your data has been restored.
You did it. You
You You actually did it.
Well, of course I did.
- Where's Omega?
- She was just here.
Well, she's not now!
- My rappelling cable's gone.
- I suspect she went after the war chest.
We have to find her
before the Empire does.
Go. I will catch up.
You won't get very far in your condition.
I can manage.
The Marauder
is just over that ridge.
You said that
about the last one.
This time I mean it.
Look out!
I'm scanning another container
dead ahead. Stay alert.
I packed it full of the shiny stuff!
Did you not hear the blaster fire?
There are troopers out there.
We have to go.
We've located the thieves
and have one pinned.
Requesting backup.
Copy that.
A gunship is inbound. Hold your position.
Look out!
Captain Wilco, the intruders are
retreating to the eastern ridge.
- Reroute air support.
- Yes, sir.
This old bird
never looked so good.
We're in position.
Tech, send your coordinates.
Coordinates received.
We're heading your way.
We got company.
Get these guys off our tail.
Hold your fire.
CT-3278! Report!
You're almost there.
Hurry. This whole ledge is gonna go.
- I can get it back. I have to.
- Don't.
Omega, forget about the war chest.
- It's not important.
- Yes, it is.
I heard what you said to Hunter
on the Marauder.
You don't have a normal life
because of me.
Omega, listen to me.
You have to let it go.
Come on!
Ace, wake up.
What are you doing here?
I heard blaster fire.
Thought you might need some help.
And I was right.
Omega! Echo!
Hold on!
- I will handle the ship.
- I'll grab the cable.
Locking onto the targets.
Grab the line!
All right. Come on.
That would be our ride.
Hey, kid.
Keep it.
And remember what I said.
Get going.
More will be on the way.
- What about you?
- I'm a survivor. Remember?
I'm sorry we lost the war chest.
We'll manage without it.
I wanted to make things better for us.
I know you all gave up everything
because of me.
Good thing we did, or we might be
fighting for the Empire right now.
Or worse.
We made the right choice, Omega.
I'd do it all again.
As of now, we've recovered
85% of the war chest,
but I'll chase that number
to perfection, sir.
Your failure to ensure the transfer
of this cargo is not why I am here.
I've come to address some
inaccuracies in your mission report.
What inaccuracies?
You stated the would-be thieves
you encountered were the rogue clones
from experimental unit 99,
yet that is impossible.
Their squad perished
during the fall of Tipoca City.
Your intel was incorrect, sir.
I had visual confirmation on two of them.
They're alive.
I see.
If Governor Tarkin were to learn
of my misstep, then I would be at risk.
And that cannot happen.
Which is why
a new report will be submitted.
One void of any mention of Clone Force 99.
Sir, I will not falsify
an official report.
I understand.
I will.
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