Fog and Crimes (2005) s02e03 Episode Script

Nessuna traccia di frenata

FOG AND CRIMES 2 Hurry up! I've got to get ready! Who's having the eel? - I am.
- Not me.
One, two Not you two? Marcon? No, no.
HAIR SALON NO SIGN OF STOPPING Gianna, bring another place setting.
Your husband's on his way.
I've got other things to take care of.
- Good night, Gianna, see you tomorrow.
- Night, Marcon.
- Arnaldo - Let's go see what happened.
Juvara! What are you doing? Juvara! Have you lost your mind? What is this, karaoke? - I thought I was alone.
- Turn that off right away.
I was taking a break from work.
Bizet relaxes me.
- Bizet? - Bizet.
Rosie introduced me to it.
- Anything new? - No, nothing new.
There's just that jewel theft at Mrs Cervone's house.
The one that Draghi's taking care of.
At first, they thought it was the maid, but it turned out she had nothing to do with it.
In my opinion, it was the ex-husband.
- Are you joking? - No.
His wife took him to the cleaners in the divorce.
Maybe he was getting revenge.
Just a hypothesis.
All right, if there's nothing else, I'm going to go.
No, a report came in from Comacchio.
A pedestrian was killed by a hit and run driver.
The traffic cop wants us to go there and have a look.
There's a witness report that needs to be checked out.
What did you tell the cop? That we would send someone tomorrow.
- Let's go now.
- Yes, sir.
How did that Bizet song go? It was Carmen.
Don't worry about it.
Dinner's no big deal.
Why are you getting called in for traffic accidents now? You know how I am, I wanted to go, it's the principle of it.
Yes, I do know.
It's just that I've been thinking - Did you and your friends go for a run? - Yes.
I just got out of the shower.
We could have spent a nice evening together, and it's too bad because you're going to miss out on a very nice "dessert.
" I have to go.
I can't talk because I'm on duty.
OK, bye.
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening.
I'm sorry it's so late.
Don't worry about it.
Where is the witness? It's the hairdresser, she's in her salon.
Let's go, Juvara.
Yes, it was foggy, but I have good eyesight.
What did you see? I saw that car coming and it was going fast.
It must have been going 45, 50 miles per hour.
There is a speed limit in town, I know.
Poor Fabbri was crossing the street and the car didn't even slow down.
In fact, I think that the driver ran him over on purpose! What makes you say that? Fabbri tried to get out of the way.
But the driver swerved toward him and hit him straight on.
Are you certain? I may not know how to drive, but I can see just fine.
What about the licence plate? Licence plate? Let's not go crazy! I'm not superwoman.
We've questioned everyone, but no one here saw anything.
Where is this guy, Marcon? - Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Soneri.
Pleased to meet you.
- Marcon.
You were in the doorway, right? Yes, I was just leaving.
- Did you see the car go by? - Yes, I already said that, didn't I? I see here that you are a mechanic, you own a service station.
Do you know what model the car was? No, am I supposed to notice every car on the street? - Did you know Fabbri? - Of course I knew him.
I feel bad for that poor woman.
I don't think keeping us all here is going to solve anything.
No, of course not.
- Send everyone home, thank you.
- Of course.
You are all done here for tonight.
Thank you for your cooperation.
You can all go home.
Where are you going? I'm going for a run.
How did it go last night? Humid, foggy.
Come and warm me up, come under the covers.
I have other plans.
Five kilometres I have to burn at least 200 calories.
Come here.
I can help you burn some calories.
Marta's waiting for me.
I can't.
I'll see you this evening.
There was a weird little swerve.
If he'd wanted to avoid hitting him, he would've gone the other way.
What do you want me to tell you? We get stories like this all the time on Romea road.
It's a cursed road.
But what has it got to do with us anyway? It could have been premeditated.
The report doesn't prove anything.
It's a valid suspicion, though.
Yes, you could even say interesting, but purely imaginary! We've got nothing concrete.
Have you found anything on this hit and run driver? I might be able to find something.
Soneri, I'll just give you a statistic.
You know, 83 percent of hit and run drivers are never identified.
Well, that leaves 17 percent.
Well, that's a nice number anyway.
Anyway, if you find him, let me know.
Good luck, let me know.
- Good morning, Nanetti.
- Good morning, Juvara.
Sir, here's the information you were looking for.
Fabbri owned a small construction firm in Ariano, not far from Comacchio.
No prior record, just a few warnings for some building code violations.
His wife, however, has a good head for business.
The restaurant is going full force.
- Anything else? - No.
- Come on, let's go.
- Sure.
Soneri, where are you going? I'm going to make some inquiries about that death on Romea road.
You need to look into that jewel theft as well.
The jewels are worth 1.
5 million euros.
I have a theory about that.
I'll talk to you about it later.
CLOSED FOR MOURNING Sir, what should we do? It's Saturday, we'll find someone out and about.
- Take a look inside.
- Yes, sir.
You were right.
There are a few witnesses from yesterday evening inside.
I'll take care of that.
I want you to go to the Carabinieri.
Try to get as much as you can on Marcon, the tow truck driver.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Should we get something to drink? Why not? Have you learned anything about that awful accident that happened? Unfortunately not.
Maybe you guys could help me.
Well, there's not much to say.
Arnaldo was a good person.
He owned his own business and money wasn't an issue for him.
He was better off than all the rest of us put together.
He had a nice car, didn't he? Yes.
He got new cars regularly, they were his passion.
Any other passions? Like everyone else around here, he used to hunt.
Anything else? He liked women.
But there's nothing wrong with that, right? That depends.
Fabbri was a good looking guy, a confident guy; everyone liked him.
Poor Gianna, she wasn't cut out for a guy like him.
For Gianna, it was all about the restaurant.
It was more important than her marriage.
While Gianna was busy slaving away, Fabbri was running around with other girls.
It happened.
He always went out of town though, to save her the humiliation.
And you, how do you know all of this? We're all women here.
Between shampooing and blow drying, there's no escaping the gossip.
And I'm like a confessor, a vault.
You're going to have divulge some of those secrets this time.
- Do I have to give you names? - I'm afraid so.
Excuse me.
I'll be back later.
Did you find out anything about Marcon? He's considered a good egg.
Even the Carabinieri have good things to say.
This street sees so many accidents that he works day and night.
- And this strikes you as being news? - No, Inspector.
There is something important though.
Yesterday evening, a squad car stopped a car for speeding, about 15 miles away.
They gave the driver a breathalyser and his alcohol level was really high.
Naturally, they took away his licence.
- Is that it? - No.
He is a Romanian.
His name is Christian Badescu.
He used to work construction for Fabbri in Ariano, and he has priors for assault.
I think that's the one.
- Get the car out of here.
- All right.
- Good morning.
- How can I help you? - I'm looking for Mr Badescu.
- He isn't here, he went out.
Is this his car? Who are you? I'm Soneri, from the police.
Can I wait for him inside? Please, come this way.
- Wait for me here.
Keep your eyes open.
- Sure.
Wake up! - Would you like to sit down? - No, thank you.
- Where's Badescu's room? - Over there.
You've seen the entire house now.
The bathroom's outside.
How long have you guys been here? I've been here for three years.
He and Christian arrived last summer.
This place is disgusting, but we don't have any other options.
Did all of you work for Fabbri? Yes.
Are you aware of what happened? Yes, the construction site was closed when we arrived this morning.
The surveyor told us what had happened.
We haven't got any jobs now.
What was it like working for him? When he paid us, it was good.
But he owed us two months wages.
He never paid us a penny more or a penny less.
He never paid into our benefits either.
We have rights just like everyone else.
Badescu! Badescu! Wait, wait! That's you, right? Watch yourself! Yes, that's me.
What do you want? You were on Romea road yesterday evening, right? I was supposed to meet a girl at a bar.
I waited two hours and she never showed up.
So, I had a few beers and came home.
Going 95 mph, completely drunk, at night This never happens.
I need my licence.
But I can't walk 15 miles.
Did you go through Comacchio? No.
What's Comacchio got to do with it? Nothing.
Where were you yesterday evening between 8:00 and 8:30? Between 8:00 and 8:30? How should I know? I was still on the road.
What kinds of questions are these? We're going to have to seize your car.
You'll need to stick around for the time being.
All right? Clear? Did you know Fabbri well? Of course.
He came to me for his building permits.
I'm in charge of city planning.
Did he strike you as an even-tempered person? Very even-tempered.
Never any issues or problems? Nothing to say.
But when you saw him last week, he seemed agitated to you? More than that.
Those three guys gave him hell for a good quarter of an hour.
- The three Romanians? - Yeah, those guys who worked for him.
They were screaming in front of the bar.
It was so loud the entire town could hear it.
Do you remember what they were talking about? Money.
I already told your assistant.
Especially the little guy with the brown hair.
He was screaming.
He'd completely lost it.
He was making threats, too.
"I swear I'll kill you!" The other two eventually had to pull him away.
Was this the first time something like this had happened? I we here in town have never liked these people.
They're dangerous, and the only thing they know is the bottle.
If it hadn't been for Fabbri, I would've run them out of town.
Yeah? How would you have done that? My wife owns that place where they're living, out in the country.
Besides, they haven't even paid their rent for two months.
That place is a hell hole And to think, you make them pay to live there! Goodbye, Councilman.
Let's go, Juvara.
What should we do, sir? Have Gallesi and another officer keep watch on the house out in the country.
Discretely, please.
Fabbri died from internal bleeding, so there was no blood on the car.
There were superficial injuries, but nothing that left behind any blood.
What can you tell me about this dent? Everything is old, except this here.
This is recent.
- How recent? - One or two days old at the most.
- You mean to say that - Yes, it could be.
The impact on the car would have happened right here.
Congratulations, Soneri! You found what you were looking for.
I spoke to him on the phone, you know.
To who? To Vania.
He was so happy to hear from me.
He told me to say hello to you.
How is he getting on with his parents? It's better now.
It couldn't have been easy getting used to his new family though.
And after everything that poor boy went through He said that the first few days, he wanted to run away and come back here.
You miss him, don't you? Why, you don't? Of course, I miss him too.
In fact, ever since he left, the house has seemed so empty.
Let's not go crazy.
We've got enough clutter to fill it up.
What? I'm sorry, but how is that possible? What time is it? Oh, God! Fine, I'm on my way.
What happened? I'm sorry, sir! The other two Romanians left the house early this morning.
I thought they were going to look for work.
But I didn't see Badescu.
We went in around 8:00 and searched for him everywhere, but he was gone.
He probably climbed the fence sometime during the night, and took off through the countryside.
You've made me look like an idiot.
- It's entirely my fault, sir.
- I know.
Sir, I forgot! The marshal came here looking for you.
He says that he knows you and that he needs to speak to you urgently.
- Good morning! - Inspector! Do you remember me? - Marshal Arico.
- Of course! We met in Stellata during the flood.
Do you remember that double homicide case? - The Tonna brothers.
- Tonna, exactly.
I could never forget.
So, what's going on? This is Fabbri's business office.
There was a burglary.
The secretary noticed this morning when she came in.
Come on, I'll show you.
Here, Inspector.
As you will see, I haven't touched anything.
Come on, this way.
Here it is, Inspector.
- What was stolen? - A hunting rifle.
But I'll know for sure after I've done an inventory.
Do you know what photograph was in this frame? Mr Fabbri with a few other people I believe they were out hunting.
Do you remember the names of the other people? They were friends of the boss, but that's all I know.
Fine, thank you.
So? Call forensics and have them look at the crime scene.
Of course.
Excuse me, Madam, but what's in here? No, no, that's not part of the office.
- What is it? - It's a private apartment.
- Do you have the keys? - Of course.
Thank you.
Enchanting, isn't it? Apparently, this was Fabbri's private hunting ground.
I wanted to inform you that I've signed the arrest warrant for Badescu.
Here, these are your copies.
Soneri, I'm warning you.
This story's going to be all over tomorrow's paper.
"Romanian man suspected of murder, escapes under the noses of police.
" Headquarters is swarming with reporters.
I had to unplug the phone.
I won't be offended if they want to put my picture on the front page.
You seem to wallow in these crumby situations, Soneri.
I don't get you! We can't give press conferences only when there's applause, sometimes, we have to take responsibility, don't we? Are you implying something? Me? About you? No! Not in the least! There's also the theft of that rifle! Let's hope the Romanian doesn't kill anyone else! I'm glad you're aware of that.
Up until a couple of days ago, it was just a traffic accident to you.
- Judge.
- Commissioner.
Hi, Soneri.
Draghi, wait.
I wanted to talk to you about the jewel theft.
That's all set.
The case is closed.
The lady withdrew the charges.
How did that happen? It wasn't a real robbery, the lady's husband confessed.
He took the jewels out of spite.
The usual stupid stuff, jealous ex-husband.
He gave everything back.
You know how the Commissioner is, he kept everything quiet.
It was incredible! Incredible! Who would have ever thought! I'll see you later, Soneri.
Are you sleeping? I was sleeping.
What is it? I want to tell you something.
I've been thinking about it for a while.
What? Have you ever thought about having a baby? About us having a baby? - Are you pregnant? - No, no.
I would really like to have a baby, though.
Wouldn't you? I'm a little old to be a father, don't you think? You would make a dashing father.
I have to think about it.
It's not something I can answer on the spot.
I don't want an answer right away.
I just want you to know that if it's something you want, I'm open.
Don't worry, I'm still taking the pill.
- Yes, who is it? - Sir, it's Marshal Arico.
What is it, Marshal? I have news on Badescu, but it's not good.
He was shot yesterday while attempting a break in.
- Where did it happen? - In a cottage in Ariano.
It's 21 Brignola Street.
- Fine, I'll be there right away.
- I'll be waiting.
You can see that he forced the gate and came in through here.
- About what time was it? - 3:00 in the morning.
The noise woke me up and I grabbed my rifle and came downstairs.
He was right here meddling with the car.
I yelled, he turned around, and I saw what looked like a gun, so I fired.
Instead, it was a crowbar.
How could I have known? It was so dark and I was so afraid! He didn't threaten you.
He was only stealing your car.
Does that seem like nothing to you? I'm not going to get into any trouble, am I? We're not exactly going to give you medal.
What time did you get to Comacchio that evening? I didn't even drive through Comacchio that night.
How did you get that dent on your car? I hit my car against a wall parking it.
Why did you run away? They wanted to throw me in jail for my prior convictions.
These guys here need someone to throw in jail.
Were you the one who stole Fabbri's rifle? If I had a rifle, I wouldn't be in this situation now! Fine.
I'll send you a copy of the interview to sign.
- Inspector, I'll talk to you later.
- Later.
You're really in trouble now.
Why don't you just leave me alone! Why? Please, make yourself comfortable.
So, the case is closed? It seems to be.
So, your promotion? Look, it's not for sure, nothing's certain.
Think about where you'd be going, anti-terrorism.
- In Rome.
- Where else, but in Rome? In high places! The department in charge of operations.
What else could you want from life, Soneri? You're not trying to get rid of me, are you? Goodness, what are you thinking? So, where is all this encouragement coming from? I'm only saying this for you own good.
What is there for a man with experience in a remote area like this? What are you doing here then, Commissioner? I'm too old to go anywhere.
This is where I'll finish out my career.
That's not what you should do.
Grab the reins for as long as you can.
Sir! It was a sonata in A major.
- Did you need something? - No.
There's nothing to do here anyway.
Nothing ever happens here anymore.
No robberies, no thefts It's like we're in Switzerland, isn't it? It's the off season, sir.
Even Draghi was theorizing about it.
In February, all the criminals go into hibernation.
Is this the stupid crap I have to listen to? Can I talk to you about something private? Go ahead.
I've been snoring a bit lately, you know? Really? Rosie made me one of those strips like the soccer players wear.
No, I don't know.
I don't snore.
I'm sorry, Juvara, it might seem weird, but I want to be alone.
Go! I'm sorry, sir.
Hello? - Hey, Calo, it's me.
- Hi, Soneri! I understand you spoke to the commissioner.
You've made a decision.
I haven't made a decision really, but I am giving it some thought.
All you have to do is write two lines, sign, and I'll take care of the rest.
Do me a favour Give me just a couple more days, come on.
What else is there for you to think about? You'll be responsible for an entire department, assignments abroad.
Soneri, a chance like this doesn't come along twice in a lifetime.
All right, thanks anyway.
Bye, Soneri.
Yes, what is it? Excuse me.
This arrived for you.
- What is it? - An anonymous letter.
- Is it threatening? - No, it doesn't make any threats.
- But you did read it.
- Of course, sir.
"You've put an innocent man in jail, "he wasn't the hit and run driver in Comacchio.
" Do you ever use a typewriter? I don't know how to use one.
I've always used a computer.
This doesn't prove anything, but take it to the judge.
- Is there anything wrong? - Everything's all right, Alceste.
Go ahead, say it, the mustard is too sweet.
It's excellent, and the capon is perfect too.
- I just don't have an appetite, thanks.
- Thank you.
Don't worry.
What's going on with you? What is it that's bothering you? Is it because of what we talked about the other night? What did we talk about? About having a baby.
No, no, don't worry.
Look, I don't want to pressure you.
Take all the time you need, but I will eventually need an answer.
Of course, and you deserve an answer.
It's just that I'm I'm under pressure from everyone and I can't seem to give anyone answers.
What is it? Are you unhappy with the way the investigation went? That too.
I don't understand what the problem is.
You did what you were supposed to.
If I hadn't blundered through this investigation, I wouldn't feel like I'd put the wrong man in jail today.
Why can't you do a secondary investigation? There's no hard evidence.
Did you speak to the commissioner about it? Capuozzo is a bureaucrat.
He won't reopen the case unless I have something new.
I've had enough of this routine, I need a change of pace.
- What are you saying? - Maybe a job with more responsibility.
I don't know, maybe in Rome.
In Rome? - Why not? - I'm not leaving this place.
And I'm not the type to spend my week just waiting for the weekend.
It was just an idea.
Who is his attorney? Whose attorney? That guy, what's his name? Badescu.
I don't think he has an attorney.
He was probably given a public defender.
I could defend him.
What do you think? This guy doesn't have a dime.
I earn enough with my divorce cases.
I could do it pro bono.
See what a generous woman you are? I know.
Don't take advantage of it.
Soneri, heartfelt congratulations! What the hell are you talking about? Your upcoming transfer.
How did you find out about it? Word on the street.
There's also talk of an heir to the throne.
Heir to the what? There's talk about who'll have the honour and the burden of replacing you.
Tell me, Draghi, who will bear this burden, you? Let's just say that I'm on the list as well.
Listen to me, Draghi.
Don't talk to anyone about this.
I mean it.
Not even with the guys.
Nothing's been decided yet.
Come in! May I? Is that clear? Goodbye, Counsellor Hi.
Do you want a coffee? No, don't worry, I'm in a rush.
- Have a seat, come on.
- No.
I just wanted to tell you I've been to the jail.
I spoke to Christian.
He took me on as his attorney.
What did you think? Well, he's far from being a saint.
He's a bad guy.
He's got a problem with the whole world.
But I don't think he's capable of killing someone.
Did he tell you anything interesting? Maybe.
The last time he saw Fabbri, he saw a car parked outside his office.
There was a man inside.
He was a little strange, a bit suspicious.
In fact, he thought the man was a policeman.
What kind of car was it? A black station wagon.
- Here, your pasta.
- Thanks.
- I already ate a few pounds of bread.
- Here.
- Can you bring me some cheese? - Certainly.
Thank you.
"The hit and run car was a black station wagon.
" It was the same car.
Inspector! Your pasta! I have to run, I'll eat later.
It'll get cold! Another horrible accident, sir.
Who was this Baldini guy? He owned a furniture factory here in the area.
Poor man, he was run over in front of a coffee shop.
Was there a witness? A boy.
He didn't get the licence plate, but he noticed the colour of the car.
He really wasn't much help.
Could this have anything to do with the other hit and run in Comacchio? But wasn't it you who arrested the guy in Comacchio? Maybe we made a mistake, it happens.
A hit and run driver who kills two people in just a couple of days! That seems against the odds.
Or it's a double homicide.
You say it happened right here in front of the bar? Yes, right at the entrance.
Did you get the impression the driver wanted to slow down? No.
No, no, not at all.
In fact, the person driving was either blind or ran him over on purpose.
But you had seen the car here in front of the bar before? Yes, two or three times.
It had even stopped.
- As if they were waiting for someone? - Yes.
I think so.
Another hit and run driver, what's wrong with you? Are you crazy? I can't explain it right now.
I just need a bit more time, Commissioner! The judge is about to close the case.
Badescu's going to face justice.
Can't you ask him to wait? I'm not asking for much, a week, ten days You want to ruin me then! Fine, fine.
Three days, Soneri, and not one more.
Whatever you want.
I'm going to see Baldini's widow.
He was so full of life and had so many plans.
His business was going great.
He didn't have any enemies, if that's what you're wondering.
You know, about four months ago, Emanuele went through an awful period.
He was really agitated and even started taking tranquillizers.
How did you know something was bothering him? He never really told me.
It eventually passed and we didn't talk about it again.
Do you know this man? Of course.
That's Arnaldo, a friend of Emanuele.
Do you know that he died the same way your husband did? He was run over by a car ten days ago.
I had no idea.
Emanuele and I just came back from a vacation abroad.
Maybe that's why we hadn't heard.
Were the two of them really close? Yes.
They used to go hunting together a lot.
Look, Inspector.
This is Emanuele.
Last year, Fabbri came over for dinner.
He brought a friend.
She was blonde, kind of striking.
That definitely wasn't his wife.
Do you remember her name by any chance? No.
Unfortunately, I don't remember her name.
What does my husband's private life have to do with anything? The murderer's in jail.
Everything's been cleared up, hasn't it? Unfortunately, no.
Something happened to your husband about four months ago.
What do you think happened? I don't remember anything.
Maybe after a hunting trip.
So? Well, more or less, there was this one time Arnaldo went hunting all day, and he didn't come home that night.
Did he stay out all night often? Yes.
Why do you remember that evening so well? Because the next morning, he told me that he'd gone off the road in his car.
That's strange for Arnaldo.
He was an excellent driver.
He used to race when he was young.
I asked him how it happened.
He told me it'd happened because the road was wet, but that it wasn't anything serious.
Do you remember what day it was? It was towards the end of October.
A few days after my saint's day.
He didn't even remember.
Thank you for the coffee.
I'll get going.
It's dinnertime, so I imagine you have a lot to do.
Yes, I have to get ready.
You didn't see Marcon again, did you? No, Marcon hasn't been around, he's been drinking his wine somewhere else.
Excuse me.
Come here.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Do you like your job? Like it, no, I just do it.
Look at these.
All from people who have written to thank me.
You could never imagine how many cars I've helped.
I've been doing this for 30 years.
I've even done it for free sometimes, for people who couldn't afford it.
But now I'm tired.
I've seen too many bodies pulled from the wreckage.
Maybe it's time for me to retire.
Listen, Marcon.
I think you know more than you're saying about Fabbri's death.
Now I understand why you're here.
No, no.
I don't know anything.
A few days ago, Baldini was killed too.
He was a friend of Fabbri.
He was killed the same way, hit and run.
Did you know him? No.
I've never heard of him.
Now, please, I have work to do.
Who is this boy? My son.
He died a long time ago.
How did he die? He was going to school on his bike on Romea road.
They ran him over like a dog.
I'm sorry.
- Goodbye, Marcon.
- Goodbye.
One last question.
How do you write your receipts? By hand? Are you joking? I've been using a cash register for 15 years.
For letters and such, what do you use, a computer I don't write letters.
What kind of questions are these anyway? Just curious.
Goodbye, Marcon.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
How can I help you? Do you sell ink ribbons for typewriters? Who buys that stuff anymore? When was the last time you sold one? I wouldn't know He doesn't know.
I sold the last one, about four or five years ago.
Do you remember who you sold it to? I'm sorry, but who are you? I'm Soneri, from the police.
Of course I remember.
It was Marcon from roadside assistance.
Thank you.
- Goodbye.
- How strange! Gallesi? It's me.
I want you to come to Comacchio tomorrow.
I want you to follow Marcon and don't let him out of your sight.
Do a good job, all right? Fine, bye.
So, what's going on? In my opinion, Christian is innocent.
I figured that out on my own.
Is there anything else? Yes, there's something that Fabbri and Baldini's deaths have in common.
What? Actually, I'm not really sure right now.
Marcon knows everything, though.
He wrote the anonymous letter.
Why isn't he talking, is he afraid of something? No.
There's some other reason, but I can't figure it out.
What did you find out? Fabbri and Baldini changed hunting spots according to the time of year.
They usually went by themselves.
From the end of October, you know what we're going to find.
There's a way to narrow it down, sir.
At the end of October, hunting season isn't officially open.
In inland Comacchio, there are only two places where you can shoot.
What are we waiting for? Let's go.
You've reached our answering machine, please leave a message.
Hi, Soneri, it's Malvoglio from the Ferrara Chronicle.
I'm calling to talk to you about your transfer.
I'm writing up a piece for tomorrow.
Hello? Who is this? Rosie asked me to move in with her.
What did your mom say? She wants us to get married first.
She's against living together.
But I told her that even you live with your girlfriend.
I'm not a good example.
What are you talking about? You have to start a family, Juvara.
That's an order! Why? Because you're the right age to have kids.
That's why.
With the money I'm making? That's just an excuse.
At what age do you want to have kids? When you're too old, like me? - Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Hi, Angela.
- Hi, Pierluigi.
- Hi.
- Good morning.
So we heard the news.
- What news? - About Soneri's transfer.
To Rome.
Who told you? It's not exactly a secret.
People have been talking about it for days.
So what are you going to do? Will you transfer as well? I don't know.
I haven't decided anything yet.
You'll have to excuse me, I have a hearing.
Go ahead.
HUNTING PRESERVE Yes, you're right.
The 27th exactly.
Mr Fabbri was here.
Baldini was here too.
They came every year.
Great people.
May I have a look? Please, go ahead.
- You wrote this, right? - Yes.
I think so.
Who was the special guest? It was a lady.
Why didn't she register? It was a question of privacy.
Fabbri asked me.
What was this woman like? I had never seen her before.
She was blonde.
She was a beautiful woman.
It seems to me like Fabbri didn't come here just to hunt.
It's that He asked for a comfortable cabin Come on, I'll show you.
Here, that one there was the cabin.
When they arrived in the morning, there was a terrible storm.
The lady didn't want to get wet.
But she spent most of her time in the cabin with Mr Fabbri.
Baldini went hunting by himself that day.
Can you remember anything else? I don't know what else to tell you.
Well, when they left it was almost night time They were happy, and they were talking back and forth.
I think they were a bit drunk too.
They were probably just happy.
No, there were a bunch of empty bottles.
Anything else? No, I think I've told you everything.
If anything else comes to mind, I'll let you know.
- Fine.
Stay where I can reach you.
- Sure.
The blonde woman must be Fabbri's lover.
If we can find her It happened a while ago.
Plus, Fabbri was always with a new girl.
We need a Leporello.
- What did you say? - Leporello.
Don Giovanni's servant.
He kept track of all the women.
That's a good idea, Juvara.
I know just the person.
Then there's Giulia, from the supermarket.
Giulia who? I don't know, but you'd recognise her right away.
Redhead, nice personality, kind of has prominent teeth, but more or less Novella! We're looking for blondes! Did you put down Olga? Good grief! She's 70 years old! Not that Olga, the Slavic girl.
She worked as a housekeeper.
Should I put her down? Forget about it.
She went back to Poland two years ago.
No one else comes to mind? No one else comes to mind.
There are plenty of fish.
Arnaldo fished around everywhere.
Write down the usual stuff and let's leave it at that.
I need to open my salon back up.
I have work to do too.
Of course, absolutely.
I'm sorry for the interruption.
- No, no, don't worry about it.
- Thank you.
- So? - Sir, this is going to take a week.
Come on.
There are only eight or nine blondes.
I'll start with this one.
Delia, the fish vendor.
Come on.
I told you.
It's been more than a year since I've seen him.
I was the one who broke it off.
With women, he was a May he rest in peace.
Did you ever go hunting with Fabbri? Hunting? No, never.
When he wanted me, he took me to a hotel.
What was that girl laughing about? We had her mixed up with one of her colleagues.
It's not a crime to have a relationship, is it? Don't worry, Madam.
This will stay between us.
I dated Arnaldo for a couple of years.
Up until a month ago.
The day you are asking about, I wasn't there, Inspector, I swear I wasn't there.
Fine, that's fine.
The number you're trying to reach is not in service at this time.
- We're having no luck with women today.
- That's true.
Counsellor Cornelio's office.
How may I help you? Marta, it's me.
Can you put me through to Angela, please? I'm sorry, Angela's not in.
Do you know where I can find her? Her cell phone's turned off.
She has an appointment out of the office.
I'll let her know you called.
Thank you, bye.
He called.
I did as you asked.
Thank you, Marta.
Inspector, I'm sorry.
I don't know how else to help you.
Are you sure you haven't forgotten any names? No, I even double checked, but nothing's come to mind.
Think hard, Novella.
Wait a second, give me the list! I just remembered another blonde! Here.
This is her.
Valeria, she's from out of town.
But she has brown hair.
Now, but at the time, she was blonde.
Then she wanted to go natural.
What's her last name? I don't know her last name, but she manages an agritourism place in the valley.
- Good morning.
Is Mrs Valeria here? She went into Ferrara, so she'll be late.
Are you from the police? Yes.
Do you mind if I wait here? Please make yourself comfortable.
- Good morning, Innocenzo.
- Mrs Valeria.
There's a policeman here who needs to talk to you.
He's been here a while.
So? Have you had time to think about it? What can I tell you Inspector? I dated Fabbri.
I also met Baldini.
I also went hunting with them.
So what? On the 27th of October, the three of you went hunting together, didn't you? Did something happen? Maybe something unexpected, or something that caught your attention? No.
We were just a little late.
Fabbri brought me home about 1:00 am.
I don't remember anything else.
Maybe you saw something that you weren't supposed to see? No.
Again, I don't remember anything like that.
- Do you live here alone? - Yes.
It's the off season, so we don't have any guests.
That's exactly what's worrying me.
You're a woman alone in an isolated place.
The murderer could return.
It's too dangerous for you.
What do you want to do, put me under police protection? I would do that if I could, but all I have are some vague theories.
I think it'd be the right thing to do though.
Maybe you could stay with someone for a few days in the city? No.
This is my house, and I'm not going anywhere.
Whatever you want.
- This is my number.
- Thank you.
You can call me for anything.
Angela! - Is that yours? - Yes, sorry.
I left it on.
Aren't you going to answer it? No.
- I got your bed ready.
- Thanks, Marta.
You're a gem.
- Any news? - No.
- How about you? - What about me? - You've got a look on your face.
- Leave it alone! Is there any news? No, no, nothing.
You answer it.
Yes? Yes, one second please.
- The guard at the hunting preserve.
- Right.
Go ahead.
Yes, what is it? Inspector, I remembered something that could be helpful.
This guy came around and he was asking about Fabbri.
He said that he was a friend He asked me a bunch of questions, actually.
Did he take a look at the guest book? Yes! He was really curious! - Can you remember what he was like? - Let's see, he had brown hair, a receding hair line, and he wore glasses.
He was in his 40s, I think.
Then he asked about going hunting He had a sort of brace on his neck, one of those stiff ones, like a cast.
I didn't see him again, I guess he could've gone hunting.
- Who is the friend of Fabbri? - I don't think he was a friend.
- He had a brace on his neck.
- What does that mean? - I think there was a traffic accident.
- I don't understand.
I don't have time to explain.
Call Gallesi.
Tell him to tail Marcon until we let him know otherwise.
- OK? - Yes.
Hi, this is Soneri.
Did you pull up anything about an accident on the 27th of October? Yes, I know where it is.
Fine, I'm on my way.
What a crash! - Good morning.
- Good morning, sir! I'm sorry you had to come all this way, but we've had an emergency.
- Was anyone hurt? - One dead, I'm afraid.
Come here, I've got that thing for you.
Everything's inside.
There was an accident on Romea road on the evening of the 27th of October.
There were two dead, one injured.
Only the man survived, he was driving the car.
Luca Nardin, a teacher, resident of Casarsena.
It's on the other side of the Po in Rovigo.
He said he was hit by a vehicle coming from the opposite direction.
Probably a dark SUV.
One of those big cars that are so trendy right now.
Do you happen to know who towed away the wreckage? Let me check right now.
Marcon's roadside assistance of Comacchio.
Math and science, and he never missed a day! What an awful thing that happened to him.
After four months in the hospital, he finally took some leave.
We can't find him.
The neighbours haven't seen him in over a month.
- Do you have any idea where he may be? - No, I don't know.
The last time I saw him, though, he was very upset.
Was he wearing one of those neck braces people wear after accidents? Yes, but why? Did something happen to him? If possible, I'd like to see his personnel file and his locker.
Of course, of course.
Here, sir.
That's the man.
Why would he have run over those two people? His family was killed last year in a traffic accident.
Was it an act of madness then? Or revenge against the people who killed his wife and son.
They didn't even stop to offer help.
How would he have figured out who they were? We're trying to find the answer to that question.
This story is a bit hard to believe.
Listen, sir.
This man is dangerous and he needs to be stopped.
I'll issue this photo to all of our squads and to the Carabinieri.
I'll speak to Judge Martelli about it too.
But if you're wrong, I'm not protecting you this time.
- I'll take responsibility for it.
- No, no, wait! Here.
The papers for your transfer came this morning from the Ministry.
Go ahead, Soneri! Stop stalling! I'm telling you as a friend, a chance like this happens once in a lifetime.
It just doesn't feel right.
You need to understand.
To have a career, you have to change branches.
You're the right age for this, and you don't have a family.
Who's saying I don't have a family? Well, I know, you have a girlfriend, but for the moment Things change.
I could have a child, I'm not that old.
Can I go? What's going on? You just disappear and don't even come home to sleep! You kept it hidden from me, just me! I was the only one who didn't know.
Have you lost it? I don't understand what you're talking about! About your transfer.
I had to hear about it from my colleagues! We haven't decided anything yet, and I would've talked to you about it.
Yeah, after you had already made up your mind.
You think this is the right way to have a relationship? Let's say I made a mistake.
We have different ideas about the future.
While I'm thinking about having a child, the only thing you're thinking about is your job! It's not true! That's what I wanted to talk to you about anyway.
I don't want to talk anymore.
It's pointless insisting.
I know you too well by now.
At your age, people don't change easily.
What are you saying? I'm here to show you that's not true! We loved each other a lot.
We hurt each other too, but we're still in the black.
Let's leave it that way.
What are you talking about, still in the black? Is this a balance sheet? We can't end it like this! I can.
Excuse me.
Angela, wait - Yes? - It's Gallesi.
Can you hear me? - I can hear you, where are you? - At the cemetery in Ariano.
- Fine.
Are you still alive? - I hope so! I'm waiting for Marcon, he just arrived.
Have headquarters send a car.
If he leaves, stop him.
I'm on my way.
Yes, sir.
Sir! - Where is he? - Over there.
Good morning, Marcon.
There are certain wounds that never heal.
He was good boy.
They killed him 25 years ago.
One either needs to give it meaning or drive themselves crazy.
What do you mean? You wrote this letter and sent it to me.
Why? Can't you at least leave me alone here? You know everything that happened.
The how and the why.
I don't know anything.
You're going to have to speak to the judge.
You're an accomplice to murder.
Why did you do it? To avenge your son? I'll tell you what happened.
On the 27th of October, you got a phone call.
There was an accident on Romea road.
Like usual, you were on duty.
You've probably seen tons of accidents like this.
This time it was different.
When you saw the child, you thought immediately about your son.
That's where the story begins.
Yes, yes.
It went more or less as you describe it.
I heard they were looking for a dark SUV from the marshal.
The description fit Fabbri's vehicle.
I just couldn't get it out of my head.
There were just too many weird coincidences.
Gianna told me that her husband had been in an accident the night before.
So, I decided to visit Nardin in the hospital.
The poor man needed to vent, so he told me what had happened.
What did Nardin tell you? It was the child's birthday, they'd gone to the amusement park in Cesenatico.
I'd been there with my son years ago.
It's a nice place.
They were returning home.
The child was still alive, he might have survived if those three had offered help.
He was dead before the ambulance arrived.
That's why I helped him.
And in some way, I vindicated my son's death.
You could've called the police.
I waited for the father to decide what to do.
If charges had been pressed, they might've spent a bit of time in jail.
- You know how these things go.
- Why did you send me that letter? You had an innocent man.
I couldn't allow that injustice to happen.
We can't really trust you guys when you take someone in.
But we can trust you instead? Yes, you're right.
You have two deaths on your conscious.
Let's hope there's not a third.
There's a car waiting for you when you're done.
Have him taken to headquarters, then come with me.
Yes, sir.
I get it, Juvara! You told her not to leave the house for any reason, right? Of course, sir.
Was she scared? I think she was, a little.
Fine, I'll call you back later.
I don't understand, sir.
Why didn't Valeria admit she was in the car when the accident happened? It's a serious crime to not offer assistance.
Plus, she was ashamed.
They left a child to die.
It was Fabbri's fault.
He was the one driving.
I'm not too sure about that at this point.
Move the car out of here and turn off that light.
Good evening.
Good evening.
What is it? Have you seen anyone around in the past few hours or gotten any calls? A party of Germans came.
They stayed for two days, but they left this morning.
Anything else? Think hard.
Someone called about a room, but they never showed up.
A man? Yes.
It was this morning.
Then, right when the Germans were leaving, a car pulled up.
But it left again away quickly.
Do you remember what kind of car it was? No, but it was a station wagon.
A black station wagon.
Did it come back? No.
Let's go inside.
Gallesi! Draghi, answer your phone! It's me.
I'm at the agritourism place in the Comacchio valley.
I need two squads.
What do you mean there aren't any! Find them! There's someone I need to protect and I need them.
Draghi, figure it out.
Take care of it! Call me back, and I'll give you directions.
Fine, bye.
What's going on? You have to tell me everything, from the beginning to the end.
The man who came by was the murderer and he'll be back.
This time for you.
Go outside, and keep your eyes open please.
Yes, sir.
Now, tell me everything, from the beginning.
You'd been drinking.
You more than the others.
- Don't even think about it! - I don't trust you guys! - I'm driving tonight! - Don't even think about it! - I'm a woman.
I give the orders! - Where are you going? Where are you going? She wants to drive! I don't know what came over me.
I wanted to drive.
Watch out, watch out! I didn't even realise what was happening.
At first, we didn't think anyone could be saved.
But the reason we left was because we were afraid.
That's how it happens, you know? You want to run as far away as you can, to hurry up and forget.
The problem is that the murderer hasn't forgotten.
He's already killed two, and now he's looking for you.
Inspector, what should I do? Make me some coffee.
It's going to be a long night.
If you scream, I'll kill you.
Hurry up, move it.
Hey, Draghi.
So, where are you? No, you're about two miles from here.
You'll see a white street.
Take that street, and I'll meet you along the way.
I'm on my way.
Gallesi! Sir.
I was hit.
I see that.
Everything OK? Draghi's on his way.
Have him surround the area.
My pistol.
My pistol! - Please let me go! - Be quiet! - I didn't do anything, I swear! - You were the worst one of them all.
- Move! - No, please! - Move! - No! Down, get down! No! - What's happening, Gallesi? - We have to head down that way! - Where did they go? - Over there! Over there! Stay quiet! - Gallesi, with me! - OK! Nardin, stop! Soneri! We're right here! Stop, Nardin! Surrender! Let her go! - Stop right there! - Don't do anything stupid! She needs to die just like the others! This won't bring back your wife and your son.
I beg you.
Let her go.
Come on, put it down.
- Soneri, I'm right here.
- Stop.
Lower your weapons.
Lower them! Put down the rifle.
Be quiet.
Put down the rifle.
No! Sir.
- Thank you.
- At least it's hot.
- How are you? - Better.
Thank you, Inspector.
Thanks for everything.
Take her down to headquarters.
What a case, it began with a traffic accident, but look at how it ended.
Do you know what the moral of the story is? That it's better to travel by train, right? The moral is that for some people, a car can be like a gun and the accelerator's the trigger.
Some people should have to get a weapons permit instead of a licence.
Here, drink this.
It'll do you some good.
You're not listening.

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