Freakshow (2013) s02e03 Episode Script

Tattooed Vampires

Right now on "Freakshow" It's a tattoo day you're never gonna forget, as long as you're alive! Freakshow! - Say "hello" to Matt Gone.
- Nice to meet you.
That guy that was talking about me on the internet.
I said a lot of things about a lot of people.
I did this by my own hand, man.
You're misinterpreting what I said on my show.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
It took a long time to make this happen.
The vampire lady from Mexico! Folks, today, you will witness the strangest creatures on earth, the living wonders of the world, and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to "The Freakshow.
" How can I help you? Hey, son, what's going on? This is, uh, Marcus.
I'm actually on my way, and, you know, just to be foretold, I have a lot of facial piercings, I have a lot of tattoos.
So, but I will be there in, like, two minutes or so.
I'm looking for apartments right now.
I just got the boot from my last place.
Right now, I'm still in a hotel.
I'm kinda going crazy, it's not cool.
- Hey, what's going on? - Hey, what's up? Marcus.
- Wow! - It's pleasure, boss man? Uh, well, um, it's a lot to soak in.
- You weren't kidding.
- I was not kidding, right? - Jesus.
- All right, man.
If I need a phone call, or reference, or any What do you do? I work at the world famous Venice Beach Freakshow.
So, a performer? Uh, my performance is this.
- Jesus.
- Oh, yeah.
- Is this your real hair? - No.
This is actually extension.
I do have my real hair in there.
It's actually a collection of other people's hair, - as well.
- Wow! Yes, it is, yeah, everything about me is real.
I don't even wanna lie to you.
I don't feel too comfortable with having someone like you in this house, just for the way it is.
I'm not comfortable.
And I'll be honest, I'm a little bit apprehensive, just because it's a lot to take in all at once, and the fact that you do that to yourself and stuff, and the fact that you actually would wanna do it at home.
Like, I wouldn't wanna see it, really.
So, I'd have to think about it, you know? All I really need right now is stability.
A place I could call home.
They look at me and don't see the beauty in me.
I'm judged, instantly.
I'm sorry this didn't work out.
It's all good, Big John.
We'll end with a handshake, bro.
You have a good day, man, blessings.
- Yeah, you, too.
- All right.
Whew! All right, so, we got a big thing going on this weekend.
You know, I got a bunch of special tattooed people - coming out.
- Oh, cool.
Did I tell y'all about some of our special guests? I almost don't wanna say 'til they get here, 'cause it's gonna blow your mind.
Surprises are good.
My dad just loves everything sideshow so much, that he can't keep a secret to save his life.
I got this guy coming today.
His name is Brian Tagalog, and the guy's got no arms, but he's a tattoo artist, and he uses his feet.
- Are they good tattoos? - Yeah, yeah.
- I wanna see that.
- Like, he's a legitimate, - he's a legitimate.
- He just, like, - scribbles on you.
- I wanna see that.
Today, tattoo culture is mainstream.
Everywhere you go, you see men and women with tattoos.
But there was a time when the only place you could see a tattooed man and definitely a tattooed woman, was under the tent of the circus sideshow.
There, you could meet the illustrated man or the illustrated woman.
A living work of art.
I wanna celebrate this culture that's really become so mainstream now, but it really started in places like "The Freakshow.
" I'll tell you, one guy, he, I won't tell you his name yet.
You cannot keep a surprise! But this guy's tattooed 98% of his body.
His butthole is tattooed.
Wait, what is on his butthole? What is it? On his butthole? - That's the surprise.
- I think it's a mouth.
Did you guys see what I got for this week? You ready? - We got tattoos.
- Oh, wow, they came in.
- That's cool, I want one.
- I want one.
Yeah! - Brian? - Yeah, how ya doing? - Nice to meet you, dude.
- Good.
Thank you for coming.
Yeah, I'm excited to be here.
Oh, by the way, I just noticed your, uh, watch.
- That's awesome! - That's cool.
- That's cool.
- Thanks.
So, uh, how'd you get into this? Um, I used to draw a lot when I was little, and came across a tattoo machine, and started from the bottom and - That's amazing.
- That is.
- You drive? - Yeah, I drive.
I'm also the first male pilot to fly.
- God, that's amazing, man.
- That's awesome.
I'd rather tattoo 'cause tattooing's safer.
- Now, you're here.
- Now, you're here.
Yep, now I'm here.
This week, we are celebrating tattooed men and women in the circus sideshow and human freakshow.
We've got some of the most famous tattooed people in the world coming in.
Hey, everybody, say hello to Matt Gone.
This is Jessa, the bearded lady.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
The guy that was talking about me on the internet, huh? Recently, Matt Gone posted on the internet about my piercings being surface piercings and my tattoos weren't visible.
What did you say, do you remember? Uh, I said a lot of things about a lot of people.
I struggle with people judging me in a normal world.
It kinda hurts 'cause I feel like I'm being judged by one of my own.
I did this by my own hand, man.
You're misinterpreting what I said on my show.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
We're gonna keep it cool here.
Okay? Right now, I need to go step outside and get some air.
It's okay, it's okay.
So, wait, are you the guy that's 98%? Ninety-nine percent.
The one percent is my palms and bottoms of my feet, and I have one percent of my body tattooed inside.
Can I see more of your tattoos? Gladly.
- Wow! - And did you do your eyes yourself? Yes, I tattooed my own eyes, my tongue, and the inside of my throat.
How was it doing your eyes? - Was it more difficult, or - Kind of like, when you swallow swords and stuff, and the first time, - it's more fear than pain.
- Right, right, yeah.
See out of one eye, while tattooing the other.
That's crazy.
How did you keep from blinking? - Did you, did you just - Duct tape.
- Really? - Yep.
- I duct taped my eye open.
- Impressive.
- Impressive.
- Don't do it at home.
Is it true that your butthole is tattooed? - Oh, yes, everything.
- Ow! So are the genitals, between them, around them.
Matt Gone actually started tattooing himself for a practical reason.
He had some scars and birth defects that he wanted to cover up.
And as he began to cover them, he just kept going and going and going, until his entire body has been covered.
- Todd, what's going on? - Hey, what's up? What you got going on outside? Come on over, man, what's up? - What's going on, baby? - Good to see you, man.
It's good to see you, man, very honored to be here.
Tattoo is a young man that I met out here on the boardwalk.
He's also covered with tattoos, head to toe.
He's got the fangs, he's got the whole look.
Sometimes, when he makes the right face, he looks like a monster.
Come over here, actually.
We were just meeting Matt Gone over here.
This is, uh, my friend, Tattoo.
This is my counterpart right here, you kidding me? Yes, sir.
You know I had to come over here and show my love.
You ever run into problems, just 'cause of the way you look? I'm just the same as them, the way I look, stuff like that, and, you know, it didn't change us as people.
You know, people gotta understand that we're still human inside.
We're just not scared to be who we are.
- Exactly, exactly.
- You know what I'm saying? So, I support all of this, everybody knows that.
Whatever you guys wanna do, we can get it popping.
- All right.
- All right.
What's up, you outta here? Yeah, you already know, man.
You got your bag with you and everything.
Bro, you know, I got, you know, not living at my apartment right now.
I'm homeless, living out of my bag.
You know, I've been calling places, and no one's accepting me.
Even when I walk around to go get a hotel, they'll put the "no vacancy" - right up.
- "No vacancy.
" Once they see this, they're very fearful.
Not even trying to get to understand - that I'm a human being.
- That's right.
That's an every day struggle with me.
To me, when I look in the mirror, I'm beautiful.
I don't see the beast, or the mockery, or the finger pointing.
I love what I represent because it's hard work.
I always tell people, "you try it.
" It's like I feel cursed at times.
Sure am boy.
Sure am going through it, Ray.
You know I'm going through it.
Creature man, It's like you've chosen to express yourself this way, but it's brought all this to you.
I think, by you trying to be so free and live by your soul, it's bringing a struggle to you that's gonna make you stronger.
And, sometimes, you need to let it change you in a way where you don't even let these people even affect you.
They're just a method of making you stronger.
I'm really proud of you, man.
I see little kids running up and hugging you.
So, you're not a monster, right? You're not a monster.
Ever since I met Creature, He's been living in and out of apartments, on couches, in hotel rooms.
It seems that he can never find a place where they will just accept him for who he really is, and all I can do is stand beside him and confirm to people that he is a good person.
He's trustworthy, he's committed, and he's an artist, and that's why he expresses himself this way.
- I feel a lot better.
- Good.
- I love you, man.
- I love you, Marcus.
Oh, God, I love you, brother.
Thank you, Ray, thank you.
I love you, I love you, brother.
Always will love your family.
I feel rejuvenated right now.
I'm gonna look for an apartment, I'm gonna find it, and I'm gonna find this place, and it's gonna be home.
All right, let's get your bags, come on.
All right, all right.
- Whew, hallelujah! - Hallelujah, hallelujah.
Man, holy moly! - All right, y'all ready? - Let's do this.
So, you were in the special olympics, - with bowling? - Yeah.
What was your high game? Can't remember the high game 'cause it's been so long, but when I used to bowl, I used to use the wheelchair ramp - for the kids.
- Oh, yeah? Yeah, put the ball up there, push it off.
- Ah.
- Yes.
Leg! Oh! - Baby! - Okay, I gotta warm up.
Oh! All right, let's see what Matt's got.
- Hit a pin.
- Oh! I ain't bowled in 20 years.
I'll tell you the truth.
One person that I have a little concern about is Creature.
He kinda feels like, you know, in the past, where you said how you can't see his tattoos, you know, - that kind of stuff.
- Oh, yeah.
I just wanna let you know, that really bothered him.
Sorry it offended him.
Didn't really mean for it to reach him.
But, I'm gonna smooth, anything I can do to smooth it out.
Thank you.
That was three and a half hours of pure hell.
How long did that one take? It took, like, three sessions.
- Of how many hours? - Two-three hours each time.
I'm sorry I offended you.
Some of my, uh, words get confused, and I really didn't want you to understand the way you did.
I did not mean things like that.
Um, we all talk-say things about tattooed people, and, uh, you don't know how they're gonna take it, - and I didn't mean any harm.
- My thing is, you just wanna respect one another, and that's all I'm here to do, is just be respectful.
Sometimes, I come off wrong, and I sound like a complete jerk, and I'm sorry I affected you that way.
Can I tell you something? I've always been an outsider in this industry.
I've always had to, like, be on my ps and qs.
You know, you're the most tattooed, most modified African American.
I'm the most tattooed, modified, uh, jewish person in the world, and that makes us special.
Matt Gone apologizing to me means that we can both come together, with all the rest of the special guests, and have a wonderful tattoo week.
- I appreciate it, man.
- All right, no problem.
- All right, apology accepted.
- Okay.
Much respect, and let's just move on, bro.
It feels crazy, I'm not gonna lie.
So, Creature, how's everything going with the, uh, apartment and everything? It's been really difficult.
You know, being modified and constantly being judged, and, I mean, I'm trying to, you know, stay focused, but it's not a easy thing.
You know, getting a hotel and doing that, even that's a little bit difficult, 'cause I gotta call in first and, like, - warn 'em real quick.
- Yeah.
Like, "hey, I got this tattoo.
" "I got, you know, stuff all over my face.
" But this is my industry, it's what I'm into.
- You know? - Yeah.
So, you know, I really would like to find somewhere that's permanent.
I had trouble getting an apartment, as well.
You know, when you talk to 'em on the phone, and they're like, "yeah, yeah, come down.
" But then, when you walk in there, and they're like, "oh, you're the one I was talking to on the phone?" Like, it stresses me out because I served my country.
- Yeah.
- You know, - I was in the air force.
- But this, right here, this is what you like.
- You know? - Yes.
And if nobody can embrace it that way, - then the hell with 'em.
- Yeah.
- We're normal people.
- Yeah, we're all normal.
You know, we're just a little decorated.
- Yeah, yeah.
- It's all I could take you to the people that I got my apartment to.
No, I really appreciate that help, Tattoo, you know.
- Oh, I got you, man.
- Yeah.
I can't leave you out there like that, brother.
- Trust it.
- Thank you so much, family.
I appreciate it.
Super excited about Tattoo saying he has a place for me.
It excites me so much because this is gonna conclude my hard struggle.
You did an amazing job here, Ray.
This is amazing, bro, thank you.
We got some more surprises tomorrow.
I've got a special surprise for this tattoo celebration.
One of the most famous tattooed and body modified people in the entire world.
I can't wait to meet him.
Wait until you see him.
All ages, free tattoos, free tattoos! Anybody else want a tattoo? Come on over.
I'll put one on somebody's forehead.
Wow, Creature, look at this! - Unity, baby, unity, baby.
- That's right, brother.
One blood, one blood.
Not only is it tattoo week, it's really like a dream.
I'm in shock.
I'm hoping to get pinched.
I couldn't ask for anything more.
I feel extremely blessed.
All right, folks! Are y'all ready? This is the world famous "Venice Beach Freakshow," and inside, you will see today what most have never seen in their lives.
You are gonna tell your great grand babies about this day that you lived and you saw with your own eyes.
It's a tattoo day you're never gonna forget, as long as you're alive, are you ready? Freakshow! All right, folks, it is showtime! Come right on in, folks.
Make sure you say hello to everybody.
I'd like to welcome you all here to our first special tattoo event.
Folks, this man has over 130 piercings in his face alone.
So many more inside his mouth.
All this incredible artwork he did with his own hands.
He has tattooed himself for years, and that's why he is a living piece of art.
Give it up for Creature! Folks, this is Matt Gone.
Almost 99% of his body is tattooed.
His eyeballs are tattooed with his own hands.
He used a hypodermic needle to tattoo his own eyeballs, while he held a mirror and looked.
The inside of his mouth is tattooed.
As a matter of fact, he has the record for the most internal tattoos.
Ladies, by the way, what you can't see, is also tattooed.
He is seamless, from top to bottom.
Give a big round of applause for Matt Gone! And now, the man you see on the floor, his name is Brian Tagalog.
He was born without arms, but he tattoos with his feet.
Even though he was born without arms, he did not let it hold him back.
And for that, folks, he deserves a big round of applause.
Give it up for legs! Now, next up, I'd like to bring you over to this stage.
I wanna introduce you to our special guest.
It took a long time to make this happen.
Welcome to "The Freakshow" Maria Jose, the vampire lady from Mexico! Our special guest today is Maria Jose, known as the vampire lady from Mexico.
She is one of the most famous tattooed and body modified people in history.
She is a mother and a lawyer.
She has followed her heart's calling to become the person that she has dreamed to be.
Now, Maria, she has done amazing transformations in her body.
All these implants in her head.
Show them your arms, look.
These are implants, her hands, her eyes, her teeth.
Folks, it is such an honor to have her here today.
Give her a big round of applause! Today, we met some of the most amazing people in the world.
Those who have a vision for themselves that they want to transform into.
And, in fact, these people we saw today have made that transformation real, and that's what we celebrated today.
Individuality, chosen when born, but freedom to be yourself.
- Hi, I have a question here.
- Yes.
You want this on? Or the shoe lace and bar napkin? - What? - I mean, what do I wear? How much do you think I can expose? I feel like, the correct answer to say is that one.
But I wanna see that one.
No problem.
But we'll do this one.
And later you may have to show us that one.
I'll be happy to do it.
But we're charging an extra dollar to see this.
- Oh yeah, right in the thong.
- What is The Freakshow turning into?
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