Rescue Me s02e03 Episode Script


A child molester turns to the kid and says, "What are you scared about? I gotta walk outta here alone.
" That's sick, Tommy.
That is sick.
Get a shot of Lou dancing.
Just give me the camera.
Oh, yeah! Huh? Oh, yeah! Huh? Tom, hey.
Where are you, Tommy? Are you here, Tommy? Tommy? Hello? Paulie, what are you doing here? Tommy! Yea! Hey, man.
What's going on? Someone knocked on my door.
It's okay.
No problem.
Can I help you? You're old.
How many doors did you knock on? It's just my son.
No problem.
Now who are you? I'm stayin' at a friend's apartment for a couple of days.
- I'm lookin' into this.
- So am I.
Kiss my balls! Oh! What? Are you tryin' to get me kicked out? Huh? Jesus! I was at the house last night, and some of the guys were sayin' how maybe you might be leavin'.
Okay, first of all, that's not necessarily true, okay? So I took the first ferry here, because you can't go, Tommy.
You can't.
If you go, I have to go with you.
You took the ferry? I can do that.
Really? Don't tell my mom, okay? Yeah.
Am I really your son, Tommy? No, you're not my son, Paulie.
Am I really a firefighter? Here, give me that.
You're an honorary firefighter.
You really leavin', Tommy? I don't know, Paulie.
I'm just talkin' to some guys about the possibility.
Maybe I can live with you, since I'm your son.
Okay, I already have a son, all right? What if something happens to him? Nothing's gonna happen.
Yeah? Hi.
It's me.
I need to see you.
What's wrong? It's an emergency.
Can you just come now? Is it the baby? No.
It's about us.
Give me that.
What? Ow! Ow! I'll be there in half an hour.
Don't answer that.
And don't play with any more matches.
Son of a bitch.
And then Damien finishes his tuna roll, and then you and I get in this big argument about whether or not it's okay to go swimming after you eat.
I say it ain't, you say it is, and, as usual, you win.
So then he goes running off to the water, and then you take the opportunity to tell me you don't wanna see me anymore.
You just say that it's over, and it was so awful! So I woke up, and I was shaking, and I was-- This is the emergency you had to have me come over to help you deal with? Yeah.
An emotional emergency.
Do me a favor.
Next time call the Hormone Hotline, okay? Hey, retard, I got neighbors! - Sorry.
- He really is retarded.
- Really? - Yeah.
- Sorry! - What? Shut up.
You know, I have to go to work.
I have to come over the bridge.
I have to drop him off.
Blah, blah, blah.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Am I an inconvenience to you? Oh, yeah.
I just must be a big, fat inconvenience to you, right? Unless, of course, you've got no place else to go or you're lonely or you're lookin' for a place to park your cock! Talk to you later.
Oh, that's perfect! There's a picture I can't get enough of-- you walkin' away! Hey! You have a responsibility here.
Too bad you're not man enough to handle it, right? You big pussy! You got a girlfriend, Paulie? Looks like I'm the retarded one.
On another day C'mon, c'mon With these ropes I tied can we do no wrong Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young With my teeth locked down I can see the blood Of a thousand men who have come and gone Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young Is it safe to say C'mon, c'mon Was it right to leave C'mon, c'mon Will I ever learn C'mon, c'mon C'mon, c'mon c'mon, c'mon Oh! Oh, yeah! Yeah! Yeah, that's unbelievable right there.
Oh! Oh, yes! What the hell's this? Oh, hey, Franco.
Just the greatest massage I've ever had in my life.
You okay? Yeah.
It hurts good.
Jesus! You gotta do this, Frank.
You're the one with the bad shoulder.
Personal rule-- I only get massaged by chicks, and only when the massage ain't the main event.
Are you sayin' I'm gay? No.
What I'm sayin' is there's a first time for everything, and rubbing your hands all over another guy is an obvious trigger for setting it off.
I don't think so, bro.
I learned this from a chick I was banging a couple years ago.
She was a professional massage therapist.
She taught me everything she knew.
Oh, God.
It feels so good, you know? I feel like one of those deer in the meadow-- you know, with the flowers and the birds and shit.
Okay, I'm done.
Come on.
You try it.
You're up.
It's so great.
No, thanks.
There's only room for one little deer in the meadow today.
No, come on.
It'll take two seconds.
He's freaked out.
Leave him alone.
I am not freaked out.
Well, then do it.
Two seconds.
Yeah! Your hands stay from the nipples up.
That's it.
No problem.
I think I was clear the first time this came up, Lieutenant.
I'm not discussing it again.
Listen, Tommy knows he screwed up.
You know, he's making an effort.
He's trying to change some things in his life.
You can't give him another shot? I'd love to give him a shot.
Right between the eyes.
The crew wants him back.
If this were a democracy, that actually might mean something.
By the way, I doubt it.
You're telling me they'd choose Gavin over Sully? Sully with the great cooking? Sully with the great stories, the jokes? I think that the crew, if push came to shove-- Tell you what.
Take a vote.
If the whole crew chooses Gavin over Sully, I'll sign his transfer.
I'm gonna hold you to that, Chief.
You'll never get the whole crew.
Franco won't go for it.
The girl-- Face it.
Gavin's through here.
Exciting call, huh? Oh, yeah.
I think I need another nap.
Yeah? What do you want? - Nice greeting.
- You called me.
I'm calling you back, asshole, which is more than you deserve.
What do you want? Yeah.
I want to know if you heard anything about Uncle Teddy.
Yeah, I got bad news.
I sent some of my guys to check out the place he was living.
Looks like it's been ransacked.
That doesn't mean shit.
His place always looks ransacked.
Well, be that as it may, I hate to say this.
- All indications are that Teddy got whacked.
- Shit.
You're kidding.
- Yeah, it's rough, right? - Poor guy.
Yeah, well, here's the kicker.
Dad's back.
Ann Marie talked to him, and he's staying at-- get this-- A Park Avenue address.
No shit.
Where? Go find him yourself, dick face.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey, guys.
What's up? - Hi.
Hey, Laura, would you mind sitting with Keela tonight? No.
I got plans.
I'm going out with a bunch of friends tonight.
I'll be home by 9:00.
I love Keela, and I'm so glad I could help you guys out the past couple of months, um, but I kinda have a life of my own too.
I really can't do it.
I'm sorry.
Well, look, Laura.
Please? Hey, I'll pay for your drinks.
Excuse me? Yeah, you know, when you go out with your friends after.
Whatever you spend on booze, I'll reimburse you.
Oh, honey, you just made a huge mistake.
Huge mistake.
You dig that massage, brother? Uh, yeah, it was great.
My man is deep in thought.
Anybody home? Oh, hey, Sully.
You havin' trouble with the knob polisher? The what? The girlfriend.
Ah, no.
Everything's cool.
Don't lie to Sully, kid.
Sully's seen it all.
Sully's done it all.
Sully has had it all done to him.
She dumped me.
Nobody knows.
That hurts.
Hurts enough when a regular chick gives you the gate.
Getting dumped by a tubster? You poor bastard.
No wonder you haven't told anybody.
I don't know what to do, Sully.
I think I'm in love with her.
It hurts so bad.
So what are you gonna do? Just mope around? Is that the plan? She's got somebody else.
Because you're allowing it.
We're talking about love here, son.
Love's a war.
You gotta get in there and fight.
Take no prisoners.
I mean, other than her.
Because in this case, she would be a prisoner.
So forget that last thing I'm saying.
Are you gonna be a man or not? You're right.
Thanks, Sully.
Hey, I'm always here for you, kid.
All right, everybody here? Where's the probie? Hey, probie, get in here! Where's Sully? He's in the kitchen making dinner.
Any idea what he's making? No.
Probie! Sorry.
Get your ass in here, all right? All right, look.
Here's the deal.
Jerry and I have been talking to Tommy, and he wants to transfer back.
Just what we need.
Let me finish, all right? Tommy's trying to clean up his act.
He's joined A.
- That's no guarantee.
- Let him finish, Frank.
Hey, Sean, screw you, okay? You're not the guy who got burned.
You're not the guy who almost got killed.
Lou, I'm sorry.
I know you guys go way back and all that.
I don't want him here.
End of discussion.
No surprise there.
What I need to know-- because this might have an impact-- is if you had to choose between Tommy and Sully, who would it be? So, we're, like, gonna vote? Yeah.
We're gonna do it now? Yeah.
Well, maybe I should get a hat and some slips of paper.
It's not some goddamn game of charades, Garrity.
Tommy or Sully? It's that easy.
Now, I vote Tommy.
Jer? Tommy.
Sorry, guys.
Can I talk to you? Yeah.
It's about Tommy.
Look, you know I want him back in the house, right? The guy's maybe my best friend in the world.
Perrolli's busting my balls saying I gotta get the whole crew to agree.
I think I can turn everyone around, but they're taking their cue from you.
Yeah, well, Lou, I know Tommy's your best friend.
I think that's great.
But your best friend almost got my ass roasted.
He made a mistake.
Yeah, kind of a major one from my personal perspective.
He needs this, Franco.
You probably don't see it like that.
The guy's such a cocky prick.
He's got nothing.
His wife and kids-- We're his brothers.
You really think this is the right time to turn our backs on him? I can't change how I feel.
Think about it.
But also think about all the times you walked into an ugly fire and it was okay because Tommy Gavin had your back.
Maybe you can write a guy off for makin' one mistake after I can't.
It's balls, Franco.
It's all about balls.
Tommy's got the biggest pair I ever seen.
Just come upstairs for 10 minutes.
God, you are so hot.
Just come upstairs.
I can't.
I gotta go.
Hey, do you have any more of those-- What are they called? What? You know, those pain pills you scored for me.
Vicodin? Yeah.
Can you get me some more of those? Are you only into me because of the drugs? What? You heard me.
You know what? Forget about it.
It doesn't matter.
I can get you-- No, no.
Forget about it.
I can deal with the pain.
If it's gonna make you think something like that-- I don't wanna mess up this thing we've got going, okay? I'll get-- I'll get you more.
I can do it tomorrow, okay? I'm sorry.
You're forgiven.
If, uh-- If you could get me a higher dosage, that'd be great.
What are you doing here? I followed you.
I need to talk to her alone.
Uh, give us a couple seconds.
You followed me here? You gotta tell your friend it's over, 'cause we're in love, and that's it.
If you don't wanna tell him, I'll handle it.
Mike, it's over, okay? Just let it go.
You can't love me one day and piss on me the next.
Yes, I can.
How? Listen.
You got off on banging a chick who was so happy to have a guy like you, she would do anything you wanted-- in bed or in the kitchen.
Bullshit! No.
But you weren't gonna get off on it forever.
One day you were gonna wake up and figure out that you were tired of your little side trip to Chubby Town.
You're not in love, Mike.
You're just pissed off because I beat you to the punch.
Hey, don't walk away from me! Don't touch me, Mike.
You love me.
No, not anymore.
Hey, let go.
Hey, pal, this is more than you can handle.
I'm warning you, shithead! What do you think you're doing? Walt? Walt? Are you okay? - Get out of here! - It wasn't supposed to go like this.
You asshole! You stupid asshole! Laura, are you sure you don't want me to give you some money right now? I think it's better if I just give you the grand total in the morning, assuming I'm done drinking by then.
I can't wait to see the look on your face.
You know, I do have a great bottle of vodka in the freezer.
I could crack it open, and we could have a party of our own right now.
You never give up, Franco.
I admire that.
Yeah, well, what do you say? I say do yourself a favor and stop by an A.
on the way to work tomorrow.
You're gonna need it.
Welcome to Park Avenue.
Come on in, Son.
Give your old man a hug.
What's goin' on? Wow.
Who's this? Uh, I don't know which one this is.
What do you mean, which one? Well, look over here.
Your stepmother knows each one by name.
My what? Your stepmother.
Oh, I forgot.
I got married.
Jesus Christ, Dad.
Who'd you get married to? - That girl I met in Ireland.
- An Irish girl? - No, Korean.
- What was she doing in Ireland? What else? Drinking.
You know how the Orientals love to drink.
What was that? Shit.
Maybe you should leave.
What? Nothing, sweetheart.
How many times do I tell you? Not Oriental-- Asian.
Why you such an asshole? Jeffrey! Tommy, this is my wife, Jenny "Nig.
" Hi.
Ng! Ng! How many times I tell you? Stupid, fat white man.
I know you're a fireman.
- Yes.
- You don't like cats? I'm just, uh, more of a dog guy.
In Korea, in my village, I'm a little girl, we eat dog.
Really? You don't eat cats over there? The dogs have already eaten the cats.
- Ah.
- Five minutes, fat man.
Okay? Life is short, Tommy.
Must stay on schedule.
Do you need anything? Drinks? You want a blast? No, no.
I'm fine.
I'll have a double kamikaze on the rocks.
No, no, wait, wait.
Make that a triple.
A triple? Well, I'm trying to play catch-up here.
What do you think? I think you should take a live goddamn grenade and stick it up your fat Irish ass.
What? Keep it down.
She's insane, Dad.
Okay, so she isn't what everybody expected.
She's outside the box.
And the fights are just incredible.
I must say the, uh-- the make-up sex-- Well, let's just say I have an oxygen tank next to the bed.
That's the end of this particular chapter.
No, no.
Oh, Tommy, Tommy.
Come on.
Come on.
Get me caught up here.
How's, uh-- How's Janet and the kids? And-- And-- And, uh-- How's Teddy doing? Huh? How's Sheila? You better go get that oxygen tank.
Who is it? It's Laura.
I forgot my bag.
Yeah, I know.
I realized like two seconds after you walked out the door.
Oh, thanks.
So, you still hanging out with your friends? Yeah, we're having a good old time.
Boy, girl, boy, girl, me.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Yeah, well-- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Are you sure you wanna do this? You've been hitting on me for four months, and now you wanna talk about this? Come on.
Are you sure about Teddy? Yeah.
Johnny checked into it.
He's pretty certain, so-- Dumb son of a bitch.
I'm sorry about your kids, Tom.
It must be tearing your guts out.
What the hell is this shit? Huh? What? You're living with 30 cats, banging some Chink broad.
Hey, watch your language.
She listens to everything.
Hey, first time I heard the word "Chink" was from you when John Lennon was on theMerv Griffin Show with Yoko goddamn Ono.
Well, she broke up the Beatles, for Chrissakes.
I liked those guys.
What can I say? I've been enlightened.
Oh, really? Yeah.
I guess a couple million bucks will do that to a working-class guy.
It's not about the money, Tom.
What's it about? Enlighten me.
Well, it's about the sex.
Oh, Christ.
For Chrissakes, um-- My cock still functions, and this broad thinks I'm funny, and I get to bang her for free.
Come on, fat white man.
Ah, look at that.
Isn't she a vision? Oh, if you ever have the need to talk, I'm here.
Until the 15th.
And then we'll be in Tahoe.
And after that, we'll be in Paris.
Paris, France? It sure as shit ain't Paris, Texas, asshole.
Can I just say I'm having a really good time? All right.
So what does this mean? This meaning this? Yeah.
What does it mean? Oh, come on.
You did not just ask me that.
I thought I was the girl here.
Hey, don't flatter yourself, okay? I just want to be clear.
We work together.
I don't want things getting messy.
Okay, let me do the math for you.
Drunk and horny meets perpetually horny.
Equals, um, of extremely hot but meaningless sex.
So do you want to discuss this some more, or, uh, do you wanna go for the whole hour? Talking is way overrated.
Oh, sorry.
I'm sorry.
Yeah? I feel bad that I yelled at you and that retarded kid this morning.
I don't know.
I think it's just the hormones from the baby.
Um, can we have lunch? No.
Can we have dinner? No.
Why not? I got to, uh-- I got to get to a meeting.
How about I cook a big, nice turkey dinner for you on Wednesday night? Yeah, yeah.
That's great.
I gotta go.
Hi, Sully.
What? You got a double shift? Not me.
I'm out tonight.
Got a doctor's appointment.
Yeah, your doctor works nights? Yeah, he's great.
Yeah, what's that? Like there's something wrong with your hole? No, holistic means natural, alternative.
Oh, that's cool.
Hey, I don't know what I did.
I slept wrong or something.
My back is killing me.
Think you could give me one of your rubs real quick? Yeah, no problem.
Yeah, sure.
Yeah? Thanks, man.
Take your shirt off.
Yeah? Yeah, it's just easier.
All right.
Oh, God, yeah.
That's it.
Ah, you're saving my life, Sully, really.
If you were a chick, I'd marry you.
Could you, uh-- A little lower would be great.
What? I thought you didn't want to show up here together.
That's not what I said, and we're not showing up here together.
We're arriving at the same time from two totally different starting points.
Totally not the same thing.
I had fun last night.
Yeah? Cool.
Me too.
You know, I thought you'd wake up this morning all freaked out, like, "I was drunk.
I can't believe I did that.
How can you take advantage of me?" You know, the usual.
Well, I still can't believe I did it, but I wasn't that drunk.
You're not gonna mention this to anyone, are you? No, I already did.
I'm just kidding.
I wasn't planning to.
Good boy.
Franco, right? Yeah.
Johnny Gavin, Tommy's brother.
Hey, man, how you doin'? Good.
How you doin'? Good.
You know, he doesn't work here anymore.
He's over at-- Staten Island.
No, I know.
I'm lookin' for somebody else.
A restraining order? I don't understand.
Let me spell it out for you, Mike.
You stalked your ex-girlfriend.
You knocked her down on the sidewalk.
I didn't knock her down.
Let me finish.
You laid her new boyfriend out.
This is unacceptable behavior.
You got that? This is crazy.
I'll talk to her and clear it up.
Dipshit, you're not listening to me! I didn't have to come down here and talk to you.
I saw your name on the form.
I thought I would do you a solid.
Mike, this chick wants you gone.
Be smart.
Get gone.
Good night.
See you guys later.
Got your call.
Guys busy? You really let me down, Tommy.
You really did.
When I came in as a probie, you were the goddamn man.
I looked at you and I thought to myself, "If I can do the job like Tommy Gavin, won't I just be king shit?" I never told you this, Tommy, but the day I made my first grab, we were in the truck on the way back after, and, uh, you just kinda looked at me, you nodded and said, "Good job, kid.
" I was flying on that for, like, two days.
Yeah, you put me in for my first medal.
Shit, Tommy.
You were my hero.
Yeah, well, you know-- Forget that.
I was trying to be your friend, Tom.
I knew you were drinking.
I knew you weren't yourself.
I tried to pull you back, throw you a few red flags without busting your balls.
I was lookin' out for you, bro.
And then I'm the one that gets hurt? I mean, how is that fair? I didn't say it was fair.
You know, if I could go back in time and fix everything, I would.
But I can't.
So, uh, how's your scar? Healing up.
Pretty cool.
Must be getting a lot of tail with that.
Tell you the truth, I was kind of embarrassed about it for a while.
Thought it made me look scary.
Now I wish it was bigger.
What do you tell 'em? It depends.
Most of the time, I tell 'em I got it pulling some kids out of a burning school.
Depends on the chick.
Remember this one? Oh, yeah.
You know what I tell chicks about this? What? Tell 'em I got it saving an old blind lady's cat in a huge apartment fire.
Never fails.
How'd you really get it? I was fighting one of my brothers in front of a glass window.
Went straight through.
Hey, I like that.
I think I'm gonna make the kids in my story blind.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, blind's good.
Blind works.
Look, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, we'll, uh, talk some more.
Hang out.
All right, man.
Stay safe.
Yeah, always.
Two in 62.
Let's bring in the second company down from 11th Avenue.
At the box, And transmit a 1075 at the box.
Have Rescue respond as well.
We might as well have SOC come in on this too.
What's the good news? We got a basement fire.
Ah, perfect.
My day's complete.
Probie, roll with me.
We'll check the back.
You got it.
We got a report of a few people bein' trapped down there.
Lou, you take Garrity and the girl and go to the basement.
Sean, force that door.
You're gonna need that safety rope.
Italian 1-5, have the second two companies respond to the rear of the building.
Kinda wish you went to college, huh, Garrity? I got lots of rope.
Stay close.
Ah, shit.
Garrity! Get her up! Oh, Jesus Christ! Laura! Laura! Miles! Goddamn it! Chief, I need some bolt cutters down here.
I got some freak all chained up here.
On the way.
And I lost Miles.
Miles! Laura! Breathe, you freak.
Last one down there.
Did I or did I not tell you to stay close? I thought you wanted me to help Garrity.
Who the hell trained you? It sure as shit wasn't this department.
You never, ever leave a member of this crew alone in a fire.
And the next time you do, I'm having you brought up on charges.
Get over there and help those guys change the cylinders, you stupid twat.
These young guys crack me up these days.
I mean, an underground sex club.
Yeah, no shit, Chief.
Franco, this is New York City, the greatest city in the world.
I mean, you got the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, theIntrepidright over here.
Everything you'd wanna see, but, no, they wanna go into some dingy basement and hang from the ceiling in a sling with a rubber ball stuck in their mouth and a rope tied around their nuts.
I don't get it.
Yeah, well, on the other hand, Chief, how many times can you go visit the Statue of Liberty? - Well, you got me there.
- Where's my grab? The woman you dragged out? I'm not so sure that was a woman, Chief.
What? Yeah.
Probie and Garrity got her over here.
- She okay? - A little hairy but breathing.
Takes me right back to the junior prom.
Get some of that shit off her face and get her head up so we can get some air down.
Up you go.
All the angels and saints! Holy shit! Is that Sully? Blessed screaming Jesus on a whole wheat goddamn cracker! Okay, I think I'm gonna puke.
Wait a minute.
Guys, let me explain.
Oh, go ahead, pal.
We're-- We're all ears.
I, uh-- Well, I wa-- Who am I kidding, right? I like to dress up like a chick, okay? I like to wear panties and high heels and rough sex.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I told him I wanted to marry him, okay? I'm suin' you.
I'm suin' you.
I'm suin'-- Can I sue you? No, you can't.
I'm suin' all these people.
I gotta go.
Franco, I'm suin' you.
Guys? Shut up.
I'm gonna sue you.
What? Are you kidding? Tommy.
I'll go tell Perrolli.
I've seen some pretty horrific shit in my day, boys.
People, kids, burned beyond recognition.
Faces melted.
All erased by the image of Sully in a skirt and a bra.
Took me almost an hour and a half to get to sleep last night.
Yeah, I knew something was wrong when you guys were saying that was a woman.
There's no woman that size in the world.
Not counting your girlfriend, probie.
Yo, man, you need a hug.
I was joking, probie.
It was a joke.
I thought that was funny.
It was funny, right, Sean? What-- He massaged me, Frank.
Twice, okay? A-And I liked it.
Yeah, thanks for gettin' me involved in that too.
I appreciate it.
I mean, if Sully is gay, and I liked when he touched me, what does that mean? Well, first of all, not every guy that dresses up in a wig and a bra is gay.
Really? Well, no, he's gay.
Oh, Jesus.
I just-- I mean, the way that he touched me, it actually felt good, you know? And I just-- Now I feel like I'm gonna puke.
I just feel-- Violated.
I feel like he touched me-- Under false pretenses.
I was in the shower last night for two hours, trying to wash the Sully off me.
Sick bastard.
I just-- I feel bad.
Hey, life's not always easy for the little deer in the meadow.
And it's never the victim's fault, okay? You're tellin' me Gavin got the vote? It was unanimous.
Wonders never cease.
So happens we got a spot for him.
I just signed Mr.
Sullivan's transfer out.
I don't know what you boys did to him, but he called first thing this morning saying there's no way he's ever coming back here.
I don't know.
The only thing we ever did was save him in a fire.
- I'll bet.
- I'm gonna go call Tommy and tell him the good news.
Tell him not to expect a warm welcome from yours truly.
I have to call Sully.
Anything you want to tell him? Lighter on the mascara.
Hey, Ma, I need that gun I gave you.
I thought you wanted me to be safe.
I read this story in the paper about this lady your age who had a gun, and she thought she heard someone break in, and she grabbed the gun, and she shot herself in the face.
Since when do you read the paper? Just get me the gun, Mom.
Whoa! Guys, I gotta get going.
Back to bein' a real firefighter.
You don't wanna wait for the rest of the guys and the chief? I can't.
I gotta deal with traffic on the bridge.
Nice working with you, Tommy.
That's the problem, kid.
You never really got to see me work.
Take it easy, guys.
You're an asshole, Tommy.
You're a big asshole.
I used to like you.
Paulie, look.
They're gonna hire another guy.
Maybe you'll like him better than you like me.
You never know.
I got you another F.
I don't want your shirt.
I have shirts.
I want to go with you.
All right, do me a favor.
Okay? Behave, all right? Promise me you'll be good? Jesus.
Excuse me.
Do you have any turkeys that are smaller than these? - These are huge.
- That's everything we got.
All right.
You need a hand there? Yeah.
I guess I'm not as strong as I think I am.
That one.
I need to talk to you.
I realize I'm not even close to what you consider a real firefighter to be.
You made that perfectly clear the other night.
But that does not give you the right to say what you said to me.
I-- I don't think I remember.
You remember.
No, I, uh-- I honestly don't.
You called me a twat.
No, no, no.
I called you a stupid twat.
Yeah, it's all coming back to me now.
Excuse me? I'm sorry that I screwed up by helping Sean in the fire the other night, but there's no goddamn way you're gonna talk to me like that.
I want an apology.
I don't think so, honey.
You call me honey one more time, and I'm gonna kick your nuts through the top of your head.
You remember that I outrank you.
Just a reminder.
I don't want to make a big deal out of this.
You apologize.
Issue's dead.
Do you have a bathroom? Employees only.
I don't think I'm gonna make it home.
Do you think they could maybe-- Are you okay? I think I just need to use the bathroom.
Oh, God.
You're-- You're-- Honey, you're bleeding.
I just need to use the bathroom! She's bleeding.
Call someone.
Larry, come here! Oh, my Go-- Larry! Guys, huh? Like a bad penny.
Hey, ain't that the truth? Hi.
How are ya? Welcome back.
There goes the neighborhood.
It's good to see you.
Hey, the probie still here? Yeah.
I thought he'd be dead by now.
What's going on? What's eating him? Oh, that time of the month.
Yeah? Speaking of which-- Hey, Frankie.
Where's Laura? Who gives a shit? Hey, I bet you wanna give me a nice, big, wet kiss, right? Right here, Gavin.
Right here.
All right.
Douche bag.
Hey, listen.
Put your stuff away.
We'll go inside.
We'll shoot the shit.
Yeah, yeah.
Did you hear about Sully? Oh, yeah.
When's the wedding again? That's not what I was taking about.
You should wear pads for the next few days.
Most of the matter's been expelled from your uterus, but it usually takes about 72 hours for everything to work its way out.
Can-- Can I get pregnant again? I wouldn't try again anytime soon.
Do you want us to call someone? No.
No, I don't want you to call anyone.
You're free to stay and rest if you want.
I have someone coming for dinner.
So we narrowed the names down.
Yeah? To what? Jimmy if it's a boy, and Jamie if it's a girl.
I like both of those.
Let's not talk about names.
It's supposed to be bad luck.
I've really been lagging on finishing that extra room for the baby.
I'm gonna do that.
I'll get the guys to come over this week.
Also we're gonna make a handmade crib.
Oh, no.
We're not-- Mmm.
Can we put a doorway between my room and the baby's room? So, you know, if the baby's crying at night, I can hear it and help out.
Yeah, what's the rush? It's right around the corner.
Every night on every street You okay? Yes.
You hardly touched your food.
Cocoa face, you're eating for-- I know.
I know.
I'm eating for two now.
Uh, can you pass the cranberries? 'Cause I'll never Never sleep alone Look at how they flock to him To an aisle of open sores ? Cloudland.

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