Sky Rojo (2021) s02e03 Episode Script

Fear Weighs 10,000 Tons

[ethereal music playing]
[Wendy] Desire was the raw material
Romeo built his business with.
He owned seven whorehouses,
and they all thrived off the same thing.
The unrelenting craving
for unattainable women.
But to him, those women
were just cogs in his machine.
Workers, subordinates,
flesh to be savored and tamed.
And they didn't arouse his desire.
But Coral, with her college girl flair,
was a sophisticated woman.
Glamorous, inscrutable,
and surrounded by mystery.
She ignited Romeo's lust.
["Te quiero" by Ed Napoli
playing in Spanish]
I want to come back to you ♪
I love you ♪
You can't hide from real love
From real love ♪
[Coral] With my self-esteem
having plummeted so low
that even a brothel seemed comfortable.
And since I wasn't used to being valued,
let alone desired,
I started to play along.
I love you ♪
[Wendy] And like every other
truly unattainable dream,
desire soon turned into obsession.
And obsession into love,
which is the most consuming,
unbridled feeling there is.
[Coral] It was the same power
I started to exert over Moisés.
He was used to a chaotic lifestyle,
so for him, I was a breath of normality.
And that's what drove him crazy.
That and the fact
that I didn't stop throwing little stones
at his window
all those months at the club.
Exactly the opposite
of how I handled Romeo.
[Wendy] And giving him
what she refused Romeo
became her way
of nurturing Moisés's obsession.
[suspenseful music swells then stops]
[Coral] I realized
I could latch onto those bastards
to pull myself up and stay afloat.
The power of desire
was the rope I could grab onto
to get out of the hole
I had dug for myself.
And while I pulled them under,
I would float.
["Way Down We Go" by Kaleo playing]
Way down we go ♪
You let your feet run wild ♪
Do you dare to look him
Right in the eyes? Yeah ♪
Oh, 'cause they will run you down ♪
Down 'til you're caught ♪
Oh, way down we go ♪
Oh baby, yeah ♪
Oh baby ♪
Yeah ♪
Way down we go ♪
[song ends suddenly]
[light thumping]
I can't breathe.
- How much air do we have left?
- [Coral] Relax.
At least we have three or four hours.
Sometimes people wake up in a coffin
and make it out alive.
Or some do.
Well, very few.
Hey! We'll make it out of here, OK?
Coral, we're tied up.
And buried under concrete.
But But concrete
takes a long time to dry, right?
That's right.
Let's bust ourselves out.
- There's nothing.
- See there?
He was a smoker.
He must have a lighter on him.
It's not here.
Look, Coral, check that bulge right there.
[suspenseful music playing]
This is so gross.
Coral, come on. Try again.
You gotta get through.
[Romeo] The seed of the devil
I'll admit they were tougher
than we all thought.
They injured us, humiliated us
One of them even managed
to sow discord in our ranks.
But they're dead now.
Yeah, those bitches
are fucking dead now. Good riddance.
Dead and buried.
And the three of us are together.
Like a family.
Like we were in the beginning.
That's what matters.
So we gotta tell you something.
Christian and I wanna get out of here.
[ominous music playing]
Girls, let's go.
We've got our passports.
So what?
Can you turn your passport into a weapon?
- Where can we go?
- Anywhere away from here.
Coral, Wendy, and Gina,
they all made it out.
There's no way
you can actually leave, Rubí.
They'll go after you,
and if not you, then your family.
If we go together,
they can't stop us, right?
There's too many of us.
Coral stole their notebook,
so we don't owe anything.
Do you think
that a notebook will stop Romeo? Huh?
- Where's Bambi?
- This is our big chance.
And the only one we'll get.
[ominous music swells then stops]
[Coral] Here. Grab it.
Take it.
Come on.
Right there?
[dramatic drumbeat]
- [Coral] You almost got it. Right there.
- [Wendy] There. That's it.
- [bang]
- Ow.
[Gina] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Everyone, listen up!
I've decided
tonight the club's gonna stay closed.
So we can celebrate our big victory
thanks to your loyalty.
And all of us here
have worked our asses off
to offer escapism, fantasy, and sex.
Hours of sacrifice, commitment,
and effort to make people happy.
Well, today it's our turn.
We'll all get high as kites,
toast to the health of these little sluts
who almost killed us.
And especially,
to these two gladiators,
who are leaving us. They're retiring.
[sad piano music playing]
And that calls for
a farewell party that is epic as fuck!
Fuck, it won't be the same
without you two.
[applause continues]
So tonight's rule, anyone who isn't
drinking and snorting lines is fired!
Bring out the girls! The fun starts now!
[electronic music playing]
[electronic music swells then stops]
There's not much time.
We need to get any and all tools
from the trunk. Whatever we can find.
What do you wanna do with these, Coral?
Whatever it takes
to get through the concrete
before it gets hard.
[window opens]
Well, it's pretty hard already.
Gina, pass me that drill.
Let's make a fucking hole
and get out of here.
[upbeat electronic music playing]
They're coming, they're coming.
Hurry up, hurry up.
Hey, ladies, we're throwing ourselves
a company party tonight.
And to put you all in the partying mood,
Romeo's decided to cut down
on each of your debts by 2,000 euros.
So, hey! Come on. Move. Get the fuck up.
Get yourselves all dolled up.
Move your asses
and hurry on down to the dance floor.
[suspenseful music playing]
Coral grabbed it, but I haven't left. I
I was gonna give it back.
[suspenseful music continues]
Anyone else wanna give me her passport?
Thanks, ladies.
Thank you very much.
[suspenseful music swells then stops]
[clicks tongue]
Muy bien, girls. Very well done.
Very well done!
So now, let's go get our fucking party on!
[Coral] Pass the drill.
[upbeat music playing]
None of you are hookers tonight.
No. You're You're our girlfriends.
So I want you to be irresistible
and completely and utterly charming.
shower them with champagne.
["Cintura" by DJ Mega Jay
& Chimbala playing in Spanish]
about what's in your waist ♪
In your waist ♪
When you move it, this thing goes up ♪
It gets hard ♪
[whispers] No.
- [button clicks]
- No. No, no, no, no.
What's the matter?
The battery died.
[Wendy exhales]
[solemn music playing]
Come on. It's not totally dry.
We've got this.
[Coral] Come on.
Come on. We've got to.
[banging continues faintly]
[upbeat music playing]
Let's go!
Confetti! Yeah!
[people cheer]
[electronic music playing]
You, don't get cold. Put something on.
You can start paying it off now, yeah.
You do realize
that not too long ago,
I was gonna bury you in concrete
with those three, right?
Because you fucking lied to me, Moisés.
You said
that Coral wasn't anything more
than a fuck.
But that's a lie.
Do you know why I know?
Because I know what it's like
to have that witch in here.
Right in here.
She fooled us, Romeo.
Both of us.
Be honest for once.
How many times did you fuck her?
- How many times?
- What does it matter now?
- It's the only way to heal.
- What will be the point?
I want all the fucking cards on the table.
- How many times?
- Five!
I tried to refuse the rest
because the fucking bitch told me
it was work and milked me for money.
So she had to force you
into the same thing she denied me?
You and me
You and I are so much better than her.
Much more.
Romeo, no mangy bitch
will ever come between us.
Romeo! Here, open your mouth
and knock this back.
- What's this?
- Consider it medicine for your dick.
Now, open your mouth. Ahh!
Today, you're coming back with a bang.
You can bet on it. Trust me.
Not even a motherfucking stroke
is gonna be able to keep your dick down.
I'm having such a fucking awesome time!
I love you, guys!
[electronic music swells then stops]
[woman] My dear,
I have something very special for you.
Something I imagine you're not used to.
You know you mean a lot to me.
[calming chimes]
Try this. It'll make you feel good.
It's a tea made of hawthorn berries.
It helps you connect with your feelings
and opens up your chakras.
I've been seeing this girl.
my boss's secretary.
I sometimes drive her in the car.
To events.
Do you like her?
I'm not sure.
I feel good when I'm with her.
I feel relaxed, but it can't
It can't happen.
And why can't it?
Because she works for my boss.
There's always a new one.
He's had several.
I try not to get attached.
But what if this one's different though?
[melancholic music playing]
She is different.
I mean, she's out her fucking mind.
She's got purple hair,
and she likes drugs
more than you and me, Iris.
And Hombres G. She likes Hombres G.
Who the fuck likes Hombres G?
You, apparently.
Because if you like this girl,
then you have to like what she likes.
[breathes heavily]
[Coral groans]
[Wendy] Coral.
[Coral groans and breathes heavily]
[Coral crying]
We're fucked, I'm sorry.
It's hard as fucking rock.
I mean, it is a fucking rock, dumbass.
It's concrete.
My anxiety's taking over.
I need my pills.
Why did they leave us a gun?
It's the one they used to kill this guy.
I guess to get rid of the evidence.
I wouldn't mind some right about now.
Gina, would you like some?
Not the best idea in your condition, but
[melancholic chimes]
They're good.
Drugs are the best.
They open your mind.
We might even end up figuring out
a way out of here.
[Coral cries]
What the fuck was that?
I think it's gas from the body.
Make some space for me.
[upbeat party music playing]
[cheering and laughter]
Guys, I'm heading out.
[all yelling and jeering]
What did you say?
Where the fuck do you think you're going?
- It's late and Yun is waiting for me.
- Come on. Stay a bit longer.
Didn't you hear Romeo?
We're celebrating all fucking night.
So let's drink and party and fuck
like there ain't gonna be a tomorrow,
my friend!
Fuck, come on! Fucking
No, no, no. I'm already obliterated.
- Otherwise, I won't sleep a wink.
- [laughs]
And besides, I prefer to fuck at home.
Do you hear this? He prefers
to fuck at home, he says. Motherfucker.
I don't know, man. I think maybe
he needs to fuck in the club.
Huh? What do you say, my dude?
Just relax
and party with your friends, huh?
Am I right?
Come on, Christian.
You guys can party without me.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't you "Christian" me.
You ain't leaving.
[faint upbeat music playing]
Why don't we fuck this guy, you know?
- I'm just saying, help him relax a bit.
- [laughter]
[Christian] Hold him! Hold him down.
I really gotta go.
Very funny!
[Wendy] Christian was the guy
who wanted to change his life.
But maybe he wasn't ready.
He was a textbook case
of a kid from a dysfunctional family.
Moisés has never set him any boundaries,
so he was never able to tell
where the joke ended and the drama began.
And at its core, that's pretty much
the big truth about prostitution.
What is fun for one person,
is a pain in the ass for others.
These tranquilizers
are making me feel on edge.
That's not the tranquilizers.
That's the opioids.
Hmm. This isn't really
the best place to get high.
I can't breathe.
'Cause we're running out of oxygen.
[melancholic music playing]
I wish the three of us
had met way earlier.
We were living miles apart.
The only good thing
we got out of the club
was meeting each other.
[struggling to breathe]
[upbeat party music playing]
Look at him! He can barely even walk!
Hey, come on! Hey!
Hey, don't get mad.
It was a joke. It was a joke, bro.
You sodomized me, you pussy.
[imitates] "Sodomized"
[music echoes]
[whispers] What are you doing there?
[music echoes]
[slurring] Brother,
I was thinking we should go to a country
with no extradition treaty.
I'm talking Ivory Coast, Namibia
- Namibia?
- Yeah.
And what would we do with Mom in Namibia?
I don't know. We could go anywhere.
The thing is,
if someone starts asking questions
and the police link us
to somebody somewhere,
we wanna have our asses covered.
You know what I'm saying, right?
- And just enjoy life, brother.
- Enjoy life.
- Yeah, we have money.
- Enjoy life?
We can set up our own business,
we can work during the day,
we can sleep at night.
Something we've never done before.
And we can all be nice and boring, normal.
The hard part will be
putting our past behind us.
Giving up the bad habits.
I can give up the bad habits
whenever I want.
[sad music playing]
Would you really do it though?
Stuff like being home by 10:00 p.m.
Going to dinner, the movies
Having a girlfriend
One that says no.
One that says no.
- God, that'll be so hard.
- No.
No, it won't be.
[Romeo] Gentlemen!
My penis is back! Yeah!
[woman cheers]
I'm telling you,
anyone can change their life, my brother.
- Anyone?
- [whispers] Anyone.
[soft guitar music playing in Spanish]
Ford Thunderbird nacre blue ♪
[Gina struggling to breathe]
Thelma and Louise are fleeing ♪
Through a sky
That's escaping from them ♪
Prisoners without a reason for being ♪
Used to flying without wings ♪
[Coral] It's nice to think it's possible
for anyone to change their life
for the better.
Exchange it for that life
we always wanted to live.
Where we're prettier,
more balanced, happier
[Gina] In Wendy's idea of that life
it was just us,
together like three lifelong friends.
On a road trip where every stop
was a wonderful and exciting place.
And when nothing else matters ♪
Mexico will be glory ♪
They won't need anything more ♪
Than alcohol and a gun ♪
And getting lost in the mountains ♪
That Arizona draws ♪
They'll be born each morning ♪
And they'll head to victory ♪
[music fades then stops]
[inhales sharply]
We should have killed them when we could.
[soft guitar music playing]
[inhales sharply]
[inhales sharply]
[breathes heavily]
["A Part From God" by St Woods playing]
Mom cried, Dad too ♪
I got carried, me and you ♪
White light, cold food ♪
You got out and I got fooled ♪
I'm gonna change a part from God ♪
And I want to change apart from God ♪
And I know
That I'm gonna break your heart ♪
And I don't want to feel it too ♪
Because I want to waste
A part from God ♪
Hold on the vigil lights ♪
Dry eyed, dry foo ♪
Big bright eyes look all maroon ♪
Separate lies in shepherd news ♪
You're reading psalms to your cocoons ♪
Now you can't go back to me ♪
Subtitle translation by: Katie Ward
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