Blood Ties (2006) s02e04 Episode Script


I've gotta rest.
I told you, you shouldn't have done that last hit, man.
You've been doing too much lately.
're not doing enough, friend.
I love the venom and the sweet venom loves me.
Yeah, come on we got to go.
The last night bus is in ten minutes.
Don't touch me! Fine, sleep it off.
I'll see you later.
Sweet venom.
The reaper's influence has fallen over my sanctum.
Sorry, the reaper? Oh, the grimreaper.
A dead body was found outside Lexia's club.
My sweet angel, you read my mind.
Death's hand touches us all but this boy's passing might doom the Underground.
And the Underground is the name of your bar? The Underground's not a bar, it's more of a Booze can for blood sucking wannabees? A sanctuary for children of the night, where they can congregate.
At nine dollars a drink.
I thought you said she was open to those who choose to live alternative lifestyles.
She is.
You are.
Believe me.
Okay, here's the part I don't understand.
If he died in the alley, what exactly do you want me to investigate? I have enough problems with the city already.
I don't need them trying to blame Dante's death on me.
Is there any reason to believe your establishment might be connected to his death? My customers are like my children.
I nurture them, like Coreenmy favourite.
The most spiritual of the night breed.
Okay I'll take the case.
- My fee is - $500 a day, plus expenses.
What a sweet girl.
Do you think she uses a forklift to g her hair that high? Before you start, Lexia's my friend.
After Ian died, she was totally there for me.
She doesn't really strike me as the warm, fuzzy type.
You just don't know her.
Lexia is guarded when dealing with mundanes.
Mundanes? You know, normals, outsiders.
You mean me.
This is why you should let me work the case with you.
Coreen, I don't even know if there is a case.
And if there is, ever since I got these, half of my cases are a horror show.
I don't want to drag you into it.
Excuse me? I almost became a demon bride twice.
I had my mouth stolen by a voodoo queen.
I can handle anything that they throw at us.
Oh, I'm sure we'll read that in the book of famous last words.
The first thing you need to do is find out about the dead guy.
I bet he's chalk full of clues.
Did you just say'chalk full of clues'? I'm in, right? I mean, Vicki, this is going to be so much fun.
I don't know if I agree with your definition of fun, - but all right you can help.
- Yes! Coreen, be still, no one likes a perky Goth.
Gene Hansen is proving to be a bit of a conundrum.
We know he was last seen alive at around 4 o'clock in the morning.
But his physical condition belies that estimate.
Oh! Looks like he's been dead a lot longer.
Area's swarmed by something.
Exactly what I was thinking.
On areas not consumed by insects, I found blisters,hives and swelling.
Anaphylactic shock? From insect bites? Anything could have triggered the allergic reaction.
My cousin, if she even looks at a peanut? Blowfish.
Well, these are insect bites, and that gets Lexia off the hook.
Still, I mean that is one hell of a bee sting.
We need to go to the Underground and find out what Gene Hansen was doing before he died.
Oh? Underground? I have to go change.
I can't go looking all corporate like this.
- Hello.
- Hey.
I got a case that's taking a tour through weirdsville.
- You care to join? - I'm a little tied up at the moment.
I got a deadline to meet.
Oh, all right, you don't have to explain yourself to me.
- I've got a life.
- I thought you were dead.
I'm busy.
- You're wearing that? - You're wearing that? Okay, this is strictly a fact-finding mission, - do you understand? - Right.
We're here to find out what Gene Hansen was doing the night he died.
I got it.
If you suspect someone, don't accuse them.
Don't let on that you suspect.
Okay? Do not pass go.
Do not collect $200.
You come directly to me.
- Do you understand? - Okay, okay, can we just go in now? All right.
Wait, wait, wait.
Don't you think we should go in separately? You don't think I fit in? Yeah, sure, narc.
Okay, you take the customers.
Don't let on that we know each other.
What? So what are you serving? This is a private club.
It's okay, Wynter.
This is Vicki Nelson.
She's doing some work for me.
She'll have some questions for you.
Please feel free to give her any assistance that she needs.
Taking a walk on the dark side are we? Unfortunately, I live there.
How long did you know Gene? Since eighth grade.
Drama club.
I never should have let him stay.
I should have dragged him into that bus.
It's not your fault.
All that talk about death's sweet embrace.
You know what? It's not sweet.
It hurts.
Did Gene have any allergies? I can ask his mother.
Absinthe and wine are the only things Lexia drinks so it's all we serve.
I've got to say I could go for a tequila every now and then, you know? And Gene Hansen, what was he drinking the night he died? Absinthe.
Anything else? Not that I know of.
Drugs? In a nightclub? Half the kids here are using.
Did Lexia know that? She'd have to be blind not to.
Yeah, she sure would.
Now this is truly a surprise.
I need your help, detective.
I don't do parking tickets.
It's not about parking tickets.
Really? Well, you must want to know what to get Vicki for her birthday.
You know what? Between you and me, she really loves kitten posters.
This was a mistake.
Hey, hey, Fitzroy, come on.
Hey, come on.
Tell me, what's going on? Somebody left a dead body on my doorstep.
There's another vampire in this city.
And it's just getting started.
Under the circumstances it made the most sense.
No, you totally compromised the evidence.
I preserved the body to the best of my ability.
No, you should have called the police, that's what you should have done.
And that's why I came to you.
You know my life doesn't bear scrutiny.
Isn't your job to serve and protect? Actually, I don't think that motto was meant to extend to the undead.
There's another vampire out there, and this one is killing people.
Detective I need your help, unless you'd rather me handle this on my own.
Fine, what's done is done.
Let's just move on, shall we? What happened? This is what I know.
The body appeared at my door around 9:00 p.
She was already dead.
The neck had been savaged and she was drained of all her blood.
Sowhat? This is the vampire equivalent of a gift basket? It wasn't a present.
Vampires are solitary predators.
It's in our nature.
It keeps us from over populating and depleting our hunting grounds.
He wants my territory.
- Does Vicki know about this? - No.
And I don't want her to know.
I've been targeted and that puts everyone who's close to me in danger.
Oh, gee Thanks for bringing me into this.
Okay, if only one of you can work this town, how do I know I'm not going to like this other vampire more than you? Because I'm the devil you know, detective.
Yes, you are.
Okay Two conditions.
One, we find this thing, we put it down.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
- What's the second? - Full disclosure.
I ask you something, you answer.
I want to know what colour your underwear is, you tell me.
You got it? Red.
Silk, actually.
I'm not actually asking,Fitzroy.
When do we start? As soon as somebody phones the police about a dead body.
Got a quarter? I feel so bad for that Evan guy.
He blames himself for Gene's death.
Does he have reason to? Typical Friday night.
Go train in from the burbs.
Burger and a movie after the Underground.
They must have up to something.
Come on, you don't go out for a burger and wind up as the main course at an insect buffet.
What are you thinking? Well, if it was an allergic reaction, then maybe it was something they took.
Were they into drugs? No, didn't seem like the type.
Yeah, people don't always seem like the type, that's why you have to ask.
You think I screwed up? Coreen, you're the investigator, right? So you have to consider all the options.
If it's any consolation, if he was doing drugs, chances are he wouldn't have been honest with you about it.
But what makes you think he was doing drugs? Because they dress in black? Oh, yeah, yeah, I always judge a person's character based entirely on their wardrobe decisions.
If Lexia knew that drugs were for sale in her place No, I know her.
Look, never let your emotions cloud your investigation.
Because you're the only one that can do that, rit? Look, Lexia is not involved.
Believe me.
Are you sure you wouldn't want to wait for my report, Detective Celluci? Doc, you and I both know that what you find isn't going to end up in any report.
Meet Jane Doe.
I see.
Extensive t rauma to the neck.
The flesh looks torn, doesn't it? Yes, most likely by hand.
I thought they used theiryou know.
Well, if that's the case then maybe we should be talking to Vicki.
Well, you see she's so busy these days I hate to see her torn in too many different directions, so let's not.
- I understand.
- Good.
- Hi, guys.
- Oh, hey.
Say, did you get Gene Hansen's toxicology report back? I'm looking for any evidence of narcotics.
I'll check and see when the results are due in.
Okay, thanks.
What's up? You working that beetle mania case? Yes, I am.
I have reason to believe the club owner might have known about drug dealing in the establishment.
If the drugs led to the kid's death, she could be held responsible.
Uh-huh, you got it.
Speaking of which, I need you to check some names for me - her and her staff.
See if they had any priors.
- Do you mind running them? - Sure, let's go.
Yeah, I'll even throw in a little lunch, maybe a few Wait a minute.
It usually takes a few minutes of sparkling repartee before you'll give up anything.
I'm trying to be nice.
Is that a crime? No, no.
Who's the customer? Hey, we doing this or not? Let's go.
All right already.
Oh, glasses.
You knowwhen you're around someone long enough, you can spot their little clues, their 'tells'.
And this is apropos of? Well, I was in the morgue today and Mike was there, you know, investigating that Jane Doe, and he offered to help me gather information, no questions asked.
That was nice of him.
Yeah, he's never done that.
Not in the ten years I've know him.
Well, there's a first time for everything.
Hm, apparently, like you hanging up on me last night.
I have to get some pages to my editor.
Henry, what's going on? Vicki, I've been thinking It might be a good idea if we don't see each other for a while.
I have to focus on my work.
Yeah, sure.
I have to go.
You, ump, nn.
g on bringing your portfolio with all those pages in it? Thank you.
Lexia Chang had no priors.
Told you.
However, Mohadevan did find an unknown substance in Gene Hansen's blood.
That doesn't mean she's selling drugs.
All right then, spin me a better theory.
Something supernatural.
It used to be that would be my last suspicion.
Noit's my 'go to'.
All right, hit me.
The bugs there are loe of references from myths.
There's the curse of the locusts from the Bible, and there are spells specific to insect infestation.
And Beelzebub, that's often referred to as Lord of the Flies.
Why did it go after Gene Hansen? They running some kind of black magic thing down at the club? Goth's are sometimes into Wicken, not black magic.
Listen Coreen, I know you don't want to hear this, but somebody is into something nasty down there, whether it's drugs or black magic or whatever.
Chances are your friend knows about it.
Are you coming with me or not? Molech.
Molech, do you want another drink? It's Evan.
No thanks.
Sorry about Dante.
They figure out what killed him? What does it matter? He's dead, right? There have been people around here asking questions.
You haven't said anything, have you? Of course not.
Good boy! No thanks I'm just trying to make you feel better.
Yeah, well, it didn't do much for Gene.
You don't think this is what killed him? He was doing a lot.
Yeah and he was sleeping it off in an alley.
Who knows what could have happened to him.
Hey, I know how we can make each other feel better.
I have a new piercing.
Where are you? There's evidence to indicate that Gene Hansen died of anaphylactic shock.
The pathologist found an unknown substance in his bloodstream.
Yeah, an unknown substance.
I need you to be straight with me.
Are you selling drugs here? I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
Coreen, tell her I'm not selling drugs.
You have to tell her, whichever way it is.
You have to tell the truth.
If Gene died from something he bought here, you are responsible.
Are you selling drugs? No! And we are done here.
You said you could help me.
You call this help? She's practically accusing me of murder.
We're just trying to get to the bottom of this.
She's just the same as all the other mundanes.
They see the way we dress and they think we're freaks.
She's really just trying to help.
It's okay, Coreen, I see who you're siding with -your minimum wage paycheck.
I thought you knew me.
I thought you understood the dark beauty of what I'm trying to create here.
I do! Lexia! Hey, Coreen.
You came into this with an attitude about my friend and me and our lifestyle.
You were never looking to help her.
That is not true! Oh come on, think about it, Vicki, you can't ever trust anyone, can you? Hey, excuse me, excuse me.
Oh my god! Eew! Yuck! Eew! Get off him! to the Underground Club.
It's at Queen West and Crawford.
Thank you.
- Gotcha.
- Good idea.
I'm going to take them to Dr.
Oh, unless of course, you want to do it.
No, you're perfectly capable.
We can't risk letting Vicki find out about this other vampire.
You don't understand the potential fallout from this conflict.
You just love to dramatize everything, don't you? This is a two-bit turf war, nothing more.
This is much more than that, detective.
I'm all ears.
In the late 1700s a vampire ensconced in a Polish village found himself under siege by another vampire who had set out to take over his territory.
And don't tell me.
They both wound up killing ach other.
That would have been preferable.
The newcomer methodically disassembled the life the first vampire had so painstakingly created.
He killed friends and acquaintances, lovers.
Those closest to him were the first to die.
Which one were you? The one still alive.
The rest of the village? You're not exactly winning me over here, Fitzroy.
Just be careful how you act around her.
The less suspicion we arise in her the better.
If the other vampire believes she's with me, Vicki will most certainly die.
Well, speaking of aroused suspicions, do you often stand her up to go meet with your editor in the middle of the night? Point taken.
What do you have? Her name was Gabriel Claremont.
That's it? A name? Yeah, and it's more than I had a few hours ago.
But now that I do have a name, I get to meet with her parents and tell them that their child was murdered for no apparent reason while trying to find out what they know of her last 48 hours alive.
That's what I get to do.
Then I'll leave you to that, detective.
Keep in mind Fitzroy, I'm not doing this for you.
I don't even like you.
Since we are affording each other the courtesy of bluntness, I don't like you either.
Vicki seems to trust you with her life.
That's good enough for me.
Any luck with the insects? I sent them to the morgue this morning.
Mohadevan is sending them to an entomologist at the university for identification.
What about the second victim? Evan Crane has a puncture wound on his arm.
I was just talking to him the night before and now he's dead.
I know, but you're just going to have to put that aside for now.
Okay, tell me about the injections.
Well, it's either that or a sting - her words, not mine.
So it's bugs or drugs.
Maybe it's both.
Okay, now you're losing me.
No, listen.
What if there is a substance common to both victims that is somehow attractive to the bugs.
- Like some kind of pheromone? - Yeah, maybe it's being sold as a party drug down at the club.
And you think whoever's selling the drug doesn't even know it? No, I didn't say that.
But why? Let's start with who.
It is feasible.
I know that wasp venom has a pheromone in it that signals other members of the hive to attack.
Of course one question still stands.
If this is a pheromone, then how did it get into their bloodstreams? Are you kidding me? People will try anything if they think it's goingto get them high.
Remember a few years ago, people were licking the backs of cane toads? Do I! Awful things.
So, this substance, it could ostensibly be attracting the insects.
It is possible, but to be sure I need to be able to run some tests with a pure sample.
All right, I'll get on it.
Oh, hey, did you have any luck with that thing you were working on the other day? What thing? The Jane Doe, you and Mike.
Yes, we were able to get an ID off her dental records.
You going to tell me or what? Why wouldn't I tell you? It's, uhGabriel Claremont.
Oh, okay.
The thing I'm not supposed to tell you is that this may have something to do with Henry Fitzroy.
Oh, trust me.
According to her agent, Miss Claremont had a photo shoot three days ago.
Nobody's heardthrom her since.
So the last person to see her would be the photographer.
I'm still working on that.
I did however find the address to the studio.
Do you want to go check it out? - I'll get my coat.
- Okay.
Oh, one other thing - if this photographer does lead us to the vampire, how do we stop it? - I'll take care of that.
- Oh, really? What? Surely Detective you don't have a problem with vampire and vampire violence? What if this vampire is stronger than you? Come on, Henry, anything is possible here, okay? I just want to know how to kill the thing.
All right, I swear that if I ever try to kill you again, I won't use any method you tell me about.
Strangely enough detective, I believe you.
Thank you.
A stake through the heart always works sunlight, emolation.
Come on, I've seen the movies, give me something special here.
What? Like a secret word that makes our heads explode? That would work.
Is there one? No, but decapitation's always effective.
Watch where you swing that thing.
If we are confronted with the other vampire it will attack me first.
How can you be so sure? It won't find you any kind of threat, and we can use that distraction to our advantage.
Hey, I'm the one wearing the badge here, remember? And I'm the vampire.
If you want the killing to stop, you'll do as I say.
Oh, hey, what about holy water? Shall we? Grenfield? - Live photo release forms.
- Yeah.
Let's see what we find here.
All right, looks like your basic super model diet.
Diet pills, vodka, cigarettes.
At least this confirms that she was here.
- No sign of a struggle.
- No sign of anything.
- What about blood? - No.
All right.
Well, I guess we're done here.
Somebody's coming.
Hey! Hi! If you guys were planning a party, you could have at least put me on the guest list.
All right, who's going to tell me what's going on? - It's best if you don't know.
- Best if I don't know what? Telling you would kind of defeat the purpose of 'it's best if you don't know'.
Okay, you two have been skulking around the city for two days.
I want to know what's going on.
I can't believe neither of them would tell me what was going on! This is a little hard to picture.
Mike and Henry are hanging out.
No, not just hanging out, they're working together.
They're investigating that fashion model murder.
You know what drives me crazy? They didn't even want me involved.
They didn't want my help, nothing.
Yeah, there's nothing worse than when you find out somebody close to you doesn't trust you.
It's not the same thing, Coreen.
Of course not.
So what are you going to do? Well, we still have a case to work.
That might be a little difficult since our client isn't talking to us anymore.
It doesn't mean we drop the case.
Listen, two men are still dead.
The police aren't treating this as a homicide.
You still think it has something to do with that drug.
Well, unless there's some kind of insect infestation that we don't know about, the drug is the only thing those two deaths have in common.
We need to get a pure sample of that drug so we can find out what the hell it is.
You're going to have to go in.
Me? You don't think I'll mess up your investigation? Coreen, I trust you.
Clearly you're the one suited to this.
I don't know that world.
To be honest I wasn't really serious about it to begin with.
Is this your way of apologizing or are you just trying to avoid having your hair dyed black? Is it okay if it's a little of both? All right, listen.
There is one condition.
You're going to have to wear this transmitter.
I'll be able to hear you at all times.
- Okay.
- All right, you have one hour.
If you don't make contact during that time, I want you to get out.
If you look nervous, you're going to draw heat, so be careful.
If you do get into trouble I want you to say, "my mother is not going to like this," and I will come right in.
I know what I'm doing.
All right, don't accept any drinks from anyone, and don't leave your drink unattended.
If anyone gives you drugs, take them, but do not take them.
Do you understand? And I will look both ways before I cross the road, and I will floss after every meal, and I'll wear a sweater just in case it gets cold.
I'll be fine.
Well, you better be or I'm going to kick your ass.
I'll meet you back here at midnight.
I have to run an errand.
AwwDid Mike stand you up? Vicki, if you're here to grill me again, I just Listen, Coreen's going to go undercover tonight and I need someone who can blend to the Goth scene, keep an eye on her.
I can't.
Not tonight.
Henry, there are two men dead and I think there's going to be more.
I need your help.
And I'm working on something that could prove to be just as dangerous, - for both of us.
- I know.
That's why we should be working together, right? - We're supposed to be partners.
- Yes! Just not tonight.
Can't blame a girl for trying, right? You know if you feel like it, we'll be at the Underground later you know, if it's not too much trouble.
Christina, what do you want from me? I'm in.
Aw, come on, Coreen, it's a one-way radio.
Hey, have you heard the good news? Hey.
I'm looking to score.
You know, party favours.
Come on, Coreen.
Do you want angel tears or crow? Angel tears? Come on, come on angel tears is acid, crow is cocaine.
Come on.
I'm actually looking for something a little different.
Evan told me about it, but I can't remember the name.
Venom? That's it.
Do you know where I can find any? Something I said? I've got a lead.
Oh! Wynter.
Hey, I hear you're looking for some venom.
Yeah, do you know where I can get some? Um-hum First time's free.
- You don't have to do this.
- You're wrong.
- I do.
- Ughoh! Let's be on our way.
- Why? - Well, didn't you know? Your friend has a powerful enemy.
It's open season on her and I wanted to be the one to do it.
WATCH OUT! You're too late to save your friend.
I'm over here! Nope! Here! - What are you? - What I am.
- You know.
- Demon.
There are all kinds of us, with all kinds of hungers.
What are you doing slumming it down here? Nothing is without purpose.
You want me, right? Why'd you kill the kids? I hook them on the bottle, then move them up to the spike.
That's when I feed all their sweet juices.
I had to sacrifice a few to get your attention.
If your kind get too much of the bug in them, my little ones go crazy and they feed, too.
That's kind of a win-win, right? That tickled.
Darkness is waiting.
Let it wait.
It'll take a lot more than that to beat me, bitch! Henry? Sorry I'm late.
Sweet ride.
All right, Mov, thanks.
Well, Mohadevan says it was some kind of insect venom although it's unlike anything she's ever seen.
It's a good thing you didn't get too much of that in you.
She said you should just keep taking the antihistamines for the next 24 hours and you should be fine.
That thing used me and my friend to get to you.
I almost got you killed.
You were right not to trust me.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
No, that's not the point.
You did fine all right? You have a little work to do on the whole trust thingy.
What do you think? Is it me? You just rest, okay? Just, take it easy.
So what the hell was this thing again? A demon bug? It's actually the other way around, a bug demon.
Well, I think you actually both might be right.
ou two, you're just like peas in a pod lateju.
Hey, you know what? I am so ready to take my pension and retire somewhere else sweetheart.
- What did it want? - Apparently it wanted me.
It was killing those kids to draw me in.
It's dead now, so you don't have to worry about that anymore.
Which means I am free to help you two find that vampire you're been looking for.
Oh yeah, yeah, I figured it out all by myself.
I can do that.
I'm a private detective.
- NO! - Henry's right.
- You're out, too.
- Hey, wait a minute, Henry.
We had a deal.
I help you, we take it down together.
The deal's changed.
I don't want anyone else to die.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Who's going to die? Since when did you become altruistic? What the hell's going on? It was a mistake to involve you.
Wait a second.
You know who it is, don't you? Anyone else dies Henry and I am holding you personally responsible.
I work better alone.
Stay out of my way.
She's too powerful.
Henry! That's great! I mean that's just great.
So now I've got two of them running around the city.
He's doing it to protect us.
She's been watching him.
She's probably been watching him all night.
She? And he's figured out who it is and he's protecting her.
The woman behind the vampireChristina.
And who the hell is Christina? Trouble.

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