Bloodline (2015) s02e04 Episode Script

Part 17

1 Rough night? What? I said, did you have a rough night? You and I are gonna have a talk.
You told Mr.
Potts that you saw me in Miami.
And you told Eric O'Bannon the same thing? Yeah.
Your dad was in bad shape.
What you saw was me and Kevin trying to help him.
I don't know what Eric O'Bannon told you, but he's not your friend.
He dragged your dad down his whole life, and he's gonna do the same thing to you.
You know we have him in custody for parole violation right now, don't you? Good.
My dad really never told you about me? No.
Your dad may not have been a good father, but he was not a bad guy.
I'm sure he meant to do the right thing by you.
Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing.
- How's Kevin? - He left, John.
- I tried to stop him.
I'm so sorry.
- The fuck you talking about, he left? - Where? - I don't know.
I don't know.
I tried Belle's cell, I tried his cell.
He said something about trying to make things right with Lowry.
- Jesus, Meg.
- Yeah, I don't know what he meant.
But I don't have a car, so I'm stuck in this shitty hotel.
You gotta go find him.
Kevin! Kevin! Kev.
Son of a bitch.
Oh, hey.
Is this? - Is this Wayne Lowry's house? - Yeah, who the fuck are you? Hey, come on.
No, no, no.
It's not like that.
I I just I I have something of his that I I I need to return.
Trust me, he's gonna want this.
You're gonna wanna come out here.
Fuck, Kevin.
When's it gonna end, John? Hmm? I made a mistake.
You're Rayburn's brother.
He doesn't know I'm here.
Just take it, okay? Just Just take it.
Okay? We're good now, right? Shit.
No, no, no.
Come on, come on.
Fuck! Rayburn.
Where? - Damien.
- John.
He seems okay, he's just a little shaken.
- Where is he? - He's right over there.
But, Detective we're gonna have to take him in.
We found this.
What you wanna do? Do what you have to do.
They're gonna arrest you and take you in.
And when they do, you're not gonna say a goddamn word to anyone.
I made things right with Lowry.
I promise you, you did not make things right.
What's this? Three keys.
Some of what we lost.
We didn't lose it.
You did.
I found the guy who put this on the street.
- Give me his name.
- Well, he's useful to me at the moment.
For what? I'm gonna be up and running again.
Are you? I'm gonna finance a run myself.
A good-faith investment.
I'll use my people, there's no risk for you, and you get the spoils.
I can still make you money.
Or you can have your boys put a bullet in my head right now.
You choose.
Because at this point, I hardly give a fuck.
Okay, Wayne.
One chance.
He wants to know what What this deal means.
It means that the man who's responsible for your daughter's death is going to prison.
Who is this man? He will go to prison for many years.
He will never again do to any child what he did to your daughter.
This man he killed your brother, no? Yes.
He wants to know if you think this deal is fair.
If you think this is justice.
It's our best option.
If we could do something else, we would.
Deal's still on the table.
Don't need it.
I ain't gonna lie.
I was in a jam with my people.
But your little brother he bought me one more chance.
What goes on right here is between you and me.
Oh, you've got a hell of a family.
Kid brother dealing on the streets, sister bribing witnesses, and then there's Danny.
I made a mistake getting in bed with him, but I didn't kill him.
Maybe you've got more to hide than I thought.
You sure as hell don't want me playing that tape for your friends.
We had an understanding.
You walked away from that understanding.
So, why don't you tell me exactly what the fuck is it we're doing here? I'm getting back into business and you're gonna help me do it.
I'm planning a run.
I need information: Where the Feds are looking, and where they're blind.
And if I don't hear from you, I tell my story.
And I got nothing to lose so don't think I won't.
He's really got you in a corner, doesn't he? You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't.
Story of my life.
Fuck it.
May as well light up.
All right, now let's think this through.
You can either do Lowry's bidding or you can tell him to go fuck himself, take your chances when he sings.
What would you do? Doesn't matter.
You're not me, right? If only there was another way through this.
Wait a minute.
Of course.
Shit, that would take balls.
Even I'd be impressed by that.
But if you confess, then everyone's gonna know.
What will they know? John Rayburn's a lie.
Rayburn? There's a lady asking for you.
She's interested in a room.
- Just show her around.
- She asked to see the owner.
Okay, Manny, I'll be right there.
May I help you? I heard this was a nice place.
We like to think so.
In town they said I should talk to the lady of the house.
Well, that's me, I guess.
I'm Sally.
Well, I'm looking for a place to stay.
I thought maybe you could show me around.
Sure, sure.
Follow me.
I'll give you the tour.
Yeah, I got a really late start this morning.
No, actually, can you hold off? I really wanna take a look at those samples before they go out.
Yeah, okay.
Thanks, Carla.
You got home late last night.
You left early this morning.
- Oh, it's work.
- Can I talk to you for a second? Yeah.
You know, I didn't say anything about it earlier, but when Sally came by to see me she said some things.
You don't have to worry about anything.
I explained everything to her.
It's fine.
Listen, I know that when you sent me away with the kids that there were things you didn't tell me.
I know that.
Yes, there were.
- Things that you still don't need to know.
- Okay.
Did you go to Miami? Listen to me.
I wanted Danny to leave, just like you did.
Just like you did.
So I gave him a chance to clean up his mess.
- You gave him a chance.
- That's right.
Even after what he did to our daughter? - Don't do that.
- I'm trying to understand.
- What is it you're trying to understand? - That you were so frightened you sent us away but you still tried to help him.
I didn't help him, though, did I? And now he's dead! So, what the fuck does it matter? - We have daily boat trips.
- I love boats.
We have snorkeling and fishing and sunset cruises.
We have 24-hour beach access to all of our guests.
What about the spa? Oh, we don't have a spa.
- Oh.
- Sorry about that.
We're, uh We're a simple place.
No, that's all right.
You know, I'm kind of sick of all those fancy places anyways.
So, you run this place all by yourself? These days, I do.
I have a staff, of course.
I really admire that.
Strong woman running her own business, doing her own thing.
Kind of independent that way, myself.
What do you do? I'm a musician, mostly.
- I'm a songwriter.
- Oh, well, that's nice.
This is pretty much the place.
If you want, we can stop by the office and I can show you what's available.
You don't know who I am, do you? It was a while ago.
Sixteen years.
- He's right down there.
- Thank you.
You got 15 minutes.
- Hey, I just want - I talked to John.
He told me what happened, okay? You don't need to tell me anything.
Are you all right? The EMT said I was lucky.
Have you talked to Belle? I called her.
- What did she say? - She's upset, Kevin.
When am I gonna get out of here? Well, you'll be kept until your bail hearing, so no longer than 72 hours.
Three days? I'm trying to expedite it.
I might be able to get it through sooner.
I'm gonna act as your lawyer.
I'm not worried about the hearing.
I think it'll be pretty straightforward.
But I thought you had to get back to New York.
Nah, I can push it off a few days if I have to.
I should see Mom anyway.
- I thought you said you didn't want to.
- I don't, but I should.
Don't tell her about this, okay? Please, not yet.
I I wanna do it myself.
You sure you're all right? I don't know.
Something's gotta change here, Meg.
I have to get some real help.
You know, I actually could use a place to stay.
For a night or two.
Thank you.
But I don't think I can afford this place.
Where's home for you? Panhandle.
What brought you down here? I came for my son.
- He told me you two had met.
- Yeah, we did.
Looks like his dad, doesn't he? If you came for him, why are you talking to me? Well, you know Once I came down here, it just seemed stupid not to come see you.
Well, here I am.
I'm sorry about Danny.
About your loss.
Thank you.
I miss him too.
Not that we were I mean, we didn't have much of a relationship.
Not for a while.
But he'd come by sometimes and see his kid, and Every blue moon send some money.
Well, that's nice.
Well, it wasn't much to speak of, but yeah, he tried sometimes.
Raising a kid on my own Kids are expensive.
I mean, I don't need to tell you that, but I want Nolan to go to college.
Of course.
I know Danny really wanted that, too.
Did you come here for money, Eve? I told you, I came for Nolan.
But, yeah, it's not easy.
You know, being cut off, just like that, overnight.
What do you mean, cut off? Uh I wondered if you knew.
I had an arrangement with your husband.
Uh Look, um Eve, I Thank you for coming.
It was good to see you.
But I really do need to get back to work.
Maybe I can call you again.
Well, we'll see.
We'll see.
You can just wait here.
Manny will get your car.
- You must be the Tarlows.
- Yes, I'm Aaron.
- Hi.
- This is my wife Tonya.
Hi, I'm Sally Rayburn.
So, I hear it's your first time in the Keys.
It is, and this is absolutely lovely.
Thank you, we think so.
Well, we'll take care of your bags.
Manny, you take care of the Tarlows and then see that she gets her car? Well, let me give you a quick tour, and then I'll find you both a drink.
I just saw Kevin.
How is he? Not good.
Wayne Lowry wants me to do something for him, and I may not have a choice.
He can say a lot of things that we can't explain.
I understand.
If I don't do this for him everything could unravel and I may have to come clean.
I want you to know that you and Kevin, this will never touch either one of you.
- This is on me, period.
- What are you gonna do? I need a promise from you.
I need to know that Diana and the kids are taken care of.
I want my ownership of the inn put in their name.
I want every Everything goes in their name.
Will you do that for me? John, you're scaring me.
I can't even talk to Diana about any of this.
I I need to hear that you'll do that for me, please.
I'll take care of it.
There's been a development.
We figured something must've changed for Lowry to back out of the deal, so we checked in with a few of our old sources and, well, it looks like we finally got some activity.
It's good news.
You, uh mind if I sit in? Of course not.
You deserve to be in the loop.
Hell, you might be the next Sheriff of Monroe County.
- Maybe.
- We're hearing some chatter from our overseas people.
There's indication a shipment may be coming in later this week.
- Is the intel reliable? - Trying to corroborate it now.
Do we have any idea where the shipment's supposed to land? That's the problem.
- Last time they were all over Big Pine.
- They have to know that's burnt.
Probably, but we'll have eyes down there just in case.
I also flagged a few areas where Lowry could bring in the shipment.
I'm hoping you guys can come up with some local sources.
Maybe you can help us find something we can't.
Oh, you need us now? It's so nice to be loved.
Right, John? Yeah.
We're just keeping our ears open, guys.
I just want you to do the same.
Of course.
Hank? Utility boat 3-7-7-9-2-0 reporting center damage west - Heading northbound on - Utility 5-0-0 Hank? - Don't shoot me.
- Hey, Johnny boy.
- What's going on, man? - Hi.
I've been seeing your name on signs all over town.
How about that.
- You trying to buy my vote? - Goddamn right I am.
How's the leg? Better than it was in Afghanistan.
I need some information.
You're still on credit.
What can I do for you? I know you monitor the Coast Guard, their patrols.
Anything you can give me on that? Might have a few beads on routes.
How about patrol schedules? John, can't you ask the Coast Guard for this? I could, but I like you better.
All right, I can probably get you something.
I also need some information.
- About? - Smuggling.
It's been pretty quiet.
Well, DEA says they're hearing some noise overseas.
They're looking for local entry points.
You been sourcing feds here? They They've been asking around, but - You share anything with them? - Had nothing to share.
If you did hear anything, you Come to me first, would you? Absolutely.
I'm in no hurry to run to the feds, John.
I've already served my country.
Sheets? Everything? Towels? You've got plenty of them? - I think so.
- Have them already.
Been on it.
So, a little snorkeling, and some fishing.
That's plenty of time to do everything.
You have to take the sunset cruise.
Give you a bottle of wine and Excuse me.
Meg? Meggy.
Is that you, honey? - Hi, Mom.
- Oh, my gosh, let's look at you.
You look tired, honey.
- Are you eating? - Yes, of course.
Come on.
I'm gonna take you in and make you something to eat.
Yeah, so I'm just down for a few days because I had to take care of some of the stuff with selling the house, so So you're in New York to stay, then? Yeah, Mom.
I like it there.
I missed you, Meg.
I'm sorry, I should call you more.
That's okay.
I'm excited for you.
If you're happy, I'm happy.
How are you? Oh, you know.
Danny had a son.
John told me.
It's crazy.
Are you, uh familiar with all your father's accounts? Uh, yeah.
You know I helped with that stuff.
You think it's possible that he had accounts that you weren't aware of? I I don't know.
What are you asking me, Mom? There's a woman who says your father was sending her money.
I wanna know if it's true.
What's her name? Evangeline Ro Rossovich, I think.
Something like that.
I don't know.
- Who is that? - So you've heard her name.
Was he paying her? Mom.
I didn't The bank called me because I was a trustee on the account and they said that there were payments going to some woman that stopped when dad died, and they wanted to know if I wanted to continue paying her.
- And what did you say? - I said no.
You didn't ask who she was? No, I don't wanna know why Dad was paying some strange woman.
Why is that funny? You thought he was having an affair.
- Yeah.
I didn't know, but I thought maybe.
- Who knows? He could've been sleeping with half the Keys, but he wasn't sleeping with her.
Okay, well, then who is she? She's the boy's mother.
Can you connect me to Mr.
Tarlow's bungalow, please? Hi, Mrs.
Tarlow? Hey, I'm calling from the office of the Rayburn House here.
We've had a little problem with your credit card.
Can you confirm the number, please? Mm-hm.
See, we had seven-four.
That explains it.
And the expiration? Thank you so much.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Enjoy your stay.
I highly recommend the sunset cruise.
It's awesome.
- Señor Rayburn? - Vicente.
I'm afraid I've got some bad news.
It's Wayne Lowry.
He's gone back on the deal.
No deal? No deal.
May we, uh? Absolutely, sí.
- Hold for Ms.
- Hi, Meg.
Hi, Susannah, how are you? Thank you for calling me back.
Of course.
Although I'm not sure what there is to talk about.
Well, I've been reading over the Pell case and I have some thoughts on it.
Meg, you You don't have to worry about the Pell case anymore.
I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to make it to New York.
You missed a client meeting.
Yeah, I know.
We had a family emergency.
You didn't call to tell me you wouldn't make it.
Ravi had to fill in, he botched the whole thing, it's a mess now.
I'm so sorry.
And then I called to talk to you about it and you basically hung up on me.
You know, why don't you let me talk to the client? I can fix it.
Oh, no, that time has passed.
I'm sorry, Meg.
This isn't working out.
Susannah, it was a family emergency.
My brother was in bad shape.
I had to be here.
Yes, and I'm sorry about that.
But it isn't our problem.
I promise it will never happen again.
- No, it won't.
- Susannah You're a smart woman.
I'm sure you'll find something else.
Susannah, it was a family fucking emergency.
Goodbye, Meg.
- I don't have anything for you.
- That's too bad.
I need to know where it's safe to land.
- They've got ears in a lot of places.
- What about Sugarloaf? I'm not sure.
Find out.
If Sugarloaf works for you, I - I can try to steer them away.
- Well, that would be nice.
But I need more than a maybe or I tell my story.
Are we on? Stay tuned.
Son of a bitch better come through.
Another? Please? Thank you.
- I get that a lot.
- Oh, thanks a lot.
People think, "Oh, he's a cop.
Hey, can you get me out of this ticket?" - You know, I just wanna - Yeah.
Everybody asks you.
- Might as well ask, so - Yeah.
Like, "Let me use your" - Somewhere in between a - I'm being promoted? Thank you.
I have a cousin named Gabriella.
But we call her Gabby.
- Oh, okay.
As in G-A-B-B? - Hi.
- Hey, um Meg.
- Hi.
I didn't know you were b back in town.
Yeah, I am.
I'm back.
Gabriella, this is Meg.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How is? How's New York? Good? New York is so good.
It's such a great city.
That's great.
- Yeah, it's a great city.
- Yeah.
Oh, h Hi, I'm Meg.
- I'm the ex.
- I've heard about you.
You have? Oh, no.
What did you hear? Only nice things.
Come on.
I doubt that.
I mean, I kind of slept with someone else, but - I'm sure he told you that.
- Meg.
Okay, fine.
I did sleep with someone else, but whatever.
- It threw a wrench in the wedding plans.
- Meg.
But it was good for you, right? - Meg.
- I don't recommend it though.
You're drunk.
Anyway, so yeah.
I'm not really that nice of a person.
- Not nice at all.
- Meg, you should go home.
You seem nice though.
Are you a nice girl, Georgina? - Gabriella.
- It's Gabriella.
I think that he really deserves somebody who's nice, after me.
So, don't go fucking around on him.
You hear me? - Because he - Um can I get you a ride home? Do you need me to call you a car? - No.
- Hmm? No, no, no, I don't.
I don't need you to do anything for me.
Okay? Here.
- It's so nice to meet you.
- Yeah.
You, too.
You're just so pretty.
I'm sorry about this morning.
Kevin was arrested yesterday.
I didn't tell you.
For what? DUI.
- Ran through a stop sign.
- Oh, my God.
- Hit by a car.
- Is he okay? Uh Physically.
It seems like so long ago.
What? Just the celebration.
Danny coming home.
Everyone was happy.
For a night, anyway.
You know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you and the kids, don't you? Yeah.
That stuff's disgusting.
What's even in it? It's branched-chain amino acids.
I don't know how I feel about that stuff, honey.
- Mom, it's safe.
- Yeah.
I've got something Saturday night.
By something, you mean a date? Who's the victim? What do you care? Well, you know what I'm gonna need.
A name.
Telephone number.
Blood type.
If you can get it, that would be great.
Seth Scott.
That guy? He's smart.
He actually likes to think about things.
But you can't be out late.
Why? It's a Saturday.
And we have to get up early on Sunday.
You know that.
Do we have to go? I hate it there.
It's so depressing.
Yes, we have to go.
Your dad depends on it.
I don't care.
I'm sick of explaining to people why my dad's in prison.
He killed Danny.
He got what he deserved.
Didn't you, Dad? Didn't you? - Dad.
- Hmm? Didn't you say I could stay out later on Saturdays? I said if it's okay with your mother.
Big Pine's quiet as a church.
No surprise there.
Maybe this whole thing is just noise.
No, something's up.
Lowry just sent his entire family away.
Why would he do that if he's square with his people? Well, maybe his wife just wanted to go to Disney World.
We're zeroing in on a few likely spots.
Summerland, Sugarloaf, Cudjoe and Big Torch.
It would be nice to narrow that down.
I, uh I know a fella.
- Ex-Marine.
Communication corps.
- Hank Rourke? That's right.
He's a good man.
He's got ears just about everywhere.
- You might wanna talk to him.
- All right.
- This is Rourke.
- Hank.
It's John.
The feds are gonna come to you.
- You know what to say.
- Yeah.
- I'll tell them what we talked about.
- That's right.
- Thank you for this.
- My pleasure.
But you owe me one.
Coast Guard patrol schedule.
Anything else? The task force is focused on Big Torch.
Sugarloaf is clear.
How do you know? Because I fed it to them.
The intel came from my source.
You don't trust me? Why don't you go out to Big Torch? They'll pin a big shiny medal over my fucking heart.
Detective, what do they call that thing? Mutual assured destruction? I think that's it.
You fuck me, I fuck you twice as hard.
Tomorrow night, Sugarloaf Key.
And it best be clear.
Who put up the bail? I did.
- I'll pay you back.
- Oh - I don't care about the money.
- I'm gonna pay you back.
- Okay, fine.
- I swear.
Okay, fine.
The real issue is that John got Lowry to make a deal with the DA.
And everything was gonna be okay.
- And then you - What? - I don't understand.
- He went back on the deal.
So, now we're fucked.
What do you mean? What's going on? I don't know.
I don't know what's going on.
Well, what? - What does John say? - I haven't spoken to him since last night.
Meg, I'm Okay, I know you're sorry.
I'm not even mad at you anymore, okay? I'm just What? I'm just fucking scared.
I'm gonna help you through the legal process, okay? You don't have to do that.
Go Go back to your job.
Go back to New York.
No, it's fine.
I wanna stay.
Come on.
He saw me singing in a club.
That's how we met.
He said he liked my voice.
That's what I needed to hear.
Then he came and saw me sing in other places and we'd talk after and I knew he was trouble.
He was a lot older.
But I loved him.
I'm not gonna give you any money, Eve.
- I'm the mother of your grandchild.
- I Anyone can be a mother.
The trick is to be a good one.
Like you were? No.
I wasn't any good at it either.
I warned you.
About Danny.
What must it have been like for him to have a son he couldn't take care of? Probably the same as it was for me.
No, Eve.
You had a choice.
I respect that choice, but it was yours.
Look, I just want what was promised to me.
I didn't promise you anything.
You had an arrangement with my husband.
And he's gone now.
You're just gonna have to make do without him.
Stand by five while I bring up captain.
Patrol 508 reporting in.
We're headed to Big Torch.
- Talk to me.
- Everything's quiet.
Water's calm.
I hear there's a party over at Big Torch.
Not here.
- When are they landing? - Should be there in about 30 minutes.
Call me to confirm.
We're heading out.
- Where's Lowry? - The bait shop.
We're gonna get this motherfucker tonight.
We'll keep you in the loop, all right? - Marco.
- Yo.
What? You and I, we've known each other a long time.
- Like family.
- Yeah.
You think I'm a good person, right? Yeah.
What kind of fucking question is that? Yeah, of course.
Be safe.
I will.
So Johnny boy.
You sure you're doing the right thing? You could still change your mind.
What was it Dad used to say about changing your mind? "You change your mind, you lose your mind.
" Yeah.
A man's gotta have convictions.
Had a very nice meeting.
Heading home.
But you didn't answer the question.
So, do you think you made the right choice? I don't know, Danny.
I'd ask you.
But you never made the right fucking choice in your life.
Doesn't matter now anyway.
It's a done deal, right? You surprised me, John.
Yeah, I thought you'd go a different way on this.
Get out of the car.
Hands behind your head.
Hands on the ground.
I guess you couldn't go through with it.
Being the bad boy, like me.
Wow, you are actually gonna let Lowry talk.
They're probably on their way to pick him up right now.
He'd talk eventually anyway.
You really think you can control everything, don't you? You think he's gonna talk and you're just gonna worm your way out of it.
Is that it? You're just gonna explain it away? Or maybe you? You just don't want to carry the lie anymore.
Is that it? You want the truth to come out? You want everyone to know? Yeah.
I think you do.
I think you want the relief.
As soon as the bust went down, we moved on Lowry.
You better get down to the bait shop.
I'll be right there.
Moment of truth.
Hank was right about Sugarloaf.
- They walked right into us.
- Where's Lowry? Inside.
John, come here.
We found this when we got here.
Stabbed at least ten, twelve times.
Haven't found a weapon yet.
You wanted justice? Lowry's own people just gave it to you.
It's over, John.
We need to talk to you, Vicente.
It's about Wayne Lowry.
He was killed last night.
Vicente, no.
Did you hear what we said? He says that the other day after we left, he realized that something had to be done.
He says he did something that That you couldn't do.
You tell him to shut up.
That we're gonna get him an attorney.
Do you understand what I'm saying? He says he killed Lowry and he's prepared for the punishment.
He's not worried about the law.
His religion tells him that confession is good for the soul.

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