Boardwalk Empire s02e04 Episode Script

What Does the Bee Do?

Come on, you gotta help me move these barrels.
- Here we go.
- You can barely move in here.
You've got your friends at the Coast Guard to thank for that.
Three ships' worth of booze.
The Nina, the Pinta and the Canadian Club.
Bill McCoy's probably still crying his eyes out.
On Nucky Thompson's shoulder.
What happened with you and Nucky anyway? I guess that's between me and Nucky, isn't it? We need more space, Mickey.
Ain't an empty garage in 10 miles.
Then try 11.
Pay cash.
End of next summer, we'll be the biggest distributors in the northeast.
From the tiny acorn grows the mighty elk.
If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous.
Be careful with that.
Don't like not knowing what's going on.
That's what makes it exciting.
What the hell is that? The Pipes of Pan.
Goddamn cat in a rain barrel.
Open your eyes, if thou darest.
Ain't you the humdinger? Silence, mortal.
I am Diana, daughter of Jupiter.
And no man may look upon my nakedness as I bathe.
This is one of your little performances.
You should have come, dear, at least once.
I never liked the idea of you parading around in front of other men.
You could have married me.
I had a city to run.
I understand.
I always have.
But I did have a boy to raise.
We're all here now, aren't we? He has so much to learn from you.
I can't tell you what it means to us, after all this time.
And you're going to take care of him, aren't you? Come here with that mouth.
Do you know what happened to the shepherd who spied on the virginal Diana? She turned him into a stag.
He tried to run away, but his own hounds tore him to pieces.
Get your ass over here.
Prepare for the righteous punishment of the gods.
Louis? Louis! Louis! Louis! What does the bee do? Bring home honey.
What does Father do? Bring home money.
What does Mother do? Lay out the money.
What do children do? Eat up the honey! Lovely, dear.
- Very nice.
- Good morning.
- Munchkins.
- Good morning, Uncle Nucky.
Could you not sleep? I have a busy day.
Will you be breakfasting, Mr.
Thompson? I will not.
Nor will I be dinnering.
It's Ed Bader's birthday.
Did I not mention that? I take it there will be a party? Something small, make him feel important.
A meal in his honor, maybe.
Be sure not to overindulge.
Good day, everyone.
Top of the mornin'.
Isn't that what your people say? And we also fix shoes if you leave them outside your door.
- Surely it isn't that funny.
- Yes, ma'am.
Sleater will be driving me now.
It's all I can do to stick to the correct side of the road.
- I'll be right out.
- Sir, ma'am.
Please ask Lilian to get the children dressed and to drill Teddy in his catechism.
Come, dears.
A bit cheeky, isn't he? - What's that mean again? - Impertinent.
He's serving a purpose.
- And may I ask what that is? - You may, and I may not answer.
The weekly expenses.
There's a little extra for the staff.
- What for? - To let them know they're appreciated.
This is no time to be frivolous with money.
It's two dollars extra apiece.
It makes no difference to us, but to them it's a windfall.
You do realize they steal from us.
It's what servants do.
It's what everyone does.
And we pretend not to know and life goes on.
No one gave me a bonus when I was in service.
All the more reason to be generous now.
I'm nearly out of shaving soap.
Any more of them eggs? You've had nearly half a dozen already, Albert.
Tell them chickens to work overtime.
- Daddy! - There's my sweet pea.
- When did you get home? - Last night, past your bedtime.
Crept in like the sandman.
Will you check my homework? You're asking Daddy? Your mama'll do that for you.
Your brother know I'm too strict.
If you say so.
Stop toying with your father.
He know who bring home the bacon.
How my princess doin'? Did you ask him, Mother? Ask me what? Mama invited Samuel over for dinner tomorrow night.
Did she now? We did discuss this.
If a young lady is being courted, it needs to be in a respectable manner.
He's planning to study medicine.
An educated buck.
I suppose it'd be all right.
Dinner with all the fixings.
I been craving Hoppin' John since the moon was blue.
- Richard.
- Good morning.
I'm here for Jimmy.
I thought he was with you.
His mother called late last night.
He left and I assumed Was everything all right? He doesn't tell me anything.
This business with Nucky I saw him on the Boardwalk, he wouldn't even look at me.
Very bold.
My feeble attempt at expressionism.
There was an artist I saw in Paris.
He does cityscapes.
Very stark, no people.
De Chirico.
I don't know.
He also did figures who look like mannequins.
Have you ever posed for an artist? No.
I didn't mean to embarrass you.
I used to draw when I was a child.
It was very relaxing.
It can be.
It can also be maddening.
It took me years to be able to draw hands.
It's apoplexy.
A stroke.
His entire right side is paralyzed.
He can eat, but so far he's been unable to speak.
Was he agitated? Overexcited in any way? As I said, I found him like this.
Shouldn't he be in a hospital? No.
No one can care for him like his family.
What do you want to say? Cock.
Cock! Yeah, I - Cock, fuck! - That's enough for now.
He needs to rest.
Jesus Christ, he's a fucking vegetable! Keep your voice down, please.
- What are we gonna do now? - He's going to be fine, dear.
- That's not what Dr.
Surran says.
- Without him running this thing, - his political connections, Nucky'll - Stop it right now! The both of you! Now, you listen to me.
I didn't spend my life getting groped by a bunch of drunks to wind up in a goddamn poorhouse.
I've got eight kids, Gillian.
Jimmy and I are well aware of that.
"Jimmy and you.
" That's exactly The two of you, and him? None of that's normal.
It never was.
It's normal to me and to my son and his father.
And it suited you, didn't it? Up till this morning.
Up till this morning, the man with the clout wasn't drooling into his pajamas.
You have a cruel streak, Eli.
That's never an attractive quality.
- He can't even talk.
- Louis is unwell.
He's going to recover.
You need to calm down.
It's all going to work out.
- How the fuck would you know? - Because Jimmy will handle it.
We're in for 70 grand to his cronies.
They'll get paid back when we unload the booze.
- What are you waiting for? - The town's flush, Eli.
Then sell it out of town.
New York, Philadelphia.
You wanna give me names and addresses, or should I just go door to door? Why ask me? You both got it all worked out, right? Maybe this wasn't the best idea, letting Eli see him like that.
I'm sorry if I seemed heated, baby.
It's a difficult time for both of us.
I want ice cream! Alcohol and cake.
Call it for 9:00 so nobody's expecting a full dinner.
Hors d'oeuvres only.
Dancing girls? Wouldn't be much of a party otherwise, would it? - Fine, then, you handle that.
- How old is Mayor Bader? The fuck do I know? What's the difference? - The candles for the cake.
- Don't make a production out of it.
He is the mayor of Atlantic City.
And not the Prince of Wales.
Tell them to send up some eggs Florentine.
And get me Arnold Rothstein on the phone.
Arnold? A Nucky Thompson on the telephone.
I'll take it in here, darling.
How's our stomach? It's still a little tentative.
So much apple bread.
It has a binding effect.
Is that the best thing right now? Sound elimination is the basis of good health.
Thompson, to what do I owe the pleasure? A change in my circumstances, as I'm sure you've already heard.
And are we discussing a problem or a proposition? That depends which side of the phone you're on.
I need a port to land some cargo.
I was under the impression Atlantic City was aptly named.
The Coast Guard's locked me down.
I can't land a mackerel.
I have an import operation in Montauk.
Long Island.
Too far.
What about Philadelphia? We'd have to cut in Waxey Gordon.
I'm listening.
There's my 20% and I'll convince Waxey that 20% for him is a fair price also.
- That's a pretty penny, Arnold.
- Of course, my cut includes men to oversee the operation.
You remember Mr.
- I do.
- Then it's settled.
Direct your ships to Philly and let me know the details.
You've got a new port of call.
I can already feel the brotherly love.
I'd like to thank Mr.
White for joining us here today.
We know how busy he is and how hard he works for our community.
Ain't no matter, Wilfred.
Yes, sir.
Now, this is an informal gathering so we will not adhere to strict parliamentary rule, but if you could just raise your hands I give the floor to Mr.
Now I know y'all got your beefs and various complaints.
I hear an earful over the past weeks I've been in jail.
But I'm back now, and everybody know my door always open.
- Mr.
- Yeah? I don't mean to trouble you.
You ain't never no trouble, Mrs.
There's this couple next door to me.
They are habituated to late-night rent parties.
There's no end to rag music being played, and unseemly behavior on public view.
You ain't gonna be bothered by none of that from now on.
Bless you, Mr.
Travis Elkins, sir.
I remember you fine, Travis.
White, I been six months in the kitchen there at the Ritz? Near 40 of us on second shift.
Wash our aprons, that come out your pay.
Break a cup, that come out your pay.
Give us the one meal, if you call it that, it come out your pay, too.
What they serve us, Mr.
White, ain't fit for a dog tied to a stake post, and we working men.
- I'll look into that, Travis.
- Thank you, sir.
It's true.
Everybody, enjoy the refreshments.
- Mr.
- And remember, - come July 4th, all y'all - What about my husband? - How's that? - Those white men cut his throat while he loading your trucks with your illegal liquor Sister, moderation in the Lord's house.
What bein' done about that? You'll be looked after, I promise.
You promise.
You promise.
- My son is dead.
- I buried the father of my three children.
They bring my man home rolled up in a wash bucket.
- Ladies, ladies.
- It's true.
I said it'll be taken care of.
When? How? Order, ladies, please.
Ain't nobody put you in charge.
You walk around, take a bite off everyone else's plate, don't give nothing back except a summer clambake and a Christmas turkey.
Continental Tea Garden, $422.
Morgan's Oyster House, $216.
- Shall I tag them with currency straps? - I'll do it.
- I don't mind, sir, I have - Johnny-on-the-spot, are you? Have you finished the affidavits for tomorrow's search warrants? - I was in the process - Concern yourself with your own duties, Agent Clarkson.
Yes, sir.
I'll be in the W.
- According to the New York Herald - Do not start with that.
half of all prohibition agents accept bribes - I'm not interested in discussing or engage in some other form of illegal activity.
- Just because you saw in the paper - Come on, Stan.
You don't notice anything strange about him? - Where do I start? - I'm not talking personal habits.
A few weeks back, I'm down on Pacific, coming from the podiatrist.
I spot him driving with another fella in a derby.
It was suspicious.
He didn't see me, so I tailed him.
I did some snooping.
You tailed our boss? They went to a barn.
Trucks were coming and going, the smell of alcohol was in the air.
It was a bootlegging operation.
- I'll tell the world.
- So he's sitting on it, waiting for the right time for us to make our move.
It was over a month ago.
Heads will roll, gentlemen.
- "Van Asshole.
" - Sir? Someone scribbled an obscenity on the water closet wall.
Due to recent events, it has become necessary that we scale back in an effort to conserve financially.
- Are we being sacked, ma'am? - No.
Though I'm considering suggesting a wage cut - across the board.
- If I may? My husband has been unable to find employment - I support a crippled brother - I'm sure you all have hardships, which we've taken into consideration.
You'll each find an extra $2 in your pay this week.
This week only, ma'am? Yes.
As a bonus.
I believe it's customary to say, "Thank you.
" Yes, of course.
Thank you.
What is it, ladies? Speak your minds.
Actually, ma'am, we were expecting a raise in pay.
- Whatever for? - Mr.
Thompson, a few weeks back, he came in one night in A rather jolly mood.
He told us he was raising our salaries.
Forgive me, ma'am, but he may have been drinking.
It's a special kind of fool who relies on the promise of a drunkard.
Now, if there's nothing else? - No, ma'am.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
To your tasks, then.
You talked to him about the cash up front, right? Munya! We made it.
Manny Horvitz, this is the fella I called you about.
Jimmy Darmody.
You're Darmody? He's just a baby.
I thought you liked em' young, Manny.
If we're talking veal, yes.
But when it comes to business It's nice to meet you.
- You speak Yiddish? - That's all I know.
Still, you make an effort.
I'm impressed.
Already I feel this is going well.
This man looks interesting.
My associate, Mr.
What happened to you? I put my nose where it didn't belong.
You're funny.
He's a sweetheart, and Mickey is a gonif from way back.
Introduce yourself.
- Herman Kaufman.
- All right, Herman.
First in his class at Eastern State Penitentiary.
I'm kidding.
Herman only did county time.
Can I get you fellas something to eat? No, but thank you.
You're gonna smell the cooking and you're gonna get hungry.
Avram, fry this up with some onions.
So what's your pleasure, Mr.
Horvitz? Munya, or Manny.
My pleasure? I got a daughter.
She's an angel.
And my wife? Ankles got thick, but I love her anyway.
And Waxey Gordon is a cocksucking piece of shit.
- Why is that? - He's a greedy prick, with his hand in my ass pocket where my wallet should be.
Fuckin' khazer.
Eight years I work with the man.
Promises made and now where am I? Talking to a baby in a butcher shop.
I like you, boychik.
Nice warm feeling.
We hear you're flush with hooch.
- You heard right.
- How'd you like to make some dough? We didn't come to Philly for the brisket.
You got liquor.
We got money.
You see where I'm driving? I need cash up front.
First consider I got restaurants, about 10 blocks or so in Jew town Weikel off Somerset.
It's a nice opportunity.
We do 100 cases a week, build our business from there.
And stick it right up Waxey's tuchus.
Still has to be in advance.
Five grand, we can make delivery anytime.
That's a lot of green.
You could always say no.
We got a deal.
But just so we're clear, my icebox is filled with pieces of fellas who tried to fuck me over.
I just got creamsicles in mine.
Harrow will be in touch.
Dempsey, Mr.
Dempsey! Champ! Hey, champ! Mr.
Dempsey, please! - Come on, Jack.
Gotta go.
- All right, all right.
That's it, all right.
Thank you, thank you.
- It's worse than being in the ring.
- Yeah, I know.
There we go.
There we go.
That's my lawyer over there.
- In a while you'll see his briefs.
- He's got his hands full.
That's it, girls.
Bring him in.
Oink, oink, oink, oink! - Happy birthday, Ed.
- Make a wish.
This was my wish.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize you were in the middle of a city council meeting.
Jesus, is that who I think it is? Jesus wouldn't last a round.
Jack Dempsey, say hello to our esteemed Mayor Edward Bader.
Happy birthday, sir.
I usually keep my trousers on for visiting dignitaries.
Hell, most of the fellas I meet are in their boxing trunks anyhow.
He could have used you a minute ago when they were beating the tar out of him.
I wouldn't tangle with these girls.
That's for sure.
And if you would, you'd be doin' it in Jersey City.
Come here to gloat, Mr.
Hague? That, and for some cake.
- How you feeling about Carpentier, champ? - Are you kiddin'? I'm gonna knock his block off.
In a brand new arena I built for the occasion.
Jersey City in July, what's that like? Once you get past the smell Can't say he's lying there.
I tell you, sometimes I gotta hold my breath running past that sewage plant.
So train here.
Fresh sea air, early morning runs on the beach, not to mention our other natural resources.
- Sorry, hon, but we ain't homegrown.
- Philadelphia imports.
I was wondering why I hadn't seen you around.
We been here since November, sweetie.
These are the girls we had trucked in during the election.
She was responsible for 1,000 Republican votes single-handed.
Except it wasn't my hands I was usin'.
Wait a minute.
Did you say you girls are from Philadelphia? What of it? My friend, you need to have a chat with your lawyer.
- Cake? - Yeah, a slice.
- Cake? - Slice of cake? - What's wrong? - Wrong? I just figured a way to get your case dismissed.
Moving whores across state lines? That's a federal charge.
Bureau of Internal Revenue.
Special Agent Van Alden speaking.
Nelson, are you all right? Rose.
I'm fine, dear.
What's wrong? I called your boardinghouse five times last night.
That seems excessive.
They said you no longer lived there.
What? That's ridiculous.
Who did you speak with? A Greek gentleman.
I didn't get his name.
Well, that's preposterous.
I'll get to the bottom of this immediately.
I was very frightened, Nelson.
I thought something happened.
No, of course not.
There's nothing for you to worry about.
The mice in the attic? They've been very active lately.
I'll set traps next time I'm home.
- When will that be? - Soon.
We're very busy, dear.
I'm lonely, Nelson.
And I don't like the way you sound.
There are some very important matters I need to attend to.
Please try to get some rest.
I will.
Take care and God bless.
We're making progress.
It's slow but sure.
Slow don't cut it with four of my boys in an unmarked grave.
Their families will be compensated.
This ain't about money, Nucky.
It's about revenge on them ghost-ridin' motherfuckers.
You need to sit tight with that.
I been sittin' tight.
My ass sore.
Those silk cushions ought to help.
- You keep makin' this about money.
- It's always about money.
It took a lot of cash for my lawyer to get you out, Chalky.
That fella you have is inept.
Did I not say thank you? You can thank me by being a good boy.
I gave you my word.
Now save your strength and enjoy your family.
How am I supposed to do that? I got four other families waitin' on me for justice.
You're not the only one looking to settle scores.
These are your sworn depositions stating that Enoch Thompson brought you to Atlantic City last November with the express purpose of performing sexual favors for certain gentlemen in order to influence their voting blocs.
You fucked people to sway their votes.
Sure we did.
A couple factory owners, some union reps.
Then this accurately reflects your understanding of events as they occurred? Sure, I suppose.
And the charges keep piling up.
It's not like he doesn't have it coming.
He loves you.
There's love, and then there's everything else.
I'm sorry.
Am I allowed to talk? It doesn't hinder me.
Have you ever been in love? Not the way you mean.
Someone you care about? I have a sister.
A twin.
Her name is Emma.
Where does she live? Plover, Wisconsin.
We grew up on the farm.
There were no other children of our age.
We spent every moment together.
- Inseparable.
- Yeah.
We milked cows, baled hay, fished.
She taught me how to cook.
That's sweet.
Whatever love is, that's what I felt for Emma.
Do you visit her often? When I came back from the war, she nursed me, and gave me morphine to keep the pain at bay.
Despite my injuries, she treated me no different.
I was her brother, the closest person in her life.
But suddenly, I felt different toward her.
I would stare at her and feel nothing.
I lost whatever I thought love was.
When my wounds healed, I moved to Chicago to get lost there.
I haven't spoken to her since.
It was a constable station in Tipperary.
They pulled the bodies of 12 Black and Tans from the rubble.
One had no head.
For the cause? A message for the Crown.
And after that, it was our mission to execute a bombing a week.
Lorries, sentries, British quarters, post offices, even a rectory.
The wire.
This is what you used? Gelignite.
Blasting gelatin used in quarries for mining.
You see, it doesn't sweat.
Like you are now.
What does "sweat" mean? That it won't leak nitroglycerine like dynamite.
It's more stable and easier to transport.
They won't bite.
What is it? Blasting caps filled with mercury and chlorate of potash.
Someone's goin' out of business.
Mickey Doyle.
Here you go.
There's another 50 in the car.
They're Ingersolls.
I wish you would stop with this.
You schlep around with a box of watches, what do we look like? Fellas who know what time it is.
Might as well set up a pushcart.
Arnold Rothstein's here.
We're talking, Benny.
So I should tell him go fuck a duck? Enough with the crazy shit already.
- What the fuck? - Bring him in before he breaks the house.
Put the bag away.
, did you come to sit in? You know you're always welcome.
I'm afraid those sharpers out there would fleece me.
Owing to his present difficulties, I've made a deal with Nucky Thompson.
He'll be offloading his liquor shipments in Philadelphia.
Waxey Gordon will ensure safe arrival.
The route to Atlantic City will be my responsibility.
And you'd like us to recruit the muscle? I would like you to be the muscle.
, we got some business going on just now.
I can see that.
But Mr.
Thompson is paying me a premium.
Anybody could ride shotgun.
Until you encounter Indians.
We're honored by your trust, A.
, and flattered that you would come below 14th Street to discuss it personally.
Aren't we, Charlie? - Sure.
- As it happens, I was down here having dinner with Joe Masseria, who left me with the distinct impression he'd still like both of you dead.
You broke bread with that prick? We were served a native dish of tripe, which I cannot abide.
But I ate it anyway, to keep the peace.
Some things, Charlie, you just have to swallow.
- Adeline, can you bring the biscuits, please? - Coming.
Everyone take your places, please.
I want to welcome Samuel to our table.
Thank you, Mrs.
White and Mr.
And ask that he lead us in the saying of grace.
I'd be honored, ma'am.
- Lord, we - Is that a duck? Yes, Albert.
Of course it is.
Please, Mr.
- Lord, we thank you - I thought I asked for Hoppin' John.
There's duck, peas, carrots, fresh-baked biscuits.
I made chocolate pudding for dessert.
- We'd like to thank you for the gifts - I asked a question.
Albert, please.
She made that pudding all by herself.
- That's very nice.
- Where the damn Hoppin' John? Albert, you know that's not proper food for a guest.
Now, let's allow Samuel to finish.
- Lord, we come - Maybe our guest would've liked some.
I have always enjoyed that type of food, sir.
What type of food? My grandma would make it.
I say something funny, son? - Beg your pardon? - You laughing.
- What the joke? - Hoppin' John, Albert.
You're being ridiculous.
I been eatin' rice and beans all my life.
Tell me it ain't good enough.
You'll have to forgive my husband's country ways.
I completely understand, ma'am.
This is my house! And my country ways put the food on this goddamn table! Albert! You're drunk.
Sir, I apologize.
- I'll leave - You stay right where you are, son.
Right there.
Inside the house.
Pretty clear who the field nigger is.
Almost finished.
This is what I look like? Yes.
Is it expensive? The drawing? I can pay for it.
It's yours, if you want it.
Ange? Ange, you home? In here.
What are you doing? I was sketching Richard.
I'll put him to bed.
Thank you.
He's tuckered out.
We rode the Ferris wheel after my mother's.
Tomorrow we're gonna need to go to Philly for that delivery.
Good night.
He sat for you? Is that so surprising? I don't know.
I'm never sure what's going on inside him.
I gotta hand it to Icky.
This was a great idea.
The whole thing was a setup.
I mean, Fleming helped, too, of course.
It was a means to an end.
Surely nothing to be proud of.
It's not pride, it's happiness.
I violated the Mann Act.
It prohibits the interstate transportation of females for immoral purposes.
It's a federal law, which means the entire election case can be rolled into a federal indictment.
- So the attorney general can help? - Exactly.
This is how things work, Margaret.
You know that.
I had no relations with any of these women, if that's what you're worried about.
I believe you.
The tide's turning, I'll tell you that much.
I'd love to see the look on the Commodore's I need $100.
Clothes for the children.
Very well.
Where are you going? Off to bed.
I'll be up in a while.
It's owned by a widow, but ran by a fella named Mickey Doyle.
Van Alden arrested him last year for bootlegging.
This is the place? This is it.
It looks deserted.
You don't smell that? There's a still in there.
I don't see the point of this.
We're prohis, Stan.
We're going to make an arrest.
But if it is what you think it is, Van Alden will have our heads.
Then we'll arrest him, too.
Go check around back.
Oh, God.
That's it, one last bite.
Louis, dear.
You need nourishment.
Do you remember when we met? I'll never forget your smile.
Jimmy sometimes, he has it.
I look at him and I see you.
That first night, how you plied me with wine.
Why, I'd never felt such a sensation.
We were downstairs.
And I'd fallen asleep on the divan.
You carried me to the bedroom, went to say good night to your guests.
And I lay there in bed, dreaming of the waves.
I'd been on the beach that day.
Suddenly, I felt a crushing feeling, I couldn't breathe.
I opened my eyes to find you atop me.
Your breath smelling of whiskey and tobacco.
One hand covering my mouth, and the other groping at me.
Do you remember that? Still, sometimes when I sleep, it wakes me with a start.
Do you remember that night? I I asked you a question.

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