Franklin and Bash (2011) s02e04 Episode Script

For Those About to Rock

d come on, come on d d oh, no d I like this music, but, you know, sometimes You got to take it back a little Old school.
d well, she's gone d d oh, I, I d See, you want to get the white ball in the hole As often as you can.
Jared, this is megan.
I've heard a lot about you.
Nice to meet you.
You both are patients of dr.
Lee, The, uh, miracle self-help guru.
The life facilitator.
Megan is a dear friend, And you will not say anything to humiliate me.
All right.
Megan, it was nice meeting you.
All right.
Hey, pindy, I returned your "icarly" box set.
I put it right on your unitard, buddy.
He's lying.
Not about the unitard.
Classic refracting.
I feel sorry for him.
Me too.
Jared, judge mayerson ruled on your contempt of court For the ferret incident.
Totally relevant.
I assume it's a full apology? Hey.
You guys have heard me play, right? I mean, do IShred? You went with hall & oates, didn't you? H&o pioneered philly rock 'n' soul.
If it wasn't for them, there would be no -- Okay, okay.
Hey, hey, hey.
All right, there'd be none of it.
I know.
You're a shred-I warrior.
You got it? I'm a shred-I warrior.
Yeah, yare a shred-I warrior.
What'd he give me? starting tomorrow.
Mayerson picked it out for you.
Something about walking a mile in another man's shoes.
All rise and face the flag of our country.
Small-claims court is now in session.
The honorable jared franklin presiding.
I'm sorry.
W-we got to do that again.
You just -- you, uh -- uh, you know what? Could you do me a favor and just snap a shot? Right when he says "all rise," You just -- just go to town, all right? Take as many as you want, okay? One more time? All right.
All rise! The honorable jared franklin.
d ooh, what a mixture d d such a vivid picture d d ooh, what a mixture d d if I must say so myself d I called him on Tuesday morning and then again on Wednesday.
I keep asking him, Is there any other time he can use it? Mornings are when I practice my -- Your vocal exercises, 'cause you are an amateur opera singer.
You mentioned that.
Uh I paid $600 for that leaf blower.
I can use it whenever I damn well please.
Continue, please.
So, um, there's no law that says that I have to -- Okay, w-why -- what is happening? I-I -- It's annoying, isn't it? Now you know how julie feels.
Noise ordinance section 331 -- no blowing before 8:00 a.
don't necessarily agree with that.
You two seem like you got some chemistry going here.
I'd explore that.
All right, get on out of here.
Next case.
Cole capital properties vs.
Dennis mazzani.
Angela newton appearing on behalf of the property owners.
Uh, dennis mazzani, appearing for myself.
I know that I'm late on the rent, And I brought half of the rent, so I -- D-dennis? Dennis? She talks first, okay? Yeah.
And your shirt is buttoned wrong.
Way wrong.
Straighten up, fly right.
I will.
This is an open-and-shut case.
The defendants are 90 days delinquent.
Under section 2 of the lease, we're entitled to an eviction.
Dennis? Hmm? How come you haven't paid your rent? Well, we had a little bit of a mold problem.
Uh, we -- we had a fire during a sound check, and -- Mazzani's? As in mazzani's on sunset? Yes! Yeah, that mazzani's.
Right on.
My father started the club And in the past, the owners of the building Would give us a little leeway, But we'd always get our rent in.
We're the owners now.
We're not offering the same accommodation.
That's what happens every time we talk to them.
Angela, this is mazzani's on sunset.
This is rock-'n'-roll history.
If my partner was here right now, He would be visibly aroused.
Uh, law partner, not life partner.
Although we do live together.
It gets -- it gets fun.
You know, he says he has half the rent.
You know what? I -- do you see a check over there? Or -- it's fine.
I think I left it either in my car or at home.
you're not making this easy, dennis.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Any way you could get your dad on the phone, Maybe get him to bring the rent down here, like, now? Yeah.
My -- my -- uh, I don't talk to my dad a lot.
I could call him, but, you know, probably send me to voicemail.
Tell you what -- why don't we, uh, Try to put this on the calendar for tomorrow, And we come back and see if you two can get in conta-- Judge franklin? I know you're moonlighting, but this is a legal matter.
You're bound by the law.
We're entitled to a ruling.
I order mazzani's shut down And the defendant to be off the premises within 72 hours.
Come on.
I need like a day, just two days.
And I can get everything together and I -- I'm sorry, dennis.
Next case.
What are you doing here? I need an excuse to see my son? Historically, yeah.
I assumed a franklin would be on the bench.
I thought it would be me.
small claims, just for the week.
Still I was sentenced to it.
Still You know what the definition of growth is? I do, but I can't remember -- Recognizing the value of doing what you hate.
I take it I won't be seeing you again For father's day this year.
No, you will.
Uh I have dodger/giant tickets.
You know, I can -- I can get rid of them.
I -- No, no.
Dodger game's a dodger game.
I don't understand why I have to meet your shrink.
Life facilitator.
And he's not just mine.
Infeld introduced us.
Lee needs to meet everyone in my life.
Megan's met him.
Megan? Yeah, we've been spending a lot of time together.
As dr.
Lee would say, she's a game-changer.
- How do I look? - Pindar! Pindar! It's terrible! It's dr.
Actually, there Is no dr.
What do you mean? His real name is tony laxon.
He was arrested for wire fraud And impersonating a psychotherapist.
This way, laxon.
Pindy? You okay? Has the sky gone green and yellow? No.
Then no.
no, we do not have any clients at county jail Who could take out dr.
- no, no.
- No, pindy -- pin-- Calm down.
Be home soon.
How's it going? What are you doing? What do you mean what am I doing? What am I doing? What do you -- what do you got there? Why are you covering the screen? Just a little backlash on the blogosphere about your ruling.
Come on, I'm a big boy.
Let me see it.
"judge murders rock and roll"?! There you go.
It was justifiable homicide.
I had to do it.
Being a judge is hard.
All thatJudging, Making decisions that wreck people's lives.
I just heard about dr.
How's pindar doing? On the pindar crazy scale, I'd say he's about a 4.
Which roughly translates to a 10 for the rest of us.
You know, I have tremendous respect for dr.
You tell pindar to remain strong.
Oh, by the way, is it true about mazzani's? Oh, great.
You know, in 1975, rod stewart and I Used to get into his bentley and drive down sunset.
It was the disco era.
We took no prisoners.
The night always ended up at mazzani's.
"belinda's town," right? "belinda's town," yeah.
Oh, that's the one and only hit of bert mazzani.
Supposedly, it's about a groupie.
We're gonna fix this, stan.
We are? Wonderful.
You got a plan? Dude, did bowie have a plan When he sat down to write "ziggy stardust"? I was 2 years old.
We're gonna go up to this guy whose club I just shut down And say, "hey, now we're gonna help you get your club back.
" I thought you said you didn't have a plan.
I screwed this guy over.
Let's make it up to him.
Animal husbandry? This -- god, it's shocking.
It's a doctorate.
I earned it.
From an online college.
You know, your background Is proving to be breathtakingly eclectic.
Yeah, you need to come clean now, 'cause we can't have any surprises in court.
You've seen my records.
You know about the casino jobs.
Let them bring up the casino And the strip club and the assumed identities.
Bookmaking organization.
Our defense is whoever you were, once you became dr.
Lee, You left your dubious past behind you And you're dedicating yourself To helping people Live a better life.
You know, people believe in you.
We must keep them believing, just for their well-being.
And I care about them.
Well, like you, I charge by the hour, So I think I'll be saying goodbye.
Stan, this guy's beneath you.
Look, I am the one that put poor old pindar's tenuous sanity In dr.
Lee's hands.
Yeah, and the reputation of this firm is in yohands.
We should be distancing ourselves from this joker, Not representing him.
You know, damien, why don't you sit this one out? I'll get hanna And pindar to help me on this case.
Pindar? What? You really think he's up to this? Well, he doesn't have much choice, does he? You really think we can just sign him? Piece of cake.
All right, what's the play? All right, you stay out here, don't show your face.
No way.
I'm not gonna hide out here.
Hey, hey, dude, dude, he hates you.
Hate you.
Don't come in until I give you the sign.
Dennis mazzani? Sorry.
We're closed.
Yeah, I know.
I just, uh -- I wanted to say how sorry I am.
You a musician? You could tell, huh? We're not booking any acts right now.
Oh, man.
I still buy vinyl.
Kept my dad's turntable.
Album covers are like museum art.
Can't get that kind of a detail On a cd jewel-box cover, right? Right? I'm peter bash.
Besides being a musician, I'm also a lawyer.
What if I told you my partner and I could get your club back? Oh, no.
No, thank you.
I'm -- I'm moving on from here.
You know, richard cole, the new owner, Is gonna turn this whole area into a mall.
I mean, come on, man.
This is the sunset strip.
Yeah, but my dad just kind of Got sick of what rock was becoming.
I mean, record labels were forcing acts on us.
If you want chili peppers, You got to -- you got to book 'nsync.
Their second album was good, Before timberlake got a big head.
And this is part of the problem.
So we just walked away.
Well, actually, he -- he kind of fell apart, And I spent a little time trying to put it all back together.
But I don't think you'd understand What it's like to be the son of a legend.
What's going on here? Dude, the signal.
I got bored.
How do you get bored? Sorry.
You guys got to go.
I-I'm busy.
Dennis, your dad's name is on the lease, as well.
They should have served you both.
that sounds like a technicality.
Empires have been toppled because of technicalities.
This gets us into court.
Let us do this -- If not for your dad, for rock 'n' roll.
First of all, I don't owe my dad anything.
He walked out on me.
And I'm guessing you'd just like To get off the hook for all of this.
Yeah, I would.
Uh For rock 'n' roll? For rock 'n' roll.
I was gonna say justice, but, okay, for rock 'n' roll, sure.
d they're throwing a party d Motley crue's bar tab from 1986.
Peter, focus.
Carmen, do a rundown of mazzani's employees.
See if anyone remembers cole's guys coming around.
You know, his lighting guy of 20 years left Just before cole showed up.
I'll start there.
Knock, knock.
Twice in two days? I didn't know any better, I'd say you were getting sentimental.
You don't want to take on richard cole.
You're representing him.
Motion to dismiss your lawsuit.
So when you came to the courthouse the other day, It wasn't to see me.
You were looking out for your client.
You made the right ruling.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
Oh, now you're protecting us? Richard cole doesn't like to lose.
Neither do we.
Jared, all bravado aside Good night, dad.
Uh Yeah, I guess this is weird.
Why did you do that? What? It's not awkward or anything.
I mean, I thought you guys were getting along.
You had dinner like, what? A month ago.
Is this gonna mess you up? No, it's not gonna mess me up.
I'm fine.
What do you want to do? I want to kick his ass.
Works for me.
All right.
I know you feel betrayed, pindar.
My teachings are as true today as they were yesterday.
The only difference being that today, You are a lying scumbag who hijacked my emotions -- um, not productive, pindar.
You remember what we say about anger, pindar? Chapter 16 of "riding out the storm" tells us -- I already burned that book, okay? Dr.
Lee, this way.
I hope you know what you're doing.
If you have something to say I know dr.
Lee's a friend.
It just -- it doesn't seem right Putting pindar through this again.
You know, the last time I checked, It was my name above the door.
Speaking of which, don't you have something to do? Good morning.
You know, we all have parts of our past That we'd just as soon forget.
Last year, for instance, I was tried for murder.
The jury were asked to overlook the fact That I'd been a drunk, a brawler, And a womanizer of epic proportions.
Infeld, if we could just focus on this case.
We won't deny dr.
Lee's past.
I mean, he's never held himself up to be Anything other than what he is, Which is a reformed sinner And a healer that a lot of us have come to know and trust.
I am not happy, okay? I need sparks! Oh, let's move on.
Where's my explosion? You call that an explosion? No.
No, no, no, no, no.
Cut! Cut! Let's just reload, people, and then we can do it again.
Thank you.
I was hoping -- Greenroom's downstairs, okay? Band will be here in an hour for a sound check.
This is a tech run-through.
You're neal bradford, sound and lighting, right? Wow.
You're amazing.
Oh, well, I'm flattered.
But I'm busy and I'm married.
Where's your laminate? My laminate? - you snuck in.
- This is great security.
Oye, guillermo! Listen.
Okay, listen.
I'm a struggling freelancer Trying to sell a piece to rolling stone.
I respect the ingenuity.
You got two minutes.
Oh -- you following the tour? The closing of mazzani's on sunset.
Ah, bert mazzani was a good man.
Was? He's not dead.
Well, I mean, he might as well be, right? He's totally off the grid.
I mean, his son's doing the best he can, but he's just not bert.
You used to do his lighting.
Uh, I lebefore the fire.
I saw the, uh, incident report, And that new guy did a total hatchet job.
I can't believe he didn't blow the place up.
You were with him from the beginning.
Why'd you leave? Uh, you know, business decision.
It wasn't personal.
Leaving someone in a lurch After they counted on you for 20 years? I don't know.
It seems a little personal to me.
Are you aware of what's going on in the music biz? I got two ex-wives breathing down -- And suddenly, your career is on fire.
Tour manager for monster rock shows.
Two weeks ago, you were working small clubs.
I bet your exes love that.
No, marty.
You cannot have a 50-foot super-techno crane.
Because it'll block the stage! I'm coming to you.
Good luck with, uh, rolling stone.
Seems like everything went to hell all at once.
Yeah, we lost some vendors, had a couple acts cancel.
You know about the electrical fire.
We're gonna argue that wasn't your fault.
Force majeure.
It was an act of god.
What? God hates my club? He's a country fan.
You know, it really would help If we could get your dad to testify, get him on the stand, Talk about the history of the club.
No one hears from him at all.
Trust me -- I've been trying since I was a kid.
I mean, I even learned the drums, The loudest instrument I could find, so he'd notice.
I spent two weeks practicing, uh, "moby dick.
" Classic bonzo.
I don't know what that means.
Well, I-I missed an upbeat on 4.
He sat down, played it perfectly, and walked away.
Been there.
And about to be there again.
Jared franklin, richard cole.
Sorry we have to meet like this.
We're not meeting.
I'll see you inside.
Sweet guy.
If you'd excuse us for a moment.
I-I'll stay close.
Yeah, I'd hoped that you'd come to your senses And called this off.
I enjoy disappointing you.
I'm good at it.
Oh, I got you something.
What's this? Early father's day gift.
Tie clip.
Can never have too many.
You know, I was at the beach house this summer, And I found about 10 gifts I'd given you over the years -- All unused, still in their original boxes.
Just like that.
Happy father's day.
You know, if I didn't know you any better, I'd swear you were trying to get in my head before trial.
But you don't know me.
And that's why I pled to the lesser charge of pandering.
You mean you were a Pimp? Technically.
There's no other way to put this, sir, But you are a scumbag.
There are plenty of other ways, mr.
Please try a little harder.
Fair enough, your honor.
Can you think of one reason Why this jury would believe anything that you say? Everything I just admitted.
I had to go through it to become who I am today.
My teachings are about second chances.
I've always told my clients It's the message, not the messenger.
Very good answer.
Thank you.
On behalf of all your clients that you defrauded, I would like to congratulate you on your Spiritual awakening.
Sarcasm is a mask That keeps us from really talking, don't you think? I'll be more direct.
Peyton lane -- know her? The name's familiar.
Former client of yours.
She worked at your institute for, mm, 18 months.
I remember.
Yes, I would hope so, Considering that you fathered her child And then you paid her off to disappear.
Oh, but that was a year ago, post-redemption, right? It's more complicated than you -- Yeah, there's more than ms.
There is danielle corning.
There is megan conray.
Uh, I'm sorry.
Could I have the d.
Repeat that last name? Megan conray.
First you trample my soul.
Then you steal my girlfriend? Pindar, you need to stop.
Infeld, you need a break? Uh, not necessary.
Maybe five minutes, your honor.
Man, that's amazing.
Oh, man, we finally agree on something musically.
Who do you think belinda was? Remember when I wrote that song for laura shafer in sixth grade? "hollywood baby"? Yeah, you stole that from kool & the gang.
I did.
Dude, look at his eyes.
He can't even look out at the audience.
What the hell happened to him? Hey! Did you get in? Backstage at the ford.
Did you see anybody? Did you see any musicians? Fanboy, focus.
The case, please.
Well, while everyone was focused On the music and the fireworks -- Actual fireworks -- and the girls -- There were so many girls.
Girls! No, I don't want any -- you're just rubbing it in.
Anyways, I don't know how it happened, but Somehow, I ended up with bradford's cellphone.
I have a theory how you ended up with it.
You stole it.
Good for you.
So, I checked the calendar.
Guess who he met with two weeks before he quit mazzani's.
Richard cole.
The same richard cole who's underwriting the show That bradford's doing right now.
Cole could open a mall anywhere With better foot traffic, better parking.
Why is he target-locked on mazzani's? ooh, answer it.
What do you mean? You get it.
Answer it.
No, I'm not gonna -- Answer it.
I don't want it.
You have a vagina.
Just -- just say hello.
Just give it to me.
I know, I know.
I'm sorry.
I grabbed yours.
We have the same phone.
I'll drop it off backstage -- in an hour.
I'm glad she's on our side.
Any further witnesses, mr.
Infeld? The defense calls pindar singh.
What? Objection, your honor.
Singh is part of the defense team.
I can think of five reasons Why he should not be allowed to testify.
I can think of a hundred.
Infeld, I'd hoped that when you hired franklin and bash, Your example would rub off on them.
The reverse seems to have happened.
Your honor, the prosecution has painted dr.
Lee as a charlatan.
And as a former patient, Mr.
Singh can shed light on that.
You're in on this, too? Your honor, if it'll make the court feel more comfortable, We'd be happy to remove him from our team Until the trial is over.
As long as he's off the trial team, mr.
Singh can testify.
Can you help me? I'm not on your side.
No one is.
Perspective interference with business advantage.
That's how we get around my own earlier ruling To shut down mazzani's, which was, your honor, Thoughtless, irresponsible -- Stupid.
Thank you.
Your honor, one judge to another, I'm sure you've made many stupid rulings That you've come to regret.
Oh, come on.
Focus, focus.
Head in the game.
Come on.
Just because my son is able to name a legal theory Doesn't mean it makes any sense.
Richard cole intentionally sabotaged the club So my client would default on his rent.
I try to run an amicable courtroom, mr.
So do I.
Make him take it back.
I meant you.
Two franklins -- it's confusing.
Jared's cool with me.
I'm going to go with Franklin senior and junior franklin.
You know, your honor, I really don't care for "junior" too much.
Uh, your honor, we plan to prove That the defendant paid off neal bradford, A longstanding lighting technician at the club, To leave our client in the lurch.
We're investigating other people That mr.
Cole may have bribed to torpedo mazzani's.
It's just, I'm not a junior.
Excuse me, your honor.
I have something to say.
Richard, you shouldn't.
When this case is thrown out, We will be filing malicious-prosecution suits Against the mazzanis and their lawyers -- Personally and as representatives of infeld/daniels.
Thank you.
That's up to you.
Meantime, motion to dismiss is denied.
Trial starts this afternoon.
We are adjourned.
Tell us about the mall you plan to build On the birth site of california rock 'n' roll.
The retail center is 40,000 square feet.
It will also provide But we should subtract that from the jobs that are there now That are going away, though, shouldn't we? I'm paying people to relocate.
Except my client.
Tell us -- how much do you stand to lose If you were to scrap your plans To corporatize america at the expense of its very soul? Objection -- argumentative.
Easy on the rhetoric, mr.
You're suggesting I sabotaged mazzani's Through some secret machination.
No, no, no.
I'm not suggesting it.
Well, why wouldn't I just buy them out? It would have been a lot easier.
Maybe because under your agreement with the city, You'd have to break ground by next month or you lose your site.
Maybe because bert mazzani's name is on the lease.
If he's so worried about his club, why isn't he here? You throw mazzani's around Like it's some kind of sacred shrine.
If bert mazzani won't bother to come and fight for it, Why should anyone else care about what happens to it? Motion to strike -- non-responsive.
No, it's a fair point.
No further questions, your honor.
I told you not to push this.
I don't think I can protect you or peter anymore, jared.
You're familliar with Dr.
Lee? I thought I was.
I want you to look at him as you testify, please.
Prior to him being arrested, what did you think of dr.
Lee? I thought he was a genius.
The people have a standing objection To this line of questioning.
I'll allow it, subject to mr.
Nelson's motion To strike if it doesn't become relevant real fast.
What do you think of him now? I think he's the devil, literally.
You must see the value of his teachings On some level, don't you? He tricked me and thousands of others And preyed upon every woman who crossed his path.
It's hard to put a value on that.
The people withdraw their objection to this witness.
When you first went to see dr.
Lee, You suffered from Exhaustion Hyperactivity, dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea, Fear of talking, fear not talking -- Really? Yeah, it's the fear that if you go too long Without talking, you'll forget how.
Pretty common.
And fear of being touched.
Your honor, can I approach? Pindar, can I have your hand, please? Do you mind if I touch your hand like this? Yeah, I'mFine.
What does fondling mr.
Singh have to do -- We've gone through And yet you haven't displayed one of them on the stand today.
Now, don't you think dr.
Lee deserves some credit for that? Maybe.
Yes, I guess he does.
Any word from carmen's lighting guy, bradford? We subpoenaed him, but he's gonna be on tour Till after the trial.
Plus, no other vendors will talk to us.
We keep making this about dates and contracts And legal stuff, we're gonna lose.
I mean, that's cole's game.
Whoa! Yeah, we make this about rock 'n' roll! I mean, we got to think like kiss.
I'll be gene simmons.
You can be In the 21st century.
Paper shove is a strong move.
Newman did it in "the verdict.
" yeah.
Check this out.
What? A benefit at mazzani's in 1980.
Check out front and center.
Bert mazzani.
Hard to miss with the mutton-chop sideburns.
Or the insanely hot woman his arm's around.
Dude, she is hot.
Who is that? Belinda shaw.
"belinda's town.
" "belinda's town.
" There she is.
Hey, look at that -- looking at him from the side.
Richard cole.
He looked like a dick back then.
Sad dick.
You think bert snagged cole's girl? This is personal.
I mean, you notice how -- how cole reacted To hearing mazzani's name in court? This is a classic rock-'n'-roll love triangle, Like in "layla.
" Call dennis.
Tell him to meet us there.
you definitely shred.
I'm shreddy krueger.
You are shreddie mercury.
Shred astaire.
You are shred kennedy.
"er, uh, er, uh" I like that.
You sure we shouldn't just wait for dennis? He said that his dad -- you worry too much.
He said his dad -- I-I want to meet him.
Come on.
It's gonna be good.
d you know, I've smoked a lot of grass d I swallowed my gum.
It's okay.
We're lawyers -- franklin and bash.
Dad! It's me.
It's him.
d but I've never touched nothing d d mm-hmm, that my spirit could kill d Come on.
He seems nice.
Dad, these guys are here to try to help us get our club back.
Can you please just listen to what they have to say? And enough with the gun.
Mazzani, um, okay.
Go ahead, peter.
Well, I -- what? You're the one that had the club shut down in the first place.
No, it was an accident.
That was an accident.
Can I You, uh -- you know why richard cole Wants to take your club away, don't you? Belinda.
So this is all because you took his woman.
I got belinda.
He gets the club.
Just like that? You're not even gonna fight for your club? Sir, we need you to testify.
But hold on.
Even if he does, what does belinda shaw Have to do with us getting the club back? It gives motive to our theory that cole sabotaged the club, Which allows the jury to question His credibility on everything.
Dad? It's on.
Well, I think we're done here.
If he doesn't testify tomorrow, we will be.
d you know the dealer, the dealer is a man d In the case of people vs.
Tony laxon, Also known as dr.
Lee, We find the defendant guilty on all counts.
We request that the defendant be remanded to custody Right away, pending sentencing.
This court is adjourned.
I'm sorry we lost, guys.
Really? And why's that? We gave dr.
Lee the best defense possible.
The jury was smart enough not to buy it.
The system worked.
I'm not sure how I feel.
None of us do.
And if anybody tells you how you should feel, run away.
Or you could run right at them Uh, face them down From, say, a witness box.
You did this for me.
Oh, I didn't do anything.
It was those wise 12.
So he dragged me through the fires of hell So that I could confront my fear and conquer it.
Yes, and I wish he'd quit dragging us along with him.
Your honor, our next witness needs no introduction.
Couldn't go anywhere in the summer of '83 Without hearing his hit single.
What happened to "no introduction"? The plaintiffs call to the witness stand bert mazzani.
Mazzani, do you know a woman named Belinda Shaw? Yeah.
Could you describe your relationship with her? Um oh, that's complicated.
Um Your honor, we can't hear what he's saying.
Mazzani, if you would speak up.
Um Um I want this stopped now.
No further questions, your honor.
Thanks for trying, bert.
Belinda was my lady.
I wrote a song about her some time ago.
Maybe you heard it -- "belinda's town.
" You wrote it for her? Yep.
I also wrote it for a good friend And the lady who came between us.
And that's when old right and wrong got lost under a song, And that is the bitter truth.
d love wears my heart out d d it's up and down, down, down, down, down d Objection.
I want this stopped now.
Please stop singing.
d I'm cold, but it's warm now d d here in belinda's town d d here in belinda's town d Please stop singing.
d here in belinda's town d I'd hold both of you in contempt, But I'm afraid some idiot Would make the two of you judges again.
Your honor, we're glad mr.
Mazzani has found his voice, But bearing his soul about a youthful fling -- Provides motive for why richard cole Wanted to tear down mazzani's And the lengths to which he was willing to go to to do it.
Testimony has to contain words.
Bert mazzani communicates through song, Which contains words.
Would you keep a mute from testifying, Or would you allow them to use an interpreter? I'll allow "belinda's town" to stand As mr.
Mazzani's testimony.
The song was a nice touch, But when the jury looks at the facts, They'll see it's smoke and mirrors.
And yet, here we are.
What do you want? We want the club back.
Well, that's not gonna happen, After what that son of a bitch did to me.
I'm gonna destroy him.
We weren't finished.
Were you finished? No.
We want the club and punitive damages.
A bit of a stretch, don't you think, son? Jury seemed to really like bert, didn't they? Mm-hmm.
Oh, yeah.
And if they think that your client Intentionally sabotaged the club -- Oh-ho! Back up the money truck.
could be millions.
Back it up, back it up.
That's the money truck, just you know? You're driving.
You make rent, you can stay.
He found me a new location, anyhow.
My father wanted me to tell you that he's sorry And that he misses the old echo park round table.
He could have told me himself.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, Belinda shaw ended up stabbing him in the stomach And running off with a bunch of very expensive art.
It does Good.
A little.
d went straight up to number one d d suddenly, everyone loved to hear him sing the song d He's very serious.
Should we go? Yeah.
So, where's the site for cole's new mall? Corner of hollywood and laveta.
That's like three blocks from our house.
I hadn't put it together.
Why is it every time I beat you, I still feel like -- like you won? Because I'm your father.
And a damn fine one.
d johnny told his mama, "hey, mama, I'm goin' away" d This is about the tie clip? I still have it.
But a tie clip ruins a great silk tie.
Look familiar? Christmas 1996.
can I take it off now? No.
Well, watch this.
No, you should have to wear that.
That's a good-looking tie.
I mowed a lot of lawns for that.
You should wear it.
You look like cosby.
d don't you know that you are a shooting star? d d don't you know? d d don't you know? d d don't you know that you are a shooting star? d Pindar? I'm sorry.
I-I just -- It's fine.
Have a seat.
I heard you were able to hold your lawyer's hand in court.
Who told you that? Dr.
Lee? Mr.
Infeld called me.
Lee betrayed me, too, pindar.
I was good in court.
I wish you had seen me.
Now that you've mastered hand-holding, I guess you're ready to move on to the next step.
What's that? Strawberries.
You taste like strawberries.
I had some before I came over.
Oh, were they washed? I don't know.
Why? Unwashed strawberries have e.
Coli And various other -- Give me a second, yeah? I miss being a judge.
Yeah? You should have your own show, Like, "your honor, your honor.
" Yeah.
"judge jared.
" yeah, "judge jared.
" But I need a catchphrase.
I need, like, a very, very nice catchphrase.
All right, you ready? Born ready.
That's a good catchphrase.
All right, go get 'em, hermano.
All right, buddy boy.
Not just beverages.
We got entertainment.
Everybody, come listen.
You in the glasses.
You look smart.
A little public-service announcement.
You may take it with as many grains of salt as you wish.
We have the purple punch that's circulating out by the hot tub.
It isn't too good.
Just please be advised.
There is a warning with that one, okay? One, two, a-one, two, three, four! You've blown the fuse! ahh! All right.
Unplugged! And
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